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(A Pre- Experimental Research)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Makassar University in

Partial Fullfillment of requirement for the degree of SarjanaPendidikan in English

















Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:

Nama : Jhesica

Stambuk : 105351112716

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : The Effectiveness of Ostensive Means to Improve

Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at VII Grade in SMPN 4


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Makassar, 07 Februari 2021

Yang Membuat Pernyataan




Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Jhesica

Stambuk : 105351112716

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

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Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran.

Makassar, 07 Februari 2021

Yang membuat perjanjian




“And We will surely give those whose were patient their reward

according to the best of what they used to do” An-Nahl (16:96)

“Everybody needs to be valued. Everyone has the potential to give

something back.”- Princess Diana of Wales

“When you are happy,

You can forgive a great deal.”- Princess Diana of Wales


This thesis is dedicate to my parents who hve given me invaluable educational




JHESICA. 2021. The Effectiveness Of Ostensice Means to Improve Students’

Vocabulary Mastery at VII Grade in SMPN 4 MALILI. Thesis. English Education

Department Faculty of Teacher and Training Muhammadiyah University of

Makassar. Erwin Akib and Awalia Azis.

This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of students in learning vocabulary

mastery after using the ostensive means that in the process of teaching and learning

vocabulary, teachers can bring real objects according to the theme of lessons. This

research focuses to noun (things at home, part of body, animal, and fruits). The

researcher applied the pre-xperimental method, consist of pre-test treatment, and

post-test design, and collected the data by giving pre-test and posttest. The sample of

the research was VII class SMPN 4 Malili which consisted of 25 students. The

sample was taken by using purposive sampling technique.

The result of the research showed score in the pre-test was 41, and in the post-test

was 75,44. In this research also show that The value t-test was higher than the value

of the t-table (27.04>1.713 ). It mean that the alternative hypothesis (H1) was

accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected. It was concluded the

implementation of ostensive means in VII grade of SMP Negeri 4 Malili was

effective to improve students’ vocabulary mastery consist noun.

Keywords: Ostensive means, vocabulary, pre-experimental



JHESICA. 2021. Efektif Ostensive Method untuk Meningkatkan Penguasaan

Kosakata Siswa Kelas VII di SMPN 4 Malili. Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Univerditas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Erwin Akib dan Awalia Azis.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kefectifan siswa dari belajar penguasaan

kosakata setelah menggunakan ostensive means dalam proses belajar dan mengajar

kosakata, guru membawa objek nyata berdasarkan tema pembelajaran. Penelitian ini

fokus pada kata benda (benda di rumah, bagian tubuh, hewan dan buah-buahan).

Peneliti menggunakan metode pre-xperimental, of pre-test treatment, dan post-test,

dan mengumpulkan data dengan memberikan pre-test and posttest. Sampel dari

penelitian ini yaitu kelas VII SMPN 4 Malili berisi 25 siswa. Sampel yang digunakan

yaitu sampel acak.

Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai di pre test yaitu 41, dan di post test

yaitu 75.44. Di penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai t-test lebih tinggi dari nilai t-

table (27.04>1.713). Artinya (H1) diteriman dan (H0) ditolak. Ditarik kesimpulan

bahwa penggunaan dari ostensive means di kelas VII SMPN 4 Malili efektif untuk

meningkatakn penguasaan kosakata siswa khususnya kata benda.



In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, the researcher expresses her sincere gratitude

to the almighly God, Allah S. W. T, who has given guidence, mercy, and good health,

so that she could finish writing this thesis. Shalawat and salam are addressed to the

final chosen religious messenger, the Prophet Muhammad SAW who has changed the

human life.

The researcher realizes that many hands had given their helps and useful

suggestion for the completion of this thesis. Without the assistance of these people,

this thesis would never have existed. Therefore, the writer would like to express her

appreciation and sincere thanks to all of them particularly:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Ambo Asse, M.Ag. The Rector of the Makassar Muhammadiyah

University for his advices during the Researcher studies at the University.

2. Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M.Pd, Ph.D, the Dean of the FKIP Unismuh Makassar and also

as the first consultant who gave her valuable time and suggestion in doing this thesis.


3. Ummi Khaerati Syam S.Pd., M.Pd. the Head of English Education Department of

FKIP UNISMUH Makassar, who gave her valuable authorities and suggestion in

doing this thesis.

4. My high appreciation and great thankful to my second consultant Awalia Azis

S.Pd., M.Pd who has given their valuable time and guidance to finish this thesis .

5. The researcher deep appreciation for the headmaster of SMPN 4 Malili Dra.

Yostina Miri and the English teacher in SMPN 4 Malili, who have spared their time

and activities and gave her valuable authorities and suggestion this research.

6. Many thanks for my beloved parent Nurhana. and Haeruddin, also my brother who

always be my best parents and all of my family for the attention, support and their


7. My heartful thank to all lecturers of the FKIP UNISMUH especially to the

lecturers of English Department and all staffs of Muhammadiyah University of

Makassar for their guidance during the years of the Researcher’s study.

Malili, Januari 2021

The Researcher




TITLE PAGE .............................................................................................. i

APPROVAL SHEET .................................................................................. ii

CONTROLLING SHEET .......................................................................... iii

SURAT PERNYATAAN ............................................................................ iv

SURAT PERJANJIAN ............................................................................... v

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................. vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................ viii

LIST OF TABLE ........................................................................................ ix

LIST OF FIGURE ...................................................................................... x

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................ xi


A. Background............................................................................. 1

B. Problem Statement.................................................................. 3

C. Research Objectives ............................................................... 3

D. Significance of the Reseacrh .................................................. 4

E. Scope of the Research ............................................................ 4


A. Understanding the Literature Review ..................................... 5

B. Presenting the Literature Review ........................................... 7

1. The General Concept of Vocabulary .......................... 7

a. Defintion of Vocabulary ....................................... 7

b. Types of Vocabulary ............................................ 8

c. Kinds of Vocabulary............................................. 9

d. The Importance of Vocabulary ............................. 12

e. Vocabulary Mastery ............................................. 13

2. Noun ........................................................................... 14

a. Definition of Noun .................................................. 14

b.Kind of Noun ........................................................... 14

3. Ostensive Means ......................................................... 17

4. The Advantages of Ostensive Means ......................... 22

C. Conceptual Framework .......................................................... 23

D. Hypothesisi ............................................................................. 25


A. Research Design ..................................................................... 26


B. Population and Sample ........................................................... 26

C. Research Instrument ............................................................... 27 D. Procedure of Collecting Data ........................................................... 27

E. Data Analysis ................................................................................... 28

Chapter IV FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION A. Findings .................................................................................................. 33

B. Discussion ............................................................................................... 37

Chapter V CONCLUSION A. Conclusion .............................................................................................. 40

B. Suggestion .............................................................................................. 40






Table 3.1 . Level Score .................................................................................. 32

Table 4.1 . T-test and t-table .......................................................................... 37



Chart 4.1 . Result pre-test and post-test ........................................................ 39

Chart 4.2 Improvement students’ score ........................................................ 35

Chart 4.3 . mean score and standard deviatioan ............................................ 36



Figure 2.1 Conceptual framework ............................................................... 23




A. Lesson plan

B. Instrument test

C. Answer key

D. Students’ pre-test and post-test task

E. Students ‘ score and table achievement

F. The mean score of students

G. Calculating students’ improvement

H. Standard deviation

I. The significant different

J. The distribution of table

K. Absensi

L. Documentation




A. Background

A Language is a communication tool used by humans to give and receive

information that humans can’t live without it. Talk about communication, we

communicate each other by use words or we call it vocabulary. Vocabulary, as one of

the knowledge areas in language is vocabulary, plays a great role for learners in

acquiring a language (Cameron, 2001). It is impossible to master the four language

skills without understanding a number of vocabularies because it is fundamental in

language learning.

Vocabulary as the basic aspect of English supports listening, reading,

speaking, and writing (Leny, 2006: I). Walkins (1972) stated that without grammar

very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. It shows

that vocabulary is a very important element, even though people have good ability in

structures, but they do not have good enough vocabulary to express their idea, the

structures are nothing.

Mastering vocabulary is very important for students; even they are still in

elementary. Shamrock. (1991) in Wardani that vocabulary mastery is understanding

the utterances of others requires us to make meaningful a string of sound that strikes

our ears requires us to make inferences, using our knowledge of situation and


language itself- it’s sound, syntax, and semantics. With good vocabulary, students

can be easy to master four skills in learning English; listening, speaking, reading, and

writing. With good vocabulary, students can be easy to master four skills in learning

English; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It is hoped that they can use

language effectively and join in the global era.

Based on the researcher experienced of students’ of SMPN 4 Malili also their

techer also said that they still have low vocabulary and they had problems in the

class when giving materials to the students, especially the vocabulary such as:

The first problem was that students still unfamiliar with English stuff, they

unfamiliar with English because they are fresh graduated elementary school. The

second problem was students think that learning English is difficult, such as the way

it written is different with the way it pronounces. Another problem was the students

had low motivation and no interesting to learn English.

According to Cross in Mutaqin (2017) states that there are several ways of

making clear the meaning of a word and these may be used alone or a combination.

They are Ostensive Means, Verbal Definition, Audio Presentation, and running

context. Cross cited by Mutaqin (2017) said that “Ostensive Means by showing the

real things in the classroom.” In the process of teaching and learning vocabulary,

teachers can bring real objects according to the theme of lessons.

In reference to the explanations above, the researcher had the motivation to

find out significant of students’ vocabulary by using ostensive means as method. It

was hoped that the technique has significant of effect to students’ vocabulary mastery


entitled “The Effectiveness of Ostensive Means Method to Improve Students’

Vocabulary Mastery In Learning English at VII Grade at SMPN 4 Malili”. In this

case, the researcher would do research via online to students which were studying

from home because this pandemic of Covid-19.

B. Problem Statement

In this research, the researcher tried to describe the effectiveness students’

vocabulary mastery by using ostensive means. So, the problem was formulated as


1. Is ostensive means method effective to improve students’ vocabulary mastery

at first-grade students in SMPN 4 Malili?

C. Objective of the Research

Based on the problems stated above, the researcher arranged the objective of

the research. The objective of the research as follows:

1. To find out weather ostensive means method effective to improve

students’ vocabulary mastery at first-grade in SMPN 4 Malili.

D. Significance of the Research

The study was expected to have both academic and practical contributions.

Academically, to help the teachers/researcher to find out the alternative way of

teaching English subject, especially how to teach or learn vocabulary in language as


a language that is very important in people’s lives. Practically, it can be used as a

model to improve students’ ability in improving students’ vocabulary mastery at first-

grade students in SMPN 4 Malili, and it may guide, help and encourage students to

express their ideas, opinion, and thought onto paper.

E. Scope of the Research

This research taught vocabulary by using ostensive means for first-grade

students at SMPN 4 Malili. The type of vocabulary that used in this study is noun.

The types of noun that taught are related nouns; things at home, parts of body, the

animals, and the fruits.




A. Understanding the Literature Review

There were some previous research that has a similarity with this research

about an analysis of the effectiveness of ostensive means method of improving

students’ vocabulary mastery.

Mutaqin (2017), in his thesis entitled “Improving Students’ Vocabulary

Mastery by Using Ostensive Means (A Classroom Action Research at the Fifth

Grade Students of SDIT MTA Gemolong in the 2016/2017 Academic Year)”.

The result of his research was the researcher finds that during teaching learning

vocabulary by using ostensive means method, the students look happy and enjoy

joining the teaching learning process. They also more pay attention and were

being active in the class. The improvements of students’ vocabulary mastery also

could be seen from their test in post-test 1 and post-test 2. The students’ mean

score in post-test 1 is 72.08. Then, the students’ mean score in post-test 2 is 80.00.

Based on the data find, it can be concluded that ostensive means can be applied to

improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.

Jannah (2019) in her research entitled “The Effectiveness of Using Picture

Word Inductive Model (PWIM) in Improving the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery”


the result of her research was picture inductive model (PMIW0 as an effective

medium of teaching English can improve students’ vocabulary mastery.

Verliyani (2016) in her research entitled “The Effect of Ostensive Approach

on Improving Students’ Vocabulary Achievement, A Case of SMPN 10 Kendari”

the result of her research shows that there were significant differences between

students who teach by ostensive approach and students who teach by traditional

approach. It proved by the result, the hypothesis testing show the value of

probability (sig. 2 tailed) 0.004 lower than alpha value (0.05). It means that Ho

was rejected and H1 totally accepted. Therefore, mean score experiment class was

higher than control class (79.5000 > 69.4667). The mean score of experiment

class was included in high criteria whereas the mean score of control class was

included in moderate criteria. It could be concluded that there is a significant

effect of using ostensive approach on improving students’ vocabulary

achievement at the first grade of SMPN 10 Kendari.

From of three findings above, there were significance improvement from

students’ vocabulary mastery by use ostensive means.

The differences between the research above was the reseachers had done at

childhood level and use An Action Research and A Classroom Action Research

while researcher would conduct research at the first grade junior high school

students and will use pre-experimental.


B. Presenting the literature review

1. The general concept of vocabulary

In this part, the researcher tried to explain the definition of vocabulary,

types of vocabulary, kinds of vocabulary, the importance of vocabulary,

vocabulary mastery, noun.

a. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the language components is a very important

thing besides other language components. Without vocabulary, people will

not be able to say anything. Starting from words to sentences people are able

to say what they want to say or write. “Vocabulary is a list of words in the

language” ( Hornby: 2000). From denifition stated by Hornby, it can be

concluded that the vocabulary is the basic and most important elements of a


According to Sinclair (1989), the vocabulary of a language is the total

number of words in it and someone’s vocabulary is the total number of words

in the language that he or she knows.

Furthermore, cited by Dewi ( in Lele, 2018) said that vocabulary is:

1) An alphabetical list of words often defined or translate, the vocabulary

includes idioms and two words verb.

2) All the word of the language


3) The specialized expression is indigenous to a particular field, subject,

trade, or subculture.

According to Muhmuba (2005) cited by Vitasari said that vocabulary

as the concept and function word of language which are so thoroughly that

become part of a child’s understanding speaking, reading, and writing.

Futheremore, Alqahtani (2015) said vocabulary is the total number of words

that are needed to communicate ideas and express the speakers' meaning.

From all of the definitions above, it can be concluded that vocabulary

is an important element consist a list of words in the language that have a

certain meanings and that words are needed to communicate with each other.

b. Types of Vocabulary

Judy K. Montgomery’s book: The Bridge of Vocabulary: Evidence

Based Activities for Academic Success (NCS Pearson Inc, 2007) in their book

divide types of vocabulary into:

1) Listening Vocabulary is the words we hear and understand.

2) Speaking Vocabulary is the words we use when we speak.

3) Reading Vocabulary is the words we understand when we read the


4) Writing Vocabulary is the words we can retrieve when we write to

express ourselves.


According to Leggest (2001) cited by Vitasari, there are two types of


1) Passive or recognition vocabulary, which is made up the words,

one recognizes in the context of reading material but does not

actually use him.

2) Active vocabulary which is made is used daily in writing and


Based on the explanation above, we get information that the types of

vocabulary are the words that we understand when we read, when we listen,

when we speak, and when we hear.

c. Kinds of Vocabulary

Quoted by Hatch and Brown (1995) in Alqahti, indicate two kinds of

vocabulary, namely receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary.

1) Receptive Vocabulary is words that learners recognize and understand

when they are used in context, but which they can not produce. It is

vocabulary that learners recognize when they see or meet in the

reading text but do not use it in speaking and writing (Stuart Webb,


2) Productive Vocabulary is the words that the learners understand and

can pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking and

writing. It involves what is needed for receptive vocabulary plus the


ability to speak or write at the appropriate time. Therefore, productive

vocabulary can be addressed as an active process, because the learners

can produce the words to express their thoughts to others (Stuart

Webb, 2005).

Summarizing many kinds of vocabulary elaborated by Thornbury (in

Lele, 2020) states that vocabulary will be divided into:

1) Word classes

Word classes are well known as part of speech in grammatical English.

They include:

a) Nouns : Teacher, Jakarta

b) Pronouns : He, They, us

c) Verbs : do, studying, learned, to write

d) Adjectives : old, young, tall, new

e) Adverbs : there, continuosly, always, yesterday

f) Preposition : on, for, in

g) Conjuction : but, and

h) Article : an, a, the

2) Word Families

A word family compromises the base word plus its inflections and it

most common derivatives.

a) Inflection : plays, playing, played


b) Derivatives : player, replay, playful

3) Word Formation

a) Compounding : second-hand, word processor,


b) Blend : information+entertaiment =


c) Conversion : she upped and left (preposition to the


d) Clipping : email = electronic mail. Flu (influenza)

4) Multi-words units

Most well-known multi-words units are in the form of phrasal verbs or


a) Phrasal verbs : look for, look after

b) Idioms

5) Collocations

When two words are collocates if they occur together with more than

change frequency. Examples: the biggest threat, this week, once again,

once more.

Based on the explanation above, we can conclude that vocabulary

consists of several types. Where researchers have attempted to state the type

of vocabulary with the same intent. We can see this in the opinion of experts,


according to Hatch and Brown, there are two types of vocabulary, namely

receptive and productive, but Thornbury classifies into five: word classes,

word families, word formation, multi-word units, and collocation.

d. The Importance of Vocabulary

State in Campillo that no matter how well the students learn grammar,

without words to express a wide range of meaning, communication just

cannot happen in any meaningful way.

Timo- Pekka (2015) in their article state that the are some importance

of vocabulary as follows:

1) Vocabulary is the key to communication. According to British

expert, Walkins (1972) said that without grammar, very little can

be conveyed and without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed.

2) Strong vocabulary allows you to develop other skills. “Vocabulary

is not an end in itself. A rich vocabulary makes the skills of

listening, speaking, reading, and writing easier to perform.” (

Nation: 1994).

3) The more words you know, the more you will learn. Vocabulary is

learned through focused, conscious study, but even more

commonly in an. According to Folse & Keith (2004) that learners


who know more words are able to use those known words to learn

even more.

Based on the explaination above we conclude that vocabulary

has an important element in humans life. No matter how well your

grammar but if you still have low words you cannot make


e. Vocabulary Mastery

According to the Sinclair (1989), the vocabulary of a language is

the total number of words in it and someone’s vocabulary is the total

number of words in language that he or she knows. While mastery

according to Guskey and Anderman (2013) said is a term that all

educators use and believe they understand well. Mosher (2007) said that

mastery is simply reaching a certain level of understanding of particular

content, whereas competence represents the ability to apply what has been


Vocabulary mastery is one of the important factors in master

English as a second foreign language. It means that students have the

ability to understanding and using the word and the meaning. Cited in

Wardani that vocabulary mastery is understanding the utterances of others

requires us to make meaningful a string of sound that strikes our ears


requires us to make inferences, using our knowledge of situation and

language itself- it’s sound, syntax, and semantics ( Shamrock. 1991). With

good vocabulary, students can be easy to master four skills in learning

English; listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

From the definition above we can conclude that vocabulary

mastery is total number of words that have been mastered and have an

ability to understanding to communicate.

d. Noun

1) Definition of Noun

A noun can be difined as a word used to name a person, place, or a

thing. By a thing here, it means that it comprises something which can be

perceived by human senses, or that which cannot be perceived but can be

thought of. Hornby (in Lele: 2020) states that a noun is a word used to name

identify any of a class of things, people, place, or ideas.

Based on the explanation above, we can cocluded that Noun is all types

of objects and things that can be limited.

2) Kinds of Noun

After knowing the definition of noun , it is also necessary to know that

the kinds of noun. In Fundamental English book entitled Cepat & Mudah

Kuasai Parts of Speech (2017) there are several kinds of nouns:

a) Based on form:


(1) Concrete noun is a noun that indicates any real object, so that it can

be felt by the five human senses. This Concret Noun includes:

(a) Proper noun is a noun that indicates the name of a person,

country, city, day, month, school, company and other place

names. Proper nouns are always capitalized at the beginning of

the word and not preceded by an article (a, an, the).Example :

Anti, Indonesia, Malili, Monday, Danone.

(b) Common noun is a noun that indicates an object that is

general in nature and we often encounter in everyday

life.Example : book, teacher, river, table and other.

(c) Collective noun is a noun that indicates a group or group of

certain objects that are one entity or have multiple meanings.

Collective nouns can be humans, animals or inanimate objects.

Example : a posse o policemen, a band of musicians,a flock of

birds, a pack of cards.

(d) Material noun is a noun denoting raw objects or nouns

derived from mining and other raw materials. Example : gold,

water, iron, silver, oil and wood.

(2) Abstract noun is a noun that cannot be seen, touched and felt by

the five senses. This type of noun always has a single

meaning.Example : love, knowledge, friendship, happiness,

honesty, and brotherhood.


b) Based on the accounting:

(1) Countable nouns are nouns whose numbers can be counted.

Example : book, pen, table, car, teacher, student.

(2) Uncountable noun is a noun that shows objects whose

numbers cannot be counted with numbers. Example : coffee,

iron, milk, money, oil, rice, and ink.

c) Based on the quantity:

(1) Singular noun is a noun which indicates that the object is single and

not more than one. Example : house, teacher, car, chair.

(2) Plural noun is a noun which indicates that the noun is plural or

more than one. Plural nouns can generally be formed by adding s or

ice to the singular shape. Example : a book = two books, a city =

five cities.

d) Based on the gender:

(1) Masculine gender is a noun that indicates the name of an object that is

male. Example : father, son, gentleman, uncle, cock.

(2) Feminine gender is a noun that indicates the name of the object that is

female. Example : mother, sister, step-daughter, niece, widow.


(3) Common gender is a noun that indicates the name of an object that is

of general gender, meaning that it can be male or female. Example:

friend, student, teacher, child, pupil, animal.

(4) Neutral gender is a noun that refers to objects that do not have a

gender. As for what is included in this noun are: material noun,

abstract noun, and collective. Example : sea, river, gold, table,

happiness, honesty, school.

From the understanding explanation above, it can be concluded that

the types of nouns consist of 4 parts which include: based on the form

(concrete and abstract), based on the accounting (countable and uncountable),

based on the quantity (singular and plural), and based on the gander

(masculine gender, feminine gender, common gender, and neutral gender.

2. Ostensive Means

Ostensive Means is a technique that uses some Media like drawing, body

movement, and reali, applied on beginner classes (Cross, 1995: 6). One way of

improving vocabulary mastery is using Ostensive Means. Cross cited by Aza

(2017) said that “Ostensive Means by showing the real things in the classroom.”

In the process of teaching and learning vocabulary, teachers can bring real objects

based on the theme of lessons. In Ostensive Means, there are also ways to show

the meaning of words and concepts from the world outside the school, such as


real things, pictures, and body movement. This approach is widely used for the

beginner classes. So the children will be interested and easy to remember.

Ostensive means is teaching visual aids. Wittich and Sceuller in Fanny

(2007) said that children begin to develop a visual vocabulary that takes on

meaning as they interact with and affect things or processes they see. Teaching by

ostensive means also gives expressional vocabulary learning.

Based on the explaination above, it could be concluded that ostensive

means is teaching vocabulary by using real things or visually.

Cross (in Verliyanti: 2016) stated that there are some ways to show the

meaning of a word from the world outside the school inside the classroom,


a. Realia

Realia means real things. Teacher use real things to show meaning of a

word to the students. State in Celce and Hilles (1988: 87) characterizes

realia as an associative bridge between the classroom and the world, an

old and versatile resource of language teachers.

The real object being learnt and it can possibly show to the student,

such as, stationeries (book, pencil, eraser, bag, ruler, etc), things in the

classroom (chair, whiteboard, chalk, etc), parts of the body (hair, eyes,


nose, foot, etc), etc. The teacher show and hold the object and say several

words about the objects he / she holds and get the students to repeat it.

The objects of realia deal with the real things. These objects can often

be brought to schools which are easily carried in order to create children’s

interest. Cross adds that imagination can be used too. Halliwell (1998: 7)

says that language teaching should be concerned with real life.

b. Pictures

Object or things that are not easily carried or which are difficult to

found it (unavailable) can be presented pictorially. There are abundant

sources to get pictures; magazines, newspaper, sketch, etc.

Objects that are not easily carried or which are unavailable can be

represented pictorially. Teachers can collect useful pictures from

magazines as a matter of course, but often teachers will not have the one

they need, or the one they have may contain too many unnecessary details.

For presentation purposes, simple pictures are better because the focus is

clearer and the meaning is less ambiguous. Abstract concepts such as last

week, tomorrow, late or early can be conveyed by use of a cardboard

clock and a calendar.

c. Body movement

Our body can be used to get meaning across, particularly to explain

the meaning of a word that could not be presented through realia or


picture. Experience for learners is able to understand what is being said to

them even before they understand the individual words. Gesture, facial

expressions, actions and circumstances all help to tell them what the

unknown words and phrases probably mean. These are the techniques that

teachers can use:

1). Facial expression

To show our feeling, for examples: happy, hot, thirsty, angry, tired,


2). Gesture

Using hands and arms to show a range of meaning, for examples: fast,

small, wide, etc.

3). Mime and actions

To show many verbs and some adverbs, for examples: to eat, to sleep,

to wake up, slowly, angrily, etc.

Based explainaiton above, it can be concluded that ways to show the

meaning of a word by realia, pictures, and body movement.

Using ostensive approach to teach vocabulary can be presenting

through this four step (Cross, as cited in Anita Mei Nurjanah 2011:19), as


a. Sound and meaning.


Teacher pronounces the new word clearly, two or three more times. He

also shows a meaning at the same time, ostensively or verbally. There is

no point in making learners listen to the stranger noises which are


b. Repetition

In this step, the teacher gets the class repeat the new words a few

times. Check the pronunciation carefully. If the teacher is using visual,

keep it in front of the students to ensure that they associate with the sound

and meaning.

c. Written form

The teacher writes the new word on the blackboard and has the class

read it aloud, without distorting pronunciation. First, choosing two or

three individuals to repeat it, and then getting chorus repetition so that

everyone in the class has the opportunity to associate with the written

form and pronunciation

d. Illustrative sentence

Put a short illustrative sentence on the board so that the meaning will

be clear to anyone reading the notess afterwards. The students will enjoy

trying to compose good illustrative sentences themselves. If the teachers

have shown the meaning, stick the picture to the side of the board next to

the illustrative sentence. Students will enjoy drawing a similar one in their

exercise books.


Based explanation above, it could be concluded that the are four steps

to teaching by use ostensive means. They are sound and meaning,

repetition, written form, illustrative sentence.

3. The Advantages of Ostensive means

According to Verliyanti based on her research, she concludes that the

using of realia, pictures, and body movement (ostensive approach) give many

advantages as follows:

1) The use of ostensive approach offers fun learning activities that can

motivate the students to learn English. Therefore, it can improve the students’

vocabulary particularly helping them to find the meaning of words.

2) The use of ostensive approach helps the students memorizing

vocabulary easier because they can see, smell, and touch the objects at the

same time as hearing the new words.

3) The use of ostensive approach can improve students’ pronunciation

because besides pointing realia, picture and also performs body movement at

the same time directly teacher to teach the students how to pronounce the

words well and correctly which related to vocabularies target.


C. Conceptual Framework

The coceptual framework in this research was shown in the diagram below:

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework

In this research, the researcher focused on teaching vocabulary by

applying ostensive means for first-grade students at SMPN 4 Malili. The

scheme above shown the steps of the researcher, in conducting this research.

1. The first step the researcher gave pre-test to students to know the basic

ability of students’ vocabulary. In the pre-test, the researcher gave

vocabulary test in translate and matching test form about noun material of

things at home, parts of body, animals, and fruits. This pretest was given

to the experiment class. This pre-test test would be doing by the researcher

visits the students’ home and wait fot them to finish the test.


2. The next step was the application of ostensive means in teaching

vocabulary to experiment class. This step called by give treatment and this

treatment would be doing via online. In this step, the researcher conducted

in four meetings to tech vocabulary with ostensive means to improve

students’ vocabulary. In each meeting, the researcher gave different

themes of a noun (things at home, parts of body, animals, and fruits) then

asked them to translate.

3. The last step was to gave post-test to experiment class. In post-test, the

researcher gave the same with the pretest, as same as the pre-test, the post-

test visited students’ home. Which the researcher gave test vocabulary and

matching test form about noun material of some of things at home, the

profession, parts of body, animals, and fruits. The expectation of the

researcher in this research is the use of ostensive means was effective in

teaching vocabulary of the first-grade students at SMP Negeri 4 Malili.

D. Hypothesis of the Research

Based on the review literature and conceptual framework describe before, the

researcher tried to formulate the hypothesis of research as follow:

1. Null Hypothesis (H0): The ostensive means method is not effective to

improve students vocabulary mastery at VII grade in SMPN 4 Malili.



3. Alternative Hypothesis (H1): The ostensive means method is effective to

improve students vocabulary mastery at VII grade in SMPN 4 Malili.

Based on the hypothesis above, if there was a significant improvement

by ostensive means toward the students’ vocabulary mastery. It mean that the

alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) was

rejected. Meanwhile, if there was no significant improvement by ostensive

means toward the students’vocabulary mastery. It mean that the null

hypothesis (H0) was accepted and (H1) was rejected.




A. Research design

This research used pre-experimental to know the effectiveness of ostensive

means method to improve students’ vocabulary mastery in learning English. The

object would be taught by using methods to students, there was experiment class by

using ostensive means. Pre-experimental design is a design that includes only one

group or class given pre and post test. The one group pre-test and post-test design was

carried out on one group without any control or comparison groups. The experiment

design as follows:

O1 X O2


O1: pre-test

X: Treatment

O2 : post-test

B. Research Variables

There were two variables of this experiment research. They were

Independent variable was ostensive means,and Dependent variable was vocabulary



C. Population and sample

1. Population

The population of this research was students of VII class at SMPN 4 Malili

in the academic year 2020/2021. There were four classes, which each class consists

of VII A = 25 students, VII B = 25 students, VII C =25 students, VII D = 25

students. Thus, the population of this research is 108 students.

2. Sample

In determining the sample of this research, the researcher used cluster

sampling. Sample of this research chose one class. The researcher took one class (7B

class) of first-grade students at SMPN 4 Malili which low in vocabulary.

D. Research Instrument

In collecting the data, the researcher used instrument test. The test instruments

were the vocabulary list in English which must be translated English into Indonesian,

Indonesian into English, and matching test form. They were 3 numbers of the test

used in this research and students must answered it in 30 minutes. This test used in

pre-test and post-test to find out the students' vocabulary ability.

E. Procedure of Collecting Data

Procedure of collecting data in this research ,focused on vocabulary test. In this

research the researcher gave treatment in four meetings and each meeting consist of

30 minutes. The procedures of this research were:

1. Giving pretest


The pretest was a vocabulary test to make sure the basic students’ ability in

vocabulary, students gave 37 vocabularies in English related to nouns. The

researcher visited students’ home to gave them test and it needed time around 30

minutes. The vocabulary test consists of the theme of things at home, parts of body,

the animals, and the fruits. After the test, the researcher told the students what

media would be used.

2. Giving treatment

The treatment conducted in six meetings with different themes.

a. First meeting

In this first meetings, the steps as follows :

1) The researcher informed the students that learning and teaching would be

in 10.15 am.

2) The researcher gave simple explaination about teaching vocabulary use

ostensive means

3) The researcher asked the students what things that in their house

4) The researcher gave pictures of things at home then asked them to find

out the meaning

4) the researcher sent her voices note to the students how things pronounce.

5) The researcher sent videos about how to pronounce the things of noun


For the next step repeating exactly by the first meeting. The second, third, and

fourth meetings would be given topic such as parts of body, animal, and fruits.

3. Giving posttest

After finishing the treatment, the researcher gave post-test in vocabulary test

form by visit students’ home. The post-test was about noun, the test was 3 numbers

and the students had finished it in 30 minutes, it was given to measure students’

achievement after giving treatment in four meetings. The vocabulary test consists of

the theme of things at home, parts of body, the animals, and the fruits.

F. Data Analysis

In this research, the researcher analysied the data that have been collect from

the sampel by using following thecniques.

1. Converting students’ score by using the following formula:

Number of Test Score

1-37 1

Total Score 37

If students get right answer then get 1 point

If students get wrong answer then get 0 point


students’ correct answer

Score = X 100

total of question

Source : (Rosmala Sari, 2004)

2. Converting mean of experiment class, the formula was:

�̅� = ∑ 𝑋


Where : �̅� = Mean

∑ 𝑋 = Sum all of scores

𝑁 = Number of students

(Gay, 2016)

3. Converting students’ improvement, the formula was:

𝑃 = 𝑋2− 𝑋1

𝑋1 𝑋 100

Where :

P= The percentage of students improvement

𝑋1 = The mean score of the pre-test

𝑋2 = The mean score of post-test

(Gay, 2016)

4. Computing the frequency and the rule percentage of the students’s score

P= 𝐹

𝑁𝑋 100


Where :

P= Percentage

F= Frequency

N= The total number of students

(Gay, 2016)

5. To find out the standard deviation of the students’ score in pre-test and post-

test, the formula was:

SD= √∑ 𝑋2−





SD= Deviation standard

∑ 𝑥 = The sum of all score

∑ 𝑋2 = The sum square of all the score

N = Total number of students

(Gay, 2016)

6. The formula used in finding out the difference between students’ in pre-test and

in post-test:

𝑡 = �̅�

√∑ 𝐷2 − (

(∑ 𝐷)2

𝑁 )

𝑁(𝑁 − 1)


t= Test of significant


�̅�= Mean of the score of total deviation

∑ 𝐷 =the sum of total score difference

∑ 𝐷2 =The square of the sum the score difference

N= The number of students

1= constant number

2. Classifying the students’ score into the following classification :

Table 3.1 level score


96-100 Excellent

86-95 Very good

76-85 Good

66-75 Average

56-65 Fair

46-55 Poor

0-45 Very poor

(Source : Depdikbud, 2016)




A. Findings

The findings of this study were related to the results of the analysis of the pre-

test and post-test scores, the mean score, standard deviation and, t-test. value and

hypothesis testing. The findings were described as follows:

1. The Classification of Students’ Pre-Test and Post-Test Scores This section

describes the result of the students’ vocabulary achievement. The Students' score of

pre-test and posttest scores was classified into several criteria and percentages as


Chart 4.1.The Result Of The Students’ Pre-Test and Post-test









Excellent Very good Good Average Fair Poor Very poor




Based on the table 4.1 above shows the score of students before and after

using ostensive means, it showed the students’ score in pre-test there was 1 (4%)

students that got “Average”, 2 (8%) students got “Fair”, was 6 (24%) that the students

that “Poor”, 16 (64%) the students that got “Very Poor”.

While for the post-test score it shows the students’ score in pre-test there was

4 (16%) the student that “Got Fair”, 8 (32%) the students got “Average”, 10 (40%)

the students got “Good”, 2 (8%) the students got “Very Good”, and 1 (4%) the

student got “Excellent”.

Based on the explanation above the score and the presentage of the students

vocabulary mastery mastery of the post test were better than the pre-test because in

the percentage of the post-test was higher than percentage of the pre-test.

2. The Mean Score and Standard Deviation Students’ Vocabulary Mastrey

Chart 4.2 Mean Score and Standard Deviation














Mean Score Standar deviation




Table 4.2 shows that he students mean score of pre-test before treatment was

41, while the score of post-test after treatment was 75.44 and the standard deviation

of pre-test was 2.6 while the standard deviaton of post-test wad 3.4. It means that was

increase of students’ vocabulary mastery after using ostensive means method.

3. Hypothesis Test

If t-test score is bigger than t-table, the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted

and null hypothesis (H0) is rejected. It means that there is significant different score

of the students’ vocabulary mastery before and after being taught by using ostensive

means. If t-test score is smaller than t- table, the null hypothesis (H0) is accepted and

alternative hypothesis (H1) is rejected. It means that there is no significant different

score of the students’ vocabulary mastery before and after being taught by using

ostensive means.

To determine the level of significance between the two variables (pre-test

and post-test), the researcher used t-test analysis at a significance level (p) = 0.05

with degrees of freedom (df) = N-k, where N = number of students (25 students)

and k= The number of variabel . Thus the result of the t-table value obtained is

1.713 t-test statistic, the analysis for the independent sample is applied. The

following table shows the results of the t-test calculation


Table 4.1 T-test, and T-table



T-test T-table Comparison Classification

27,04 1.713 T-test> t-table Significantly


Based on the table above, it could be concluded that the t-test value was

greater than the t-table (T-Test> T-Table), so the final result shows that the t-test

score for the final score of students' vocabulary achievement was (27,04>1.713 ) .

This shows that there is a significant difference between the students' vocabulary

before and after using the ostensive means. It was also said that the null hypothesis

(H0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted.

From the table above, there was a high difference between the t-table and the

t-test, so the researchers concluded that teaching vocabulary with the ostensive means

was effective in improving students' vocabulary achievement.

B. Discussion

At this stage, the result of the research on the use of ostensive means learning

method in improving students’ vocabulary mastery of VII grade in SMPN 4 Malili,

by referring to the research objective, are to explain the process of applying ostensive

means in improving vocabulary mastery of VII grade also describes the improvement


of students’ vocabulary mastery by applying ostensive means. To reach the objectives

of the research, the researcher conducted some steps. The researcher used test as

instrument of the research to get the data. The steps to collect the data there are pre-

test, giving treatment for four meetings, and post-test in the last meeting in the class

The explanation before, it shows that students’ vocabulary mastery is

improve, it was supported by students’ means score before and after treatment by

using ostensive means. Based on the finding above, students’ vocabulary mastery is

signifantly increase after getting the treatment by using ostensive means method.

The form of data is students score from pre-test and post-test. The researcher

analyzed the data by using paired sample t-test. The output of paired sample statistic

showed that the mean score of pre-test wa t-test. The output of paired sample statistic

showed that the mean score of pre-test was 41 and the mean score of post-test wa

75.44. it can be conclude that students’ vocabulary mastery had been increased after

using the treatment Ostensive Means.

The finding was supported by two previous studies that used ostensive means

in teaching vocabulary. In the previous study, Mutaqin (2017) stated that used

Ostensive Means was effective to improve students’ vocabulary mastery in teaching

and learning vocabulary at the Fifth Grade Students of SDIT MTA Gemolong. From

other previous study Verliyani (2016) in her research entitled “The Effect of

Ostensive Approach on Improving Students’ Vocabulary Achievement, A Case of


SMPN 10 Kendari” the result of her research shows that there were significant

differences between students who teach by ostensive approach and students who

teach by traditional approach.

According to Cross in Mutaqin (2017) states that there are several ways of

making clear the meaning of a word and these may be used alone or a combination.

They are Ostensive Means, Verbal Definition, Audio Presentation, and running

context. Cross cited by Mutaqin (2017) said that “Ostensive Means by showing the

real things in the classroom.” In the process of teaching and learning vocabulary,

teachers can bring real objects according to the theme of lessons.

Based on the findings, the result of pre-test and post-test showed that

Ostensive Means is very effective in learning and teacing vocabulary mastery

process. Shamrock. (1991) in Wardani that vocabulary mastery is understanding the

utterances of others requires us to make meaningful a string of sound that strikes our

ears requires us to make inferences, using our knowledge of situation and language

itself- it’s sound, syntax, and semantics. With good vocabulary, students can be easy

to master four skills in learning English; listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

With good vocabulary, students can be easy to master four skills in learning English;

listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It is hoped that they can use language

effectively and join in the global era.

The Ostensive Means cab be one of strategies that the teachers can use to

challenge their slves to improve students vocabulary mastery, because during the


research, the researcher could see some adventages of using Ostensive Means for

students’ vocabulary mastery, there are;

1. Students were not bored in learning process because they see pictures and

make them curious about the meaning of the words.

2. Students were motivated to find the meaning about things around them or

thing that commonly they see.

3. Students were active in learning process about questening the things that they

didn’t see before.




This chapter discusses two parts, the first section contains conclusions based

on the research findings and discussion in the previous chapter, and the second

section contains suggestions based on the conclusions.

A. Conclusions

From the explanation above the researcher concluded that the ostensive means

method in the teaching and learning process was effective to improve vocabulary

achievement VII grade students of SMPN 4 Malili, by using ostensive means the

students could improve their participant in teaching and learning process and also the

knew the meaning of things at home, parts of body, animals, and fruits. It was proved

that there was a significant difference between the value of t-test (27,04) which was

higher than the value of t-table (1.713).

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher gave several suggestion


1. The teacher should be more creative in preparing learning design so that the

sutdents don’t get bored.


2. The teacher should control the students that don’t have smartphone because

some students use their family’s smartphone.

3. The teacher should be patient with the students’ questioning and reasoning

while learning and teaching process.

4. This ostensive means method can be used by teacher to improving students’

vocabulary mastery


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Appendix A : Lesson Plan



Nama Sekolah : SMPN 4 MALILI

Mata Pelajaran : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : VII/I

Alokasi Waktu : 5 X 40 menit

Topik Pembelajaran : Noun

Pertemuan : 1

Tujuan Pembelajaran :

Melalui pembelajaran berbasis teks dengan menggunakan model Discovery Learning,

peserta didik diharapkan mampu :

1. Mengidenitifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada

teks untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan nama benda (things at home, things

at school, parts of body, animals, dan fruits).

2. Mengemukakan dan melihat nama benda dan benar

3. Merincikan nama-nama benda yang ada di sekitarnya

4. Menemukan benda disekitanya dan dapat menangkap arti benda tersebut lalu

menuliskan di sticky note dan menempelnya di benda tersebut

5. Merangkum benda-benda yang ditemukan oleh siswa lainnya dan

mencatatnya le buku masing-masing

A. Kompetensi Inti

KI 1: Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2: Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli

(toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara

efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan


KI 3: Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan

rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait

fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

KI 4: Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak

(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai

dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut


B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.1 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada

teks untuk menyatakan dan

menanyakan nama dan jumlah

binatang, benda, dan bangunan

publik yang dekat dengan

kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

3.1.1 Mengidenitifikasi fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

pada teks untuk menyatakan dan

menanyakan nama benda (things at

home, things at school, parts of body,

animals, dan fruits).

3.1.2 Mengemukakan dan melihat nama

benda dan benar

3.1.3 Merincikan nama-nama benda yang ada di sekitarnya

4.6 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis

untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan

nama binatang, benda, dan bangunan

publik yang dekat dengan kehidupan

siswa sehari-hari, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar

4.6.1 Menemukan benda disekitanya

dan dapat menangkap arti benda tersebut

lalu menuliskan di sticky note dan

menempelnya di benda tersebut

4.6. 2 Merangkum benda-benda yang

ditemukan oleh siswa lainnya dan

mencatatnya le buku masing-masing

dan sesuai konteks.

C. Materi Pembelajaran

Fungsi Sosial

Mengenalkan, mengidentifikasi benda, binatang, bangunan umum.

Structure teks

Ungkapan hafalan, tidak perlu dijelaskan tata bahasanya


Teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan nama benda ( Things

at school, things at home, parts of body, animals, fruit) yang dekat dengan

kehidupan siswa sehari-hari

1. Things at home

2. Parts of body

3. Animals

4. Fruits

D. Media Pembelajaran

Pendektan : Scientific

Model Pembelajaran : Problem based learning, discovery learning, E-


Motode : ostensive means

E. Media Pembelajaran

1. Media : Google form, WhatsApp

2. Alat/bahan : Quota, smartphone, internet

3. Sumber belajar :

F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

3.1.1 Mengidenitifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks

untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan nama benda (things at home, things at school,

parts of body, animals, dan fruits).

3.1.2 Mengemukakan dan melihat nama benda dan benar

3.1.4 Merincikan nama-nama benda yang ada di sekitarnya

4.6.1 Menemukan benda disekitanya dan dapat menangkap arti benda.\

4.6. 2 Merangkum benda-benda yang telah diberikan dan menangkap arti benda lalu

menyalin di buku masing-masing.

G. Langkah-langkah kegiatan

a. First meeting

In this first meetings, the steps as follows :

1) The researcher informed the students that learning and teaching would be

in 10.15 am.

2) The researcher gave simple explaination about teaching vocabulary use

ostensive means

3) The researcher asked the students what things that in their house, this step

students were asked to explore their house than saw the things direcly

(Realia) than asked them to find the meaning

4) The researcher gave pictures, some pictures that not include or haven’t

seen daily from them, the teacher asked them see then asked them to find

out the meaning (Picture)

5) The researcher sent her voices note to the students how things pronounce


6) The researcher sent videos about how to pronounce the things of noun


7) The researcher asked students to remember the meaning than asked them to

write it down to their own book.

For the next step would be repeating exactly by the first meeting. The second

meeting would be giving parts of body, animals, and the last meeting is fruits.

H. Penilaian

Teknik penilaian : Translate Indonesian into English, translet English into

Indonesian, and matching form.

Rubrik Penilaian :

students’ correct answer

Score = X 100

total of question

Rentang nilai :


96-100 Excellent

86-95 Very good

76-85 Good

66-75 Average

56-65 Fair

46-55 Poor

0-45 Very poor

Appendix B: Pretest post-test

Pretest to Experimental Class

1. Translet these word from Indonesian into English

a. Tangan : i. Sendok :

b. Hidung : j. Kelas :

c. Semut : k. Kuku :

d. Anjing : l. Anggur :

e. Nangka : m. Jendela :

f. Jam dinding : n. Buku :

g. Meja : o. Ular :

h. Rambut : p. Jeruk :

2. Translet these word from English into Indonesian

a. Door : i. Book :

b. Ear : j. Banana :

c. Stomach : k. Eyes :

d. Monkey : l. Elbow :

e. Apple : m. Arms :

f. Chair : n. Mouse :

g. Head : o. Giraffe :

h. Pen : p. Blackboard :

3. Match these words correctly!













Instrument post-test

Nama :

1. Translate these words Indonesian into English

Ranjang : Tangan :

Kipas Angin : Kambing :

Gelas : Bebek :

Bantal : Ikan :

Rambut : Kucing :

Kepala : Apel :

Kaki : Anggur :

Buah naga : Kelapa :

2. Translate these word English into Indonesian

Table : Elephant :

Washing Machine : Bird :

Chair : Monkey :

Hat : Shark :

Nose : Orange :

Eyes : Papaya :

Eyelashes : Mango :

Neck : Banana :

3. Match these words correctly!

a. Clothes 1. Ayam

b. Watermelon 2. Baju

c. Ant 3. Singa

d. Chicken 4. Semangka

e. Ear 5. Semut

f. Lion 6. Telinga

Appendix C: Key answer for pretest and post-test

Pretest to Experimental Class

1. Translet these word from Indonesian into English

i. Tangan : hand i. Sendok : spoon

j. Hidung : nose j. Kelas : class

k. Semut : ant k. Kuku : nail

l. Anjing : dog l. Anggur : grape

m. Nangka : jackfruit m. Jendela : window

n. Jam dinding : clock n. Buku : book

o. Meja : table o. Ular : snake

p. Rambut : hair p. Jeruk : orange/lime

2. Translet these word from English into Indonesian

i. Door : pintu i. Book : buku

j. Ear : telinga j. Banana : pisang

k. Stomach : perut k. Eyes : mata

l. Monkey : monyet l. Elbow : siku

m. Apple : apel m. Arms : tangan

n. Chair : kursi n. Mouse : tikus

o. Head : kepala o. Giraffe : jerapah

p. Pen : polpen p. Blackboard : papan tulis

3. Match these words correctly!













Instrument post-test

1. Translate these words Indonesian into English

Ranjang : bed Tangan : hand

Kipas Angin : fan Kambing : goat

Gelas : glass Bebek : duck

Bantal : pillow Ikan : fish

Rambut : hair Kucing : cat

Kepala : head Apel : apple

Kaki : foot Anggur : grape

Buah naga : dragon fruit Kelapa : coconut

4. Translate these word English into Indonesian

Table : meja Elephant : gajah

Washing Machine : mesin cuci Bird : burung

Chair : kursi Monkey : monyet

Hat : topi Shark : hiu

Nose : hidung Orange : jeruk

Eyes : mata Papaya : papaya

Eyelashes : bulu mata Mango : mangga

Neck : leher Banana : BONUS

5. Match these words correctly!

g. Clothes 1. Ayam

h. Watermelon 2. Baju

i. Ant 3. Singa

j. Chicken 4. Semangka

k. Ear 5. Semut

l. Lion 6. Telinga

Appendix D : Students’ pre-test

Students’ post-test

Appendix E: Students’ score in pretest and post-test

1. Post-test

No Name Items Pre-test

𝑋1 𝑋12

1 Abd. Karim 37 40 1600

2 Agwinda Prawinanda 37 70 4900

3 Ahmad Maulana 37 43 1849

4 Asnawati Arsyad 37 32 1024

5 Belinda 37 51 2601

6 Cahya Zalsabila 37 54 2916

7 Citra Aulia 37 21 441

8 Dea Putri Rante Saluh 37 48 2304

9 Dede Irawan 37 48 2304

10 Dedi Pagau 37 29 841

11 Depi 37 16 256

12 Edi Kadjima 37 48 2304

13 Fadli 37 29 841

14 Gian Tandi Kulla 37 32 1024

15 Gilbert Febri 37 57 3249

16 Gusni Anhaleka 37 45 2025

17 Jessen Tappi Sialla 37 45 2025

18 Meisa 37 37 1369

29 Nelchy Maysari 37 40 1600

20 Nurhikma Ramadani 37 62 3844

21 Nurul Utami 37 40 1600

22 Raisya Ramadhani 37 54 2916

23 Rifaldi 37 27 729

24 Safira S 37 37 1369

25 Sisi Herli 37 54 2916

Total score 1059 48847

Mean score ∑ 𝟒𝟐, 𝟐𝟒 ∑ 𝟏, 𝟕𝟖𝟐

1. Post-test

No Name Items Post-test

𝑿𝟐 𝑿𝟐𝟐

1 Abd. Karim 37 78 6,084

2 Agwinda Prawinanda 37 78 6,084

3 Ahmad Maulana 37 89 7,921

4 Asnawati Arsyad 37 81 6,561

5 Belinda 37 70 4,900

6 Cahya Zalsabila 37 81 6,561

7 Citra Aulia 37 81 6,561

8 Dea Putri Rante Saluh 37 81 6,561

9 Dede Irawan 37 75 5,625

10 Dedi Pagau 37 70 4,900

11 Depi 37 70 4,900

12 Edi Kadjima 37 62 3,844

13 Fadli 37 70 4,900

14 Gian Tandi Kulla 37 70 4,900

15 Gilbert Febri 37 62 3,844

16 Gusni Anhaleka 37 72 5,184

17 Jessen Tappi Sialla 37 81 6,561

18 Meisa 37 81 6,561

19 Nelchy Maysari 37 84 7,056

20 Nurhikma Ramadani 37 59 3,481

21 Nurul Utami 37 81 6,561

22 Raisya Ramadhani 37 62 3,844

23 Rifaldi 37 81 6,561

24 Safira S 37 97 9,409

25 Sisi Herli 37 72 5,184

Mean score 1,888 149,548

Total Score ∑ 𝟕𝟓, 𝟓𝟐 ∑ 𝟓, 𝟗𝟖𝟏

Table Students Achievements




𝑋1 𝑋2 𝐷

= 𝑋2

− 𝑋1

𝑋12 𝑋22 𝐷2

1 Abd. Karim 40 78 38 1600 6,084 1,444

2 Agwinda


70 78 8 4900 6,084 16

3 Ahmad


43 89 46 1849 7,921 2.116

4 Asnawati


32 81 49 1024 6,561 2,401

5 Belinda 51 70 19 2601 4,900 361

6 Cahya


54 81 27 2916 6,561 729

7 Citra Aulia 21 81 60 441 6,561 1,200

8 Dea Putri

Rante Saluh

27 81 54 729 6,561 2,916

9 Dede Irawan 48 75 38 2304 5,625 1,444

10 Dedi Pagau 29 70 27 841 4,900 729

11 Depi 16 70 54 256 4,900 2,916

12 Edi Kadjima 48 62 14 2304 3,844 196

13 Fadli 29 70 41 841 4,900 1,681

14 Gian Tandi


32 70 38 1024 4,900 1,444

15 Gilbert Febri 57 62 5 3249 3,844 25

16 Gusni


45 72 27 2025 5,184 729

17 Jessen Tappi


45 81 36 2025 6,561 1,296

18 Meisa 37 81 44 1369 6,561 1,938

19 Nelchy


40 84 44 1600 7,056 1,936

20 Nurhikma


62 59 -3 3844 3,481 -9

21 Nurul Utami 40 81 41 1600 6,561 1,681

22 Raisya


54 62 8 2916 3,844 64

23 Rifaldi 27 81 54 729 6,561 2,916

24 Safira S 37 97 60 1369 9,409 1,200

25 Sisi Herli 54 72 16 2916 5,184 256

Total score 1038 1888 845 47272 149,54




Mean score ∑ 𝟒𝟏, 𝟕 ∑ 𝟕𝟓, 𝟒𝟒 ∑ 𝟑𝟑, 𝟖 ∑ 𝟏, 𝟗𝟓𝟑 ∑ 𝟓, 𝟗𝟖𝟏 ∑ 𝟏, 𝟏𝟖𝟎

APPENDIX. F The Mean Score of the students

The formula of mean:

�̅� = ∑ 𝑋


1. Pre-test

�̅� = ∑ 𝑋


= 1,038

25= 41

2. Post-test

�̅� = ∑ 𝑋


= 1888

25= 75,44

APPENDIX G Calculating the students’ score improvement

The formula is:

𝑃 = 𝑋2− 𝑋1

𝑋1 𝑋 100

𝑃 = 1888−1038

1038 𝑥 100

𝑃 =850

1038 𝑥 100

𝑃 = 0,81 𝑥 100

𝑃 = 81%


Standard Deviation

The formula is:

SD= √∑ 𝑋2−




a. Pre-test

𝑆𝐷 = √47272−




𝑆𝐷 = √47272−




𝑆𝐷 = √4175



24= 2,6

b. Post-test

𝑆𝐷 = √149548−




𝑆𝐷 = √149548−




𝑆𝐷 = √6967



24= 3,4

APPENDIX. I The significant Different

Finding out the difference between students’ in pre-test and in post-test:

𝑡 = �̅�

√∑ 𝐷2 − (

(∑ 𝐷)2

𝑁 )

𝑁(𝑁 − 1)

𝑡 = 33,8

√29511 − (845)2

25𝑁(𝑁 − 1)

𝑡 = 33,8


𝑡 = 33,8



1,25= 27,04

𝑡 = 29,7



For level of significance (D) =0,05

Degree of freedom (df) = (N-2) = 25-2 = 23

t-Table = 1.71387


Pr 0.25 0.10 0.05 0.025 0.01 0.005 0.001

df 0.50 0.20 0.10 0.050 0.02 0.010 0.002

1 1.00000 3.07768 6.31375 12.70620 31.82052 63.65674 318.30884

2 0.81650 1.88562 2.91999 4.30265 6.96456 9.92484 22.32712

3 0.76489 1.63774 2.35336 3.18245 4.54070 5.84091 10.21453

4 0.74070 1.53321 2.13185 2.77645 3.74695 4.60409 7.17318

5 0.72669 1.47588 2.01505 2.57058 3.36493 4.03214 5.89343

6 0.71756 1.43976 1.94318 2.44691 3.14267 3.70743 5.20763

7 0.71114 1.41492 1.89458 2.36462 2.99795 3.49948 4.78529

8 0.70639 1.39682 1.85955 2.30600 2.89646 3.35539 4.50079

9 0.70272 1.38303 1.83311 2.26216 2.82144 3.24984 4.29681

10 0.69981 1.37218 1.81246 2.22814 2.76377 3.16927 4.14370

11 0.69745 1.36343 1.79588 2.20099 2.71808 3.10581 4.02470

12 0.69548 1.35622 1.78229 2.17881 2.68100 3.05454 3.92963

13 0.69383 1.35017 1.77093 2.16037 2.65031 3.01228 3.85198

14 0.69242 1.34503 1.76131 2.14479 2.62449 2.97684 3.78739

15 0.69120 1.34061 1.75305 2.13145 2.60248 2.94671 3.73283

16 0.69013 1.33676 1.74588 2.11991 2.58349 2.92078 3.68615

17 0.68920 1.33338 1.73961 2.10982 2.56693 2.89823 3.64577

18 0.68836 1.33039 1.73406 2.10092 2.55238 2.87844 3.61048

19 0.68762 1.32773 1.72913 2.09302 2.53948 2.86093 3.57940

20 0.68695 1.32534 1.72472 2.08596 2.52798 2.84534 3.55181

21 0.68635 1.32319 1.72074 2.07961 2.51765 2.83136 3.52715

22 0.68581 1.32124 1.71714 2.07387 2.50832 2.81876 3.50499

23 0.68531 1.31946 1.71387 2.06866 2.49987 2.80734 3.48496

24 0.68485 1.31784 1.71088 2.06390 2.49216 2.79694 3.46678

25 0.68443 1.31635 1.70814 2.05954 2.48511 2.78744 3.45019

26 0.68404 1.31497 1.70562 2.05553 2.47863 2.77871 3.43500

27 0.68368 1.31370 1.70329 2.05183 2.47266 2.77068 3.42103

28 0.68335 1.31253 1.70113 2.04841 2.46714 2.76326 3.40816

29 0.68304 1.31143 1.69913 2.04523 2.46202 2.75639 3.39624

30 0.68276 1.31042 1.69726 2.04227 2.45726 2.75000 3.38518

31 0.68249 1.30946 1.69552 2.03951 2.45282 2.74404 3.37490

32 0.68223 1.30857 1.69389 2.03693 2.44868 2.73848 3.36531

33 0.68200 1.30774 1.69236 2.03452 2.44479 2.73328 3.35634

34 0.68177 1.30695 1.69092 2.03224 2.44115 2.72839 3.34793

35 0.68156 1.30621 1.68957 2.03011 2.43772 2.72381 3.34005

36 0.68137 1.30551 1.68830 2.02809 2.43449 2.71948 3.33262

37 0.68118 1.30485 1.68709 2.02619 2.43145 2.71541 3.32563

38 0.68100 1.30423 1.68595 2.02439 2.42857 2.71156 3.31903

39 0.68083 1.30364 1.68488 2.02269 2.42584 2.70791 3.31279

40 0.68067 1.30308 1.68385 2.02108 2.42326 2.70446 3.30688



TP: 2020/2021














1 Abdul Karim √ √ √ √ √ √

2 Agwinda

Prawinanda √ √ √ √ √ √

3 Ahmad Maulana √ √ √ √ √ √

4 Ariiqah Salwa

Nuraziizah Z

√ √ √ √ √ √

5 Asnawati Arsyad √ √ √ √ √ √

6 Citra Aulia √ √ √ √ √ √

7 Dea Putri Rante


√ √ √ √ √ √

8 Dede Irawan √ √ √ √ √ √

9 Dedi Pagau √ √ √ √ √ √

10 Depi √ √ √ √ √ √

11 Fadli √ √ √ √ √ √

12 Gian Toding Kulla √ √ √ √ √ √

13 Gilbert Febri √ √ √ √ √ √

14 Gusni Anhaleka √ √ √ √ √ √

15 Iva √ √ √ √ √ √

16 Jessen Tappi Sialla √ √ √ √ √ √

17 Meisa √ √ √ √ √ √

18 Nayla Sahara √ √ √ √ √ √

19 Nelchy Maysari √ √ √ √ √

20 Nurhikmah


√ √ √ √ √ √

21 Nurul Utami √ √ √ √ √ √

22 Raisya Ramadhani


√ √ √ √ √ √

23 Rifaldi √ √ √ √ √ √

24 Safira S √ √ √ √ √ √

25 Sisi Herli √ √ √ √ √ √



The researcher gave pre-test to students

Researcher gave post-test