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Transcript of THE EFFECT OF USING · the...




(A Quasi-experimental Study at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA

Nusantara Plus in Academic Year 2018/2019)


Nadha Septy Saffila













Nadha Septy Saffila (11150140000044), 2019. The Effect of Using Inquiry-

Based Learning Method on Students’ Writing Ability of Explanation Text (A

Quasi-experimental Study at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA

Nusantara Plus in Academic Year 2018/2019), Skripsi, Department of English

Education, The Faculty of Educational Sciences, State Islamic University Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2019.

Keywords: Inquiry-Based Learning Method, Writing Ability, Explanation


This research used quasi-experimental study aiming to obtain the empirical

evidence about the effect of using inquiry-based learning method on students’

writing ability of explanation text at the eleventh-grade students of SMA

Nusantara Plus in academic year 2018/2019. The population of this research was

the whole eleventh grade students of SMA Nusantara Plus. The sample was 62

students chosen through purposive sampling. The sample was classified into two

classes: the experimental and controlled class. The instrument of this research was

a test on writing an explanation text. The test was given at the beginning and the

end of the research. The result of the data was analyzed by using SPSS 20 and t-

test analysis. Based on the result of the pre-test, the data showed that there was no

difference between the two classes at the beginning of the research. However, the

result of the post-test showed that there was an improvement in the score of the

post-test of the experimental class. The t-test analysis result proved it by using

SPSS, which showed that the significance was 0.046 (p = 0.046) and (α = 0.05). It

means that p < α (0.046 < 0.05). Besides, the t-test analysis result by using manual

calculation also showed that to was 2.80 and tt (df=60) with significance level 5%

was 1.67. It stated that to > tt. It means that to was higher than ttable (2.80 > 1.67).

Based on the result of the two analyses above, it means that the null hypothesis

(Ho) was rejected. Therefore, it revealed that there was a significant effect of

using inquiry-based learning method on students’ writing ability of explanation

text at the eleventh-grade students of SMA Nusantara Plus in academic year

2018/2019. Furthermore, the calculation of effect size by Cohen stated that the

result of this research was 0.52 (moderate effect) meaning that this research was

quite effective to improve students’ writing ability of explanation text.



Nadha Septy Saffila (11150140000044), 2019. Pengaruh dari Penggunaan

Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Inkuiri terhadap Kemampuan Siswa Menulis

Teks Eksplanasi (Penelitian Semi Eksperimen pada Siswa Kelas XI SMA

Nusantara Plus pada Tahun Akademik 2018/2019), Skripsi, Jurusan

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Islam Negeri

Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2019.

Kata Kunci: Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Inkuiri, Kemampuan Menulis,

Teks Eksplanasi.

Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian semi eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk

memperoleh bukti nyata tentang pengaruh dari penggunaan metode pembelajaran

berbasis inkuiri terhadap kemampuan siswa menulis teks eksplanasi pada siswa

kelas XI SMA Nusantara Plus pada tahun akademik 2018/2019. Populasi dari

penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI SMA Nusantara Plus. Sampel

berjumlah 62 siswa yang dipilih melalui teknik sampel purposive. Sampel tersebut

diklasifikasikan ke dalam dua kelas: kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol.

Instrumen dari penelitian ini adalah tes menulis teks eksplanasi. Tes diberikan

pada awal dan akhir penelitian. Hasil dari data dianalisi dengan menggunakan

SPSS 20 dan analisi uji t. Berdasarkan hasil dari pre-test, data menunjukkan

bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan di antara dua kelas pada awal penelitian. Namun,

hasil dari post-test menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan di skor post-test dari

kelas eksperimen. Hasil analisis t-test membuktikan itu dengan menggunakan

SPSS yang menunjukkan bahwa signifikansi sebesar 0.046 (p = 0.046) dan (𝛼 =

0.05). Itu bermakna bahwa p < 𝛼 (0.046 < 0.05). Selain itu, hasil analisi uji t

dengan menggunakan penghitungan juga menunjukkan bahwa to sebesar 2.80 dan

tt (df = 60) dengan level signifikansi 5% sebesar 1.67. Itu menyatakan bahwa to >

tt. Itu bermakna bahwa to lebih tinggi daripada ttabel (2.80 > 1.67). Berdasarkan

hasil dari dua analisis di atas, itu bermakna bahwa hipotesis nol (Ho) ditolak.

Karenanya, itu menyatakan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari

penggunaan metode pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri terhadap kemampuan siswa

menulis teks eksplanasi pada siswa kelas XI SMA Nusantara Plus pada tahun

akademik 2018/2019. Lebih lanjut, penghitungan dari besarnya pengaruh

berdasarkan Cohen menyatakan bahwa hasil dari penelitian ini adalah 0.52

(pengaruh sedang) di yang mana itu bermakna bahwa penelitian ini cukup efektif

untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa menulis teks eksplanasi.



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

All praises be to Allah SWT, the Lord of the world, who has given the

researcher His mercy, blessing, guidance, and strength to finish this research

report. Peace and guidance may Allah send to our Prophet Muhammad SAW,

peace be upon him, his family, his companions, and his followers.

Completing this research needs a long process and the researcher would not

have been able to finish this research without help and guidance of lecturers,

institution, family, and friends. Hence, the researcher is very grateful to

acknowledge those who have provided the support, guidance, contribution, and

assistance to the researcher in completing this research. Therefore, it can be used

as one of the requirements for the degree of “S.Pd.” (S-1) in English Education at

the Department of English Education.

First, the researcher would like to express the deepest gratitude to her great

parents, Mr. Agus Salim and Mrs. Masnun who always give full of motivation,

support, guidance, and best prayers for the researcher while doing this research.

Also, the researcher would like to express the greatest honor and the deepest

gratitude to her advisors, Mrs. Siti Nurul Azkiyah, Ph.D. and Mrs. Neneng

Sunengsih, M.Pd. for the valuable motivation, support, guidance, and advice

while completing this research.

Besides, the researcher would like to express sincere thanks to:

1. Dr. Sururin, M.Ag., as the Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences.

2. Didin Nurudin Hidayat, Ph.D., as the Head of Department of English


3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., as the Secretary of Department of English


4. All lecturers in the Department of English Education for the knowledge and

support for the researcher.

5. Drs. Rasuddin HB, MM., M.Pd., as the Head of SMA Nusantara Plus for the

permission and help to conduct this research.


6. Misbahudin M.Pd., as the English teacher at the eleventh grade of SMA

Nusantara Plus for the guidance, advice, and motivation during this research.

7. All teachers and staff of SMA Nusantara Plus for the permission and

guidance during this research.

8. The students of XI IIS 1 and XI IIS 2 of SMA Nusantara Plus who are willing

to help and contribute in completing this research.

9. Her big family who has given the support and best prayer for the researcher.

10. Her brother, Adrian Firmansyah, who gives the support and prayer for the


11. All beloved friends of the Department of English Education B 2015 for the

support and friendship during this research.

12. All her beloved friends of KKN Phinisi 62 2018, who have given the support,

help, and motivation for the researcher during completing this research.

13. All her beloved friends of Syantik for the support and motivation during

completing this research.

14. All her beloved friends of Aku Anak Biskuat for the advice and support during

this research.

15. All people, whose names cannot be mentioned, thank you for the

contribution, help, and support during completing this research.

Finally, the researcher hopes that this research report is not only useful for the

researcher but also for the readers. In fact, this research is still far from perfection.

Therefore, constructive criticism and suggestion are needed by the researcher to

make this research report better.

Jakarta, August 24th 2019

The Writer

Nadha Septy Saffila



APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................. i

ENDORSEMENT SHEET ................................................................................... ii

STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY ................................................................ iii

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... iv

ABSTRAK .............................................................................................................. v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... vi

TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................... viii

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... xi

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... xii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Research .......................................................................... 1

B. Identification of the Problems ....................................................................... 5

C. Limitation of the Problem.............................................................................. 5

D. Formulation of the Problem ........................................................................... 5

E. Objective of the Research .............................................................................. 6

F. Significance of the Research ......................................................................... 6

CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ............................................. 7

A. Writing Ability .............................................................................................. 7

1. The Definition of Writing .......................................................................... 7

2. The Definition of Writing Ability ............................................................. 8

3. The Purpose of Writing ............................................................................. 8

4. The Elements of Writing ........................................................................... 9

5. The Aspects of Writing ............................................................................. 9

6. The Stages of Writing .............................................................................. 10

7. The Advantages of Writing ..................................................................... 11

8. Scoring Writing ....................................................................................... 12

B. Explanation Text.......................................................................................... 13

1. The Definition of Explanation Text ........................................................ 13

2. The Purpose of Explanation Text ............................................................ 13


3. The Generic Structure of Explanation Text ............................................ 13

4. Linguistic Features of Explanation Text ................................................. 14

5. The Example of Explanation Text ........................................................... 14

C. Inquiry-Based Learning Method ................................................................. 15

1. The Definition of Method ........................................................................ 15

2. The Definition of Inquiry ........................................................................ 16

3. The Definition of Inquiry-Based Learning .............................................. 16

4. The Definition of Inquiry-Based Learning Method ................................ 17

5. The Stages of Inquiry-Based Learning Method ...................................... 17

6. The Purpose of Inquiry-Based Learning Method .................................... 18

7. The Advantages of Inquiry-Based Learning Method .............................. 18

D. Previous Study ............................................................................................. 19

E. Thinking Framework ................................................................................... 22

F. Research Hypothesis.................................................................................... 22

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................ 23

A. Place and Time of the Research .................................................................. 23

B. Research Method and Design ...................................................................... 23

C. Population and Sample of the Research ...................................................... 24

1. Population ................................................................................................ 24

2. Sample ..................................................................................................... 24

D. The Content of Intervention ........................................................................ 25

E. Research Instrument .................................................................................... 27

F. Technique of Data Collection ...................................................................... 31

G. Technique of Data Analysis ........................................................................ 31

1. Test of Normality .................................................................................... 32

2. Test of Homogeneity ............................................................................... 33

3. T-test ........................................................................................................ 34

H. Statistical Hypothesis .................................................................................. 39


A. Research Finding ......................................................................................... 40

1. Data Description ...................................................................................... 40


2. Data Analysis .......................................................................................... 46

3. Hypothesis Testing .................................................................................. 54

B. Discussion .................................................................................................... 55

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...................................... 59

A. Conclusion ................................................................................................... 59

B. Suggestion ................................................................................................... 60

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 62

APPENDICES ...................................................................................................... 66



Table 2.1 The Example of Explanation Text ........................................................ 14

Table 3.1 Design of the Research ......................................................................... 24

Table 3.2 The Population of the Research ............................................................ 24

Table 3.3 The Sample of the Research.................................................................. 25

Table 3.4 Table Content of Intervention ............................................................... 26

Table 3.5 The Rubric of Scoring Students’ Writing ............................................. 28

Table 3.6 Criteria of Hypothesis of Normality Test .............................................. 32

Table 3.7 Normality Test of Pre-test ..................................................................... 33

Table 3.8 Normality Test of Post-test ................................................................... 34

Table 3.9 Criteria of Hypothesis of Homogeneity Test ........................................ 34

Table 3.10 Homogeneity Test of Pre-test .............................................................. 34

Table 3.11 Homogeneity Test of Post-test ............................................................ 34

Table 3.12 Criteria of Hypothesis of Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances .... 35

Table 3.13 Criteria of Hypothesis of T-test Two Independents Samples ............. 36

Table 3.14 Table of Criteria of Pooled Standard Deviation Result ...................... 38

Table 3.15 Criteria of Statistical Hypothesis ........................................................ 39

Table 4.1 The Pre-test Score of Experimental Class and Controlled Class .......... 41

Table 4.2 Group Statistics of Pre-test Score ......................................................... 42

Table 4.3 T-test of Pre-test .................................................................................... 42

Table 4.4 The Post-test Score of Experimental Class and Controlled Class ........ 44

Table 4.5 The Gained Score of Experimental Class and Controlled Class ........... 45

Table 4.6 Group Statistics of Post-test Score ........................................................ 48

Table 4.7 Independent Sample T-test of Post-test ................................................ 48

Table 4.8 Group Statistics of Gained Score .......................................................... 50

Table 4.9 Independent Sample T-test of Gained Score......................................... 50



Appendix 1 Silabus SMA...................................................................................... 67

Appendix 2 RPP Experimental Class .................................................................... 71

Appendix 3 RPP Controlled Class ........................................................................ 24

Appendix 4 The Stages of Analyzing Normality Test, Homogeneity Test, and

T-test with SPSS 20 ........................................................................................... 111

Appendix 5 The Result of ANOVA Test of Students’ Midterm Exam Scores .. 113

Appendix 6 Score of Pre-test of Experimental Class and Controlled Class ....... 115

Appendix 7 Score of Post-test of Experimental Class and Controlled Class ...... 116

Appendix 8 Gained Score of Pre-test and Post-test of Experimental Class and

Controlled Class .................................................................................................. 117

Appendix 9 Statistical Calculation on Gained Score of Experimental Class

(X) and Controlled Class (Y) .............................................................................. 118

Appendix 10 Instrument of Pre-test .................................................................... 119

Appendix 11 Instrument of Post-test .................................................................. 120

Appendix 12 Documentation .............................................................................. 121

Appendix 13 Tabel T .......................................................................................... 124

Appendix 14 Examples of Students’ Pre-test ...................................................... 129

Appendix 15 Examples of Students’ Post-test .................................................... 131

Appendix 16 Surat Pengesahan Proposal Skripsi ............................................... 133

Appendix 17 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi ............................................................... 134

Appendix 18 Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian ................................................. 136

Appendix 19 Surat Balasan Izin Penelitian dari Sekolah.................................... 137

Appendix 20 The Analysis of Content Validity .................................................. 138

Appendix 21 References Examination Paper ...................................................... 139




A. Background of the Research

In getting the achievement of mastering English, it is needed to produce

information into a written form which is known as writing. Writing is known as a

skill in representing language and emotion to be a medium of communication that

should be mastered by students. Even, students need to comprehend the word

structures to express something in which they will communicate deeply in

writing.1 By writing, students can convey their thought, experience, information,

and idea as a tool of communication into the written form. Also, writing has two

primary influences in the curriculum, both as an essential product in language and

as a tool for the engaging discipline of learning.2 Furthermore, writing is a

productive skill that is complicated because it is not only a language delivery but

also the development and delivery of structured ideas.3 Therefore, it concludes

that writing ability is known as a peak ability of English abilities. It means that

students are expected to be able to develop and create their ideas they have got in

three abilities before producing information into the written form.

In English writing, it states that there are categories of types of text, such as

descriptive, narrative, argumentative, and so on.4 However, based on the result of

the research that was supported by Adas and Bakir, they found that there were

some problems which were faced by learners in writing, such as they lack stock in

using the right vocabularies and they lack creativity in developing ideas.5

1 Monitha Geraldine, Y. Gatot Sutapa, and Surmiyati, Teaching Writing Hortatory Exposition

Text through Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT), Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran,

3(8), 2014, pp. 2. 2 Charles A. MacArthur, Steve Graham, and Jill Fitzgerald, Handbook of Writing Research

Second Edition, (New York: The Guilford Press, 2016), p. 1. 3 Hendri Saputra and Lenny Marzulina, Teaching Writing by Using Process Genre Approach

to the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 22 Palembang, Edukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan dan

Pengajaran, 2(1), 2015, pp. 2. 4 Jan Zienkowski, Jan-Ola Ostman, and Jef Verschueren, Discursive Pragmatics,

(Amsterdam: John Benjamin Publishing Co., 2011), p. 276. 5 Dana Adas and Ayda Bakir, Writing Difficulties and New Solutions: Blended Learning as

an Approach to Improve Writing Abilities, International Journal of Humanities and Social

Science, 3(9), 2013, pp. 254.


Furthermore, based on the result of the research that was obtained by

Desitawardhani, she found that there were some of the students who still have

difficulties in understanding the writing text, especially in the explanation text,

such as students do not comprehend the structures placement and the language

features of explanation text; they are also still challenging to develop their ideas in

the explanation text; and they even do not understand about spelling, punctuation

mark, vocabulary, and rules of language.6

Additionally, based on the researcher’s experience through the introduction to

the school field, the researcher also did the observation and found the students’

problems in writing, especially in the explanation text, such as they were difficult

to find and expand the ideas, they were confused on the generic structure and

language features of the explanation text, and they were less interested in learning

the theory of natural or social phenomena of the explanation text. In this case,

these problems could be influenced by some possible causes. The first cause was

an activity that was given by the teacher. It was because an active learning activity

was limited in the class so that students feel bored. Another cause came from the

students which the explanation sequences of explanation text did not develop. It

means that students could not extend their ideas because there was no time to

investigate the sources from themselves and others. Hence, it makes students

could not develop their thoughts on the explanation sequences of explanation text

effectively. Then, the students also could not share and reflect their work of

writing explanation text because sometimes students only asked to write without

share and reflect their writing. Therefore, it makes students did not comprehend

whether their text is appropriate or not with the questions of the topic. In general,

explanation text is a text that explains how or why something happens.7 Hence, it

needs to look for the information before writing the text.

6 Nurika Desitawardhani, “A Thesis: Improving Students’ Skills of Writing Explanation

Texts Through Picture Series for the Grade XII Students of SMA Negeri 2 Sleman in the

Academic Year of 2013/2014”, Thesis in Graduate School of Yogyakarta State University, p. 3,

not published. 7 Mahrukh Bashir, Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI, 2017 Revised Edition,

(Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud RI, 2017), p. 101.


To overcome these problems, a teacher should use an appropriate method that

fits the needs and abilities of students, especially in writing an explanation text.

Furthermore, the teacher should use a method that gives an opportunity for

students to look for, share, and reflect their writing. In this issue, there are many

researchers who have conducted studies to find appropriate methods in improving

students’ writing ability. One of them is the research that has been done by

Nurtalina. In her study, she proved that there is a significant effect in terms of

writing ability at the grade of VIII students at SMP N 1 Prambanan Klaten who

are taught inquiry-based learning strategy as a method. Through her study, it

stated that inquiry-based learning method is an appropriate learning medium on

students’ writing ability.8 Then, it was also proved by the study that was

conducted by Amarulloh et al. In their study, they want to know the effect of

using the levels of the inquiry strategy with the writing-to-learn assignment by

using the quasi-experimental method. Thus, the result of the study was the use of

the levels of inquiry can enhance the science literacy of students.9 Also, another

study was conducted by Laksana. In his research, he designed natural science

learning with inquiry-based learning at the elementary level. The result of this

study was inquiry-based learning is able to become an effective method in

increasing learning quality, especially in the development of learning concepts.10

Then, there is also the study was obtained by Nisa et al. Through their research, it

stated that the inquiry learning model is useful in developing students’ critical

thinking at senior high school.11 It could be proved that there is a significant effect

on students’ writing ability by using inquiry-based learning method, especially in

developing ideas critically.

8 Nurtalina, “A Thesis: The Effect of Using Inquiry-Based Learning Strategy in the Writing

Ability of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Prambanan Klaten in the Academic Year of

2012/2013”, Thesis in Graduate School of State University of Yogyakarta, p. 77, not published. 9 R. R. Amarulloh et al., The Implementation of Levels of Inquiry with Writing-To-Learn

Assignment to Improve Vocational School Student’s Science Literacy, Journal of Physics:

Conference Series, 2017, pp. 1--7. 10 Dek Ngurah Laba Laksana, The Effectiveness of Inquiry Based Learning for Natural

Science Learning in Elementary School, Journal of Education Technology, 1(1), 2017, pp. 1--5. 11 E. K. Nisa et al., Effectiveness of Guided Inquiry Learning Model to Improve Students’

Critical Thinking Skills at Senior High School, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, pp.



Based on the results of studies using several strategies or methods that have

been carried out by researchers in improving students’ writing ability, inquiry-

based learning method can be a solution, especially in writing the explanation

text. Therefore, it is necessary to do research on students’ writing ability of

explanation text by using inquiry-based learning method. The inquiry-based

learning method is a teaching and learning activity series that involves the ability

of students to search and observe critically so that they can get a reasonable

conclusion.12 Then, Schneider also stated that there are five stages of the inquiry

process, which involves the process of asking, investigating, creating, discussing,

and reflecting.13 Also, teaching writing in the classroom through inquiry-based

learning becomes meaningful learning for students because it is not only sharing

information, but also involving discussion of students. Based on the explanation

above, the researcher deduces the inquiry-based learning method can become a

solution to developing students’ ideas in writing explanation text, especially in the

explanation sequences of explanation text. Through this method, the teacher gives

an opportunity for students to ask questions about the topic of why or how

something occurs through picture; to investigate the issue of why or how

something happens through information from medias, friends, books, and so on;

to create an explanation text through information they have got from

investigation; to discuss or to share their writing what they have created; and to

reflect their writing whether it is appropriate or not with the questions. Hence, it

means that students become an active and independent learner to look for the

answers related to the concept.14

Considering the background above, the researcher intends to do research

entitled “The Effect of Using Inquiry-Based Learning Method on Students’

Writing Ability of Explanation Text” (A Quasi-experimental Study at the Eleventh

Grade Students of SMA Nusantara Plus in Academic Year 2018/2019). Through

12 Nurdyansyah and Eni Fariyatul Fahyuni, Inovasi Model Pembelajaran Sesuai Kurikulum

2013, (Sidoarjo: Nizamia Learning Center, 2016), p. 137. 13 Daniel K. Schneider, Educational (Instructional) Design Models, 2014, pp. 150. 14 Beth Godbee, Katie Ellington, and Megan Knowles, Why Inquiry Matters: An Argument

and Model for Inquiry-Based Writing Courses, Winconsin English Journal, 58(2), 2016, pp. 16.


this research, the researcher is going to conduct the research to obtain the

empirical evidence about the effect of using inquiry-based learning method on

students’ writing ability of explanation text at the eleventh-grade students of SMA

Nusantara Plus in academic year 2018/2019.

B. Identification of the Problems

Based on the background of the research above, the researcher concluded that

the identification of the problems is as follows:

1. Writing is a complicated skill for students.

2. There is still the use of monotonous learning method in writing activities.

3. Students have a lack of vocabulary in arranging ideas in writing.

4. Students have difficulty in the placement of structures and language features

of the explanation text.

5. Students have a problem in developing ideas in the explanation sequences of

the explanation text.

6. Students are less interested in learning the theory of natural or social

phenomena of the explanation text.

C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the problem identification above, the researcher limited the research

in teaching writing an explanation text in terms of developing ideas in the

explanation sequence of the explanation text by using inquiry-based learning

method at the eleventh-grade students of SMA Nusantara Plus in academic year


D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the problem limitation above, the writer formulated the research

question as follows “Is there any significant effect of using inquiry-based learning

method on students’ writing ability of explanation text at the eleventh-grade

students of SMA Nusantara Plus in academic year 2018/2019?”


E. Objective of the Research

Based on the formulation of the problem, the objective of the research is to

obtain the empirical evidence about the effect of using inquiry-based learning

method on students’ writing ability of explanation text at the eleventh-grade

students of SMA Nusantara Plus in academic year 2018/2019.

F. Significance of the Research

The researcher expected significances to this research. Generally, the

significance of the research is to give additional information about the effect of

using inquiry-based learning method on students’ writing ability of explanation

text. Therefore, the significances of the study are as follows:

1. For English teachers

The result of this research hopefully provides them additional information

about inquiry-based learning method as one of the practical ways of teaching

writing, especially in the explanation text.

2. For students

The result of this research hopefully provides the input for students in

developing ideas to do good writing, especially in the explanation text.

3. For other researchers

The researcher of this research hopes that this research can provide the

additional information or reference in conducting more in-depth further

research about the use of inquiry-based learning method on students’ writing

ability of explanation text with larger samples and different level of students.




A. Writing Ability

1. The Definition of Writing

In general, writing is one of the communication media. Even, it is necessary as

a communication medium in delivering a thought, knowledge, and experience in a

written form. Additionally, writing is a way of learning in conveying the thoughts

into a text which consists of words and sentences.1

Besides, writing is a written information form that includes the process of

delivering idea, thought, and experience.2 It enables the writer to convey a

meaningful message to audiences. It means that writing needs an operation which

unites ideas or thoughts to create a significant result.

Good writing will require a long process towards the results that match the

goals. Since writing need a long process, writing becomes more difficult than

others. Writing is a complicated ability which is divided into cognitive and meta-

cognitive skills, such as brainstorming, designing, outlining, arranging, drafting,

and revising.3 Therefore, learners will be able to produce writing and to create

good conclusion if they have already followed the writing process gradually.

Overall, writing is classified as a productive skill, which includes meaning.4 It

is different from listening and reading which is classified as a receptive skill.

Therefore, writing becomes a skill which is used to produce a language in written


1 Hendri Saputra and Lenny Marzulina, Teaching Writing by Using Process Genre Approach

to the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 22 Palembang, Edukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan dan

Pengajaran, 2(1), 2015, pp. 3. 2 Eugenia Mora-Flores, Writing Instruction for English Learners, (United States of America:

Corwin Press, 2009), p. 12. 3 Giti Mousapour Negari, A Study on Strategy Instruction and EFL Learners’ Writing,

International Journal of English Linguistics, 1(2), 2011, pp. 299. 4 Rozi Setiawan, I Made Sujana, and Kurniawan Apriganto, The Effect of Think-Talk-Write

(TTW) Technique on Students’ Writing Ability, English Language Teaching and Technology

Journal (ELT-Tech Journal), 1(1), 2017, pp. 31--39, retrieved from


2. The Definition of Writing Ability

Writing ability becomes one of English abilities. Even, it is known as an

ability to respond to a given stimulus. Additionally, writing ability is a writer’s

ability that leads to a social situation.5 It means that writing ability is the ability of

students in the learning of the language because it learns to respond to a social

situation which the writer has understood the social nature of writing.

Besides, according to Yi, writing ability is an ability to convey messages

without limits.6 Therefore, it concludes that writing ability is a productive ability

that can convey intentions freely through a written form.

3. The Purpose of Writing

When a writer writes a text, it needs to have a purpose. The writer is not only

writing without having plans and goals, but it is more than it. Thus, the primary

purpose of writing is to convey purposes or views to the audiences.7 It means that

the writer will learn how to express the ideas by arranging words into written form

in writing.

Arranging of all the sentences become good writing is expected to be an

essential purpose of writing. In learning writing, students write to explore the

mind, feeling, and action; to expand the reader’s knowledge; and to tell, inspire,

persuade, and entertain the readers.8

Besides, writing creates a basic understanding to prepare activities, improve

new learning, integrate ideas, and expand knowledge in learning writing in

science.9 It means that writing becomes a forming of thought or experience that is

formed by a writer based on his or her comprehension and event. Therefore,

writing has many goals for students in providing a meaningful experience.

5 Robert P. Yagelski, Writing Ten Core Concepts, (Stamford: Nelson Education Ltd., 2015),

p. 48. 6 Jyi-yeon Yi, Defining Writing Ability for Classroom Writing Assessment in High Schools,

Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 2009, pp. 58. 7 Susan Lenski and Farnces Verbruggen, Writing Instruction and Assessment for English

Langugae Learners K-8, (New York: The Guilford Press, 2010), p. 114. 8 Sharon Taberski and Jim Burke, The Common Core Companion: The Standards Decoded

Grades K-2, (The United States of America: Corwin Literacy, 2014), p. 99. 9 Jodi Wheeler-Toppen, Science the Write Way, (United States of America: National Science

Teachers Association, 2011), p. 1.


4. The Elements of Writing

A good writer needs to look carefully at how all of the sentences can fit each

other and how readers can understand the intent of the writer. Hence, the writer

needs to implement the elements of writing. Those elements are things that need

to be considered when the writer is going to create good writing clearly and

smoothly. Those elements consist of purpose, audience, clarity, unity, and

coherence.10 The elements are:

a. Purpose

Purpose refers to the decision about why the writer wants to write. It also can

be known as the basis of writing.

b. Audience

An audience relates to a group of readers who receives the message from the

author. It means that the writer needs to think about audiences or readers to make

viewers comprehend his or her writing.

c. Clarity

Clarity refers to an understanding of the meaning of something without

understanding other purposes. It means that good writing must be clear to readers

can understand the text quickly and easily.

d. Unity

Unity refers to each sentence of the paragraph in writing, which must be

interconnected with each other.

e. Coherence

Coherence refers to all of the ideas of the text in writing that combine


5. The Aspects of Writing

In writing, a good writer needs to look carefully at aspects of writing. In the

implementation of writing, those aspects are used to measure his or her writing

10 Richard Walker, Five Elements of Good Writing, From Great Sentences to Great

Paragraphs, 2010, pp. 1--15.


through a rubric. Those aspects be composed of content, organization, vocabulary,

language use, and mechanic.11 Those aspects are:

a. Content

Content focuses on the material of text or the development of thoughts, such

as the topic, explanation, and discussion. It deals with the ability to thinking

creatively in the event of the issue.

b. Organization

Organization concerns the sequence of each sentence or paragraph. It deals

with the ability in organizing a structured text consequently.

c. Vocabulary

Vocabulary refers to the words of text. It deals with the skill in selecting

words into a text effectively.

d. Language use

Language use focuses on the construction, such as grammar and the

complexity of the sentence. It deals with the ability in using appropriate sentences

of a text.

e. Mechanic

Mechanic concerns to the punctuation, spelling, and capitalization of text. It

deals with the ability in using punctuation and spelling correctly in a text.

6. The Stages of Writing

Writing becomes more meaningful for students when they create drafts,

discuss topics, and produce final products by themselves than just listening to an

explanation from the teacher. Therefore, a good writing process for students is a

process in which students play as an active role in producing into a written form.

Moreover, a good writer needs to revise his or her writing because writing needs

an additional ability to create a good essay. In other words, the results of the

writing form are made through various steps that are called as the writing process.

Hence, the stages of the writing process are establishing the topic; accumulating

11 Christiane Dalton-Puffer, Tarja Nikula, and Ute Smit, Language Use and Language

Learning in CLIL Classroom, (Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co., 2010), p. 198.


the materials (thoughts); arranging the elements; drafting, editing, re-reading, and

re-writing; and proofreading.12

Besides, there are four primary writing stages, such as pre-writing, planning,

and drafting.13 Those stages are:

a. Pre-writing

In the pre-writing or the first stage, the writer needs to know and decide what

he or she is going to write before creating a text.

b. Planning

In the planning or the second stage, the writer needs to focus on and arrange

the ideas or thoughts.

c. Drafting

In the last stage, there are three steps, such as producing the first draft,

revising the first draft or creating the second draft, and proofreading or producing

the final draft.

Therefore, the researcher concludes that all components of the writing stages

are related to each other.

7. The Advantages of Writing

In general, there are advantages of writing, namely recording thoughts,

processing efficient thoughts, and taking views into a productive skill.

Additionally, there are four advantages of writing, such as become an excellent

way to express and communicate, engage students to do a communication related

to the ideas of thing in life, help students in the learning of distinctive design, and

give the comprehension about things in the world.14 Thus, writing offers many

advantages in daily life.

As a tool for expressing ideas for writer, writing becomes a productive skill in

English learning. Even academic writing is used as a tool which provides support

12 J. K. Gangal, A practical Course for Developing Writing Skills in English, (New Delhi:

PHI Learning Private Limited, 2011), p. 4. 13 Richard Badger, Teaching and Learning the English Language: A Problem-Solving

Approach, (London: Bloomsburry Publishing Plc., 2018), p. 204. 14 Yagelski, op.cit., p. 9.


for students in arranging and criticizing concept.15 Therefore, it concludes that

writing gives a chance for students in increasing comprehension and event

through the process of writing.

8. Scoring Writing

A teacher assesses student’s work by scoring them on a particular scale.

Furthermore, the main types of a rating scale are holistic scoring, analytic scoring,

primary trait scoring, and multi-trait scoring.16 Those types are:

a. Holistic Scoring

In this scale, it needs to read and respond to writing as a whole text quickly.

The reliability of holistic scoring is lower than analytic scoring but still

acceptable. However, it is efficient in time and cost. Then, this scale assumes that

all aspects of writing develop at the same rate.

b. Analytic Scoring

There are several aspects of writing which are provided in a single score in the

analytic scoring. The analytic scoring be composed of some components such as

content, organization, cohesion, register, vocabulary, and grammar. The important

role of analytic scoring is to present more detailed information about students’

writing ability. However, it needs much time and cost.

c. Primary Trait Scoring

This scale is a work of getting more detailed information than a single holistic

score. In this scale, it allows rater to focus on one aspect, so that it may not be

stable enough.

d. Multi-trait Scoring

In this scale, it provides evaluator to score for more than one element. Then,

validity is enhancing as the test under the prospect of the rater.

15 Negari, op.cit., pp. 300. 16 Ute Knoch, Diagnostic Writing Assessment: The Development and Validation of a Rating

Scale, (Frankfurt: Peter Lang GbH, 2009), pp. 38-41.


B. Explanation Text

1. The Definition of Explanation Text

Explanation text is one of the various texts that should be learned by learners

in English learning. Additionally, explanation text explains processes of concept

why something happens or how it happens to readers.17 It means that there is an

explanation sequence of something in a text.

Besides, explanation text is an informational text that provides the sequences

about how or why something occurs.18 It means that explanation text is a piece of

writing that deals with the process of how or why phenomena, events, things, and

concepts happen. Therefore, it concludes that explanation text is a text that

provides sequences about natural and social phenomena or events.

2. The Purpose of Explanation Text

All texts have a purpose based on their context, so the explanation text also

has the purpose too. The objective of the explanation text is to assist readers in

understanding the process of why or how something occurs.19 It means that the

explanation text aims to explain steps why or how something happens in a text.

Additionally, the explanation text aims to present the process about why or

how something happens in a text.20 In other words, explanation text is a text in

allowing students to arange their minds into the written form about the process of

phenomena or events.

3. The Generic Structure of Explanation Text

As with all texts in writing, an explanation text also has a generic structure.

Hence, the generic structure of explanation text consists of general statement,

explanation, and conclusion.21 The explanations of those structures are as follows:

17 Pie Corbett and Julia Strong, ‘Talk for Writing’ across the Curriculum, (United Kingdom:

Bell and Bain Ltd., 2011), p. 110. 18 Mahrukh Bashir, Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI, 2017 Revised Edition,

(Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud RI, 2017), p. 101. 19 Corbett and Strong, op.cit., p. 111. 20 Blake Education, Targeting Text Information: Recount, Information Report, and

Explanation, (Sydney: McPherson’s Printing Group, 2010), p. 76. 21 Blake Education, op.cit., p. 77.


a. General statement

The first paragraph is a general statement. In this paragraph, the writer writes

an explanation of phenomena, events, and things that will be explained generally.

In other words, it presents the topic of the text.22

b. Explanation

The next paragraph is an explanation, which is known as the content of the

text. In this paragraph, the writer explains the sequence of explanation text to

present the process of phenomena or events.23 It provides a process or concept in

chronological order.

c. Conclusion

The last paragraph is the conclusion. In this paragraph, the writer deduces

what he or she explained it as a whole.

4. Linguistic Features of Explanation Text

There are eight linguistic features of explanation text. These aspects focus on

common group rather than specific; use of linking words, such as in general, for

instance, and so on; use of action verbs, such as erupts, fall, etc.; use of present

tense which is used to tell an existing event habitually or usually happens, such as

is, are, etc.; source to people should not be given; passive voice may be used,

such as it is known as, it is made by, etc.; use of technical terms and language

relevant to the topic; use of conjunction, such as and, or, bu, etc. ; and use of

detailed explanation in sequences of reason to make a complete meaning.24

5. The Example of Explanation Text

Table 2.1

The Example of Explanation Text Aspects of

Explanation Text

Description of Paragraph

Introduction In general, a tsunami is a series of large-scale sea

22 Emma Hughes-Evans and Simon Brownhill, Stimulating Non-Fiction Writing! Inspiring

Children Aged 7-11, (New York: Routledge, 2019), p. 35. 23 Ibid. 24 Bashir, op.cit., p. 102.


(General Statement) waves that rises and falls towards land. It is caused by

several factors, such as earthquake, volcanic eruption,




Earthquake and volcanic eruption are the causes of

tsunami formation. The surface of the seafloor rises and

falls along a fault when a tsunami occurs. Then, the

defect disrupts seawater balance. In this case, substantial

errors produce considerable wave power. After the

earthquake, the water recedes because wave power

becomes small. After receding, seawater returned to the

land in the form of massive waves. Also, the cause of

tsunami formation is volcanic eruption on the ocean

floor. The explosion is caused by a high movement of

seawater or surrounding water.

Conclusion In conclusion, tsunami is a natural phenomenon that

has a significant effect on the environment. Therefore,

we must always be cautious in the face of this disaster.

C. Inquiry-Based Learning Method

1. The Definition of Method

A method is a construct of a systematic series of teaching implementation

under the particular theory of language learning.25 Then, it can be concluded that

the method is a practical implementation of an approach. The components of the

method consist of types of activities, roles of teachers and learners, the kinds of

materials, and models of syllabus organization. In other words, the method

includes various procedures and techniques as a part of teaching and learning


25 Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language

Teaching Third Edition, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014), p. 3.


Besides, the method contains various approaches to set the activities of

learning based on the goals of education.26 Overall, there are many teaching and

learning methods which aim to improve students’ ability. On the other hand, each

method has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, a teacher is expected to

be able to apply an appropriate way and to combine methods or strategies

following the needs and abilities of students.

2. The Definition of Inquiry

An inquiry is a process in asking a question which is provided by the teacher

to discover understanding and ability.27 It is an important thing that is needed in

learning activities.

In learning activities, inquiry consists of some stages, especially in asking and

answering questions. Hence, an inquiry is a learning process that consists of four

procedures, such as investigating the issue of the topic, asking a question of the

problem, expanding the design, and answering the matter of the problem.28

Therefore, it can be concluded that inquiry becomes a productive activity in

engaging ideas of learning.

3. The Definition of Inquiry-Based Learning

There are many methods or ways in a learning activity. One of the methods in

learning activities is inquiry-based learning. Also, according to Blessinger and

Carfora, inquiry-based learning as a process of inquiry learning, which is designed

to build knowledge and think idea orderly.29 It means that there is an opportunity

for students to engage their senses in the inquiry learning activity.

26 Weidong Pan and Igor Hawryszkiewycz, A Method of Defining Learning Processes,

Beyond the Comfort Zone: Proceedings of the 21st ASCILITE Conference, 2004, pp. 736. 27 Teresa Coffman, Inquiry-Based Learning Third Edition: Designing Instruction to Promote

Higher Level Thinking, (London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017), p. 12. 28 Catherine Chiappetta Swanson, Arshad Ahmad, and Irena Radisevic, A First-Year Social

Sciences Inquiry Course: The Interplay of Inquiry and Metacognition to Enhance Student

Learning, Inquiry-based Learning for the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences: A Conceptual

and Practical Resource for Educators, 2, 2014, pp. 54. 29 Patrick Blessinger and John M. Carfora, Innovative Approaches in Teaching and Learning:

An Introduction to Inquiry-Based Larning for the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, Inquiry-

Based Learning for the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences: A Conceptual and Practical

Resource for Educators Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, 2, 2014, pp. 13.


Besides, inquiry-based learning is a series of learning activities that

encourages learners to be more energetic than the teacher.30 Hence, the teacher

represents as a facilitator of learning activity and a controller in the student

discussion of inquiry-based learning activity.

Based on the definition above, it deduces that the inquiry-based learning is

active learning which gives opportunities for students in investigating, observing,

and finding out the information of topic or issue based on their analysis.

4. The Definition of Inquiry-Based Learning Method

According to Abdi, inquiry-based learning method is a method of learning that

has a dominant role in learning activities.31 In other words, inquiry-based learning

method becomes a teaching and learning sequence, which has a considerable

influence on students’ ability.

Therefore, it deduces that inquiry-based learning method is a sequence of

analytical learning activities which presents student’s opportunities to think about

a problem of issue critically.

5. The Stages of Inquiry-Based Learning Method

Schneider reveals that there are five stages of the inquiry process. The steps

of the inquiry-based learning process are:32

a. ask

The first stage of the inquiry process is asking. This stage focuses on a

problem or question of the topic. It allows students to explore the issue.

b. investigate

The second stage of the inquiry process is investigating. In this stage, a group

of students collects data or information about the topic through learning media,

friends, etc.

c. create

30 Daniel K. Schneider, Educational (Instructional) Design Models, 2014, pp. 150. 31 Ali Abdi, The Effect of Inquiry-based Learning Method on Students’ Academic

Achievement in Science Course, Universal Journal of Educational Research 2(1), 2014, pp. 37. 32 Schneider, op.cit., pp. 150-155.


In the creating stage, it will enable students to make a list of information what

they have got from the second stage. They write down in their report into a text.

d. discuss

In the discussing stage, there is an opportunity for students to share their ideas

of writing and ask others about their writing result.

e. reflect

The reflecting stage allows students to look back whether their writing is

relevant or not with the questions and to evaluate their writing to obtain a good


6. The Purpose of Inquiry-Based Learning Method

In general, all methods have goals based on their needs. It also happens on

inquiry-based learning method. The use of inquiry-based learning method is to

invite the student to become an active learner in the process of asking and

answering a question.33 Thus, it makes students engage their concept to answer


Besides, the purpose of the inquiry-based learning method is to stimulate

students for thinking in developing a conclusion and gaining a comprehension of

concept that can be shared with friends, teacher, and so on.34 It means that

students can decide a conclusion about what they have got from an inquiry

process in teaching and learning activities.

Through inquiry-based learning method, it enhances students to learn by

developing self-thinking.35 Therefore, the teacher can give a motivational feeling

to students in engaging their thinking through inquiry-based learning method.

7. The Advantages of Inquiry-Based Learning Method

Every method has advantages in applying learning activities. Similarly, the

inquiry-based learning method has them too. According to Karvankova et al, there

are 13 advantages of inquiry-based learning method, such as motivate students to

become independent learners; provide time for students in searching for and

33 Ibid. 34 Coffman, op.cit., p. 3. 35 Blessinger and Carfora, op.cit., pp. 10.


accommodating information; give high motivation for students; develop students’

ability in sorting out information; help students to comprehend information;

present many activities in a class; give opportunity for students to deliver and

convey the thoughts; develop memory about comprehension of information

deeply; develop creativity; motivate students to respect other people’s opinion;

helping students in extending interdisciplinarity; help students in improving the

ability to maintain one’s point of view; and adjust with other learning activities.36

Besides, Milatasari states that there are three advantages of inquiry-based

learning method, such as increasing students’ confidence to be more active,

engaging student’s critical thinking, and enhancing student’s comprehension

about the concept of event or issue.37 Based on the explanation of inquiry-based

learning method above, it deduces that inquiry-based learning method provides

many students’ opportunities to develop and arrange ideas critically and actively.

D. Previous Study

Some researchers have conducted some relevant studies. It deals with the

inquiry-based learning method. The first previous study was conducted by

Maulida Rahmatun Nisa. Her study used a qualitative method. It aimed to

investigate the application of the inquiry-based method at the second-grade of

MTs Negeri Karangdowo Klaten in 2014/2015 academic year. In this research, the

teacher used lecturing, discussion, and question in learning activities. Then, the

teacher used a picture related to the given topic. The result of her study was the

inquiry-based method is appropriate in teaching writing at the second-grade

students of MTs Negeri Karangdowo Klaten in 2014/2015 academic year.38

Furthermore, the similarity of Nisa’s study and this research is the use of the

inquiry-based method in writing. However, the differences are Nisa’s study used

qualitative method while this research will use quantitative method; the grade

36 Petra Karvankova et al., Current Topics in Czech and Central European Geography

Education, (Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2017), p. 69. 37 Yuniati Ulfah Milatasari, Improving Students’ Ability in Writing Through Inquiry Based

Learning, pp. 9--16. 38 Maulida Rahmatun Nisa, The Implementation of Teaching Writing Using Inquiry Based

Method at the Second Grade of MTs Negeri Karangdowo Klaten in 2014/2015 Academic Year, pp.



level for sample of her study was the eighth grade students while the sample of

this research is the eleventh grade students; there were three steps in Nisa’s study,

such as lecturing, discussion, and question while this research will use five stages,

such as asking, investigating, creating, discussing, and reflecting; and Nisa only

used a picture as a medium while this research will use picture and video.

The second previous study was conducted by Nurtalina. Her study aimed to

look for whether there is a significant effect of using inquiry-based learning

strategy on writing ability improvements at the grade VIII students at SMP N 1

Prambanan Klaten. She used ANCOVA to test the hypothesis. Then, she used

Weigle’s theory on assessing writing. The result of this study stated that there was

a significant effect of writing ability improvements at the grade VIII students at

SMP N 1 Prambanan Klaten in the Academic Year 2012/2013, which means that

inquiry-based learning strategy is effective in writing ability improvements.39

In addition, Nurtalina’s study and this research have similarities and

differences. The similarity is the aim of her study and this research is the same

that is to obtain the empirical evidence whether there is a significant difference in

students’ writing ability or not. However, the differences are Nutalina’s study

used ANCOVA to test a hypothesis while this research will use independent

sample t-test and manual calculation; the grade level for sample of her study was

the eighth grade students while the sample of this research is the eleventh grade

students; and Nurtalina used Weigle’s theory on scoring writing while this

research used Hughes’s theory.

Additionally, R. R. Amarulloh, et al. conducted the research, which aimed to

look for the effectiveness of the implementation of levels of inquiry with writing-

to-learn assignment to improve vocational school student’s science literacy at the

class XI of vocational school. After that, they used the Mann-Whitney test to test

the hypothesis. Besides, they also used effect size with Cohen’s theory. Then, the

39 Nurtalina, “A Thesis: The Effect of Using Inquiry-Based Learning Strategy in the Writing

Ability of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Prambanan Klaten in the Academic Year of

2012/2013”, Thesis in Graduate School of State University of Yogyakarta, p. 77, not published.


result was the inquiry levels application with writing-to-learn assignment was

effective in enhancing vocational school leaarner’s science literacy.40

Then, there are similarities and differences between Amarulloh et al.’s study

and this research. The similarities are both studies used a quasi-experimental

design, the aim of the both studies is same that is to obtain the empirical evidence

about the effect of using inquiry, and both studies use effect size by Cohen.

However, the differences are Amarulloh et al.’s study used the Mann-Whitney to

test a hypothesis while this research will use independent sample t-test and

manual calculation; the sample of their study was the eleventh grade students of

vocational school while the sample of this research is the eleventh grade students

of senior high school; and their study was about science literacy while this

research is about writing explanation text.

Furthermore, the last previous study was conducted by Yuniati Ulfah

Milatasari. She used action research, which aimed to know whether the

implementation of inquiry-based learning improves students’ writing ability or not

and to look for the advantages and disadvantages of the application of inquiry-

based learning. The sample of her study was 39 students of X3 of SMA N 3

Sukoharjo. She used five steps of inquiry, such as asking, investigating, creating,

discussing, and reflecting. She also used the picture as a medium. Additionally,

she used Weigle’s theory of scoring writing. The result of her study was inquiry-

based learning could improve the students’ writing ability and there were the

advantages and disadvantages of the application of inquiry-based learning.41

It can be seen that the similarity of Milatasari’s study and this research is there

are five steps in learning activities of inquiry. On the other hand, the differences

are Milatasari only used a picture as a medium while this research will use picture

and video, her study used quantitative and qualitative method while this research

will use a quantitative method, and Milatasari used Weigle’s theory in assessing

writing while this research will use Hughes’s theory.

40 R. R. Amarulloh et al., The Implementation of Levels of Inquiry with Writing-To-Learn

Assignment to Improve Vocational School Student’s Science Literacy, Journal of Physics:

Conference Series, 2017, pp. 1--7. 41 Milatasari, loc.cit.


E. Thinking Framework

Writing is categorized as a productive skill in English learning. Writing is a

highly complex ability because it contains aspects of writing, such as grammar,

vocabulary, concept, etc. Also, there are many texts in writing. Therefore, students

need a productive activity that gives their opportunity to develop and arrange their

ideas into a written text. Considering that, it needs to provide a comfortable

atmosphere, practical way, and proper motivation in helping students to improve

students’ writing ability of explanation text. Hence, there are many methods or

strategies of teaching writing activities. Therefore, the researcher decides to use

inquiry-based learning method to be an appropriate method in teaching writing

ability, especially in the explanation text.

Based on the explanation above, inquiry-based learning method is a method

that presents opportunities for students to think and observe critically. In this

research, the researcher considered to use Schneider’s theory in learning activities.

Through inquiry-based learning method activity, students ask the question based

on the students’ curiosity through picture, investigate the data of issue about how

or why something happens based on the question through video, create a report

into an explanation text from the data what they have gotten before, share or

discuss their writing about what they have written with friends and teacher, and

reflect whether their writing is appropriate or not with the problem of the topic.

From the reasons above, it is expected that inquiry-based learning method can

be a solution in teaching writing of explanation text, especially in the developing

ideas of explanation sequence of explanation text. Therefore, it is expected this

method can make students play as an active role through the inquiry process.

F. Research Hypothesis

Based on the theory and the objective of the research, it can be assumed that

there is a significant effect of using inquiry-based learning method on students’

writing ability of explanation text at the eleventh-grade students of SMA

Nusantara Plus.




A. Place and Time of the Research

The research was conducted at SMA Nusantara Plus, which is located at Jl.

Tarumanegara Dalam No. 1, Pisangan, Ciputat Timur, Tangerang Selatan, Banten.

It was held on April-September 2019.

B. Research Method and Design

The research was conducted in a quantitative method. Then, the researcher

used quasi-experimental design as the method and design of the research. In this

research, the information collection was analyzed numerically. Moreover, through

this research, the researcher assigned a comparison group which was divided into

two classes. The researcher selected two classes as an experimental and controlled

class in this research.

The procedure of this research was begun by giving a pre-test to both an

experimental and controlled class. After that, the experimental class was taught by

using inquiry-based learning method treatment while the controlled class was

taught without using inquiry-based learning method treatment. In this procedure,

the researcher gave four-time treatments. After giving four-times treatments, the

researcher gave a post-test to both the experimental and controlled class that aims

to get the result of the given treatment. After getting the result of data, it would be

processed by using statistical calculation.

In this research, the researcher used two types of variables in this research.

The first variable was inquiry-based learning method as the independent variable,

which was going to give the effect to the dependent variable. Then, the second

variable was students’ ability of explanation text as the dependent variable, which

was going to obtain the effect from the independent variable.


Therefore, the table of design of the research could be illustrated as follows:

Table 3.1

Design of the Research Group Measurement






Experimental Class Pre-Test Inquiry-based

Learning Method



Controlled Class Pre-Test Without Treatment Post-Test

C. Population and Sample of the Research

1. Population

The population of the research was the eleventh-grade students of SMA

Nusantara Plus, which consisted of 93 students who were divided into three

classes: one class for XI MIA and two classes for XI IIS. The researcher chose the

eleventh-grade students as a population of this research because explanation text

is one of many texts that should be learned by the learners in class XI.

Table 3.2

The Population of the Research

Class Class Group Class The Number of Students

XI 3 XI MIA 31

XI IIS 1 31

XI IIS 2 31

The Number of Population 93

2. Sample

The researcher used purposive sampling in choosing a sample of this research.

It was a sample selection based on the nature of research aims. The sample was XI

IIS 1 consisted of 31 students and XI IIS 2 consisted of 31 students. The classes

were selected based on the result of the ANOVA test. The researcher used the test

of ANOVA to test the similarity of student’s characteristic through the scores of


the students’ midterm exam. The result of the ANOVA test could be seen in the

appendix. Then, the result of ANOVA test stated that XI IIS 1 and XI IIS 2 had

the same characteristic. It was also reinforced by the suggestion from the English

teacher of SMA Nusantara Plus because students of XI IIS 1 and XII IIS 2 had

similar characteristics and abilities. Also, based on the result of the ANOVA test,

the mean score of XI IIS 1 got lower than the mean score of XI IIS 2 so that XI

IIS 1 as experimental class and XI IIS 2 as controlled class. Besides, the

researcher also used lotteries as reinforcement through paper rolls contain the

name of classes and then the researcher took the paper roll to determine the

experimental and controlled class. Therefore, the sampling was assigned to XI IIS

1 as the experimental class and XI IIS 2 as the controlled class.

Table 3.3

The Sample of the Research

No. Class The Number of



1. XI IIS 1 31 Experimental Class

2. XI IIS 2 31 Controlled Class

The Number of Samples 62

D. The Content of Intervention

In this research, the researcher only gave the treatment by using inquiry-based

learning method to the experimental class in four sessions in two weeks.

However, the researcher also presented two sessions for pre-test and post-test to

both the experimental and controlled class in a week. Thus, there were six

sessions in three weeks in this research. The intervention session took 60 minutes

in each course. The topic of this research is about writing an explanation text at

the eleventh-grade students. By using inquiry-based learning method, the learning

activity consists of five stages, such as asking, investigating, creating, discussing,

and reflecting. The table content of each session was described below.


Table 3.4

Table Content of Intervention No. Session Procedures of Activities

1. The first session (week 1)


1. Explain the objective of the test

2. Provide background knowledge of

the nature of explanation text

3. Give instructions to answer the

question related to writing the

explanation text

4. Give the writing test about a flood

2. The second session or the

first treatment (week 1),

the third session or the

second treatment (week 2),

the fourth session or the third

treatment (week 2), and

the fifth session or the fourth

treatment (week 3)

(Intervention Session)

1. Explain the objective of the course

2. Explain the aim of using inquiry-

based learning method

3. Give instructions on how to apply

the inquiry-based learning method

which consists of five stages: ask,

investigate, create, discuss, and


4. Provide the topic related to writing

explanation text which each session

has the different theme, such as the

first treatment is about a tsunami, the

second treatment is about a volcano,

the third treatment is about a

landslide, and the fourth treatment is

about a rain

5. Provide the asking stage for students

to ask the question related to the

given topic

6. Provide the investigating stage for

students to think about the answer to


the question of the given topic

7. Provide the creating step for students

to write the explanation text related

to the question of the given topic

(give the writing task about the given


8. Provide the discussing stage for

students to discuss and share their

writing related to the given topic

9. Provide the reflecting step for

students to indicate whether their

writing is appropriate to the question

10. Give feedback, evaluation, and


3. The sixth session (week 3)


1. Explain the objective of the test

2. Give instructions to answer the

question related to writing the

explanation text

3. Give the writing test about an


E. Research Instrument

The researcher used a test as an instrument in this research. The given test was

the researcher asked students to write an explanation text based on the given topic.

The students were asked to write at least 150 words. The written test format was

attached in the appendix. The researcher gave the test to both the experimental

and controlled class before and after treatment. The given test before treatment

was pre-test while the given test after treatment was post-test. In this research, the

pre-test was provided by the researcher to both the experimental and controlled

class which aims to measure or know the initial ability of students in writing

explanation text while post-test was given to both the experimental and controlled


class after treatments. Therefore, post-test is supposed to compare whether the

treatment by using inquiry-based learning method was going to affect students’

writing ability of explanation text or not. Also, the researcher used rubric scoring

for scoring both the pre-test and post-test, which is proposed by Arthur Hughes.

The rubric consists of some components, such as grammar, vocabulary,

mechanics, fluency (style and ease of communication), and form (organization).

The table of the rubric of scoring students’ writing is described below.1

Table 3.5

The Rubric of Scoring Students’ Writing No. Components

of Writing




1. Grammar 6 Few noticeable errors of grammar or word


5 Some errors of grammar or word order which

do not, however, interfere with


4 Errors of grammar and word order fairly

frequent; occasional re-reading necessary for

full comprehension

3 Errors of grammar and word order frequent;

efforts of interpretation sometimes required

on the reader’s part

2 Errors of grammar and word order very

frequent; the reader often has to rely on own


1 Errors of grammar and word order so severe

as to make comprehension virtually


2. Vocabulary 6 Use of vocabulary and idiom rarely

1 Arthur Hughes, Testing for Language Teachers Second Edition, (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 2003), pp. 101-102.


distinguishable from that of educated native


5 Occasionally uses in appropriate terms or

relies on circumlocutions; expression of ideas

hardly impaired

4 Use wrong or inappropriate words fairly

frequently; expression of ideas may be limited

because of the inadequate vocabulary

3 Limited vocabulary and frequent errors

clearly hinder the expression of ideas

2 Vocabulary so limited and so frequently

misused that the reader must often rely on

own interpretation

1 Vocabulary limitation so extreme as to make

comprehension virtually impossible

3. Mechanics 6 Few noticeable lapses in punctuation or


5 Occasional lapses in punctuation or spelling

which does not, however, interfere with


4 Errors in punctuation or spelling fairly

frequent; occasional re-reading necessary for

full comprehension

3 Frequent in punctuation or spelling;

sometimes lead to obscurity

2 Errors in spelling or punctuation so frequent

that the reader must often rely on own


1 Errors in spelling and punctuation so severe


as to make comprehension virtually


4. Fluency (Style

and Ease of


6 Choice of structures and vocabulary

consistently appropriate; like that of an

educated native writer

5 Occasionally lack of consistency in choice of

structures and vocabulary, which does not,

however, impair overall ease of


4 Some structures and vocabulary items

noticeably inappropriate to the general style

3 Structures and vocabulary items sometimes

not only inappropriate but also misuse, little

sense of ease of communication

2 Communication often impaired by completely

inappropriate of misused structures and


1 A ‘hotch-potch’ of half-learned misused

structures and vocabulary items rendering

communication almost impossible

5. Form


6 Highly organized; clear progression of the

idea well linked; like an educated native


5 Material well organized; links could

occasionally be clear but communication not


4 Some lack of organization; re-reading

required for clarification of ideas

3 Little or no attempt at connectivity, though


the reader can deduce some organization

2 Individual may be clear, but very difficult to

deduce the connection between them

1 Lack of organization so severe that

communication is seriously impaired


Total Score = Grammar + Vocabulary + Mechanics + Fluency + Form

F. Technique of Data Collection

The researcher used pre-test and post-test in the data collection technique of

this reseaarch. The researcher gave the pre-test before treatment that aims to know

and measure student’s initial knowledge about writing an explanation text. It was

given to both the experimental and controlled class. Furthermore, the researcher

provided the treatment by using the inquiry-based learning method, which was

only implemented in the experimental class. During treatments, the controlled

class was taught explanation text without the treatment as the experimental class.

After giving some treatments in four meetings, the post-test was provided by the

researcher to both the experimental and controlled class, which aims to measure

the students’ writing ability of explanation text after given different treatments.

Finally, the result of pre-test and post-test was compared to identify whether the

inquiry-based learning method showed a significant effect on students’ writing

ability of explanation text or not.

G. Technique of Data Analysis

The researcher used the preliminary analysis, which consists of a normality

test and homogeneity test in the data analysis technique. The researcher used IBM

SPSS Statistics (Special Package of the Social Sciences) version 20 software for

data analysis. The procedure of using SPSS 20 in getting the result of the

normality test, homogeneity test, and independent sample t-test could be seen in

the appendix. Then, the researcher also used a t-test, which aims to calculate and

to find out the differences between students’ pre-test and post-test. The

explanation as follows:


1. Test of Normality

The purpose of the normality test is to recognize whether the data of the two

classes are normal or not. The data could be categorized as normal if the

significance is more than 0.05. In this research, the researcher used Kolmogorov-

Smirnov as the normality test. Hence, the hypotheses are as follows:2

Ho: Data of X is normally distributed

H1: Data of X is not normally distributed

The table of criteria of the hypothesis is described below.3

Table 3.6

Criteria of Hypothesis of Normality Test

No. Criteria Description

1. Sig or p-value < α (0.05) Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted

2. Sig or p-value > α (0.05) Ho is accepted and H1 is rejected

a. Normality test of the pre-test

Table 3.7

Normality Test of Pre-test

Based on table 3.7 above, the result of the normality test of pre-test showed

that the significance of experimental class by using Kolmogorov-Smirnov was

0.162 and the significance of controlled class was 0.160. The values of normality

of pre-test in both the experimental and controlled class were above 0.05.

Therefore, the results above showed that the significances of the two classes were

higher than α (0.05). Thus, Ho is accepted and H1 is rejected, which means that the

pre-test data in this research were normally distributed.

2 Stanislaus S. Uyanto, Pedoman Analisis Data dengan SPSS Edisi 3, (Yogyakarta: Graha

Ilmu, 2009), p. 40. 3 Ibid.


b. Normality test of the post-test

Table 3.8

Normality Test of Post-test

The result of the normality test of post-test above described that the

significance of experimental class by using Kolmogorov-Smirnov was 0.148 and

the significance of controlled class was 0.058. The values of the normality test of

post-test by using Kolmogorov Smirnov were higher than 0.05. Hence, the results

could be concluded that the significances of the two classes were above α (0.05)

in which Ho is accepted. Therefore, it could be found that the data of post-test in

this research were normal.

2. Test of Homogeneity

After getting the normality test, the researcher used a test of homogeneity. The

purpose of the homogeneity test is to know whether the data of the two classes

have the same variant or not. In this case, the data could be categorized as

homogeneous if the significance is more than 0.05. In this research, the researcher

used Levene Statistic as the homogeneity test. Hence, the hypotheses are as


Ho: Data of X is homogeneous

H1: Data of X is not homogeneous

The table of criteria of the hypothesis is described below.5

4 Edi Riadi, Statistika Penelitian (Analisis Manual dan IBM SPSS), (Yogyakarta: CV. ANDI

OFFSET, 2016), p. 142. 5 Riadi, op.cit., p. 139.


Table 3.9

Criteria of Hypothesis of Homogeneity Test

No. Criteria Description

1. Sig or p-value < 𝛼 (0.05) Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted

2. Sig or p-value > 𝛼 (0.05) Ho is accepted and H1 is rejected

a. Homogeneity Test of the Pre-test

Table 3.10

Homogeneity Test of Pre-test

In this research, the researcher analyzed the homogeneity of pre-test with a

significant level of α = 0.05. Based on table 3.10, the result showed that the

significance of pre-test by using Levene Statistic was 0.945. It proves that the

significance of pre-test was higher than the significant level (0.945 > 0.05). Thus,

Ho is accepted and H1 is rejected. It means that the data of pre-test in this research

were homogeneous.

b. Homogeneity Test of the Post-test

Table 3.11

Homogeneity Test of Post-test

According to table 3.11, the result showed that the significance of post-test by

using Levene Statistic was 0.567 in which the significance of post-test was higher

than the significant level (0.567 > 0.05). Hence, Ho is accepted. Therefore, it

could be concluded that the data of post-test in this research were homogeneous.

3. T-test

After getting the result of the normality test and homogeneity test, the

researcher used the t-test. The purpose of the t-test is to test the truth or falsehood


of the hypothesis of the research. The researcher used statistical analysis with t-

test by using SPSS and manual calculation. It aims to strengthen the result of

hypothesis in this research.

In this research, the researcher used independent sample t-test by using SPSS

20. The purpose of independent sample t-test is to test the significance of the

average difference between the two groups.6 This test is used to test the effect of

the independent variable on the dependent variable.7 In the first step of

independent sample t-test, the researcher used the hypothesis of Levene’s test for

equality of variances that aims to find out whether the assumptions of the two

variances are equally fulfilled or not. Hence, the hypotheses are as follows:8

Ho: Both groups have the same variant

H1: Both groups have different variant

The table of criteria of the hypothesis is described below.9

Table 3.12

Criteria of Hypothesis of Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances No. Criteria Explanation

1. Sig > 𝛼 (0.05) Ho is accepted and H1 is rejected

2. Sig < 𝛼 (0.05) Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted

After getting the result of equal variances assumed were fulfilled, the

researcher conducted the next test by using the results of the t-test two

independent samples assuming that the two groups have the same variant. Hence,

the hypotheses are as follows:10

Ho: Both groups have the same level or there is no significant difference in the

average value between the two groups

H1: Both groups have a different level or there is a significant difference in the

average value between the two groups

6 C. Trihendradi, 7 Langkah Mudah Melakukan Analisis Statistik Menggunakan SPSS 17,

(Yogyakarta: CV. ANDI OFFSET, 2009), p. 111. 7 C. Trihendradi, Step by Step SPSS 18 Analisis Data Statistik, (Yogyakarta: CV. ANDI

OFFSET, 2010), p. 110. 8 Trihendradi, op.cit., p. 114. 9 Ibid. 10 Trihendradi, op.cit., p. 114.


The table of criteria of the hypothesis is described below.11

Table 3.13

Criteria of Hypothesis of T-test Two Independents Samples No. Criteria Explanation

1. Sig (2-tailed) > 𝛼 (0.05)


to < ttable

Ho is accepted and H1 is rejected

2. Sig (2-tailed) < 𝛼 (0.05)


to > ttable

Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted

After the researcher getting the result of independent sample t-test (sig. 2

tailed) of post-test and gained score by using SPSS 20, the researcher used the

manual calculation of t-test to obtain the validity of statistical hypotheses of this

research. The data acquired needs to analyzed and calculated by using a

mathematical calculation system with a significant level of 0.05 to get the value of

t-table. The formulations of statistical calculation could be calculated as follows:

to = 21





to = The value of "t observe”

M1 = Mean of the difference of experimental class

M2 = Mean of the difference of controlled class

SEM1 = Standard error of experimental class

SEM2 = Standard error of controlled class

To get the value of t-table with a significant level of 0.05 above, it needs to

follow the procedures of the manual calculation. The processes of the formulation

could be calculated as follows:

11 Trihendradi, op.cit., p. 115.


a. Finding the mean of variable X

M1 = ∑X


b. Finding the mean of variable Y

M2 = ∑Y


c. Finding the standard deviation of variable X

SD1 = n

X 2

d. Finding the standard deviation of variable Y

SD2 = n

Y 2

e. Finding the standard error mean variable X

SEM1 = 11




f. Finding the standard error mean variable Y

SEM2 = 12




g. Determining the standard error of the difference of the mean of variable X

and Y

SEM1-M2 = 22 21 MMSESE +

h. Determining to

to = 21




i. Determining t-table in significant level 5%, with df (degree of freedom)

df = (N1 + N2) -2


M1 : The mean of a gain score of experimental class

M2 : The mean of a gain score of controlled class

X : The total score of the experimental class’ gain score

Y : The total score of the controlled class’ gain score


X2 : The total of experimental class’ gain score minus M1

Y2 : The total of controlled class’ gain score minus M2

SD1 : The standard deviation of a gain score of experimental class

SD2 : The standard deviation of a gain score of controlled class

SEM1 : The standard error mean of experimental class

SEM2 : The standard error mean of a controlled class

N1 : The total number of students in the experimental class

N2 : The total number of students in the controlled class

After that, the researcher used Cohen’s theory that aims to measure whether

the effect size of the method was strong. The formulation could be analyzed as


𝑑 =(mean of group A − mean of group B

pooled standard deviation

The pooled standard deviation =

(Standard deviation of group 1 + standard deviation of group 2)


After getting the results, it could be interpreted based on the criteria. The table

of criteria is represented below.13

Table 3.14

Table of Criteria of Pooled Standard Deviation Result Scale Criteria

0 - 0.20 Weak effect

0.21 – 0.50 Modest effect

0.51 – 1.00 Moderate effect

>1.00 Strong effect

12 Daniel Muijs, Doing Quantitative Research in Education with SPSS: 2nd Edition, (London:

SAGE Publications Ltd., 2011), p. 120. 13 Muijs, op.cit., p. 121.


H. Statistical Hypothesis

In this research, a hypothesis is used to know and to find the results of the

research. The hypothesis of the research could be analyzed as follows:

H1 = to>tt

Ho = to<tt

1. (H1) Alternative Hypothesis: There is a significant effect of using inquiry-based

learning method on students’ writing ability of explanation text.

2. (Ho) Null Hypothesis: There is no significant effect of using inquiry-based

learning method on students’ writing ability of explanation text.

The table of criteria of the statistical hypothesis is described below.

Table 3.15

Criteria of Statistical Hypothesis No. Criteria Explanation

1. to>tt The alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted and the

null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. It concludes that

there is a significant effect on students’ writing

ability of explanation text between students who

are taught by using inquiry-based learning method

and students who are not guided by using inquiry-

based learning method.

2. to<tt The alternative hypothesis (H1) is rejected and the

null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted. It concludes that

there is no significant effect on students’ writing

ability of explanation text between students who

are taught by using inquiry-based learning method

and students who are not guided by using inquiry-

based learning method.




A. Research Finding

This chapter provides the results of the test which were given in both

experimental and controlled class in SMA Nusantara Plus. Then, the result of the

test would be analyzed to obtain the empirical evidence of the effect of using

inquiry-based learning method on students’ writing ability of explanation text at

the eleventh-grade students of SMA Nusantara Plus in academic year 2018/2019.

1. Data Description

The data was obtained from tests in which administered at the beginning and

the end of the research. Those tests were classified into two: pre-test and post-test.

The researcher gave those tests to both the experimental and controlled class in

this research. The instrument of the research was a test on writing an explanation

text. Then, the sample of this research was 62 students. Hence, the result of the

data would be provided in the following explanation.

a. The Students’ Score of Pre-Test

The data that would be presented below are the results of the pre-tests

conducted in both the experimental and controlled class. The results of those data

were classified into three categories, namely low score (>70), moderate score (70-

80), and high score (81-90). Additionally, the standard of minimum completeness

in English learning is 70 in which it was categorized as a low score. Therefore, the

table of the score of pre-test could be seen in the table below.


Table 4.1

The Pre-test Score of Experimental Class and Controlled Class

Score Experimental


Score Controlled Class

Freq. (%) Freq. (%)

*< 70 27 87.10 *< 70 24 77.42

70-80 4 12.90 70-80 7 22.58

81-90 - 0 81-90 - 0

Mean 61.16 Mean 63.55

Min. Score 50 Min. Score 53

Max. Score 80 Max. Score 80

*below the standard of minimum completeness

Based on the table above, the number of students in the experimental class

who got a low score is 27 students (87.10%) with the lowest score is 50. Then, the

number of students who got a moderate score is four students (12.90%) with the

highest score was 80. However, the number of students in the controlled class

who got a low score is 24 students (77.42%) with the lowest score was 53. Also,

the number of students who got a moderate score is seven students (22.58%) with

the highest score was 80.

Furthermore, the result of the table showed that the mean score of pre-test in

the experimental class is 61.16, while the mean score of pre-test in controlled

class is 63.55. Hence, it proved that the controlled class got higher than

experimental class in the pre-test. Also, the calculation of the list of students’

scores of pre-test in both experimental class and controlled class could be seen in

the appendix.

Besides, based on the normality test and homogeneity test, the data

distribution of the pre-test score of this research in both the experimental class and

the controlled class was normal and homogeneous. The result of the normality test

of pre-test could be seen in table 3.7. Then, the result of the homogeneity test was

attached in table 3.10.


Besides, the researcher also did the t-test of pre-test score that aims to test the

variances of students’ ability of the two classes and to know the condition of two

classes before giving treatment in the experimental class. The result could be

described in the table below.

Table 4.2

Group Statistics of Pre-test Score

Table 4.3

T-test of Pre-test

According to table 4.2, it described the mean, the standard deviation, and the

standard error of the mean of pre-test score. Based on the table, the sample size

for each group was 62 in which 31 for experimental class and 31 for controlled

class. The mean score was 61.16 for experimental class and the mean score was


63.55 for controlled class. Also, the standard deviation of the experimental class

was 6.694 and the standard deviation of the controlled class was 6.874.

Furthermore, the standard error mean of the experimental class was 1.202 and the

standard error mean of the controlled class was 1.235.

After that, table 4.3 was the result of the t-test of pre-test analyzed by using

SPSS 20. In the first stage, the researcher used the hypothesis of Levene’s test to

test the homogeneity variance. Based on the table, it stated that p-value = 0.945.

In this research, the significance level was 5%. Therefore, the value of Sig.

Levene’s test (0.945) was more than α (0.05). Hence, Ho was accepted. It means

that both the experimental class and controlled class have the same variant. In

other words, equal variances assumed were fulfilled. Because of the result of

Levene’s test above stated that both the experimental class and controlled class

have the same variance or equal variances assumed were filled, then the

researcher did the next test by using the result of the t-test two independent

samples assuming that the two groups have the same variance.

From table 4.3 above, it shows that p-value was 0.171. Because p-value was

higher than α (0.171 > 0,005), so Ho was accepted. Therefore, it deduced that both

groups have the same average ability, which deduces that there was no significant

difference between the experimental class and the controlled class. Besides, the

value of to was -1.385 and the value of tt with df60 is 1.67. Therefore, it described

that to < tt (-1.385 < 1.67). Hence, it proves that there was no difference in the

initial condition of experimental class and controlled class in the pre-test.

As a whole, the two classes have the same characteristic in the beginning

based on the result of the normality test, homogeneity test, and t-test.

b. The Students’ Score of Post-Test

The data provided below are the results of the post-tests conducted in both

experimental class and controlled class. The score of data was classified into three

categories, namely low score (>70), moderate score (70-80), and high score (81-

90). In this case, the standard of minimum completeness in English learning is 70.

Then, the table of the count of post-test could be described in the table below.


Table 4.4

The Post-test Score of Experimental Class and Controlled Class Score Experimental Class Score Controlled Class

Freq. (%) Freq. (%)

*< 70 - 0 *< 70 - 0

70-80 19 61.29 70-80 25 80.65

81-90 12 38.71 81-90 6 19.35

Mean 80.13 Mean 77.26

Min. Score 70 Min. Score 70

Max. Score 90 Max. Score 90

*below the standard of minimum completeness

The result of the table above stated that there were no students of the

experimental class and the controlled class who had a low score in the score of

post-test. Therefore, the count of post-test in both experimental class and

controlled class were only classified into the moderate score and high score. The

students’ number in the experimental class who got a moderate score is 19

students (61.29%) in which the lowest score was 70. Then, the number of students

who got a high score is 12 students (38.71%) in which the highest score was 90.

Besides, the number of students in the controlled class who got a moderate score

is 25 students (80.65%) in which the lowest score was 70. Then, the number of

students who got the highest score is six students (19.35%) in which the highest

score was 90.

Furthermore, the table showed that the mean score of pre-test in the

experimental class was 80.13 and the mean score of pre-test in controlled class

was 77.26. Thus, it described that the experimental class got higher than the

controlled class in post-test in which it proved that there was an improvement in

the score of post-test in the experimental class. Therefore, it means that there was

a different result of the post-test score in both the experimental class and

controlled class. Additionally, the calculation of the list of students’ rating of post-

test could be seen in the appendix.


c. The Students’ Score of Gained Score

After getting the data of pre-test and post-test, the researcher also presented

the data from the students’ score of gained score in both the experimental class

and controlled class. The result of the gained score was obtained from the post-

test score minus the pre-test score. The list of data of students’ rating of the gained

score was represented in the appendix.

The results of the data were classified into four ranges: the first range (< 0),

the second range (0-10), the third range (11-20), the fourth range (21-30), and the

fifth range (31-40). Therefore, the table of the score of gained score could be seen

in the table below.

Table 4.5

The Gained Score of Experimental Class and Controlled Class Score Experimental Class Score Controlled Class

Freq. (%) Freq. (%)

< 0 - 0 < 0 1 3.23

0-10 4 12.90 0-10 13 41.93

11-20 16 51.61 11-20 10 32.26

21-30 10 32.26 21-30 7 22.58

31-40 1 3.23 31-40 - 0

Mean 18.97 Mean 13.71

Min. Score 4 Min. Score -7

Max. Score 37 Max. Score 30

Based on table 4.5 above, the mean of the gained score was different. Overall,

students in the experimental class got improvement in score ranged from 0-40 in

which the highest score was 37 and the lowest score was 4. Besides, the students

in the controlled class got the score in the range of < 31 in which the highest score

was 30 and the lowest score was -7. Thus, the mean score of gained score of

controlled class (13.71) got a lower score than the mean score of gained score of

experimental class (18.97). Therefore, it means that there was a different result of

the gained score in both the experimental class and controlled class. Also, the


calculation of the list of students’ rating of gained score could be seen in the


2. Data Analysis

In data analysis of this research, the researcher used SPSS 20 for analyzing the

normality test, homogeneity test, and t-test. However, the researcher also used

both IBM SPSS 20 and manual calculation in analyzing data of t-test in which it

aims to know the effect of using inquiry-based learning method at the eleventh-

grade students of SMA Nusantara Plus in academic year 2018/2019. In the data

analysis, it was classified into three parts: normality test, homogeneity test, and t-


a. Normality Test

In the data analysis of normality test, the researcher calculated the data of pre-

test and post-test in both the experimental class and controlled class by using

normality test that aims to know the data of the research were normally-

distributed. In this research, the researcher used Kolmogorov-Smirnov as the

normality test.

1) Normality Test of Pre-test

The researcher used Kolmogorov Smirnov for the normality test by using SPSS

20. The result of the normality test of pre-test could be seen in table 3.7. Based on

the result, the data of normality test of pre-test showed that the significance of

experimental class by using Kolmogorov-Smirnov was (0.162 > 0.05) and the

significance of controlled class was (0.160 > 0.05). Therefore, the results above

showed that the significances of the two classes were higher than α=0.05. Thus,

Ho is accepted and H1 is rejected, which means that the pre-test data in this

research were normally distributed.

2) Normality Test of Post-test

Kolmogorov Smirnov is used for the normality test by using SPSS 20. The

result of the data of the normality test of post-test in both experimental and

controlled class could be seen in table 3.8. The result of the normality test of post-

test above described that the significance of experimental class by using


Kolmogorov-Smirnov was 0.148 and the significance of controlled class was

0.058. The results of the normality test of post-test were higher than 0.05. Hence,

the results could be concluded that the significances of the two classes were above

α=0.05 in which the Ho is accepted. Therefore, it could be found that the data of

post-test in this research were normal.

b. Homogeneity Test

After calculating the data of the normality test, the researcher estimated the

data by using a homogeneity test that aims to know the data of the research were

homogeneous. In this research, the researcher used Levene Statistic as the

homogeneity test.

1) Homogeneity Test of Pre-test

The researcher analyzed the homogeneity of pre-test with significant level

α=0.05. Based on table 3.10, the result showed that the significance of pre-test by

using Levene Statistic was 0.945. It proves that the significance of pre-test was

higher than significant level. Thus, Ho is accepted. It means that the data of pre-

test in both the experimental and controlled class were homogeneous.

2) Homogeneity Test of Post-test

Based on table 3.11, the result showed that the significance of post-test by

using Levene Statistic was 0.567 in which the significance of post-test was higher

than the significant level (0.567 > 0.05). Hence, Ho is accepted. Therefore, it

could be concluded that the data of post-test in this research were homogeneous.

c. T-test

After getting the normality test and homogeneity test of this research, the

researcher used t-test in calculating the data. The researcher used both IBM SPSS

20 and manual calculation in analyzing data of t-test. The researcher used

independent sample t-test for analyzing the data in the pre-test, post-test, and

gained score based on the calculating in IBM SPSS 20. However, the results of

the t-test of pre-test were represented in table 4.2 and table 4.3. In this case, t-test

aims to test variances in two groups or to test the significance in the average of the

two groups. Besides, independent sample t-test aims to strengthen the result of


hypothesis and to know the effect of using inquiry-based learning method at the

eleventh-grade students of SMA Nusantara Plus. After that, the researcher also

used a manual calculation to strengthen the data result of the gained score by

using the formula described in chapter III.

In the first step of independent sample t-test, the researcher used the

hypothesis of Levene’s test for equality of variances that aims to find out whether

the assumptions of the two variances are equally fulfilled or not. The criteria of

these hypotheses could be seen in table 3.12

After getting the result of equal variances assumed were fulfilled, the

researcher did the next test by using the results of the t-test two independent

samples assuming that the two groups have the same variance. The criteria of

hypotheses could be seen in table 3.13.

1) T-test of Post-test

Table 4.6

Group Statistics of Post-test Score

Table 4.7

Independent Sample T-test of Post-test


After getting the result of the analysis of the independent sample t-test of pre-

test in SPSS 20, the researcher also analyzed the t-test for the post-test score. It

was conducted to know the condition of two classes after giving treatment in the

experimental class. The table of 4.6 above showed that there was an improvement

in the mean score of two classes. The mean score in the experimental class got an

increased from 61.16 in the pre-test to 80.13 in the post-test and the mean score in

the controlled class got an increased from 63.55 in the pre-test to 77.26 in the

post-test. Also, the standard deviation of the experimental class was 5.920 and the

standard deviation of the controlled class was 5.151.

Then, the value of Sig. Levene’s test was 0.567, which stated that it is more

than 𝛼 (0.567 > 0.05). Hence, Ho was accepted. It means that the experimental and

controlled class were homogeneous or equal variances assumed were fulfilled.

Therefore, the researcher did the next test by using the results of the t-test two

independent samples assuming that the two groups have the same variance.

According to table 4.7, it showed that p-value was 0.046. Because p-value

was smaller than 𝛼 (0.046 < 0,05) so that Ho was rejected. Hence, it stated that

there was a significant difference between the two classes. Besides, the value of to

was 2.037 and the value of ttable with df60 is 1.67. Thus, to was more than ttable

(2.037 > 1.67) in which Ho was rejected and H1 was accepted. Thus, it could be

proved that there was a significant difference between the two classes after giving

the treatment by using inquiry-based learning method in the experimental class. In

other words, inquiry-based learning method affects the students’ writing ability of

explanation text the eleventh-grade students of SMA Nusantara Plus in academic

year 2018/2019.


2) T-test of Gained Score

In this part, the researcher also analyzed t-test of the gained score of pre-test

and post-test score. The gained score was obtained from the score of post-test

minus the score of the pre-test. Those results of the calculation could be seen in

the appendix. Besides, the result of analysis t-test by using SPSS 20 was presented


Table 4.8

Group Statistics of Gained Score

Table 4.9

Independent Sample T-test of Gained Score

Based on table 4.8, it showed the mean, the standard deviation, and the

standard error of the mean of a gained score. Then, the mean score of the gained

score of the experimental class was 18.97 and the mean score of the gained score

of the controlled class was 13.71. Furthermore, the standard deviation of the


gained score of the experimental class was 6.468 and the standard deviation of the

gained score of the controlled class was 8.243. Also, the standard error mean of

the gained score of the experimental class was 1.162 and the standard error mean

of the gained score of the controlled class was 1.480.

Besides, table 4.9 described the result of independent sample t-test of pre-test

analyzed by using SPSS 20. In the first stage of independent sample t-test, the

researcher used the hypothesis of Levene’s test to test the homogeneity variance.

The table above proved that p = 0.211. In this research, the researcher used the

significance level is 5%, so that the value of Sig. Levene’s test (0.211) > 𝛼 (0.05).

Therefore, Ho was accepted in which it means that the two classes have the same

variant or equal variances assumed were fulfilled. Because the result of Levene’s

test above proved that the two classes were homogeneous or equal variances

assumed were fulfilled, the researcher used the next test by using the result of the

t-test two independent samples assuming that the two groups have the same

variance. The result of the table above described that p-value was 0.007. Because

p-value was lower than 𝛼 (0.007 < 0.05), Ho was rejected. Therefore, it deduces

that there was a significant difference between the two classes. Furthermore, the

table stated that the value of to was 2.794 and the value of tt with df60 is 1.67.

Therefore, it stated that to > tt (2.794 > 1.67). It means that there was a significant

difference in the condition of experimental and controlled class in the gained

score. In other words, the result of the t-test of the gained score was the treatment

by using inquiry-based learning method affects on the students’ writing ability of

explanation text the eleventh-grade students of SMA Nusantara Plus.

Besides, the researcher also used manual calculation in analyzing the data of t-

test. The first step of manual calculation was the calculation of gained score of the

experimental and controlled class. The complete data of statistical calculation of

gained score of experimental class (x) and controlled class (y) could be seen in the

appendix. Based on the statistical calculation, it shows that the total of the gained

score of the experimental class was 588 and the total of the gained score of the

controlled class was 425. Besides, the researcher also got the result of (X-MX)2

and (Y-MY)2, which obtained from gained score minus the mean of gained score


and then the results are squared. The process of manual calculation of gained

score of experimental class (x) and controlled class (y) could be seen below.

Based on the statistical calculation result of the gained score of experimental

class (x) and controlled class (y) described in the appendix, the result of data

would be calculated by using t-test calculation. The calculation as follows:

a) Determining Mean of Variable X

M1 = n

X =


588= 18.97

b) Determining Mean of Variable Y

M2 = n



425= 13.71

c) Determining Standard Deviation of Variable X

SD1 = n

X 2=


94.1254 = 48.40 = 6.36

d) Determining Standard Deviation of Variable Y

SD2 = n

Y 2 =


26.2038 = 75.65 = 8.11

e) Determining Standard Error Mean Variable X

SEM1 = 11



SD =



− =


36.6 =


36.6 = 1.16

f) Determining Standard Error Mean Variable Y

SEM2 = 12



SD =



− =


11.8 =


11.8 = 1.48

g) Determining Standard Error of Difference of mean of variable X and Y

SEM1-M2 = 22 21 MM

SESE + =

22 48.116.1 + = 19.235.1 + = 54.3 =


h) Determining to

to = 21






71.1397.18 − =


26.5 = 2.80


i) Determining t-table in significant level 5%, with a degree of freedom

df = (N1 + N2) -2 = (31 + 31) -2 = 62-2 = 60

Based on the manual calculation above, it showed that the value of the degree

of freedom (df) in this research was 60 and the value of to was 2.80. Furthermore,

the researcher used significance level 5% in which the value of t-table with a

significant level of 5% is 1.67. Then, the researcher got the difference between to

and tt with a significance level of 5%.

Significance level 5%: to > tt = 2.80 > 1.67

In the hypothesis test, the researcher compared the value of to = 2.80 and tt

with significance level 5% = 1.67. From the result of comparing both the value of

to and tt with significance level 5%, the researcher concludes that to was higher

than tt (2.80 > 1.67), which states that the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected.

Therefore, there was a significant effect of using inquiry-based learning method

on students’ writing ability of explanation text at the eleventh-grade students of

SMA Nusantara Plus in academic year 2018/2019.

Besides, the researcher used the effect size by Cohen that aims to reinforce the

result of t-test. Then, it also aimed to find out whether the effect of using inquiry-

based learning method on students’ writing ability of explanation text at the

eleventh-grade students of SMA Nusantara Plus in academic year 2018/2019 was

strong or not.

After getting the result of T-test of post-test by using SPSS 20, the data

needed to be calculated by using effect size. The calculation as follows:

𝑑 =(mean of group A − mean of group B)

pooled standard deviation

𝑑 =(mean of group A − mean of group B)

(standard deviation of group 1 + standard deviation of group 2): 2

𝑑 =80.13 − 77.26

(5.920 + 5.151): 2

𝑑 =2.87

(11.07): 2

𝑑 = 0.52


From the result of the effect size of the post-test calculation above, it could be

concluded that the scale of the effect size of this research is 0.52. Therefore, based

on the criteria of pooled standard deviation result described in table 3.14, the

effect size of this research is moderate. It means that the effect of using inquiry-

based learning method is quite practical on students’ writing ability of explanation

test at the eleventh-grade students of SMA Nusantara Plus in academic year


3. Hypothesis Testing

In this research, the researcher did the research to obtain the empirical

evidence about the effect of using inquiry-based learning method on students’

writing ability of explanation text at the eleventh-grade students of SMA

Nusantara Plus in academic year 2018/2019. Hence, the writer used hypothesis

testing that aims to get the result of using inquiry-based learning method on

students’ writing ability of explanation text at the eleventh-grade students of SMA

Nusantara Plus in academic year 2018/2019. The procedure of hypothesis testing

as follows:

a. The alternative hypothesis (H1): there was a significant effect of using inquiry-

based learning method on students’ writing ability of explanation text.

b. The null hypothesis (Ho): there was no significant effect of using inquiry-

based learning method on students’ writing ability of explanation text.

In this case, the researcher needed to verify the hypothesis. The way of

checking the hypothesis was the result of t-test calculation could be tested with the

criteria of the hypothesis below.

a. If to > ttable = the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted and the null

hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. It means that there was a significant effect of

using inquiry-based learning method on students’ writing ability of

explanation text.

b. If to < ttable = the alternative hypothesis (H1) was rejected and the null

hypothesis (Ho) was accepted. It means that there was no significant effect of

using inquiry-based learning method on students’ writing ability of

explanation text.


Based on the t-test manual calculation above, it showed that the value of to

was 2.80 and the degree of freedom (df) was 60. Also, the t-table of 60 with

significance level 5% is 1.67. Hence, to was higher than ttable. In other words, the

result of this research is to > ttable (2.80 > 1.67) in which the alternative hypothesis

(H1) was accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. Besides, based on the

SPSS result of t-test of post-test, the significance was 0.046 (p-value = 0.046). In

other words, p-value < 0.05 (0.046 < 0.05) in which it means that the alternative

hypothesis (H1) was accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected.

Therefore, it can be deduced that there was a significant effect of using inquiry-

based learning method on students’ writing ability of explanation text at the

Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Nusantara Plus in academic year 2018/2019.

B. Discussion

Based on the result of hypothesis testing and finding above, it proved that this

research had the significant effect of using inquiry-based learning method on

students’ writing ability of explanation text. It was shown by the score of pre-test

and post-test of experimental and controlled class. Based on the result of pre-test,

the experimental class got a mean score 61.16 while controlled class got a mean

score 63.55. However, after using the treatment by using inquiry-based learning

method, the experimental class got a higher mean score than the controlled class.

The mean of post-test of the experimental class was 80.13 while controlled class

was 77.26. It means that there was an improvement on students’ writing ability of

explanation text by using inquiry-based learning method. Thus, it proved that the

result answered the research question stated in the introduction of the research.

Besides, this research was also supported by the previous studies conducted by

Milatasari,1 Nurtalina,2 Nisa,3, Nabhan4, and Amarulloh et al.5 that the application

1 Yuniati Ulfah Milatasari, Improving Students’ Ability in Writing Through Inquiry Based

Learning, pp. 9--16. 2 Nurtalina, “A Thesis: The Effect of Using Inquiry-Based Learning Strategy in the Writing

Ability of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Prambanan Klaten in the Academic Year of

2012/2013”, Thesis in Graduate School of State University of Yogyakarta, pp. 76-78, not

published. 3 Maulida Rahmatun Nisa, The Implementation of Teaching Writing Using Inquiry Based

Method at the Second Grade of MTs Negeri Karangdowo Klaten in 2014/2015 Academic Year, pp.



of inquiry-based learning method can be an effective method in developing ideas

of writing the explanation text.

Besides, the purpose of the research conducted by Nabhan was the same as

this research in which it aims to know the effect of using inquiry-based learning

method. However, the research analysis conducted by Nabhan was different from

this research in which Nabhan used quantitative analysis by using SPSS and

qualitative analysis.6 Then, the research analysis of this research only used

quantitative analysis.

Furthermore, the method and design of this research were the same as the

previous studies conducted by Nurtalina and Amarulloh et al. It is because the

studies used quantitative method and quasi-experimental design. However, the

total number of samples was not the same. The total number of samples conducted

by Nurtalina was 64 students in which it comes from the eighth-grade students of

SMP Negeri 1 Prambanan Klaten.7 Then, the total number of samples in the

research undertaken by Amarulloh et al. was 59 students of class XI of vocational

school in Bandung.8 It was different from this research in which 62 students

comes from the eleventh grade students of SMA Nusantara Plus. However, the

procedure of this research was the same as the two previous studies in which the

sample of this research also divided into two classes.

Besides, the testing of the hypothesis of this research was different from the

previous studies conducted by Nurtalina and Amarulloh et al. Nurtalina used the

analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to test the hypothesis.9 Then, in the research

conducted by Amarulloh et al., the hypothesis was analyzed using the Mann-

Whitney test.10 It was different from this research in which the data hypothesis

4 Rabih Joseph Nabhan, Integration of Inquiry-Based Learning and Ongoing Assessment to

Develop English Essay Writing in Upper Intermediate Level, Scientific Research Publishing,

2017, pp. 90--107. 5 R. R. Amarulloh et al., The Implementation of Levels of Inquiry with Writing-To-Learn

Assignment to Improve Vocational School Student’s Science Literacy, Journal of Physics:

Conference Series, 2017, pp. 1--7. 6 Nabhan. loc.cit. 7 Nurtalina. op.cit., pp. 42-43. 8 Amarulloh et al. loc.cit. 9 Nurtalina. op.cit., p. 52. 10 Amarulloh et al., loc.cit.


was tested by using Independent Sample T-test through SPSS 20 and manual

calculation of T-test.

Based on the SPSS result of this research by using independent sample t-test,

p-value was more than 0.05 (0.046 < 0.05) which means that the null hypothesis

(Ho) was rejected. Furthermore, based on the result of the hypothesis test of this

research by using the manual calculation of t-test, to was higher than ttable (2.80 >

1.67) which states that the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. Hence, it concluded

that there was a significant effect of using inquiry-based learning method on

students’ writing ability of explanation text at the eleventh grade students of SMA

Nusantara Plus.

Based on the result of this research, it stated that there was a difference

between both the experimental and controlled class. In this case, the experimental

class which is given the treatment by using inquiry-based learning method got a

higher score than the controlled class which is not given a treatment by using

inquiry-based learning method (80.13 > 77.26). It was also same with the result of

the research conducted by Nurtalina, which stated that both groups have

differences. Through her research, it proved that the mean score of post-test of

students who are taught by using inquiry-based learning method (treatment) differ

from the mean score of post-test score of students who are prepared without using

inquiry-based learning method (82.10 > 66.09).11

In this research, the researcher considered to use Schneider’s theory which

consists of five stages in learning activities. Furthermore, in the previous study

conducted by Milatasari, there are also five steps of the activities by using

inquiry-based learning.12 Hence, it was same from this research. The researcher of

this research conducted five stages in the language learning of writing an

explanation text. It was supported by Schneider that the steps of inquiry-based

learning are asking, investigating, creating, discussing, and reflecting.13 Those

stages give the opportunities in arranging ideas of explanation sequences of

explanation text through asking, investigating, creating, sharing, and reflecting on

11 Nurtalina, op.cit., p. 77. 12 Milatasari, loc.cit. 13 Daniel K. Schneider, Educational (Instructional) Design Models, 2014, pp. 150.


the process of learning writing. The use of inquiry-based learning method can be

an effective way because it consists of five stages which give an opportunity for

students to ask the question about the topic based on the curiosity of the students,

to investigate or observe through media, to create a report into an explanation text,

to share or discuss their result with the students and teacher, and to reflect whether

their writing result is appropriate or not with the problem of the topic. It was line

as the result of the research conducted by Milatasari, which stated that there are

advantages of inquiry-based learning, such as provide an opportunity for students

to be an active learner, develop students’ critical thinking, and make it easy for

students to comprehend the idea of concept or topic.14 Also, students can be more

active in learning activities because the inquiry-based learning method promoted

students to become responsible and motivated to do their work.15 Even, the

inquiry is one of the methods mentioned in the curriculum 2013 that engages

thoughts based on the previous science and experience through the learning way.16

From the data analysis result of this research and the theoretical framework of

advantages of using inquiry-based learning method above, the inquiry-based

learning method is an effective method that can influence students’ writing ability.

It is also supported by research conducted by Amarulloh et al. in which the result

of the research by using effect size with Cohen’s theory proved that inquiry with

writing-to-learn-assignment has a large effect (1.68) in interpreting data and

scientific evidence.17 As a result of the research undertaken by Amarulloh et al.,

the effect size of this research was also shown by Cohen’s theory. Based on

Cohen’s theory result, it indicates that this research obtained a moderate effect

(0.52). Therefore, it proved that the effect of using inquiry-based learning method

was quite effective in increasing students’ writing ability of explanation text at the

eleventh-grade students of SMA Nusantara Plus in academic year 2018/2019.

14 Milatasari, loc.cit. 15 Dek Ngurah Laba Laksana, The Effectiveness of Inquiry Based Learning for Natural

Science Learning in Elementary School, Journal of Education Technology, 1(1), 2017, pp. 3. 16 Vera Septi Andrini, The Effectiveness of Inquiry Learning Method to Enhance Students’

Learning Outcome: A Theoritical and Empirical Review, Journal of Education and Practice, 7(3),

2016, pp. 39. 17 Amarulloh et al., loc.cit.




A. Conclusion

This research was a quasi-experimental design that aimed to obtain the

empirical evidence about the effect of using inquiry-based learning method on

students’ writing ability of explanation text. This research was conducted at the

eleventh-grade students of SMA Nusantara Plus in academic year 2018/2019. In

this research, the pre-test and post-test were given by the researcher to both the

experimental and controlled class before and after treatment based on the given

topic. The data of pre-test and post-test were gained from a test on writing an

explanation text. After that, the treatment was only given to the experimental class

by using inquiry-based learning method. Also, the themes of learning were

different in each session, such as tsunami, volcano, landslide, and rain. Then, the

researcher gave post-test after treatment to both the experimental and controlled

class based on the given topic.

After getting the data of pre-test of experimental and controlled class, it could

be seen that the experimental class got a lower mean score in the pre-test than the

controlled class. The experimental class got 61.16 in the mean score of the pre-

test, while the controlled class got 63.55 in the mean score of the pre-test.

However, the experimental class obtained 80.13 in the mean score of the post-test,

while the controlled class obtained 77.26 in the mean score of the post-test.

Hence, it deduced that there was a different score in the post-test between the

experimental and the controlled class. Besides, the researcher also found that the

average of the gained score of the experimental class got a higher score than the

average score of the controlled class (18.97 > 14.32).

Besides, the researcher used both IBM SPSS 20 and manual calculation in

analyzing data of t-test. The researcher used independent sample t-test for

analyzing the data based on the calculating of IBM SPSS 20. Then, the researcher

used a manual calculation to strengthen the data result of t-test by using formula.

Based on the SPSS result of the t-test of post-test, the significance was 0.046 (p-


value = 0.046). In other words, 0.046 was smaller than 0.05, which states that the

null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. Additionally, the result of the manual

calculation was to was higher than ttable (2.80 > 1.67), which means that the

alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) was

rejected. Therefore, it can be deduced that there was a significant effect of using

inquiry-based learning method on students’ writing ability of explanation text at

the eleventh-grade students of SMA Nusantara Plus in academic year 2018/2019.

Besides, this research used Cohen’s theory to strengthen the result in which

the result showed this research got a moderate effect (0.52). Then, the researcher

also used hypothesis testing that aimed to get the result of using inquiry-based

learning method on students’ writing ability of explanation text. Based on the

hypothesis of this research, the finding result of this research proved that there

was a significant effect of using inquiry-based learning method on students’

writing ability of explanation text at the eleventh-grade students of SMA

Nusantara Plus in academic year 2018/2019. It means that students’ writing ability

of explanation text by using inquiry-based learning method improved more

significant than students’ writing ability of explanation text that was taught

without using inquiry-based learning method. Therefore, it got a conclusion that

the result of this research supported the previous studies that the use of inquiry-

based learning method was an effective way of teaching and learning activity to

enhance the students’ writing ability of explanation text.

B. Suggestion

Based on the result of the research, it conveys some suggestions. The

suggestion as follows:

1. For students

Students should always try to practice learning abilities, especially in

writing. They can practice at home through media or methods that suit their

needs and learning goals. Since the result of this research presented and proved

that the inquiry-based learning method can be an effective way on students’

writing ability, inquiry-based learning method can be a choice to be a learning

method for students in helping students’ abilities in English learning. Besides,


students should be more active, focus, and aware of learning activities so that

students become more understanding of the learning being learned.

2. For teachers

Teachers should be able to choose an appropriate and effective learning

method to make students more active in a class. Furthermore, the teachers

should create a classroom atmosphere that relaxes students to provide a

comfortable learning atmosphere. Then, the teachers should choose the learning

method that is appropriate to the students’ abilities and learning objectives.

Since the result of this research proved that the inquiry-based learning method

could be an effective way on students’ writing ability of explanation text,

teachers could apply inquiry-based learning method as a medium in teaching

and learning activities to help students in improving students’ writing ability

through a learning process.

3. For further researchers

Further researchers could use this research as an additional reference to

support their research. Also, inquiry-based learning method can be a solution for

them to conduct the research with larger samples and different level of students in

other skills.




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Riadi, Edi. Statistika Penelitian (Analisis Manual dan IBM SPSS). Yogyakarta:


Richards, Jack C. and Rodgers, Theodore S. Approaches and Methods in

Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.

Saputra, Hendri and Marzulina, Lenny. Teaching Writing by Using Process Genre

Approach to the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 22 Palembang.

Edukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran. 2(1), 2015.

Schneider, Daniel K. Educational (Instructional) Design Model. 2014.

Setiawan, Rozi, Sujana, I Made, and Apriganto, Kurniawan. The Effect of Think-

Talk-Write (TTW) Technique on Students’ Writing Ability. English

Language Teaching and Technology Journal (ELT-Tech Journal. 1(1),

2017, retrieved from

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Year Social Sciences Inquiry Course: The Interplay of Inquiry and

Metacognition to Enhance Student Learning, In P. Blessinger and J.M.

Carfora (Eds). Inquiry-based Learning for the Arts, Humanities, and Social

Sciences: A Conceptual and Practical Resource for Educators. 2, 2014.

Taberski, Sharon and Burke, Jim. The Common Core Companion: The Standards

Decoded Grades K-2. The United States of America: Corwin Literacy,



Trihendradi, C. 7 Langkah Mudah Melakukan Analisis Statistik Menggunakan

SPSS 1. Yogyakarta: CV. ANDI OFFSET, 2009.

Trihendradi, C. Step by Step SPSS 18 Analisis Data Statistik. Yogyakarta: CV.


Uyanto, Stanislaus S. Pedoman Analisis Data dengan SPSS Edisi 3. Yogyakarta:

Graha Ilmu, 2009.

Walker, Richard. Unit 2 Five Elements of Good Writing. From Great Paragraphs

to Great Essays. 2010.

Wheeler-Toppen, Jodi. Science the Write Way. United States of America: National

Science Teachers Association, 2011.

Yagelski, Robert P. Writing Ten Core Concepts. Stamford: Nelson Education

Ltd., 2015.

Yi, Jyi-yeon. Defining Writing Ability for Classroom Writing Assessment in High

Schools. Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 13(1), 2009.

Zienkowski, Jan, Ostman, Jan-Ola, and Verschueren, Jef. Discursive Pragmatics,

Amsterdam: John Benjamin Publishing Co., 2011.






Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kelas : XI



1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang


Sikap Spiritual

2. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin,

tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama,

toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan

menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas

berbagai permasalahan berinteraksi secara efektif

dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam

menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam

pergaulan dunia.

Sikap Sosial

3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis

pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural, dan

metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya

tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya,

dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,

kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait

penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan

pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang

spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk

memecahkan masalah


4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah

konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan

pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah

secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif,

serta mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah




3 3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks interaksi

transaksional lisan dan

tulis yang melibatkan

tindakan memberi dan

meminta informasi terkait

4 4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi

transaksional, lisan dan

tulis, pendek dan

sederhana, yang

melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait saran dan


saran dan tawaran, sesuai

dengan konteks


(Perhatikan unsur

kebahasaan should, can)

tawaran, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan yang

benar dan sesuai konteks

3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks interaksi

transaksional lisan dan

tulis yang melibatkan

tindakan memberi dan

meminta informasi terkait

pendapat dan pikiran,

sesuai dengan konteks


(Perhatikan unsur

kebahasaan I think, I

suppose, in my opinion)

4.2 Menyusun teks interaksi

transaksional, lisan dan

tulis, pendek dan

sederhana, yang

melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait pendapat

dan pikiran, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan yang

benar dan sesuai konteks

3.3 Membedakan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan

beberapa teks khusus

dalam bentuk undangan

resmi dengan memberi

dan meminta informasi

terkait kegiatan sekolah /

tempat kerja sesuai

dengan konteks


4.3 Teks undangan Resmi

4.3.1 Menangkap makna

secara kontekstual terkait

fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan teks

khusus dalam bentuk

undangan resmi lisan dan

tulis, terkait kegiatan

sekolah / tempat kerja

4.3.2 Menyusun teks khusus

dalam bentuk undangan

resmi lisan dan tulis, terkait

kegiatan sekolah / tempat

kerja, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan secara

benar dan sesuai konteks

3.4 Membedakan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan

beberapa teks eksposisi

analitis lisan dan tulis

dengan memberi dan

meminta informasi terkait

isu aktual, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya

4.4 Teks eksposisi analitis

4.4.1 Menangkap makna

secara kontekstual terkait

fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan teks

eksposisi analitis lisan dan

tulis, terkait isu aktual

4.4.2 Menyusun teks eksposisi

analitis tulis, terkait isu

aktual, dengan


memperhatikan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan, secara

benar dan sesuai konteks

3.5 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks interaksi

transaksional lisan dan

tulis yang melibatkan

tindakan memberi dan

meminta informasi terkait


/kejadian tanpa perlu

menyebutkan pelakunya

dalam teks ilmiah, sesuai

dengan konteks


(Perhatikan unsur

kebahasaan passive voice)

4.5 Menyusun teks interaksi

transaksional lisan dan tulis

yang melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait


kejadian tanpa perlu

menyebutkan pelakunya

dalam teks ilmiah, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan yang

benar dan sesuai konteks

3.6 Membedakan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan

beberapa teks khusus

dalam bentuk surat pribadi

dengan memberi dan

menerima informasi

terkait kegiatan diri

sendiri dan orang

sekitarnya, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya

4.6 Teks surat pribadi

4.6.1 Menangkap makna

secara kontekstual terkait

fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan teks

khusus dalam bentuk surat

pribadi terkait kegiatan diri

sendiri dan orang


4.6.2 Menyusun teks khusus

dalam bentuk surat pribadi

terkait kegiatan diri sendiri

dan orang sekitarnya, lisan

dan tulis, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan, secara

benar dan sesuai konteks

3.7 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks interaksi

transaksional lisan dan

tulis yang melibatkan

tindakan member dan

meminta informasi terkait

hubungan sebab akibat,

sesuai dengan konteks

4.7 Menyusun teks interaksi

transaksional lisan dan tulis

yang melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait hubungan

sebab akibat, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan yang



(Perhatikan unsur

kebahasaan because of …,

due to…, thanks to …)

benar dan sesuai konteks

3.8 Membedakan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan

beberapa teks explanation

lisan dan tulis dengan

memberi dan menerima

informasi terkait gejala

alam atau sosial yang

tercakup dalam mata

pelajaran lain di kelas XI,

sesuai dengan konteks


4.8 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan teks

explanation lisan dan tulis,

terkait gejala alam atau

sosial yang tercakup dalam

mata pelajaran lain di kelas


3.9 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial

dan unsur kebahasaan lirik

lagu terkait kehidupan



4.9 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi

sosial dan unsur

kebahasaan lirik lagu

terkait kehidupan remaja






Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Nusantara Plus

Kelas / Semester : XI / Genap

Materi Pokok : Explanation Text

Alokasi Waktu : 8 x 30 Menit

Pertemuan : 1-4

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

KI 1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab,

peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif, dan

pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi dari berbagai

permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial

dan alam serta menempatlan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan


KI 3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya

tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan

wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait

penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan

prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan

minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah

KI 4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan

metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)

KI Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1 1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan

dalam mempelajari

bahasa Inggris sebagai

bahasa pengantar


international yang

diwujudkan dalam

semangat belajar

1.1.1 Mengikuti proses pembelajaran

bahasa Inggris yang dimulai

dengan doa serta dengan

ketulusan, kesesiusan, dan

motivasi tinggi

2 2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku

santun dan peduli

dalam melaksanakan

2.1.1 Mematuhi peraturan dalam

proses pembelajaran bahasa




interpersonal dengan

guru dan teman

2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku

jujur, disiplin, percaya

diri, dan bertanggung

jawab dalam



transaksional dengan

guru daan teman

2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku

tanggung jawab,

peduli, kerjasama, dan

cinta dami dalam




2.1.2 Menunjukkan perhatian siswa

terhadap guru bahasa Inggris

2.1.3 Menampilkan sikap baik siswa

seperti jujur, disiplin, dan

bertanggung jawab

2.1.4 Menampilkan sikap siswa yang

baik saat berinteraksi dengan

guru dan teman

3 3.8 Membedakan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan

beberapa teks

explanation lisan dan

tulis dengan member

dan meminta

informasi terkait

gejala alam atau sosial

yang tercakup dalam

mata pelajaran lain di

kelas XI, sesuai

dengan konteks


3.8.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial

dari explanation text

3.8.2 Menyebutkan struktur teks yang

digunakan dalam explanation

text yang telah disediakan

3.8.3 Menyebutkan unsur kebahasaan

yang digunakan dalam

explanation text yang telah


3.8.4 Menentukan struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan dalam satu

explanation text yang diacak

4 4.8 Teks Explanation

4.8.1 Menangkap makna

secara kontekstual

terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan teks

explanation lisan dan

tulus, terkait gejala

alam atau sosial yang

tercakup dalam mata

pelajaran lain di kelas


4.8.2 Menyusun teks

explanation tulis Menunjukkan hasil diskusi

kelompok terkait gejala alam

atau sosial Membuat explanation text

sederhana terkait gejala alam


tentang gejala alam,

terkait dengan mata

pelajaran lain di kelas

XI, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan,

yang benar dan sesuai


berdasarkan hasil pemikiran

yang telah didiskusikan

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:

1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dari explanation text

2. Menyebutkan struktur teks yang digunakan dalam explanation text yang

telah disediakan

3. Menyebutkan unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam explanation text

yang telah disediakan

4. Menentukan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dalam satu explanation

text yang diacak

5. Menunjukkan hasil dskusi kelompok terkait gejala alam atau sosial

6. Membuat explanation text sederhana terkait gejala alam berdasarkan

hasil pemikiran yang telah didiskusikan

D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Fungsi Sosial

Menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru dan teman

2. Struktur Teks

• General Statement

• Sequence of explanation

• Concluding paragraph

3. Unsur Kebahasaan

• Simple preset tense: fly, think, is, cause, etc.

• Causal connectives: because, so, etc.

• Signal time connectives: then, next, after that, etc.

• Nominal singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa: a, the, this, etc.

• Linking word: in general, rather, for instance, so on, etc.

• Action verb: erupts, break, etc.

• Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan.

4. Topik



The Definition of Explanation Text

It is a text that deals with the process the how and/or why something occurs.

The Purpose of Explanation Text

The purpose is to tell steps of the process and to give the reasons.

The Generic Structures of Explanation Text

- General statement

It writes the phenomena, events, or things that will be explained.

- A series of paragraphs

It tells the sequence, such as how it occurs or why it occurs.

- Concluding paragraph

It concludes a whole of text.

Linguistic Features of Explanation Text

• Focus on general group rather than specific.

• Use of linking words, such as in general, rather, for instance, etc.

• Use of action verbs. Action verb is a verb that could be seen where we do it,

such as erupts, breaks, etc.

• Use of present tense. The example is is, are, etc.

• Reference to people should not be given.

• Passive voice may be used.

• Use of technical terms and language relevant to the subject.

• Give a detailed description to create a rich meaning.

E. Strategi atau Metode Pembelajaran

1. Pendekatan: Pendekatan Ilmiah (Scientific Approach)

2. Metode: Inquiry-based learning method

F. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Media

• Print out kertas potongan paragraf acak, tabel, dan individual work

• PPT PowerPoint (materi terkait explanation text)


2. Alat

• Laptop

• LCD Projector

• Speaker sebagai sound system

3. Sumber Pembelajaran

• Buku SMA Kelas XI: Mahrukh Bashir. 2017. Bahasa Inggris

SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI, 2017 Revised Edition: Stop Bullying

Now. Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang,

Kemendikbud RI.

• Video

-Video untuk pertemuan pertama:

-Video untuk pertemuan kedua: -Video untuk pertemuan ketiga:

-Video untuk pertemuan keempat:

G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan Pertama ▪ Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Langkah



Learning Method

Deskripsi Waktu



• Guru mengucapkan salam dan

kemudian berdo’a bersama

• Guru memeriksa kehadiran


• Guru menanyakan kabar dan

menanyakan kesiapan siswa

untuk mengikuti pelajaran

• Guru melakukan


• Guru memberikan ice

breaking dan motivasi

• Guru menjelaskan tentang

tujuan pembelajaran yang

akan dicapai

8 menit




• Guru memberikan penjelasan

terkait penggunaan inquiry-

based learning method

• Guru meminta siswa untuk

membuat 5 kelompok

• Guru memberikan potongan-

potongan paragraf acak dan

47 menit


selembar kertas berisi tabel

kepada tiap kelompok

Experimenting and Associating

• Guru meminta tiap kelompok

untuk mencocokkan potongan-

potongan paragraf tersebut

menjadi teks yang utuh dan

menempelkannya di table


• Guru menanyakan hal-hal

terkait potongan-potongan

paragraf tersebut kepada siswa

terkait fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

pada teks tersebut dan

kemudian memberikan

jawaban dengan menggunakan



• Guru memberikan materi

terkait explanation text dengan

menggunakan PowerPoint

singkat dan LCD Projector

A. Asking Questioning

• Guru menampilkan sebuah

gambar terkait fenomena alam

• Guru menanyakan pendapat

siswa terkait gambar tersebut.

Dalam hal ini, guru

memberikan kesempatan

siswa untuk memberikan

pertanyaan yang sesuai

dengan gejala alam tersebut

• Guru memberikan bimbingan

dan koreksian sekaligus

memberikan pertanyaan yang

tepat kepada siswa terkait

gejala alam tersebut


B. Investigating

Observing, Experimenting, and


• Guru menampilkan sebuah

video terkait sebuah gejala

alam tersebut melalui

PowerPoint dan meminta

siswa untuk berdiskusi

bersama kelompoknya

• Guru meminta siswa untuk

menuliskan poin-poin

penjelasan terkait video yang

telah ditampilkan dengan

menggunakan discussion

technique secara berkelompok

C. Creating Experimenting and Associating

• Guru meminta tiap siswa

untuk membuat explanation

text pendek secara individu

berdasarkan hasil pemikiran

yang mereka telah peroleh

D. Discussing 1 Communicating

• Guru meminta siswa untuk

berdiskusi dan saling bertukar

informasi bersama

kelompoknya masing-masing

terkait hasil tulisan individual

work yang telah dibuat di

creating stage

Discussing 2 Communicating

• Guru meminta satu orang

perwakilan siswa dari tiap

kelompok untuk

mempresentasikan hasil

tulisan ke depan kelas bersama


• Guru memberikan apresiasi

pada siswa

E. Reflecting • Guru dan murid merefleksikan

hasil tulisan murid terkait

kesesuaian dengan pertanyaan



• Review materi

• Guru melakukan evaluasi

• Guru memberikan feedback

• Penutup (salam)

5 menit


Pertemuan Kedua ▪ Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Langkah





Deskripsi Waktu



• Guru mengucapkan salam dan

kemudian berdo’a bersama

• Guru memeriksa kehadiran


• Guru menanyakan kabar dan

menanyakan kesiapan siswa

untuk mengikuti pelajaran

• Guru melakukan


• Guru memberikan ice

breaking dan motivasi

• Guru menjelaskan tentang

tujuan pembelajaran yang akan







• Guru memberikan penjelasan

terkait penggunaan inquiry-

based learning method

• Guru meminta siswa untuk

membuat 5 kelompok

• Guru memberikan potongan-

potongan paragraf acak dan

selembar kertas berisi tabel

kepada tiap kelompok



Experimenting and Associating

• Guru meminta tiap kelompok

untuk mencocokkan potongan-

potongan paragraf tersebut

menjadi teks yang utuh dan

menempelkannya di tabel


• Guru menanyakan hal-hal

terkait potongan-potongan

paragraf tersebut kepada siswa

terkait fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

pada teks tersebut dan

kemudian memberikan


jawaban dengan menggunakan



• Guru memberikan materi

terkait explanation text dengan

menggunakan PowerPoint

singkat dan LCD Projector

A. Asking Questioning

• Guru menampilkan sebuah

gambar terkait fenomena alam

• Guru menanyakan pendapat

siswa terkait gambar tersebut.

Dalam hal ini, guru

memberikan kesempatan siswa

untuk memberikan pertanyaan

yang sesuai dengan gejala

alam tersebut

• Guru memberikan bimbingan

dan koreksian sekaligus

memberikan pertanyaan yang

tepat kepada siswa terkait

gejala alam tersebut

B. Investigating

Observing, Experimenting, and


• Guru menampilkan sebuah

video terkait sebuah gejala

alam tersebut melalui

PowerPoint dan meminta

siswa untuk berdiskusi

bersama kelompoknya

• Guru meminta siswa untuk

menuliskan poin-poin

penjelasan terkait video yang

telah ditampilkan dengan

menggunakan discussion

technique secara berkelompok

C. Creating Experimenting and Associating

• Guru meminta tiap siswa

untuk membuat explanation

text pendek secara individu

berdasarkan hasil pemikiran

yang mereka telah peroleh

D. Discussing



• Guru meminta siswa untuk

berdiskusi dan saling bertukar


informasi bersama

kelompoknya masing-masing

terkait hasil tulisan individual

work yang telah dibuat di

creating stage

Discussing 2 Communicating

• Guru meminta satu orang

perwakilan siswa dari tiap

kelompok untuk

mempresentasikan hasil

tulisan ke depan kelas bersama


• Guru memberikan apresiasi

pada siswa

E. Reflecting • Guru dan murid merefleksikan

hasil tulisan murid terkait

kesesuaian dengan pertanyaan



• Review materi

• Guru melakukan evaluasi

• Guru memberikan feedback

• Penutup (salam)

5 Menit

Pertemuan Ketiga ▪ Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Langkah





Deskripsi Waktu



• Guru mengucapkan salam dan

kemudian berdo’a bersama

• Guru memeriksa kehadiran


• Guru menanyakan kabar dan

menanyakan kesiapan siswa

untuk mengikuti pelajaran

• Guru melakukan


• Guru memberikan ice

breaking dan motivasi

• Guru menjelaskan tentang

tujuan pembelajaran yang akan







• Guru memberikan penjelasan




terkait penggunaan inquiry-

based learning method

• Guru meminta siswa untuk

membuat 5 kelompok

• Guru memberikan potongan-

potongan paragraf acak dan

selembar kertas berisi tabel

kepada tiap kelompok

Experimenting and Associating

• Guru meminta tiap kelompok

untuk mencocokkan potongan-

potongan paragraf tersebut

menjadi teks yang utuh dan

menempelkannya di table


• Guru menanyakan hal-hal

terkait potongan-potongan

paragraf tersebut kepada siswa

terkait fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

pada teks tersebut dan

kemudian memberikan

jawaban dengan menggunakan



• Guru memberikan materi

terkait explanation text dengan

menggunakan PowerPoint

singkat dan LCD Projector

A. Asking Questioning

• Guru menampilkan sebuah

gambar terkait fenomena alam

• Guru menanyakan pendapat

siswa terkait gambar tersebut.

Dalam hal ini, guru

memberikan kesempatan siswa

untuk memberikan pertanyaan

yang sesuai dengan gejala

alam tersebut

• Guru memberikan bimbingan

dan koreksian sekaligus

memberikan pertanyaan yang

tepat kepada siswa terkait

gejala alam tersebut


B. Investigating

Observing, Experimenting, and


• Guru menampilkan sebuah

video terkait sebuah gejala

alam tersebut melalui

PowerPoint dan meminta

siswa untuk berdiskusi

bersama kelompoknya

• Guru meminta siswa untuk

menuliskan poin-poin

penjelasan terkait video yang

telah ditampilkan dengan

menggunakan discussion

technique secara berkelompok

C. Creating Experimenting and Associating

• Guru meminta tiap siswa

untuk membuat explanation

text pendek secara individu

berdasarkan hasil pemikiran

yang mereka telah peroleh

D. Discussing



• Guru meminta siswa untuk

berdiskusi dan saling bertukar

informasi bersama

kelompoknya masing-masing

terkait hasil tulisan individual

work yang telah dibuat di

creating stage

Discussing 2 Communicating

• Guru meminta satu orang

perwakilan siswa dari tiap

kelompok untuk

mempresentasikan hasil

tulisan ke depan kelas bersama


• Guru memberikan apresiasi

pada siswa

E. Reflecting • Guru dan murid merefleksikan

hasil tulisan murid terkait

kesesuaian dengan pertanyaan



• Review materi

• Guru melakukan evaluasi

• Guru memberikan feedback

• Penutup (salam)

5 Menit


Pertemuan Keempat ▪ Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Langkah





Deskripsi Waktu



• Guru mengucapkan salam dan

kemudian berdo’a bersama

• Guru memeriksa kehadiran


• Guru menanyakan kabar dan

menanyakan kesiapan siswa

untuk mengikuti pelajaran

• Guru melakukan


• Guru memberikan ice

breaking dan motivasi

• Guru menjelaskan tentang

tujuan pembelajaran yang akan







• Guru memberikan penjelasan

terkait penggunaan inquiry-

based learning method

• Guru meminta siswa untuk

membuat 5 kelompok

• Guru memberikan potongan-

potongan paragraf acak dan

selembar kertas berisi tabel

kepada tiap kelompok



Experimenting and Associating

• Guru meminta tiap kelompok

untuk mencocokkan potongan-

potongan paragraf tersebut

menjadi teks yang utuh dan

menempelkannya di tabel


• Guru menanyakan hal-hal

terkait potongan-potongan

paragraf tersebut kepada siswa

terkait fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

pada teks tersebut dan

kemudian memberikan


jawaban dengan

menggunakan PowerPoint


• Guru memberikan materi

terkait explanation text dengan

menggunakan PowerPoint

singkat dan LCD Projector

A. Asking Questioning

• Guru menampilkan sebuah

gambar terkait fenomena alam

• Guru menanyakan pendapat

siswa terkait gambar tersebut.

Dalam hal ini, guru

memberikan kesempatan siswa

untuk memberikan pertanyaan

yang sesuai dengan gejala

alam tersebut

• Guru memberikan bimbingan

dan koreksian sekaligus

memberikan pertanyaan yang

tepat kepada siswa terkait

gejala alam tersebut

B. Investigating

Observing, Experimenting, and


• Guru menampilkan sebuah

video terkait sebuah gejala

alam tersebut melalui

PowerPoint dan meminta

siswa untuk berdiskusi

bersama kelompoknya

• Guru meminta siswa untuk

menuliskan poin-poin

penjelasan terkait video yang

telah ditampilkan dengan

menggunakan discussion

technique secara berkelompok

C. Creating Experimenting and Associating

• Guru meminta tiap siswa

untuk membuat explanation

text pendek secara individu

berdasarkan hasil pemikiran

yang mereka telah peroleh

D. Discussing 1 Communicating

• Guru meminta siswa untuk

berdiskusi dan saling bertukar


informasi bersama

kelompoknya masing-masing

terkait hasil tulisan individual

work yang telah dibuat di

creating stage

Discussing 2 Communicating

• Guru meminta satu orang

perwakilan siswa dari tiap

kelompok untuk

mempresentasikan hasil

tulisan ke depan kelas bersama


• Guru memberikan apresiasi

pada siswa

E. Reflecting • Guru dan murid merefleksikan

hasil tulisan murid terkait

kesesuaian dengan pertanyaan



• Review materi

• Guru melakukan evaluasi

• Guru memberikan feedback

• Penutup (salam)

5 Menit

H. Penilaian

Rubric of Scoring Students’ Writing

No Components Indicators

1. Grammar 6: Few noticeable errors of grammar or word order

5: Some errors of grammar or word order which do

not, however, interfere with comprehension

4: Errors of grammar and word order fairly frequent;

occasional re-reading necessary for full comprehension

3: Errors of grammar and word order frequent; efforts

of interpretation sometimes required on reader’s part

2: Errors of grammar and word order very frequent;

reader often has to rely on own interpretation

1: Errors of grammar and word order so severe as to

make comprehension virtually impossible

2. Vocabulary 6: Use of vocabulary and idiom rarely distinguishable

from that of educated native writer

5: Occasionally uses in appropriate terms or relies on

circumlocutions; expression of ideas hardly impaired

4: Use wrong or inappropriate words fairly frequently;

expression of ideas may be limited because inadequate


3: Limited vocabulary and frequent errors clearly

hinder expression of ideas


2: Vocabulary so limited and so frequently misused

that reader must often rely on own interpretation

1: Vocabulary limitation so extreme as to make

comprehension virtually impossible

3. Mechanics 6: Few noticeable lapses in punctuation or spelling

5: Occasional lapses in punctuation or spelling which

does not, however, interfere with comprehension

4: Errors in punctuation or spelling fairly frequent;

occasional re-reading necessary for full comprehension

3: Frequent in punctuation or spelling; lead sometimes

to obscurity

2: Errors in spelling or punctuation so frequent that

reader must often rely on own interpretation

1: Errors in spelling and punctuation so severe as to

make comprehension virtually impossible

4. Fluency (Style

and Ease of


6: Choice of structures and vocabulary consistently

appropriate; like that of educated native writer

5: Occasionally lack of consistency in choice of

structures and vocabulary, which does not, however,

impair overall ease of communication

4: Some structures and vocabulary items noticeably

inappropriate to general style

3: Structures and vocabulary items sometimes not only

inappropriate but also misuse, little sense of ease of


2: Communication often impaired by completely

inappropriate of misused structures and vocabularies

1: A ‘hotch-potch’ of half-learned misused structures

and vocabulary items rendering communication almost


5. Form


6: Highly organized; clear progression of idea well

linked; like educated native writer

5: Material well organized; links could occasionally be

clear but communication not impaired

4: Some lack of organization; re-reading required for

clarification of ideas

3: Little or no attempt at connectivity, though reader

can deduce some organization

2: Individual may be clear, but very difficult to deduce

connection between them

1: Lack of organization so severe that communication

is seriously impaired




Pertemuan pertama Lampiran 1: Instrument dalam aktivitas observing

Print out table untuk tempat menempelkan potongan paragraf acak

Print out potongan-potongan paragraf acak yang harus dicocokkan

Earthquake and volcanic eruption are the causes of tsunami formation. The

surface of the seafloor rises and falls along a fault when tsunami occurs. Then, the

defect disrupts seawater balance. In this case, substantial errors produce

considerable wave power. After the earthquake, the water recedes because wave

power becomes small. After receding, seawater returned to the land in the form of

massive waves. Also, the cause of tsunami formation is volcanic eruption on the

ocean floor. The explosion is caused by a high movement of seawater or

surrounding water.

In conclusion, tsunami is a natural phenomenon that has a significant effect

on the environment. Therefore, we must always be cautious in the face of this


How Does Tsunami Occur?

In general, tsunami is a series of large-scale sea waves that rises and falls

towards land. It is caused by several factors, such as earthquake, volcanic

eruption, etc.

The answer:

How Does Tsunami Occur?

In general, tsunami is a series of large-scale sea waves that rises and falls

towards land. It is caused by several factors, such as earthquake, volcanic

eruption, etc.

Earthquake and volcanic eruption are the causes of tsunami formation. The

surface of the seafloor rises and falls along a fault when tsunami occurs. Then, the

defect disrupts seawater balance. In this case, substantial errors produce


considerable wave power. After the earthquake, the water recedes because wave

power becomes small. After receding, seawater returned to the land in the form of

massive waves. Also, the cause of tsunami formation is volcanic eruption on the

ocean floor. The explosion is caused by a high movement of seawater or

surrounding water.

In conclusion, tsunami is a natural phenomenon that has a significant effect

on the environment. Therefore, we must always be cautious in the face of this


Lampiran 2: Instrument dalam individual work

Instrument of Individual work





1. Please write an explanation text based on the given topic! Write it by

following the criteria, such as introduction (general statement), content

(explanation), and conclusion.

2. Write down at least 150 words in three paragraphs.

Topic: How Does Tsunami Occur?

Pertemuan Kedua Lampiran 1: Instrument dalam aktivitas observing

Print out table sebagai alas menempelkan potongan-potongan paragraf acak

Print out potongan paragraf acak yang harus dicocokkan

In short, a volcano is a natural phenomenon that has a significant effect. A

high-pressure gas causes this significant phenomenon from the bowels of the earth

that emit ash, rocks, etc. Therefore, we must always be alert from the threat of the



In general, a volcano is a mountain that forms when magma comes out from

the bowels of the earth to the earth’s surface. This phenomenon occurs because of

the sediment of the high-pressure gas that drives the magma sediments to come

out from the bowels of the earth.

The formation of volcanoes occurs when the heat that is inside the earth can

melt rocks in the bowels of the earth. When the rocks melt, the gas from the solid-

liquid mixes with magma. After that, the magma will be pushed towards the

surface of the earth. In this case, the magma that comes out of the bowels of the

earth through a volcanic hole is known as lava.

How Does Volcano Occur?

The answer:

How Does Volcano Occur?

In general, a volcano is a mountain that forms when magma comes out from the

bowels of the earth to the earth’s surface. This phenomenon occurs because of the

sediment of the high-pressure gas that drives the magma sediments to come out

from the bowels of the earth.

The formation of volcanoes occurs when the heat that is inside the earth can

melt rocks in the bowels of the earth. When the rocks melt, the gas from the solid-

liquid mixes with magma. After that, the magma will be pushed towards the

surface of the earth. In this case, the magma that comes out of the bowels of the

earth through a volcanic hole is known as lava.

In short, a volcano is a natural phenomenon that has a significant effect. A

high-pressure gas causes this significant phenomenon from the bowels of the earth

that emit ash, rocks, etc. Therefore, we must always be alert from the threat of the


Lampiran 2: Instrument dalam individual work

Instrument of Individual work





1. Please write an explanation text based on the given topic! Write it by following

the criteria, such as introduction (general statement), content (explanation), and


2. Write down at least 150 words in three paragraphs.

Topic: How Does Volcano Occur?

Pertemuan Ketiga Lampiran 1: Instrument dalam aktivitas observing


Print out tabel sebagai alas menempelkan potongan-potongan paragraf acak

Print out potongan paragraf acak yang harus dicocokkan

In conclusion, soil erosion, heavy rain, and vibration from earthquakes are

some factors that cause landslides. To overcome the occurrence of landslides, we

should do reforestation on the slopes, reduce the construction of housing in the

slope area, and make swales in the slope area. Therefore, we should always be

careful about landslides.

The occurrence of landslides starts from the lack of trees that strengthen the

structure of the soil and rocks so that the earth and stone in the slope area become

eroded. Moreover, high rainfall during the dry season makes rainwater enter into

hollow soil pores. Then, it creates a shift in the land. Besides, vibrations from

earthquakes also make rock or soil in the slope area undergo movement.

Why Does Landslide Happen?

Landslide is a natural event that occurs because it is caused by the movement

of rocks or soil in the slope area. This natural event is influenced by several

factors, such as soil erosion, heavy rain, and vibration from earthquakes.

The answer:

Why Does Landslide Happen?

Landslide is a natural event that occurs because it is caused by the movement

of rocks or soil in the slope area. This natural event is influenced by several

factors, such as soil erosion, heavy rain, and vibration from earthquakes.

The occurrence of landslides starts from the lack of trees that strengthen the

structure of the soil and rocks so that the earth and stone in the slope area become

eroded. Moreover, high rainfall during the dry season makes rainwater enter into

hollow soil pores. Then, it creates a shift in the land. Besides, vibrations from

earthquakes also make rock or soil in the slope area undergo movement.

In conclusion, soil erosion, heavy rain, and vibration from earthquakes are some

factors that cause landslides. To overcome the occurrence of landslides, we should

do reforestation on the slopes, reduce the construction of housing in the slope area,

and make swales in the slope area. Therefore, we should always be careful about



Lampiran 2: Instrument dalam individual work

Instrument of Individual work





1. Please write an explanation text based on the given topic! Write it by

following the criteria, such as introduction (general statement), content

(explanation), and conclusion.

2. Write down at least 150 words in three paragraphs.

Topic: Why Does Landslide Happen?

Pertemuan Keempat Lampiran 1: Instrument dalam aktivitas observing

Print out table sebagai alas menempelkan potongan-potongan paragraf acak

Print out potongan paragraf acak yang harus dicocokkan

In short, rain is a natural phenomenon that passes through various stages of the

water cycle process. Therefore, rain is a natural phenomenon that is quite familiar

in life. However, we also need to anticipate the impact of high rainfall.

How Does Rain Happen?

The first stage in the rain process is evaporation. It happens because

sunlight brings heat energy so that the water on the earth evaporates and rises into

the air. Then, the water vapor that enters the atmosphere turns to dew. This is

called the condensation stage. After that, when the temperature gets higher, it

makes the dewdrops denser. Dew forms a group of thick dew called clouds. The

help of wind from the air can cause small clouds to move and unite into large


clouds. Besides, large clouds are carried by wind to places where the air

temperature is lower. In this case, the cloud turns gray because there are more

clouds pile up into a bunch of clouds. Then, the last stage is precipitation. In this

stage, the gray clouds cause the water droplets to become heavier that will make

the water droplets fall from the sky to the earth so that this natural phenomenon is

called rain.

Rain is a natural phenomenon which is a grain of water that falls from the

sky to the surface of the earth. The process of forming rain occurs through several

stages, such as evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Therefore, the rain

process is a water cycle process.

The answer:

How Does Rain Happen?

Rain is a natural phenomenon which is a grain of water that falls from the sky

to the surface of the earth. The process of forming rain occurs through several

stages, such as evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Therefore, the rain

process is a water cycle process.

The first stage in the rain process is evaporation. It happens because sunlight

brings heat energy so that the water on the earth evaporates and rises into the air.

Then, the water vapor that enters the atmosphere turns to dew. This is called the

condensation stage. After that, when the temperature gets higher, it makes the

dewdrops denser. Dew forms a group of thick dew called clouds. The help of wind

from the air can cause small clouds to move and unite into large clouds. Besides,

large clouds are carried by wind to places where the air temperature is lower. In

this case, the cloud turns gray because there are more clouds pile up into a bunch

of clouds. Then, the last stage is precipitation. In this stage, the gray clouds cause

the water droplets to become heavier that will make the water droplets fall from

the sky to the earth so that this natural phenomenon is called rain.

In short, rain is a natural phenomenon that passes through various stages of the

water cycle process. Therefore, rain is a natural phenomenon that is quite familiar

in life. However, we also need to anticipate the impact of high rainfall.

Lampiran 2: Instrument dalam individual work

Instrument of Individual work





1. Please write an explanation text based on the given topic! Write it by

following the criteria, such as introduction (general statement), content

(explanation), and conclusion.

2. Write down at least 150 words in three paragraphs.

Topic: How Does Rain Happen?





Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Nusantara Plus

Kelas / Semester : XI / Genap

Materi Pokok : Explanation Text

Alokasi Waktu : 8 x 30 Menit

Pertemuan : 1-4

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

KI 1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab,

peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif, dan

pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi dari berbagai

permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial

dan alam serta menempatlan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan


KI 3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya

tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan

wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait

penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan

prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan

minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah

KI 4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan

metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)

KI Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1 1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan

dalam mempelajari

bahasa Inggris sebagai

bahasa pengantar


international yang

diwujudkan dalam

semangat belajar

1.1.1 Mengikuti proses pembelajaran

bahasa Inggris yang dimulai

dengan doa serta dengan

ketulusan, kesesiusan, dan

motivasi tinggi

2 2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku

santun dan peduli

dalam melaksanakan


2.1.1 Mematuhi peraturan dalam

proses pembelajaran bahasa


2.1.2 Menunjukkan perhatian siswa


interpersonal dengan

guru dan teman

2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku

jujur, disiplin, percaya

diri, dan bertanggung

jawab dalam



transaksional dengan

guru daan teman

2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku

tanggung jawab,

peduli, kerjasama, dan

cinta dami dalam




terhadap guru bahasa Inggris

2.1.3 Menampilkan sikap baik siswa

seperti jujur, disiplin, dan

bertanggung jawab

2.1.4 Menampilkan sikap siswa yang

baik saat berinteraksi dengan

guru dan teman

3 3.8 Membedakan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan

beberapa teks

explanation lisan dan

tulis dengan member

dan meminta

informasi terkait

gejala alam atau sosial

yang tercakup dalam

mata pelajaran lain di

kelas XI, sesuai

dengan konteks


3.8.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial

dari explanation text

3.8.2 Menyebutkan struktur teks yang

digunakan dalam explanation

text yang telah disediakan

3.8.3 Menyebutkan unsur kebahasaan

yang digunakan dalam

explanation text yang telah


3.8.4 Menentukan struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan dalam satu

explanation text yang diacak

4 4.8 Teks Explanation

4.8.1 Menangkap makna

secara kontekstual

terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan teks

explanation lisan dan

tulus, terkait gejala

alam atau sosial yang

tercakup dalam mata

pelajaran lain di kelas


4.8.2 Menyusun teks

explanation tulis

tentang gejala alam, Menunjukkan hasil diskusi

kelompok terkait gejala alam

atau sosial Membuat explanation text

sederhana terkait gejala alam

berdasarkan hasil pemikiran


terkait dengan mata

pelajaran lain di kelas

XI, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan,

yang benar dan sesuai


yang telah didiskusikan

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:

1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dari explanation text

2. Menyebutkan struktur teks yang digunakan dalam explanation text yang

telah disediakan

3. Menyebutkan unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam explanation text

yang telah disediakan

4. Menentukan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dalam satu explanation

text yang diacak

5. Menunjukkan hasil diskusi kelompok terkait gejala alam atau sosial

6. Membuat explanation text sederhana terkait gejala alam berdasarkan

hasil pemikiran yang telah didiskusikan

D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Fungsi Sosial

Menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru dan teman

2. Struktur Teks

• General Statement

• Sequence of explanation

• Concluding paragraph

3. Unsur Kebahasaan

• Simple preset tense: fly, think, is, cause, etc.

• Causal connectives: because, so, etc.

• Signal time connectives: then, next, after that, etc.

• Nominal singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa: a, the, this, etc.

• Linking word: in general, rather, for instance, so on, etc.

• Action verb: erupts, break, etc.

• Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan.

4. Topik


The Definition of Explanation Text

It is a text that deals with the process the how and/or why something occurs.

The Purpose of Explanation Text

The purpose is to tell steps of the process and to give the reasons.

The Generic Structures of Explanation Text

- General statement

It writes the phenomena, events, or things that will be explained.


- A series of paragraphs

It tells the sequence, such as how it occurs or why it occurs.

- Concluding paragraph

It concludes a whole of text.

Linguistic Features of Explanation Text

a. Focus on general group rather than specific.

b. Use of linking words, such as in general, rather, for instance, etc.

c. Use of action verbs. Action verb is a verb that could be seen where we do it,

such as erupts, breaks, etc.

d. Use of present tense. The example is is, are, etc.

e. Reference to people should not be given.

f. Passive voice may be used.

g. Use of technical terms and language relevant to the subject.

h. Give a detailed description to create a rich meaning.

E. Strategi atau Metode Pembelajaran

1. Pendekatan: Pendekatan Ilmiah (Scientific Approach)

2. Metode: Inquiry-based learning method

F. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Media

• Print out kertas potongan paragraf acak, lembar tabel, dan group


• PPT PowerPoint (materi terkait explanation text)

2. Alat

• Laptop

• LCD Projector

• Speaker sebagai sound system

• Double tip sebagai alat perekat

3. Sumber Pembelajaran

• Buku SMA Kelas XI: Mahrukh Bashir. 2017. Bahasa Inggris

SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI, 2017 Revised Edition: Stop Bullying

Now. Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang,

Kemendikbud RI.


G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan Pertama ▪ Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Waktu


Awal • Guru mengucapkan salam dan kemudian berdo’a


• Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa

• Guru menanyakan kabar dan menanyakan kesiapan

siswa untuk mengikuti pelajaran

• Guru melakukan brainstorming

• Guru memberikan ice breaking dan motivasi

• Guru menjelaskan tentang tujuan pembelajaran yang

akan dicapai






• Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat 4 kelompok

dan meminta siswa untuk berkumpul dengan


• Guru memberikan potongan-potongan paragraf acak

dan selembar kertas berisi tabel kepada tiap




Experimenting and Associating

• Guru meminta tiap kelompok untuk mencocokkan

potongan-potongan paragraf tersebut menjadi teks

yang utuh dan menempelkannya di table


• Guru menanyakan hal-hal terkait potongan-

potongan paragraf tersebut kepada siswa terkait

fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

pada teks tersebut dan kemudian memberikan

jawaban dengan menggunakan PowerPoint


• Guru memberikan materi terkait explanation text

dengan menggunakan PowerPoint singkat dan LCD



• Guru menampilkan sebuah gambar terkait fenomena



• Guru meminta siswa untuk berdiskusi bersama

kelompoknya terkait gambar yang ditampilkan


• Guru menanyakan pendapat siswa terkait gambar




• Guru meminta tiap siswa untuk membuat

explanation text pendek secara berkelompok (group

work) terkait tema yang dipelajari


Akhir • Review materi

• Guru melakukan evaluasi

• Guru memberikan feedback

• Penutup (salam)

5 menit

Pertemuan Kedua ▪ Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Waktu


Awal • Guru mengucapkan salam dan kemudian berdo’a


• Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa

• Guru menanyakan kabar dan menanyakan kesiapan

siswa untuk mengikuti pelajaran

• Guru melakukan brainstorming

• Guru memberikan ice breaking dan motivasi

• Guru menjelaskan tentang tujuan pembelajaran yang

akan dicapai






• Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat 4 kelompok

dan meminta siswa untuk berkumpul dengan


• Guru memberikan potongan-potongan paragraf acak

dan selembar kertas berisi tabel kepada tiap




Experimenting and Associating

• Guru meminta tiap kelompok untuk mencocokkan

potongan-potongan paragraf tersebut menjadi teks

yang utuh dan menempelkannya di table


• Guru menanyakan hal-hal terkait potongan-

potongan paragraf tersebut kepada siswa terkait

fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

pada teks tersebut dan kemudian memberikan

jawaban dengan menggunakan PowerPoint


• Guru memberikan materi terkait explanation text

dengan menggunakan PowerPoint singkat dan LCD



• Guru menampilkan sebuah gambar terkait fenomena




• Guru meminta siswa untuk berdiskusi bersama

kelompoknya terkait gambar yang ditampilkan


• Guru menanyakan pendapat siswa terkait gambar



• Guru meminta tiap siswa untuk membuat

explanation text pendek secara berkelompok (group

work) terkait tema yang dipelajari


Akhir • Review materi

• Guru melakukan evaluasi

• Guru memberikan feedback

• Penutup (salam)

5 menit

Pertemuan Ketiga ▪ Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Waktu


Awal • Guru mengucapkan salam dan kemudian berdo’a


• Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa

• Guru menanyakan kabar dan menanyakan kesiapan

siswa untuk mengikuti pelajaran

• Guru melakukan brainstorming

• Guru memberikan ice breaking dan motivasi

• Guru menjelaskan tentang tujuan pembelajaran yang

akan dicapai






• Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat 4 kelompok

dan meminta siswa untuk berkumpul dengan


• Guru memberikan potongan-potongan paragraf acak

dan selembar kertas berisi tabel kepada tiap




Experimenting and Associating

• Guru meminta tiap kelompok untuk mencocokkan

potongan-potongan paragraf tersebut menjadi teks

yang utuh dan menempelkannya di table


• Guru menanyakan hal-hal terkait potongan-

potongan paragraf tersebut kepada siswa terkait

fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

pada teks tersebut dan kemudian memberikan

jawaban dengan menggunakan PowerPoint


• Guru memberikan materi terkait explanation text


dengan menggunakan PowerPoint singkat dan LCD



• Guru menampilkan sebuah gambar terkait fenomena



• Guru meminta siswa untuk berdiskusi bersama

kelompoknya terkait gambar yang ditampilkan


• Guru menanyakan pendapat siswa terkait gambar



• Guru meminta tiap siswa untuk membuat

explanation text pendek secara berkelompok (group

work) terkait tema yang dipelajari


Akhir • Review materi

• Guru melakukan evaluasi

• Guru memberikan feedback

• Penutup (salam)

5 menit

Pertemuan Keempat ▪ Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Waktu


Awal • Guru mengucapkan salam dan kemudian berdo’a


• Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa

• Guru menanyakan kabar dan menanyakan kesiapan

siswa untuk mengikuti pelajaran

• Guru melakukan brainstorming

• Guru memberikan ice breaking dan motivasi

• Guru menjelaskan tentang tujuan pembelajaran yang

akan dicapai






• Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat 4 kelompok

dan meminta siswa untuk berkumpul dengan


• Guru memberikan potongan-potongan paragraf acak

dan selembar kertas berisi tabel kepada tiap




Experimenting and Associating

• Guru meminta tiap kelompok untuk mencocokkan

potongan-potongan paragraf tersebut menjadi teks

yang utuh dan menempelkannya di table


• Guru menanyakan hal-hal terkait potongan-


potongan paragraf tersebut kepada siswa terkait

fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

pada teks tersebut dan kemudian memberikan

jawaban dengan menggunakan PowerPoint


• Guru memberikan materi terkait explanation text

dengan menggunakan PowerPoint singkat dan LCD



• Guru menampilkan sebuah gambar terkait fenomena



• Guru meminta siswa untuk berdiskusi bersama

kelompoknya terkait gambar yang ditampilkan


• Guru menanyakan pendapat siswa terkait gambar



• Guru meminta tiap siswa untuk membuat

explanation text pendek secara berkelompok (group

work) terkait tema yang dipelajari


Akhir • Review materi

• Guru melakukan evaluasi

• Guru memberikan feedback

• Penutup (salam)

5 menit

H. Penilaian

No Components Indicators

1. Grammar 6: Few noticeable errors of grammar or word order

5: Some errors of grammar or word order which do

not, however, interfere with comprehension

4: Errors of grammar and word order fairly frequent;

occasional re-reading necessary for full comprehension

3: Errors of grammar and word order frequent; efforts

of interpretation sometimes required on reader’s part

2: Errors of grammar and word order very frequent;

reader often has to rely on own interpretation

1: Errors of grammar and word order so severe as to

make comprehension virtually impossible

2. Vocabulary 6: Use of vocabulary and idiom rarely distinguishable

from that of educated native writer

5: Occasionally uses in appropriate terms or relies on

circumlocutions; expression of ideas hardly impaired

4: Use wrong or inappropriate words fairly frequently;

expression of ideas may be limited because inadequate



3: Limited vocabulary and frequent errors clearly

hinder expression of ideas

2: Vocabulary so limited and so frequently misused

that reader must often rely on own interpretation

1: Vocabulary limitation so extreme as to make

comprehension virtually impossible

3. Mechanics 6: Few noticeable lapses in punctuation or spelling

5: Occasional lapses in punctuation or spelling which

does not, however, interfere with comprehension

4: Errors in punctuation or spelling fairly frequent;

occasional re-reading necessary for full comprehension

3: Frequent in punctuation or spelling; lead sometimes

to obscurity

2: Errors in spelling or punctuation so frequent that

reader must often rely on own interpretation

1: Errors in spelling and punctuation so severe as to

make comprehension virtually impossible

4. Fluency (Style

and Ease of


6: Choice of structures and vocabulary consistently

appropriate; like that of educated native writer

5: Occasionally lack of consistency in choice of

structures and vocabulary, which does not, however,

impair overall ease of communication

4: Some structures and vocabulary items noticeably

inappropriate to general style

3: Structures and vocabulary items sometimes not only

inappropriate but also misuse, little sense of ease of


2: Communication often impaired by completely

inappropriate of misused structures and vocabularies

1: A ‘hotch-potch’ of half-learned misused structures

and vocabulary items rendering communication almost


5. Form


6: Highly organized; clear progression of idea well

linked; like educated native writer

5: Material well organized; links could occasionally be

clear but communication not impaired

4: Some lack of organization; re-reading required for

clarification of ideas

3: Little or no attempt at connectivity, though reader

can deduce some organization

2: Individual may be clear, but very difficult to deduce

connection between them

1: Lack of organization so severe that communication

is seriously impaired




Pertemuan Pertama Lampiran 1: Instrument dalam aktivitas observing

Print out table sebagai alas menempelkan potongan-potongan paragraf acak

Print out potongan-potongan paragraf acak yang harus dicocokkan:

Earthquake and volcanic eruption are the causes of tsunami formation. The

surface of the seafloor rises and falls along a fault when tsunami occurs. Then, the

defect disrupts seawater balance. In this case, substantial errors produce

considerable wave power. After the earthquake, the water recedes because wave

power becomes small. After receding, seawater returned to the land in the form of

massive waves. Also, the cause of tsunami formation is volcanic eruption on the

ocean floor. The explosion is caused by a high movement of seawater or

surrounding water.

In conclusion, tsunami is a natural phenomenon that has a significant effect

on the environment. Therefore, we must always be cautious in the face of this


How Does Tsunami Occur?

In general, tsunami is a series of large-scale sea waves that rises and falls

towards land. It is caused by several factors, such as earthquake, volcanic

eruption, etc.

The answer:

How Does Tsunami Occur?

In general, tsunami is a series of large-scale sea waves that rises and falls

towards land. It is caused by several factors, such as earthquake, volcanic

eruption, etc.

Earthquake and volcanic eruption are the causes of tsunami formation. The

surface of the seafloor rises and falls along a fault when tsunami occurs. Then, the

defect disrupts seawater balance. In this case, substantial errors produce

considerable wave power. After the earthquake, the water recedes because wave

power becomes small. After receding, seawater returned to the land in the form of

massive waves. Also, the cause of tsunami formation is volcanic eruption on the

ocean floor. The explosion is caused by a high movement of seawater or

surrounding water.

In conclusion, tsunami is a natural phenomenon that has a significant effect


on the environment. Therefore, we must always be cautious in the face of this


Lampiran 2: Instrument dalam group work

Instrument of group work





1. Please write an explanation text based on the given topic! Write it by

following the criteria, such as introduction (general statement), content

(explanation), and conclusion.

2. Write down at least 150 words in three paragraphs.

Topic: How Does Tsunami Occur?

Pertemuan Kedua Lampiran 1: Instrument dalam aktivitas observing

Print out table sebagai alas menempelkan potongan-potongan paragraf acak

Print out potongan paragraf acak yang harus dicocokkan:

In short, a volcano is a natural phenomenon that has a significant effect. A

high-pressure gas causes this significant phenomenon from the bowels of the earth

that emit ash, rocks, etc. Therefore, we must always be alert from the threat of the


In general, a volcano is a mountain that forms when magma comes out from

the bowels of the earth to the earth’s surface. This phenomenon occurs because of

the sediment of the high-pressure gas that drives the magma sediments to come

out from the bowels of the earth.

The formation of volcanoes occurs when the heat that is inside the earth can

melt rocks in the bowels of the earth. When the rocks melt, the gas from the solid-

liquid mixes with magma. After that, the magma will be pushed towards the

surface of the earth. In this case, the magma that comes out of the bowels of the

earth through a volcanic hole is known as lava.


How Does Volcano Occur?

The answer:

How Does Volcano Occur?

In general, a volcano is a mountain that forms when magma comes out from the

bowels of the earth to the earth’s surface. This phenomenon occurs because of the

sediment of the high-pressure gas that drives the magma sediments to come out

from the bowels of the earth.

The formation of volcanoes occurs when the heat that is inside the earth can

melt rocks in the bowels of the earth. When the rocks melt, the gas from the solid-

liquid mixes with magma. After that, the magma will be pushed towards the

surface of the earth. In this case, the magma that comes out of the bowels of the

earth through a volcanic hole is known as lava.

In short, a volcano is a natural phenomenon that has a significant effect. A

high-pressure gas causes this significant phenomenon from the bowels of the earth

that emit ash, rocks, etc. Therefore, we must always be alert from the threat of the


Lampiran 2: Instrument dalam group work

Instrument of group work





1. Please write an explanation text based on the given topic! Write it by

following the criteria, such as introduction (general statement), content

(explanation), and conclusion.

2. Write down at least 150 words in three paragraphs.

Topic: How Does Volcano Occur?

Pertemuan Ketiga Lampiran 1: Instrument dalam aktivitas observing

Print out tabel sebagai alas menempelkan potongan-potongan paragraf acak

Print out potongan paragraf acak yang harus dicocokkan:

In conclusion, soil erosion, heavy rain, and vibration from earthquakes are


some factors that cause landslides. To overcome the occurrence of landslides, we

should do reforestation on the slopes, reduce the construction of housing in the

slope area, and make swales in the slope area. Therefore, we should always be

careful about landslides.

The occurrence of landslides starts from the lack of trees that strengthen the

structure of the soil and rocks so that the earth and stone in the slope area become

eroded. Moreover, high rainfall during the dry season makes rainwater enter into

hollow soil pores. Then, it creates a shift in the land. Besides, vibrations from

earthquakes also make rock or soil in the slope area undergo movement.

Why Does Landslide Happen?

Landslide is a natural event that occurs because it is caused by the movement

of rocks or soil in the slope area. This natural event is influenced by several

factors, such as soil erosion, heavy rain, and vibration from earthquakes.

The answer:

Why Does Landslide Happen?

Landslide is a natural event that occurs because it is caused by the movement

of rocks or soil in the slope area. This natural event is influenced by several

factors, such as soil erosion, heavy rain, and vibration from earthquakes.

The occurrence of landslides starts from the lack of trees that strengthen the

structure of the soil and rocks so that the earth and stone in the slope area become

eroded. Moreover, high rainfall during the dry season makes rainwater enter into

hollow soil pores. Then, it creates a shift in the land. Besides, vibrations from

earthquakes also make rock or soil in the slope area undergo movement.

In conclusion, soil erosion, heavy rain, and vibration from earthquakes are some

factors that cause landslides. To overcome the occurrence of landslides, we should

do reforestation on the slopes, reduce the construction of housing in the slope area,

and make swales in the slope area. Therefore, we should always be careful about


Lampiran 2: Instrument dalam group work

Instrument of group work





1. Please write an explanation text based on the given topic! Write it by

following the criteria, such as introduction (general statement), content

(explanation), and conclusion.

2. Write down at least 150 words in three paragraphs.

Topic: Why Does Landslide Happen?


Pertemuan Keempat Lampiran 1: Instrument dalam aktivitas observing

Print out table sebagai alas menempelkan potongan-potongan paragraf acak

Print out potongan paragraf acak yang harus dicocokkan:

In short, rain is a natural phenomenon that passes through various stages of the

water cycle process. Therefore, rain is a natural phenomenon that is quite familiar

in life. However, we also need to anticipate the impact of high rainfall.

How Does Rain Happen?

The first stage in the rain process is evaporation. It happens because

sunlight brings heat energy so that the water on the earth evaporates and rises into

the air. Then, the water vapor that enters the atmosphere turns to dew. This is

called the condensation stage. After that, when the temperature gets higher, it

makes the dewdrops denser. Dew forms a group of thick dew called clouds. The

help of wind from the air can cause small clouds to move and unite into large

clouds. Besides, large clouds are carried by wind to places where the air

temperature is lower. In this case, the cloud turns gray because there are more

clouds pile up into a bunch of clouds. Then, the last stage is precipitation. In this

stage, the gray clouds cause the water droplets to become heavier that will make

the water droplets fall from the sky to the earth so that this natural phenomenon is

called rain.

Rain is a natural phenomenon which is a grain of water that falls from the

sky to the surface of the earth. The process of forming rain occurs through several

stages, such as evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Therefore, the rain

process is a water cycle process.


The answer:

How Does Rain Happen?

Rain is a natural phenomenon which is a grain of water that falls from the sky

to the surface of the earth. The process of forming rain occurs through several

stages, such as evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Therefore, the rain

process is a water cycle process.

The first stage in the rain process is evaporation. It happens because sunlight

brings heat energy so that the water on the earth evaporates and rises into the air.

Then, the water vapor that enters the atmosphere turns to dew. This is called the

condensation stage. After that, when the temperature gets higher, it makes the

dewdrops denser. Dew forms a group of thick dew called clouds. The help of wind

from the air can cause small clouds to move and unite into large clouds. Besides,

large clouds are carried by wind to places where the air temperature is lower. In

this case, the cloud turns gray because there are more clouds pile up into a bunch

of clouds. Then, the last stage is precipitation. In this stage, the gray clouds cause

the water droplets to become heavier that will make the water droplets fall from

the sky to the earth so that this natural phenomenon is called rain.

In short, rain is a natural phenomenon that passes through various stages of the

water cycle process. Therefore, rain is a natural phenomenon that is quite familiar

in life. However, we also need to anticipate the impact of high rainfall.

Lampiran 2: Instrument dalam group work

Instrument of group work





1. Please write an explanation text based on the given topic! Write it by

following the criteria, such as introduction (general statement), content

(explanation), and conclusion.

2. Write down at least 150 words in three paragraphs.

Topic: How Does Rain Happen?





1. Normality test

This test aims to test whether the data was normally distributed or not.

a. The formulation of normality hypothesis of the data

Ho: The data is normally distributed

H1: The data is not normally distributed

b. The stages of operating normality test using Kolmogorov Smirnov in


1) Open SPSS Program

2) Click “Variable View”

3) Input data, such as the name, label, value, and scale.

Variable 1 Variable 2

Name: Pre-test Score or

Post-test Score

Name: Class

Scale: Nominal Value: 1: Experimental Class

2: Controlled Class

4) Input the data in “Data View”

5) Click analyze->Descriptive Statistics->Explore

6) Put “Pre-test Score or Post-test Score” as the Dependent List and

“Class” as the Factor List

7) Click Plot

8) Checklist “Normality plots with test”->Continue->OK

c. In the degree of significance 5% (0.05), if sig. value (p) > a, Ho is

accepted and if sig. value (p) < a, Ho was rejected

2. Homogeneity test

The purpose of this test is to test whether the data was homogeneous or not.

a. The hypotheses of homogeneity test

Ho: The data is homogeneous

H1: The data is not homogeneous

b. The stepss of calculating homogeneity test using Levene Test in SPSS 20

1) Open SPSS Program

2) Click “Variable View”

3) Input data, such as the name, label, value, and scale.

Variable 1 Variable 2

Name: Pre-test Score or

Post-test Score

Name: Class

Scale: Nominal Value: 1: Experimental Class

2: Controlled Class

4) Input the data in “Data View”

5) Click analyze->Compare Means->One-Way ANOVA


6) Put “Pre-test Score or Post-test Score” as the Dependent List and

“Class” as the Factor List

7) Click Option

8) Checklist “Homogeneity of Variance Test”->Continue->OK

c. With the degree of significance 5% (0.05), if sig. value (p) > a, Ho is

accepted and if sig. value (p) < a, Ho was rejected

3. Independent Sample T-test

The objective of this test is to test the significance of the average different

between the two groups

a. Open SPSS Program

b. Click “Variable View”

c. Input data, such as the name, label, value, and scale.

Variable 1 Variable 2

Name: Pre-test Score

or Post-test

Score or T-test


Name: Class

Scale: Nominal Value: 1: Experimental


2: Controlled Class

d. Input the data in “Data View”

e. Click analyze->Compare Means->Independent Samples T Test

f. Put “Pre-test Score or Post-test Score” as the Test Variable(s) and

“Class” as the Grouping Variable

g. Click Define Group

h. In the use specified values, put “1” in Group 1 and “2” in Group 2-


i. Click Options

j. Fill “95%” in the Confidence Interval->Continue->OK










No. Experimental


Score Controlled



1. Student 1 80 Student 1 66

2. Student 2 66 Student 2 60

3. Student 3 56 Student 3 56

4. Student 4 53 Student 4 80

5. Student 5 60 Student 5 63

6. Student 6 56 Student 6 60

7. Student 7 60 Student 7 60

8. Student 8 56 Student 8 70

9. Student 9 73 Student 9 56

10. Student 10 56 Student 10 66

11. Student 11 66 Student 11 56

12. Student 12 53 Student 12 70

13. Student 13 50 Student 13 70

14. Student 14 56 Student 14 63

15. Student 15 63 Student 15 56

16. Student 16 70 Student 16 60

17. Student 17 53 Student 17 53

18. Student 18 66 Student 18 66

19. Student 19 60 Student 19 73

20. Student 20 63 Student 20 66

21. Student 21 56 Student 21 63

22. Student 22 53 Student 22 80

23. Student 23 66 Student 23 56

24. Student 24 60 Student 24 66

25. Student 25 66 Student 25 66

26. Student 26 63 Student 26 70

27. Student 27 63 Student 27 60

28. Student 28 70 Student 28 63

29. Student 29 63 Student 29 60

30. Student 30 60 Student 30 63

31. Student 31 60 Student 31 53

Total Score 1896 Total Score 1970

Mean 61.16 Mean 63.55

Min. Score 50 Min. Score 53

Max. Score 80 Max. Score 80





No. Experimental


Score Controlled



1. Student 1 90 Student 1 86

2. Student 2 86 Student 2 70

3. Student 3 80 Student 3 80

4. Student 4 80 Student 4 90

5. Student 5 80 Student 5 73

6. Student 6 70 Student 6 76

7. Student 7 83 Student 7 70

8. Student 8 80 Student 8 70

9. Student 9 90 Student 9 80

10. Student 10 80 Student 10 73

11. Student 11 83 Student 11 80

12. Student 12 76 Student 12 83

13. Student 13 73 Student 13 73

14. Student 14 73 Student 14 80

15. Student 15 80 Student 15 83

16. Student 16 80 Student 16 70

17. Student 17 90 Student 17 83

18. Student 18 70 Student 18 76

19. Student 19 76 Student 19 80

20. Student 20 86 Student 20 80

21. Student 21 76 Student 21 70

22. Student 22 73 Student 22 73

23. Student 23 80 Student 23 80

24. Student 24 86 Student 24 83

25. Student 25 86 Student 25 73

26. Student 26 76 Student 26 80

27. Student 27 73 Student 27 76

28. Student 28 86 Student 28 76

29. Student 29 83 Student 29 76

30. Student 30 86 Student 30 76

31. Student 31 73 Student 31 76

Total Score 2484 Total Score 2395

Mean 80.13 Mean 77.26

Min. Score 70 Min. Score 70

Max. Score 90 Max. Score 90





No. Experimental


Score Controlled



1. Student 1 10 Student 1 20

2. Student 2 20 Student 2 10

3. Student 3 24 Student 3 24

4. Student 4 27 Student 4 10

5. Student 5 20 Student 5 10

6. Student 6 14 Student 6 16

7. Student 7 23 Student 7 10

8. Student 8 24 Student 8 0

9. Student 9 17 Student 9 24

10. Student 10 24 Student 10 7

11. Student 11 17 Student 11 24

12. Student 12 23 Student 12 13

13. Student 13 23 Student 13 3

14. Student 14 17 Student 14 17

15. Student 15 17 Student 15 27

16. Student 16 10 Student 16 10

17. Student 17 37 Student 17 30

18. Student 18 4 Student 18 10

19. Student 19 16 Student 19 7

20. Student 20 23 Student 20 14

21. Student 21 20 Student 21 7

22. Student 22 20 Student 22 -7

23. Student 23 14 Student 23 24

24. Student 24 26 Student 24 17

25. Student 25 20 Student 25 7

26. Student 26 13 Student 26 10

27. Student 27 10 Student 27 16

28. Student 28 16 Student 28 13

29. Student 29 20 Student 29 16

30. Student 30 26 Student 30 13

31. Student 31 13 Student 31 23

Total Score 588 Total Score 425

Mean 18.97 Mean 13.71

Min. Score 4 Min. Score -7

Max. Score 37 Max. Score 30





No. X Y X-MX Y-MY (X-MX)2 (Y-MY)2

1. 10 20 -8.97 6.29 80.46 39.56

2. 20 10 1.03 -3.71 1.06 13.76

3. 24 24 5.03 10.29 25.30 105.88

4. 27 10 8.03 -3.71 64.48 13.76

5. 20 10 1.03 -3.71 1.06 13.76

6. 14 16 -4.97 2.29 24.70 5.24

7. 23 10 4.03 -3.71 16.24 13.76

8. 24 0 5.03 -13.71 25.30 187.96

9. 17 24 -1.97 10.29 3.88 105.88

10. 24 7 5.03 -6.71 25.30 45.02

11. 17 24 -1.97 10.29 3.88 105.88

12. 23 13 4.03 -0.71 16.24 0.50

13. 23 3 4.03 -10.71 16.24 114.70

14. 17 17 -1.97 3.29 3.88 10.82

15. 17 27 -1.97 13.29 3.88 176.62

16. 10 10 -8.97 -3.71 80.46 13.76

17. 37 30 18.03 16.29 325.08 265.36

18. 4 10 -14.97 -3.71 224.10 13.76

19. 16 7 -2.97 -6.71 8.82 45.02

20. 23 14 4.03 0.29 16.24 0.08

21. 20 7 1.03 -6.71 1.06 45.02

22. 20 -7 1.03 -20.71 1.06 428.90

23. 14 24 -4.97 10.29 24.70 105.88

24. 26 17 7.03 3.29 49.42 10.82

25. 20 7 1.03 -6.71 1.06 45.02

26. 13 10 -5.97 -3.71 35.64 13.76

27. 10 16 -8.97 2.29 80.46 5.24

28. 16 13 -2.97 -0.71 8.82 0.50

29. 20 16 1.03 2.29 1.06 5.24

30. 26 13 7.03 -0.71 49.42 0.50

31. 13 23 -5.97 9.29 35.64 86.30

Total 588 425 0 0 1254.94 2038.26

Mean 18.97 13.71 40.48 65.75




Name : _____________________________

Class : _____________________________

Date : _____________________________


1. Please write an explanation text based on the given topic! Write it by

following the criteria, such as introduction (general statement), content

(explanation), and conclusion.

2. Write down at least 150 words in three paragraphs.

3. If students write less than 150 words, they will not be included in the

research data.

Topic: Why Does Flood Happen?































Name : _____________________________

Class : _____________________________

Date : _____________________________


1. Please write an explanation text based on the given topic! Write it by

following the criteria, such as introduction (general statement), content

(explanation), and conclusion.

2. Write down at least 150 words in three paragraphs.

3. If students write less than 150 words, they will not be included in the

research data.

Topic: Why Does Earthquake Happen?































Experimental Class Controlled Class

Suasana kelas saat pre-test Suasana kelas saat pre-test

Pre-test Pre-test

Kegiatan observing Kegiatan observing


Asking stage Kegiatan observing

Investigating stage Suasana belajar

Creating stage Suasana belajar


Discussing stage Group work

Reflecting stage Group work

Post-test Post-test

Hasil dari creating stage Hasil dari creating stage
































WRITING TEST: When giving a writing task, it must be reflected in the

five elements: operation, types of text, address of texts, topics, dialect and

length of the text.

*Source: Hughes, Arthur. Testing for Language Teachers Second Edition.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. P. 85

Text : Explanation Text (1) Types of Text

Theme: Phenomena

(Pre-test: Flood and Post-test: Earthquake) (2) Topics


1. Write the name, class, and date

2. Write the explanation text about phenomenon based on the given

topic. Write it by following the criteria, such as introduction

(general statement), content (explanation), and conclusion

3. Write down at least 150 words in three paragraphs

4. If students write less than 150 words, they will not be included in the

research data

(3) Operations

(4) Addresses of Texts: The addresses here is the teacher or the researcher

of the course (native or non-native)

(5) Dialect and Length of Text