THE ECE HERALD - Welcome to NIT-AP | NIT Andhra Pradesh · Wireless communications is my cup of...

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Transcript of THE ECE HERALD - Welcome to NIT-AP | NIT Andhra Pradesh · Wireless communications is my cup of...

QUALity COMMunication Inventors. Dreamers. Doers.

Qualcomm Incorporated is an American multinational company that designs and markets Wireless Telecommunications products and services. The company headquarters is located in San Diego, California, United States and has 224 worldwide locations. Qualcomm was created on July 1, 1985, by seven former Linkabit employees led by Irwin Jacobs. The present CEO is Steve Mollenkopf. Most of its revenue is from chip making and patent licensing businesses. Work Opportunities for ECE students are Verification/Integration, R&D, RTL Design, Testing software & hardware, Debugging software and Triaging work into different divisions. The Technical stuff of prior importance will be Computer Organization, VLSI Technology, VLSI Design, and Digital Electronics. Knack with the HDLs like Verilog or VHDL and scripting languages like Perl, Python, etc. Experience with C and assembly language programming could also be beneficial. Life at Qualcomm: • Weekly quota 40 hours/week. • Recruits M.Tech or B.Tech students from NITs/local colleges. • Once a month to places like resorts, movies, dinners, etc. • Competitions for best ideas, best papers.

Technological trends in Qualcomm: “Qualcomm is making a big push with 5G devices and Artificial Intelligence”. Snapdragon 855 will power most of the upcoming Android smartphones (like in Samsung's GalaxyS10) paving the path for smart devices. As of 2018, ASUS, HP and Lenovo have begun selling laptops with Snapdragon-based CPUs running Windows10 under the name "Always Connected PCs".

Interesting facts: The first Snapdragon product available was QSD8250 with 1 GHz processor for mobile phones in November 2007.

Are you keen in knowing why Intel couldn’t replace Qualcomm in mobile technology? Here is why: Intel and AMD manufacture x86 based processors whereas, most of the Android and iOS phones are based on ARM processors. Why? The ARM architecture is battery efficient and those devices can last the whole day. If you use an Intel processor mobile you might end up carrying an adapter for mobile just like laptop!!!


THE ECE HERALD The Official ECE Newsletter

I am Ramesh, fourth-year ECE. I secured 1669 rank in GATE 2019. Well, this is an opportunity for me to enter into IITs. I underwent one-month coaching from TIME which helped me to crack this GATE 2019. I feel that coaching is necessary rather than self-study because home preparation brings a lot of workloads. Coaching helps in Smart working and gives the best agenda for preparation. My areas of interest are communication and signal processing. In GATE exam, also concentrate on the topics




RAMESH - AIR 1669 (EC)

which possess more weightage, for instance Signals and systems, communication and EDC. Everyone should have one's own strategy for cracking GATE with a decent rank. I suggest my juniors, the fourth year should be planned well. If u end up your fourth year with good GATE RANK +projects +good academics then it would be really an achievement. I wish my juniors to crack the first stage of IES during the fourth year. My ultimate aim is IES and GATE preparation helped me for IES as well since IES contains two parts where the first part is about General studies and the second part contains the technical questions where our GATE preparation comes into the picture. so it's useful in more than in one aspect. My ultimate aim paved me the way to serve the nation.


Do's for GATE : 1.Revision is the essential thing for GATE 2.Practicing Mock tests . 3.Managing Time 4.Accuracy is the key factor to get high score.

Don'ts for GATE: 1.Don't fall in the pit of negative marking . 2.Don't leave a concept without applying. 3.Never panic during pressure moments.


- Yeshwanth, Sai Teja

I felt coaching helpful to have a complete panorama of our syllabus. The success stories we heard in ace about the GATE achievers always kept me motivated to never give up and try harder. In the beginning, we were taught basics and later on every nook and corner was also dealt with equal importance. All these added up to my determination to perform well in the gate. The main strategy was never about how much I covered but how many times I revised. My main aim is to enter into PSU’s so I am going to attempt GATE in the upcoming year and hopefully, my dream will be fulfilled.

I am Deepthi of fourth year ECE. I secured AIR-444 in GATE 2019 examination. I am happy since my hard work paid off in the form of a fruitful result. I started my gate preparation with the easiest subjects’ which boosted my confidence. I didn’t stress a lot on tough subjects instead, I just developed a nut-shell view about them. I underwent through a short-term course in ACE academy from May to July in 2018.

I was initially disappointed. Gradually, I shifted my focus onto securing a good rank in GATE and to make my parents happy, this was my main thought-process behind my GATE preparation. The main strategy was solving mathematics and aptitude, it plays a major role in scoring well. I followed ACE academy materials and the website for aptitude. Revision is the major factor for my achievement, I attempted many mock test series which helped me with time management and also in rectifying my mistakes. I completely put my heart and soul in my preparation which finally fetched me a fruitful result. My future plan is to pursue masters in prestigious IITs’ of our nation.

I am Pavanija of 4th year ECE. I secured AIR-746 rank in GATE 2019. I had undergone through a short term course in ACE academy for two months in 2018. The ACE materials' and the professor’s guidelines were of great help to score a decent three digit rank. My complete focus was on GATE due to which I didn’t devote a lot of time on academics. My areas of interest are Microelectronics, VLSI and in particular, Wireless communications is my cup of tea. My JEE rank was AIR-11,315 due to which

has been a demanding factor to achieve this milestone. Striving hard for a reason, I have decided to pursue higher education in IISc. I contemplate attending classes and practice as a key factor for success. I further appreciate my friend’s support in completing the project saved more time for GATE. I am keen on updating with latest technology trends during my leisure hours. Like a bird’s eye view for MME aspirants, I would like to quote Dieter and V Raghavan as the holy books for building the concepts. Moreover, Mechanical Metallurgy, Physical metallurgy, Thermodynamics, and Transport phenomena are the core subjects with prior importance. As told by my teacher, I emphasize reading a single paragraph and pondering on it for hours until the true knowledge is grasped. Finally, as a piece of advice for future GATE aspirants, I suggest them to prepare wisely by giving equal and adequate importance to all the subjects and manifest the importance of solving mock papers to boost the confidence while appearing for the exam.

I was immensely happy to achieve AIR 1 in GATE of MME department. Limitation in the number of job opportunities in PSU

Issue date: 5th April.

This Is Why the World Should Fear for India’s Nuclear Weapons

The recent bombings and surgical strike on Pakistan have made everyone think about the weaponry and you'd be surprised to know that India has a considerably large amount of nuclear weaponry. India’s nuclear program dates back to 1948, just one year after independence. The Nehru government looked at nuclear power as an inexpensive energy source for the young country. An Indian Atomic Energy Commission was created that year to oversee the country’s nuclear efforts. Due to a lack of uranium on Indian territory, the country naturally gravitated towards using plutonium instead. India’s first nuclear reactor, Apsara, was built with help from the United Kingdom and went critical in August 1956.New Delhi originally considered building nuclear devices but not weapons. The so-called “peaceful nuclear explosives” nuclear devices were capable of building harbors, excavating for natural gas, and other large construction and mining projects. While functionally identical to nuclear weapons, the plan demonstrated that India was not yet convinced it needed an actual nuclear deterrent—yet.

as peaceful but China’s nuclear status, achieved in 1964, meant that it was almost certainly designed to be a weapon. The test propelled India into the so-called “Nuclear Club” that had previously constituted the United States, Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, France ,and China. India refrained from nuclear testing for another twenty - four years, until detonating three devices on May 11, 1998, and another three on May 13. Most of the devices had low yields and weighted between two hundred and five hundred tons. They were designed to be tactical. nuclear bombs, but one device was a thermonuclear device that failed and reached a yield of only about forty-five kilotons. Today according to the Arms Control Association, India is estimated to have at least 520 kilograms of plutonium, enough for 100 - 120 nuclear devices. India has built its own “triad” of land, sea and

As a founding member of the Nonaligned Movement, India was a bystander to the feverish pace of the nuclear arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union. The 1962 war with China, however, changed that. The limited attack on Indian territory could have been much worse if the two countries engaged in an all -out war, particularly if Pakistan and China had paired up together. Furthermore, although China was not yet a nuclear power , its nuclear status was Considerably high. Nuclear Beijing could blackmail India into territorial concessions—at the risk of atomic annihilation. New Delhi’s nuclear race was on. India’s first nuclear test was conducted on May 18, 1974, at the Pokhran Test Range in the Rajasthan desert. The device, nicknamed “Smiling Buddha,” had an explosive yield of between six and fifteen kilotons (the Hiroshima device is generally estimated at sixteen kilotons). The test was conducted in an underground shaft to contain radiation. India described the test

air forces, all equipped with nuclear weapons. The first leg to develop was likely tactical nuclear devices for strike aircraft of the Indian Air Force. Today, India possesses more than two hundred Su-30MK1 twin-engine fighters, sixty-nine MiG -29s, and fifty-one Mirage 2000 fighters. It is estimated that some of these aircraft have been modified and trained to carry nuclear gravity bombs to their targets. The land-based missile leg of the triad consists of Prithvi tactical ballistic missiles. First produced in the late1990s, Prithvi initially had a range of just ninety-three miles, but future versions increased their range to 372 miles. Despite this, Prithvi is still firmly a tactical weapon, while the Agni-V series of missiles, with ranges from 434 to 4,970 miles, are strategic weapons with the ability to hit foreign capitals—as well as all of China. The third leg of the triad is new, consisting of nuclear ballistic-missile submarines (SSBNs) of the Arihant class. Four submarines are planned, each with the ability to carry twelve K-15 Sagarika (“Oceanic”) short-range ballistic missiles with the maximum range of 434miles, orK-4 medium-range ballistic missiles with a 2,174milerange.UsingtheBayof Bengal as a bastion and protected by assets such as India’s carrier INS Vikramaditya, the Arihant SSBNs can just barely reach Beijing.

INDIAN POLITY - T. Bhavya Meghana Polity itself means an identity. An identity that is created by a group of people by some process to hold and mobilize the resource accordingly to the needs of the masses, wherever required around the clock…. Indian Polity is one of the most important sections of the UPSC CSE examination. It covers around 45 marks in prelims and general studies paper 2 is of 250 marks in mains is entirely based on the polity. It includes a wide range of topics such as the development of the Constitution, Citizenship, Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles, the Executive, the President, the Prime Minister & Council of Ministers, Judiciary, State Governments, Local Government, Election system, and many more. This subject makes us understand our democratic governance as well as our rights. It is important for every individual to know about the working of our government and our rights to aim at establishing a lawful government. Knowledge of this subject not only helps in clearing the exams but also lets every individual raise a voice against the injustice to people of the country. Many serious problems in India like corruption, caste system, child labor, food safety can be solved by questioning the government and following the steps to resolve it.


EDITOR Getting admitted to a technological institute, I thought I would be surrounded by tech geeks and no one else. But the practical scenario is something different from my wildest dreams. I have been surrounded by people, whose aims are varied. I wonder, more than a quarter of my class aim for UPSC examinations and other quarter for non-technical fields. Our newsletter team decided to start the second volume with the concept of UPSC and social issues. For the benefit of our fellow mates, we included articles of Indian polity which is the heart of civil aspirant’s examination. Along with it, a special topic of nuclear weaponry is published for keeping them updated with defense issues. Apart from these articles, current affairs are included for groups aspirants. Our team wishes a knowledgeable journey through the newsletter reading.


- Unnathi

Satish Dhawan - Dhiraj, Amit

Today Indian space technology has achieved world-class status, and ISRO’s periodic successes in the launch of satellites and rockets are greeted with cheer, but there are many people behind that success, one of them was Professor Satish Dhawan. How many of us know that he is not only a visionary genius but also a man of astounding character? Here is a small account revealing his eminence. Before succeeding Vikram Sarabhai as the director of ISRO, Satish Dhawan worked as the director of IISc, he was it’s youngest director and remains as the longest serving and undoubtedly most distinguished director. As IISc director, he devoted most of his time in the establishment of new scientific programs in automation, control theory, molecular science etc. He persuaded various scientists working at different parts of the world to join the institute. It was under his guidance that the Indian space programme and IISc have been successfully moulded into the marvels they are today .There were several incidents that reveal his greatness, one such incident is that when Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam was put in charge of the first satellite launch vehicle project (SLV-3) in 1973 by Dhawan. The SLV-3, with the Rohini satellite, was launched in 1979, but crashed into the Bay of Bengal five minutes later. At the press conference that followed, Kalam discovered, to his shock, that Dhawan took all the blame for the disaster, despite the SLV-3 being Kalam’s baby. A year later, the SLV-3 was launched successfully. And it was time to face the nation once again. Kalam was stunned again – because this time Dhawan gave him all the credit. Dhawan’s philosophy was that When success comes in after hard work, the leader should give the credit of the success to the team members. When failure comes, the leader should absorb all the failures and protect the team members. The ‘Trust’ that he had in his team and his willingness to accept the failure is something everyone should look up to and learn in order to become a leader. Those who know him well will always testify that he was one of those humble personalities who did not think highly about himself based on the honours bestowed upon him, but rather he always saw himself as a teacher. On the preface to a tributary contribution out of a volume dedicated to Dhawan, Dhawan’s PhD adviser Hans W Leipmann wrote this ”Professor Dhawan and I have been colleagues and friends for a very long time. By now he has caught up with me in everything but age,this little study is offered as a tribute to Dr. Dhawan as a small token for a great scientist, engineer, administrator and, most of all, human being”. These alone are enough to understand the depth of his character, his extraordinary qualities as a leader and a human being, it is what distinguished Prof. Dhawan from many other eminent scientists and engineers. He also had a keen social conscience. Even the mechanics making gizmos for him in the Institute laboratories felt they were his friends. After his death the space station located at Sriharikota was renamed as Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC-SHAR) in his memory. “We are like dwarves sitting on the shoulders of giants .We see more, and things that are more distant, than they did not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they, but because they raise us up ,and by their great stature add to us”. Satish Dhawan is one such giant, a source of inspiration to us all. He transformed every institute he led and left his own imprint on each one of them. He is indeed a great man to remember and to emulate.

Treasure Hunt -Aravind

This event was conducted for the 2nd year students of ECE on 15th of March 2019. This event was organized by Team RYKONS headed by T. Sindhura of 2nd year ECE. The whole 2nd year students of ECE are divided into 6 groups, each consisting of 5 – 6 members. At first, each team was asked to select an envelope which consists of the set number and the clue which contains a technical question. On decoding that clue, they will be led to a place where a chit with a task is hidden. Team members should take a video or photo while performing the task and should post it in the class WhatsApp group.

Then they were provided with second clue. By decoding several clues all the teams headed towards the final treasure. This event is completely a fun based game which was planned for the better way of interaction with other fellow mates. Everyone enjoyed well while playing the game. Finally the winners of the TREASURE HUNT are Sourav, Shivani, Dhanushka, Nitin Gururaj, Vignesh, Inisha.


Whatever power you have ,you must utilise it to the maximum. After you have done your best and there is still need for more power, then GOD will give you. Therefore, refuse to yourself to have low expectations about what you are capable of creating. Do you know?? the greater danger is not that your hopes are too high and you fail to reach them, it’s that they are too law and you do. Have within you an imaginary candle flame that burns brightly regardless of what goes before you. Let this inner fame represent for you the idea that you are capable of manifesting miracle in your life. To experience Godlike spontaneous miracles you must have a sense of yourself as Godlike .With god all things are possible. Now tell me, what does that leave out??? A mind that’s open to everything means being peaceful, radiating love, practicing forgiveness, being generous, respecting all lives and most important visualizing yourself as capable of doing anything that you can conceive of in your mind and heart. You possess the same energy, as god consciousness so to be miracle worker - only of you truly believe and know it within yourself. If you decide to have a mind that’s open to everything, then you will act open that inner energy and then you will be the creator as well as recipient of miracle wherever you are. “To me ,every cubic centimetre of space is a miracle.”


5 Day Faculty Development Program On March 5 of this year, ECE department of NIT Andhra Pradesh initiated a five-day workshop for Ph.D. pursuing students in and out of the campus. Chief dignitaries invited were director Prof.C.S.P. Rao and registrar Amba Prasad Rao, along with other officials of the institute. Prof.C.S.P. Rao delivered a speech on the topic, “importance of VLSI and embedded systems in the real world”. Following this event HOD of the ECE department, Dr. Puli Kishore complemented the speech by the director. Later Dr. Kiran Kumar Gurrala carried away to talk on applications of the topic of the event. Along with this inaugural, newsletter of ECE department was also started by the director, HOD of the department, faculty advisor and editors, designers of the newsletter. Dr. Srinivasa Sharma gave a vote of thanks at the end of the inaugural. Followed by a break, Dr. Puli Kishore gave the first lecture on signal processing in radar and communication. After a brief lunch break, Dr. Kishore Kumar Poolapalli delivered a lecture on “low-frequency spectra-polarimetry” for 2 hours. After taking a tea break, he continued his lecture until the end of the session.

Name of the faculty Area of expertise

Dr. Puli Kishor Kumar Signal Processing and Radar Communication

Dr. Kiran Kumar Gurrala Wireless Cooperative Communication

Dr. Srinivasa Sharma Analog VLSI

Dr. Pavan Kumar Bikki Digital VLSI

Dr. Chandu D S Artificial Materials in Microwave Engineering

Dr. Abhijith Bhattacharyya Bio-Medical Signal Processing

Dr. Kishore Kumar Poolapalli Low-Frequency Spectro-Polarimetry

Mr. Vijaya Bhaskar Processor Architecture

Paper Presentation - Nikitha

On Vulcanzy Day 1 dated 22.03.2019 , the event paper presentation was organized by ECE department from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm by the organizers B.Sri Nikitha, K.Madhavi, Ch.Latha, B.Jabili Priyamvada, Karishma. The first round of this event was conducted few days before vulcanzy where participants had to submit abstract of their ideas. 7 participants were filtered out of the prelim round. The event was kick started by Anil from ECE 2nd year of NIT Andhra Pradesh who gave his ppt presentation on ‘Smart Dustbin’ along with a working model of it . Then M.Supriya and her team gave their presentation on 5G technology where they showed the growth from 1G to 5G technology which was followed by G.HarshaVardhan of SRKR Engineering college, whose topic was IOT and he primarily focused on ‘Smart Traffic Light Controller’ using cloud computing, AI and IOT. Then on the chain was V.JayaLakshmi of Vasavi engineering college

whose topic was LiFi (Light Fidelity) and how it is a step ahead of Wi-Fi. B.BhavyaSree, A.Ishwarya, Srivani, O.Vineetha Spandhana gave their communication skills , and widened their thinking ability. The event not only helped in envisioning students on latest technologies but also provoked them to think on practical applications of these advanced technologies. No of Participants:7 teams(12 participants) Winner-V.V.Anil kumar reddy, Y.Venkat Sowrav (2nd year,ECE,NIT AP) Runner-G.Harsha Vardhan (2nd year,IT,SRKR Bhimavaram)

- Anurag Cazzle was conducted on the second day of Vulcanzy in the noon time by Shivani, Anjum, Prem Chandu, Anil Reddy, Revanth, Vijay, Dharma, Anurag, Sreenivas, Vignesh. The event was to design a car by the teams participating in the event and control a car using Arduino and Bluetooth module using mobile app and race the path provided .A workshop was also conducted on Arduino by the Cazzle team to the first years, which received a huge response. Whole of a 20 teams were registered, out of which 7 teams were selected after the screening test conducted based on the Arduino workshop. Out of these teams one was from third year, one was from second year and the other five from first years. All the teams were provided with their

components after the screening was done and the first years were guided by the team Cazzle in designing their car. All the cars, on the race day, were brought to race and winner was decided based on the time they have taken to cross the path. The event was a huge success and received pretty good response among students and faculty. Winners: Sumith kashyap, Abhishek Anil Chowdary, Prakash Kumar Verma, Sahil Kumar, Dheeraj Kumar Runners: STIJO Joseph, Sravan Motamari, Alvin Jain, Nandu P J, Jishnu Vishwanathan

Murky Maze - Manoj

A Non technical event "Murky Maze" of the ECE department during the techno-cultural fest of Nit Andhra Pradesh Vulcanzy, 2k19 ,was successfully held and organized by the organizers Y. Lenin, L. Sri Hari, A. Ravi Teja, A. Sumanth, H. Avinash, K. Manoj Kumar Reddy, B. Sowmya, B. Spoorthi, V. Mounika, T. Shireen Taj, P. Hrushikesh, A. Srinivas, Karthik Kalidhas, V. Sneha and K. Lalitha . The Volunteers M.Abhiram, Ch. Ajith Babu, K. Nikith, P. Nishanth, S. Harish, P. Vaibhav,

Foresee - the 4C’s - Tejaswini This event was organized on 22nd and 23rd march from 1 pm. The maximum team size allowed was 3 members. Foresee was a captivating event that enhanced an individual’s pragmatic approach towards electronics and changes opinion how interesting it was to build or solve a circuit . The event 4’c helped individuals to explore the fun behind circuits in four rounds by testing the way they connect, correct , chase for the components and build the circuit. Levels included in this event are: 1. Crosswords : Each team was assigned to solve about 20 crosswords based on basic electronic stuff. All the registered members were allowed to participate in this round. 2. Error correction : This round was all about detecting and modifying errors in the given 7 tasks. Only 30 teams participated in this round. 3. Chase: In this round only 5 teams were allowed to lay .Where each of the team was given few mind-blending riddles to find hidden treasures(components) . 4.Circuit build: This round was all about how the participant could design a circuit out of discovered components in round 3 pragmatically. Same 5 teams were allowed to play in this round too ,where one team who

would be accomplishing the given task efficiently and based on the time considerations was announced as winner. .A total of 80 teams participated. First Prize : Tenneti Venkata Siddardha, Rayana Krupa Spandan Raj, Ashish Miyapuram Second Prize :Repala Akhil,Bachu Saiteja,Balaji Yeshwanth

QUIZ FLIX -Alaya Reddy

Quiz Flix, was a general quiz organized by ECE department as a part of Vulcanzy 2k19 on 22nd march[11am -1pm ], 23rd march [9:30am-1pm] . The Quiz was designed in order to bring out the Inner talents of students of various departments in the context of logical reasoning, General Knowledge ,Technical, non-technical aspects. There were more than expected number of participated teams from various branches and also from other local colleges like Sri Vasavi Engineering college, CR Reddy Engineering College, Godavari Institute Engineering. There was a Screening test(30-mins) held for 115 teams (2-3 per team) from which 15 teams were filtered for 1st round The event had 3 rounds namely: Tricky Monsters where few tricky questions were answered by the teams within a duration of 30 sec per question Flash 10 teams were selected from 1st round ,Each team need to answer 12 Questions in 60 sec of time

i)Picture arts ii)F2 iii) Big Bang Buzz The round is designed in order to test the artistic skills, team cooperation, Sportiveness, Current Affairs, Knowledge of the selected 6 teams . Respected HOD Dr. Puli Kishor Kumar Sir, Dr. Kiran Kumar presided the event. Other faculty members namely MS.Prathiba Verma , MS.Uma Sindhu ,MS.Harika took part in the Event and Encouraged the participants. Finally, top 3 teams were selected and as a token of Appreciation from the Organizers, they were awarded with surprise gifts. Eliminated teams from subsequent rounds were given a chance to engage in lucky dip and the winners of lucky dip were given gift hampers too. according to the feedback given by the participants, the event was a grand success. With large number of participants and the rounds were interesting and enjoyable .

In this transforming world where technology and automated processing is a trend, the students were given technical guidance and knowledge of image processing in real life with practical hands on experience with the help of the MATLAB simulator.

Real Time Image Processing Workshop

All the event organizers with the Director, NIT Andhra


Electro Wizard - Roshan

ECEA's technical event for VULCANZY 2K19, ELECTRO WIZARD was conducted in room no 2308, New block from 9 am to 12 pm. 15 teams came up with their innovative ideas and working models to present it to the curious explorers of the fest. Contestants were mentored by the organizers and faculty in-charges to develop their ideas. The organizers of the event collected and distributed components, arranged space for participants to work with experienced ones, and promoted the event. ECE HOD Dr. Puli Kishore Kumar strictly inspected the conduction and performance of the event and made it to a success. Various department faculties visited the arena to analyze and criticize the projects so as to select the best ones among the fifteen

projects. They gave their advices and feedbacks for all projects. Based on the faculty score cards and visitors opinion, the Smart Bin, by Sai Srikar, T. Sai Anurag, V. V. Anil Reddy, N. Amith Prem and Y. Venkata Sourav, was selected as the best project. The runner was the team of A Sagar, M. Bhagavan Naik, K. Vyshnavi, P. Yashwanth Kumar and R. Tejaswi for presenting a working miniature of Density Based Traffic Light Controller.The organisers for the event were Makani Sanjoosha, Yalamanchili Vahini, K. Tejaswini, Uppara Prashanthi and T Gayathri from 4th ECE, G. Harshitha, J. Sindhusri, T. Bhavya meghana and K. Krishna Priya from 3rd ECE M. Aravind, Roshan Mathew and G. Shivani from 2nd years.

CAZZLE- Ace The Maze

• Colloseum of research • Special rounds to filter the best papers • Huge participation from students in and

out of the campus

• Participants were tested by various rounds. • Huge participation of 80teams [3 members

each] got registered. • Out of them 3 teams won

• Labyrinth test for student built cars

• Out of 20 teams, 2 teams bagged prizes.

• Amalgam of fun and facts

M. Sai Charan, Sandeep Kumar and B. Vardhan succored in all the necessary requirements .The event basically was an adventurous game. A team of four people had to enter the room filled with darkness. The motto of the game was to reach and find the final hidden treasure through the puzzle maze by averting the lasers present inside the darkroom. Volunteers guided the players throughout the dark room, if the players were confused . Murky Maze turned out to be a massive victorious event in the department containing almost 200 teams.

• Most participated event with 200 teams • Terror filled, fun event

• Out of 115 teams the top 3 were awarded

• Workshop on application of image processing

• Initiated by HOD Dr. Puli Kishore and faculty advisor Dr. Kiran Kumar G

• Second year ECE students explored and applied contemporary technology

• Almost 15 teams came up with solutions for various potential problems


“United we stand, Divided we fall.”

ECE students along with faculty worked together to make the association events reach epitome of all others. Students started many events which will be followed as legacy and implemented events which were handed over by their seniors .This experience of 4 days of Vulcanzy taught students management with money, difficulties of organizing , talking to authorities and also technical things related to events.

Many students from other engineering colleges showed interest in attending this event.

presentations on Green computing ,Pill camera and Post CMOS Devices respectively. The time allotted to each one of them for presentation was 15 minutes and for a questionnaire of 5 min were allotted. So it gave them a platform to present their novel ideas enhanced their

“ Yours Srinivas ” - C Sai Sri Vidya

The First ever faculty interview in the second edition of the ECE newsletter "THE ECE HERALD" was done with a dedicated professor DR. SRINIVASA V S SARMA D. Interviewed by C. Sai Sri Vidya, H. Avinash and K. Manoj. Sir had his schooling at Z.P High School. During his juvenescence, he was a school topper yet incredibly a confused kid too. His father is a retired Postmaster and mother is a teacher. He was good at playing Kabaddi and running race, but weak at cricket. He was obsessed with milk and extremely fond of reading spiritual books. He was a great devotee of Lord Hanuman and used to call him as "whoop -annaya" since the monkeys make such sorts of grunting and squeaking sounds. He studied his intermediate at Sasi junior college in Rajahmundry. His inspiration is Swami Vivekananda and his parents, who had brought him up on a positive level of atmosphere. He completed his graduation in Gudlavalleru College of Engineering in ECE domain. During his B.Tech, he was very fond of delivering seminars which were noticed by the faculty and he was advised to go for teaching by his professor. In B.Tech final year, he had vanished his confusion and started thinking down the line, which thought process eventually had conferred him a complete clarity, thereby he appeared for GRE and GATE simultaneously. He secured 94.3 percentile in GATE and 1100/1600 in GRE examinations, which is an extremely good score for attaining a scholarship. Later he refused the GRE examination because he was filled deeply by homesickness, so he had opted for M.Tech. GATE score had provided him two different choices in entirely different domains. One of them is Signal Processing in NIT Calicut and the other is VLSI in NIT Rourkela. As VLSI is his cup of tea, he opted NIT Rourkela for pursuing his M.Tech. Thereby he had completed his M.Tech successfully in NIT Rourkela enjoying a great NIT lifestyle, as it's a highly different transition from his B.Tech life. He had gained a lot of knowledge in NIT Rourkela. After completion of his M.Tech, he obtained his Ph.D. in five years (2011-2015) from the same institution. He expressed his deep sense of gratitude to Prof. K. K. Mahapatra, Professor in the Department of ECE and Dean Academic at NIT Rourkela for giving him the opportunity to work under him during M.Tech and PhD and lending every support at every stage of his research work. He is indebted to his esteemed guidance, constant encouragement and fruitful suggestions from the beginning to the end of his tenure at NIT Rourkela and he feels really blessed to be student of him without whom he would not have been before us. Next year, immediately he applied for the adhoc faculty position at NIT Jamshedpur, Jharkhand and worked as a adhoc faculty for one year at NIT Jamshedpur. After completing one year of service, he was selected as Contract faculty (First step of Permanent position) for 3-years by Ex-Director of NIT Jamshedpur, Prof.Rambabu Kodali. Simultaneously, he applied for adhoc faculty position in NIT Andhra Pradesh which is close to his hometown. As he is suffering from homesickness, he had left the opportunity at NIT Jamshedpur and had come to join NIT Andhra Pradesh. He has been working as an ad-hoc faculty member in NIT Andhra Pradesh since 2016. His main motto is to create a friendly Ambiance for the students since they are living far away from their home. He also stated that he launches the students as missiles, who will hit their targets successfully. No matter what kind of mentality a student possesses, a faculty should be friendly and dedicated to teaching the students. This interview had also brought him to spill the beans about his personal life. SriLalitha, an Electrical Engineer from Vignan University, got married to this perfect gentleman. His future plan is to continue further research in VLSI domain. He ended up the interview with the beautiful instance that states "HUMAN BODY is an embedded system and VLSI is its Heart" rather than listening to the boring examples of a washing machine for embedded systems which are traditionally followed over the past few decades. He suggested five principles for a student to acquire good knowledge and how to cash in on the lifestyle of an institution. They are as follows: 1. Enjoy classroom discussion and utilize it with faculty by clarifying doubts. 2. Don't feel tension and pain.3. Love the subject.4. Play with the blackboard by implementing different circuits in the classroom.5. Don't bunk the classes unless you are sick. At the end of the day, he was very impressed with the newsletter "THE ECE HERALD" and this sublime interview.

Technology as Helping Hand - M R L V V Bharathi

Can you brief few points about the novel device you have patent on? Sir: It is a learning device for blind people, they can learn themselves by this. It is a self help device. It is provided with vibrator motor and a simple switch. Through this device blind people can learn alphabets. This is a self corresponding cell in Braille code vibrates. For instance, to bring up ‘A,, pre recorded voice spells ‘A’ and first cell in Braille code vibrates. The same mechanism applies for all the alphabets. Coming to testing mode, few switches were incorporated below vinrator motors. When device spells an alphabets, student has to press respective switches and press enter, the matrix ix matched with Braille code. Once the matrix is proper, device says correct and proceeds to next random alphabet. There is also sequence mode. What are the simulators and hardware you used if any? The major build up components are micro controllers [Arduino] and SD connector. Along with these hardware, Arduino IDE software is availed. Pre-recorded voice served phonetic purpose. Sir, is there any turning point which inspired you toward this invention? [smiling] I am a part of assistive technology lab as a mentor. We reached out to varied set of visually impaired students and asked them for setbacks in learning. They came up with few problems like lack of their study material of their kind, dictionaries and also the potential problem is that all students don’t learn at equal pace. Fast and slow leaning students require different times. This device reduces long teaching hours and is precise for any paced learners. Not only these but also ethical aspect motivated me toward this invention. Technology and biology are two diametrically opposite fields. How did u see to modify then? Though they are opposite they compliment with each other. For our students what would you suggest to do to kick off in this field? Basically interest and passion paves way for everything. Though technology is staggering, devices assisting disabled people are least interested by the investors. So, there is a vast gap meeting these assistive tools. Supplying Braille printer is the need for hour. But they are highly priced. If it is economical, it will reduce the major loop hole. It should also be portable. Producing Braille on paper is a tedious and bulky process for both manufacturers and users. Almost invention a parallel invention like QWERTY keyboard is also useful. In India 18% are cited users. There are many people who crave for lot of assistance. Sir, having a lot of technological inventions behind you can you predict future in the sci-fi way where devices make people see? Yes, definitely. Eye is the resemblance of camera. There are two kinds of blindness associated with default in brain and eyes. If there is a problem with eye it can be replaced as expected. Is this invention related to electrical and electronics students only? This is for anybody who has zeal to help others. However this device deals with integrated systems. Your suggestion to our readers. Whatever you do have social concern. Is there any chance for your Device to be released in the market? Patent is a long process. My next step in developing these devices is to apply for TIDE project and produce these devices in bulk, later handover it to NGOs. Patent gives honor, but benefiting needy is the first priority. • On product development o Product should be economical. o People who are accessing and their economic status. o Product and its development should obey ethics. o Environment friendly. • His development on sub-branch of Braille Braille is not apt for Telugu. Telugu phonetics are different from English and don’t serve the process. This is served by expanding the Braille matrix size 8X2. This reduces redundant words.

“ Using technology as a

peripheral, disabled

people are no less than

normal human beings.”

learning device as they can learn by themselves. Braille code is a simple 3X2 matrix. This code is embossed on any surface and they feel this through hand sand learn. The same way I provided the embossment through vibrator motor. The working of this device is, it spells a word while motor vibrates in that particular cell, I deployed testing and learning modes for further utility. In learning mode an alphabet is spelt and


“ There are few

potential difficulties.

My wish is to

handover this device

and few other devices

for the needy.”

1. New Zealand Announces Ban on Military-Style Semi-automatics and Assault Rifles New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced a ban on all military-style semi-automatic weapons, assault rifles and high-capacity magazines.

2. Aamir Khan appointed as Brand Ambassador of PhonePe India’s fastest growing payments platform PhonePe appointed Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan as its Brand Ambassador.

3. Fifa bans former Ecuador football chief Luis Chiriboga for life World football governing body FIFA has imposed a lifetime ban on 72 years old, former Ecuadorian Football Federation (FEF) President, Luis Chiriboga. He has also fined with million Swiss francs($1.01 million).

4. Xiaomi launches a UPI payment app ‘Mi Pay’ in India Xiaomi launched Mi Pay, a UPI (Unified Payments Interface) Based mobile payment service in India to send money from one bank account to another or between UPI (Unified Payments Interface) accounts.

5. Lakshya & Riya break into top 100 in BWF badminton rankings Young Indian shuttlers Lakshya Sen and Riya Mookerjee broke into the top-100 among Men’s and Women’s singles players in the latestWorld Badminton Rankings. Making a massive jump of 28 places, Lakshya Sen is placed 76th.

6. CBSE launches app Shiksha VaniCentral Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) launched its podcast app, ‘Shiksha Vani’.It will be used to send out major announcements made by the board and is expected to be the quickest way to information.

7. ICF of Chennai Became The World’s Largest Rail Coach Manufacturer, Indian Railways’ Chennai based Integral Coach Factory (ICF)became world’s largest rail coach manufacturer after surpassing top Chinese manufacturers.

8. India ranks 140th In UN World Happiness Report India ranked 140th out of 156 nations in the World Happiness Report released by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network for the United Nations on March 20(The International Day of Happiness). India shows a 7 spot decline. For the second consecutive year, Finland topped the list. Denmark ranked second followed by Norway. Pakistan ranked 67th, Bhutan 95th, China 93rd, Bangladesh 125th, and Sri Lanka 130th while South Sudan ranked last in the World Happiness Report.

9. NASA’s Fermi Satellite clocks ‘cannonball’ pulsar speeding through space NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope and the National Science Foundation’s Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) discovered pulsar hurtling through space. It speeds nearly 2.5 million miles per hour which is as fast as it could travel the distance between Earth and the Moon in just 6 minutes.

10. 10. World Water Day is being observed on March 22World Water Day is being observed on March 22 every year all over the world. World Water Day is an annual UN observance day (always on 22 March) that highlights the importance of freshwater. The theme for World Water Day 2019 is ‘Leaving no one behind, which is the central promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

11. Paris & Hong Kong join Singapore as the world’s most-expensive cities The annual Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) survey listed Singapore, Paris and Hong Kong as the world's most expensive cities. It is first time that the three cities are sharing the top spot. Zurich and Geneva in Switzerland ranked fourth and fifth respectively in the Expensive Cities list while Osaka in Japan ranked 6thposition.As per EIU, Bengaluru, Chennai and New Delhi ranked 5th, 7th and 8th position respectively among the top ten cheapest cities.

12. Kazakhstan renames Astana as Nursultan after ex-president. In honor of longtime ruler Nursultan Nazarbayev ,Kazakhstan has renamed its capital as Nursultan from its previous name Astana after his resignation. The name was changed after Kassym-Jomart Tokayev sworn in as president of Kazakhstan.

13. Delhi Hindi writer Leeladhar Jagudi to be honored with Vyas SammanHindi writer Leeladhar Jagudihonoured with Vyas Samman 2018for his collection of poems “Jitne Log Utne Prem”. He also authored several poetry anthologies. The award carries an amount of Rs. 4 lakhs and it was started by K K Birla foundation in 1991.

14. Former SC judge Satya Brata Singh passes away at the age of 75Former Supreme Court judge Satya Brata Sinha passed away following age related ailments at the age of 75Justice Sinha was appointed as a judge of the apex court on October 3, 2002 and he retired on August 8, 2009.


STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS S Kiran Kumar, G Venkat Ritish, R Mukul Kumar Patel the

students of 4th year ECE under the guidance of Asst Prof. Aravind Sankeerth attended for Techkriti, a technical fest in IIT Kanpur from March 7th -10th for the following events:

. They are the only team that appeared in this talks from Under Graduation background, where the rest about 3000+ participants for each event are all from MBA background. Mounika Podamekala, Prathyusha ARL, Snehitha Mamidi,

Prathibha Verma attended an International Conference on Wireless Communication, Signal Processing and Networking (Wisp NET 2019) sponsored by IEEE. They presented an IEEE paper on Design of a Meandered line Micro strip Patch antenna with array implementation.

Ramesh, Vasanthi and Srikar under the guidance of Dr. Chandu DS, A Cavity-Backed Dual-Band SIW Antenna With Enhanced Gain and Harmonic Suppression, the 3rd international conference on optical and wireless communication, Jaipur, India. Paper id-1570522194.

RIGHT TO VOTE : - Manjunadh

There are some set of politicians who visit people only during elections. They act as if they are striving hard to serve people(they deserve an Oscar), But we know the truth. People are wise enough to differentiate between a tiger and a fox in disguise. Those politicians know nothing about people's problems, people's wishes, demands, and needs. So dear young generation of India, it's time to play PUBG( People unknown's Battleground) against them on April 11( in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana) . Land with your duo/squad or solo at the polling stations with your parachutes and attack the opponent ( fake leaders and politicians in disguise) with your assault rifles, sniper rifles ( Of course votes) and get your self survived. Hurry up the safe zone is shrinking(6 days to go) #righttovote. #utilizevote.

Interview with Krishna Yogi B Sai Sri Vidya: How does your interest developed towards writing IEEE paper?? Vidya: What's your first conference and how was that experience?? Yogi: My first ever conference was IEEE TENCON, held in Jeju Island, Korea. It was an enlightening experience for me since its a world class IEEE premium conference. The seven days of my stay in Korea helped me achieve a paradigm shift altogether. I got to have a chat with the president of IEEE and meet a lot of great and cool people. On looking back, my time there seems as a dream. Vidya: What are your future plans?? Yogi: Well, I got placed in DELOITTE, a multi national company. I want to consider this opportunity to experience the corporate world. I want to work for a year and later pursue Masters overseas which is my long term goal. I want to go in to research filed and teaching is also my cup of tea. As I told u earlier, I never have a certain plan to follow, I just follow my heart and move ahead to explore as much as I can, experience life from a lot of perspectives, till a whisper in my ears say, "This is what you have to be doing for the rest of your life."


• 2nd position in “Battlefield – Analytics related case study”. • 3rd position in “Finomina - A Stock market based talk”. • Sub-Operati – operations based case study for Apollo

Company. • Best Manager- Based on General Management for Wal-Mart


Krishna Yogi: Initially, I had no clue about technical papers. I always wanted to explore myself. I have no certain agenda or systematic plan to follow, I applied for an intern along with my friends at NIT Warangal in my third year vacation. We worked under the guidance of Ravi Kishore Sir who taught us IOT and insisted us to write IEEE papers. Gradually Sharan, Honey, Prateek, Mohan and I started writing IEEE papers. We wrote seven papers together.

With IEEE President and CEO, James A Jefferies

UPCOMING EVENTS IN OTHER INSTITUTES NIT-WARANGAL : • Apr 12 : E-Summit • Apr 12: Ayodhan 19 - A 3 day sports fest NIT-RAIPUR : • Apr 6 : Mrittika • Apr 14 : Nojoto Open Mic NIT Raipur • Apr 17-21: One week Self-sponsored Short Term Training Program(STTP)

on “JAVA Programming and its Applications” • Apr 9-13 : STTP on “Advances in Mechanical, Industrial Engineering and

Management (AMIEM-2k19)” NIT-TIRUCHIRAPALLI: • Apr 6 :2nd research Colloquium 2019 MNIT- JAIPUR: • Apr 5 : Flair Fiesta 2019 NIT -SURAT: • Apr 4 : Sentience 2019 – Techno Cultural fest • Apr 5 : Ojass 19 – Techno Management fest • Apr 6 : 2nd research Colloquium 2019







PUZZLES - Pranaswi

Guess...what are these? 1)9P in SS 2)5R IN O 3)5V IN A 4)11P IN H 5)29D IN LY 6)5S IN P 7)64S IN CB Example: 5V IN A-5 vowels in alphabets 2)I am a 5 letter word. I will be below you. Last 4 letters of me will be above you. Last 3 letters of me will be every where .who am I? 3)There is a couple .Probability of giving birth to a male or female is 1/2.If one of them is a male, what is the probability that they will have another male.


“THE FATE” is a short film directed by Rahul Karthik from ECE III year with perfect cast and some fantastic creative ideas. The character’s in the film have been given some of the most spectacular and grand scenes. They also got the best lines when it comes to dialogues. Whenever a person die, its heartbreaking and there is a huge void left in the film. The background music exactly suited for the scenes, attracting the audience. I have never seen a more dedicate director. He is a incredibly supportive and encourages collaboration in all the aspects of the character the actor is building and the role the character plays in the short film. Grab a view by YouTube link -

K MANU SAI - 11th Apr T SRAVANI -12th Apr P SONIA - 12th Apr E LAKSHMI DURGA - 17th Apr Y SAI SHLAGHYA - 19th Apr

Sending you smiles for every moment of your special day. Have a wonderful time and a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!


Art Works

Nivas ECE III year

DEPT. of ECE., NIT ANDHRA PRADESH. Congratulates Dr. Bikash Chandra Sahana for taking charges as Head, Dept. of ECE, NIT Patna.

Congratulations Sir!!