The double attack chess tactic

Post on 11-Jun-2015

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The double attack chess tactic explained for beginners, together with ten chess puzzles to practise and master this tactical pattern.

Transcript of The double attack chess tactic

The double attack chess tactic for beginners

Tactical Chess

Tactical exercises with the double attack

July 28th 2014

Theory of the double attack

The double attack is the simplest chess tactic. By attacking twothings at once, the opponent can only save one piece, such thatyou can win the other. The example diagram shows a doubleattack with the knight attacking both the king (giving check) andthe queen on b5. The king has to get out of check and white willwin the queen for a knight.

Double attack exercise 1

Solve the double attack chess exercise. The solution is on the nextslide.

Double attack exercise 2

The soluction of the previous exercise was: Qd4+

Double attack exercise 3

The soluction of the previous exercise was: Qd8+

Double attack exercise 4

The soluction of the previous exercise was: Nf6+

Double attack exercise 5

The soluction of the previous exercise was: Re5. The rook isdefended by the bishop on b2.

Double attack exercise 6

The solution was: Qa2+

Double attack exercise 7

Previous: Qe6+, note that Qc4+ is incorrect.

Double attack exercise 8

Bd5 picks up the rook on a2.

Double attack exercise 9

Na6 wins an exchange: you get a rook at the price of a knight.

Double attack exercise 10

Ng6 forks both rooks.

More chess tactics for beginners

Qe8 picked up the rook on a4 in the last exercise.This concludes the chess exercises with the double attack.Hopefully you were able to solve most of the given chess puzzles.

More chess tactics for beginners with exercises are found on