The Diving Equipment & Marketing Association 2020 Board of ......diving and instruction, served two...

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Transcript of The Diving Equipment & Marketing Association 2020 Board of ......diving and instruction, served two...

The Diving Equipment & Marketing Association 2020 Board of Directors

Category A1: Chuck Fultz Innovative Scuba Concepts, Inc. Location: Colorado, U.S.A. Phone: 954-594-2885 Email:

ISSUE STATEMENT There is no dive industry without healthy oceans. DEMA can't solve the crisis facing the world's oceans. However, it can help its membership to make small changes to help make our oceans healthier through education and training. It can work with outside ocean conservation and advocacy organizations. By engaging divers to actively protect our oceans, I believe we can attract young divers and grow the industry.

Category A1: Chuck Fultz, Innovative Scuba Concepts, Inc.

RESUME EXPERIENCE: INNOVATIVE SCUBA CONCEPTS & TOVATEC LIGHTS President | Colorado Springs, CO • Expanded product portfolio from approximately 3,500 to more than 4,000 products. • Introduced the first line of products in the dive industry manufactured from recycled plastic water bottles. • Moved to include recycled materials and reusable packaging for almost all products. • Created the Tovatec MERA which integrates a dive light and camera, receiving several awards for innovation. IAQUA USA President | Fort Lauderdale, FL

• Established a North American supply chain and implemented a retail strategy which includes exhibiting at some of the world’s largest boat shows and diving shows.

IMAU CAPITAL 2016-Present | Founding Partner | Fort Lauderdale, FL • Identified & completed the acquisition of Innovative Scuba Concepts. Innovative serves as a platform for

consolidation in the highly fragmented diving equipment market. • Minority investment in an award-winning craft brewery that is rapidly expanding its geographic footprint outside

its home state of Louisiana. • Minority investment in provider of therapy and education services to children with Autism in Daytona Beach,

Florida. FARLIE, TURNER & COMPANY 2007-2016 | Managing Director | Fort Lauderdale, FL • Multidisciplined investment banker capable of leading and executing merger and acquisition advisory, private

placement and financial restructuring engagements. BROWN, GIBBONS, LANG & COMPANY 2005-2007 | Vice President | Cleveland, OH • Youngest Vice President in the history of the firm. • Exposed to all transaction types including joint ventures, mergers, leveraged ESOPs, Chapter 11 restructurings,

363bankruptcy sales and leveraged buyouts. BGL Capital Partners 1998-2003 | Associate | Cleveland, OH • Responsibilities included identifying and evaluating companies for investment. • Completed two successful Initial Public Offerings of companies that were created through a consolidation strategy. • Assisted in the creation of road show materials, financial models and supporting documentation. ADDITIONAL

• Member of Mensa International • Wife, son (8) and daughter (5) love testing new products at our home in Florida • Visited California, Colorado, Ohio, Nevada, Bahamas, Costa Rica, Italy, United Arab Emirates, China and Thailand in

the past year

• Interests include family, diving, boating and surfing

Category A1: Jenna Meistrell, Body Glove Location: California Phone: 310-374-3441 x102 Email: Website: RESUME Experience NOVEMBER 2016 – PRESENT Brand Director / Body Glove/ Marquee Brands OCTOBER 2015 – PRESENT Advisor / Earths Oceans Earth's Oceans: OUR MISSION is ambitious, but necessary. Create a global network of incentive-based, self-sustaining plastics recycling facilities that will pay community members to pick up plastics and trash along their oceans and beaches. These facilities will repurpose and resurrect these plastics into useful products, community development and educational awareness programs. JANUARY 2015 – OCTOBER 2016 Committee Chair to Board / Dive N Surf Inc. - Schedule dates, times and location for meetings - Establish and confirm an agenda for each meeting - Officiate and conduct meetings - Ensure all agenda items have been discussed - Work with secretary of the board to make sure notes have been taken - Provide leadership & ensure committee members are aware of their obligations JANUARY 2014 – OCTOBER 2016 Managing Director / Body Glove International 2010 – MAY 2016 Scuba Instructor / Dive N Surf Retail Doing what I love the most, getting in the water and teaching people how to dive. It is so amazing to watch someone dive for the first time, breathing under water and seeing a whole new world open up to them. AUGUST 2009 – JANUARY 2014 Communications Director / Body Glove International

SEPTEMBER 2008 – DECEMBER 2008 Media Communication / Surf Aid International - Assisted in event planning (Swim 4 Life 2009) - Management of SurfAid social networking sites (Twitter, Facebook, Myspace) - Creation and distribution of press releases - Assisted in daily managerial activities - Foundation Search JANUARY 2008 – MAY 2008 Marketing Intern / PADI PADI: Professional Association of Diving Instructors Conducted market research and created a marketing plan for the University of San Diego Planned events such as Discover Scuba in order to attract more of the target market Created weekly market analysis reports

Education 2009 Bachelor of Business Administration University of San Diego Major: Business Administration and Management Minor: Communications

POSITION STATEMENT The dive industry is faced with the difficult task of maintaining its user base and developing programs to grow in a time of fierce industry competition. Consumers are working harder than ever and their free time is extremely limited. Our youth are spending more time on their electronic devices than out in the fresh air. They will choose to do sports and hobbies but they are learning about what they want to do via the internet and the influencers that they follow. Our industry has better photography assets than any industry out there. What are we doing with those assets to promote to the youth? These consumers are also extremely fed up with in your face marketing. They spend so much of their solitary time on devices that they yearn for experiential events. They are also into seeing the world and traveling, making sure to post those great travel pictures for the world to see. Our goal should be to get that initial diver hooked, buying gear, following our media sites, traveling to destinations around the world diving, taking photos and posting for their friends to see. So many of my friends always tell me “I don’t know why I haven’t signed up for a dive class yet?” The ones I convince are typically hooked. One of my many goals as a DEMA board member is to assist in building a strategy to target these consumers and make them divers for life.

Category A2: Tom Leaird Scuba Educators International Location: Indiana, U.S.A. Phone: 765-288-8144 Email: ISSUE STATEMENT

Scuba in the USA and around the world has reached a plateau in growth. Training agencies, in a quest for more participation, shorten courses with less instructor time resulting in fewer divers making diving a lifestyle that continues into the future. If a diver has not committed to diving, the result will be less equipment purchased, fewer diving-dedicated vacations, and less continuing education. Increased contact with instructors and dive centers will keep the interest in participation going throughout the diver's future. I will encourage the DEMA Board to increase the level of marketing to the general public about scuba as a lifestyle.

Category A2: Tom Leaird, Scuba Educators International

RESUME Background Served in the US Army 1961 through 1964. Primary education in the photographic industry through trade schools, and many courses in related business and finance. Worked with Lifetouch Photography 31 years managing 250 employees at retirement. Retiring allowed expansion of scuba interest and activities. Scuba Industry involvement Tom has been in the diving industry for 50 years having come up from a diver to instructor, to dive store owner, to author, to training agency CEO, to world-wide involvement. As a leader with the YMCA Scuba program from the beginning to sunset by YMCA of the USA in 2008, he started Scuba Educators International to replace that program and then purchased PDIC International to continue that agency and also heads the USA Federation for CMAS through the Underwater Society of America. His dive center has been in business 48 years during which he has published 15 books on diving and instruction, served two previous terms on the DEMA Board of Directors, and is the current Treasurer of the Recreational Scuba Training Council, RSTC. As an active Mid-West diver, his local Indiana group of 12 instructors have taught more than 6,500 divers and over 250 new instructors. Diving is truly a lifestyle, and that philosophy is carried to every student and diver he contacts. During two previous terms on the DEMA Board of Directors, he served as Chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee introducing a new mission statement: “Bringing businesses together to grow the diving industry worldwide.” In addition, he served on the Finance Committee, becoming Treasurer. Currently volunteering on the Public Policy Committee. Community involvement Tom is a 30-year member of the Kiwanis Club of Muncie, having served as Christmas Tree Sales Chairman for half of that time, returning approximately $10,000 back to the community annually. He has served the local YMCA Association Board of Directors for 25 years and during that time served as President and CEO for six months while a new CEO was recruited. Currently serving on the Facilities Committee at YMCA Camp Crosley, a resident camp serving 300 youth each week during the summer, and as Chairman of Water Quality in the 2 ½ acre swimming facility where he provides instructors to teach introductory scuba.

Category A2: Kristin Valette Wirth, PADI Location: California Phone: +1 (949) 858-7234 Email: Website: BIOGRAPHY Kristin Valette Wirth, Chief Marketing & Business Development Officer for PADI Worldwide, is responsible for setting the direction for the PADI brand in the global marketplace, implementing marketing programs to attract non-divers and divers into PADI’s scuba diver and freediver training programs, acquiring and retaining individual, dive center and resort members, and developing effective promotions and marketing programs to meet sales goals. She is also responsible for determining and leading the strategic direction of the company and overseeing key business development opportunities for the PADI brand. She is a member of the PADI Worldwide executive team who is responsible for the overall operations of the global company. Wirth came to PADI more than 21 years ago to work in the Legal and Risk Management Department where she stayed for two years before moving to the Project AWARE Foundation (an environmental non-profit organization created by PADI) where she assumed the role of Executive Director. During her time with the Foundation, she managed the development of public awareness and education campaigns, public service announcements, instructional curriculum and environmental events. Her articles and contributions have been published in numerous industry magazines, web sites and manuals. She has given educational and marketing presentations throughout North America, Central & South America, Asia Pacific and Europe, and has testified in front of state and federal legislators on a variety of issues. With 24 years of experience in the scuba diving industry, including several years managing a dive center in Santa Barbara, California, an MBA in Marketing, and a PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer rating, Wirth brings a unique combination of experience and passion for diving to PADI Worldwide.

ISSUE STATEMENT In running for the DEMA Board of Directors, I’m asked to write a short statement about a major issue facing the dive industry today. The problem is, we face more than one: environmental damage, government regulations, competing recreations and shifting spending patterns due to online commerce. But, of all the challenges we face, probably the most urgent (from a business perspective) is the number of new divers entering our sport. As Baby Boomers and Gen X’rs age, we increasingly rely on younger generations to fall in love with diving. As a DEMA Board Member, I would collaborate with fellow industry stakeholders to reach outside of our industry and creatively appeal to the future generation of divers. Although the dive industry faces challenges, doesn’t every industry? And, let's face it, this won't change – as we overcome today's trials, we take on tomorrow’s. This isn't a problem – it's what an industry does as long as it exists. Prevailing over our struggles isn't always easy, but that's neither new nor unique to diving. I wholeheartedly believe we will not only overcome these challenges, but diving can experience significant growth in the coming years, if we make some changes. The most important is that dive industry stakeholders must address these key issues with unified, collaborative actions. If we continue with disjointed individual efforts, we won't see significant growth. Although we're competitors internally, as we address our mutual challenges we must set this aside as we aggressively recruit new divers, re-attract inactive divers, embrace changes in consumer trends and demographics, and take on the legal and environmental problems we face together. The DEMA Board must be made up of passionate people who believe in the same goals and priorities, and have the fortitude to drive toward them. This core group will influence a "critical mass" that will carry out the plans to dramatically uptrend diving's growth curve. I’m running for the DEMA Board this year because I believe in our industry, I believe in its future growth, and I believe in working together toward shared goals. It's not only possible, but essential, that we do so.

Category A3: William Cline Cline Group Advertising, Inc Location: Texas, U.S.A. Phone: 972-267-6700 Email: ISSUE STATEMENT

Generations. That I think is the biggest issue facing our industry. Larger than any outside force, but an internal one. The age difference of our next generation entering our industry is a massive issue. We have a difference in learning styles, differences in digital interests, differences in policies and even teaching styles. Yet they are our industry's future. Not since Jacques Yves-Cousteau first emerged from the Mediterranean has our industry been in such a flux of change. We have a new generation that wants to try new things and the current 'Cousteau' generation for lack of a better term that wants to keep things the way they have always been. We have to find a medium and place we can learn from each other and grow. Each of us is in the industry by choice and we need to learn how to grow and expand our sport. The next generation is the only way we will accomplish those goals and therefore I think that is my and therefore DEMA's big challenge as we move forward in the next three to five years.

Category A3: William Cline, Cline Group Advertising, Inc.

RESUME William Cline is president and owner of Cline Group Advertising, Marketing & Research. The company was founded in 1990 as an international consultancy, specializing in the recreational scuba diving industry. William has been fortunate to represent and consult on a variety of matters from technical consulting, management operations, tourism development and economic impact projects with some of the world’s leading companies, governments and destinations within the scuba diving industry. Past and current clients include The Governments and Tourism boards of: • Bonaire • Barbados • Broward County, FL/Greater Ft. Lauderdale

Visitors and Convention Bureau

• The Bahamas Diving Association • Hawaiian Islands Dive Association

Other private-sector clients include Divers Alert Network (DAN), Rodale Press, Bob Soto’s in Cayman, Dive Provo in Turks & Caicos, Stuart Cove’s Dive Bahamas, Peter Hughes Dive Liveaboards, Sand Dollar Dive Resort in Bonaire, the Cayman Islands Watersports, Hotel and Restaurant Associations,, Fort Young Hotel Dominica, Explorer Ventures Dive Liveaboards, and DEMA, the diving industry trade association, among others. William has also recently served as the past Vice-Chairman of the DEMA Board of Directors and currently serving as the Chair of DEMA’s Research Committee as well as committee member of DEMA’s Consumer Marketing committee. Cline Group is highly respected in the specialized field of scuba diving consulting, operations, and marketing, within the USA, Europe, South America and Asia. William Cline is the only diving industry marketing and consulting person to be recognized as a dive business expert by The Wall Street Journal, Fortune and Entrepreneur magazines, and numerous newspapers including the Orange County Register (CA). Diving press includes interviews/articles in Dive Training, Scuba Diving, Sport Diver, PADI’s Undersea Journal, Dive Center Business Magazine, and Skin Diver magazines to name a few. William Cline, founder and president, is a diving veteran, with over 5,000 dives, holds an active PADI Course Director certification (#27109), and currently working on his MBA. William is also passionate about flying and holds a private pilot’s license and lives on a small airport in a suburb of Dallas, Texas.

Category A3: Jerry Beaty, Dive Training Magazine Location: North Texas Phone: (903) 819-4606 Email: Website: RESUME

Three years college at North Texas State University

• 1976 – 1996 Dive equipment representative for multiple manufacturers of various types of

scuba diving equipment and underwater cameras.

• 1989 – 1996 Represented dive travel resorts and destinations.

• 1991 – 1996 Owned and ran All Sun Tours as a wholesaler of dive travel specializing in group

trips exclusively to dive retailers.

• 1996 – 1998 Sales Managers for Specialized Publications

• 1998 – Present Associate Publisher for Dive Training Magazine and Dive Center Business

Present Employer Specialized Publications, E. Mark Young, Parkville Mo.


• 2000 – 2003 Was one of 5 persons to invent, test & patent “Supplied Air Snorkeling for

youth” (SASY)

• 2001 – 2004 Helped to organize and run Dive Around Texas (DAT)

• 2003- 2008 Sat as Secretary on the board for “Oceans for Youth” (OFY)

• 2005 – 2006 Consulted for “Coral Reef Alliance” and participated in lectures and seminars in

the Yucatan, Cozumel, Belize and the Bay Islands of Honduras.

• 2010 – 2017 Worked closely with the “Coral Restoration Foundation” to create “The Coral

Restoration Foundation International” which resulted in coral nursery’s being started on

Bonaire, Curacao and Grand Cayman

• 2015 – Present Served as an Advisor to the Board of “Sea of Change” and planned, helped

and completed 4 coral nurseries’ off Grand Cayman.


In a general statement that covers many different areas on the same subject, the problem of

communication, or more specifically the lack of effective communication. Particularly in the

ever-changing dive retail community. DEMA membership already provides many benefits, far

more than most of its members, even current members are aware of. Programs such as the

“Go Dive” program need to be understood by all retailers both members and nonmembers.

Getting that information out is vital to keep an active and interested member group.

All of the stakeholders in our 5 separate stakeholder groups need DEMA to provide more than

just an industry trade show. They expect to have retailer attendance at the trade show. Only a

very small number of North American retailers join DEMA for the right reason – to participate.

We must create a bond with the front door of the dive industry, the 1,500 dive retailers that

train, sell the equipment and provide travel to the bulk of our new entrants. We must be able

to communicate what the benefits of DEMA Membership are to new members and reinforce

the benefits to existing members. If there are not enough compelling reasons to recruit new

members, we must create them.

Category A4: Bill Cole Sea Experience Location: Florida, U.S.A. Phone: 954-394-8732 Email:

ISSUE STATEMENT I see the need for all areas of diving to work together instead of on their own. Together we can be stronger. Stores, instructors, certification agencies, dive charters, travel companies and resorts all rely on each other and if we can improve cooperation by just 5%, the results to everyone in the industry would be huge. As a future member of the board, I see potential in several areas; Certification and Ongoing Education I believe that everyone who takes an open water course should strive to become a Master Scuba Diver. With this increase in diving and qualifications comes additional revenue for stores, instructors, certification agencies, dive charters and travel companies and resorts. Keeping Things Local The local dive store is the beacon in the community. They should be offering all aspects of diving, if not, partner with someone with the same philosophy. Offer both online and traditional training. This is a must with the changing demographics. Show them why they need to hitch their wagon to your store for all their scuba needs. Diving for Everyone Our industry is all about getting and sharing experiences, creating memories and growing in ability. Changes in technology has enabled nearly everyone to become a somewhat good underwater photographer. It all starts when they dip their toes into the water. Not many industries have this power! I am ready to get my equipment, hop in and start making a difference, are you?

Category A4: Bill Cole, Sea Experience

RESUME PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Sea Experience | 2002 – Present, Fort Lauderdale, FL Founder, President/CEO Citrix Systems | 2000 – 2004, Fort Lauderdale, FL Senior Test Engineer Finantra Capital | 1998 – 1999, Plantation, FL Systems Engineer Pro Dive International, 1980 – 1998 Fort Lauderdale, FL Partner, Boat Captain, Course Director EDUCATION BSAE 1976 – 1980 University of Georgia, Athens, GA MISC PADI Instructor #10728 – 1979 US Coast Guard Captains License - 1981 SSI Platinum Pro 5000 – 1993 PADI Course Director – 1994 Instructor Trainer – Enriched Air, Resort Operations Specialist, Coral Reef Ecology, Oxygen First Aid, Digital U/W Photo, Boat, Naturalist, Navigation, Deep, Night, Wreck, Peak Performance Buoyancy, U/W Navigator Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative – Alternate Member Stakeholder Panel – Port Everglades Expansion Project

Category A4: Patrick Hammer, Scuba Emporium Location: Chicago, IL Phone: (708) 226-1614 Email: Website: ISSUE STATEMENT What issue do I see facing the industry; some people might say there are a lot, but I think we can bring them down to just a few.

• The first issue is not attracting new blood to the industry and we have lost the appeal to diving. So, we need to make SCUBA look like a recreation that everyone wants to do. We need to express the social aspect as well as the excitement of exploring. SCUBA needs to become a trending idea not a bucket list idea. We do not want people to try SCUBA and check it off; we need them to fall in love with SCUBA. We can show divers interaction with marine life as well as on safety stops playing games on the iPad.

• The second issue that I see is, as the current store owners are getting past retirement age, they are looking to sell off the business (some have made that their retirement funds alone) and cannot find interested parties, to sell to. Some are forced to just shut down. It is time to stop saying you cannot make money in SCUBA. It is not always what we make, it is what we save and receive. We need to show the great lifestyle of a store owner.

EXPERIENCE Owner, Vice President & Course Director, Scuba Emporium, Orland Park, IL 1974 – Current

• Train people to become SCUBA instructors

• Train people to become SCUBA divers

• Write new training material for recreational and professional divers

• Oversee technical staff and equipment repair

• Oversee training of staff in new DAN, PADI, & EFR standards

• Also owned and managed locations in Alsip, Evergreen Park & Tinley Park, IL; FL; GA, & MI operating under the same name and, in some cases, at the same time

Owner & President, Our World Underwater, Chicago, IL; Phoenix, AZ; Texas 1975 – 2015

• Oversee set up and break down of show as well as volunteers

• Arrange for speakers for over 100 presentations each year

• Arrange for DAN, PADI & EFR training as well as technical training for equipment repair

• Oversee fund raising, silent auctions and photo contents

President & Instructor, Emergency Medical Training, Orland Park, IL 1980 – Current

• Oversee instructor training

• Provide emergency medical training including CPR, AED, first aid and bloodborne pathogen training to non-diving corporations at their places of employment

• Provide retraining of staff and corporations EDUCATION Attended 1972-74, University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse, LaCrosse, WI Focus in Psychology and Business SUMMARY

• PADI course director since 1974, eight-time award winning PADI Platinum Course Director, and PADI Elite Instructor; training over 15000 students and 3800 instructors in the United States and Caribbean. Certified to teach over 140 educations and instructor level courses

• Red Cross Instructor since 1975

• DAN Instructor and Instructor Trainer offering training in 29 educational and instructor level courses

• Author of numerous articles for Midwest Diving Magazine

• Author or co-author of over 60 PADI specialties, including over 40 Distinctive specialties and contributor to the PADI course Director Manual and PADI Public Safety Diver program

• Author of two skin diving manuals, a log book, two operations and resort training manuals, and a book on Lake Michigan wrecks

• Past member of the Aqua Lung Advisory Board, the PADI Retail Associations Board, Coral Reef Alliance Board and DEMA Board

• Instrumental in starting some of the first rescue and recovery programs in the state of Illinois

• Instrumental in starting the Ralph Erickson Foundation, which seeks to allow underprivileged individuals the chance to start a career in dive education

• Instrumental in starting the Tim Early Foundation, which has a two-fold purpose: introducing school-aged children to the world underwater, reaching over 1700 children in 2010 alone; and funding underwater-related projects in the Midwest including the sinking of the Straits of Mackinac and the Buccaneer in Lake Michigan

• 2014 DEMA Reaching Out Award

• 2016 PADI Platinum Course Director

• 2016 PADI Elite Instructor Award

Category A5: Steve Weaver Dream Weaver Travel Location: Colorado, U.S.A. Phone: 303-499-0942 Email:


I see the lack of participation by retail dive stores in the DEMA organization as a major concern. Retailers make up a significant segment of our industry and are often times the first point of contact to the sport of diving. DEMA offers many benefits to membership but I think they could do a better job of communicating these benefits to potential members.

Category A5: Steve Weaver, Dream Weaver Travel

RESUME EXPERIENCE 05/1985 to Current CEO-Owner Dream Weaver Travel – Boulder, Colorado Dream Weaver Travel is a wholesale travel company offering travel-planning services to retail dive stores. 05/1983 to Current CEO-Owner Weaver’s Dive & Travel Center Inc. – Boulder, Colorado Weaver’s Dive & Travel Center is a retail dive store offering training, gear sales/service and group travel programs. EDUCATION AND TRAINING 1976: Bachelor of Arts: Retail merchandising & fine art (Arapahoe Collage, CO) 1980: YMCA and PADI Open Water Diver certification 1982: PADI Open Water Instructor certification 1989: PADI Master Instructor Trainer 1998: PADI Master Instructor 2017: SSI Platinum 1000 instructor ACTIVITIES AND HONORS Founding member and 2-term president of The Colorado Scuba Retailers Association Founding member and past president of The Professional Scuba Retailers Association Founding member and board member of Blue The Dive Board member of The Inland Ocean Coalition PADI Master Instructor SSI Platinum Pro Member Bonaire Platinum Ambassador International Association of Travel Agents Network Member Frequent speaker for DEMA sponsored seminars during DEMA Show Helped to organize several regional retailer associations Published articles in several dive publications on various topics Featured on the cover of Selling Scuba Magazine Developed programs to help dive stores be profitable selling dive travel Mentored several others who have made careers in the dive industry

Category A5: Tim Webb, Caradonna Dive Adventures Location: Longwood, Florida Phone: 1-800-328-2288 Email: Website:


• Caradonna Dive Adventures, Longwood, Florida, President 2004-2017, Vice President 2000-2004 Doing business as:

• Caradonna Dive Adventure, North America’s largest scuba travel specialist. o PADI Travel Network, sub-contracted by PADI o Delta Air Lines Vacations, sub-contracted by Delta Vacations. o United Airline Dive Vacations - sub-contracted by Mark Travel. o Cayman Express, a leisure operator specializing in the Cayman Islands.

• Harbour Village Beach Resort, Bonaire, General Manager 1998 – 2000 76 luxury hotel rooms, 96 slip full service marina, world class spa, and 4 restaurants with over 120 employees from 13 different countries.

• Sand Dollar Resort, Bonaire, General Manager 1994 – 1998 1997 Voted, “World’s Most Popular Dive Resort”, Rodale’s Scuba Diving Magazine.

EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT • Executive Program, CEDEP European Centre for Executive Development, Fontainebleau, • France, 2005 • Bachelor of Science, University of South Carolina, 1983-1987


TUI Travel PLC, North American Specialist, Board Member Diving & Equipment Marketing Association - Board of Director, 2007-2017

• Board Chair, 2015-2017, Finance Committee Chair, 2007-2013, Marketing committee, Trade Show committee

Caribbean Tourism Organization Central Florida Chapter • Vice President, 2001 – 2004

Bonaire Hotel & Tourism Association

• Bonaire Treasurer of the Board, 1998 - 2000

• Chairman of the Board, 1996 – 1998

• Vice President of the Board, 1995 STINAPA Bonaire Marine & Land Parks): Board Member, 1997-1999 Lighthouse Beach Homeowners Association, Bonaire: President, 1995-1998 Caribbean Hotel Association, Bonaire: Board Member 1996 – 1998


• 2010-2011 Top Performer, Delta Air Lines • 2007 Person of the year, voted by the Island of Bonaire. • 2006 Caradonna, Company of the Year, voted by the Island of Bonaire. • 1998, “The General Manager of the Year,” voted by members of BONHATA.

POSITION STATEMENT I am honored to be a candidate for re-election to the DEMA Board of Directors. In Today’s changing global business environment, we all face challenges. Not only what we face as a business daily but how the global economic challenges affect our day to day businesses as well. These consist of; geopolitical disruption, energy and environment security, conflict and poverty, competing in a new era of globalization, global imbalances, rise of new powers, global corporations and impact, global health crises to just name a few. DEMA must play a role in filtering these out, and communicating these to its members and how to face these challenges and succeed. Of course, DEMA is tasked with growing the industry for all stakeholders. Finding innovative, cost effective ways to accomplish this through collaboration with each stakeholder, looking at other industry “wins,” apply these to the dive industry. DEMA did just that with GO Dive Now, taking innovative ways, we found in another industry translating this to “dive” and execute a plan. Now we need to get other stakeholders on board and expand our budgets and global spends but other private sector companies doing the same, and creating a global brand, “Go Dive Now.” DEMA must maintain its strong voice in the legislative arena. DEMA has made a difference in past and that must be maintained. All committees that DEMA has must be firing on all cylinders for the industry to rebound and become stronger for each of our businesses. In the past three years as the Chair of the Board of DEMA we have done just that, we have launched and executed marketing and dive acquisition plans, we have fought and won several legislative battles, we have been fiscally responsible and that shows with the ability to provide disaster assistance to our members who have been affected in the recent months with natural disasters. If elected I will continue as a leader in our industry making decisions and leading the organization to future success. I thank you for the support for the past terms I have served on the board of DEMA and I hope to get your support for this upcoming election as well.