The Digital Consumer

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of The Digital Consumer

An overview of the Indian Digital Marketing landscape

Trends, Drivers & Opportunities

Prepared by Sudhir Chopde | Private – For Discussion Purposes Only

The Digital

Consumer“The consumer isn’t a moron;

she is your wife…

… and she is







- David Ogilvy’s timeless insight into the consumer, reinterpreted for a digital age

The Digital


Key Drivers

Mobile | Digital_catch me if you can

Analytics_know me

Content | Social_ engage me, excite me,

enable me

The Digital


Mobile | Digital

The India Growth Story*

Internet Users137,000,000(> population of Japan)

Broadband Users15,000,000(> population of Ecuador)

Internet User Growth1,500,000 per month(=Netherlands population)

75% | 39%< 35 years Female

60% | 25%Use Online Retail Online Ad Growth

Mobile Internet Users50,000,000(= South Korean population)

Smartphone Users27,000,000(> population of Australia)

3G Users6,000,000

81Hours spent/month on Smartphone

25%You Tube views from mobile devices

* Source: Internet – Internet & Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) (June 2012); Mobile – TRAI, Google India, IAMAI, KPMG_FICCI Frames (Mar 2012)

The Digital


Mobile | Digital

So what does this explosion mean anyway?

_Websites are out, integrated experiences are in

It’s no longer enough to have just a website, what you need is

‘integrated experience’ strategy built around -

multiple-yet-single screens seamless experience straddling

traditional (PC) and emerging (smartphone, tablets) access points

optimized content tailored, responsive, optimized for evolving

Indian access conditions (broadband, dial-up, mobile)

innovative monetization exit intrusive advertising (flashing

display banner, pre-roll videos etc.), enter native advertising (sponsored content etc.) built around content, choice and integration

The Digital


Mobile | Digital

So what does this explosion mean anyway?

_‘App’y days are here to stay

Mobile is not about reformatting websites for small screens.

It’s about rethinking consumer engagement, providing unique value leveraging the mobile platform. Not mini websites and micro-ads,

but mobile applications.

Mobility is all about apps that make the consumer’s life_

_convenient (flight check-in, mobile banking, sports scores on the go),

_enabled (Tesco South Korea’s virtual stores in subway stations, Nike fitness),

_social (networking, gifting on social platforms),

_incentivised (mobile coupons, vouchers),

_entertaining (gaming)

_Location = Local + ConnectionTurbocharge campaigns, offerings and promotion by leveraging

location as a filter. Enable consumers to find you at the nearest relevant location in real time.

The Digital


Content |Social

The India Explosion Story*

Social Media Users60,545,120(= population of Italy)

Social User Growth52%

2 in 3(social media users access a social site every day)

1 in 4(online minutes is spent on social networking sites)

33,000,000(online users spend on more than one social network)

Facebook Users3rd

(largest population in the world,

> 50,000,000 estimated)

Twitter Users15,000,000

LinkedIn Users2nd

(largest population in the world,

> 20,000,000 estimated)

YouTube Visitors55,800,000(Indian visitors view

>4,000,000,000 videos/month)

Content | Social

* Source: Comscore (Aug 2012), Facebook AdPlanner (Oct 2012), SocialBakers (Jul 2012),eMarketer (Feb 2012), IAMAI (jun 2012)

The Digital


Content |SocialContent | Social

‘Social’ is Dead. Now, everything is social!

Stand-alone social falls by the wayside as social media/networking goes beyond Facebook pages & You Tube videos to be woven into company-wide strategy and action plans, right from customer interface to insight.

_Listen & Engage. Social gets integratedCustomer Service? Lead Generation? Feedback? Innovation Ideas? You name it and

Social Networks are being leveraged innovatively to listen to and engage with consumers in real time, to ‘humanize’ faceless, passive interactions. (Think Dell’s ‘Ideastorm’, Mahindra’s ‘Spark the Rise’)

_Social + Content = More effective SearchSearch is no longer just about the usual grab bag of the right tags or keywords, as

socially consumed original, relavant content drives how you are ‘found’ on the web. Like everything else, Social is forcing an integrated view of the crucial search strategy.

_The Rise of Niche SocialFacebook may be the big daddy. But more focused, interest-based communities

will rise/consolidate. Think Instagram, Pinterest, Path. Innovation in business models and technology will help niche social gain momentum

The Digital


Content |SocialContent | Social

It’s not a cliché. Content is still the king.Marketers are now storytellers, creating compelling content to engage

consumers in their journey from prospecthood to ongoing custom. (In short, Content Marketing!)

CuratedRelevant, sticky content that finds it’s way into consumers’ curated digital spaces, creating enduring brand connect

ContextualisedRight message at the right time at the right place in the right channel

CrowdsourcedAs brand fans and followers, Consumers partner in co-creation of content/stories/ideas

HolisticContent horizons expand beyond text, to encompass photos, videos, rich media and gaming

StorytellingCreation of story arcs, aligned with value proposition and creating immersive, interactive experiences for customers. Think Tata Nano, Red Bull Space Jump…

The Digital



Big Data is now Smart.

_Thou shall Know thy CustomerThe Customer will rise above data silos, beyond demographics,

yielding a unified picture of aspirations, transactions, aggravations and intentions, drawn from every single customer touchpoint – enterprise, online, social media and the ‘quantified self’

_Bigger, more accessibleBig Data is no longer the preserve of engineers. Everybody in the

emerging ‘Social Enterprise’ now requires timely, concise, relevant data to execute their missions – Sales, Marketing, Business Development, Customer Service…the list is long. On the anvil are simple, intuitive dashboards providing user-customised, actionable, real-time data

_Smart Data = Smart ContentOnline consumer engagement, underpinned by real-time behavioral

data, enables understanding of interests, optimisation of processes and content customization & recommendation

The Digital


The CMO Conundrum

The CMO knows the future is digital. How does she make it happen? (Surprise: The answer may not necessarily be a digital agency. Read on to know why)

Dynamics of the digital marketing revolution

_Digital is moving on from web banners, campaign microsites &

Facebook apps. The game now is about developing integrated platforms, weaving together media, experience management,

analytics and systems (e-commerce, content management etc).

_Just strategy, ideas and communication assets will not suffice.

Creative Technology & Design driven product innovation is at the

heart of the whole new world digital experience & engagement.Think Nike Fuel Band. Consider Johnson & Johnson Band Aid Magic Vision.

_Brand stories need to be enabled, not just told, powered by a cultureof R&D, experimentation, problem solving, and agile innovation.Check out Nordstrom Innovation Lab case study, for instance

The bottomline: Innovation, Platforms & Systems, R&D, Agile

Development…Digital agencies are increasingly expected to

work and deliver like software companies!

The Digital


Some Key Opportunities

Mobile | Digital_catch me if you can

Analytics_know me

Content | Social_ engage me, excite me,

enable me

Cross-platform dashboards (Online, Social, Access Devices)

Unified Customer View (Sales Funnel, Transactions, Ongoing Relation)

Marketing ROI Performance Trackers (Leads, Closure, Response)

Intelligent Media Management (Web, Social, Mobile, Search)

OTT Solutions (Optimization, Monetization, Syndication)

Marketing Automation (Workflow, Campaign, Asset Management)

Content Management Systems Content Marketplace

Experience Management (Listen, Engage)

The Digital


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