The Deepening: The Art of Unconditional Love. Council of Sages:

Post on 14-Apr-2015

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This is an extract from futurist and mystic Marcus T Anthony's new book, "The Deepening: The Art of Unconditional Love". The Deepening is the follow-up to the successful volume "Discover Your Soul Template". The central focus of The Deepening is how to find unconditional love within yourself, and then shining that light out into the world. The book relates the author’s personal inner journey of self-discovery and healing. The Deepening states that unconditional love is the ultimate destination of your soul, and of the oversoul of humanity. This extract comes from one of the later chapters in the book, and discusses the idea of the emergence of Councils of Sages, and how they might help transform our world. The Sages on such councils will consist of those who have discovered the light within themselves, and learned the art of unconditional love.

Transcript of The Deepening: The Art of Unconditional Love. Council of Sages:


The Deepening: The Art of Unconditional Love is futurist and mystic Marcus T. Anthony’s latest book. It is the follow-up to the successful volume Discover Your Soul Template. The central focus of The Deepening is how to find unconditional love within yourself, and then shining that light out into the world. The book relates the author’s personal inner journey of self-discovery and healing. The Deepening states that unconditional love is the ultimate destination of your soul, and of the oversoul of humanity.

This extract comes from one of the later chapters in the book, and discusses the idea of the emergence of Councils of Sages, and how they might help transform


our world. The Sages on such councils will consist of those who have discovered the light within themselves, and learned the art of unconditional love.

Chapter 9: The Council of SagesHere’s an interesting thought. It is mentioned by Eldon Taylor in his book

Mind Programming. First causes are not provable. A first cause is a foundational concept, principle or structure that one believes to be the basis of reality. 

Taylor is right, if you think about it. Mainstream dominant science begins with the first cause that matter is the basis of the universe, and that the cosmos began from nothing via the Big Bang (although this theory is being hotly debated at present). But how would you actually prove that matter is the founding basis of reality? What experiment would you conduct? The answer is that there is none. Thus the “matter is foundational” principle of science is not science at all, but philosophy. The best one can really say is, “This is my belief or experience”.

In the Eastern idealist tradition, as exists in the Indian and Chinese civilisations, consciousness is believed to be the foundation of the cosmos, with matter being an emanation of cosmic mind. This is also metaphysics, in that no physical experiment that I know if could prove it. However, the essence of this may be “observed” via meditative introspection, and that is why so many introspective spiritual traditions declare consciousness to be the basic stuff of the cosmos, not matter. Again, the Eastern mystic might say, “I have gone within, and this is my experience.” Some may even argue that this is a more legitimate truth claim than the materialists’ matter-based cosmos, as it is verifiable at a first person level via repeatable processes.

One might then logically question how any foundational principle might be considered more correct or superior to another. What if I said Uri Geller created the universe while in a particularly bad mood? There’s no way to prove or disprove that either. In the end, a culture or society comes to an implicit agreement on what the foundations of life and cosmos are. Not too many people agree that Uri Geller created the cosmos. Not even Uri himself. However, many millions hold to the materialist and idealist positions, albeit with many variations upon the two themes.


With the scientific method, peer review essentially determines what “facts” are real or not real. When a scientist wishes to put forward a challenge to an existing hypothesis or theory, she has to win the approval of her peers, or the challenge will not see the light of day, at least not through the standard channels of communication. Bodies of scientifically literate individuals also have much power over what truth claims are made public. For example, the American Medical Association, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Society of Systematic Biologists wield a lot of power in their respective domains of science.

The role of science in politics and media is more often indirect than overt. Scientists often complain that politicians and journalists have only a limited awareness of science, and do not draw upon scientific knowledge enough as they draw up policies and create news stories respectively. This is a legitimate criticism. However in the Western world at least, our political organisations all retain the essence of the mechanistic worldview, and in this they are in agreement with modern science. They all see the world and cosmos as a great machine, and we, its citizens, as being essentially robotic. The way those in power have trashed the environment and the biosphere since the industrial revolution is, I believe, a direct result of this already outmoded, dysfunctional and destructive worldview. For the universe is not mechanical, and we are not automatons. We are in intimate relationship with the planet which has spawned up. There is a need for our science, politics, media and popular culture to recognise this simple truth.

The scientific method and peer review systems may well have been the most suitable ways we have had for examining nature and reality in recent centuries, given the current typical level of human consciousness evolution; the fact that most of our scientists, leaders and teachers have a low capacity for Integrated Intelligence.

Yet this will not always be the case. The mechanistic view of reality will gradually fall away, and science, education and society will slowly deepen in their understanding of the universe and our genuine relationship with it. In time they will need to be modify their worldview to incorporate the deepening of mind.

I believe that in time our current ego-driven political, educational and even scientific organisations - including scientific peer review - will evolve into genuine wisdom councils. The founding principle of a wisdom council is that only those who are wise are be permitted to exercise power.


Then, one day, there will emerge a Council of Sages. This Council will represent the ultimate evolutionary outcome of the depending of human consciousness; the pervasive presence of unconditional love across the human oversoul. Eventually other Councils of Sages will appear across all spheres of human endeavour.

In the scientific domain, these councils of the wise will retain the core elements of the scientific method, but will also incorporate other ways of knowing, including direct spiritual perception or Integrated Intelligence. My claim here is based on my personal experience and perception, taken from direct practice working with people with advanced levels of consciousness. Over a period of twenty years, I have seen how personal and organisational decisions can be made with the aid of deep knowing and Integrated Intelligence. 

Yet how shall it be decided who is wise, or not? The criteria for the inclusion of wise individuals – or Sages - into such wisdom councils will need to be strict.

Firstly, they will need to be experienced and knowledgeable in their particular domain or field. The Council of Sage Historians will be comprised of those who have read and studied history. All those who sit upon the Council of Sage Economists will need to be familiar with economic theory and history. The men and women of the Council of Sage Biologists must know the workings of the biosphere to a high degree. Yet this knowledge will in itself will not be enough.

The prime criteria to sit upon these wisdom councils will that the Sages’ minds must rest in presence as their default position. This is because in presence a person can most readily perceive the deepest truths of life, and can one access Integrated Intelligence with minimal distortion from other minds, or one’s ego.

Sages must be masters of the mind, not servants of it. They must be fully conscious of how the mind pulls them into projection, fear, anger and blame; and how these things distort reality. And most importantly, they must be conscious of the mind’s tendency to seek annihilation and destruction of that which contradicts it.

Each member of such a Sage Council will sit in his or her power. This means that they will not be easily dragged into drama and


delusion by their neediness, need for approval, lust for power or a desire to appear to be correct.

They must not be attached to their position and status on the wisdom council, for such attachments emerge from the mind. This will be perhaps the greatest test for each Sage, as once positions of power and prestige are gained, the mind tends to create identity from them. There is then a tendency to fight for power and control to retain the position, regardless of merit. Such dramas are the norm for human history to date, but in the future this must change. Any given morning that a Sage awakens, he must be prepared to surrender his position forever, if that is what is required by Spirit.

The wisdom council member must be fully in control of his sexuality, as this is perhaps the prime means by which modern leaders tend to be controlled and manipulated; or in turn the means by which they control and manipulate others.

Although it is not necessary for the Sages to be clairvoyant, they will need to be highly intuitive and to have a strong awareness of the interaction between the light and the darkness that influence all human minds. They must understand how dark intentions manipulate the consciousness fields of both individuals and collectives. They must be aware that this occurs not through occult practices, but unconsciously via projections from mind to mind, consciousness field to consciousness field. The mastery of such projections will help bring to the awareness of council members the times when their own minds are being manipulated psychically by others.

Finally, all members of the Council of Sages will sit in love. Their consciousness fields will resonate with compassion, love, and light. This will not be an act which emerges from a mental belief, as with the way certain public religious officials act Christ-like in public gatherings, even as they conduct themselves with notoriety behind the scenes. The energy of love, and the behaviour, will be genuine.

Do not misunderstand. The members of the Council of Sages do not need to be perfect. They will make mistakes, and their thoughts and actions might be influenced by ego at times. Yet the Sages will have the capacity to immediately acknowledge when they do so, and thus be able to return the default position of


presence virtually instantly. You have seen in the earlier parts of this book how simple – but challenging - this is.

I predict that such wisdom councils will eventually come into being once the veneer of scientific materialism is stripped away, and our understanding begins to evolve into a more deeply conscious awareness of the universe and humanity’s role within that universe.1 The problem is not that we do not currently have, say, a dozen human beings who meet these criteria. We have far more than that already. There is the obvious issue that there is no recognised collective which represents them and which carries authority and power in the modern world.

Secondly, by definition, a Sage does not seek prestige and power, so this is something of a Catch-22. Jessica, the woman who was the prime force behind my spiritual group in New Zealand was very clear on this issue. She was beyond seeking approval and recognition for her wisdom, her teachings and her power.

And her power was immense, in a spiritual sense. Her clairvoyance was almost beyond this world. Before I met her, I had never imagined that such a human being could exist in this world. The first time she met me, she did not even say hello. Instead she simply informed me of an energetic issue that emerged from my ancestors seven generations past on my father’s side of my family, related the expression of my sexuality. She perceived this information from an image she saw as soon as she laid eyes on me: that my hands were covered in blood. Incredibly, this disturbing image had come to me just that very morning when I had done a meditation to seek clarity on the occasion of my meeting Jessica.

True to her word, when the time came and the right energy was not there, Jessica disbanded the spiritual group and moved elsewhere. She took nobody with her, as she did not covet followers. “Leaving people behind sets me free,” she said.

Another reason why a wisdom council of spiritual masters like Jessica is yet to evolve is because these Sages are not yet recognised by our science, our governments, our institutions, or by the world’s dominant cultures in general. The concept of Integrated Intelligence still lies too far off their maps of reality.

1 Note that this does not mean that science will be eliminated. It will remain, but it will no longer be founded on the narrow presuppositions of scientific materialism, or the economic, political and cultural factors which currently heavily control it. This expanded practice of science will be perfectly compatible with the way the Wisdom Council operates. Indeed, there is no reason why the scientific method and whatever kind of peer review system is in place in the future could not incorporate the essence of a Wisdom Council in its practice.


Many religious and spiritual organisations have something that might look like a Council of Sages: high priests dressed in spiritual garb, slowly waving to the masses with beneficent smiles upon their faces. But in most cases, these people are still locked in the mind, in the world of past pain and fearful futures. They come from the world of belief, and being attached to beliefs and the world of the mind, they deal in the currency of ego: power and control, and the elimination of opposite polarities. Like all ego games, this is one of deception, where most of the mind is locked in shadow, hidden from the light.

The development of a Council of Sages will most likely go through various phases of development, as initial attempts to work with such consciousness will inevitably be contaminated by the ego projections of its members, as well as interference from external consciousness fields (individuals with malevolent intentions, collective consciousness fields, alien and discarnate influences). In my working with groups on related matters, I have seen the way that the consciousness fields of individuals in group settings can become entangled. This is because there is almost nobody – including me – who is beyond some degree of influence from the power and control agendas of the ego. Such agendas are what get people ensnared in others’ energy fields.

* * * *

The Deepening: The Art of Unconditional Love will be available in various e-book formats in early march, 2013. For the latest updates on the book, see Marcus T Anthony’s web site,