The Customer Buying Process - is your companies marketing covering each stage?

Post on 17-Jun-2015

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In this Slideshare we work through each stage of the customer buying process and give questions & tips on what to do to help make your company present at each stage.

Transcript of The Customer Buying Process - is your companies marketing covering each stage?

The Customer Buying Process

March 2014

Step 1 - I have a need!This is where all the hard work you put into making sure people know your brand is really important. Why? Because at this stage it’s all about:

Education & Awareness

3 Questions to ask yourself:

How can I provide relevant and un-bias education pieces to help customers?

What insight can I share with them, so they know we’re great at what we do?

How can I make potential customers more aware of my products/services?

Step 2 - I’m ready to hunt!The customer starts their research, are you where they’re looking? You need to be, as this stage is all about…

Being Present!Just remember it’s likely the customer will be searching based on their need/problem NOT for the final solution. Here’s a couple of examples…

It’s time for a holiday - likely to search for things such as “summer holidays”, “winter holidays” at this stage not “holiday to USA”

My broadband speed is rubbish - likely to search for things such as “slow broadband”, “faster broadband” at this stage not “broadband from BT”

Step 3 - Other’s experienceCustomers love nothing more than checking out or asking for the opinions of others, peer influence is a key factor! This stage is all about:

Inform & Illustrate3 ideas for creating your “Inform & Illustrate” plan…

Customer Reviews & product ratings

Testimonials/how to guides – video, written, visual

Turn your customers into advocates across social media

Step 4 - Shortlist time!

The customer or potential customer starts creating their own final shortlist. This stage is all about…

Make it clear why they should pick you!

Things to think about…

Have you got strong and clear USPs?

Show pricing comparisons (if relevant)

Make sure your search engine strategy is up to date

Step 5 - I’m ready to buy

They’ve looked, they’ve listened, they’ve considered now they are ready to buy! Make sure you….

Make it easy!Make sure…

If your product sells online the checkout process is easy! If it’s not the customer is likely to go to the next on the shortlist!

If your product/service is sold via leads from your website make sure they are followed up promptly. If they aren’t the customer is likely to go to the next on the shortlist!

SummaryKnow who your customers are

Make sure your business appears in the right places

Share the right information

Show you are credible, experienced and the right partner/supplier

Make your USPs strong

Make things easy to understand and use

Be efficient with follow ups

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