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BY-LAW NO. 3961















Definitions 2

Enforcement 4

Genera!. 5

Metered - Unmetered Parking 5

Parking 8

Through Highways, Yield Signs and Stop Signs 11

One Way Streets II

Set FinesIPenalties II

Speed Limit Regulation , 12

Specific Trnck and Commercial Vehicle Controls 12

Crosswall<s 12

Repeal.. 12


A-I IV(l)

A-2 IV(l)

A-3 IV(l)

A-4 IV(l)

B V(6)

C V(5d)

D-l V(5h)

D-2 V(5h)

E V(4a)

E-l V(4b)

F V(5t)

G V(5c)





































DESCRIPTION PAGE NO.Metered Parking Zones (Streets) 13

Unmetered Zones (Streets in the Complimentary Parking Area). 13

Metered Parking Zones (Lots) 13

Municipal Facility Parking Zones (Lots) 14

Bus Stands 14

Ten Minute Parking Zone 14

Loading Zones 14

Loading Zones 15

No Parking At Any Time 15

No Parking At Any Time - Monday Through Saturday 16

Rush Hour Zones 17

No Parking Between the Hours of7:00am t07:00pm Monday toSatnrday 17

No Stopping, No Standing, No Parking - School Days from 8:00amto 4:00pm 17

No Stopping Area 17

School Bus Loading Zone - School Days from 8:00am to 4:00pm. 17

Parking Zone for the Mayor, Justice Of The Peace, By-LawEnforcement & Police Vehicles 17

Parking Zone for Vehicles Displaying "PERMITS" 18

Through Highways 18

Intersections Where Yield Right-Of-Way Signs Shall Be Placed .. 20

Intersections Where Stop Signs Shall Be Placed 20

One Way Streets 23

Two Hour Parking 23

Fire Access Routes 23

Parking Fees 24

Prohibited Use of Skateboards, In-Line Skates, Roller Skates andRoller Blades 24

Set Fines 25

Speed Limits 27

Crosswalks 27

Other Fines 28

Commercial Vehicle No Stopping, No Parking Area 29

Commercial Vehicle Restricted Area 29

Town of Pel1h By-law No. 396 J


A by-law to regulate traffic and parkiug within the limits of the Town of Perthand repeal in its entirety Traffic and Parking By-law 3491, as amended.

WHEREAS, under provisions of the Municipal Act, a municipality has the authority under this Act to pass by­laws or to take any other action to enable the municipality to govern its affairs as it considers appropriate and toenhance the municipality's ability to respond to municipal issues;

AND WHEREAS the Committee of the Whole has reviewed CoW Rep0l12009-12.UB.3 and concurs with thestaff recommendation;

AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Perth is desirous of enacting such a by-law.

NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Perth hereby enacts as follows:


I. This by-law may be cited as the "Traffic and Parking By-law".


1. For the purposes of this by-law, Gore Street is assumed to run east and west and Foster Street north and south.



I. Abandoned vehicle means a parked vehicle that has no valid license plate or is not licensed or has been leftparked and unattended for more than 48 hI's on public property or parked in any of the Town ofPe11h parkinglots.

2. Accessible Parking Space means a parking space on public or private propelty designated and signed for useby persons possessing a valid "Accessible Parking Permit".

3. Authorized Sign means any sign which complies with the requirements ofthe Highway Traffic Act andwhich is erected and displayed for the purpose of regulating, warning, or directing traffic and prohibitingparking, as prescribed in this by-law.

4. Boulevard means that portion of the road allowance running parallel to the roadway and extending to thepropelty line excluding the sidewalk whether grassed, paved or otherwise.

5. Building Clearance means the area between the side of the building to the fire access route.

6. Bus Stop means a pal1 of the highway designated by suitable markings and/or signs where buses stop, takeon and discharge passengers.

7. By-law Enforcement Officer means an officer hired by the Corporation of the Town ofPel1h to enforce theprovision of this by-law relating to stopping, standing and parking.

8. Code means the Ontario Building Code, as amended from time to time.

9. Commercial Motor Vehicle means any motor vehicle having permanently attached thereto a truck or deliverybody and includes ambulances, hearses, fire apparatus, police patrols, motor buses and tractors used forhauling purposes on the highway.

10. Community Safety Zone means a pat1 of the highway which is designated by signs as a community safetyzone pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act, being an area where public safety is of special concern on thatpart of the highway, and where fines imposed for a moving violation are increased.

II. Corner means that point of intersection of curbs or edges of the portion of the highway used for vehiculartraffic.

12. Corporation and Municipality means the Corporation of the Town of Perth.

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13. Council means the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Perth.

14. Crosswalk means:

(1) that part of a highway at an intersection which is included within the connections of the lateral lines ofthe sidewalks on opposite sides of the highway measured from the curb, or in the absence of curbs, fromthe edges of the traveled portion of the highway; or

(2) any portion of a roadway at an intersection or elsewhere distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing bysigns or by lines or other markings on the surface.

15. Curb shall include the edge of the confining wall of a boulevard Or the outer edge of a sidewalk.

16. Fire Access Route means: the public/private roadways or pOltions of parking lots of the designatedpublic/private buildings required by the Building Code and/or named and described in Site plan agreementsas a fire access route.

17. Fire Chief means the Chief of the Fire Department of the Town of Perth.

18. Handheld Device means a small computer instrument used in the process of creating and printing tickets andstoring the parking ticket.

19. Highway includes a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge,viaduct or trestle, any palt of which is intended for or used by the general public for the passage ofvehiclesand includes the area between the lateral property lines thereof

20. Intersection means the area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curb lines, or ifnone, then of the lateral boundary lines of two or more highways that join one another at an angle whether ornot one highway crosses the other.

21. Loading Zone means that pall of a highway set apart for the exclusive purpose of temporarily parking avehicle for the purpose of actively loading or unloading the same.

22. Motor Vehicle includes an automobile, motorcycle, truck, and any other vehicle propelled or driven otherthan by muscular power.

23. Park or Parking when prohibited, means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except whenstanding temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading merchandise orpassengers.

24. Parking Meter means a device that indicates the length of time a vehicle may be parked and containsa receptacle for receiving and storing legal tender, and a timing device (mechanism) to indicate the passageof the interval oftime during which the parking is permissible and when the said interval oftime has elapsed.

25. Parking Meter Zone means a highway or part of a highway or other area designated as a parking zone andregulated by a parking meter/or time zone in this by-law.

26. Parking Space means a portion of the surface of a highway or a municipal or private parking lot, designatedby suitable markings and /01' signs for the parking of a vehicle, whether 01' not the space is metered,the use of which, is controlled and regulated by a parking meterior time zone.

27. Pedestrian means a person on foot or in a wheelchair whether motorized or not.

28. Police Officer means a member of the Perth Police Services or a person who is a member of the OntarioProvincial Police Force or any other Municipal Police Force in Ontario.

29. Private Roadway means a palt of a private driveway, access route Or lane that is improved, designed orordinarily used for vehicular traffic but does not include the shoulder, and where the private driveway, accessroute or lane includes two or more separate roadways.

30. Roadway means a part of the highway that is improved, designed Or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic, butdoes not include the shoulder, and where the highway includes two or more separate roadways, the term"roadway" refers to anyone roadway separately and not to all of the roadways collectively.

31. Stand or Standing when prohibited means the halting of a vehicle whether occupied or not, except for thepurpose of and while actually engaged in receiving or discharging passengers.

32.. Sidewalk means that pOltion of a highway between the curb lines or the lateral lines of a roadway and theadjacent property lines for use by pedestrians.

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33. Sign means a notice authorized or erected by the municipality.

34. Stop when required, means a complete cessation of movement.

35. Stop or Stopping, when prohibited, means the halting of a vehicle even momentarily, whether occupied ornot, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of aPolice Officer or of a traffic control sign or signal.

36. Town means the Corporation of the Town ofPel1h and the area within the geographical limits of the Town.

37. Traffic includes pedestrians, ridden animals, vehicles and other conveyances either single or together whileusing any street or roadway for the purpose of travel.

38. Traffic Control Device means any sign or marking on a roadway, curb or sidewalk or other device erected Orplaced under the authority of the Corporation for the purpose of guiding or directing traffic.

39. Traffic Signal means any device, manually, electrically or mechanically operated for the regulation of traffic.

40. U-Turn means to turn a vehicle within a roadway so as to proceed in the opposite direction.

41. Unreasonable Length of Time means:

(I) a period in excess of twelve (12) consecutive hours, having regard for all the circumstances including thenature, condition and use of such places.; or

(2) for individually metered stalls on the street, during such times when the meters are bagged to create a"Free Parking Zone" as described in Part IV, Sec. 10 (b), an "unreasonable length of time" shall mean inexcess of two (2) consecutive hours; or

(3) for metered parking lots as described in A-3, Part IV, I, an unreasonable length of time shall mean inexcess of four (4) consecutive hours.

42. Vehicle includes a motor vehicle, trailer, traction engine, farm tractor, road building machine and anyvehicle drawn, propelled or driven by any kind of power, including muscular power, but does not include amotorized snow vehicle or street car.

43. Unmetered Parking Zone means a highway or part of a highway or other area not designated as a parkingzone regulated by a parking meter/or time zone in this by-law.

The following definitions apply to PART X:

44. Heavy Truck means a commercial vehicle or motor vehicle having a gross weight in excess of fifteen tonnes,but excludes a farm tractor or a public service vehicle such as a School Bus, Fire service vehicle orapparatus, or an ambulance and any vehicle owned by the Town of Perth in the course of undertaking theirintended public service duties.

45. Commercial Vehicle, No Stopping, No Parking Area means a street or portion ofa street as described inSchedule 'X'.

46. Commercial Vehicle Restricted Area means a street or portion of a street as described in Schedule 'Y'.

47. Drummond Street means the highway / roadway known as Drummond Street running from the east side ofthe intersection running with Highway #7 / Dufferin Street to the intersection on the west side of CraigStreet, with the exception of all intersections on Drummond Street between Dufferin Street and Craig Street.



The enforcement of the provisions of this by-law, both on private propeliy and municipal property shall beconducted by a Provincial Offences Officer appointed by the municipality to enforce the provisions of thisby-law relating to stopping, standing, and parking, both on municipal property and private property; asdefined under the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001, Pm11II - Specific Municipal powers, S.lOO through to andincluding 102, and The Building Code Act; and further, the provisions of the Fire Protection and PreventionAct, 1997, S.O. 1997.cA, with respect to fire lanes on both private and municipal property.

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a) It is an offence for any person to do any forbidden act or fail to perform any act required by the by-law.

b) Any vehicle found in contravention of the by-law, may be issued a parking ticket or the vehicle may betowed as may be required, at the discretion of the Police Officer, a Provincial Offences Officer or By-lawEnforcement Officer, with the expense of the towing being the responsibility of the owner of the vehicle.




Every person shall promptly obey all signals given either by a Police Officer, a Provincial Offences Officeror a By-law Enforcement Officer or a traffic control device or a traffic signal.


Absolute control of street traffic is vested in the Chief of Police and the Perth Police Services. The Chief ofPolice shall have the power to make temporary changes in the traffic regulations as may be necessary fromtime to time in order to provide for emergency and other special occasions. Such temporary changes shall beeffective for a period not exceeding ten (10) days unless validated by by-law and approved by the Ministryof Transportation.


No person shall intersect a funeral or other properly authorized procession while it is in motion except underthe direction of a Police Officer.

The driver or owner of a vehicle in a funeral or other procession shall drive as close to the right hand side ofthe roadway as is practicable and follow the vehicle directly in front as close as practicable and safe to do so.


No driver or owner of a vehicle shall make a u-turn upon any highway unless it can be made in safety andwithout interfering with other traffic.


a) No person shall make a left turn with a commercial motor vehicle heading eastbound on Joy Avenueonto Glascott Street, when properly worded signs have been erected and are on display.


No person shall have or leave standing, use, draw, haul or propel any vehicle along or upon any sidewalkexcept for the purpose of crossing such sidewalk to enter a driveway, provided that this section shall notapply to vehicles used for the carriage of small children or persons with a disability and vehicles approvedby the Chief of Police.


No person shall skateboard, in-line skate or roller skate, or roller blade, on any sidewalk, roadway, orparking lot described in Schedule "S".




Highways, parts of highways and other areas described in Schedule "A-l ", "A-2", and "A-3" hereto aredesignated as metered and unmetered parking zones.

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(a) Parking in Parking Meter Zones

No driver or owner of a vehicle shall park such vehicle in a parking meter zone Monday throughSaturday between the hours of 0900 hours (9:00 am) and 1700 hours (5:00 pm), except when suchdays are legally and lawfully proclaimed holidays, other than in a designated parking space unless thedriver deposits in the parking meter legal tender in the amount displayed on the parking meter for theduration in which the vehicles is to be parked. The parking meter rates shall be those rates described inSchedule 'OR" in the denomination and amount set by Council. Parking in municipal parking lots is freeon Saturdays and Sundays.

(b) Parked at an Expired Parking Meter

No driver or owner of a vehicle shall allow such vehicle to remain parked for a period longer than thatfor which payment has been made in the parking meter provided, however, this shall not prevent thedriver from using the unexpired time remaining in the meter from its previous use without depositinglegal tender therein.

(c) Separate and Distinct Offence

The driver or owner of a vehicle who allows such vehicle to remain parked for a longer period thanthat for which payment has been made, commits a separate distinct offence for every hour or partthereof in excess of the first hour after the time at which the offence is alleged to have been committedduring which he permits the vehicle to remain so parked.

(d) Unmetered Zones (Streets)

Two (2) hour complimentaIY parking is permitted Monday through Saturday between the hours of0900 hours (9:00 am) and 1700 hours (5:00 pm) within the unmetered zones (streets in thecomplimentary parking area) as indicated in Schedule "A2" Part IV (I). No person shall park a vehiclewithin the complimentary area for more than two (2) consecutive hours, or re-park in thecomplementary parking area within five (5) hours of the initial parking in the complimentary area.Parking in excess of the two (2) hour limit or within the five (5) hours is subject to a fine. Unmeteredzones are detailed in Schedule "A2" Part IV (I).

(e) Abandoned Vehicle

A vehicle will be ticketed as abandoned if the vehicle has no valid license plate, no license or has beenleft parked and unattended for more than forty eight (48) hours on public property or in any Townparking lot.


(a) Monthly Parking Permits

Monthly parking permits, for vehicles parking in Town owned lots as described in Schedule "A-3",may be purchased from the Town. The said permit shall be valid for the month indicated on the permitat a cost described in Schedule 'OR".

(b) Conditions of Use

A driver of a vehicle displaying a valid parking permit shall be permitted to park said vehicle twenty­three (23) hours a day in Town owned parking lots described in Schedule "A-3", without having todeposit coins in a parking meter for the space occupied providing that:

(i) A valid parking permit is prominently displayed on the driver side of the windshield area.

(ii) The said vehicle is parked in a designated parking space.

(iii) The driver of the said vehicle agrees to move the vehicle, at the request of the Town, for Townmaintenance such as snow removal and line painting.


No person shall park a vehicle on any of the highways or parts of highways set out in Schedule 'OK", otherthan a vehicle which displays a permit which may be issued by the Town to a Town Employee or guest of the

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Corporation or contractor on Town business in accordance with this by-law.5. "SPECIAL" PARKING PERMITS FOR TOWN OFFICIALS ON MUNICIPAL BUSINESS

Town Officials on municipal business shall be permitted to park in a metered or unmetered zone withouthaving to deposit legal tender in a parking meter or be subject to time constraints, for the space occupiedproviding that a valid "Town Official On Municipal Business" special parking permit is prominentlydisplayed on the passenger side of the windshield area.


a) Permits

A person requiring an "Accessible Parking Permit" may obtain such a permit through the vehiclelicense issuing office of the Ontario Ministry ofTransportation or from other government agencies forOut Of Province permits.

b) Parking Regulations for Accessible Parking Permit Holders

A vehicle displaying an accessible parking permit shall be permitted to park the vehicle in anydesignated accessible parking space within the parking meter zones described in Schedule "A-I", "A­2", and "A-3", without having to deposit legal tender in a parking meter, for the space occupiedproviding that a valid "Accessible Parking Permit" is prominently displayed with all pertinentinformation clearly visible in the following manner:

(i) Affixed to the sun visor on the driver's side of the vehicle with the visor turned down; or

(ii) On the dashboard on the driver's side of the vehicle.

c) Unauthorized Parking

No person shall park a vehicle in a designated "Accessible Parking Space" when a properly wordedsign has been erected and is on display unless a valid "Accessible Parking Permit" is used anddisplayed under the conditions described in PaIt IV 6(b).

d) Maintain Reqnired Accessible Parking Space(s)

(i) All required accessible parking space(s) provided on private property shall be marked withappropriate signs located at the end of the space midway between the boundaries of the parkingspace and the surface of the parking space shall be painted with the symbol for accessible


(ii) All required accessible parking spaces provided on private property shall be available toauthorized Accessible Parking Permit holders.


No driver of a vehicle shall park such vehicle in a parking meter zone in such a manner that it is notcompletely within an area designated as a parking space.


If a vehicle is of such length as to prevent it being parked within one parking space, the person parking thevehicle shall make the necessary deposit of legal tender in the parking meters for the occupied parking



No person shall deposit in any parking meter any slug, device or other illegal substitute for lawful coinage ofthe Dominion of Canada or the United States of America.


a) Bagged Parking Meters to Create a "No Parking Zone"

(i) Parking meters may be bagged providing approval is obtained from the By-law EnforcementOffice of the Town and a payment described in Schedule "R" is received by the Town.

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(ii) Owners of vehicles who park a vehicle in the "No Parking Zone" for which they have not paid,are subject to the penalty described in "Schedule T Item (37) or (40)," providing the cone isclearly displayed in the parking space and the "No Parking" regulatory symbol is clearlydisplayed on the meter bag.

b) Bagged Parking Meters to Create a "Free Parking Zone"

A "Limited Time Free Parking Zone" is created when a parking meter is bagged with a bag approvedby the Town for the purpose of allowing parking, at no charge, in parking meter zones described inPaIt IV Section 1. Vehicles parked in the free parking zone shall be subject to the followingconditions:

(i) Vehicles parked in an individually metered stall on a roadway shall be permitted to remain inthat stall for a maximum period of two (2) consecutive hours.

(ii) Vehicles parked in metered parking lots, as described in Schedule "A-3" PaIt IV I, shall bepermitted to remain parked in that lot for a maximum period of four (4) consecutive hours.

(iii) An owner of a vehicle parked in a "Free Parking Zone" in excess of the time limits described inPaIt IV 10 (b)(i) & (ii) above shall be subject to the penalty described in Schedule "T" item(18), "Park for an Unreasonable Length ofTime", providing that:• An approved bag has been securely fastened to the parking meter controlling that parking


• The Town has provided notice in the form of visible signage, flyers, or adveltisement of thesaid "Free Parking Zone" and its conditions and limits of use.

c) Coned Parking Spaces to Create a "No Parking Zone"

(i) Parking meters and spaces may be coned providing that an approval is obtained from the By-lawEnforcement office of the Town and a payment described in Schedule "R" is received by theTown.

(ii) Owners of vehicles parked in the "No Parking Zone", created by the coned space(s), are subjectto the penalty described in Part V 5 , "Park Contrary To Signs" providing the cone is clearlydisplayed in the parking space and the "No Parking" regulatory symbol is clearly displayed onthe cone(s).




a) Where parallel parking is permitted, no person shall park a vehicle on any highway except on the righthand side of the highway having regard for the direction in which the vehicle had been proceeding andunless the right fender and the right wheels are parallel to and a distance not more than 15 cm. (6 inches)from the edge of the roadway.

b) No person, when parallel parking is permitted, shall park a vehicle left side to the curb; except on a one­way street where parking on the left hand side has been approved by the installation of appropriate signs.


No person shall park a vehicle in any of the following places:


On a sidewalk.In front of a public or private driveway.Within an intersection.Within 3 meters (10 feet) of a point on the curb or the edge of the road opposite any fire hydrant.On a crosswalk.Within 6.1 meters (20 feet) of a crosswalk at an intersection.Within 12.2 meters (40 feet) of any intersection.On any bridge except the bridges between Harvey Street and Herriott Street on Gore Street.In front of the entrance to a hotel.In front of the entrance to a theatre, auditorium or other building where large assemblies are being heldin such theatre, auditorium or other building, or for a reasonable time immediately preceding andfollowing such assemblies.

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k) In front of an entrance to a hospital.I) On any curb.

m) On any boulevard except where such boulevard has been designed and intended for parking vehicles.n) On town streets for the sale of goods.

0) Within 7.6 meters (25 feet) on either side of the entrance to a fire hall when properly worded signs havebeen erected and are on display.

p) In an area designated for pedestrians or service vehicles (ie: delivery vans)


No per~on shall park a vehicle so as to block or obstruct traffic in a through or turning lane; or to prevent theconvel1lent removal of any previously parked or standing vehicle.


a) No Parking at any Time

No person shall park a vehicle at any time on any of the highways or pal1s of highways set out inColumns I of Schedule "E" on the side or sides set out in Column 4, when properly worded signs havebeen erected and are on display.

b) Parking On Sundays Only, Parking Prohibited Monday Through Saturday

No person shall park a vehicle at any time Monday through Saturday on any of the highways or parts ofhighways set out in Column 1 of Schedule "E-1" between the limits set out in Columns 2 and 3 of theSchedule on the side or sides set out in Column 4, when properly worded signs have been erected andare on display.

c) Overnight Winter Parking Restrictions

(i) No person shall park a vehicle between the hours of 0001 (l2:01am) to 0600 hours (6:00am)during the period from November 20 to March 31 inclusive upon any highway or boulevardunder the jurisdiction of the Town when properly worded signs have been erected, and are ondisplay at all highway entrances to the Town.

(ii) No person shall park a vehicle between the hours of 0001 hours (l2:0Iam) and 0600 hours(6:00am) in any public parking lot, described in Schedule "A-2", except for vehicles parked indesignated areas displaying valid parking permits as described in Part IY(3).

(iii) The Corporation shall have the right to tow away at the owner's expense and issue a ticket toany vehicles parked in contravention ofPal1 Y 4(c)(i)(ii) above.

d) Two Hour Parking Limit for Buses and Commercial Vehicles

No person shall park a bus with seating capacity of more than twelve (12) or a commercial vehicle witha gross vehicle weight over 9060 kilograms (20,000 Ibs) on any public street in a residential area in theTown for a period exceeding two hours.

e) Parked for Unreasonable Length of Time

No owner or operator of a vehicle shall allow such vehicle to remain parked or standing on any streetwithin the limits of the Corporation for an unreasonable length of time Part 1(41).


No person shall park a vehicle in any of the following places when a properly worded sign has beeninstalled and is on display:

a) Parking Restriction Excluding Vehicles Operated by the Mayor, The Justice of the Peace, Policeof By-law Enforcement Officers

No person shall park a vehicle, other than the Mayor, the Justice of the Peace, Police or By-lawEnforcement officers on any of the highways or paJ1s of highways set out in Schedule "1" whenproperly worded signs have been erected and are on display.

b) Parking Restriction Excluding School Buses

No person shall park a vehicle except a school bus on any of the highways or part of highways set outin Schedule "I" between the limits set out in Columns 2 and 3 of the Schedule on the side or sides set

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out in Column 4, when properly worded signs have been erected and are on display.

c) Daytime Parking Restrictions

No person shall park a vehicle between the hours of 0700 (7:00am) and 1900 (7:00pm), Mondaythrough Saturday, on any of the highways or parts of highways set out in Column 1 of Schedule "G"between the limits set out in Columns 2 and 3 of the Schedule on the side Or sides set out in Column 4when properly worded signs have been erected and are on display. '

d) Ten (10) Minute Parking

No person shall park a vehicle for longer than ten (10) minutes on any of the highways or palts ofhighways as set out in Schedule "C", when properly worded signs have been erected and are on display.

e) Two Hour Parking

No person shall park a vehicle for longer than two (2) hours On any of the highways or patts ofhighways as set out in Schedule "P", when properly worded signs have been erected and are on display.

f) Rush Hour Zones


g) No Stopping, No Standing, No Parking School Days - 0800 hours (8:00am) to 1600 hours(4:00pm)

No person shall park, stop, or stand a vehicle between 0800 hours (8:00am) and 1600 hours (4:00pm)during school days on any of the highways or patts of highways set out in Column 1 of Schedule "H"between the limits set out in Columns 2 and 3 of the said Schedule on the side or sides set out inColumn 4, when properly worded signs have been erected and are on display.

h) Loading Zones

(i) The areas described in Schedule "D I" and "D2" are designated as loading zones.

(ii) No person shall temporarily park a vehicle other than a motor vehicle for and while actually inthe act of loading or unloading activities in any zone between the hours stated in Schedule "D1"and "D2", when properly worded signs have been erected and are on display.

i) No Stopping at any Time

Other than an ambulance, a Fire Service vehicle or apparatus, or vehicles owned or operated by theTown of Perth in the course of performing their intended or assigned public service duties, no personshall stop a vehicle at any time or for any length oftime on a street or any portion of a street asdescribed in Schedule 'H-I '.


The areas designated as Bus Stops in Schedule "B" are governed as follows:

a) The driver or owner of a bus shall not stand or park upon any highway in any bnsiness district at anyplace other than a bus stop except that this provision shall not prevent the driver of any vehicle fromtemporarily stopping in accordance with other stopping or parking regulations at any place for thepurpose of and while actually engaged in the loading and unloading of passengers.

b) No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle other than a bus in a bus stop when any such stop has beenofficially designated and appropriately signed except when the driver of a passenger vehicle maytemporarily stop there for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading passengerswhen such stopping does not interfere with any bus waiting to enter or about to enter such stop.


Any taxi cab licensed by the Corporation shall be allowed while on duty to stand within any metered orunmetered zone as described in Schedule "A-I", "A-2", and "A-3", without depositing coins in the parkingmeter.


a) Conformity

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(i) Every owner of a building shall enSure that the building is served by a designated fire routeconstructed in conformity to the Ontario Building Code and maintained in compliance with theFire Code.

(ii) No person shall establish a fire route or erect any sign relating to a fire route other than inaccordance with this by-law.

(iii) No person shall erect a sign stating that a private roadway is a designated fire route other than inaccordance with this by-law.

b) Prohibited Parking

(i) No person shall park a vehicle within a fire access route serving a building listed in Schedule Q,when properly worded signs have been installed and are on display.

(ii) No person shall park a vehicle within three (3) metres of the exterior wall of the building and thenearest boundary of the fire access route, referred to as the Building Clearance.




The highways and parts of highways described in Schedule "L" are designated as through highways.


The intersections set out in Column 1of Schedule "M" are designated as intel'sections where yield signsshall be erected at the locations shown in Column 2 of the Schedule.


The intersections set forth in Column I of Schedule "N" are designated as intersections where stop signsshall be erected at the locations shown in Column 2 of the Schedule.






1. Anyone who contravenes a section of this by-law is guilty of an offence and is subject to a penalty asprovided for under the "Provincial Offences Act" not exceeding the amount specified in the Act.

2. Where a vehicle is found parked in contravention of the parking provisions of this by-law, the officer sofinding the vehicle shall attach to the vehicle a parking ticket in the form of a serially numbered noticestating:

(a) the license plate number and the province or state from which the plate was issued;

(b) that the vehicle is unlawfully parked;

(c) the date, time and place of the alleged offence;

(d) that the owner or operator may rep0l1 within seven (7) days, exclusive of Sundays and holidays, afterthe day when the ticket is attached, to make voluntary payment of the penalty; and

(e) that in the event offailure to do so, a summons will be issued under The Ontario Summary ConvictionsAct.

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3. The parking ticket shall be prepared with a stub or a handheld device and the officer shall attach the ticket tothe vehicle and retain the stub at the By-Law Enforcement Office at the Town Hall or download theinformation from the handheld and be stored in Town Hall.



Speed limits on Town streets are described in Schedule "U".



a) Heavy truck use of the Drummond St. commercial vehicle restricted area shall be prohibited save andexcept for the purposes of loading or delivering goods, materials or services to a property fronting orabutting onto the restricted area of Drummond St. as described in Schedule 'V' line 'a)'.

b) Heavy truck or commercial vehicle use of the Craig St. commercial vehicle restricted area is prohibitedsave and except for the purposes of loading or delivering goods, materials or services to a propertyfronting or abutting the restricted area of Craig St. as described in Schedule 'V' line 'b)'.

c) Notwithstanding that painted or signed public parking spaces may be present, the stopping or parking ofa commercial vehicle rated for a gross weight of 5 tonnes or more, or a heavy truck is prohibited on astreet or pOltion of a street described in Schedule 'X'. deliveries or loading to or from premises onDrummond Street.



1. Crosswalks on Gore Street shall be constructed as identified in Schedule 'V'.

2. Subject to the Ontario Highway Traffic Act and this By-law, all motor vehicle drivers shall stop at thesecrosswalks to permit pedestrians to cross the street.



That Town of Perth By-law No. 3491 as amended is hereby repealed in its entirety.


A copy of this by-law shall be forwarded to the Ministly of Transportation of Ontario.

Read a first time, second and third time and finally passed this the 16'h day of June, 2009.

Lauren Walton, Clerk


Town of Perth By-law No. 3961Page 12 of29



STREET FROM TO SIDE1. Foster Drummond Beckwith West2. Gore North Darcy Both3. Gore Harvey Craig North4. Gore Harvey 75' east of Harvev on Gore South5. North Wilson Lewis Yz of each side6. Wilson North 37 m. (120') west of Kiooen Both



STREET FROM TO SIDE1. Foster Wilson Drummond Both2. Gore NOIih Harvey Both3. Herriott 24m. (80') south of Gore Drummond East

4. Herriott37m (120') north of

Gore WestWilson5. North Wilson Gore West6. North Gore Drummond East7. Wilson 55m 180' west ofNOIih Herriott North

8. Wilson37m (120') west of

Herriott SouthNOIih

\9. Tay St. Basin St. Mill St. SouthMarket Square

10. (Outer Gore 43.5m (143') south of Gore East side of Town HallPerimeter)Market Square 35.7m (117') south of

11. (OuterGore

66.8m.(219') south of Gore West side of Town HallPerimetel)



1. Those lots which consist of land owned or leased by the Corporation of the Town of Perth and described asfollows:

a) Wilson Street Parking Lot

That lot which is accessed from Wilson St. E., and centered in the block bound by Wilson St. E.,Herriott St., Gore St. E., and Foster St., on Lot 1, Pmis 2 & 6 and Lot I, Palis 7,8, & 9 as described onPlan 27R-4963.

b) Chamber of Commerce Parking Lot

That lot which is accessed from Herriott Street and bound by Gore St., Herriott St., Drummond Streetand the Little Tay River, on Lot 2, Palis I, 2, & 4 as described on Plan 27R-20 18.

c) Museum Parking Lot

That lot which is accessed fi'om Herriott Street and bound by Gore Street, Herriott Street, DrummondStreet and Foster Street on Lot 2, Palis 1,2,8,9, & 10 and Lot 4, Pmis 3, 6, & 7 as described on Plan27R-974.

d) Tay Basin Parking Lot

Town of Perth By-law No. 3961Page 13 of29

That lot which is accessed from Colbourne Street, Basin Street and Tay Street and bound by Tay Street,Colbourne Street, Drummond Street East and the Tay River Basin; on Palt I, Lots 13 to 18 inclusive,Lot 24 and part Lots 19 to 23 inclusive as described on Plan 27R-5 773.

e) Code Mill Parking Lot

That lot which is accessed from Wilson Street and Herriott Street on the Code Mill property anddescribed as PLAN 8828 Pt Lot 1 N; Herriott.



I. Those lots which consist of land owned or leased by the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Perth anddescribed as follows:

a) Community Centre Parking lot

b) Indoor Pool Parking Lot

c) Conlon Farm Parking Lots

d) Cole Road parking area - Lot 9 Craig Street S Plan 8828



Drummond Street East at the corner of Herriott Street Library



STREET FROM TO SIDEJ. Gore 35m east of Harvey St. 45m east of Harvey North

12m or 40' west of 24m or 80' west of D'Arcy South2. Gore

D'Arcv0 Harvev Gore 25m nOlth of Gore Easto.

~. 17m east of Queen12m west of School Parking Lot NOIth

Victoria St.Entrance

* For parking from 8:00 am. to 2: 15p.m. School days.




The following streets, or palts of streets, are designated as Loading Zones between the hours 0(0800 hours(8:00am) to 1115 hours (11: 15am); 1315 hours (1: 15pm) to 1545 hours (3:45pm); 1715 hours (5: 15pm) to 1830hours (6:30pm) Monday through Saturday.

STREET FROM ITO I SIDEJ. Gore Street 9.1 meters (30') east of Foster St.1 30.5 meters (100') east I South

Town of Perth By-law No. 3961Page 14 of29



The following streets, or parts of streets, are designated as Loading Zones between the hours of 0800 hours(8:00am) and 1800 hours (6:00pm).

STREET FROM TO SIDEl. Foster Street 45.7m (150') south of Gore 61 m (200') south of Gore St. West2. Gore Street 33.5m (110') west of Herriott 48.8m (160') west of Herriott St North3. Gore Street 12.2m (40') west of Colborne 24.4m (80') west of Colborne St. Northi4. Wilson Street 35m (115') west of Herriott 12 m (40') west of Herriott St. North

5. Market Street 6.0m (19.7') south of Gore 21.0 m (68.9') south of Gore St. East side ofTownHall(Ouler uerimeler)

6. Mill Street 20.1 m (66') south of Gore 33.5 m (\ 10') south of Gore St. West7. North Street 12.2m (40') north of Wilson 35m (115') north of Wilson St. East8. North Street 20.1 (66') south of Gore 45.7m (150') south of Gore St. East



STREET FROM TO SIDE1. Alma North West limit of Alma Bothh Alexander Isabella St. Marv St North3. Arthur Scotch Line Halton North14. Basin Drummond Gore Both5. Bathurst St. Ro~ers Rd. South limits of Bathurst St. East6. Beckwith Foster 22.9m (75') east of Foster South7. Beckwith the Tav River Crail! St. North8. Beckwith North Foster NOIih9. Beckwith Herriott South North10. Boulton Wilson Gore East11. Boulton Wilson 36.6m (120') north of Wilson West12. Boulton Drummond 42.4m (1 39') north of Drummond East13. Boulton Drummond Victoria West14. Brock Wilson Sherbrooke West15. Clvde Lewis Sinclair East16. Cockburn Wilson Sherbrooke East17. Cockburn Wilson ROl!ers Road West

18. Colborne Gore Drummond West

19. Col borne Gore Drummond East

20. Conlon Dr.203.6m (668') west of Scotch

Smith Dr. BothLine

21. Crai" Wilson Northerly to Town Limits WestQ2. Craia Gore 60m (197') nOlih of Gore East

23. Daines Drummond End of Cul-de-sac East

24. D'Arcv Gore 18.3m (60') south of Gore West

25. D'Arcy Wilson To Gore West

26. D'Arcv Victoria Drummond East

27- Drummond Dufferin 45.7m (150') east of 0'ArcY Both

28. Drummond 26m (85') west of Herriott Harvey Both

29. Drummond Craig South South

30. Drummond 46m (150') east of D'Arcy 25.9m (85') west of Herriott South

3l. Drummond 40m (133') east of Crai" Brock NOlih

32. Dufferin Lanark Rd. NOIiherly to Town limits Both

33. Elliott Wilson Drummond West

34. Foster Gore 17.7m (58') nOlih of Gore West

35. Foster Drummond Sherbrooke East

36. Foster Gore 38.7m (127') south of Gore East

Town of Perth By-law No. 3961Page 15 of29

37. Foster Wilson 2l.3m (70') north of Wilson East38. George Wilson 30.5m (100') North Both39. Glascot! Lewis Wilson Both140. Gore Craig 60m (197') east of Craig North~1. Gore Dufferin Elliott South~2. Gore Foster 32m (105') east of Foster North~3. Grant 76.2m (250') south of Wilson Arthur East44. Harris Wilson Drummond East45. Harvey Beckwith Rogers Road West/46. Herriott Wilson 36.6m (120') NOlih West/47. Herriott Gore Shel'brooke West

8. Herriott Wilson 61 m (200') North East49. Herriott Beckwith Sherbrooke St. East50. Isabella Wilson Garden Ave. Both51. John Thom Rogers Road East52. Jov Leslie 17.7m (58') west of KiDDen St. North53. Joy Alvin St. Glascot! St. South54. Leslie St. Joy Ave. Wilson St. W. Both55. Lewis Glascot! NOlih South56. Lewis North Peter Both57. Lewis Peter Tay River Both58. Little Market Market Square Mill Both

59. Market Sq Gore St. on east side Town Hall (41.lm (135') south of Gore St. onInner PerimeterWest side of Town Hall

60. Maty Wilson Drummond East61. MalY Drummond 18.3(60') south of Drummond West62. Mather Thomas 213 Am (700') southerlv East63. Mill Tay St. South end of Mill Street Both64. NOlih Wilson Gore East65. NOlih Wilson Southerly to Tav River East66. North Gore Drummond West67. NOlih Victoria Northerly to town limits West68. NOlih Sherbrooke NOliherly to town limits East69. Pacific Wilson Thomas Both70. Peter Wilson Southerly to Tay River Both71. Queen 18m north of Victoria North end of Queen St. East72. ROllers Road Peter Easterly limit North73. ROllers Road Peter 27Am (90') east of Peter South74. Sherbrooke Tay Canal Westerlv to North Both

75. Smith Dr. I69.2m (555') nOlih of ConlonConlon 01' Both

01'.76. Stewart Mary Isabella NOlih77. Tay Street Mill St. Basin St. North78. Thorn Peter RiverTay NOIih79. Victoria Isabella North South80. Victoria D'Arcy North North81. Victoria Isabella 21 .9m (72') east ofisabelia South82. Wilson Hwv.7 Mary Both83. Wilson Boulton Isabella Both84. Wilson Leslie Mary South85. Wilson Peter Herriott South86. Wilson Harvey 36.6m (120') east of Grant South

87. Wilson30.5m (1 00') west of Church

South St. SouthSt.

88. Wilson North 30.5m (l 00') west ofNorth St. NOlih19. Wilson Glascott 36.6m (120') east ofGlascot! South90. Wilson Isabella Mary St. NOlih



STREET \FROM TO I SIDEI. Drummond IHarvev Craig I South

Town of Perth By-law No. 3961Page 16 of29

2. Drummond 45.7m (ISO') east of 25.9m (85') west Herriott NorthD'Arcy

3. D'Arcy Gore Drummond East4. Gore D'ArcY Isabella South5. North St. Drummond Victoria West






I STREET TFROM ITO I SIDEI. ILewis T Glascott I N0l1h I North




1. Grant St. Wilson St. 76.2m (250') south of Wilson East2. Victoria St. Queen St. D'Arcy St. North



STREET FROM TO SIDEI. Crai" St. 60m south of Gore St. Gore St. Both2. Craig St. 60m n011h of Gore St. Gore St. Both



STREET FROM TO SIDE1. Grant 12m. south of Wilson St. 76.2m(250')south of Wilson East2. Wilson Street 34m. east of Grant St. 102m. east of Grant South



a) Mayor and Jnstice of the Peace

Located on the inner perimeter of Market Sq. on the east side of the Town Hall, 4 I.lm to 46.6m south ofGore St.

Town of Perth By-law No. 3961Page 17 of29

b) By-law Enforcement Officers and Municipal Staff

Located on the inner perimeter of Market Sq., on the east side of the Town Hall, 41.Im to 46.6m south ofGore St.

"K" PART IV(4)


1. "Special" Permit Parking Area - Contractors on Town Business and Town Employees Requiring"Special" Permits

a) The inner perimeter of Market Sq., on the east side of the Town Hall, 24m to 43.5 m south of Gore St.

b) The outer perimeter of Market Sq., facing west, from 8m to 30m south of Gore St.

~. Town Employee Parking Areas

a) Tay Basin Parking Lot- September 1 to May 30

b) Museum Parking Lot - all year

13. Guests of the Corporation Parking Areas

a) Tay Basin Parking Lotb) The outer oerimeter of Market SQ., facing west, from 8m to 3Om south of Gore St.



HIGHWAY FROM TOI. Alan Ave. East side of George Ave. West side of Harris St.2. Alexander St. East side of Marv St. West side ofIsabella St.3. Alma St. South side of Sinclair St. West side ofNorth St.14. Alvin St. North side of Sinclair St. South side of Jov Ave.5. Antonio Wav North side of Garden Ave. cul-de-sac (unooened Perthmore Street)6. Argyle Ave. East side ofInverness Ave. cul-de-sac7. Arthur St. East side of Harvev St. West side of South St.8. Basin St. NOlth side of Gore St. E.9. Bathurst St. South side of ROJ:';ers Rd. NOith boundary Conlon Farm (no access)10. Baynes St. East side of Craig St. West side of Brock St.11. Beckwith St. East side ofNOIth St. West side of South St.12. Bou Iton St. NOlth side of Wilson St. South side of Gore St.13. Boulton St. NOlth side of DnuTImond St. South side of Victoria St.14. Brock St. S. North side of Wilson St. South side of Sherbrooke St.IS. Brock St. N. North side of Riverside Dr. South side Provost St.16. Burchell Blvd. Herriott Street cul-de-sac17. Chetwynd St. North side of Sherbrooke St. West side of Crai" St.18. Church St. North side of ROJ:';ers Rd. South side of Wilson St.19. Clyde St. NOlth side of Sinclair St South side of Lewis St.20. Cockburn St. North side of Rogers Rd. South side of Sherbrooke St.21. Colbourne St. North side of Gore St. E. South side of Drummond St. E.22. Cole Rd. East side of Brock St. S. West side of Craig St.'3. Conlon Dr. Eastside of Smith Dr. West side of South St.24. Craig St. North side of Wilson St Northerly Town Limits25. Daines PI. South side of Drummond St. W. cul-de-sac26. DeCaria Blvd North Side of Harris St. South side of Pelthmore St.\27. D' Arcy St. North side of Wilson St South side of Victoria St.28. Drummond St. E. East side of Foster St. West Side of South St..1.9. Drummond St. W. West of Dufferin St. West side of Foster St.30. Dufferin St. Southerly Town Limits Northerly Town Limits

131. Dufferin Rd. NOlth side of Drummond St. W. Northerlv Town Limits32. Elliott St. North side of Wilson St South side of Drummond St.33. Foster St. North side of Wilson St South side of Sherbrooke St.34. Garden Avenue NOlth side ofIsabelia St. cul-de-sac west of Antonio wav

35. GeonreAve. NOlth side of Sunset Blvd South side of Alan St.36. Glascott St North side of Lewis St. South side of Wilson St.37. Glenview Cres. Drummond Street West Drummond Street West

Town of Perth By-law No. 3961Page 18 of29

38. Gore St. E. East side of Foster St. West side of South St.39. Gore St. W. East side of Isabella St. West side of Foster St.40. Gore St. W East side of Dufferin St. West side of Elliott St.

I. Grant St. North side of Rogers Rd. South side of Wilson St.2. Haggali St. North side of Wilson St. South side of Drummond St.

143. Halton St. North side of Arthur St. South side of Sherbrooke144. Harris St. North side of Wilson St. South side of Dnnnmond St.145. Harris St. DeCaria Blvd. cul-de-sac at Rail right ofwav (Drummond St.)146. Harvev St. North side of Rogers Rd South side of Beckwith St.147. Herriott St. North side of Wilson St. South side of Sherbrooke St.148. Hughes Cres. East side of South St. South side of Moman Ave.~9. Industrial Rd. East side of South St. Cul-de-sac50. Inverness Ave. South east side of Sunset Blvd. Cul-de-sac51. Irwin St. West side ofCrai!! St. Cul-de-sac52. Isabella St. North side of Wilson St. South side of Garden Ave.53. Ivev PI. North side of Scott Cres. Cul-de-sac54. Jessie Dr. North side of Morgan South side of Rideau Ferrv Rd.55. John St. North side of Rogers Rd South side of Thom St.56. Jov Ave East side of Lesl ie St. West side of Grant St.57. Kipoen St. NOlih side of Joy Ave. South side of Wilson St.58. Lallv Ln. South side of Rogers Rd. cul-de-sac58. Lambert Ln. East side of Bathurst Rd. West side of LaUv Ln.59. Lanark Rd. West side of Dufferin St. Westerl';"Town Limit60. Lansdowne PI. South side of Arthur St. Cul-de-sac61. Leslie St. NOlih side ofJoy Ave. South side of Wilson St.62. Lewis St. East side of Glascott St. West side of Peter St.63. Little Market St. East side ofMarket Sq. West side of Mill St.64. Lola Ln. West side of Treelawn Blvd. Cul-de-sac65. Lustre Ln. East side ofNorth St. West side Peter St.66. Mac Camnbell Dr. West side of Smith Dr. South side of Rogers Rd67. Market So. North side of Little Market St. Gore Street68. Mary St. North side of Wilson St. South side of Drummond St.69. Mather Ave. North side of Sunset Blvd. South side Wilson St.70. Mill St. North side of Little Market St. South side Gore St.71. Mor!!an Ave. East side of Tvsick Ave. West side ofJessie St.72. North St. North side of Lustre Lane NOliherly Town limits"3. Perkins Blvd. NOlih side of Drummond St. W.74. Perthmore St. East side of DeCaria Blvd. West side ofNorth St.75. Peter St. Southerlv Town limits South side of Wilson St.76. Provost St. East Side of Craig St. West side of Brock St. N.77. Queen St. Victoria St. North side of Rail ri"ht of way78. Railwav St. NOlih Side of Wilson St. South side of Drummond St.79. Rideau Ferrv Rd. East side of South St. Easterly Town limits80. Ridgeview Place West side of Robert Road Cul-de-sac81. Riverside Dr. NOlih side of Beckwith St. South side of Sherbrooke St.82. Riverside Dr. East side of Craig St. West side of Brock St.83. Robert Rd. South side of Drummond St. Cul-de-sac oast Ride:eview Place84. Robinson St. NOlih side of Wilson St. South side of Sherbrooke St.85. Rogers Rd. East side of Peter St. West side of South St.86. Scott Cres. RobeliRoad Cul-de-sac87. Sherbrooke St. E. East side of North St. West side of Riverside88. Sherbrooke St. W. East side of Brock St. West side of South89. Sinclair St. East side of Alvin St. West side of North90. South St. Southerlv Town Limits South side of Sherbrooke91. Smith Dr. North side of Conlon Dr. South side of Ro"ers92. Stewali St. East side ofMary St. West side oflsabella93. Sunset Blvd. Southerly Town Limits South side of Wilson94. Ta"gart Cres. West side of Perkins Blvd.

fJ5. Thom St. East side of Peter St. West side of John

16. Thomas St. East side of Mather Ave. West side of Geor"ef)7. Treelawn Blvd North side of Garden Ave. South side of Pelihmore St.f)8. TysickAve. North side of Morgan Ave. West side of Jessie99. Victoria St. East side oflsabella St. West side of North100. Warren Cres. Intersects terminus at Rogers Rd.101. Weiland St. NOlih side of Wilson St. W. South side of Druml110nd St. W.102. Wildlife Rd. South side of Rideau Ferrv Rd. Southerlv Town limit103. Wilson St.W. East Side of Dufferin St. West side of Foster St.104. Wilson St.E East side of Foster St. West side of Herriott St.

Town of Perth By-law No. 396IPage 19 of29

105. Wilson St. E. East side of Crai West side of South



INTERSECTIONS YIELD SIGNS FACING TRAFFICI. Chetwvnd at Craig westbound on Chetwynd St. Access Ramp1. Chetwynd at Sherbrooke southbound on Chetwynd Street3. Clyde at Sinclair southbound on Clyde Street4. George at Thomas westbound on George St.5. Huohes at Morgan eastbound on Morgan Ave.b. Inverness at Argyle eastbound on Argyle Dr.7. Ivey at Scott southbound on Ivey PI.8. Jessie at Morgan eastbound on Morgan Ave.rY. Jessie at Tysick eastbound on Tysick Street10. Little Market St. at Market Sq. westbound on Little Market St.II. McLean at Thomas northbound on McLean Blvd.12. Taggart at Perkins eastbound on Taggalt




I. Alan at Harris eastbound on Alan St.12. Alexander at Mary westbound on Alexander St.G. Alexander at Isabella eastbound on Alexander St.14. Alma at North eastbound on Alma St.5. Alvin at Joy northbound on Alvin St.K\. Antonio Way at Garden Ave. eastbound on Antonio Way7. Argyle Dl·. at Inverness eastbound on Argyle Dr.8. Arthur at Harvey westbound on Arthur St.9. Althur at Cockburn eastbound & westbound on Arthur Street10. Althur at Halton eastbound & westbound on Arthur StreetII. Arthur at south eastbound on Althur St.12. Basin at Gore southbound on Basin St.13. Bathurst at Rogers northbound on Bathurst SI.14. Baynes at Craig westbound on Baynes St.15. Baynes at Brock eastbound on Baynes St.16. Beckwith at North westbound on Beckwith St.17. Beckwith at Foster eastbound & westbound on Beckwith St.18. Beckwith at Herriott eastbound & westbound on Beckwith SI.19. Beckwith at Craig eastbound & westbound on Beckwith St.

120. Beckwith at south eastbound on Beckwith SI.

121. Boulton at Wilson southbound on Boulton SI.

122. Boulton at Gore nOlthbound on Boulton SI.OJ. Boulton at Drummond southbound on Boulton St.04. Brock at Wilson southbound on Brock St.125. Brock at Gore northbound & Southbound on Brock SI.

126. Brock at Drummond northbound & southbound on Brock St.127. Brock at Beckwith northbound & southbound on Brock SI.'28. Brock at Last Duel Park northbound on Brock St.09. Burchell at Herriott eastbound on Burchell Blvd.

~O. Chetwynd at Craig eastbound on Chetwvnd SI.

31. Church at Rogers southbound on Church St.

2. Church at Arthur nOlthbound & southbound at Church St.

G3. Church at Wilson northbound on Church St.

~4. Clyde at Lewis northbound on Clyde SI.

35. Cockbum at Rogers southbound on Cockburn St.

J6. Cockbum at Gore nOlthbound & southbound on Cockbum St.

Town of Perth By-law No. 3961Page 20 of29

7. Cockburn at Beckwith northbound & southbound on Cockbum St.8. Cockburn at Sherbrooke northbound & southbound on Cockburn St.

39. Colbome at Gore southbound on Colborne St.40. Colbome at Drummond northbound on Colborne St.

1. Cole Rd. At Crail' westbound on Cole St.2. Conlon at Scotch Line eastbound on Conlon Dr.

43. Conlon at Smith westbound on Conlon Dr.4. Crail' at Wilson southbound on Cmig St.

145. CmTl'-at Wilson eastbound & westbound on Wilson St.146. Daines at Drummond nOlthbound on Dames PI.

7. 0'Arcy at Wilson southbound on 0'Arcy148. 0'Arcy at Gore northbound & southbound on 0'Arcv St.149. 0'Arcy at Drummond northbound & southbound on 0'Arcv St.50. 0'Arcy at Victoria northbound on 0'Arcy51. 0'Arcv at Victoria eastbound & westbound on Victoria St.52. DeCal'ia at Perthmore northbound on Decaria Blvd.53. Drummond at Isabella eastbound & westbound on Drummond St.54. Drummond at Isabella northbound & southbound on Isabella St.55. Drummond at North St. eastbound & westbound on Drummond St.56. Drummond at North St. nOlthbound & southbound on North St.57. Drummond at Herriott eastbound & westbound on Drummond St.58. Drummond at Herriott northbound & southbound on Herriott St.59. Drummond at Crai" eastbound & westbound on Drummond St.kiO. Drummond at South eastbound on Drummond St.

1. Dufferin Rd. at Drummond Southbound on Dufferin Rd.ki2. Elliott at Wilson southbound at Elliott St.63. Elliott at Drummond northbound on Elliott St.64. Foster at Drummond northbound & southbound on Foster St.65. Foster at Sherbrooke nOlthbound on Foster St.ki6. George at Sunset southbound on George St.ki7. Georl'e at Wilson northbound & southbound on George Ave.ki8. Glascott at Joy southbound on Glascott St.159. Glascott at Wilson northbound on Glascott St.70. Glenview at Drummond northbound on Glenview Cresco (Both intersections)

1. Gore at Dufferin westbound on Gore St. W.72. Gore at Ell iott eastbound on Gore St. W.73. Gore at Isabella westbound on Gore St. W.74. Grant at Rol'ers southbound on Grant St.75. Grant at Arthur north & southbound on Grant St.76. Grant at Wilson northbound on Gmnt St.77. Haggart at Wilson sonthbound on Haggart St.78. Ha""art at Drummond northbound on Haggart st.79. Halton at Gore nOlthbound & southbound on Halton St.80. Halton at Drummond nOlthbound & southbound on Halton St.81. Halton at Beckwith northbound & southbound on Halton St.82. Halton at Sherbrooke northbound & southbound on Halton St.

83. Harris at Drummond northbound on Harris St.84. Harris at Garden northbound & southbound on Harris

85. Harvev at Rol'ers southbound on Harvey St.86. Harvey at Gore nOlthbound & southbound on Harvey St.

87. Harvey at Drummond northbound & southbound on Harvey St.

88. Harvey at Beckwith northbound & southbound on Harvey St.89. Herriott at Gore northbound & southbound on Herriott St.

O. Herriott at Sherbrooke northbound & southbound on Herriott St.

1. Hl1l'hes at Scotch Line westbound on Hughes Crescent.

2. Industrial at Scotch Line westbound on Industrial Rd.

3. Inverness at Sunset northbound on Inverness Ave.

4. Irwin at Crail' eastbound on Irwin St.

95. Jessie at Rideau FelTv Rd. northbound on Jessie Dr.

/6. John at Rol'ers northbound & southbound on John St.

7. Jov Avenue westbound at Leslie Street

~8. Kiooen at Joy southbound at Kippen St.

9. Kiooen at Wilson northbound on Kippen St.

100. Lally at Rol'ers northbound on Lally lane

101. Lambert at Bathurst westbound on Lambert

Town o[Perth By-law No. 3961Page 21 of29

102. Lansdowne at Arthur northbound at Lansdowne PI.103. Leslie at Joy northbound on Leslie Ave.104. Lewis at North eastbound & westbound on Lewis St.105. Lewis at Peter eastbound & westbound on Lewis St.106. Little Market at Mill eastbound on Little Market St.107. Lustre at Peter eastbound on Lustre Lane108. Mac Camobell at Roe:ers northbound on Mac Campbell Dr.109. Mac Camobell at Smith Drive eastbound on Mac Campbell Dr.110. Market at Gore nOlihbound on Market Sq.(both intersections)111. Mary at Wilson southbound on Mary St.112. Mary at Drummond northbound on Mary St.

113. Mather at Sunset southbound on Mather St.

114. Mill St. at Gore northbound & southbound on Mill St.

115. Morgan at Hughes eastbound on Morgan Ave.

116. Moman at Jessie eastbound on Morgan Ave.117. North at Wilson northbound & southbound on NOl1h St.

118. North at Gore nOlihbound & southbound on North St.

119. North at Drummond northbound & southbound on NOl1h St.

120. Pacific at Wilson northbound on Pacific Ave.

121. Perkins at Drummond southbound on Perkins Blvd.

122. Pelihmore at NOlih eastbound on Perthmore St.

123. Provost at Craie: eastbound & westbound on Provost St.

124. Queen St. at Victoria southbound on Queen St.

125. Railway at Wilson southbound on Railway St.

126. Railwav at Drummond nOlihbound on Railway St.

127. Ridcreview at Robert eastbound on Ridgeview PI.

128. Riverside at Beckwith southbound on Riverside Dr.

129. Riverside at Craig westbound on Riverside Dr.

130. Robert Rd. at Drummond southbound on Robert Rd.

131. Robinson at Wi Ison southbound on Robinson St.

132. Robinson at Gore northbound & southbound on Robinson St.

133. Robinson at Drummond nOl1hbound & southbound on Robinson St.

134. Robinson at Beckwith northbound & southbound on Robinson St.

135. Robinson at Sherbrooke northbound & southbound on Robinson St.

136. ROQ'ers at Peter westbound on Rogers Rd.

137. ROQ'ers at Scotch Line eastbound & westbound on Rogers Rd.

138. Scott at Robert eastbound on Scott Cress.

139. Sherbrooke at Brock westbound on Sherbrooke St.

140. Sherbrooke at South eastbound on Sherbrooke St.

141. Sinclair at NOl1h eastbound on Sinclair St.

142. Smith at Rogers northbound on Smith Dr.

143. Smith at Conlon southbound on Smith Dr.

144. South at Gore northbound & southbonnd on South St.

145. Stewari at Mary westbound on Stewal1 St.

146. Stewart at Isabella eastbound on Stewart St.

147. Thom at Peter westbound on Thom St.

148. Thomas at Peter westbound on Thomas St.

149. Treelawn at Garden southbound on Treelawn Blvd.

ISO. Treelawn at Perthmore northbound on Treelawn Blvd.

lSI. Tysick at Jessie eastbound on Tysick Ave.

152. Victoria at Isabella westbound on Victoria St.

153. Victoria at NOl1h eastbound on Victoria St.

154. Weiland at Drummond nOl1hbound on Weiland St.

ISS. Wildlife Rd. at Rideau Ferry Rd. northbound on Wildlife Rd.

156. Wilson at Harvev westbound on Wilson St. E.

157. Wilson at Cockburn eastbound & westbound on Wilson St. E.

158. Wilson at Halton eastbound & westbound on Wilson S. E.

159. Wilson at Scotch Line eastbound on Wilson St. E.

Town ofPel1h By-law No. 3961Page 22 of29



Column I Column 2 Column 3Roadway Limits Direction




STREET FROM TO SIDE1. Market Square The west side of the square 36m(l I 8')south of Gore St. on the Outer Perimeter

along the nOltherly limits east side of the squareof Stewart Park

2. Boulton Street 42.4m (139') nOlth of 12.2 (40') south of Victoria St. EastDrummond St.

3. Gore Harvev Craig North14. Gore Harvey 22.9m (75') East of Harvey on Gore South5. North Street Lewis S1. Lustre Lane West



DESIGNATEDPUBLICIPRIVATE BUILDING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS ROUTE DESCRIPTION1. Perth Mews Shopping Mall 80 Dufferin Street As shaded and outlined on the attached

Appendix I of Schedule "Q", inclusive ofthe building clearance

2. Pizza Hut 70 Dufferin Street As shaded and outlined on the attachedAppendix 2 of Schedule "Q", inclusive ofthe building Clearance

3. Pelth and Smiths Falls 33 Drummond Street West Around the perimeter of the building;District Hospital around the front drive providing access to

the front door; as signed4. Canadian Tire 45 Dufferin Street Along the nOltherly roadway, in front of the

building and the southerly roadwayconnecting to Wilson Street West.

5. Home Hardware 115 Drummond Street Entrance off Drummond Street to the frontWest of the main store; westerly to the lumber

storage area.6. St John's High School South Street Roadway from South Street to the front

entrance of the building; Roadway fromSouth Street to the rear entrance to thebuilding

Town of Perth By-law No. 3961Page 23 of29

SCHEDULE "R" PART IV (2)(3)(lOa)(lOc)


Parking Meters - Street Locations - Schedule of Fees

I. Parking meter rates for vehicles parked in the parking meter zones described in Schedule "A-I ".• Ten cents for each period of twelve minutes oftime during which the vehicle is to be parked.• twenty-five cents for each period of thirty minutes of time during which the vehicle is to be parked;• fifty cents for each period of one hour (60 minutes) oftime during which the vehicles is to be parked.

2. Parking meter rates for vehicles parked in the parking meter zones described in Schedule "A-3"shall be asfollows:The Wilson Street, Chamber of Conunerce, Tay Basin, Code Mill, and the Museum parking lots shall be at arate of twenty-five cents for each period of time up to one halfhour or fifty cents per hour, oftime duringwhich the vehicle is parked.

3. That effective September 1, 2009, the hourly, monthly, and yearly fee for parking in municipal lots, andassociated restrictions be as follows:

Mnnicipal Parking Lots - Schedule of Permit Fees (Effective September 1, 2009)

Lot Location Hourly Charge Monthly Yearly* Selling Restrictedpermit fee Chame Limit Months

Wilson Street $0.50 nla nla nla nllaCode's Mill $0.50 nla nla nla nlaMuseum $0.50 $40.00 $440.00 nla nlaChamber of Commerce $0.50 nla nla nla nlaTay Basin $0.50 $40.00 $370.00 10 July&


* Permits are not transferable from one lot to another.• Annual Tay Basin parking permit excludes July and August as no monthly permits are issued for July and

Au!!ust4. a) Parking Fee

Fifty cents for each period of one hour during which the meter is to be bagged. A deposit of $5.00 perba!! is reouired at the time of reouest.

b) Cone Parking FeeCost for each period of one hour during which the area is to be coned is .0.50 after initial 2 hour freeneriod, a denosit of$50.00 oer cone to be returned to clients at the end of the rental.

SCHEDULE "s" PART 111(7)



I. Gore St. E. Foster St. Crai" St. Both2. Gore St. W. Isabella St. Foster St. Both3. Wilson St. E. Herriott St. Foster St. Both

Wilson St. W. Foster St. Isabella St. Both5. Wilson St. W. Sunset Blvd. CPR Tracks Both6. Foster St. Wilson St. Drummond St. Both7. Herriott St. Wilson St. Drummond St. Both8. NOlth St. Wilson St. Drummond St. Both9. Market Sq. Gore St. Gore St. Both10. All Municipal Parkin!! Lots as described in Schedule "A3" of this by-law

Town ofPelth By-law No. 3961Page 24 of29

Town of PerthPart II Provincial Offences Act

By-law No. 3961: Traffic and Parking


The sums to be paid as set fines are as follows:

Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4Short Form Wording Provision Creating Early Set Fine

or Defining Offence VoluntaryPayment PayableWithin 7 Davs

I. Park at expired parkin rr meter PM IV - Section 2(b) $10.00 $15.002. Park in excess of 2 hours or reparked Pat1 IV - Section 2(d) $10.00 $15.00

within 5 hours of initial paJ'king in anunmetered zone.

3. Park on a sidewalk Part V - Section 2(a) $15.00 $22.504. Park more than 15 cm from curb Part V - Section I (a) $15.00 $22.505. Park left side of vehicle to the curb PaJ1 V -Section I (b) $15.00 $22.506. Park not within desirrnated area Part IV - Section 7 $10.00 $15.007. Park within 6.1 meters of a crosswalk at PaJ1 V- Section 2(t) $15.00 $22.50

an intersection8. Park in front of a driveway Pal1 V -Section 2(b) $15.00 $22.509. Park on a crosswalk PaJ1 V - Section 2(e) $15.00 $22.5010. Park on a boulevard Part V - Section 2(m) $10.00 $15.00II. Park in loading zone Part V - Section $15.00 $22.50

5(h)(ii)12. Park in rush hour zone where prohibited. Part V - Section 5(t) $15.00 $22.5013. Park within intersection Part V - Section 2(c) $20.00 $30.0014. Park within 3 meters of a Fire Hydrant Pat1 V - Section 2(d) $15.00 $22.5015. Park within 12.2 meters of intersection Pal1 V - Section 2(g) $12.00 $18.0016. Park on any bridge Pal1 V - Section 2(h) $12.00 $18.0017. Park on any curb Part V - Section 2(1) $10.00 $15.0018. Park for an unreasonable length of time Part V - Section 4(e) $10.00 $15.0019. Park for sale of goods PaJ1 V - Section 2(n) $10.00 $15.0020. Park on Dufferin Street Part V - Section 4(a) $25.00 $37.5021. Fail to properly display accessible parking Part IV - Section 6(b) nla $30.00

permit22. Park in an accessible parking space Pal1 IV - Section 6(c) nla $300.00

without a valid permit displayed23. Fail to maintain designated accessible Part IV - Section 6(d) nla $300.00

Palling space(s)24. Park in a Fire access route Part V - Section 8(b) $75.00 $112.5025. Park where prohibited Part V-Section 5(a) $15.00 $22.5026. Park in the Building Clearance area Pal1 V Section 8 (c) $75.00 $112.5027. Park a vehicle except a school bus Part V Section 5(b) $15.00 $22.5028. Park a vehicle during daytime restriction Part V Section 5(c) $15.00 $22.5029. Park lonrrer than 10 minutes Pal1 V Section 5(d) $15.00 $22.5030. Park longer than 2 hours Part V Section 5 (e) $15.00 $22.5031. Park during winter restricted hrs Part V Section 4(c)(i) $20.00 $30.0032. Park a vehicle in a no parking zone Part V Section 4(a) $15.00 $22.5033. Park a vehicle at any time Monday PaJ1 V Section 4(b) $15.00 $22.50

through Saturdav34. Park a bus or commercial vehicle in Part V Section 4(d) $15.00 $22.50

excess of 2 hours35. Park at an entrance to a hotel Pal1 V Section 2(i) $12.00 $18.0036. Park at an entrance to a hospital Pal1 V Section 2(k) $12.00 $18.0037. Park at bagged meter or space Part IV Section $10.00 $15.00

10(a)(ii)38. Park within 7.6 meters of entrance to Fire Part V Section 2(0) $12.00 $18.00

Hall39. Park at entrance to a building where large Pat1 V Section 2G) $12.00 $18.00

assemblies are held

Town of Perth By-law No. 3961Page 25 of29

40. Park in coned space Part IV Section 10 $ 10.00 $15.00(a)(ii)

41. Park in an area for pedestrians or service Part V Section 2(p) $15.00 $22.50vehicles

42. Park in excess of 48 Ius-abandoned Palt IV Section 2(e) $30.00 $45.0043. Park obstructing traffic in a through or PaIt V Section 3 $15.00 $22.50

turning lane.44. Park between 12.0 I am and 6 am Part V Section $20.00 $30.00

4(c)(ii)45. Park without permission Part V Section 9 a)(v) $20.00 $30.0046. Park outside desio-nated area Part V Section 9a)(vi) $15.00 $25.0047. Park in a driveway PaIt V Section $25.00 $40.00

9a)(vii)48. Park contrary to signs Part V Section 5 a), $15.00 $25.00

b), c), d), e), g), h), i)49. Park without a permit Part V Section 9 a)(ii $20.00 $30.00

& ix)50. Stop or park in area where prohibited PaIt V Section 5 i) $15.00 $22.5051. Commercial vehicle lIsing street contrary Part X Section 1 a) & $65.00 $97.50

to restriction b)52. Commercial vehicle stopping where Part X Section I c) $25.00 $37.50

prohibited53. Fail to stop at a crosswalk Part XI Section 2 nla $100.00

Town of Perth By-law No. 3961Page 26 of29



STREET FROM TO SPEED LIMIT1. Peter Street Wilson Street Lustre Lane 40 k.D.h.,? Leslie Street Wilson Street JOY Ave 40 k.D.h.3. JOY Avenue Leslie Street Glascott St 40 k.D.h.4. Lewis Street Glascott Street Peter Street 40 k.o.h.5. Smith Drive Rogers Road Conlon Drive 40 k.D.h.6. Conlon Drive County Road 10 Smith Drive 40 k.D.h.

7. All other Town Streets 50 k.o.h.



I. Gore Street on the west side of the intersection with Herriott Street; and

2. Gore Street on the east side ofthe intersection with Herriott Street

3. At the Gore Street/Basin Street intersection between the sidewalks at the McMillan building and the TownHall.

Town of Perth By-law No. 396 J

Page 27 of29

Town of PerthPart I Provincial Offences Act

By-law No. 3961 Traffic and Parking


The slims to be paid as set fines are as follows:

Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4Short Form Wording Provision Creating Early Voluntary Set Fine

or Defining Offence Payment PayableWithin 7 Days

I. Use of skateboard in a prohibited area Part III Section 7 n/a $55.002. Prohibited lise of in-line skates Part III Section 7 n/a $55.003. Prohibited lise of roller skates Part III Section 7 n/a $55.004. Vehicles on sidewalks Part III Section 6 n/a $55.00

Town of Perth By-law No. 3961Page 28 of29

SCHEDULE 'X' Part X (2 c)


STREET FROM TO SIDE1. Gore Harvev Craia south2. Gore Craio 60 m east of Craig both3. Gore Craig 60 m west of Crai a north

SCHEDULE 'V' Part XI (2 a, b)


STREET FROM TOa. Drummond west side of Crai a east side of Highway 7 Dufferin St.

b. Craig Wilson Gore

TOWIl of Perth By-law No. 3961Page 29 of29








January 19,2010

Ms Lauren WaltonClerkCommunity Emergency Management Coordinator80 Gore Street EastPerth, OntarioK7H IH9

Dear Ms Walton,


Re: Set Fines - Provincial Offences Act - Part I & IIBy law No. 3961, as amended

Enclosed herewith is a copy of an Order and a copy of the schedule of set fines for By-law No.3961, the by-law indicated in the schedule.

The setting ofthe fines does not constitute my approval of the validity of the By-law or of theshort form of wording used to describe the offences.

I have forwarded the original of the Order and the schedule of the set fines to Ms Tina Benoit,the P.O.A. Manager in Perth, together with a certified copy of the By-law.

Yours truly,

Judith C. BeamanRegional Senior Justice




Part I & II

IT IS ORDERED pursuant to the provisions of the Provincial Offences Act and

the rules for the Ontario Court of Justice, that the amount set opposite each of the

offences in the schedule of offences under the Provincial Statutes and Regulations

thereunder and Municipal By-law No. 3961 as amended, of the Town of Perth,

Lanark County, attached hereto is the set fine for that offence. This Order is to

take effect January 19, 2010.

Dated at Ottawa this 19th day ofJanuary 2010.

Town ofPerthPart II Provincial Offences Act

By-law No. 3961, as amended: Traffic and Parking


The sums to be paid as set fines are as follows:

Item Column 1 Columu2 Column 3 Columu4Short Form Wording Provision Creating Early Set Fine

or Definiug Voluntary.Offence Payment Payable

Within 7 DavsI. Park at expired parking meter Part IV - Section $10.00 $15.00

2(b)2. Park in excess of 2 hours or Part IV - Section $10.00 $15.00

reparked within 5 hours of initial 2(d)parking in an unmetered zone.

3. Park on a sidewalk Part V - Section $15.00 $22.502(a)

4. Park more than 15 em from curb Part V - Section 1 $15.00 $22.50(a)

5. Park left side of vehicle to the curb Part V -Section $15.00 $22.50l(b)

6. Park not within designated area Part IV - Section 7 $10.00 $15.007. Park within 6.1 meters of a Part V-Section $15.00 $22.50

crosswalk at an intersection 2(t)8. Park in front of a driveway Part V -Section $15.00 $22.50

2(b)9. Park on a crosswalk Part V - Section $15.00 $22.50

2(e)10. Park on a boulevard Part V - Section $10.00 $15.00

2(m)I!. Park in loading zone Part V - Section $15.00 $22.50

5(h)Cii)12. Park within intersection Part V - Section $20.00 $30.00

2(c)13: Park within 3 meters of a Fire Part V - Section $15.00 $22.50

Hvdrant 2(d)14. Park within 12.2 meters of Part V - Section $12.00 $18.00

intersection 2(g)15. Park on any bridge Part V - Section $12.00 $18.00

2(h)16. Park on any curb Part V - Section $10.00 $15.00

2(1)17. Park for an unreasonable length of Part V - Section $10.00 $15.00

time 4(e)18. Park for sale of goods Part V - Section $10.00 $15.00

2(n)19. Park on Dufferin Street where Part V - Section $25.00 $37.50

prohibited 4(a)20. Fail to properly display accessible Part IV - Section n/a $30.00

parking permit 6(b)2l. Park in an accessible parking space Part IV - Section nla $300.00

without a valid permit displaved 6(c)22. n/a23. Park in a Fire access route Part V - Section $75.00 $112.50

8(b)(i)24. Park where prohibited Part V-Section $15.00 $22.50


25. Park in the Building Clearance area Part V Section 8 $75.00 $112.50(b)(ii)

26. Park a vehicle except a school bus Part V Section 5(b) $15.00 $22.50

Town ofPerth By-law No. 3961-2Page 1 of2 \v-J

Town ofPerthPart II Provincial Offences Act

By-law No. 3961, as amended: Traffic and Parking

Item Colnmn 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4Short Form Wording Provision Early Set Fine

Creating Voluntaryor Defining Payment PayableOffence Within 7 Days

27. Park a vehicle during daytime Part V Section 5(c) $15.00 $22.50restriction

28. Park longer than 10 minutes Part V Section 5(d) $15.00 $22.5029. Park longer than 2 hours Part V Section 5 $15.00 $22.50

(e)30. Park during winter restricted hrs Part V Section $20.00 $30.00

4(c)(i)31. Park a vehicle in a no parking zone Part V Section 4(a) $15.00 $22.5032. Park a vehicle at any time Monday Part V Section 4(b) $15.00 $22.50

through Saturday where prohibited33. Park a bus or commercial vehicle in Part V Section 4(d) $15.00 $22.50

excess of2 hours - residential area

34. Park at an entrance to a hotel Part V Section 2(i) $12.00 $18.0035. Park at an entrance to a hospital Part V Section 2(k) $12.00 $18.0036. Park at a bagged meter space Part IV Section $10.00 $15.00

lO(a)(ii)37. Park within 7.6 meters of entrance Part V Section 2(0) $12.00 $18.00

to Fire Hall

38. Park at entrance to a building where Part V Section 2m $12.00 $18.00large assemblies are held

39. nla40. Park in an area for pedestrians or Part V Section 2(p) $15.00 $22.50

service vehicles41. Park obstructing traffic in a through Part V Section 3 $15.00 $22.50

or turning lane.42. Park between 12.01 am and 6 am- Part V Section $20.00 $30.00

public parking lot 4(c)(ii)43.44. Stop in area where prohibited Part V Section 5 i) $15.00 $22.5045. Commercial vehicle stopping where Part X Section I c) $25.00 $37.50

prohibited46. Fail to stop at a crosswalk Part XI Section 2 nla $100.00

NOTE: Anyone who contravenes a section of this by-law is gnilty of an offence and is subject toa penalty as provided for under the "Provincial Offences Act" not exceeding the amountspecified in the Act. (PART VIII, SET FINESIPENALTIES, Section 1.)

Town of Perth By-law No. 3961-2Page 2 of2

Town ofPerth

Part I Provincial Offences ActBy-law No. 3961 Traffic and Parking


The sums to be paid as set fines are as f~llows:

Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3Short Form Wording Provision Creating Set Fine

or Defining Offence

1. Use of skateboard in a prohibi\ed area Part III Section 7 $55.002. Use of in-line skates in prohibIted area Part III Section 7 $55.003. Use of roller skates in prohibit~d area Part III Section 7 $55.004. Vehicle on sidewalk Part III Section 6 $55.005. Fail to maintain designated acdessible Part IV - Section 6(d) $300.00

parking space(s)6. Commercial vehicle using street contrary to Part X Section I a) & b) $97.50


NOTE: Anyone who contravenes a section of this by-law is guilty of an offence and is subject to a penalty asprovided for under the "Pro~incial Offences Act" not exceeding the amount specified in the Act.(PART VIII, SET FINES/PENALTIES, Section 1.)

Town ofPerth By-law 3961








Ms Lauren WaltonClerk/Community Emergency Management CoordinatorThe Corporation ofthe Town of Perth80 Gore Street EastPerth, OntarioK7H lH9

Dear Ms Walton,

Re: Set Fines - Provincial Offences Act - Part IIBy law No. 3961 as amended

Enclosed herewith is a copy ofan Order and a copy of the schedule of set fines for By-law No.3961 as amended, the by-law indicated in the schedule.

The setting of the fines does not constitute my approval of the validity of the By-law or of theshort form of wording used to describe the offences.

I have forwarded the original to Ms Tina Benoit, the P.O.A. Manager in Perth, together with acertified copy of the By-law.

Yours truly,

':IoW:tmf C. BeamanRegional Senior Justice




Part II

IT IS ORDERED pursuant to the provisions of the Provincial Offences Act and the

rules for the Ontario Court of Justice, that the amount set opposite each of the offences

in the schedule ofoffences under the Provincial Statutes and Regulations thereunder

and Municipal By-law No. 3961 as amended, ofthe Town of Perth, Lanark County

attached hereto is the set fine for that offence. This Order is to take effect Apri16th,


Dated at Ottawa this 6th day of April, 2010.

.......~~ ..J~~C~~~~~~~~ ·S~nior JusticeO~ourtof JusticeEast Region

Town of PerthPart II Provincial Offences Act

By-law No. 3961, as amended: Traffic and Parking


The sums to be paid as set fines are as follows:

Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4Short Form Wording Provision Creating Early Set Fine

or Defining Offence VoluntaryPayment PayableWithin 7 Davs

I. Park at expired oarkioJ!; meter Part IV Section 2(b) $/0.00 $15.002. Park in excess of2 hours or reparked Part IV Section 2(d) $/0.00 $15.00

within 5 hours of initial parking in anunmetered zone.

3. Park on a sidewalk Part V Section 2(a $15.00 $22.504. Park more than 15 cm from curb Part V - Section 1(a $15.00 $22.505. Park left side of vehicle to the curb Part V Section l(b $15.00 $22.506. Park not within designated area Part IV Section 7 $/0.00 $15.007. Park within 6.1 meters ofa crosswalk at Part V- Section 2(t) $15.00 $22.50

an intersection8. Park in front of a drivewav Part V Section 2 b) $15.00 $22.509. Park on a crosswalk Part V Section 2(e) $15.00 $22.5010. Park on a boulevard Part V Section 2(m) $10.00 $15.00II. Park in loading zone Part V Section $15.00 $22.50

5(h)(ii)12. Park within intersection Part V - Section 2 c) $20.00 $30.0013. Park within 3 meters ofa Fire Hydrant Part V Section 2 d $15.00 $22.5014. Park within 12.2 meters of intersection Part V - Section 2 $12.00 $18.00IS. Park on any bridl!e Part V - Section 2 h $12.00 $18.0016. Park on anv curb Part V - Section 2 I $/0.00 $15.0017. Park for an unreasonable lenlrth of time Part V Section 4 e $10.00 $15.0018. Park for sale of goods Part V Section 2(n $/0.00 $15.0019. Park on Dufferin Street where orohibited Part V - Section 4(a) $25.00 $37.5020. Fail to properly display accessible parking Part IV - Section 6(b) nla $30.00

I nermit21. Park in an accessible parking space Part IV - Section 6(c) nla $300.00

without a valid oermit disolaved22. nla23. Park in a Fire access route Part V - Section $75.00 $112.50

8(b)(i)24. Park where nrohibited Part VM Section 5 a) $15.00 $22.5025. Park in the Building Clearance area Part V Section 8 $75.00 $112.50

I (WiD26. Park a vehicle exceot a school bus Part V Section 5 $15.00 $22.5027. Park a vehicle during daytime restriction Part V Section 5 c $15.00 $22.5028. Park longer than 10 minutes Part V Section 5 d $15.00 $22.5029. Park longer than 2 hours Part V Section 5 e) $15.00 $22.5030. Park during winter restricted hrs Part V Section 4(c)(i) $20.00 $30.0031. Park a vehicle in a no parkinJ!; zone Part V Section 4(a) $15.00 $22.5032. Park a vehicle at any time Monday Part V Section 4(b) $15.00 $22.50

through Saturdav where orohibited33. Park a bus or commercial vehicle in Part V Section 4(d) S15.00 $22.50

excess of2 hours - residential area34. Park at an entrance to a hotel Part V Section 2(i) $12.00 $18.0035. Park at an entrance to a hosnital Part V Section 2(k) S12.00 $18.0036. Park at a bagged meter space Part IV Section $10.00 $15.00


37. Park within 7.6 meters of entrance to Fire Part V Section 2(0) $12.00 $18.00Hall

Town of Perth ByM law No. 3961Page 1 of2

Town of PerthPart II Provincial Offences Act

By-law No. 3961. as amended: Traffic and Parking

Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4Short Form Wording Provision Creating Early Set Fine

or Defining Offence VoluntaryPayment PayableWithin 7 Davs

38. Park at entrance to a building where large Part V Section 2(j) $12.00 $18.00assemblies are held

39. nla40. Park in an area for pedestrians or service Part V Section 2(P) $15.00 $22.50

vehicles41. Pa.rk obstructing traffic in a through or Part V Section 3 S15.00 822.50

turning lane.42. Park between 12.01 am and 6 am - public Part V Section $20.00 $30.00

I narkinQ': lot 4(c)(ii\43.44. Stan in area where nrohibited Part V Section 5 i $15.00 S22.5045. Commercial vehicle stopping where Part X Section 1 c) $25.00 $37.50

I nrohibited46. Fail to stoo at a crosswalk Part XI Section 2 nla $100.0047. Park in excess of two hours Part XII Section l(b $10.00 $15.0048. Park where orohibited Part XII Section l(c $15.00 822.50

NOTE: Anyone who contravenes a section of this by-law is guilty of an offence and is subject to a penaltY asprovided for under the ....Provincial Offences Act" not exceeding the amount specifIed in the Act.(PART Vlll, SET FlNESIPENALTIES, Section 1.)

Town ofPerth By-law No. 3961Page 2 of2