The Context For Information Technology Since The Late 20th Century

Post on 04-Dec-2014

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Review of the book by Manuel Castells. 2000(2nd edition)The Rise of the Network Society Volume I of The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Blackwell. pp.77-215

Transcript of The Context For Information Technology Since The Late 20th Century

Sunday, April 9, 2023 1iiit-b

Presentation by:Sumeet Raj

• Informational

• Global

• Networked

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What is productivity ?Research by Robert Solow.

Productivity is function of technological change.

Year 1870 – 1950 Moderate GrowthYear 1950 – 1973 High Growth RateYear 1973 – 1993 Low Growth Rate

Relation b/w productivity and technology is not simple and direct.

Reasons . . .??Sunday, April 9, 2023iiit-b 3

Why and How these technology had to wait to deliver their promise in enhancing productivity ?

What are the conditions for such enhancements ?

How different is the rate of diffusion of technology and thus its impact on productivity in different industries ?

Sunday, April 9, 2023 4iiit-b

To increase profit:Reduce production costIncrease productivityBroaden the marketAccelerate capital turnover

Scan– Search – Open new markets.

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World economyGlobal economy

World economy goes Global . . .

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Global interdependence of financial market:

De-regulation of financial market and liberalization of cross-border transaction.

Development in technological infrastructure.ConnectednessSpeculative movements of financial flowsMarket valuation firms

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Emerged at a given time, 1990’s

In a given space, United States

Around specific industries,Information TechnologyFinanceBiotechnology

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Few facts

Internet related firms

Classification of Internet related industries

By the turn of the century, the internet economy and IT industries had become the core of US economy.

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Market capitalization of internet companies sky rocketed.

Financial world was transformed in 1990’s by institutional change and technological innovation. deregulation of industry and liberalization of cross

border transactions The process culminated in 1999, when president Clinton

abolished the institutional barriers to consolidation between different segments of the finance industry legislated in the 1930s and 1940s to prevent the kind of financial crisis that led to The Great Depression of 1929.

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US signaled the freedom for the private companies to manage money and securities in any way the market would bear.

Major merges between financial firms led to the consolidation of the industries in few mega groups, capable of global reach.

IT changed the way financial transaction were conducted.

Powerful computers, adv mathematical models, we are able to forecast diff things both in real time and future time.

Consequences:Large no. of individual investors.E-trading quickly spread from stocks to bonds.

Sunday, April 9, 2023iiit-b 11

Why does technology of transaction matter? How does it affect finance industries ?

Reduces transaction costReduce cost of active tradingMore no. of individual investors

Consequences:Substantial increase in the amount of value traded.Financial volatility increases exponentially

Overall outcome: greater Complexity and Volatility

Sunday, April 9, 2023iiit-b 12

Why is the judgment formed ? What are the criteria for market evaluation?

Stock valuation, 1995-1999:the Standard & Poor top growth stocks:

Dell Computers 9402 Cisco Systems 2356 Sun Microsystems 2304

Profits and Dividends are among the criteria to value a company stock value but they are not the over-riding factor. What is then….??

Sunday, April 9, 2023iiit-b 13

Several organizational trends evolved from the process of capitalist restructuring and industrial transition:

From mass production to flexible production Crisis of large corporations, and the resilience of small and

medium firms as agents of innovation and sources of job creation.

Toyotism Management – worker cooperation Having multi functional labor Total quality control Reduction of uncertainty

Corporate Strategic Alliances

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Company based in San Jose, California

Few facts

The business model pioneered by the company was the key to its:


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Sunday, April 9, 2023 16iiit-b

Presented by:Sumeet Raj