The Contact June 2015

Post on 22-Jul-2016

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Carmel United Methodist Church June 2015 Newsletter

Transcript of The Contact June 2015

At CUMC we are CONNECTING with God and others, GROWING in faith and love through Biblical learning, and SERVING our community and world, as followers of Jesus Christ. Carmel United Methodist Church Fax: 317-848-8790 621 S. Range Line Rd. phone: 317-844-7275 Carmel, IN 46032 e-mail:

JUNE 2015


We have been promised by God that He will fill us with His Spirit and gift us to live our lives boldly as Christians and to be the church for the world. In another place in the Book of Acts, it tells us that each person when experiencing the Holy Spirit had a tongue of fire on them. That reminds me that the church is ignited when people are baptized. The church is ignited and set on fire for the Lord!!!

Have you been baptized and filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit? If not, attend the class for baptism (Thursday June 11 at 7 pm at the church) and prepare for your opportuni-ty.

All Church Baptism on Sunday June 14 starting at 10:30. Be sprinkled or immersed!

Have you been baptized? Come and remember your baptism and be present to support those who will be baptized.

In early church history it was a big moment in the life of the church to go down to the river and to baptize many and celebrate. May the Rivers of Baptism flow deeply and widely

through Carmel UMC on Sunday, June 14!!!

Why Be Baptized?

1. Jesus was sent to earth by God to live, to die and to be raised again for all of humanity. 6Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

2. God promised to send an Advocate, His Holy Spirit to be with us after Jesus was taken back to Heaven. “When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.” Acts 2:1-2

3. God sent His Holy Spirit to surround us and to fill us but we need to invite the Holy Spirit into our hearts so that we may be filled and blessed with Spiritual Gifts to be the individ-ual and church for the world that God desires.

“…they were all filled with the Holy spirit and spoke the word of God with boldness.” Acts 4:31b




Connecting, Growing, & Serving at CUMC - new opportunities and past successes!

CUMC Summer Camps and VBS

Summer Sports Camps

Youth Summer Calendar


CUMC Staff News


Annual Conference Report

Pastoral Staff Senior Pastor: Rev. Patti Napier Associate Pastor: Rev. Mike Collins Director of Stream Worship: Scott McDermid Director of Youth Ministries: Scott McDermid Minister of Children & Families: Rev. Aj Mildenberg Minister of Adult Ed. & Discipleship: Sandra Andrews Minister of Sports & Recreation: Ray Marsh Minister of Music Chuck Shockney Minister of Youth: Kevin Andrews Minister of Local Outreach: Mike Podgorski

Office Staff Church Administrator: Kevin Sweeney Office Manager: Pat Morrison Financial Secretary: Elizabeth Shiverdecker Communications & Media Specialist: Rachel Ferry Membership Secretary: Karen McTaggart Building Superintendent: Art Enlow Preschool Director: Marian Fales Preschool Administrative Coordinator: Nicole Todd Minister of Shepherding & New Member: Barbara Krueger Minister of Visitation: Jim Shirey Retired Pastor in Residence: Jack King

To send an e-mail to any staff member, use their first initial and last name For example, Patti Napier is:

Leadership at CUMC:

The Welcome Center

We are excited to be able to truly utilize the Welcome Center in the Gathering Place to it’s fullest!

Just a reminder: the Church office is closed on Sunday mornings. The Welcome Center and its volunteers are equipped to answer ques-tions and provide information throughout the morning.



Congratulations to the Confirmation Class of 2015




Louis Thomas Fritz, born May 23, 2015 to Alex & Tiffany Fritz.


Lydia Faye Herbert, daughter of Taryn & Doug Herbert was baptized May 3, 2015.

With Sympathy To…

Janet Haskett & family, on the death of her brother, Donald (Joe) Stewart, who passed away March 31, 2015.

The family of Rick Kobza, who passed away April 17, 2015.

Joyce New & family on the death of her son-in-law, Charles Bracken, who passed away May 10, 2015.

The family of Beverly Swanson, who passed away May 10, 2015.

Jeanette Roberts & family on the death of her sister, Geneva Graves, who passed away May 23, 2015.

Scott Patterson & family on the death of his mother, Jeanne Patterson, who passed away on May 23, 2015.

Sandy Peters & family on the death of her mother, Rowena Burgess, who passed away on June 1, 2015.

Sandy Crabb & family, on the death of her sister, Diana Gleichman, who passed away on June 5, 2015.

Reed William Anderson Claire Violet Bonnici Emily Grace Carlisle Troy Frederick Distler Taylor Renae Holforty *Jack Huntington Austin Steven Keith Katherine Anne Kemper William Kepler *Will Kok Kathryn Larkin Timothy Dee Leonard II *Lauren Moon Madison Alexis Nelson Cara Elizabeth Nowlin

*Colton Parker Christian Anthony Reck Erin Reed Celia Ai-Ying Ryan Madalyn Grace Sailors Haley Elizabeth Slosman Raegan Faith Spiller Brooklin Leigh Toombs *Brooke Elizabeth Weisner Henry Weixler Jaden Wenthe *Luis Vicente Withrow *Katherine Ann Yazel *Baptized

Save the Dates: August 21 & 22: Junior High Fall Retreat (6-8 grade, and Confirmation) August 28-30: Senior High Fall Retreat (9-12 grade)

September 13: Intersect Youth Worship Re-Launch (6-12 grade)

June 13 @ 7:30pm Senior High Bonfire (9-12 grade) Hoberty’s Home: 3728 Sumter Way, Carmel

June 15-20 Nashville Mission Trip (6-12 grade) Pray for the students who are serving this week!

June 21-25 Vacation Bible School Register as a VBS volunteer (click here) Volunteer Afterparty Nightly (8:45-10:00pm)

July 15 (3-7:30pm) Progressive Pool Party ($5) A traveling party with food and plenty of H2O. We will ignore your mom’s advice not to swim after you eat! Locations TBD

July 15-23 El Salvador Mission Trip (Senior High) Pray for the 16 team members serving the people of Suchitoto

August 5 (7:30-10pm) The Hungry Games Nerf Wars @ the church Be a tribute and dress as your fa-vorite district from the Hunger Games series! Bring $5 and a canned good item for the food pantry (Nerf gear provided)

Growth Groups Small Group Bible studies for spe-cific age and gender will continue to meet during the summer. Check back next month for new summer times & locations

Contact Scott, Kevin or Ashley for a face-to-face conversation! We love the flexible summer schedule to encourage stu-dents and parents. Call the church office or email us to schedule a chat!


Carmel UMC Youth serving for Local Mission: Soup’s On at Robert’s Park UMC on June 7, 2015



Growing While Serving: Why we do youth mission trips By: Kevin Andrews, Minister to Youth

It seems that most youth ministries have summer programming that falls into one of two categories…Summer Camps or Mission Trips.

I grew up in a summer camp model and benefited from the experience in amazing ways. There was something exciting (and a little bit scary) about packing everything in a duffle bag and spending a week meeting new people away from my parents. I certainly had a lot of fun but was also challenged by camp counselors and speakers to grow in my relationship with God.

Fast forward a couple of decades…

Knowing what I know now, I think mission trips have the potential for impact greater than the summer camp experience. Mission trips still pack in plenty of fun and friendships as we travel, work, eat and play together. Additionally, students and we leaders are challenged to serve others who may initially seem radically different and yet we discover a common bond in our love for family and hope for the future. God uses these experiences to open our eyes to His purposes for us as we partner with Him in bringing His kingdom to earth as a reflec-tion of what it would be in heaven. Furthermore, God’s Word comes to life when we read about Jesus’ interactions with the oppressed people of his day while we are serving people in modern and yet similar circumstances. Students are often deeply impacted by these inter-actions and wrestle with their own brokenness in a setting that unmasks their selfishness and unmet needs. I have seen over and over a week of this kind of deep connecting and serving result in spiritual growth that exceeded my expectations. Many students to this day can trace their beginnings of a relationship with Christ or their desire to seek Him first in all things to a mission trip. Ultimately, we discover that God is trustworthy when he tells us that as we give up our lives for the sake of Jesus, we will find life. (Matt. 10:39, Mark 8:35 and Luke 9:24)

Please be praying for the 45+ students and lead-ers serving with Student Living A Mission (SLAM) this summer in Nashville, TN and Suchitoto, El Salvador. If you’ve never participated in a mission trip (no matter what your age) consider stepping into the unknown with the expectation that God will be there and meet your needs as you meet the needs of others. Contact any of the Youth Ministry staff or Mission Coordinator, Mike Pod-gorski at for a varie-ty of youth and adult opportunities.


Summer Camps: CUMC offers camps for kids, 4 years old to 5th grade, (Sample of Camps:

Weird Science, Music, Brain Blast, Tie-Dye, Missions, Book, Backyard Fun, Little Miss, Thea-tre/Puppet, Survival, Lego, Arts and Crafts, American Ninja Warrior, Disney, Sewing, Safety, Cookies and Cupcakes, and American Girl), all Biblically based in the month of July. Each camp is limited in it’s number of participants!

All Camps: $75.00/each session (supplies and snack are included). There are morning and afternoon Day Camp sessions. If your child is interested in both morning and afternoon sessions, you may send them with a peanut/tree-nut free sack lunch. We will gladly watch them until the afternoon camps start (a small donation to the children’s ministry is appreciated). Preschool kids must be potty trained and have some schooling experience. Camps have lim-ited enrollment and must have a minimum of 7 for the camp to happen.

Registration is OPEN ONLINE


Each week we study either the life of Moses or Jesus as a young boy. The classrooms are dec-orated to look like the Biblical times and stories that we are learning about. Each week we sing, learn the Bible story through craft and drama. Children begin in the Sanctuary, are called forward for the children's moments. Then the children are dismissed to their class-rooms.

We ask that parents volunteer one week to assist per child.


Children’s Summer Sunday School

Need to contact someone in Children’s Ministry about summer programs?

Please email Aria or Chris at

Two and half weeks left till VBS begins and we are 2/3's full! If you have not signed up yet, do so NOW! It is going to be so much fun! Snow in June and learning about relying on God's POW-ER! Please come any night and enjoy the food trucks in the parking lot, listen to the VBS band and enjoy the decorations. If you can vol-unteer one night or all 5, we can use your help in the kitchen, with the kids, registration or a dozen other jobs.


VBS work sessions:

Tues June 9: 9-noon

Thurs June 11: 9-noon

Mon June 15: 9-noon

Tues June 16: 9-noon

Wed June 17 9-noon

Thurs June 18: 2-8pm**

Sat June 20 9-5pm**

*****These workdays are VERY important and we need a lot of people to help!



We cannot do Vacation Bible School without your help! Please consider a donation of items that we will need for this program to happen. Donation stations will be set-up by Pastor Aj’s office.

The tomb is empty: Please consider donating one or more of the following items:


Large bags of sunflower seeds (4) Whipped topping (tubs or squirt) (30) Raspberries (Need Tuesday) (20) Small dessert-sized plates (700) Hersey Kisses (6) Cases of water (10) 5 oz paper cups (10) Quarts of strawberries (Need Tuesday) (20) Gallons of distilled water (20) Small Kleenex tissues (50) dried banana's (5)

dried pineapple (5) lemonade in cans (8) by case pound cake (20) ice cream- vanilla -gallon (5) ice cream -chocolate- gallon (5) brownie mix (5) chocolate chip cookie mix (10) salsa (5) baby food jars -all sizes (50) Hersey Bars (6 pack) 10 packs bags of popcorn (10) Aj's favorite is Skinny Pop

Hamilton County Habitat for Humanity

Carmel UMC 2015 Work Dates:

Saturday, June 6th

Saturday, July 18th

Revitalization Event

Register Online to Volunteer!!!


Volunteers Needed to Help distribute food for the Gleaner’s Days! Time commitment: noon-3:30pm




“ During a discussion today MY STUDENT said that a year ago he knew no English. No one at work talked to him. He sat alone when everyone else sat together for a meal. He could not tell the security guard the times he would come and go. Today... and then he put his head in his hands and wept. He went on today... I can tell him the time. I am sitting with the others and talking. It was a beautiful moment!

I Love this job! ~ ML

Blake is testing for his Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do in June. He selected collecting coats/hats/gloves for Kids Coats as his community service pro-ject. He set a personal goal of 50 coats....and he exceeded! He collect-ed 54 coats and lots of accessories. Here is a picture of some of the coats.

Blake Sales Gets a TKO for Kid’s Coats!


Summer Youth Sports Camps:

CUMC Youth Basketball Camp (Grades 3-8) June 15-19 (8:30am-Noon)

CUMC Neighborhood Sports Camp (Grades 3-6) July 20-24 (1pm-4:30pm)

Registration OPEN Online!

Can you remember a time when you were looking for a church home and went to visit as a first time worshipper on Sunday morning? It was great to have a good conversation with a regular attender so you could ask a few questions about areas you are looking for in a church. If you decided to go back for a second or third visit it was probably because you could easily recognize that there was a pro-gram ministry or area of the church you would feel comfortable in and get to know folks who attend there.

Such was the case with Travis and Amy Severson, and their three children, Aubry (8), Sawyer(5) and Jonah (2), when two years ago, after moving to the area they found Carmel United Methodist Church

online and noticed it had a pre-school so they decided to come visit. During those first couple of vis-its Travis, being an avid sports fan, noticed the Sports Ministry for children and adults. He quickly jumped in and introduced himself to Ray at a Youth Volleyball league game. He offered to help with the league even though his daughter Aubry was technically not old enough to play. That was the be-ginning of a string of events within the sports and pre-school ministry that solidified for the Sev-ersons that Carmel UMC should be their church home. Travis went on to participate in Adult Volley-ball, took his daughter to the Father-Daughter Dance, coached in Carmel UMC Youth Basketball, as well as Youth Football leagues. He also attended a 3 day golf retreat, and currently plays in the church golf league. Today Travis has gotten so comfortable here that he is one of the newest church members on the Board of Trustees that guides business decisions made about the physical church building and the upkeep of the property it sits on, and Amy is active in the pre-school as well as the Soup’s On Mission Ministry.

The Severson’s story is not an isolated one at Carmel UMC. Connection Ministries in our church are important because they can attract church visitors who are looking to fill a need for their family or to satisfy an individual’s passion for something that is being offered. Like Sports in Travis’s case. They are also important because beyond the good experience they had with us as a first time wor-shipper on Sunday morning, they have a reason to come back and more quickly get to know our church membership below the surface.

If you aren’t already plugged in to a connection or missions ministry where you can serve along-side fellow members and be the connection new families are looking for at our church we encourage you to pray about which opportunity you could be passionate about.

Connecting Ministries: Help Bring First Time Worshippers Back

Travis Severson

Application Available HERE!


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Summer Choir

Join the choir this summer for two Sundays a month to perform. No commitment

is needed. Just show up at 9am on the Sundays the choir is performing for a short

practice before the 9:30 service! Sing for either the 9:30 and/or 11:00 services.

Dress nicely, because the choir robes are put away for the summer! No weeknight


Anyone is encouraged to join the choir - all are welcome! Youth encouraged too!

Dates choir performing:

June 14

July 12, 19

August 16, 23

Father’s Day is fast approaching. A happy day devoted to celebrating Dad is a great time to let Dad know how important he is to you. Howev-er, this day can also stir up sad thoughts or memories for some. We may each react differently to the emotions we feel in relationship to our life experiences on this particular day.

Maybe you know a father or an adult child whom could benefit from the gift of Stephen Ministry.

Stephen Ministry is completely confidential and is here to provide a listening ear for men and women who are experiencing difficulties. You can be the eyes and ears of Jesus when you notice a need for care – a friend, neighbor, a co-worker, or a relative – talk to that person, let them know you care, tell him/her about Stephen Ministry and then bring the need to the attention of Carmel UMC’s Stephen Ministry Leaders.

It is not a sign of weakness to ask for help when you are facing a tough time. Virtually everyone at some point in his or her life faces difficulties and could benefit from the care of a Stephen Minis-ter. Be open to receiving care yourself should the need arise.

To inquire about Stephen Ministry, please contact:

Wayne Lerner, Stephen Ministry Leader Coordinator 317-490-9850

Debbie Carriger, Stephen Ministry Referrals Coordinator 317-431-3234


UMW in the World: United Methodist Women is sending $100,000 to United Mission in Nepal for earthquake relief.

With your support and the support of churches around the world we will continue to be a witness to the love and compassion of Christ as we serve communities in great need.

Please pray for Nepal.

You can read more HERE!

Women Monthly Circles

Dinner Belles

Dinner Belles will meet Tuesday, June 9, 6:15 PM, at Abuelo’s Restaurant. Hostess is Sandy Harrison, 844-9822.

Quilters Group

Quilters group meet every Friday from 9:30 to noon, at the lower level of our church. Everyone is welcome to attend! Any questions please contact Marie Harris at:

Ruth Anna

On Tuesday, June 9, members and guests of Ruth Anna Circle will meet at church to carpool to the Indiana Historical Society for our spring excursion.

We will leave the church parking lot promptly at 9:30 in order to tour the 3 You Are There galleries and have lunch on the canal before returning to the church by 2:30. If you have not already signed up, call Katie Kess-ler at 317-846-9785 to reserve your spot. Our next gathering will be September 8.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Each Tuesday from 12:30 until 2:30, a group gathers to knit or crochet prayer shawls to be given as an ex-pression of love and encouragement from our church family. You are invited to come whenever you can. Call Jenny Andrews at 989-0586 or Katie Kessler at 846-9785 with questions or suggestions.


Nancy Vanderwall, mother of Natalie Oehler was recently fea-

tured in the UMW’s Response Magazine (that’s her on the cov-



Victory for Farmworkers

The Coalition of Immokalee Workers fights for farmworkers’

rights, and Florida United Methodist Women stand with them.

Read the entire article here.


Theme: Share Your Story - from Bishop Coyner’s opening sermon. Matthew 9:37-38

“The harvest is so great, but the workers are so few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the har-vest; ask him to send out more workers for the field.”

But my story is not really mine. It has been created by those who were around when I was young, and even from those who prayed for me when I was unaware. But the story needs to be shared. And we are stewards of it and are invited by God to share it with others. In our story there is the good news of God’s story from John 3:16. It is a love story that “God so loved the world (you and me) that he gave his only son, so that all who believe will not perish but have everlasting life.

The sermon also included this statement. “The decisions you make today will help deter-mine the story you tell tomorrow.”

There is “blessed assurance” in this story. The congregation then joined in singing this be-loved old hymn. One of the highlights of conference has always been the absolute power, comfort, and joy I feel when 2000 people join in singing hymns that are such a strong part of the overall Methodist heritage. I am often moved to tears, and I was at this point in the conference.

Another scripture to telling our story is from 2 Corinthians 3:2-2.

The message of telling our story is an integral part of meeting the mission of the UMC. Our goal has to be that we are the hands and feet of Christ. In order to do this we must extend ourselves beyond the walls of our church and go out as Christ’s disciples, partner-ing in and with our communities to effect transformation for those around us.

In 2014 a fundraiser was began to endow a school of agriculture and natural resources at Africa Uni-versity. This is a United Methodist college founded in 1988. The Indiana goal was $1,600,000, with $1,000,000 to go to the department and $600,000 for scholarships. As of March 2015, $1,100,000 has been raised and 30% of the churches in Indiana have contributed to this program. There was a lovely video presented featuring students who have had life transforming educations from being students at Africa University.

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CUMC E-Prayer is a vital piece of electronic communication within our church family. CUMC E-Prayer is used to share (via e-mail) timely prayer requests and concerns about family and friends. Prayer requests and updates are communicated to "subscribers" several times per week. There are currently over 200 different e-mail addresses on the CUMC E-Prayer distribu-tion list, representing a large number of individuals and fami-lies - and we would love to add more names. If you would like to begin receiving and using CUMC E-Prayer, please send your e-mail address to Ed King at


Submitted by: Barbara l. Krueger, Lay Delegate

There is always a lot presented about finances of the entire AC. We give to change the world and when we do give we also change our hearts. I learned that of every dollar given to the Indiana con-ference the first usage is that $.47 is donated to missions; in Indiana, the country and over the world. This would be the source of funding the efforts of UMCOR – United Methodist Committee on Relief which is often the first responder to disasters, wherever they may occur.

In 2014 conference a “points of light “ challenge was offered asking congregations to commit them-selves to starting new ministries in their communities. 103 congregations answered that call and it was reported that corresponds to 6000 new people worshipping in those various congregations. It was interesting to me to hear of a “biker ministry” offering weekly to teaching and music. And I chuckled at the accompanying picture showing a parking lot filled with Harleys and Yamahas, etc. Pe-riodically we have one or two of these in our lot Sunday morning.

There are always numerous petitions and recommended procedural changes that are to be voted on. The most important vote, however, was to elect Indiana delegates to the general and jurisdictional conferences to be held in 2016. I know there were about 770 voting lay delegates at this voting ses-sion and we were to elect 8 to each 2016 conference and 3 alternates, so a total of 19. Clergy in attendance could do the same in a separate voting session. For the first time we used electronic voting devices and once we got the hang of it, the process went significantly smoother and quicker.

Other facts and figures.

41 pastors died in 2014. 38 pastors retiring, were honored in a service of remembrance. 12 new elders and 1 deacon were ordained. 11 new provisional elders and 4 provisional deacons were approved. Indiana is the 4th largest conference in the entire UMC, with over 1000 appointed clergy.


CUMC E-Prayer Wants You!

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Up for a Summer Challenge?

Join CUMC's 90 Days of Good News challenge today!

The Gospels in 90 Days is a Summer Challenge presented to small groups and individuals at CUMC! If

you have joined the challenge, don't forget to join the Facebook Group. There you can post a pic-ture where you're reading your Bible, share the challenges you're facing while reading passages, or offer some encouraging words for others. Help one another take this step in their faith journey. If you haven't joined the challenge, it's not too late! Sign up today to read through the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) one chapter at a time. You can make today your "Day 1" or you can read 2 chapters a day until you catch up. Questions? Contact Sandra Andrews at

SIGN-UP HERE! #90DaysOfGoodNews

America needs change. Yet the change we need does not come from Washington or Wall Street. It comes from God. It begins with God’s people praying to Him for the change we need:

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

God promises real change - spiritual healing for our souls and our land - if we will simply humble ourselves in repentant prayer before Him. This call is nothing new. It follows many biblical and historical examples that led to a national spiritual revival.

We have sinned and done wrong. We have been wicked and have rebelled; we have turned away from your commands and laws. (Daniel 9:5)

God prescribes a very specific type of prayer that is a necessary prerequisite to healing and renewal. He calls on us to fall to our knees before Him and take responsibility for the state of our nation by confessing our corporate and individual sins. Please join many Christians across the nation as we kneel in humble prayer, seek His face in repentance, and ask God to forgive our sins and heal our land. Answer God’s “Call to Fall” on Sunday, June 28, 2015.

Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refresh-ing may come from the Lord. (Acts 3:19)

This is an individual opportunity for you to pray on your own time that day. Also consider attending our Weekly Prayer Group on Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the Chapel. All are welcome!

Questions? Contact Chris Yalla:

A Call to Fall in Humble Prayer Sunday, June 28, 2015

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Sandy Phillips, The Carmel UMC Preschool Administrative Coordi-nator will be retiring at the end of this school year. We thank her for her love, dedication, smiles and help over the years. She will be missed! In addition to Sandy working in the Preschool Office, she also spent many years working as the Youth Ministry Assistant at the church. We offer best wishes for her next adventure....the lake is calling!

The Preschool Office will be open Mon - Fri, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. thru June 5th. Marian will be in 2-3 days each week during the summer, with the exception of June 12-19 and July 20-31.

A preschool teacher has the joy and honor of giving a child his/her “first times:” the concept of school, learning, being part of a group, and most importantly, at CUMC Preschool, getting to know God and Jesus.

Ginny Winston faithfully and cheerfully, for many years, cared for, loved, taught, and created “first times” for children who have attended CUMC Preschool. At the end of this school year, Ginny retired from teaching.

Ginny Winston was honored for her dedication and love for our children on April 19 (Preschool Sunday), at the 9:30 service. Notes of thanks and encouragement were presented to Ginny in a special keepsake box from students and parents whom she taught throughout her tenure.

Fond Farewells...

Please leave a voice mail for her or send an email towill return to our regular hours on Monday, Aug. 10th

Summer Preschool Office Hours


621 S. Range Line Road

Carmel, IN 46032

Phone: 317-844-7275

Fax: 317-848-8790


At Carmel UMC we are connecting with God and others, growing in faith and love through Biblical learning, and serving our community and world as followers of Jesus Christ.

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Nashville Mission Trip - SLAM June 15 - 20, 2015

VBS - June 21 - 25, 2015

El Salvador Mission Trip - July 15-22, 2015