Post on 09-Jan-2017

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Lilis FauziahSiti Hajar

Feri Agustina DamayantiM. Adi Saputra

Vega RatnaM. Syafrul Huda


It is an approach to the teaching second and foreign language that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language. It is also referred to as “communicative approach to the teaching of foreign languages” or simply the “Communicative Approach”.Communicative language teaching makes use of real-life situations that necessitate communication. The teacher sets up a situation that students are likely to encounter in real life. Unlike the audiolingual method of language teaching, which relies on repetition and drills, the communicative approach can leave students in suspense as to the outcome of a class exercise, which will vary according to their reactions and responses. The real-life simulations change from day to day. Students' motivation to learn comes from their desire to communicate in meaningful ways about meaningful topics.

CLT is usually characterized as a broad approach to teaching, rather than as a teaching method with a clearly defined set of classroom practices. As such, it is most often defined as a list of general principles or features. One of the most recognized of these lists is David Nunan’s (1991) five features of CLT:An emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target

language. The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation. The provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on language

but also on the (Learning Management) learning proccess. An enhancement of the learner’s own personal experiences as important

contributing elements to classroom learning. An attempt to link classroom language learning with language activities

outside the classroom.

Classroom activities used in CLT example activities

1. Role Play 2. Interviews 3. Information Gap 4. Games 5. Language Exchanges 6. Surveys 7. Pair Work

COOPERATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING (CLL)Cooperative language learning (Coop.LL) is part of a more general

instructional approach known as collaborative learning. It is an approach to teaching that makes maximum of cooperative activities involving pairs and small groups of learners in the classroom. Olsen and Kagan (1999:8) define Coop.LL as “ group learning activity organized so that learning is dependent on socially structured exchange of information between learners in groups and in which each leraner is held accountable for his or her own learning and is motivated to increase the learning of others”.

I choose one technique in cooperative language learning, it is Three-steps Interview. Three-steps interview consists of three strctures. The simple procedure is as follows:

Students form pairs within their group of four and conduct a one-way interview, one is interviewer and the other is interviewee.

Students reserve the roles-the interviwers become interviewees. Each student share with the team member (within the group of four) what

was learned during the interviews.

Advantages of Cooperative language learning :

It has been shown to have a positive effect on student learning when compared to individual or competitive conditions.

Students may explain things better to another student than a teacher to a class. Students learn how to teach one another and explain material in their own words.

Positive interdependency is achieved as individuals feel that they cannot succeed unless everyone in their group succeeds.

Students can generate more ideas and be exposed to different points of view.

Students have access to more varied and complex use of language.

Disanvantages :

The goal of scaffolding is for students to become independent and able to think by themselves, without the help of others

High stakes create increased chances for conflict and therefore need for conflict resolution skills

It is difficult for the teacher to be sure that the groups are discussing the academic content rather than something else.

Higher ability students may not experience the stimulation or challenge that they would with other higher ability students. 

Lower ability students may feel perpetually in need of help rather than experiencing the role of leader or expert relative to the others in their group


CBLT is an application of the principles of Competency-based Education (CBE) to language teaching. CBE is an educational movement that focuses on outcomes or outputs of learning in the development of language programs. It emerged in The United States in the 1970s and refers to an educational movement that educates defining educational goals in terms of precise measurable descriptions of the knowledge, skills, and behaviors students should possess at the end of a course of study. CBE addresses what the learners are expected to do with the language, however they learned to do it.

The Approaches In CBLT

There are several principals in CBLT: 1. Language is a vehicle for the expression of functional meaning (functional view) 2. Language is a vehicle for the realization of interpersonal relation and for the performance of social transactions between individuals. Language is a tool for the creation and maintenance of social relations. (interactional view) 3. CBLT is built around the notion of communicative competence and seeks to develop functional communication skills in learners.4. CBLT shares with behaviorist views of learning, the notion that language form can be inferred from language function; that is, certain life encounters call for certain kinds of language.

The Implementation of CBLT

Provides a useful review of factors involved in the implementation of CBE programs in ESL, and indentifies eight key features:

1. A focus on successful functioning in society. 2. A focus on life skills. 3. Task -or performance- centered orientation. 4. Modularized instruction.5. Outcomes that are made explicit a priory. 6. Continuous and ongoing assessment. 7. Demonstrated mastery of performance objective. 8. Individualized, student-centered instruction.


Genre-Based Approach is teaching learning that teacher use it to teach in the classroom, this technique focuses on understanding and selected genres of text, this technique is similar with a process to teaching writing or text type model in our teaching. This method also focus on stucture from the text, grammatical features, particlar purpose and text features. This method can improve the stundent writing ability, because this technique make the the student write and commuicate with various of text. In term of classroom implementation, GBA is similar to a process approach to teaching writing. However, the genre-based approach also resembles the product approach in that a model text is analized on the basis of grammatical and text featrs tis is followed by guided writing in a joint contructionstage before a final, free-writing stage (Bader & White, 2000).

Genre-based approaches start with the whole text as the unit in focus than te

sentence. For example the kind of the text is: Descriptive, Report, Narrative, Recount, Procedure, etc. The benefit this method, the student can study different types of written text. This approach involves several stages: Familirization (to make the student aware or certain features of text) Controled writing (to practice the skill uderthe control from instuction) Guided writing (penarahan) Free writing (the activity to produce writing form freely)

a. Prewiting b. Composing/drafityc. Revisingd. Editing


This method is very nice to be applied in a class by teacher because the teacher has to make students are stimulated. So, it means that this is not only teacher center but also student center. TBLT focuses on the use of authentic language through meaningful tasks such as visiting the doctor or a telephon call. This method encourages meaningful communicationn and is student centred. Although it has produced very positive result in certain context, like every method that has produced it, TBLTis also revealing its weaknesses.

TBLT Characterstic

1. Students are encoraged to use Eglish creativrly and spontaneously through task and problem solving.

2. Students focus on relationship that is comparable to real world activities.

3. The conveance of some sort meaning is central to this method4. Assesment is primarilly based on task outcome.5. TBLT is student-centered.

How to applied TBLT

Just imagine that you are a teacher. In a class.1. Try to make students are stimulated.2. Tell students a topic that will be learnt.3. Explain the material clearly thst is related to the topic. 4. Try to give students tasks that is related to the materials that have been explained anf given.5. Do reviewing in the last before you out of class, as the way to make students can understanf more.

The main point of Task Based Learning Teaching (TBLT) is about learning method that gives students some question that must be solved by them with their group after a teacher tell them or explain the matrials to them firstly in the begening. This method is also a good method because a teacher have to be able to stimulate students to reponse everything thar is presented by a teacher, and it is named student centered.


is a significant approach in  language education (Brinton, Snow, & Wesche, 1989). CBI is designed to provide second-language learners instruction in content and language. The focus of a CBI lesson is on the topic or subject matter. During the lesson students are focused on learning about something. This could be anything that interests them from a serious science subject to their favourite pop star or even a topical news story or film. They learn about this subject using the language they are trying to learn, rather than their native language, as a tool for developing knowledge and so they develop their linguistic ability in the target language. This is thought to be a more natural way of developing language ability and one that corresponds more to the way we originally learn our first language.


Learners are exposed to a considerable amount of language through stimulating content. Learners explore interesting content and are engaged in appropriate language-dependent activities. Languages are not learned through direct instruction, but rather acquired "naturally" or automatically.CBI supports contextualized learning; learners are taught useful language that is embedded within relevant discourse contexts rather than as isolated language fragments. Hence students make greater connections with the language and what they already know.Complex information is delivered through real life context for the students to grasp well and leads to intrinsic motivation.In CBI information is reiterated by strategically delivering information at right time and situation compelling the students to learn out of passion.Greater flexibility and adaptability in the curriculum can be deployed as per the student's interest.