The Circuit… · The Circuit...

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The Circuit Rider 2016

2nd Drive up Chicken BBQ Fundraiser Take out only!

Thursday, November 3rd from 4-7pm

½ Chicken dinner, sides, roll, butter, and dessert!

$10 a dinner

November 27th Following Worship

Hanging of the Greens: Come Join the fellowship of setting up the church for the coming of our Lord Jesus!

Please sign up if you are able to help.

November 20th

Following Worship

Community Thanksgiving Dinner

See sign-up sheet.

December 24th Christmas Eve Services:

5:30 pm Family Candlelight Service

8:30 pm Candlelight Service

Recently, while visiting friends, an interesting brief encounter occurred. We were walking down the streets of Rochester when my friend accidentally bumped into a young adult. She said, “I’m sorry,” and continued walking. I was expecting to hear the usual reply: “Oh, no problem” or “That’s OK.” Instead, I was surprised to hear the young man’s reply: “Don’t say I’m sorry, that’s a sign of weakness.”

I first said to myself, “Wow, that’s a strange remark.” Then I thought that if the day comes for him to get married he’s going to need some serious premarital counseling! My next thought was he’s been watching too many episodes of NCIS because I think that’s one of Gibbs’ rules.

I wish I had asked the young man if he really believed that. From a secular point of view I can see where he is coming from. If life is all about YOU, if people only matter as they contribute to your happiness, if your own power and position are priorities, then by all means, don’t let anyone think that they can take advantage of you! NEVER be sorry about anything. NEVER admit weakness.

The gospel message is quite the opposite. In response to God’s grace we begin with acknowledging that we fail God. Over and over again, we have failed God. We begin with a confession of wrong: “O God, I confess: I am so sorry that I have not done your will, that I have broken my promises to you, that I have betrayed and hurt other people. I don’t want to continue to live like this. Please forgive me.”

Whenever we wound others and grieve God it is appropriate and necessary to express our sorrow. Being sorry is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength: the strength of our faith that God will forgive us and that, with the Spirit’s help, we can overcome our shortcomings and be transformed, more and more, into the image of Christ.

As I wrote the above, I realized I was thinking about everything but Christmas. I just can’t believe this newsletter will cover the holiday month! At the Bishop’s Retreat, our speaker Amanda Drury shared with us a thought that provoked me: what if we practice perpetual Advent?

Advent is that period before Christmas when for 4 weeks we focus on preparing for Christ to enter the world and we live in expectation of that coming. What if we practiced perpetual Advent: what if every day we live expecting God to enter into our lives in some way? What if we always expected to see God’s hand in the world?

Because if we lived like that, guess what? We would begin to seek God in our lives all the time. Let’s do that and see what amazing God-sightings we have.


Pastor Cheryl

Adult Christian Learning Opportunities (All Welcome)

+Wednesday’s AM Bible Study: at Asbury UMC meet Wednesdays, at 10:00am, led by Certified Lay Minister (CLM) Nancy Moore, in the adult room.

Wednesday am group will be studying, Fruits of The Spirit, For Advent, we will be looking at Adam Hamilton’s “The Journey”. The video takes us to the various sites for the Nativity Story.

+The Peppertree Group: at Peppertree Towers meet Thursdays, at 1:30pm, led by CLM Nancy Moore, located at: Peppertree Heights Community Room, 285 Peppertree Dr., Amherst.

The Peppertree Group will be reading: “Moments that take your breath away”.

+The Asbury Pointe Group: at Asbury Pointe on the 2nd & 4th Fridays at 1:30pm led by CLM Nancy Moore, located at: 50 Stahl Rd, Getzville.

Asbury Pointe will be studying "Beatitudes from the Backside" by J. Ellsworth Kalas. This is a different take on what it means to be blessed.

Come join us for lively discussion and learning opportunities.

November 2016 : Sandra Colligan,

Bill Schiferle

John & Rose Havrilla

December 2016 : Mabel Houghton,

Ray Wedekindt

Don & Jane McQuistion

Thank you to the following Greeters who are part of the “Welcoming Team”.

A scary thing…when you come by yourself to church and the door is open. Its locked but not shut all the way and you can just pull it open and get in. That is what happens on occasion. Please make sure the door is totally shut, with a click. If the door is hard to close it’s because the bar needs to be pushed tightly on leaving the church. Double check that the door is closed.

Thank you for your understanding. Office Secretary

Children will practice hand bells, singing and music reading with me at 10am every Sunday and eventually during Sunday school.

You are all welcome to come and practice our Christmas music every Thursday evening (Chimes at 6:45pm, Choir at 7:30pm). See Church Calendars for designated Thursday Rehearsals. I wish you all a wonderful season!

Antonella Di Giulio Music Director


BILL As we enter into the colder weather, just a reminder keeping the Sanctuary comfortable for everyone can be challenging, if you find that it is too cool please bring a sweater. Another recommendation is sit closer to the front; the cold air returns are located at the back and is cooler. We have just wrapped up our stewardship campaign. Another way of being good stewards is making sure we are conserving on utilities. Please make sure that all lights are turned off and the heat is set back to its normal schedule before leaving. If you have a regular time & day you meet let us know ( and we will program the thermostat.

One more item. Lambda Chi Alpha has rented the entire church from 9 am to 5 pm on November12th. They have requested privacy during their event, please note the date and times and be respectful of their request.

United Methodist Men=UMM News

Men’s Breakfast:

Saturday, November 5th at 9:00 am

Meet at The Family Tree Restaurant on Bailey Ave.

Saturday, December 3rd at 9:00 am

Meet at Asbury church

For Children: Acolytes Needed for the Fall/Winter Season:

There is a sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall for any child who is interested in lighting the candles on the altar for Sundays Worship. Please check with your parents first that the day you pick is OK.

From Your Lay Chairperson We have many volunteer opportunities for you to help serve your church and community. We are in need of someone who can keep the message on our sign out front up to date. Pastor Cheryl and Bonnie have been doing it but this takes time away from the tasks they already have.

We are still in need of additional greeters; this is a great way to get to know more people in our church. Other considerations: communion server, coffee hour, food pantry, Chaplain's coffee hour and Holzman House. (There are sign-up sheets on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall) Please speak with Pastor Cheryl or one of the lay leaders about how you can become involved.

United Methodist Women=UMW News Our unit’s annual Fundraising Project is under way…. those famous Schermer Pecans have been ordered and will arrive the first week of November. The price is $11 per bag for the following three products - a 1 lb. bag of mammoth pecan halves, a 12-oz. foil gift bag of milk chocolate covered pecans and a 12-oz. foil gift bag of dark chocolate covered pecans. A sign-up sheet will be posted soon on the Fellowship Hall bulletin board. Need recipes for the mammoth pecan halves? We have recipes – just ask. The proceeds from last year’s sales helped support local and around the world mission projects that our unit supports. We appreciate you participating in this fund raiser.

The Niagara Frontier UMW District will offer officer training for returning and new officers on Saturday, November 5th at North Tonawanda First UMC, North Tonawanda, NY. There will be registration and refreshments at 9:30 AM, followed by training for all offices at 10:15 AM.

We will not meet November 28th.

The Red Bird Mission and Clinic in Beverly, Ky., has provided ministries in the Appalachian Mountains region since 1921 and the UNY Conference is organizing this year’s Conference-wide collection and driving the donation to the Red Bird Mission. We are participating in their Shoe Box program for the first time and have filled eleven shoe box size plastic containers for children containing school supplies, toothbrush/toothpaste, hats, socks, shampoo and numerous other items.

Our unit’s annual Christmas Dinner will be Monday, December 12th, 5:30 PM at my home, 157 Evergreen Drive, Tonawanda. A sign-up sheet for those attending will be on the Fellowship Hall bulletin board soon; we will have a $10 gift exchange. All women in our church family are invited to join us for a fun evening.

We will participate in Seneca Street UMC’s Annual Coat Drive which takes place in November. Please let me know if you have anything to offer……gently used coats/jackets, hats, scarves, and gloves are needed for children and teens only.

We were able to set aside a few coats/jackets that were left over from the Garage/Treasure Sale; those items will be delivered to Central City Café at Durham AME Zion Church.

All women of Asbury United Methodist Church are invited to participate in our programs.

Vergie Oettinger President, Asbury UMW

James & Ellen Haley 15, 1975

John & Rose Havrilla 11, 1982

Don & Jane McQuistion 17, 1973

G. Allen McFarren 2nd

Bill Schiferle 4th

Susan Facer-Kreidler 5th

Barbara DuBois 14th

Maxine Seidenspinner 14th

Carter Gaeta 18th

Abishia Gunaseelan 18th

Abishanth Gunaseelan 18th

Sham Gunaseelan 21st

Vern Saeger 23rd

Nancy Washil 25th

Liana Rydza 30th

Lynda Kolodziej 3rd

Jaiden Hagler 9th

Karen Kirwan 9th

Hilary Spriesch 11th

Merrill Arthur 18th

Maxine Tanner 19th

Peggy Lockwood 24th

Charles Syms 27th

Doug & Barbara DuBois 6, 1975

Vern & Peg Saeger 10, 2002

Al Bingham & Linda Schriver 27, 1980

Baptisms 9-18-16 Francis Anthony Tronolone lV


FOOD PANTRY SUNDAYS: November 6th and December 4th

At theWELLbuffalo, 995 Dodge Road, Getzville

Their hours are Wednesdays from 4-6 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. until Noon.

Our church provides all the personal products for the food pantry. People are always looking for them. Here are the present needs:

Here are needs for TheWellBuffalo food pantry. Toilet paper, paper towels, Kleenex, any kind of personal care items such as; shampoo, conditioner, lotions, deodorant, toothpaste, mouthwash, soap and body washes. Food needs are: Spaghetti sauce, any kind of soups and cream soups, instant potatoes, cake mixes, juice other than grape, baked beans, white sugar, flour, frosting, cookie mix.

Thank you for being so giving!!

Bob and Nancy Moore

Note: All our donations now go directly to the WELLbuffalo food pantry, our neighbor down the road on Dodge, as their needs are great. The items we donate are items not available through the food bank yet or items which cannot be purchased with food stamps.

Greetings Friends of Asbury UMC!

We are continuing with our video study group hosted by Eric Metaxas to discover why, Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis has become one of the most readable and beloved books by him for the past seventy years. Using DVDs, a workbook, and of course the actual book itself, our aim is to find out what is the common core that unites and binds all Christian traditions across the globe. The goal is twofold in studying Mere Christianity: 1) to explore and study the positive ideas found in the hearts and minds of people who call themselves, Christians already. 2) to explain in a non-threatening manner the basic tenets and beliefs of the Christian faith those who are not Christian. The ultimate goal and purpose of this adult study is to help reinforce the Christian beliefs believed by all while extending an open hand and invitation to those who are not in our households, neighborhoods, schools, and communities we live in here in WNY.

Every session stands by its own, so please feel free to join us whenever you can.

If you have questions about this study, please reach out to the church office or contact me during Sunday worship.

Peace & Blessings, Chris H



Merry Christmas and a very happy and blessed New Year! This year has certainly flown by. Outreach has been busy and has had some wonderful programs and lots planned for the next 2 months!! Outreach assisted with the Treasure Sale and we all had a super time. Thanks to all who helped and special thanks to Pendleton UMC for loaning us tables and to Amherst YES for their great student volunteers. Thanks again to UMY for donating all the items for our lunch sale - it was a huge help! It was a church-wide program and we could not do it without your support. We made $2,747.00 from the sale - including lunch items and Al and Linda's Antiques and Jewelry. We should all be proud of ourselves - that is a great fundraiser! Outreach did a program at Holzman House in October; Nancy and I were very touched by the response from the residents - we did so little and yet they were so happy. Spreading God's Love - Amen!! Nancy would like to add: Recently Betsy and I took left over sweaters and tops to the residents at Holzman House in Beechwood. The ladies' enthusiasm was heartwarming. They chose their free garments carefully, weighing color and size as if they were making a real purchase. As one lady said, "Your church must be special to give away free garments." (yes we are!) We had a fun game night on October 22 - lots of laughs and good snacks. We will do another one in March. Outreach will be hosting our annual Thanksgiving Dinner the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving - November 20. Thanks to Bill for agreeing to provide the turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy. We will have a sign-up sheet for other items. We had over 75 people last year so please feel free to invite friend and relatives!! We will be doing the Angel Tree Ministry again this year. We will be adopting children from Dodge Elementary School, Heritage Education Program and Primera Iglesias United Methodist Church in Buffalo. Please take an angel from the tree and purchase requested items; we usually have a limit of $30.00 per angel. Have items back to the church by December 11th. Items can be placed in gift bags but please do not wrap. A special thanks to Viv Parker for printing out all the angels and helping keep us organized. Thank you so much for all your support! Outreach will be having a Christmas Party at Holzman House on December 6 - all are welcome!! Have a Merry Christmas and a joyful New Year!! Nancy Ott and Betsy Arthur Outreach Co-chairs

Angel Tree

Sunday School News

We have had a great start to our Sunday School year. It is the year of the Fruit of the Spirit.

Galatians 5:22-23, “ But the Spirit produces the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. There is no law that says these things are wrong.”

The Angels' class have constructed and painted a small wooden box to hold their memory verses. To illustrate the joy of the Lord they did an experiment:

When Jesus is your Savior, He comes to live in you by His Holy Spirit. The water into this glass to represents the fact that God’s forgiveness has washed away your sin and you now have new life!

Add some vinegar to remind you of problems and troubles that might come your way. Then add three important things... Pray, Believe and the Bible.

When problems come, one of the first things you can do is pray. Believe that God will help you go through this tough time. Spend time reading God’s Word and allowing Him to speak to you. When you pray, believe and read the Bible, God’s Spirit living in you will begin to change your thoughts and attitudes about the trouble or problem you are facing.

Then they watched as the Holy Spirit was added to the glass. Watch what happens when baking soda in that cup into the water and vinegar mixture. When God’s Spirit is controlling your thoughts and attitudes then the fruit of joy will overflow in your life.

The Cherubs, too, have been busy learning about love and joy. They made a love tree and on the leaves, are all the ways they can show God's love to others. They had a puppet show and met Samuel Sassafras Scotty the Third, a Scottie dog puppet, "Sam", who taught them the bible verse, "The Joy in the Lord will make you strong." The Cherubs are hosting a can good drive. They will pass out grocery bags on October 30th and collect the filled bags the following Sunday, November 6th. The food collected will be given to the food bank.

A big thank you goes to our teachers and co-teachers for volunteering their time and talents to nurturing our children. We welcome Melissa Frys to our teaching staff. Want to volunteer and join the staff. See Linda!!!

Kids, Save the date... December 18th!

The Sunday School will be presenting a Christmas program during our worship service on December 18th and at the early (5:30pm) Christmas Eve Service. Parents, please let Linda know if your child will be able to participate. More details will be coming about the Program and Christmas Eve.

On Wednesdays, at 7:00 PM!

The Bible remains the primary source for faith development for Christians. In the Bible we encounter God, God’s story and God’s vision for humanity. More importantly, it is through our experience of the Bible that we realize that we are part of God’s plan too!! Some of us have the personal discipline to read the Bible daily. The rest of us, however, need structure and the encouragement of others on the journey. If you are one of "the rest of us”, consider Disciple Fast Track!

Disciple Fast Track helps busy people encounter the Bible in order to grow in faith. Daily readings for private reflection, and materials to help understand the Bible and its content are provided.

The study begins Wednesday, September 21. We will spend twelve weeks in the Old Testament and then twelve weeks exploring the New Testament. Each class experience will be approx. 75 minutes, from 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM. We will be taking every third Monday off (for our church council meeting) and some extra time off around Christmas and Easter. The plan is to end May 3 if all goes well. Join Pastor Cheryl and the rest of us as we encounter the Word of God!! You are welcome to start coming at any time!


Asbury UMC is creating a Worship Team, to talk about and plan all of the elements of the worship service. Have you ever had a great idea of a hymn that should have been used? A thought about a skit to illustrate a Gospel reading? Maybe always wanted to plan a Blessing of the Animals service? Do you sense a need for a Blue Christmas service? If you're interested in helping create meaningful services for our church family, we're looking for you! Let Pastor Cheryl know if you'd like to join us. We're thinking of meeting once a month so it isn't a large time commitment unless, of course, we cast you in one of the skits (don't let that scare you away!!) Looking at Monday night, November 14th at 6:30 pm for our first meeting.

C.I.A – Christians In Action Children/Youth Wow! We had our first kick-off event on October 2! We learned a little about “gifts” and how we can use them in service to others. The mac & cheese was yummy – thank you Mr. Bill!!!! It was a big challenge, but we did it. In total we made 14 no-sew blankets for the Child Advocacy Center, that were blessed during our October 9th service. Thank you to the hands that came and helped us cut and tie. Thank you to all our Asbury family members that donated fleece. The blankets looked amazing!!! It is awesome to know that our blankets will be providing a child/teen a warmth and security!

Our next meeting will be November 6th – where we will be making placemats, and napkins for Pastor Cheryl prison ministry. The last meeting for this year will be on December 4th where we will be planning a Christmas project. Just a reminder we meet the first Sunday of the month from 5 – 7pm. There will be no meeting on January 1st. Our next meeting after Christmas will be on February 5th. We encourage the children & youth to bring friends, bring neighbors, bring cousins. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Tracy Hagler, Karen Kirwan, or Linda Shriver.

Don't forget those Dash's receipts when you are food shopping. There is a box on the counter in the Fellowship Hall, for receipts of any amount. Ask your friends and neighbors to save the receipts for you. We almost have enough receipts to turn in for a proceeds check. Thanks for your help with this fund raiser.

Bottle/Can Returns

Effective immediately you can now take your bottles and cans directly to DEPOSIT DEPOT at 660

N. French Road near Sweet Home Rd. We will get 6 cents a can/bottle and just tell them to put it towards the Asbury UMC account. But you can still bring your cans and bottles directly to church and leave them in the kitchen in the box next to the fridge! It all adds up!! $$$ Laurie Syms

Chaplain’s Coffee Hour Asbury UMC will continue through the Fall/Winter by providing 2 to 3 dozen goodies from each person signing up (2 people a month), of cookies, brownies, muffins, doughnuts, or even healthy treats such as apples, oranges, etc, for the men and women who serve our country at the 107th Air Force Base in Niagara Falls. Chaplain Kraft always mentions how wonderful and blessed they all feel for this wonderful act of kindness from Asbury.

The next cookie due dates are Thurs., Nov. 17th and Dec. 8th. Thank you. Linda Schriver

Do you shop at Tops for groceries or gas? Asbury UMC has $10, $20, $50, & $100 Tops gift cards available for purchase. For every $100 (You receive full face value of the card) in Gift Cards you buy, Asbury UMC earns $5.00 from Tops!! That’s free money to help serve the Lord!

Tops Cards may be bought after worship or during office hours. Call the office for arrangements 688-8677 or see Amy Diati.

Thank you, for your participation in this ministry.

Don’t forget to set your clocks 1 hour back at bedtime November 5th !

Asbury United Methodist Church PO Box 743 850 Dodge Road

Getzville, NY 14068-0743

Pastor Cheryl Brown

Bonnie Boudreault, Secretary &

Newsletter Editor

Antonella DiGiulio, Music Director

Chris Hagler, Lay Leader

John Havrilla, Bill Schiferle

Assoc. Lay Leaders

Peggy Lockwood, Custodian


Adult Sunday School @ 9:30 am

Worship at 10:30 am

Church Telephone: 716-688-8677 NEW Email

Office Hours: Tues., Wed., Thurs. 9:30 am-3:30 pm Pastor’s Hours

Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. Afternoons Weds. Off

Mission Statement

Our Ministry is Making Disciples

We are the church of Jesus Christ.

We worship a God who passionately loves us. We belong to a spiritual family who cares for us. We grow up into committed followers of Jesus. We serve the world with God-given gifts and abilities. We invite you to a new life in Jesus Christ.

Readings are provided for you to use in your daily devotions.

May God speak to you through them.

Nov. 6th Haggai 1:15b-2:9; Psalm 145:1-5, 17-21;

2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17; Luke 20:27-38 All Saints Sunday

Nov. 13th Isaiah 65:17-25, Isaiah 12 or Psalm 118, 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13, Luke 21:5-19

Nov. 20th Jeremiah 23:1-6, Luke 1:68-79, Colossians 1:11-20, Luke 23:33-43

Nov. 27th Isaiah 2:1-5, Psalm 122, Romans 13:11-14, Matthew 24:36-44

Dec. 4th Isaiah 11:1-10, Psalm 72:1-7,18-19, Romans 15:4-13, Matthew 3:1-12

Dec. 11th Isaiah 35:1-10, Luke 1:47-55, James 5:7-10, Matthew 11:2-11

Dec. 18th Isaiah 7:10-16, Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19, Romans 1:1-7, Matthew 1:18-25

Dec. 25th Isaiah 52:7-10, Psalms 98, Hebrews 1:1-4 (5-12), John 1:1-14

Website/Facebook Info

If you have any information and/or events that you want to have added to the website and/or on Facebook, please reach out to me at I am pretty responsive to email. Blessings, Tracy Hagler

Thank you to the following business’ and people who made donations for the Silent Auction held in October.

The church made a pig pick-in and silent auction total of $638.!!

Airport Plaza Jewelers

4210 Union Rd

Cheek. NY 14225


Nina’s Custard

2577 Millersport Hwy

Getzville, NY 14608


Burrito Bay

2341 Millersport Hwy

Amherst, NY 14068


Besta Pizza Company

2343 Millersport Hwy in Getzville Plaza

Getzville, NY 14068


John & Mary’s

2363 Millersport Highway

Getzville, NY 14068


Crows Nest Tavern

315 Campbell Blvd.,

Getzville, NY 14068


Stan & Karen Polaske

Amy Diati

Bonnie Boudreault

Viv Parker

Nancy Ott

Nancy Moore

Charles & Laurie Syms

Angela Rundell

If you are visiting Asbury, we would love to Welcome you. Fill out a Welcome card located in the Sanctuary chair pockets and place in the offering plate. Also, ask an usher about receiving a yellow Welcome bag with some church information for you to review.

Welcome to our Church!!

FINANCIAL NEWSLETTER ARTICLE Hopefully everybody survived the Stewardship Campaign without feeling attacked. Our intention is only to present facts to help the many people who struggle with how much to give. The “M” word (money) is always a sore spot for people to talk about. But the fact is that our church needs money to operate, so we need to let everyone know what the church’s situation is. We showed how much tithing would be, how much we would have to give to be able to meet our budget, and how much we are currently giving. You can combine this information with your situation to decide what you feel is the right amount of giving for you. We are not telling you what to give; we are only asking what you plan to give so that we can determine what activities we can afford for next year. So if you didn’t have the chance to give us a pledge card, please do so (even if it is to say that you won’t be able to give anything next year). Sooner is more helpful to our planning, but if all we can get is later, then we would still like to receive it. There isn’t much that is humorous about the “M” word, so we restrained ourselves and kept humor out of the discussion above. But humor is fair game for the rest of this article.

Congratulations to Pastor Cheryl on her new hit production of “The Finance Committee Meeting” that premiered on October 16, 2016. The production received a “three-staff” rating from the Council of Bishops. This is the highest rating ever given for a Methodist production. Even though the best rating is 10 staffs, the lack of theatrical gifts in the Methodist faith and lack of enthusiasm from the Bishops has led to never having exceeded a 2-staff rating until now. Laurie Syms and Karen Kirwan will both be taking this production on a worldwide tour. Merrill Arthur was not talented enough to play himself and will be replaced by George Clooney.

Pastor Cheryl has pursued her song writing talents and is now working on:

Back Stairs to Heaven

Like a Rolling Tome

Hey Judas

I Can’t Get No Justification

The Wesleyan Rap

Bridge over Blessed Water

In God We Trust! The Finance Committee


Chairperson: Stan Polaske

Vice-Chairperson: Vergie Oettinger

Recording Secretary: Tracy Hagler

Christian Ed: Nancy Moore and Linda Schriver

Financial Secretary: Cyndi Gaeta

Treasurer: Bonnie Boudreault

Lay Leader: Chris Hagler; Assoc. Lay Leaders: Bill Schiferle, John Havrilla

Lay Member of Annual Conference: Jessica Glaser

Alternate Lay Member: TBD

Finance Team Chairperson: Merrill Arthur

Pastor Parish Relations Chairperson: Vergie Oettinger

Trustees Chairperson: Bill Schiferle

Outreach Co-Chairpersons: Betsy Arthur and Nancy Ott

Youth Representative: Laurie Syms

United Methodist Women Chairperson: Vergie Oettinger

United Methodist Men Chairperson: Dick Casseri

Asbury’s Servant Leaders

for 2016

Please see the list to the right. These are the people to go to if you have questions.