The Church, society and the State in contemporary Russia.

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Transcript of The Church, society and the State in contemporary Russia.

The Church, society and the State in contemporary Russia

1988-20122. An excerpt from “The Naked King” (based on the philosophical fairy tale by Evgeny Shvarts): “Your Majesty, you know that I am an honest and direct old man. I say the truth directly and face-to-face, even if it's unpleasant. So let me tell it to you directly, rudely, like an old man...You are a great man! You, Your Majesty, are a giant, a luminary!”

“The patriarch speaks the truth”

1.Patriarch to V. Rutin:"I must say this completely openly, as the Patriarch, who is called upon to speak the truth: without regard to the current state of politics or propaganda aims, you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, have played an enormous role in correcting the distortions of our history.

2 parts

The Society

Patriarch Kirill, the current head of the Russian Orthodox Church

President Putin

the invisible director

the Churchthe State

A widespread campaign to seize Church valuables under the pretenses of fighting famine in the Volga regionThe decree “On the separation of Church and State.” January 23, 1918

1922“the seizure of Church valuables, including the richest monasteries and churches, must be carried out with merciless determination, unequivocally stopping at nothing and as quickly as possible. The more representatives of the reactionary bourgeois and clergy that we are able to shoot on these grounds, the better.”Secret letter written to Politburo members. March 1922. The Kremlin Archives. In 2 vols. / Vol. 1. The Politburo and the

Church. 1922–1925. – Мoscow-Novosibirsk, Siberian Chronographer, 1997 (p. 143).


more than 200 000 clergymen were murdered.


Churchbells, Pilgrimages were forbidden. Churches and monasteries continued to be shut downApproximately 500 000priests were thrown into prison or sent into exile.

the number of churches shrank by 30%

the number of monasteries- by 60%


the late 1960s - the early 1980s L. Brezhnev,the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union from 1964 till 1982

1917 1988 Perestroika

Patriarch Pimen and a few other prominent Church figures were awarded various State medals, “for active peacemaking and in connection with the 1000-year anniversary of the Baptism of Old Rus” 1988 the USSR celebrated the thousand-year anniversary of the baptism of Old Rus.

А historic meeting between Patriarch Pimen and the permanent members of the Synod, and General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev

1989 Patriarch Pimen was elected a deputy of the USSR parliament.

1989 Patriarch Pimen was elected a deputy of the USSR parliament.

PerestroikaJune 3 April 29

M. GorbachevGeneral Secretary of the CPSU CC

Patriarch Alexii II (1929-2008)was a Меtropolitan of Novgorod and Leningrad. He was chosen on the basis of his administrative experience, and was considered "intelligent, energetic, hardworking, systematic, perceptive, and businesslike.”

Alexei II was "the first patriarch in Soviet history to be chosen without government pressure; candidates were nominated from the floor, and the election was conducted by secret ballot.

• Pilgrimages• Church newspapers and magazines • The Bible became accessible• Priests allowed to visit schools, kindergartens, universities. • Sunday schools and Orthodox gymnasiums. • Charity

А time of unheard-of freedom for the Church• Tax breaks• Restorations of old churches and monasteries, building of new ones.

Chapel of St. Xenia of Petersburg in the Orthodox Smolensk Cemetery in Leningrad (St. Petersburg), USSR, July, 1988. The celebration of the Millennium of the Baptism of Russia.

Alexy, Metropolitan of Leningrad and Novgorod, the future Patriarch Alexy II at the entrance into the Orthodox Church of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God in the Orthodox Smolensk cemetery in Leningrad (St. Petersburg), USSR, July, 1988. The celebration of the Millennium of the Baptism of Russia. Artemy Vladimirov, the first priest at Moscow State University

2000sEverything is achieved? All of the churches are active, Orthodox magazines are published regularly, charity services toil away.

The army and the Church are archaic institutions, and as such they can serve as a bastion of national values. Bullfighting in Moscow was canceledNeither the representatives of the Moscow Patriarchate ever say anything to Russian statesmen or authorities that might be considered offensive.

Vladimir PutinThe second President of Russia from 2000 to 2008, and Prime Minister of Russia from 1999 to 2000 and again from 2008 to 2012.

“disenchurchment” (расцерковление).

the activist group Pussy Riot conducted a “punk prayer” in the Church of Christ the Savior.

February 21, 2012

The participants ran up onto the ambon of the church wearing colorful masks, crossed themselves, kneeled, and attempted to sing the words of the song, but were nearly immediately taken away by guards.

(choir) Virgin Mary, Mother of God, put Putin awayРut Putin away, put Putin away (end chorus)

...Black robe, golden epaulettesAll parishioners crawl to bowThe phantom of liberty is in heavenGay-pride sent to Siberia in chains The head of the KGB, their chief saint,Leads protesters to prison under escortIn order not to offend His HolinessWomen must give birth and love Shit, shit, the Lord's shit!Shit, shit, the Lord's shit!

(Chorus) Virgin Mary, Mother of God, become a feministBecome a feminist, become a feminist (end chorus) The Church’s praise of rotten dictatorsThe cross-bearer procession of black limousinesA teacher-preacher will meet you at schoolGo to class - bring him money! Patriarch Gundyaev believes in PutinBitch, better believe in God insteadThe belt of the Virgin can’t replace mass-meetingsMary, Mother of God, is with us in protest! (Chorus) Virgin Mary, Mother of God, put Putin awayРut Putin away, put Putin away (end chorus)

Punk-Prayer "Virgin Mary, Put Putin Away"

March 3Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria Alyokhina were arrested and charged with hooliganism. Hunger strikes. Ekaterina Samutsevich.March 3Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria Alyokhina were arrested and charged with hooliganism. Hunger strikes. Ekaterina Samutsevich.

March 18The letter to the state prosecutor March 18The letter to the state prosecutor

March 22 the website Rosbalt published a statement against Patriarch Kirill: the Patriarch, who owns an elite apartment in the center of Moscow, was suing his neighbor for dousing the apartment with dust, apparently causing 20 million rubles (0.5 million Euro) worth of damage.

March 22 the website Rosbalt published a statement against Patriarch Kirill: the Patriarch, who owns an elite apartment in the center of Moscow, was suing his neighbor for dousing the apartment with dust, apparently causing 20 million rubles (0.5 million Euro) worth of damage.

April 22 The prayer meeting with 65 000 of the faithful in attendance

April 22 The prayer meeting with 65 000 of the faithful in attendance

Patriarch Kirill stated his position on the group's performance: their action to have been “a mockery before sacred objects.”

Patriarch Kirill stated his position on the group's performance: their action to have been “a mockery before sacred objects.”

April 3 Patriarch Kirill declared that an information war had been launched against the Church. Subsequently many other representatives of the clergy began saying that the Church was again facing a period of persecution.

April 3 Patriarch Kirill declared that an information war had been launched against the Church. Subsequently many other representatives of the clergy began saying that the Church was again facing a period of persecution.March 24

Patriarch's disappearing Breguet watch

the idea of a church under fire could unify the divided faithful

The punk-group's actions should fall under the article about «mockery of religious beliefs»,-the criminal code did not contain such an article.  


Ekaterina Samutsevich was given a suspended 2-year sentence and was released from custody in the courtroom.

Moscow's Khamovniki court convicted Maria Alyokhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova to 2 years of imprisonment for hooliganism

2009-201270% of the Russian population identifies as Orthodox Christian 5% of the population attends church regularly8% attend church twice a year – at Christmas and on Easter


31% of the Russian population identifies as Orthodox Christian

1% attends church regulary

April 12 and 13, 2013The Levada Center conducted a poll of 1601 Russians. The questions: 1. “Have you heard of the ‘punk prayer’ ‘Mother of God, drive out Putin’ performed by the group Pussy Riot in Moscow’s Church of Christ the Savior, just before last year’s presidential elections, and of the criminal prosecution of members of the group?”   April 12 April 13

I have been following these events closely 10 6I've heard a lot about it 41 54I've heard something about it, but am not sure what it's all about

22 23I am hearing about this for the first time 27 18

2. “Do you think that the two-year prison sentence handed down to Pussy Riot participants for the “concert” in the Church of Christ the Savior is an appropriate or excessive punishment for their actions?   Apr.13appropriate punishment 56excessive punishment 26this kind of activity should not be subject to criminal proceedings 9no answer 9

Society in Russia as a fantom «What do the herds need freedom for? They should be slaughtered and fleeced!» « ?К чему стадам дары свободы Их нужно резать или стричь!»A. Pushkin

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