The christmas present

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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This is a project designed by Eya Jbali, a student of Third Arts. She was asked to produce a summary, using ICT, of the extracts of the gift of magi, by O.Henry. This is a form of recognition to publish her project and inspire her peers to design creative projects.By the way, all the pictures were drawn by Eya.Who said literature can't be inspirational?

Transcript of The christmas present

Eya Jbali 21/10/2014 Hamam Ghezaz Secondary School


The Christmas Present

Designed by :Eya Jbali

Third Arts2


One dollar and eighty- seven cents, that was all what Della had and what she saved for a long time ..

Eya Jbali 21/10/2014 Hamam Ghezaz Secondary School


Then, she started crying. Tomorrow is the christmas day and she was worrying about what to do and what to buy for her husband with this small sum of money.

Eya Jbali 21/10/2014 Hamam Ghezaz Secondary School


She stood next to the window reflecting hopelessly ..

Eya Jbali 21/10/2014 Hamam Ghezaz Secondary School


Suddenly, she gazed at her face in the mirror and an idea sprang to her mind. she noticed the beauty of her hair.

Eya Jbali 21/10/2014 Hamam Ghezaz Secondary School


She pulled it down and it began shining like the sun .. And an idea came to her mind ..

Eya Jbali 21/10/2014 Hamam Ghezaz Secondary School


Quickly, she put her old coat and got out with swiftness.

Eya Jbali 21/10/2014 Hamam Ghezaz Secondary School


And here she is at Madame Sofornio’s shop for « Hair goods of all kinds » And yes ! Della’s idea was to sell her hair. Her hair was her only precious possession,so as to buy a present.

Eya Jbali 21/10/2014 Hamam Ghezaz Secondary School


As soon as she was paid, she ran searching for something special for her husband Jim ..

Eya Jbali 21/10/2014 Hamam Ghezaz Secondary School


Finally, she found a beautiful platinum watch chain that matches with Jim’s golden inherited watch.She bought it and came back home so pleased and content ..

Eya Jbali 21/10/2014 Hamam Ghezaz Secondary School


As time went by fast, she started to realize what she did and became less excited since she felt dissatisfied with her new short hair .

Eya Jbali 21/10/2014 Hamam Ghezaz Secondary School


Della prepared dinner and sat waiting for Jim, a bit afraid ..

Eya Jbali 21/10/2014 Hamam Ghezaz Secondary School


When she heard his steps on the stairs, she got up to welcome him.Jim entered and at his first look, he seemed surprised and couldn’t believe what he saw..

Eya Jbali 21/10/2014 Hamam Ghezaz Secondary School


Della understood the reaction of her husband, went toward him and explained the reason that pushed her to cut her hair. She asked him not to be anxious and to be just nice to her in this sacred day.

Eya Jbali 21/10/2014 Hamam Ghezaz Secondary School


Jim kissed her tenderly and gave her his present: a set of combs that Della had admired for such a long time in the store window of the shop. But now, she hadn’t her amazing long hair, which she would decorate with these combs.

Eya Jbali 21/10/2014 Hamam Ghezaz Secondary School


In spite, she smiled and gave Jim his valuable present and said : « Isn’t it a fine one Jim ? I hunted all over town to find it. You’ll have to look at your watch a hundred times a day now to find out the time. Give me your watch. I want to see how it looks on it »

Eya Jbali 21/10/2014 Hamam Ghezaz Secondary School


Smiling, Jim was looking at Della’s beautiful face and replied:« It’s gone my babe, it’s gone .. Now, let’s forget about these precious presents, have our dinner and be happy »

Eya Jbali 21/10/2014 Hamam Ghezaz Secondary School

18Eya Jbali 21/10/2014 Hamam Ghezaz Secondary School