The Christian Worldview

Post on 02-Aug-2015

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Transcript of The Christian Worldview

The Christian Worldview

ByDayo Adewoye

What's a Worldview

“A set of ideas, beliefs, convictions, or values that provides a framework or map to help us understand God, the world, and our relationship to God and the world.”David Noebel

“One's worldview consists of one's most basic beliefs and framework of understanding.”W. Andrew Hoffecker

“A comprehensive life system that seeks to answer the basic questions of life.”David Dockery

“The sum total of our beliefs about the world, the "big picture" that directs our daily decisions and actions.“Charles Colson

Who are we and where did we come from?

What has gone wrong with the world?

What can be done to fix it?

Basic Questions

Many Answers

The Christian Worldview

An understanding of reality as given in the Bible and centring on God's work of redemption through Jesus Christ.

Based on Divine Revelation

History is a story in 3 parts - Creation, Fall and Redemption.


There is a Personal, moral and self-revealing God

God created the world, is immanent within it, transcends it completely, and governs it wisely.

Man is a spiritual being because he was created in God's likeness. Thus he possesses dignity.


The world is sinful and disorderly because humanity willfully turned against his creator.

Therefore Redemption is necessary.


God has revealed himself in history. This revelation unveils God's plan for the salvation of the world through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Christ came to establish God's kingdom on earth, which involves not only the salvation of souls but the transformation of society.

The flow of time will be terminated by the return of Jesus Christ, when he will judge both the living and the resurrected dead.

Why Christianity?

It begins with an accurate diagnosis of the human dilemma.

It provides the only answer to the problem of sin.

It's offer of salvation is based on historical truth.

Further Reading