The Christian Messenger - Clover · 2014....

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Transcript of The Christian Messenger - Clover · 2014....

  • After living in the slums of India for several weeks and still experienc-

    ing the joy of worship with the Christians there, I am very thankful for all

    that God has lavishly poured out upon us.

    Thank you as a church for the Christmas bonus that you provide my-

    self and all of the church staff, as well as the birthday bonus that you as

    the church provides each of us.

    Thank you as individuals for your donations last Fall to finance my

    mission trip to India, the Philippines, and Thailand. Your gifts financed

    the entire trip. The Church Board made matching funds available but

    they were not needed due to your generosity.

    The mission trip has impacted my life in a number of ways. God

    spoke loudly to me in my quiet times as well as my times of ministry

    overseas. Each nation dialogued with me about world politics, and I

    gleaned a greater understanding of American politics and policies and

    the reputation of America from the perspective of other nations. New

    emphasis on aspects of ministry were gained. Many souls were gained

    for the Kingdom of God as people came to Jesus and were baptized.

    Preachers were encouraged and given new vision through pastors’ con-

    ferences that we held. I was honored to preach in many churches

    throughout the nations. New friendships were developed. I was blessed.

    Thank you for being prayer warriors for me during my mission trip.

    Without your prayers, I would have been in dire straights.

    Thank you to Zach for his very capable and enthusiastic leadership

    while I was away. I had no worries with him at the helm and dedicated

    Elders and leadership in place at MCC.

    I’m also grateful to Zach for his insights and fresh vision that he

    brings to MCC. Together we have a renewed zest for what God is doing

    and going to do at our church in the coming future. It’s an exciting place

    to be in ministry, and with your assistance the Holy Spirit is going to

    open up the floodgates of heaven for a thriving ministry for His glory.

    Rev. Chris

    Volume 2014 Issue 3

    The Christian Messenger

    Monticello Christian Church

    March 19, 2014

    The next newsletter, The Christian Messenger, will

    be mailed WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16

    Articles are due in the church office by


    To activate the Prayer Chain, please call the church office at

    583-7261 or Sylvia Ward at 583-8845. Email requests

    should be sent to Rev. Chris at or

    Deb at

  • Volume 2014 Issue 3

    All minutes, reports, and financials were approved as presented.

    Interior Property Committee presented their Sanctuary Audio/Visual Systems Operations Policy

    Approval was given for Iglesia de Christo (a Church of Christ Hispanic congregation) to begin and use the church building for Bible Study and Worship on Thursday evenings and Sunday afternoons.

    The Membership requirements as stated in the Constitution were reviewed.

    Average worship in Feb. with the snow on Sundays was 259 (a 5 year low). Prayerfully those not attending due to road conditions will now be faithful in worship attendance.

    Christian Education Committee has filled the Sunday School teacher placements through May. VBS is being planned for July 27-31. 61 children & parents signed up for the preschool-5th grade bowling outing. Senior Recog-nition will be June 1. Promotion Sunday will be Sept. 7. Background checks are being completed on all volun-teers. Thought needs to be given to the décor of the 3 new Sunday School rooms in the Youth Building.

    Bright Beginnings Committee amended the handbook for closures during a Level III Travel Advisory. A sink will be added to the new nursery. Staff raises were approved and retroactive to Jan. 1. Staff will be recertified in CPR. Daycare parents have donated financially to the church’s new security system. Shenna requested to be moved from hourly to salaried status, and this was approved.

    Exterior Property Committee reported that $2,000 was given for the outside flagpole fund.

    Membership Committee reported the following ministries: engraved Bibles for new babies, care packages to college & military members, birthday/shut-in/get well card ministry, New Member paperwork/pictures/gift bags. Phone calls are being made to repeated worship absentees and Prayer Buddy Ministry is being organized. 5th Sundays were noted with the first being March 30 as a dessert carry-in and song service. The Annual New Member Dinner is scheduled for March 16. The committee voted to abide by the Constitution concerning the status of membership.

    Stewardship Committee reported reinvesting the General Fund CD account. Pastor Zach requested and was granted a Credit Card for the Youth. The committee plans additional information meetings in the Fall for the budget over and above what the Constitution requires.

    Worship Committee reported the candle changing and baptistery preparations schedules were made. Janice burned the Palm Sunday leaves for the Ash Wed. service. The Lenten symbols and flowers were put in place.

    Youth Committee reported they tabled discussion about the youth participating in Adopt a Highway (trash removal project). 18 from MCC attended the Acquire the Fire teen event. Evaluation of 5th Quarter for football and basket-ball seasons was discussed with the desire to see how it goes next year in the Youth Building. 6 youth and 2 adults will be attending the Student Leadership Conference. The Summer Mission Trip needs $10,750 and has over $7,000 at this time. The Easter Egg Hunt will be April 19 at the church. The youth will host an Easter Breakfast on April 20 from 8-10:30. Spring Break Kick Off will be March 21-22 with the group going to the movie “God Is Not Dead” and bowling. Youth and adults will be attending the Dare 2 Share event on April 11-12. The 30 Hour Fam-ine will be May 9-10. The Compassion Child Adoption was tabled.

    The Elder Board reported that they support adhering to the Constitution about church membership policies. The Elders support the Interior Property Committee policy about the sound/video equipment with only trained persons being able to run these systems. Rev. Chris is holding Pastor’s Class for children wanting to be baptized. Rev. Chris explained the Ash Wednesday service, a Leadership Retreat on April 4-5, a Community Good Friday Service at our church. The Elders support the creation of a new Hispanic Church in our building.

    CWF reported they sent Valentines to the shut-ins, ordered two magazine subscriptions, and conducted two funeral dinners.

    Elective Sunday School Class reported that in 2013 they gave funding to youth mission trip, disaster relief, Royal Family Kids, Food Pantry, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Weekday Religious Education, Back Pack Ministry, Cops for Kids, Angel Tree, Senior Citizens, and Prison Ministry.


    March 10, 2014

    Do you receive our church prayer emails? If not, email us at and we will add you.

  • Volume 2014 Issue 3

    March 7-10 MCC gave four adult youth leaders an opportunity to travel to Columbus, OH to attend the Simply Youth Ministry Conference. We were joined there by thousands of other youth workers around the nation and world to “drink from a fire hose” of information. Here are a few takeaways from this invaluable training: -Be authentic. Encourage, love, support, and guide students through their lives in Godly ways. -We as leaders cannot meet unspoken expectations. If you (the congregation) have questions or concerns, talk to us. -Take time for yourself with God. You are not useful if you are not filled with God and rested yourself. Overall the conference was a great place to build our confidence as volunteers and leaders. It also gave us an amazing opportunity to network, fellowship, and worship. We look forward to begin implementing different things we learned in the Jr. High and High School Ministries to better strengthen all of our relationships with God. Thank you for this opportunity! Zach, Naomi, Colleen, Justin


    The Youth Committee needs your help in collecting candy to

    be used for the Easter egg hunt. We would appreciate any dona-

    tions of individually wrapped candy for this event. There will

    be a tub marked Easter egg hunt where you can place your

    candy donations.

    We will be collecting candy beginning March 23 – April 6 so

    that we can fill the eggs. Last year we filled over 2,500 eggs so

    we need lots of candy.

    If you have questions about this event please contact Judy

    Neilan, Pastor Zach, or anyone on the Youth Committee.

    RMS February Student of the Month: Sarah Ryan

    RMS Students participated at ISSMA’s Vocal/Piano Solo & Ensemble Contest on February 1st. Those earning a gold on at least one solo performance were: Alaina Hostetler (flute), Gabby Hostetler (clarinet), Grace Dodson (French horn). Those earning a gold on one or more ensembles: Alaina Hostetler (flute), Gabby Hostetler (clarinet), Grace Dodson (French horn), Sarah Ryan (percussion), & Alex Nuest (percussion). Clarissa Luse earned a gold in the Vocal Competition.

    Special Olympics Sectional Teams includes: Abbie Zopp, Travis Jordan, Scott Gross, Jonathon Redmon

    The Twin Lakes High School Boys reached Regional Semi Final Basketball State Tournament. Members of the team are: Bailey Rothrock, Bryce Bennington, Blake Bennington, Cameron Bennington & Dane Holmes.


    The Easter egg hunt will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, April 19 at Monticello Christian Church. We will have designated areas for each age group. Children ages 2 through grade 5 are invited to participate. A light lunch will be served following the egg hunt for chil-dren and parents. There will be a Bible lesson and games for the children in addition to the egg hunt.


    Pray for our children for they are the future. They are tomor-

    row’s tomorrow.

    They learn from our past. All the mistakes we made are the

    things we can hopefully keep them from making.

    Even our successes they can learn from.

    Our ups and downs. Our highs and lows

    We can only guide them and hopefully send them down the

    right path. They have to make their own way in this world.

    As long as we pray for God’s leadership in their lives and

    pray for their safe return every time they go out the door.

    Remember we are all God’s children. No matter whether we

    are just born into this world or we are 80 years old. We all

    need His help and leadership.

    The only thing for us to do is pray, pray and pray some more.

    With all our hearts, souls and spirit. Knowing God hears all

    prayers. And answers them also.

    Submitted by Buford Duffy

  • Volume 2014 Issue 3


    The interior framing is going on as well as the insulation and the electrical lines being run and furnace/AC being installed.

    As a reminder: There are 3 downstairs Sunday School rooms under the jurisdiction of Christian Education Committee. There is a downstairs kitchen and two sets of bathrooms. There are a number of storage rooms both in the downstairs and in the upstairs. There is a teen lounge area upstairs. There are Sr. High and Jr. High youth rooms upstairs. There is a Jr. High scale regulation gym downstairs.

    The cost of the building has not been totally underwritten. Projections are that $100,000 more is needed for it to be debt free. Donations marked for the Youth Building are needed.

    Question arose about where the two large stained glass windows are going in the building. The two stained glass windows that we received from Hollywood Christian Church in California were donated by that con-gregation. Shipping them here was underwritten by several generous church members. The windows have been in storage in Monon at Dye Lumber at no cost by the generosity of Art Dragoo. It was discussed early on to put the windows in the new build-ing, but this was decided to not be a wise move due to the potential damage of the historic windows installed in a gym. The only walls in the Youth Building large enough to have the windows would be in the gym. Even with protection placed over the win-dows, the risk of breakage due to being in a basketball gym would be high. So the windows are not slated to be installed in the building. It has been suggested, but never decided upon, to possibly install the windows with one at each end of the current fel-lowship hall creating an enhanced fellowship space for dinners and receptions.


    Iglesia de Cristo A Hispanic congregation will meet on Thursday evenings and Sunday afternoons.

    Thursday evenings is Bible Study. Sunday afternoons is worship.

    Pastors Oscar & Lucy Palomares They have begun and serve churches in Logansport and in Lafayette.

    Former Monticello residents, the pastor & his wife desire to reach the local Hispanics for Christ. Monticello Christian is providing no financial support for this new church.

    MCC is providing the space and the prayers and encouragement. The congregation is a Church of Christ.


    The first two months of 2014 have exhibited snow storms almost every Sunday which has caused the church attendance to plummet. When church attendance plummets, offerings follow. We are now running as of February 28, $7,000 behind for the year. Please, consider making up the offerings you have not given for the Sundays you missed. We need your financial help to keep our various ministries afloat.

    Palm Sunday Services - April 13 8, 9, 10:30 a.m.

    Maundy Thursday Services April 17 7 p.m.

    Good Friday Services April 18 7 p.m.

    Easter Sunday Services April 20 8, 9, 10:30 a.m.

  • Volume 2014 Issue 3

    The Interior Property Committee in conjunction with Rev. Chris and Pastor Zach have acquired new equipment and software for the Audio/Visual presentation during the church services. To complete this equipment upgrade and provide consistent quality presentations during services the following changes have been made:

    1. In order to preclude inadvertent program changes, equipment and software damage, and corruption, an enclosed and locked booth for the equipment and operators has been built in the rear of the sanctuary. Keys are only available to the approved personnel.

    2. As a result of the software changes, personnel must be trained on the equipment and the software program, and no one may use the systems without going through the required training.

    3. Further presentation improvements will be achieved by having the same trained equipment operators at all the wor-ship services including special worship services, weddings, and funerals. Therefore, it was decided to make these a paid position with trained personnel as approved by the Personnel Committee and the General Board of the church.

    We wish to thank all those who have provided this service to the congregation over the past numerous years. We pray that these changes will provide the improved presentation enhancements that we seek and will enable the church to reach out to those unable to attend.



    MARCH 3, 2014


    The following improvements were made by the Exterior Property Committee in 2013:

    1. CLEAN-UP: Lots of branches and dead trees had to be removed. Three new trees were planted with the memorial money. New steel sign post erected with flower bed around it. Old sign was reused and repainted. 2. SHELTERHOUSE: Removal of lost of trash Thorough cleaning of all interior Inside painted Lights & fans installed Outside trim including all doors were painted 3. BATHROOM BUILDING: Thorough cleaning Painted walls Installed 2 new sinks with cabinets Installed new shower heads Painted outside of building and a fence

    Improvements being planned for 2014: 1. Plant more trees with memorial money 2. Replace two toilets 3. Replace 2 doors and frames 4. Install 2 exhaust fans 5. Stain all tables and benches

    Special thanks to Huddy, Gerry Shepard, and Exterior Property Committee for all their hard work.


    SMART Recovery helps individuals gain inde-

    pendence from addictive behaviors (substances,

    activities or both). The group meets at MCC on

    Tuesdays at 7 p.m.

    For more information, contact Facilitator

    Paul Rose at 574-808-0381 or

    2014 CHRISTIAN WOMEN’S CONFERENCE April 30, 2014

    Dr. Ruth Graham & Gwen Smith

    “Fear Not Tomorrow . . . God is Already There”

    Earl C Hargrove Chapel Auditorium

    Lincoln Christian University

    For more information or for tickets, go to

  • Volume 2014 Issue 3


    Mark your calendars! Our next meeting is April 21 at 7 p.m. in the Church

    Library. All ladies are invited to come.

    Sylvia Ward is collecting eyeglasses that you no longer

    wear. Please bring them to the church and leave in

    the designated box.

    Sylvia is also collecting pint size plastic jars (Welsh Jelly jars are the exact

    size). There will be a box in the coat room and she needs about 100.

    Thanks to the generosity of the congregation, we collected $876.50 for

    blankets. These are used worldwide for disaster situations. Thank you for

    your support.


    Soup Sunday was a success. Thank you for

    your support. We would appreciate the return

    of the jars and rings. They can be left in the


    In April, we will be taking Spring decorations

    to our shut-ins and nursing home residents.

    A Family Night Dinner will be held on

    Wednesday, April 23rd from 5:30-6:30 p.m.

    Menu is pork roast.


    Membership Committee is seeking adults to be a Prayer Buddy for the

    youth in the church. By signing up you agree to pray for one child or all sib-

    lings in one family once each day. You are also encouraged to send cards

    and/or notes of encouragement. You are NOT to send gifts.

    If you would like to participate in this ministry and have not yet had an op-

    portunity to sign up, please call the church office (583-7261) by March 31.

    Parents, if you would like your children to be teamed with an adult for

    prayer, please call the church office (583-7261) by March 31.

    SONG SERVICE Everyone is invited on Sunday, March

    30th at 6 p.m. to a Song Service. Members

    of the church will be sharing their musical

    talent that evening.

    Do you like to sing or play an instru-

    ment? There is a sign-up sheet on the bul-

    letin board or you can call the office (583-

    7261) if you would like to be a part of this


    A dessert bar will follow. Please bring a

    dessert to share.


    Membership Committee will be preparing “care” packages to all our college students and military personnel and your help

    is needed. So that no one is missed, please call the office (583-7261) or email Deb at by Sunday,

    April 13th with current mailing information.


    In February, MCC rolled out a new vision for the upcoming year. Here are some of the goals that you can pray for as well as help attain:

    Have a new website that is accessible and compatible on multiple devices (i.e. cellphones, tablets, and computers). Completed: check out

    By June 1, we have live streaming of worship services. This will help all those people who are homebound or can’t make it due to weather.

    By September 1, average worship attendance is 500. Which means INVITE YOUR FRIENDS, FAMILY, COWORKERS!

    By September 1, all youth ministry adult leader positions are filled.

    By September 1, there are young singles/newly married small groups or Bible studies.

    Easy to find elders, committee chairs, and committee members in December.

    On Christmas Eve have 1,000 people attend services.

    No one person can complete these things on their own. Let’s work together to become the “Beacon of Light” God has called MCC to be.

  • Volume 2014 Issue 3

    In Nursing Homes

    Lakeview Commons 402 Tioga Rd, Monticello

    Dorothy Fisher, Bldg 2 #13

    Miller’s Merry Manor 200 26th St., Logansport, 46947

    Colleen Vigus

    Monticello Health Care 1120 N. Main St., Monticello

    Lynn Conley, Room 131 Lilly Longere, Room 156A

    Parkview Haven Retirement Community 101 Constitution Drive, Francesville 47946

    Viola Rush, Room 120

    White Oak Health Campus 814 S. 6th St, Monticello

    Geraldine Brewer, Room 215 Don Farnsworth, Room 117 Doris Fee, Room 210 Marcia Read, Room 105 Laddie Shuman, Room 514

    At Home Or In Other Facilities Anita Carmichael, 6600 Constitution Blvd.#208, Portage MI 49024, 269-365-3554 Juanita Fishel, 110 N 2nd St, Apt 5, PO Box 151, Chalmers, 47929 Roger Hintz, 201 S Beach Dr, Monticello 583-9660 Jack Mull, 306 Oakview Dr, Monticello, 583-3067 Betty Smith, 11520W 1200N, Monticello, IN

    Hospitalized/Illness/ Other Prayer Needs

    Jaime Arnett, lymphoma (Joy Meyer’s son-in-law) Larry Bittner, adjust to nursing home Bill Brandt, cancer Gerry Brewer, recovery from hip surgery Allen Catterlin, cancer, St. Elizabeth Central Claude Conley, recovery from stroke (Jessica Strange’s father) Juanita Fishel, shoulder surgery, Friday, March 21 Joan Hanawalt, brain tumor Drew Hampton, at home Danielle Hodgen, recovery from back surgery Larry Hundley, recovery from surgery Barbara Mascari, stage 4 cancer (Dan Spray’s sister) Charlie Mulligan, hospice Merle Pherson, further testing needed. Scheduled heart surgery was cancelled. Jerry Senese, healing Linda Snyder, cancer treatments Larry Stoner, recovery from surgery (father of Jeffrey Stoner) My children and grandchildren to have salvation. Our church’s growth to continue That I know and understand the voice of God Our grandson Isaiah, 17 1/2 months old and only 17 lbs. Peace for military For our youth Lord, once again I need help with anger and bitterness. Wife’s work situation Financial struggles Pastors, staff, youth missions, military, government, marriages, & addictions Good leadership in America For all those lost to return to God Be with those non believers Strength for every day trials Answered prayers… Thank you God for all you have given me. MRI of grandson’s chest shows God’s miraculous healing. Thank you God for answered prayers! Thank you God for Spring coming soon. Thanks to the Lord. My great-great niece was born healthy. God is great!!! Praise Jeb Collins is getting better. Praise God for all things! God is so good. Praise God for all the glory that shines on our MCC staff and all our MCC family.

    Our sympathy and prayers are with… Kay Lucy and family in the passing of her mother.

    Nathan & Bailey Kistler and family in the passing of his


    The family of Jim Honeycutt

    Jason Wortman and family in the passing of his grand-


    Allen Catterlin transferred his membership from Twin Lakes Southern Baptist Church on February 23.

    Pattie Melin transferred her membership from Twin Lakes Southern Baptist Church on February 23.

    Nathan & Bailey Kistler transferred their memberships on March 9. Nathan was a member of Center

    Road Church of Christ and Bailey was a member of Pisgah Christian Church. On Sunday nights, you will

    find Nathan & Bailey helping with the youth groups.

    Steve Hayden transferred his membership from Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church on March 16. WELCOME

  • Volume 2014 Issue 3


    Dear Brothers and Sisters of Monticello Christian Church. Thank you for accepting my wife, myself and my dreams. Some of you may not know but you have blessed my wife, myself and my dreams. Six years ago February we lost my daughter due to a drug overdose. It was so devastating. Still to this day Jana’s passing has been and continues to be a struggle. Just since last July could I speak about it without tears all the time. I couldn't let her passing and leaving us and her two daughters ever be forgotten or in vain. Jana has a message for all. It's called Jana's Message. To get help if you need it when it comes to any addic-tive behavior. Her death wasn't in vain. She will save others through her message. We have been meeting in our church thanks to your kindness. We are reaching out to our community. To help saves lives. You have helped us even more by putting an ad in the paper. I can't express enough to you about how thankful I am for you, broth-ers and sisters. May God continue to bless us all. With love, Your brother in Christ, Paul Rose

    Dear Members of Monticello Christian Church, Thank you for your gift of $1,000 to Kentucky Appalachian Minis-try (KAM). Your gift will be directed to a new program that sup-ports families that are under stress to worship, play, and spend time together. On behalf of the KAM Program Committee I thank you for your confidence in KAM’s witness and we promise to be faithful to God’s mission for our ministry and the stewardship of your gift. KAM is truly a ministry in which individuals, congregations, and Regions come together to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our neighbors. Sincerely, Lon Oliver

    During a time like this we realize how much our family and friends really mean to us . . . Your expression of sympathy will always be remembered. “The Crawford Girls” Lynn, Gail & Dona Dear Bro Chris Dodson, greetings to you in the wonderful name of our Lord and saver Jesus Christ. This is Aruldoss from India. By the God’s grace come back from hospital I am my health is com-ing better thank you very much for your prayers. We thank the won-derful Lord who sent you to serve indeed is great through your teach-ings preachings we are encouraged more in faith to serve the great master of in heaven. I love you praying for your ministry. T.G. Aruldoss Dear Rev. Dodson and Monticello Christian Church, Thank you for your generous donation of $250 to support Food Find-ers Food Bank’s Mobile Pantry Program! Best wishes, Katy O’Malley Bunder, Executive Director

    In Loving Memory of Jack Naugle


    Ed & Louise Austin

    Barb Bedrick

    Anita Carmichael

    Larry & Nancy Crabb

    Betty Dawson

    Clifford & Donna Martin

    Jim & Barb Milligan

    Jim & Marilyn Paschen

    Dean & Carol Richardson

    Fred & Marian Schrader

    Marie Sprunger

    Paul & Mary Jo VanMeter

    Bob & Bernadette Roth

    Bud & Shirley Weidner

    Memorial Garden

    Bill & Marlene Warren

    In Loving Memory of Betty Jo Crawford

    Building Fund

    Geraldine Brewer

    Paul Jones & GeeGee Cambre

    Anita Carmichael

    Betty Dawson

    Cliff & Donna Martin

    Jack Meents

    Judy Neilan

    Bill & Marlene Warren

    Bud & Shirley Weidner

    Wayne & Linda Wilmot

    In Loving Memory of Betty Dickerson

    Building Fund

    Marie Sprunger

    In Loving Memory of Jim Honeycutt

    Building Fund

    Bill & Marlene Warren



    ry ad-


    MARK LOWRY Live in Concert

    Saturday, May 3 at 7 p.m. First Assembly Comm. Ministries

    108 Beck Lane, Lafayette, IN

    Tickets available at, or

    by phone 855-223-1008


    Fish & Chicken Dinner

    Saturday, April 12, 2014

    Reynolds Elementary School

    Serving 4:30-7:30 p.m.

  • Volume 2014 Issue 3

    If you want your name/names added, or if there is a correction please call the church office, 583-7261.



    March 2014 April 2014 1

    Betty Dawson

    Tanisha Draper

    Tashia Draper



    Jan Ray

    4 5

    Jim Milligan


    Steve Hall

    *Bob & Imogene



    *Brian & Heather


    8 9

    Nick Jordan


    Isabelle Hostetler

    11 12

    Cynthia Hall

    Willis Hinshaw

    Doug Phelps

    *Larry & Barb



    Riley Marvin


    Pat Wokoun


    Norma Blount

    Isaiah Gant

    Deb Graves

    *Terry & Debra Capper

    16 17

    Margaret Haskell

    Reva Hundley


    Blake Phelps

    *Dan & Bobi White-



    Bailey Perry


    Reba Hostetler

    Kimberly Schumacher

    Alaina Stephens

    *Theodoor & Augustine


    21 22

    John Roscka


    Savannah Asbell

    Jordyn Landis

    24 25

    Sondra Bragg

    Jimmie Scott


    Jack Hammond

    Paul Jones


    Juanita Fishel

    *Dave & Kim Banes


    Kirstin Perry

    *Harold & Pat



    Heather Hayden

    Shannon Whitmore

    *Bud & Jean



    Bob Foulks

    Chris Foulks

    Robert Roth

    *Brad & Stephanie



  • Volume 2014 Issue 3

    APRIL 2014

    April 2014


    7 PM Smart

    Recovery (old FH)

    7 PM Women’s Bible

    Study (library)


    9:30 AM Prayer


    11 AM Bible Study


    6:30 PM Bible Study


    6:30 PM Praise Team


    7:30 PM Chancel



    9 AM TOPS

    11:45 AM XYZ

    Lunch (MCC FH)


    6-10 PM Library &

    FH Reserved (True)

    6:30 PM Leadership

    Retreat (Rev. Chris’)


    9 AM—Noon Leadership

    Retreat at church

    7:30-8:30 PM

    AA Meeting (FH)


    Worship Times:

    8, 9, 10:30 AM

    Homebound Communion

    4 PM Daycare Mtg. (library)

    5-7 PM Jr. High Ministry


    6 PM Adult Bible Study


    6 PM Exterior

    Property (choir room)

    6:30-8:30 PM Sr. High Minis-


    7 PM Elders’ Mtg. (old FH)


    9:45 AM Monticello


    7 PM Smart

    Recovery (old FH)


    7 PM Smart

    Recovery (old FH)


    Board Items


    9:30 AM Prayer


    11 AM Bible Study


    6:30 PM Bible Study


    6:30 PM Praise Team


    7:30 PM Chancel



    9 AM TOPS

    5 PM Aktion Club

    7:30 PM

    Evangelism Cmt.

    Mtg. (library)


    3 PM Dare 2 Share


    Dare 2 Share

    9 AM-5 PM Sit N Sew

    7:30-8:30 PM

    AA Meeting (FH)


    Worship Times:

    8, 9, 10:30 AM Newsletter Items Due

    5-7 PM Jr. High

    Ministry (Taco Bell)

    6 PM Adult Bible Study


    NO Sr. High Ministry


    7 PM General Board



    7 PM Smart Recovery (old FH) 7 PM Women’s Bible

    Study (library)


    Newsletter Mailed

    9:30 AM Prayer


    11 AM Bible Study


    6:30 PM Bible Study


    6:30 PM Praise Team


    7:30 PM Chancel


    9 AM TOPS

    7 PM Maundy

    Thursday Service

    18 Good Friday

    7 PM Good Friday



    10 AM Worship Cmt.

    11 AM Easter Egg Hunt


    7:30-8:30 PM

    AA Meeting (FH)


    Worship Times:

    8, 9, 10:30 AM



    8-10:30 AM Easter Breakfast

    by Youth


    9:45 AM Monticello


    7 PM Smart

    Recovery (old FH)

    7:30 PM CWF



    7 PM Smart

    Recovery (old FH)

    6:30 PM Member-

    ship Meeting


    9:30 AM Prayer


    11 AM Bible Study


    5:30-6:30 PM Family

    Night Dinner

    6:30 PM Bible Study


    6:30 PM Praise Team


    7:30 PM Chancel



    9 AM TOPS


    8 AM-2:30 PM

    Daycare Pictures



    7:30-8:30 PM

    AA Meeting (FH)


    Worship Times:

    8, 9, 10:30 AM

    10:30 AM Youth Cmt. Mtg.

    (old FH)

    5-7 PM Jr. High

    Ministry (Rev. Chris’)

    6 PM Adult Bible Study


    6:30-8:30 PM Sr. High



    1 PM Bingo at White

    Oak (Volunteers


    7 PM Christian Ed

    Mtg. (library)


    7 PM Smart

    Recovery (old FH)


    9:30 AM Prayer


    11 AM Bible Study


    6:30 PM Bible Study


    6:30 PM Praise Team


    7:30 PM Chancel






    105 GORDON ROAD/PO BOX 187

    MONTICELLO, IN 47960

  • Volume 2014 Issue 3

  • Volume 2014 Issue 3

  • Volume 2014 Issue 3

    March 23

    8:00 a.m. Pastor

    Rev. Chris Dodson


    Nancy Piatt


    Judy Neilan


    Karen Vaughn

    9:00 a.m. Pastor

    Rev. Chris Dodson

    Praise Team Leader

    Pastor Zach Wolf

    Youth Sunday School

    Preschool—Crystal Gant

    K-5—Julie Williams

    Helper—Luke Smith


    Morris & Sandy Hall

    Adult Sunday Schools

    Elective Class: Snyder

    Library: Shook/Hess/Milligan

    10:30 a.m. Pastor

    Rev. Chris Dodson


    Brad Seward


    Steve Snyder

    Larry Crabb


    Eddy & Sondra Bragg

    Eva Smith

    6 pm Bible Study

    Pastor Jeff Scheffee

    March 30

    8:00 a.m. Pastor

    Rev. Chris Dodson


    Nancy Piatt


    Betty Dawson


    Merle Pherson

    9:00 a.m. Pastor

    Rev. Chris Dodson

    Praise Team Leader

    Chad Hostetler

    Youth Sunday School

    Preschool—Jessica Strange

    K -5th—Darcy Varda

    Helper—Derek Clawson


    Deb McIlrath

    Jean Rusk

    Adult Sunday Schools

    Elective Class: Snyder

    Library: Shook/Hess/Milligan

    10:30 a.m. Pastor

    Rev. Chris Dodson


    Brad Seward


    Betty Dawson

    Al Hintzman


    Bob & Laura Hayworth

    Mary Crosby

    6 pm Bible Study

    No Bible Study

    April 6

    8:00 a.m. Pastor

    Rev. Chris Dodson


    Sylvia Ward


    Judy Neilan


    Don & Norma Blount

    9:00 a.m. Pastor

    Rev. Chris Dodson

    Praise Team Leader

    Chad Hostetler

    Youth Sunday School

    Preschool—Stephanie McCloskey

    K-5th—Natalie Hodgen

    Helper—Danielle Hodgen


    Rhonda Luse & Andi Senese

    Adult Sunday chools

    Elective Class: Snyder

    Library: Shook/Hess/Milligan

    10:30 a.m. Pastor

    Rev. Chris Dodson


    Brad Seward


    Sandy Johns

    Steve Snyder


    Bud & Shirley Weidner

    Marian Roth-Schrader

    6 pm Bible Study

    Pastor Jeff Scheffee

    April 13

    8:00 a.m. Pastor

    Rev. Chris Dodson


    Sylvia Ward


    Betty Dawson


    Dave Hood & Nancy Ritz

    9:00 a.m. Pastor

    Rev. Chris Dodson

    Praise Team Leader

    Chad Hostetler

    Youth Sunday School

    Preschool—Julie Williams

    K-5th—Terri Ray

    Helper—Aricka Batley


    Rhonda Luse & Sylvia Ward

    Adult Sunday Schools

    Elective Class: Snyder

    Library: Shook/Hess/Milligan

    10:30 a.m. Pastor

    Rev. Chris Dodson


    Brad Seward


    Kim Loy

    Jim Milligan


    Harold & Jo Brooks

    Mary McClennan

    6 pm Bible Study

    No Bible Study


    1. George Loy 5. Donna Warner

    2. Bev Ware 6. Nathan Wagner

    3. Buford Duffy 7. Sylvia Ward

    4. Carol Teeter 8. *Brad Ward



    Gail Armstrong

    Debra Capper

    Augustine VanRijk


    April—Exterior Property

    May—Interior Property

    June—Joy Ministry

  • Volume 2014 Issue 3

    PERMIT NO. 7




    The Mission Statement of Monticello Christian

    Church is to lead people to Christ and help them

    achieve their full potential in Him. We do this by:



    Discipleship Worship Fellowship

    Full Potential in Christ


    Published by Monticello Christian Church

    105 Gordon Rd, Monticello, IN 47960

    Telephone (574) 583-7261; Fax (574) 583-3343


    Mailing address:

    Monticello Christian Church

    PO Box 187

    Monticello, IN 47960

    Office Hours

    Monday-Thursday—7:30 a.m.-12 p.m.; 1-4:30 p.m.

    Friday—9 a.m-12 p.m.

    Rev. Chris Dodson, Pastor,

    Pastor Zach Wolf, Youth Pastor,

    Deb McIlrath, Secretary,

    Kim Hornback, Assistant Secretary,

    Toni Jordan, Treasurer,

    Linda Shivley, Financial Secretary

    Shannon Jurdzy, Assistant Financial Secretary

    Brad Seward, Traditional Music Director

    Chad Hostetler, Contemporary Worship Music Leader

    Bright Beginnings Daycare, 574-583-2301,

    Shenna Collard-Director,

    Custodian, Terry Hudson

    2014 General Board Members

    Chairman: Steve Snyder

    Vice Chairman: Chad Hostetler

    Secretary: Marsha Morlan

    Treasurer: Toni Jordan

    Financial Secretary: Linda Shivley

    Youth Member at Large: Jesse Senese

    Christian Action Chair: Natalie Hodgen

    Christian Education Chair: Stephanie McCloskey

    CWF: Linda Haworth

    Daycare Committee Chair: Connie Richardson

    Deacons Chair: Buford Duffy

    Deaconess Chair: Gail Armstrong

    Elder Chair: Jim Milligan

    Evangelism Chair: Jim Boyer

    Exterior Building & Grounds Chair: Gerry Shepard

    Interior Building Chair: Bill Vaughn

    Joy Ministry: Sandy Johns

    Membership Co-Chairs: Carol Hall & Deb McIlrath

    Personnel Chair: Jeff Stoner

    Stewardship Chair: John Haworth

    World Outreach: Paul VanMeter

    Worship Co-Chairs: Linda Snyder & Janice Madden

    XYZ: Larry Crabb; Representative—Larry Hundley

    Youth: Judy Neilan

    Worship Services:

    Sunday Informal Traditional Worship 8:00 a.m.

    Sunday Contemporary Worship 9:00 a.m.

    Sunday Traditional Worship 10:30 a.m.