"The Chosen" - Episode 107.5 "The Chosen Ones"

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Transcript of "The Chosen" - Episode 107.5 "The Chosen Ones"

  • 7/31/2019 "The Chosen" - Episode 107.5 "The Chosen Ones"


    The Chosen

    The Chosen Ones

    Written by Jeremy Hudack

    This is a guide to the characters and mysteries from the show, The Chosen. Here we will touchupon the key characters and key events of the show that have taken place up until the end of

    episode 7 which is also the start of the second half of the season. Hopefully you will be refreshedand enjoy the information densely compiled to keep you up to date and in the loop.


    It is the year 2020 and the world has changed. The change is due to the events that took place onDecember 21, 2012. What those events are remains a mystery. It is hinted that it was a worldwide terrorattack, but is never ultimately confirmed. What we do know is that cities burned, buildings crumbled andplanes fell from the sky after a crimson red light filled the sky of the entire planet Earth.

    It is rather apparent that even the people who lived through this event arent entirely sure of theexact cause because in the opening scenes we see that the FBI has opened a 2012 Division toinvestigate the horrific happenings of that day.

    Technology has certainly progressed, but it seems as though it hasnt progressed as far as wedhave imagined it to. This is perhaps due to the shift of focus in the world after the events of 12/21/12. Wesee that cell phones are now video phones that can project an image onto walls, human scanningmachines are intricately detailed in high security areas and that newspapers are nothing more thanreusable white plastic sheets that essentially project the news onto their surface. Cars and othertransportation appear to have been updated, but not much changed.

    There are also new facilities operated by individual countries to hold and detain people that maybe in some way connected to the events of 12/21/12 including Jarvis Island, a remote island believed tobe in the Pacific Ocean, and a Canadian detention center on Oak Island, Nova Scotia.

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    It is a new world indeed. The Empire State Building no longer stands tall in Midtown Manhattan,but the brand new complete World Trade Center Complex stands strong in the Financial District. Theworld has rebuilt in this close future, but a far different worldly mindset remains.


    Erik Jan Hanussen: The Benefactor

    Erik Jan Hanussen, 88, is the son of wealthy immigrants from Argentina. It is known that he has a sister,

    Ilsa, who he mentioned that he had lost in the year 2012, but details surrounding Ilsa are still very

    vague. We know that she wrote him letter only days before her death; a death that she had foreseen

    coming due to some sort of information she had collected at the age of 29 when she found her father

    had some secret dealings with very powerful people. Ilsa was involved in a conspiracy and hinted that

    the conspiracy revolves around secret manuscripts that supposedly predicted the future. She claims that

    these prophecies vanished in 2001 and alludes that her death was murder most likely committed by oneof her own people out of greed and power. It seems that Eriks new mission in life is to avenge his

    sisters death and reclaim these prophecies in her honor. Because of his age, Erik decided to assemble a

    team of 10 people from all walks of life to locate and retrieve these prophecies and return them to him.

    He calls this team The Chosen.

    How Erik came up with these specific people is unknown, but time and again he has shown that it is

    essential that every one of them cooperate for his plan to work. Erik utilizes his trusty lawyer, Cassandra

    Millerick, to do everything in her power to convince, bribe, threaten or blackmail each of the ten

    members into compliance.

    Mystery surrounds this old rich man and at times he makes us wonder whether his intentions are pure

    or unseemly. One such example is the company he keeps, including a man who had faked his own deathand is the father of one of our 10 Chosen.

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    Nick Tesla: The Scientist

    Nick Tesla, 45, is a widely known bio-chemist from Delaware who has intelligence, in just about every

    facet of the scientific world, which is unmatched. Though he works nearly 19 hour days and devotes his

    life to work, he has a family that he sincerely loves and cherishes. He had it all, that is, until Cassandra

    Millerick showed up at his laboratory door one night. The Benefactors lawyer had a proposition that

    Nick simply couldnt afford to refuse; a proposition that seemingly incriminates him with some sort of

    involvement surrounding the events of 12/21/12.

    Cassandra presents Nick with a surveillance tape that shows Nick pulling some sort of lever on a huge

    machine in a laboratory. Nick is very reluctant in doing this task, but someone off screen seems to be

    forcing him to pull the lever despite Nicks pleas for the voice to reconsider. In the end, Nick pulls it and

    a bright flash illuminates the room and then darkness. The tape goes blank, but reveals the words:

    Surveillance Footage, December 21st

    , 2012. Cassandra continues to tell Nick that he WILL report to

    Eriks office the next day in New York City. Just when things couldnt get any stranger, Cassandra takes a

    syringe out of her bag and takes a sample of Nicks blood. Sure enough, Nick reports to the Benefactors

    office the next day.

    We find out in the coming days that Nick is indeed a smart man, but he is also very curious when it

    comes to the lives of his fellow Chosen. He is a somewhat egotistical fellow, but has a fantastic sense

    of humor and a way about him that allows him to penetrate the minds of the most guarded individuals.

    As good as Nick is at relating to others, it seems he has issues relating to himself.

    As a teenager Nick was constantly pushed by his father to be the best and the brightest. The verbal

    abuse hit its peak when Nick got his girlfriend Danni pregnant at the age of 16. Dannis parents forced

    her to move out of town and abort the baby. Shortly after Nicks mother and father split up and his

    father, Nicholas, left and never looked back. Years later, Nicks father had died and he attended the

    funeral where he ran into Danni. This is where Danni told him that she had never had the abortion and

    this devastated Nick. Little did Nick know that the funeral was a hoax as his father wasnt actually deadin fact, his father is seemingly in cahoots with the Benefactor himself.

    In episode 3, White Pigeon, we see what appears to be a flashback that correlates to the surveillance

    video that we had seen in the previous episode. This time Nick is wounded and escaping down a hallway

    while a timer counts down from 33 seconds. Being chased by gunmen, Nick reaches an escape hatch

    that leads to the outside of a mountain cliff sealing them in. There is a massive explosion inside the

    mountain and the sky turns red. He turns and looks at the valley below to realize that his then wife and

    children were in the town that is now ablaze and burning to the ground. Nick then narrowly escapes as

    he is shot at by jumping over the side of a cliff to safety.

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    Back in present day information comes in that the widely known Philadelphia Experiment, (Supposedly

    a project that took place in 1943 that would ultimately make warships invisible to the naked eye) leads

    Nick and fellow team member Jeremy Kozlak to Philadelphia where they investigate the scene. Upon

    arrival they meet a man named Henry who appears to be insane, but claims to have been on the ship

    that vanished stating that this event truly did take place. Despite the fact Henry appears to be in his late

    40s, this is impossible, but he insists it is true. Henry panics that they are watching him, so he goes to

    his car to leave, but is killed in an explosion when he turns his ignition. Nick feels an overwhelming guilt

    and decides to leave the team. Nick vanishes for days before returning to Eriks office to reveal that his

    wife and children have been kidnapped. Little does he know, they were kidnapped under Eriks orders

    and the brother of another team member; Simon Draven.

    Simon Draven: The Criminal

    Simon Draven, 32, grew up in Liverpool England and spent his adult years in London. He was a playful

    and imaginative child that is when his mother wasnt beating him. As a child, Dravens brother was

    believed to have been kidnapped and that left his mother a depressive mess and she vented her anger

    and grief out on Draven. Several years later, Draven was a teen and due to his mothers continued

    dismay, they were in poverty. If it werent bad enough for Draven, he found out his mother had cancer.

    To make ends meet Draven dropped out of school and joined a life of crime that his friend Tommy had

    introduced him to. For years Draven supported his mother until she had to be hospitalized and he

    moved to London where he and his roommate Reggie lived. One night, Draven received a large sum of

    money and a note to assassinate someone. That someone was his roommate. After shooting Reggie in

    the head, Cassandra Millerick shows up at the door saying that she had to see what he was capable of.

    Seemingly, Draven was more capable than we first thought due to his involvement doing the

    Benefactors dirty work for years prior to the assembly of the Chosen. This included the kidnapping of

    Nicks family in order to draw him back to the team after he had quit.

    To the team Draven is introduced by the Benefactor as a financial businessman, but in reality he is the

    teams muscle. In order to entice Nick back to the team, Draven has his childhood friend Tommy kidnap

    Nicks family and hold them hostage all the while dropping false clues that Tommy is actually a part of

    The Men In Black, a group the team believes is working for the bad guys who are trying to retrieve the

    prophecies for their own plans. In the midst of the mission to retrieve them, fellow Chosen member

    Matthew Tagalog shoots Tommy and leaves him for dead. It is later revealed that Tommy was actually

    Dravens brother who was thought to have been kidnapped. In reality, Tommy ran away from home and

    never told Draven the truth until years after his mother was hospitalized.

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    In Dravens Dooms Day flash at the beginning of episode 5, When the Man Comes Around, we see

    that Draven, at one time, was in Las Vegas and on his way to get married. His life once again shattered

    around him when he saw the city of Las Vegas totally destroyed when on his way to the alter.

    Little is known about Dravens past while in London or what drove him to become a hit-man. It could be

    that Draven thought he had killed his mother by accident when he went to visit her in the hospital by

    suffocating her after she hurtfully blamed him for the kidnapping despite all he has done for her. It couldbe that perhaps his soon to be bride was potentially killed on 12/21/12. Or he could just be a quick

    witted, attractive and charming cold blooded killer. One thing is for sure he hates the man who

    murdered his brother; that man being Matthew Tagalog.

    Matthew Tagalog: The Soldier

    Possibly the antithesis of Simon Draven, Matthew Tagalog is a 33 year old machine and ammunitionspecialist in the U.S. Army. With his mother being American and him being born in Portland, Oregon, he

    decided to leave the Philippians and pursue a life stateside. In 2011 Matthew is recruited to work on an

    extremely top secret project called Project 27 due to his extensive knowledge of ballistics and

    machinery. He found the project to be odd from the beginning because instead of the military doing the

    private contracting, it was the military that was being privately contracted. One day his bunkmate, who

    held a higher clearance level, decided to show Matthew what they were actually building in their

    underground facility on the East River in Queens, New York. To his surprise, Matthew watched as

    scientists and fellow soldiers placed a nuclear weapon into a chamber, closed it, flicked a switch and

    then an intense shaking began. Once the quake was over they opened the chamber to reveal that the

    nuclear weapon was missing. Matthew was taken back at the possibility that teleportation could have

    quite possibly have just taken place in front of his eyes.

    Shortly after that day there was a crisis in the bunker and sirens were going off. Matthew rushed to his

    room to find his bunkmate dead and his firearm lying next to the body. Officials then bust in and

    arrested Matthew for the murder of his commanding officer while Jacob Winston, the former MIB and

    informant to Adrian, escapes down the hallway looking very suspect.

    Matthew was court marshaled and, due to Project 27s top secret level, he was cleared and put on

    military probation as long as he never spoke of the project or what he had witnessed. Outside of the

    courtroom Matthew was in for a surprise. Presidential Candidate, Arthur Kensington, was waiting for

    him to exit the courtroom. Kensington had an interesting proposal for Matthew. In order to guarantee

    Matthews silence regarding Project 27, Kensington would assure that Matthews nephew would be

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    removed from his prostitute sisters custody and extradited from the Philippines to the U.S. and put in

    Matthews care. Unsure of Kensingtons motives, Matthew reluctantly accepted.

    Today, Matthew works in an Army office in Portland, Oregon. His nephew has recently been returned to

    his sisters custody after she filed suit against him. Eduardo was sent back to the Philippines.

    Devastated, Matthew, once a man of God, has turned away from the church. Instead he turned right

    into Cassandra Millerick and her offer to guarantee him that she can return his nephew back to him aslong as he joins the team. Matthew does, but at great cost.

    After the initial Chosen meeting, Matthew storms out thinking that the Benefactor is insane. Nick

    meets up with Matthew and eventually coaxes him into giving the Benefactor a chance and then they hit

    the town for some drinks. After closing time, a typically ridged and quiet Matthew and Nick are walking

    down the street when, out of nowhere, someone shoots Matthew in the back. We later find out that the

    gun had the symbol of the shady Men in Black on it. Matthew is hospitalized for quite some time until

    he is finally released and finds out that Nicks family had been presumably kidnapped by these Men in

    Black. Seeking revenge, Matthew tracks down the kidnapper and shoots him on the spot. Little did he

    know that the kidnapper was Tommy; Dravens brother. Matthew, feeling extremely guilty, vanishes and

    returns to the Philippines.

    Despite being on military probation, we find Matthew in the deserts of Egypt on Dooms Day in hot

    pursuit of a man named Jackson Webber. The sky turns red and a satellite falls from the sky narrowly

    missing Matthew and giving Jackson a chance to escape. Why was Matthew chasing Jackson and who is

    Jackson Webber? The answer is much closer than Matthew may think because fellow Chosen

    teammate, Abby Mercer, knows him very well.

    Abby Mercer: The Techie

    At the age of 14, Abby Mercer was a child prodigy. Abby was the youngest computer technologist in the

    world when she won the top award at the 2011 Software Engineering Expo in Las Vegas for her

    development of the Numerical Analysis Software for Hadronic Event Generation and Elementary Particle

    Data Collector. Abby was elated, that is until she found out that her parents and all of her siblings but

    one had died in a plane crash on the way to the expo due to her persistence that they be there. Her

    older sister April had been at the convention with Abby. On her fathers deathbed, he named April his

    Power of Attorney and left her everything. That everything later included a class action lawsuit filed by

    the tenants of the apartment building that the plane crashed into thus killing several people. With no

    money and no real prospect of digging themselves out of a financial hole, Abby turned to Jackson


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    One day Jackson showed up at Abbys door and offered her something that she couldnt refuse. He

    offered her 26 million dollars for the software she had developed for the expo. Abby accepts and

    Jackson leaves, but not before he tells Abby to get herself and April out of town before 12/21/12.

    Today we see Abby living alone in a shack in the Silicon Valley where she develops software and lives the

    life of a hermit. She is unable to go to New York City to meet with the team because of her innate fear of

    flying due partially to her familys crash and what seems to be her own experience during her Dooms

    Day flash at the beginning of episode 5, The Second Prophecy, where she survives a plane crash on a

    flight from Sydney to Switzerland. Because of this, Draven flies to California and drives Abby back, but

    first they stop at a mental institution and kidnap Abbys sister April.

    Abby thinks April broke due to the stress of the lawsuits and her familys death and Abby holds herself

    responsible. She refuses to leave her sister behind so she and Draven kidnap her before driving to

    Roswell, New Mexico where Abby once again comes in contact with Jackson Webber. He tells Abby that

    April broke because she was kidnapped and tortured by the FBI 2012 Division due to information they

    found in his records when he was being held at the same facility for his involvement on 12/21/12. The

    FBI mistakenly thought it was April who had developed the software they used for the attacks because

    she shares the same initials as Abby. Jackson also tells Abby that one of the FBI agents was Adrian Rezek,a fellow Chosen team mate. Because of this, Abby decides to leave Draven and April behind and trust

    Jacksons warning that the Benefactor is up to no good. She realizes that the Benefactors offer to

    finance her as long as she joins the team was nothing but a ploy. Draven and April continue back to New

    York City and Abby leaves the team because of Agent Rezeks actions that left April mentally insane.

    Agent Adrian Rezek: The FBI

    Adrian is the first character we meet and surely enough its during a flash to mass destruction while

    transporting an unknown woman from Hong Kong back to the US with partner Nino Espinoso. During

    transport, it happens: The sky turns red, everything electronic stops working and a plane is falling from

    the sky and headed directly at the car that they are sitting in. In haste, they release the prisoner from

    the back of the car and in all of the confusion she escapes. Adrian and Nino flee to safety and get

    separated leaving Adrian to run into a subway and almost burnt to a crisp by the incoming planes

    explosion. After narrowly being killed by a derailed subway train, Adrian emerges from the underground

    to see Hong Kong in complete ruins. While walking through the rubble, Adrian spots a boy who is about

    to be crushed by an unstable building from above. Nino shows up and they rescue the boy in time, but

    the building falls on Nino and instantly kills him. Suddenly, we see Adrian awake at his desk in the FBIs

    2012 Division offices and he has a visitor; Cassandra Millerick.

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    Adrian, age 43, is the last of the Chosen team to be recruited and it doesnt take much for Cassandra

    to get him to sign up. She knows that all she has to do is give him the Benefactors card and tell him to

    show up the next day. After accidentallypricking Adrian and collecting a blood sample, Cassandra hands

    him the card and leaves. She knows that Adrian cant pass up the chance to meet with tycoon Erik Jan

    Hanussen under such a bizarre and random meeting and surely enough he shows at Eriks office in the

    Chrysler Building in New York City the next day.

    Adrian has been serving in a governmental capacity all his life. Before his recruitment into the FBI and

    the 2012 Division by FBI Director William Snider, Adrian was a Secret Service Agent in charge of

    protecting Senator Arthur Kensington during his 2012 Presidential Campaign. While on the job, an

    assassin attempted to shoot Kensington, but Adrian took the bullet and thus left Kensington indebted to

    Adrian for saving his life. This comes in handy for Adrian in the future because he uses Kensington for

    many favors and much information.

    After leaving Secret Service detail, Adrian is recruited by FBI Director Snider to head up the task team to

    figure out what happened in 2012. One of Adrians first duties was to find and interrogate A.M.M., April

    Marie Mercer. Having done this and forcing a pre-authorized injection into April that causes severe

    amounts of pain along with the absolute truth and willingness to talk, Adrian falls into a depression andApril is permanently damaged leaving her with complete mental instability. This guilt hangs over Adrian.

    Along with compensating by becoming a workaholic, he drives a wedge between himself and his fianc.

    So much so that Adrian actually misses his own wedding to Jacklyn Brand, who just so happens to be the

    daughter of fellow Chosen teammate Cynthia Brand.

    Adrian takes charge of the group and leads them on their first investigation of the JFK assassination. The

    Benefactor has the team look into and attempt to solve the JFK Assassination Conspiracy due to his

    sister Ilsas letter she left him. She said it would begin to lead him to the prophecies. Adrian solves the

    case and it sends him and his fellow team mates to Lithuania where the true assassin of JFK lay dying in

    a hospital. While there, a mysterious Man in Black accosts the team and Adrian picks up his wallet that

    has the groups symbol on it. Along with the symbol, Adrian notices something that leads him to believe

    that these people are in fact working for the FBI.

    Director Snider soon picks up that Adrian has extracurricular affairs going on with the Benefactor and

    warns Adrian to cease and desist. Adrian is losing trust in Snider and remains in Lithuania despite the

    warning. That night in a hotel room where Adrian and teammates Velma Logan and Casey Christina are

    staying, a Man in Black enters the room and attempts to kill all of them. A fight ensues, but the MIB is

    taken down. This lands the three Chosen in jail, but Velma, a translator, gets them out of the ordeal

    along with a little help from Director Snider. Adrian and Casey decide to head back to the US, but Velma

    stays behind just in case the JFK assassin talks again.

    Upon arriving home, and realizing that the Benefactor already had solved the JFK assassination, Adrian

    comes to a head with the Benefactor. This is where the Benefactor tells Adrian that it was a test to see if

    the team is truly what he hoped it to be. They had solved the JFK assassination in only a weeks time,something that other people havent solved in nearly 60 years. Adrian takes his word for it, but remains


    Velma later calls Adrian to tell him that there was a chip implanted in the man they killed in their hotel

    room. The chip was encrypted in German, but it was very clear that the man was a part of the FBI.

    Snider had lied to Adrians face so Adrian had his partner, Agent David Foster, find out Sniders itinerary.

    Foster finds out and it leads Adrian to a warehouse in Brooklyn, New York. He, along with Chosen

    teammate Conor Vith, stake out the warehouse and find their selves at gunpoint by a Man in Black,

    but they turn the tables and capture him. They later interrogate him and Conor ends up beating the man

    senseless, but before he divulges anything he takes a cyanide pill and kills himself. In total dismay,

    Adrian is about to give up and no longer wants anything to do with Conor.

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    Not long after, Adrian gets a text message from an anonymous source telling him to go to Louisiana and

    meet a man who will fill him in on the Men in Black as well as take him to Area 51. Little does Adrian

    know, but this tip has come from Nicholas Tesla, Nicks not-so-dead father. Adrian meets this man and

    his name is Jacob Winston who claims to be a former MIB himself.

    Winston and Adrian make way to Area 51, but are traveling north and this confuses Adrian because Area

    51 is in Nevada or so he thought. Winston tells Adrian that the objects that crashed in Roswell, NewMexico werent alien and they werent shipped to Nevada. They were shipped to Andrews Air Force

    Base in Peebles, Ohio. The real Area 51. En route, Winston stops at an elderly womans house to make

    Adrian believe that what he said was true. Winston introduces Adrian to the widow of one of the men

    who transported the material from Roswell to Ohio. The woman explains to Adrian that what was

    recovered was actually the 2nd

    in a series of 3 tablets that mysteriously appeared around the world and

    they foretold the future. The US government decoded the second tablet, but to fully understand what

    they were saying, they need all 3.

    Adrian and Winston part ways and Adrian tells the team to check out Area 51 in Ohio. Casey Christina

    decides to meet up with Adrian in Peebles, but Adrian heads to D.C. first to regroup and figure out what

    to do with Director Snider. He walks into his house to discover Snider sitting in his kitchen. After a briefgun showdown, Snider denies any involvement with the investigations that the Chosen have been

    researching. He also informs Adrian that Casey Christina is missing in Peebles. He also tells him that

    Velma Logan has been arrested by the FBI and sent to Jarvis Island Detention Camp because she killed

    an FBI agent in Lithuania. She was sent to a terrorist camp because she was a threat to the investigations

    of 2012. Adrian is then kicked off of the FBI and Snider leaves. Adrian is furious.

    Shortly thereafter, Cynthia Brand contacts Adrian with information that that Velma isnt on Jarvis Island,

    but she is in a Canadian detention camp on Oak Island, Nova Scotia. Adrian comes up with a plan and

    has Agent Foster, his partner, set up Adrian to look like a terrorist as he drives across the Canadian

    border. He gets himself arrested as a terrorist by Canada.

    Velma Logan: The Translator

    Velma Logan is a 68 year old former United Nations translator. She is fluent in just about every language

    and excelled at her career. She excelled until a company called Mercertech developed translation

    software that essentially made her job obsolete. Velma holds a grudge against the owner of Mercertech

    to this day. It just so happens that the owner is Abby Mercer, her future Chosen teammate.

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    Living in complete poverty in Harlem, New York City, Velma searches for work to no avail. No

    opportunities have come knocking on her door, but Cassandra Millerick did and had an offer Velma

    literally couldnt afford to pass up. Cassandra, after intentionally giving Velma a paper cut and collecting

    her blood sample on a tissue, offered Velma a way out of the slums and a chance to come face to face

    with Abby Mercer. Velma happily agreed to accept her offer.

    While working with the team, Velma went to California to research the Black Dahlia mystery, but moreimportantly confront Abby. Once there she realized that Abby has it just as bad as she does and they

    make amends without words, however, Abby tells Velma that it was the Benefactor that pushed her

    software into the hands of the U.N. thus causing Velma to lose her job. Needing the money offered to

    be a part of the team, Velma stays on.

    After having solved the JFK assassination, Velma, Casey and Adrian head to Lithuania to interrogate the

    real assassin. Velma goes along to translate and later stays behind to keep an eye on the assassin while

    Adrian and Casey head back to the United States. One night Velma was walking back to the hotel room

    alone and she noticed someone following her. When she picked up her pace so did the man. Having

    been recently attacked by a Man in Black in the hotel room with Casey and Adrian, she is scared and

    begins to run. The man eventually catches up to her so she turns and shoots him with the gun thatAdrian had left her with for protection. Velma killed him and realized that he was simply trying to catch

    up to her because she had dropped something that he was attempting to return. To make matters

    worse, he was an FBI agent. She was soon arrested by Director Snider himself and shipped off to a

    Canadian Detention camp. Last we saw her she is chained to a chair in a dark room and she was bruised

    and bloody. Thankfully, Cynthia Brand had found out her location in Canada and alerted Agent Rezek.

    Cynthia Brand: The Historian

    Sharing the only direct connection with any of the other Chosen, Cynthia is the mother of Agent

    Rezeks former fianc, Jacklyn. Having been married for a good part of the 53 years of her life, Cynthia is

    not a very likable woman. She says whats on her mind and has no problem in doing so. That is unless

    its to her ex-husband.

    Cynthia is first contacted by Cassandra while in a hospital room in Province, Rhode Island where she has

    been horribly beaten. Cynthias husband arrives and, in a very nonchalant way, nicely threatens Cynthia

    to remain quiet about something. Cassandra indirectly threatens Mr. Brand and asks him to leave.

    Cassandra continues to console Cynthia all the while hinting that she can help take care ofher husband

    as well as the secret he will divulge if she talks. Cynthia is taken back by the mention of this secret.

    Cassandra changes one of Cynthias bloody bandages and stuffs it in her purse while promising Cynthia

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    that if she joins the team she will solve all of Cynthias problems with her husband and make sure that

    the secret never comes out.

    Sometime later we see Cynthia in the Benefactors office along with the rest of the Chosen at the

    initial meeting. Cynthia and Adrian have tension between each other due to his leaving of her daughter

    at the alter and it is very apparent. She doesnt play a vital role throughout the initial investigations, but

    her role as Historian and Professor of History comes in handy quite often. It comes in handy especiallywell when her and Conor Vith go to West Virginia to investigate the Mothman Prophecies.

    Conor and Cynthia arrived in West Virginia and met a woman who claimed to have audio of an out-of-

    this-world-being that called her house warning her that in coming days a bridge would collapse killing

    several people. Cynthia, with all her charm, pushes the woman over the edge until eventually the

    woman gives them a name of someone who will make them believe. Cynthias bullying leads them to a

    man named Danny Ferguson. Danny admitted that the woman faked the recording for profit, but the

    bridge did actually collapse leaving many cargo trucks and their payload to fall into the river below.

    Danny and his father were fishing one day and came across several crates marked Classified. They

    took the crates home and opened them to reveal the set of the moon landing in 1969. Cynthia and

    Conor discovered that the moon landing was in fact faked. Conor rolled with this information whileCynthia headed back to New York.

    Cynthias role later became even more critical. Abby Mercer, who had been missing for quite some time

    now, contacted Cynthia and demanded a meeting in Van Courtland Park in the Bronx. Cynthia agreed

    and Abby informed her of the whereabouts of Velma Logan. Cynthia promptly called Adrian and

    informed him that Velma is on Oak Island in Canada. Meanwhile, Conor is running with the information

    they had obtained in West Virginia.

    Conor Vith: The Conspiracy Theorist

    34 year old Conor Vith is easily the most shadowy figure of the Chosen team. As the owner of a private

    investigation company, he can, and will, get every drop of information he sets out for even if it means

    torturing innocent people.

    Conor was the one teammate who Cassandra didnt have to seek out. Instead, he sought her out. It

    seems that Conor and Cassandra have been engaged in a love affair and, being the investigator that he

    is, found out about the Benefactors team that was being assembled. His acceptance into the team is

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    sealed in stone with a biting kiss from Cassandra, who blatantly wipes the blood from Conors lip and

    puts it in a test tube while he watches.

    While Conor is a very shadowy figure, he also seems to be very trustworthy. We see him within his

    home in a dark windowless room keeping tabs on all of the other teammates. At one point he goes to

    the Benefactor warning him that he suspects someone on the team is a traitor.

    In addition to solving the Mothman Mystery and discovering that the moon landing was faked, Conor

    also helped catch a Man in Black with Adrian. It was this encounter that left Adrian disgusted with

    Conor after Conor nearly beat the man to death in order to get information out of him. Of course, this

    wasnt the last time Conor uses torture to get what he wants.

    After much deliberation and investigation, Conor seeks out the last living member of the Apollo Missions

    to the moon to attempt to get information as to why the government would fake such a historic event.

    He tracks down David Scott who lives just outside the perimeters of the Kennedy Space Center in Cape

    Canaveral, Florida. Posing as a reporter from a New York paper, Conor visits Scott who was on the Apollo

    15 mission to the moon in 1971. After some niceties and lemonade, Conor gets down to business and

    informs Scott of why he is truly there; he wants the truth about the initial landing on the moon. Scott

    doesnt comply so Conor threatens him with sodium pentothal. Fearful of the pain, Scott complies and

    explains to Conor that they went to the moon to look for the 3rd prophecy, but couldnt let the world

    know that this was their true intention. The initial moon landing and search was a failure, so the

    following Apollo missions were all attempts to locate the 3rd prophecy. He also tells him that they

    actually found it on the moon during his mission, Apollo 15. Conor is absolutely floored by this, but not

    as floored as when Scott later reveals that not only did D.B. Cooper, the man who hijacked a passenger

    jet in 1971 and then parachute out of it somewhere over Washington state to go missing and never

    found, steal the 3rd prophecy, but the current space launch about to take place in front of their eyes is

    another attempt to go to the moon in search of the 1st

    prophecy. Scott was transporting the 3rd

    prophecy to Area 51 in Peebles, Ohio when it was stolen, but the prophecy wasnt the only thing stolen

    in Peebles. Casey Christina was.

    Casey Christina: The Journalist

    Australian born Casey Christina has climbed the media ladder rather rapidly in Perth, Australia being the

    youngest and most prized investigative journalist and news anchor at the age of 34. Though she has all

    of this talent and fame, Casey is still not happy with the second rate market that Perth offers. Casey

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    wants to anchor the news in Sydney, Australia. After getting into constant fights with her editor, Casey

    threatens to quit, but for once her editor has good news for the woman who delivers the news; there is

    a woman from New York City who wants Casey to become the lead reporter for the national news on a

    major network. Sure enough, this woman is Cassandra Millerick. After pricking Caseys finger with her

    ring to get a blood sample, Cassandra has Casey sign a contract, but first Casey is contractually obligated

    to work for the Benefactor for a years time. Casey accepts and she flies off to New York City.

    Casey and Agent Rezek seem to hit it off rather quickly, but not as quickly as she gains the attention

    from a smitten Simon Draven. Repulsed by Draven, Casey takes on the Black Dahlia case which leads her

    to Lithuania with Velma Logan and Adrian. After having been nearly killed, she decides to head back to

    the States with Adrian and later decides to head to Area 51 in Peebles, Ohio on her own after Adrian tips

    her off about some shady happenings there.

    Upon arrival, Casey goes to a bar and starts asking local town people about Peebles being Area 51. The

    townsfolk all scowl at her and most leave the bar at the mention of it. A woman named Ruth steps up

    and doesnt seem to be too terribly afraid of the subject. Casey gets Ruth drunk and her plan works

    because Ruth spills her guts and eventually offers to take Casey to the actual site. Casey cant believe

    what she sees. Looking down on the tarmac of a giant aviation facility are what appear to be UFOs. Indisbelief, she calls Adrian, but he doesnt answer and she leaves a message. Just then, someone comes

    up from behind and knocks both her and Ruth out.

    Several days go by and she is still missing. Her French fianc, Oliver Lamanche, visits the Benefactor and

    threatens him to find Casey. He tells the Benefactor that if she is hurt, he will pay. The next time we see

    Casey she is holding a knife to Senator Arthur Kensingtons neck in his hotel room in Peebles and she

    looks crazed. However, according to Cassandras many blood samples, Casey isnt the only teammate

    who could be crazed.

    Jeremy Kozlak: The Nobody

    A 26 year old alcoholic college drop-out doesnt seem to be vital to the Chosen team, however the

    Benefactor assures Jeremy that his role is just as important as everyone elses in the overall scheme of


    Jeremy woke up in a daze to find Cassandra Millerick wiping blood from his face, and subsequently

    putting it in her bag, in a jail cell in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Not knowing where he is or why he is there,

    Cassandra fills him in. She shows him his rap sheet which states that Jeremy was being investigated for

    1stdegree murder. What Jeremy doesnt know is that Cassandra had switched his original rap sheet that

    states Probable Assault with this forgery. Cassandra promises Jeremy that she will clear him of all

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    charges as long as he sobers up and comes joins the team she is creating. Without hesitation and fear

    that his parents would find out about his charges, he promptly agrees.

    While in New York, Jeremy is out to dinner with Nick and he spots a beautiful woman from across the

    room. Nick discourages Jeremy from getting involved and Jeremy heeds his advice. The two of them

    seem to hit it off quite well.

    The next day the two of them take off to Philadelphia to investigate the Philadelphia Experiment. This is

    where they meet Henry, the man who claimed to have been on the ship that disappeared in the 40s,

    but appears to only be in his 40s himself. Jeremy is quite shaken by the car bomb that killed Henry in

    front of his eyes. The two return to New York and Jeremy runs into the woman he saw earlier. The two

    of them hit it off and Jeremy winds up lying in bed with the woman, Beth, while looking at an empty

    whiskey bottle on the dresser.

    The next morning Cassandra informs Jeremy of some very bad news. Her blood samples have finally

    come into play and she informs Jeremy that he has CreutzfeldtJakob Disease. CJD is an incurable and

    inevitably fatal disease that causes dementia, hallucinations and forgetfulness. Jeremy refuses to believe

    this and storms out of the office. He goes on a date with Beth later that night and swears that he sees

    Henry, the man who blew up, walking in the crowd in Times Square. After following Henry to a side

    street, Jeremy turns him around and we see that this man is a stranger and not Henry. Jeremy feels that

    he has hallucinated due to CJD reports back to Cassandra and she suggests that he go get tested.

    After Nick quit the team, Jeremy heads to Nicks mothers house in search of him. When Meredith,

    Nicks mother, opens the door she acts surprised to see Jeremy standing there and calls him by name

    despite the fact she has never met him. She then slams the door in his face and he leaves. Once Nicks

    family is returned after their kidnapping ordeal, Nick throws a party and invites Jeremy, Beth and

    Jeremys cousin, Victor, to a party at his house. Here Jeremy comes in contact once again with Meredith

    and she claims she knows him because she did business with his mother in the past. Nick doesnt buy

    this excuse, but Jeremy does. What makes the situation stranger is that Meredith takes a shining to

    Victor and the two are basically inseparable the rest of the night. The next morning Nick finds Bethsnooping through his bedroom drawers and when asked, she gives him the excuse that she is looking for

    a shirt to wear on the trip back to the city. On the trip back we see Beth in the back seat of the car

    looking at a photo scrapbook that she had stolen out of Nicks wardrobe. Her face shows total shock as

    she looks up from a photo of Nick and his ex-girlfriend, Danni, and then at Jeremy. The real question is

    who is Beth, why did she steal this scrapbook and why does she look like shes in disbelief?


    Sometimes known as The Manuscripts, The Scrolls or The Tablets, The Prophecies have been

    touched upon throughout the season so far. So what are they?

    Simply put, they are stone tablets that have randomly appeared on the moon and falling from the sky in

    Roswell, New Mexico which have very strange markings on them that resemble some sort of code that

    translates into prophecies of future events. While one can decipher each individual tablet by itself, it

    takes all three put together to tell the full story and explain their full meaning.

    Little else is known about them other than the fact that they are obviously desired by such groups as the

    US government, these Men in Black, D.B. Cooper, various world governments and most of all, the

    Benefactor, Erik Jan Hanussen. What these groups or people want to do with the tablets is unknown

    and their origins are just as much a mystery as the tablets themselves.

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    What we do know is that throughout history the tablets are somehow connected to various unsolved

    mysteries from around the globe in one way or another. It seems that the only way to find them is to

    prove or disprove the chain of mysteries that all appear to be linked together themselves.


    Cassandra Millerick: The Lawyer Director William Snider: The Boss Jacob Winston: The MIB

    Jackson Weber: The Wildcard Agent David Foster: The Partner Nicholas Tesla: The Con

    Beth Price: The Love Interest Arthur Kensington: The Senator April Mercer: The Crazy

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    Danni: The First Love Henry Galveston: The Time-Traveler Meredith Tesla: The Mother

    Victor Kozlak: The Cousin Eduardo Tagalog: The Nephew Paula Tesla: The Good Wife

    Oliver Lamanche: The Fianc Scott David: The Astronaut Mr. Brand: The Wife Beater

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    Yvette: The Assassin Jacklyn Brand: The Ex-Fiance Paulette Exon: The Widow

    Mrs. Draven: The Abuser Emilia Tagalog: The Prostitute The Symbol

    The Chosen