The Chinese Ancient Carpet Exhibition Was Held in Gansu Painting Academy

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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Transcript of The Chinese Ancient Carpet Exhibition Was Held in Gansu Painting Academy

The Chinese Ancient Carpet Exhibition Was Held in Gansu Painting AcademyIn July 25th, sponsored by the Gansu Collection Association and the Yellow River Culture Committee and other units, the "China Ancient Carpet Exhibition" opened at Gansu Art Academy. This exhibition displayed more than one hundred antique carpeta with different styles and superb product phase, attracting many collection lovers.It is understood that China ancient carpet can be divided into two categories: one category is the antique carpet (over 100 years old carpet), which has a very high collection value; another category is the imitation antique carpet, which is a kind of new carpet woven based on ancient carpet and made of pure wool and pure silk.The Chairman of Gansu Collection Association, Bao Jian said, the ancient carpets displayed this time are very old, including the red brown carpet "Swan Goose" produced in 17 Century in Beijing area, "Eight Horses" produced in 20 Century in Baotou area of Inner Mongolia, and very valuable "Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix" produced in the 19 Century in Xinjiang area. Such a massive ancient carpet thematic exhibition is very rare in the country. The carpet displayed in the exhibition integrated the culture of northwest minority ethnic groups and the culture of the Han ethnic group and Western culture into a single hole, reflecting the splendid culture of ancient Silk Road in Gansu province. The industry insider says Antique Carpet Collection in recent years has been very popular and hot, as an ancient handicrafts, handmade carpet itself combines practicality and artistry as one, which has more folk culture value than its artistic value.Article source: