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Transcript of THE CELEBRATION OF THE RITE OF SOLEMN PROFESSION IN …Presider Very Rev. John F. O’Connor, O.F.M....




Solemn Profession August 2010.in1 1 8/9/2010 8:43:49 AM

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In Gratitude to Almighty Godthe Order of Friars Minor

Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesusjoyfully celebrates the

Solemn Professionof their Brothers

Robert J. Lentz, O.F.M.Cidouane C. Joseph, O.F.M.

Paul Richard O’Keeffe, O.F.M.Erick LopÉz, O.F.M.

on Saturday,the twenty-first of August

two thousand and tenat eleven o’clock in the morning

Church of Saint Francis of Assisi135 West 31st Street

New York City

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� Ministers of the Liturgy

Presider Very Rev. John F. O’Connor, O.F.M. Provincial Minister, Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus

Assisted by Rev. Dominic V. Monti, O.F.M. Provincial Vicar and Secretary for Formation & Studies

Rev. Francis J. Di Spigno, O.F.M. Director of Post-Novitiate Formation

Lectors Yanett López Jean Max Henry

Altar Ministry Br. Francis Critch, O.F.M.Br. Daniel Horan, O.F.M.Br. Jeffrey Jordan, O.F.M.

Br. Michael Reyes, O.F.M.

Eucharistic Ministers Mark O’Keeffe Theresa O’Keeffe Pamela O’Keeffe Walsh

Belle Garrett, O.S.F.

Gift Bearers John and Angela O’KeeffeRyan O’KeeffeMaggie Walsh

Masters of Ceremonies Rev. Br. Christopher Coccia, O.F.M. Rev. Timothy J. Shreenan, O.F.M.

Ministers of Music Meredith Augustin (Director) Peter Adamczyk (Organist)

Liam Mulligan (Cantor)The St. Francis Choir & Instrumental Ensemble

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�Entrance Rite

Processional Hymn The Summons

Text: John L. Bell, b. 1949, © 1987, Iona Community, GIA Publications, Inc., agentTune: KELVINGROVE, 7 6 7 6 777 6; Scottish traditional; arr. by John L. Bell, © 1987, Iona Community, GIA Publications, Inc., agentReprinted under A-700527.

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� Penitential Rite

© 1988, GIA Publications. Reprinted under A-700527.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading (Proclaimed in Spanish) 1 Samuel 3: 3-10, 19

Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.

Gloria Mass of LightDavid Haas

Samuel was sleeping in the temple of the Lord where the ark of God was. The Lord called to Samuel, who answered, “Here I am.” He ran to Eli and said, “Here I am. You called me.” “I did not call you,” Eli said. “Go back to sleep.” So he went back to sleep.

Again the Lord called Samuel, who rose and went to Eli. “Here I am,” he said. “You called me.” But he answered, “I did not call you, my son. Go back to sleep.” At that time Samuel was not familiar with the Lord, because the Lord had not revealed anything to him as yet.

The Lord called Samuel again, for the third time. Getting up and going to Eli, he said, “Here I am. You called me.” Then Eli understood that the Lord was calling the youth. So he said to Samuel, “Go to sleep, and if you are called, reply, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.’“ When Samuel went to sleep in his place, the Lord came and revealed his presence, calling out as before, “Samuel, Samuel!” Samuel answered, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”

Samuel grew up, and the Lord was with him, not permitting any word of his to be without effect.

Le jeune Samuel couchait dans le temple du Seigneur, où se trouvait l’arche de Dieu. Le Seigneur appeal Samuel, qui répondit: «Me voici!» Il courut vers le prêtre Éli, et il dit: «Tu m’as appelé, me voici.» Éli répondit: «Je ne t’ai pas appelé. Retourne te coucher.» L’enfant alla se coucher. De nouveau le Seigneur appeal Samuel. Et Samuel se leva. Il alla auprès d’Éli, et il dit: «Tu m’as appelé, me voici.» Éli répondit: «Je ne t’ai pas appelé, mon fils. Retourne te coucher.» Samuel ne connaissait pas encoure le Seigneur, et la parole du Seigneur ne lui avait pas encore été révélée.

Une troisième fois le Seugneur appel Samuel. Celui-ci se leva. Il alla auprès d’Éli, et il dit: «Tu m’as appelé, me voici.» Alors Éli comprit que c’était le Seigneur qui appelait l’enfant, et il lui dit: «Retourne te coucher, et si l’on t’appelle, tu diras: ‘Parle, Seigneur, ton serviteur écoute’.» Samuel retourna se coucher. Le Seigneur vint se placer près de lui et il appeal comme les autres fois: «Samuel! Samuel!» et Samuel répondit: «Parle, ton serviteur écoute.»

Samuel grandit. Le Seigneur était avec lui, et aucune de ses paroles ne demeura sans effet.

Palabra de Dios.Te alabamos, Señor.

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Gospel Acclamation Mass of Light

© 1988, GIA Publications. Reprinted under A-700527.

Second Reading (Proclaimed in French) Acts 4: 32-35

They were of one heart and mind.

Response to the Reading Psalm 40: Here I AmRory Cooney

© 1971, 1991, OCP Publications. Reproduced with permission under license #U5281, LicenSingOnline.

Long was I waiting for God,and then he heard my cry.It was he who taught this song to me,a song of praise to God.

You asked me not for sacrifice,for slaughtered goats or lambs.No, my heart,you gave me ears to hear you,then I said, “Here I am.”

You wrote it in the scrolls of lawwhat you would have me do.Doing that is what has made my happy,your law is in my heart.

I spoke before your holy people,the good news that you save.Now you know that I will not be silent,I’ll always sing your praise.

They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers. Awe came upon everyone, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their property and possessions and divide them among all according to each one’s need. Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple area and to breaking bread in their homes. They ate their meals with exultation and sincerity of heart, praising God and enjoying favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.

Todos los hermanos acudían asiduamente a escuchar las enseñanzas de los apóstoles, vivían en communion fraternal y se congregaban para orar en común y celebrar la fracción del pan. Toda la gente estaba llena de asombro y de temor, al ver los milagros y prodigios que los apóstoles hacían en Jerusalén.

Todo los creyentes vivían unidos y lo tenían todo en común. Los que eran dueños de bienes o propiedades los vendían, y el producto era distribuido entre todos, según las necesidades de cada uno. Diariamente se reunion en el templo, y en las casas partían el pan y comían juntos, con alegría y sencillez de corazón. Alababan a Dios y toda la gente los estimaba. Y el Señor aumentaba cada día el número de los que habían de salvarse.

Parole du Seigneur.Nous rendons grâce à Dieu.

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� Gospel John 15: 9-17

No one has greater love than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

The Rite of Profession

Calling of the Candidates Request for Profession Candidates: We ask that by professing the rule and life of the Order of Friars Minor we may be able to follow the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ and with his holy grace follow in his footsteps all the days of our lives. ALL: Thanks be to God! Homily Examination of the Candidates Invitation to Prayer

Litany of the Saints (Kneel) John D. Becker

Jésus disait à ses disciples: «Comme le Père m’a aimé, moi aussi je vous ai aimés. Demeurez dans mon amour. Si vous êtes fidèles à mes commandements, vous demeurerez dans mon amour, comme moi, j’ai gardé fidèlement les commandements de mon Père, et je demeure dan son amour. Je vous aid it cela pour que ma joie soit en vous, et qu vous soyez comblés de joie.

Mon commandement, le voici: aimez-vous les uns les autres comme je vous ai aimés. Il n’y a pas de plus grand amour que de donner sa vie pour ses amis. Vous êtes mes amis si vous faites ce que je vous commande. Je ne vous appelle plus serviteurs, car le serviteur ignore ce que veut faire son maître; maintenant, je vous appelle mes amis, car tout ce que j’ai appris de mon Père, je vous l’ai fait connaître. Ce n’est pas vous qui m’avez choisi, c’est moi qui vous ai choisis et établis afin que vous parties, que vous donniez du fruit, et que votre fruit demeure. Alors, tout ce que vous demanderez au Père en mon nom, il vous l’accordera. Ce que je vous commande, c’est de vous aimer les uns les autres.»

Jesús dijo a sus discípulos: «Como el Padre me ama, así los amo yo. Permanezcan en mi amor. Si cumplen mis mandamientos, permanecen en mi amor; lo mismo que yo cumplo los mandamientos de mi Padre y permanezco en su amor. Les he dicho esto para que mi alegría esté en ustedes y su alegría sea plena.

Este es mi mandamiento: que se amen los unos a los otros como yo los he amado. Nadie tiene amor más grande a sus amigos que el que da la vida por ellos. Ustedes son mis amigos, si hacen lo que yo les mando. Ya no los llamo siervos, porque el siervo no sabe lo que hace su amo; a ustedes los llamo amigos, porque les he dado a conocer todo lo que le he oído a mi Padre.

No son ustedes los que me han elegido, soy yo quien los ha elegido y los ha destinado para que vayan y den fruto y su fruto permanezca, de modo que el Padre les conceda cuanto le pidan en mi nombre. Esto es lo que les mando: que se amen los unos a los otros».


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Liturgy of the Eucharist

Song during the Preparation of the Altar Sacred CreationRufino Zaragoza, O.F.M.

Profession of Vows Prayer of Consecration Fraternal Embrace Pax vobiscum Sigfrid Karg-Elert, 1877-1933

© 1987, John D. Becker. Published by OCP Publications. Reproduced with permission under license #U5281, LicenSingOnline.

Text: Based on the Canticle of Brother Sun by St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226), and the inspiration of Louis Vitale, O.F.M., by Rufino Zaragoza, O.F.M.© 1990, Rufino Zaragoza, O.F.M. Published by OCP Publications. Reproduced with permission under license #U5281, LicenSingOnline.

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© 1984, GIA Publications. Reprinted under A-700527.

Memorial Acclamation Mass of Creation

Holy, Holy, Holy Mass of CreationMarty Haugen

Please remain STANDING throughout the Eucharistic Prayer.

Great Amen Mass of Creation

© 1984, GIA Publications. Reprinted under A-700527.

© 1984, GIA Publications. Reprinted under A-700527.

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��Lamb of God Now the Feast and CelebrationMarty Haugen

© 1990, GIA Publications. Reprinted under A-700527.

Music during Communion We Come to Your FeastMichael Joncas

1. We place upon your table a gleaming cloth of white: the weaving of our stories, the fabric of our lives; the dreams of those before us, the ancient hopeful cries, the promise of our future: our needing and our nurture lie here before our eyes. (Refrain next page)

2. We place upon your table a humble loaf of bread: the gift of field and hillside, the grain by which we’re fed; we come to taste the presence of him on whom we feed, to strengthen and connect us, to challenge and correct us, to love in word and deed. (Refrain next page)

3. We place upon your table a simple cup of wine: the fruit of human labor, the gift of sun and vine; we come to taste the presence of him we claim as Lord, his dying and his living, his leading and his giving, his love in cup outpoured. (Refrain next page)

4. We gather ’round your table, we pause within our quest, we stand beside our neighbors, we name the stranger “guest.” The feast is spread before us; you bid us come and dine: in blessing we’ll uncover, in sharing we’ll discover your substance and your sign. (Refrain next page)

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Spirit and GraceRicky Manalo, C.S.P.

© 2006, Ricky Manalo, C.S.P. Published by OCP Publications. Reproduced with permission under license #U5281, LicenSingOnline.

v© 1994, GIA Publications. Reprinted under A-700527.

1. Spirit and grace, here in this meal; you are the wind that breathes through the field. Gather the wheat and form us in Christ. Come, be our source and breath of life.

2. Spirit and grace, here in this meal; you are the life that flows through the vine. Gather this drink and form us in Christ. Come, be our source and blood of life.

3. Spirit and grace, here in this place; you are the light that shines in this space. Gather your people and form us in Christ. Come, be the heartbeat of our lives.

4. Spirit of God, sending us forth; we spread your wisdom throughout all the earth. Gather the nations and form us in Christ. Come, be the presence in our lives.

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��Hymn of Praise (Stand) We Are CalledDavid Haas

Postlude Bourée in A MajorG. F. Handel, 1685-1759

© 1988, GIA Publications. Reprinted under A-700527.

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A Note of Thanks

In our gratitude and joy to almighty God, who has led us in love and wisdom to this day, we give thanks and praise. The journey to this moment began with our families. You have been our first evangelizers and proclaimed the Word of God to us by the way you lived. You have shaped us into the men God has called us to be. We are forever grateful to our families who formed us in the faith, most especially our parents:

Robert and Mary LentzMercilia Saint Louis and Lauriston Joseph

John and Angela O’KeeffeRafael López and María Luisa Martínez

This journey continued as we were received into religious life in the Order of Friars Minor. Here we were guided by our brothers, who by their courageous and faithful witness, have provided for us examples of what it means to witness to the Word of God and to serve God’s people.

The journey to this moment also brought us to Duns Scotus College, Holy Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Monastery, Washington Theological Union, Howard University, and the Georgetown University CPE Program. At each of these institutions our professors, ministerial supervisors, spiri-tual mentors, and classmates modeled what it means to be a Church led by the Holy Spirit through countless examples of faith seeking understanding.

During these years we were also shaped and formed by the laymen and women with whom we min-istered. To all of you, we are eternally indebted for your gifts of time, talent, and faith which have enriched us and helped us in our journey.

We would especially like to thank the friars, staff, and parishioners of the Church of Saint Francis of Assisi in New York City for their hospitality and warmth in hosting this celebration.

To all the men and women who have journeyed with us, we say thank you; may God grant you bless-ings and peace. Amen! Alleluia!

Robert, Cid, Paul and Erick


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The Icon of Saint Francis

Robert Lentz, O.F.M. painted the icon of St. Francis used in today’s liturgy and provided the following reflection.

In the midst of the pomp and circumstance of this ceremony, we pause to remember that our found-er was a profoundly simple man who rejoiced to be a holy fool. Here he juggles three gold balls to entertain the Holy Trinity and all the heavenly court. Here the precious and the playful are brought together in a uniquely Franciscan way. Divine light streams from his face and garments, and Pente-costal flames mark his forehead.

We make our solemn vows only once, but, like jugglers, we must hold them in dynamic balance the rest of our lives. We pray that we will do this gracefully, true fools for Christ, like St. Francis.

The inscription in the upper right corner of the icon is Arabic for “St. Francis.” We chose Arabic in-stead of other possible languages, to remember the suffering peoples of the Middle East, peoples dear to the heart of our founder.

© Holy Name Province, Robert Lentz, O.F.M. Image available from Trinity

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