The Causes of Chad Barnard Brock Bricker Seth Lowery Camrin Stuckey.

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Transcript of The Causes of Chad Barnard Brock Bricker Seth Lowery Camrin Stuckey.

The Causes of

Chad BarnardBrock BrickerSeth LoweryCamrin Stuckey

The Main Causes

Defense Alliances




Assassination of Archduke

Defense Alliances An alliance is an agreement made between

two or more countries to give each other help if it is needed. When an alliance is signed, those countries become known as Allies.

Central Powers

Allied Powers

Central Powers The Dual Alliance - 1879

Germany and Austria-Hungary made an alliance to protect themselves from Russia

The Triple Alliance – 1882 Germany and Austria- Hungary made an alliance

with Italy to stop Italy from taking sides with Russia

Allied Powers Franco-Russian Alliance – 1894

Russia formed an alliance with France to protect herself against Germany and Austria-Hungary

Entente Cordiale – 1904 This was an agreement, but not a formal alliance,

between France and Britain. Anglo-Russian Entente – 1907

This was an agreement between Britain and Russia Triple Entente – 1907

This was made between Russia, France and Britain to counter the increasing threat from Germany.

(no separate peace) - 1914


Both Germany and Frances armies doubled between 1870 and 1914.

All the members of the Triple Entente held secret police talk.

Everyone knew a war was going to start because all the countries were building up their army.

Militarism is the increasing of power and strength in a country’s military.

As a major part of militarism, each country’s militaries created new and more

efficient weapons for killing and to help turn the tide of war.


GrenadesMachine Guns

Poison Gas



Airplanes Were used almost strictly for

reconnaissance but eventually were equipped with machine guns leading to dog fights.

Submarines A new type of aquatic, vehicular weapon

used solely by Germany to stealthily ambush enemy navy ships.


Used more as a heavily armored troop transport across no man’s land rather than an offensive weapon, it changed warfare forever as machine guns could not penetrate its armor.

Poison Gas One of the most feared weapons on both

sides during WW1, it was used from far away distances to suffocate and kill the unsuspecting enemy. It was a very painful way to die.

Machine Guns Rapid-fire rifles that fired hundreds of rounds

per minute and cut advancing enemies down like twigs across no man’s land from trenches. One machine-gunner could take on hundreds of troops with his feeder.

Grenades Hand explosives thrown by soldiers as anti-

infantry and anti-vehicle weapons. Much more advanced and efficient than the previous forms of grenades that had been created.

Flamethrowers An extremely deadly weapon that burned

its victims alive and engraved fear in the enemy.

Imperialism It is when countries increase their power and

wealth by bringing additional territories under their control.

A desire for foreign markets drove European nations into a competition. Britain, France, and Germany were the main competitors.


England’s Indian Trade

In Africa

England’s Indian Trade

England also controlled Australia

Nationalism It is a strong supporter of the rights and interests

of one's country. Also known as patriotism for one’s country. Citizens of each country wanted to have freedom

and not to be under the rule of other countries. Many country’s people became united to regain

lost territory from past years. When some men in a town or community joined

the army, others who had not joined felt obligated to less they be humiliated and practically banished from the town.

Assassination of the Archduke Occurred on June 28, 1914 in Sarajevo, Bosnia Franz Ferdinand, Archduke and heir to the

Austro-Hungarian throne, and wife Sophie were killed while visiting imperial troops

The killer, Gavrilo Princip fired two shots at the Archduke’s limo on it’s way to a hospital A first attempt involving grenades by other

assassins against the Archduke’s life had failed Led to Austria-Hungary’s declaration of war

against SerbiaThe Victims ** The Assassin

The Victims

Franz Ferdinand 1863 – 1914 Was a supporter of freedom to all ethnic groups in the

Empire Tensions rose as neighboring Serbia attempted to

establish its empire despite numerous confrontations from Austria-Hungary

Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg 1863 – 1914 According to Gavrilo Princip, her bullet was intended

for General Oskar Potiorek, who was also there

The Assassin Gavrilo Princip 1894 – 1918

Was 19 when he killed Ferdinand and Sophie

One of six members of the Black Hand society to take part in the plot, which was a secret association with the intention of uniting territories annexed by Austria-Hungary

The war began soon after the assassination

Died in prison of tuberculosis

War Breaks Out – June 28, 1914 The assassination of

the Archduke was the straw that broke the camel’s back as the first world war commenced and alliance systems soon went into place.