The Causes and Consequences about Climate Change What do you already know about climate change?

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Transcript of The Causes and Consequences about Climate Change What do you already know about climate change?

The Causes and Consequences about

Climate Change

What do you already know about climate change?

Climate Change

Global Warming

Greenhouse Effect

The Greenhouse effect The earth is surrounded by a layer of

gases including carbon dioxide. These keep the earth warm by

preventing the escape of heat that would normally be lost from the atmosphere

The gases act rather like the glass in a greenhouse. They let heat in but prevent most of it from getting out.

How do the gases trap heat?

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Global Warming The world is now warmer than it

has been for many thousands of years. Some scientists believe that in the future it will get even hotter. This is called global warming and may cause serious problems on our planet.

This causes world temp to go up!

“Graph Showing Carbon Dioxide Levels (1700-2100)”

Carbon Dioxide levels (1750 = 100 units)

1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000







1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100




How can climate change?

Climate change is triggered because of the fact that the earth is warmer than it used to be. Some people think that this will mean the world gets warmer . . . But some parts will also get cooler.

Watch the video to see the different effects that could happen as a result ot Climate changing!

What are the effects of Global Warming?

England’s coastline could be flooded if global warming continues…

Effects of Global warming Nobody knows the exact effects some

things that may happen could be: Polar ice caps and glaciers would start to

melt as temperatures increased Low lying areas would be flooded Some plants and animals would become

extinct Heating and energy bills could be


Northern ports become ice free


Rise in Sea Level

Decrease in fishing catch

Poor rice crop

Short term winters, long dry summers

Increase in farming

Decrease in grain harvest