THE CATALYST GAMES 2018 · Design a special T-shirt or have a free give away with a minimum...

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Transcript of THE CATALYST GAMES 2018 · Design a special T-shirt or have a free give away with a minimum...

THE CATALYST GAMES 2018Vendor Success Guide

The Catalyst Games brings together hundreds of functional fitness athletes and with them come family, loved ones, friends and co-workers to support and

encourage their athlete through a tough day of competition.  Every one of the 1200+ in attendance the day of the event loves our vendors that come out for the

event…and we love our vendors too!

We decided to put together a guide with some tips for success for you all.  We know the challenges that come along with setting up at events, the travel, the cost, working on your weekend!  We also love to hear from vendors like Church

Street Coffee and Tango Charlie Apparel that setting up at The Catalyst Games was one of the most successful events they’ve ever done…that is frickin awesome!

The better experience our vendors have the more likely they are to come back, the

better vendor set up we have, the more fun our attendees have, the more likely they are to come back.  We recognize that this is a symbiotic relationship between

all of us and we want to do little bit to help improve everyones experience and success.

So we are spreading the love with tips from some of our veteran vendors that can

really help you get the most value out of being a vendor at The Catalyst Games.  Let's make your hard work and planning translate into better customer

relationships, acquiring new customers and hitting some great sales numbers all while having a blast at a fun event.

As always if you have any follow up questions please don't hesitate to reach out

and ask, or

#1 Commit Early and Cross Promote

We begin planning The Catalyst Games for the upcoming year shortly after the previous event ends which means that we typically start reaching out to vendors6-9 months before the event.  In the time leading up to the event we promote

our vendors as they commit.  So the earlier you are on board the earlier we begin to cross promote your business along with the event.

The more spectators that show up and the more athletes that sign up to participate the more customers you have in front of you…encourage those in your circles to also attend, it helps you to be more successful and definitely adds to the energy in the room which is great for everyone. 

Follow The Catalyst Games on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and share promotional posts. 

Hang Catalyst Games posters in your business. 

Promote the event to your current clients.

#2Create special deals or promotional products only available at the event

We know that everyone loves to feel special or important and as though they have access to some cool experience or product that is a "limited edition" or

designated for a select group.  Having a unique offering that your customers canonly acquire at the Catalyst Games is a huge way to help drive traffic to your

business the day of the event.

Design a special T-shirt or have a free give away with a minimum purchase only at Catalyst Games (shaker bottle, jump rope, etc)

Create a special product (for example a coffee company could create the “Catalyst Blend…change your coffee” 

Don’t forget to market these exclusive items so your customers know where to get it. 

If it helps share the information with us, we are happy to help promote it as well, both through social media and directly to our athlete email list.

#3Have enough staff with you the day

of to leave your tableWe know that manning these vendor set ups for a full day event can be a lot , ontop of travel, set up, the prep before and the re-organization after.  Having a littl

extra help not only relieves some of your workload but it also allows you to get away from your table and engage with all of the attendees, which can be incredib

valuable for your business when done well.

Our most successful vendors do this…3-4 people working so that 1-2 can be walking around talking to spectators & athletes, giving out promotional items (i.e. PLN had great success driving traffic with cards for a free or discounted shake) 

This also makes the day more enjoyable and less stressful for you, which in turn helps make it more fun to engage with your customers.

We know this can be tough, especially if you are on a fixed budget and can’t afford to pay 6 people for a full day of work…they don’t have to be there all day, it can be in shifts, be creative with how you structure it.

#4Have a professional display

that sets you apart!

Rolling in with a folding table and throwing some T-shirts on it is not going to compete well when other vendors have taken the time to bring displays such as the Tango Charlie/Recon Rings set up pictured below...think about the vendors you want to check out at event, what do their set ups look like?

#5Have a challenge, game or give away

that draws people to your table!

We have seen vendors bring games like corn hole, set up physical challenges and do a variety of drawings for free give-aways.  Remember it doesn't always have to be something directly related to your product or service.

Ultimately the giveaway should align with your business but we have seen apparel companies give away Yeti Coolers, food/beverage companies give away gym equipment, etc.  

Be creative and make sure that part of entry requires them to enter contact information with you...the email lists after the event are invaluable for many of our past vendors.

We have even seen vendors bring fun props for photos and having people post a pic with a specific hashtag on social media of their new purchase in order to be entered into some sort of drawing.

#6Have a post event marketing plan ready to implement following The Catalyst Games

If you have been strategic about collecting emails from all of your customers on the day of the event as well as anyone who participated in a challenge or give away then strike while the iron is hot.  

We have a number of veteran vendors who tell us that they always see a spike in sales immediately following our event as well as the obvious day of sales.  Leverage that interest with a new release, or some sort of follow up deal that drives more customers to your business.  

Give away a $20 gift card with every $100 purchase that can be used after theevent.

Use the code CATALYST to allow people to get access to special limited editiongear online.  

Anything goes, be smart and creative about how to best serve your business!


This probably seems like common sense but you would be surprised by how many people set their table up, sit down and then don't interact with anyone unless the individual approaches them first.  This aligns with having enough staff, our best performing vendors typically have staff that are out mingling with the athletes and spectators, chatting them up, maybe even handing out

some sort of perk...for example Project Lean Nation had staff out and about all day chatting with people and giving them 50% coupons for shakes.

Engage with your


Give them a reason to

visit you!

#8 Connect with other vendors

Many of our vendors have gotten as much or more value thorugh connecting with other businesses at Catalyst Games events.  Think about the businesses that align well with you or that you view as successful, perhaps there is room

for a partnership or cross promotion.  Some may even be willing to sit and chat prior to the event so you could strategize together.  Regardless remember that

making those other professional connections can be just as valuable and important as moving merchandise and acquiring new customers.

Making meaningful professional connections can positively impact your business for years to come!

Collaborate on a special give away or create a unique collaborative product...i.e. Tango Charlie and Project Lean Nation could work together to create a custom cooler bag for your meals.  It relates to both companies but

is a unique offering.

Ultimately we want each and every one of our vendors at Catalyst Game store have a wildly successful day, we can only do so much to help cross promote and

encourage people to seek your business out.  You need to put the work in to make it as successful as possible, we hope that the information in this packet

can help you to do just that!

Be creative and think outside of the box on how to best leverage your participation in this years awesome Catalyst Games event.  Remember should

you have any questions during your planning please reach out via or email,

To another fun, successful and profitable year for our 2018 Catalyst Games Vendors!!!  Can't wait to see you all there.