THE CANNON - Constant · planning our...

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As you will read on the upcoming pages, „Big Tings a Gwaan‟ for Titchfield at home while South Florida continues to do „fi we likkle bit‟ abroad. In the three months since our last issue of the Cannon we‟ve re-grouped and are busy planning our two major 2017 fundraising events, the first of which will be the Portie Dance on May 27th, Memorial Day weekend. This year we‟ve decided to forego the Sunday Picnic due to the myriad of events in town that holiday weekend and the negative impact it has had on the Picnic attendance over the past few years. That being said, we‟re excited about hosting this annual event and look forward to seeing you at the Saturday night informal dance. After a hiatus last year, our Columbus Day Weekend Jamboree will be back in full swing in October so plan on being here for the 3-day weekend of activities, Friday thru Sunday. I hope that you read, enjoy and share this newsletter that we publish quarterly. I would encourage you to contribute articles, announcements/achievements, stories/memories, recipes, jokes/riddles/puzzles, etc. etc. to help keep this publication alive; it‟s another medium for us to stay connected. If you love a good Bun & Cheese sandwich, check out our Ad below. Whitfield Buns…good quality, great taste, not too sweet, melts in your mouth. I have personally kept mine (unopened) in the freezer and even after a year it‟s just as fresh and maybe even nicer! So buy a couple as you‟re guaranteed to cut into it before Easter…sorry, we only have Bun so nuh badda ask weh di cheese deh!!! Easter reminds us that hope must never be lost for as dark as the road may seem, there‟s always light at the end of it. This Easter, may all your prayers be fulfilled, may you find contentment in little things, and may your faith in the Lord be restored. I wish you and your loved ones the renewal of love, happiness and life. Have a wonderful Easter! Much Love Edith Walsh-March

Greetings from the President…

March 2017


Tel: 954-240-3296 Email:

The Alumni Association of Titchfield High School

South Florida Chapter


Net Income Membership $1995.00 Donation $60.00 Souvenirs $200.00 Easter Buns $785.00 Calendars $132.00 October Cruise $1750.00 Portie Dance Wknd $1566.40 Challenge Donations $20000.00 Matching Challenge $15000.00

Contributions William Plant's Computer Donation

$500.00 Clinton Wong‟s Computer Donation

$500.00 Titchfield Choir Reunion $50.00 FLA Soccer Tournament $100.00 Port Antonio Infant School/Fridge

$500.00 M.A.M.A Scholarship $500.00 Titchfield High School $35,000.00 Titchfield Needy Students Fund

$1,500.00 Folly Cricket Field Development



May 27

Columbus Day

Weekend Jamboree

October 6-8

Fri – Meet & Greet

Sat – Dinner Dance

Sun – Family Fun Day

If you live in the South Florida area you can buy your Easter Buns from us at a cost of $12 each. They will be flying out the door so don‟t procrastinate…Buy a few – eat one now, freeze the others for later Contact Paul at 954-647-0293. Whitfield Bakery is owned by William and Angela Ferron and this is the 4th year of TAATHS Easter Bun fundraiser.


South Florida Highlights

FROM THE EDITOR Greetings, to All!! I hope that you have begun to experience a very happy, healthy and productive 2017. As always, we have challenges to face and overcome but we will remain dauntless. I do hope that you enjoy this issue of “The Cannon” as we seek to reach our Alumni family and friends with news, views, food and fun. We like to hear from you and to know what is happening in your life, and the lives around you so fill us in”. We have a bright year ahead of us and so we continue to anticipate your love and support. We look forward to seeing you at our future events. Best wishes to everyone!! H. E. ”Gem” Rhodd VP/Editor

Tel: 954-240-3296 Email:

The Alumni Association of Titchfield High School

South Florida Chapter

ANNUAL GIVING In a continued effort to maintain the momentum established last year with the matching gift challenge ,we will be embarking on a similar drive throughout this year to ensure that the need for continuous giving is in the forefront of our thoughts as it relates to Titchfield. A specific area of need will be determined very soon (not a new project, but enhancement of an existing one) after which the alumni community will be informed and the grand giving will once again begin in earnest. We can‟t emphasize enough how important this path of giving back is to the schools development, and we know we can count on the alumni community‟s commitment and involvement. Sincerely yours in service, Paul PACA Perry Director of Annual Giving

Tel: 954-240-3296 Email:

The Alumni Association of Titchfield High School

South Florida Chapter

Campus Update Principal Richard Thompson

The administration continues to look for opportunities to give our students the best chance of maximizing their full potential. We are of the view that while academics is of utmost importance, students‟ involvement in co-curricular activities will allow them to be well-rounded individuals, better prepared for adulthood. JCDC COMPETITIONS Our choirs and other groups continue to participate in the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC) Competitions. At the parish finals the Senior Choir copped 3 gold, 8 silver and 1 bronze medals. The Junior Choir auditioned for the Children Gospel Choir and is awaiting results. The choir also auditioned for “All Together Sing” competition but failed to progress beyond that level. CADET The School‟s Cadet Corp which has consistently been doing well was ranked 2nd place in the Corp‟s Annual Cadet Inspection. DEBATE Our students who entered the National Debating competitions failed to advance to the second round. They however participated in the Jamaica Constabulary Force Debating Competition and were placed third. INTER-HOUSE SPORTS COMPETITION The students participated in our annual inter-house sports competition. This year‟s competition was won by Brown‟s house which earned 470 points. The runner up houses were Chin‟s house with 416 points, Plant house with 391 points, Geddes House with 365 points Sherlock House with 291 points and Grosset House with 290 point. SCHOOL CHALLENGE QUIZ TEAM As you are aware, the Titchfield High School Challenge Quiz team is the winners of the annual Television Jamaica School Challenge Quiz competition for 2016. In the new season of competition for 2017, the team has been making significant strides towards winning the coveted trophy. So far we have played and have successfully beaten our opponents in two matches and are now set to compete at the quarter final level. TABLE TENNIS Our table tennis teams continue to show signs of good progress under the tutelage of Coach Samuel Lamount. In the Rural leg of the competition the Under16 boys and girls as well as the Under19 boys teams were crowned champions. In the All-island competition, we defeated Kingston College in the Under 19 boys 3:0. The Under16 boys and girls teams were both placed second. Members of the team who also are a part of the National Team and who are expected to play in Guyana in May are Tyreek Thompson, Ainsley Dehaney, Levor Marshal, Sheryl Green and Britney Murray.

TRACK AND FIELD At Eastern Championships 2017, our athletics team secured a third place finish with 325.5 points. Their outstanding achievements include the establishment of three new records; by Kayleigh Shelton who ran the 100m and 200m for Class 4 girls, and Shanice Burrell who ran the 100m Hurdles for Class1 girls. Shanice Burrell was also named the Champion Girl for Class 1 Girls and was awarded as the overall Champion Girl having achieved 32 points, the highest of all females in the competition. Kayleigh Shelton was also named Champion girl for Class4 girls and Sasha Gay Thompson named the runner up Champion Girl for Class 4. The female athletics team was ranked 3rd overall, having copped six gold, seven silver and four bronze medals. Our male team earned four gold, three silver and four bronze medals in the competition.

INTERACTION WITH COMMUNITY STAKEHOLDERS NCB FOUNDATION On Wednesday February 22, 2017, parties from NCB Foundation visited the school to make a donation towards the school‟s Environmental and Aesthetic Program. Present were past student Mr. Michael Lee-Chin, who is also the Chairman of the NCB Group of Companies, Mr. Patrick Hylton NCB Group Managing Director, Dennis Cohen, Deputy Group Managing Director, Thalia Lyn, Chairman, NCB Foundation, Nadeen Matthews CEO, NCB Foundation, Audrey Tugwell Henry, Senior General Manager, Retail Banking, Marva Peynado, Senior Manager, Retail Banking and Ronald Palmer, Port Antonio Branch Manager. Deemed a Cheque Handing Over Ceremony, a small function was planned with the expectation that we would have received $1.5 million. However, with continued negotiation between Principal Richard Thompson and past student Michael Lee Chin, on the day of the function the sum was increased by $4.5 million to an overall sum of $6 million.

Letters of Appreciation for TAATHS 2016 Charitable Donations

Tel: 954-240-3296 Email:

The Alumni Association of Titchfield High School

South Florida Chapter


1. What kind of man was Boaz before he married Ruth?

2. What do they call pastors in Germany?

3. Who was the greatest financier in the Bible?

4. Who was the greatest female financier in the Bible

5. What kind of motor vehicles are in the Bible?

6. Who was the greatest comedian in the Bible?

7. What excuse did Adam give to his children as to why he no longer lived in Eden?

8. Which servant of God was the most flagrant lawbreaker in the Bible?

9. Which area of Palestine was especially wealthy?

10. Who is the greatest babysitter mentioned in the Bible?

11. Which Bible character had no parents?

12. Why didn't they play cards on the Ark?

13. Did you know it's a sin for a woman to make coffee?

Answers: 1. Ruthless. 2. German Shepherds 3. Noah He was floating his stock while everyone else was in

liquidation 4. Pharaoh's daughter. She went down to the bank of the

Nile and drew out a little prophet. 5. Jehovah drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden in a

Fury. David's Triumph was heard throughout the land. Also, probably a Honda, because the apostles were all in one Accord.

6. Samson. He brought the house down. 7. Your mother ate us out of house and home. 8. Moses. He broke all 10 commandments at once. 9. The area around Jordan…The banks were always

overflowing. 10. David He rocked Goliath to a very deep sleep 11. Joshua, son of Nun. 12. Because Noah was standing on the deck. 13. Yup, it's in the Bible. It says . . 'He-brews'



THE RECRUITS – Contributed by Collin „Butta‟ Cover

It was a sunny Friday afternoon, just after 3 0‟clock. The twelve eager-faced Cadet Corp recruits stood in two scraggily lines of six, awaiting the arrival of their instructor. They stood on the road just in front of the trees under which Pappy used to park his cart from which he sold his ice-cold oranges. Yes, the same Pappy who in the days when we were converting from pounds, shillings and pence to dollars and cents would say that for him if the orange was 6 pence before it is 6 cents now. He does not see how six pence could become five cents since 1 penny was 1 cent. In the shade of those trees stood a small group of fourth form boys, Aston Bailey, Chris Gurrell, Bob West and a few others, all waiting to observe the initiation of these recruits by the sergeant. These poor recruits had for the past two weeks looked on in admiration as a platoon of smartly dressed cadets, with blue berets tucked over their left ears, shining belt buckles and with shoes whose toes reflected the sun like mirrors, had paraded in perfect unison, marching in locked step and executing smart turns on the road in front of the school as they responded to the unintelligible shouted grunts of their sergeant. Every step of this choreographed show watched by the adoring eyes of the bevvy of beauties dressed in blue and white that thronged the two balconies of the building. So, with this dream of having their every move followed by the longing eyes of all the fine females in the school, these twelve recruits eagerly signed up for the cadet corp. Their sixth form instructor arrived and the show initiation began. The group under the tree stopped chatting and listened expectantly as the sergeant started his show. “Gentlemen, the cadet corp is where we turn boys into men. It is not for cry-babies and whiners. So if you are going to cry quit now.” Then he took them through how to fall in an arm‟s length apart in a straight line, and the rudimentary stances, stand easy, standing at ease and standing at attention, and how to move from one to the next. In the stand easy position you are relaxed, your elbows are slightly bent, your hands are behind your back, resting lightly on your buttocks. The sergeant noticed one boy who seemed to have undersized buttocks and whose hands slipped naturally down so his elbows kept straightening. He said to the recruit “Son, do you wear underpants” “Yes, sir” came the immediate response. The sergeant responded” Well next week Friday please wear three pairs, you need some assistance in keeping your hands from slipping down at the back.” Peels of laughter erupts form the onlookers under the tree. Then he said “Now I will teach you how to turn while stationary. My first utterance will be an anticipatory advisory. It will warn you what I want you to do. It will be drawn out to give you time to think, to contemplate on what you are about to do. When you hear this your body is to become coiled and ready to instantly respond to the next sound you hear from me. The next sound out of my mouth is for immediate execution. The cadet corp is not for the slow. So I will say LEEEEEEEEFFFFFFT and I will pause. And when I say TUN, you will immediately pivot to the left at lightning speed on the heel of your left foot and the ball of your right foot, hold that position for exactly half a second then raise your right thigh parallel to the ground and then punish God‟s good ground with the heel of your right foot. Got it” “Yes, sir” came the enthusiastic chorus. Sarge bellowed in his powerful baritone “LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFTTTT……..HUN!!!” Eleven recruits pivoted left, one pivoted right. By now the gallery of onlookers had grown in size and the laughter was louder. The Sarge walked up to the offending recruit. “Son which doctor did this to you?” “Did what sir” “Performed that operation!” “Which operation sir?” “Swapped your left hand with your right hand”. Sarge was playing to the crowd and they lapped up every word.

CLASS TRIP TO THE COURTHOUSE – Contributed by Atty. Maureen McLeary-McLeod I have numerous memories of the seven years I spent at Titchfield High School and of the many teachers and fellow students who shaped my education. 1971 was an especially memorable year for me. I was sixteen, and the United States was embroiled in the Vietnam War. Even the Jamaican newspapers were full of stories about the war, as scores of Jamaicans were among the casualties. I remember observing moments of silence during assembly for former Titchfield students who had died in Vietnam. It was America‟s war, but we were definitely affected by it. I had just entered the sixth form and was basking in the privileges and perks which came from this particular elevation. We were being prepared to take the “A Level G.C.E. exams.” One mandatory course was the General Paper (GP) which was designed to develop critical thinking. We would discuss and debate a wide variety of topics including politics, religion and world news. One day our GP teacher, Mrs. Bramwell, decided that the entire class should go to the courthouse to watch a real trial which we would discuss in the next class. We were very excited as class trips during a regular school day were infrequent, even for sixth formers. The courthouse was less than fifteen minutes from school, right in the square, and we walked there in a group with Mrs. Bramwell. Most of us had never been in a courthouse before, and were naturally awestruck by all the solemnity. We sat quietly in the jury box as the shackled defendant was brought in by the Bailiff. He was probably about twenty-three years old. The Bailiff who had brought him in read the charge aloud. He was charged with possession of Ganja (Marijuana). In Jamaica at that time, conviction on a Ganja possession charge carried a mandatory minimum sentence of eighteen months. We all knew this because Toots Hibbert of “Toots and the Maytals” fame had just spent eighteen months in Richmond Farm prison after being convicted on this charge. As he sat in the dock, you could tell by the look of dejection on his face that this young man was already resigned to the fact that he would not be going home for a long time! The prosecutor called the arresting officer to the witness stand and he described in detail how he had busted the young man with a brown paper bag full of Ganja. The bag of Ganja was proffered and admitted into evidence without objection. The young man was not represented by a lawyer. We waited silently for the judge to make his ruling. It was Judge Gordon. We knew who he was because his wife was a teacher at our school. He summed up the testimony of the arresting officer. Commenting on the evidence he stated “The officer testified that the Ganja he found on the defendant was in a brown paper bag. The Ganja entered into evidence here today is in a white paper bag. I am not going to send someone to prison for eighteen months on this kind of evidence!” I will never forget the look of incredulous happiness on the young man‟s face! That day we learned a fundamental legal principle, even though we did not have a name for it. In law school I final discovered “The chain of custody” rule. That young man‟s conviction hung on the color of the bag containing the Ganja. The judge stated that he could not be sure if the alleged Ganja had been tampered with since it was presented in court in a white bag, but had been taken from the defendant in a brown bag. It was that simple! Even today I am still thankful for that awesome learning experience, and for Mrs. Bramwell who always encouraged us to expand our minds.

Health Tips from Paca

Congrats to Paul Perry – Cycling Enthusiast…Could he be training for the 2018 Tour de France???

Tel: 954-240-3296 Email:

The Alumni Association of Titchfield High School

South Florida Chapter





Sports Corner……





Paul 'Paca' Perry in Red clipping victory at the line in Super

Masters Category of Blissetts Memorial Cycle race at Heroes

Circle 12/03/17; Ahead of a loaded field of stalwarts!

Paul 'Paca' Perry - Mountain biking

Blue Mountains, Jamaica

First place local racing

Words of Wisdom ....When to be Silent Be silent - in the heat of anger.

when you don't have all the facts.

when you haven't verified the story.

if your words will offend a weaker person.

when it is time to listen.

when you are tempted to make light of holy things.

when you are tempted to joke about sin.

if you would be ashamed of your words later.

if your words would convey the wrong impression.

if the issue is none of your business.

when you are tempted to tell an outright lie.

if your words will damage someone else's reputation.

if your words will damage a friendship.

when you are feeling critical.

if you can't say it without screaming.

if your words will be a poor reflection of the Lord or your friends and family.

if you may have to eat your words later.

if you have already said it more than one time.

when you are tempted to flatter a wicked person.

when you are supposed to be working instead. "Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles."

Tel: 954-240-3296 Email:

The Alumni Association of Titchfield High School

South Florida Chapter

March Beverley Morris-Michelin 3/22 Norma Miller-Scott 3/27

April Dr. Bradley Dennis 4/4 Jean Seymour 4/12 Jenifer Chapman-Braithwaite 4/14 Leonora Wynter-Young 4/19 Claudette Deacon-Steele 4/29

May Karleen Parker-Samuels 5/2 Stephen Neufville 5/17 Vivienne Strachan-Taylor 5/31

Jean Danford-Amritt, Charles Berbick, Lorna Bell-Berbick, Grace Chin-Blakey, Paulette Richards-Bodah, Jenifer Chapman-Braithwaite, Dwight Bramwell, Sandra Burke, Dahlia Murdock-Campbell, Winston „Tres‟ Cannicle, Patrick Cardoza, Valerie Ellis-Chambers , Winsome “Betty” Chapman, Colin Cohen, Claudette Miller-Cousins, Andre Danford, Karlene Leiba-Davis, Bradley Dennis, Lindel Dixon, Barbara Chapman-Edwards, Derrick Ellis, Winston “Junior” Ellis, Joan Ellis-Elliston, Raymond Eubank, Hyacinth Sharriah-Fray, Claudette Cooper-Graham, Viveen Pryce-Johnson, Paulette Francis-Knott, Jean Chin-Kong, Don Lawrence, Sydney Lester, Marie Haye-Logan, Vin McDermott, Ricardo McNichol , Edith Walsh-March, Chadwick Maturah, Beverley Morris-Michelin, Dawn Miller, Rose Allwood-Morrison, Winnifred “Junie” Myrie, Stephen Neufville, Barbara Holgate-Nicholls, Ferron McKenzie-Okewole, Hugh Perry, Jr., Paul Perry, Courtney Pottinger, Nigel Radlein, Carmen Horne-Reid , Corrine Edwards-Reid, Calvin Reyes, Carmen Dunbar-Rose, Karleen Parker-Samuels, Sherryl Beckford-Scott, Norma Miller-Scott, Gale Seymour, Jean Seymour, Rose Walsh-Shim, Angela Smith, Angela Wood-Stewart, Herma Stewart, Nicole Stewart, Vivienne Strachan-Taylor, Anthony Thompson, David Thompson, Sherise Robinson-Thompson, Winsome Hyde-Turnbull, Theresa Scott-White, Leonora Wynter-Young, K-Don Yu

“Honorary Lifetime Members” “Lifetime Members” James Al Merritt Grace Hosang-Barton Alwyn Rhodd Patricia Chin-Merritt Ian Buchanan Andrew Rhodd Maureen Wood-Carter Hyacinth „Gem‟ Leslie-Rhodd

Charmaine Crosdale - ‘New’

Birthdays This Quarter


The Alumni Assoc. of Titchfield

High School

12672 85th Road N

West Palm Beach, FL 33412


(954) 240-3296

Web Site:

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The Alumni Association of

Titchfield High School today!

Call 954-240-3296



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