THE CALENDAR · Kieran G (KB), Sua K (2B), Arisa (KB), Harrison (KM), Spencer L (KB), Vinuka F...

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Transcript of THE CALENDAR · Kieran G (KB), Sua K (2B), Arisa (KB), Harrison (KM), Spencer L (KB), Vinuka F...

Term 3 Week 7 31 August 2020

9875 3100


Many events have been cancelled or postponed due to COVID-19. The calendar below shows

some of the revised dated organised at this point in time.

You will be advised of the dates for any rescheduled events, once finalised


Pyjama Mufti Day – please

bring gold coin donation


Mathematics ICAS


P & C General Meeting


Principal’s Morning Tea

Bronze Awards


Principal’s Morning Tea

Bronze Medallions


Last day of Term 3

Happy Holidays


Students (K-6) and staff return

to school for Term 4

Kindy 2021 If you have a child commencing kindergarten next year, please complete the online enrolment form which is available on our school website. We are currently planning a range of exciting COVID – compliant transition activites and will be in contact with the details.



Term 3 Week 7 31 August 2020

SCHOOL GROUNDS IMPROVEMENTS Our general assistants have been working hard in the recent past to tidy and improve our school grounds, with further improvements being made each week. We look forward to sharing the spaces via virtual tours, which will be launched in the coming weeks, on our school web page.

Term 3 Week 7 31 August 2020


Just as some of our teachers use exit passes at the end of their lessons to gauge what students learned and what the next steps will be, we decided to use exit passes with parents attending the spelling master class, to identify any further information that may be useful. Here are the questions we received and the responses.

There are so many different sounds, how can I help my child know when to use phonetics or digraphs? The best strategy to use to help children spell is dependent on the word they are trying to spell and their stage of development. Sometimes we encourage children to use phonics, such as when they are spelling words that they can sound out such as cat or family. Sometimes we would ask them to use a digraph that they know e.g. the ch sound in teach or chicken. We might also use a rule that they have been introduced to, such as don’t forget to drop the e at the end of dance to add ing. In many situations, we would draw on a variety of strategies to spell words. We take a problem-solving approach to the teaching of spelling so children can be encouraged to apply the strategies they know.

How can I help my child know when the long or short sounds should be used?

Young children learn about the bossy e. If spelling a word such as tape, we add bossy e to the end of tap. The e is bossy as it bosses the other vowel in the word, the a, to make the long sound. The long sound is the letter name.

Why do children spell words they know incorrectly when writing texts?

This is fairly common as children are learning to spell. When rushing, children may be concentrating so much on writing their ideas, that they do not pay attention to the spelling. Their cognitive load may be focused on recording ideas at this point. We encourage children to reread their work and check whether

any word does not look correct as this is an opportunity to fix words they do know how to spell. As they become more proficient spellers, the spelling attempts become increasingly accurate and increasingly automatic. Once children reach senior primary, they usually spell words they know automatically when writing. When writing on a computer, typos can be common, even with adults, but this is often related to typing skill, rushing and not rechecking.

Term 3 Week 7 31 August 2020

Having a child who does not 'see' the spelling of words in her head, and a child who can, I've learned that re-writing words really works for the one who can picture word spelling, but does not seem as effective for the one who can't. Are there techniques parents can use at home when re-writing is not always as successful for a child who is wired differently?

Intervention for students who struggle with spelling is much more intensive, structured and explicit and builds on the knowledge, skills and strategies they have. Some tips are:

• Arouse their interest in words – be enthusiastic about all forms of word study

• Focus first on mastery of high frequency words and easy words they misspell in their writing

• Learn no more than 3 words in any one session

• Use multisensory response models – eg tracing, using plastic letters, copying using different colourpens (should, could to highlight letter patterns and/or rhyming parts).

• Use computer programs and word processors to develop positive attitudes towards drill, practiceand application.

• Frequent revision and practice over time

Specific interventions which may be useful are:

Old Way, New Way – use the students’ error, call this the old way of spelling, teacher/parent writes the correct way next to it and they discuss the differences e.g. thay and they. Then cross out the a and underline the e. The student says, I used to spell it with an a but now I spell it with an e. The student writes the word again the old way, then the new way and explains the difference. The student does this five times saying, I used to spell it that way but now I spell it with an e. The student writes the word six times using different colours and sizes. Revise the word after a week, and again after another week.

Repeated writing This helps under certain conditions – when a student wants to spell the word correctly, when they don’t write the word more than three times, and when no more than three words in a session are treated in this way.

Syllables Teach students to break words up into syllables, teach that every syllable contains a vowel sound, and instruct in letter sound relationships for the 5 short vowels. This helps older students get closer approximations for word checker.

Simultaneous Oral Spelling Select the word to learn, get the child to look at the word carefully and to pronounce it clearly, teacher/parent pronounces it, say each syllable, name the letters in the word, repeat the letter naming step, write the word naming each letter as you write it down, check and say the word, write the word again from memory.

Visualisation Look cover say write check. This strategy can often be changed to merely copying the words, whereas each step is important. The child has a good look at the word, they cover it, they say it slowly pronouncing each part of it, they write it down from memory, then check letter by letter. If incorrect, the process is repeated. They can also close their eyes and imagine typing or painting the word.

Multisensory method Visual, kinaesthetic, aesthetic – trace your finger over a word while saying it and attending to the letter sequence. This can be used in conjunction with look, cover, say, write, check. This is useful for younger students or on one to one basis with older students.

Term 3 Week 7 31 August 2020

How do I know where my child is facing difficulty so I can help him/her improve from where he is at? Your child’s writing is an excellent indication of what they can spell and the types of errors they are making. Look for the simplest errors / patterns/ rules first. There are various ways to assist such as to think about the corresponding visual pattern to emphasise a spelling rule that will help or an analogy they can make.

A number of questions raised related to what spelling children are learning at school at any given point of time. This will vary depending on our stage expectations, what students demonstrate in their writing as well as vocabulary that comes up across curriculum topics. Students in Years 3 to 6 have the words and foci sent home with homework and K – 2 teachers will be including this information in the stage overviews sent out at the beginning of term. Have a great week, Mrs Leonie Black

THANK YOU JPPS! I am thrilled to share with our community, correspondence from the principal and students of Michelago Public School. Our fundraising efforts have not been wasted! Please enjoy the heartfelt messages and photographs below:


Term 3 Week 7 31 August 2020

Term 3 Week 7 31 August 2020

Kiss and Drop Zone Parents are cautioned that cars parked and left unattended in our ‘Kiss and Drop’ zone, between the specified times below, may be issued with traffic infringement notices.

Term 3 Week 7 31 August 2020

Our School Expectations

This week’s expectation is:

Aspire: Be a good friend; include others and be kind

Congratulations to the students who have demonstrated our school expectations of RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY or who have tried to ASPIRE.

Purchase Pride Badge (10 Purchase Prides)

When students receive ten Purchase Pride awards (pictured above), these should be left in Mrs King’s ‘award shelf’ in the administration corridor. The ten awards need to be bundled together and clearly labelled with the student’s name and current class. Please note that the tear off strip on the bottom of each Purchase Pride, should be placed in the stage ‘Lucky Dip’ boxes in the awards shelf. At this stage, Purchase Prides will continue to be presented in classrooms, as no assemblies are being held at 8:55am. Congratulations to the following recipients: Alannah S (34LJ), Ernest (3CR), Ernest (3CR), Ernest (3CR), Ario (KB), Ronan N (34LJ), Kieran G (KB), Sua K (2B), Arisa (KB), Harrison (KM), Spencer L (KB), Vinuka F (4M), Vinuka F (4M), Liz S (6G), Minuki F (6G), Avin (kH), Ellison (KB), Addison M (4M)

Term 3 Week 7 31 August 2020

What do I do with my Class Awards?

When a student has received ten green/white class awards (pictured above), they should be handed in to Mrs King’s ‘award shelf’ in the administration corridor. The ten class awards need to be bundled together and clearly labelled with the student’s name, current class and award level reached: 10 Class Awards = Bronze 20 = Silver 30 = Gold 40 = Bronze Medallion 50 = Silver Medallion 60 = Gold Medallion 75 = Platinum Medallion and Principal for the Day! A clear, snap lock bag is ideal for this purpose! Please note: Modified, special assemblies, are being held this term, in Weeks 3, 7 and 10. A Principal’s Morning Tea (students only) for Bronze Award winners, will also be held in Week 10. At this stage, unfortunately, parents will not be permitted to attend these events. We will keep you informed if this advice changes.


I currently have many Bronze Awards in my office. These awards will be presented to students by the principal, at the end of this term. I will publish the names of recipients at that time.


This award will be presented at assembly this week. Congratulations to Harry C (5A) Ashley S (3P)


This award will be presented at assembly this week. Congratulations to: Riya T (4M)

Mrs Adela King

Deputy Principal

Term 3 Week 7 31 August 2020

PYJAMA MUFTI DAY! Do you find it hard to get up in the morning? Do you love the feel of your clean pyjamas?

Do your pyjamas make you feel happy and confident? If you answered YES to any of the above, then this is the

announcement you’ve been waiting for!

It’s the Pyjama Mufti Day hosted by Year 6! Date: Tuesday, 1st September

What to wear: YOUR PYJAMAS (and sensible shoes) What to bring: A gold coin donation for the Year 6 Gift to the school!

KINDERGARTEN 2021 ENROLMENTS ARE NOW OPEN Do you know someone who will be starting Kindergarten next year? Enrolments for Kindergarten 2021 at John Purchase Public School are now open. Enrolments are completed online via the link on the school website – ENROLMENT tab – Additionally, parents may still contact the school directly on 9875 3100, for additional information. It is important that you register your details with our office staff to ensure you receive all of our communication regarding transition to school. Mrs Irene Robbins Assistant Principal (Relieving) Early Stage 1 (Kindergarten)


Term 3 Week 7 31 August 2020

What is cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is bullying using a mobile phone and/or the Internet, for example, when a person:

• Sends nasty or threatening emails or messages on the Internet or via mobile phone

• Sends mean or nasty comments or pictures about others to websites e.g. Instagram; Facebook; Snapchat or to other students’ mobile phones

• Deliberately ignores or leaves out others over the Internet

• Pretends to be someone else online to hurt them or make them look foolish

Cyberbullying can happen through text messages/pictures/video-clips/emails etc being sent to you, but also when these things are sent to others about you.

Cyberbullying leaves a trail Many young people are unaware that everything they say and do online leaves a ‘digital footprint’ and although they may have deleted a message, picture or website, this can never fully be deleted. If your child has been cyberbullied, here are a few tips for how you can save and report the evidence: Mobile phones: download and print the message or take a photo of the message on the screen with your camera. For nuisance calls or messages you can contact your mobile phone service provider and for threatening calls or messages, contact the Police. Online content: If content is posted on a website you need to contact the website directly. Most social networking sites (e.g.: Facebook, Twitter, MSN) have pages where you can report ‘inappropriate’ behaviour. Alternatively you can find more information of the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) website at:

More helpful resources and information for schools, parents and carers, and students can be found on the NSW anti-bullying website at:

Leonie Cole Learning and Support Teacher

Term 3 Week 7 31 August 2020

Thanks for the support. Food Drive 2020 Last year the Cherrybrook community raised almost 6,000 food items to help the needy of Sydney during winter. It is hoped that many will give generously again this year. There is a collection point in the school office foyer. Simply drop your imperishable food items in it to help the needy this winter. Items may include tinned soup/meat/fish/vegetables/fruit, packs of rice/noodles/pasta, cartons of fruit juice or long life milk, tea, coffee, toiletries etc. The Food Drive is organised by Cherrybrook Anglican Church and Anglicare. For more information contact the Anglican Church (ph: 9481 9150) Regards, Gav Poole Pastor M 0425 37 5401


Thank you for your continued support. There has never been a more important time to support us with our fundraising.

20% of every Membership purchase or renewal goes directly to John Purchase Public School.


John Purchase Public School P&C Association CONTACT: Anh Holland


*All member offers are subject to terms and conditions. Check individual offers on the Entertainment Membership App or for more

information. For all dining offers, it is optional for participating businesses to accept your Entertainment Memberships on all official Australian and New Zealand public holidays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Valentine’s Day. © 2020 Entertainment Publications of Australia Pty Ltd.