The Business Model Canvas IOT AWARD, TRITECH BILAL...

Post on 23-Jul-2018

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Transcript of The Business Model Canvas IOT AWARD, TRITECH BILAL...

KEY PARTNERS..................................................................................

COST STRUCTURE.................................................................................................................................................

KEY ACTIVITIES....................................................................................

KEY RESOURCES....................................................................................

VALUE PROPOSITIONS....................................................................................


CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS....................................................................................

REVENUE STREAMS...................................................................................................................................................


CUSTOMER SEGMENTS...................................................................................

The Business Model Canvas

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Key Partners/Suppliers and individual key activities: 1) Companies producing Piezoelectric Sensors and equipment 2) Construction companies (government sector) and contractors that build roads and maintain such infrastructure 3) Companies that manufacture and install Internet kiosks with computer 4) Internet Providers -- Telecommunication Companies 5) Companies that manufacture batteries 6) Companies that will acquire our services to advertise their products, for example nearby local shops and markets could attract customers through a kiosk 7) Government sector for permission on reconstructing roads and building kiosks
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Motivation: 1) Optimization and Economy: The companies would constantly be providing their services since the installation and construction process is a long-term one and one that will continue to flourish. The companies can economize and optimize by first testing the product in a target area and then tap similar locations to increase profits and continue with more launches of the product after successful recognition has been gained. Considering that people will continue to depend on Internet and the use of Internet is not limited to just home or office, the kiosks are expected to be quite popular. So, the key partners will continue to expand and diversify their products and services with time. The partners may also specialize in their areas for the development of this idea. The government would improve economy by reducing the stress on other non-renewable sources of energy and use the technology to improve road infrastructure and improve facilities for local people. The companies that use billboards could optimize by attracting customers using a nearby kiosk instead of a billboard. 2) Reduction of Risk and Uncertainty: To make sure that the piezoelectric roads and the linked kiosks work efficiently, the key partners and suppliers must be aware of the maintenance aspect. The product would launch in areas where it is expected to be used by public and so the risk would be minimized. The partners would be working in those areas where the public is already aware of their products to reduce risk of less customers acknowledging the product. 3) Acquisition of particular resources and activities: The services provided by the construction companies would be used in conjunction with the piezoelectric sensors and equipment in the construction phase and then the activity of installation of batteries for power storage could be done. Once, this is complete, the kiosks could be acquired and placed along the roadsides. The personnel concerned with maintenance could also be available to monitor the efficiency and conditions of the kiosks and inspect roads after rain, or damage, etc.
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Physical: 1) Piezoelectric sensors and equipment 2) Road construction materials: asphalt, etc. 3) Batteries that store power when charged from the renewable energy from sensors and when vehicle traffic is low 4) Electric cables and connections with kiosks 5) Infrastructure for constructing kiosks including computer and I/O devices 6) Internet facilities 7) Customer support tools and help services Intellectual: 1) Brand patents and copyrights to reserve the rights to maintain roads and kiosks in existing locations and install in new locations Human: 1) Personnel for maintenance of kiosk infrastructure and uninterrupted Internet services 2) Personnel for inspection of roads and their maintenance Financial: 1) Capital for roads installation/permission from government and power authorities 2) Capital for installation of Internet and kiosks
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Newness: The idea of Internet kiosks already exists, but not 'free' or one running on renewable energy, or using piezoelectric road technology- that itself is a new phenomenon. So, the customers are likely to acknowledge the innovation and accept it as a step towards modernizing road infrastructure. Apart from that, the kiosk would be equipped with details of shops, restaurants and gas stations, etc in the locality and more information about the place than that could be found on Online search engines. Performance: Since the Internet provided on roads would be free and fast-speed and uninterrupted due to the the batteries that will make sure that the kiosks are powered 24/7, people will find the kiosks "getting their job done". The kiosks would be fully functional to be used any time and would work efficiently as desired to save customers' time. Design: The kiosks are so designed to meet the customer needs of an easy-to-use facility and meant for on-roadside use. The Internet speed would be fast and the account could be logged in simply without much trouble. Also, the design would be stylish to make the roads also look modernized. Brand/Status: Customers would acknowledge using the kiosks as a special facility and government would endorse the new technology and use of renewable energy. Customers would feel special when they could use fast-speed Internet facility even when they are not carrying their own personal laptop computers and gadgets. This is especially true for tourists. Price: Internet users already pay a monthly sum for Wi-fi and GPRS technology and/or mobile Internet. So, to make sure that maximum people use the kiosks there would be no price compared to the existing Internet services they use. Cost Reduction: More kiosks could be developed if the government supports the idea and puts in its incentive to conserve power from fossil fuels and use such infrastructure to develop the roads. This could benefit the customers more as more areas will be linked through these kiosks. The more number of users could also result in lowering of Internet prices. The more the road networks are connected with piezoelectric technology and the more the vehicle traffic, the more the kiosks will be accessible to use. Risk Reduction: The kiosks would be fully secure and people could use personal information and important data without any risk. Accessibility: The kiosks could be used at locations where the roads are installed. So, they are quite accessible at any point close to main roads. Convenience/Usability: The kiosks are meant for people passing by roads and tourists who could access road maps, bus timetables etc and surf the Internet. The kiosks are meant to for users' convenience so this is the most important value aspect of the product.
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Assistance: Customers can use automatic login accounts and self-service to use the Internet facility. Initially, as a a part of market strategy the service is free. But, after a few months or a specified time-line, the customers can just 'pay-as-they-go' and use the kiosk by inserting a cash card or through other possible way such as subscription through an on-line link. The kiosk will have a troubleshooting service call for help to an IT desk or in case of need for personal assistance to an automatic voice mail service or operator.
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1)The main end-users are basically passers-by on roads who are traveling to and from home or office without their personal computer devices. 2) Other potential customers could be people in a rush who do not have access to Internet at home or work. 3) The most important customers maybe tourists who do not carry a laptop or computer and use Internet for checking maps and bus timetables or for other purposes. The kiosks are available in this sense to the mass market, but this is limited to only areas which are accessible by piezoelectric roads. 4) Since companies or small businesses that are going to advertise their products and services through the kiosks are not only partners but also can be thought of as customers as they are paying us for doing their publicity
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Customers can be reached through signs and boards displayed on the roads which are piezoelectric. This the most cost-effective way since the very presence of a kiosk would attract customer attention. The customers can be notified of new kiosk locations through an Online link to the company's profile where information about existing kiosks and new locations where they would be installed could be found. Customers may also purchase recharge cards or offers depending on their use. The opening of a new kiosk could be channeled through newspaper adverts as well in the location or tourist and city maps as well.
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1) A customer survey could be carried out in an expected target location and then considering the survey results, road construction could be carried out in the area selected. 2) The road where the piezoelectric road is to be constructed has to be rebuilt to allow the sensors to be embedded in the roads and laying underground cables and making connections to the kiosks. 3) The analysis for sensor demand and other resource analysis would be done and once the road is constructed the kiosks would also be installed. 4) The kiosks would be provided with fast-speed Internet and computer equipment for users. The equipment would be upgraded with time and repair constantly done to satisfy customers. 5) Customers would be attracted through friendly layout and design of kiosks. 6) Through safe use of Internet on roads the customers can travel without carrying their own personal laptop computers and devices. For, this Internet security shall be considered as an important activity as well and as an integral part of maintaining company's standard and quality of service. 7) The kiosks would be designed with simple handling so that the customers who are using the Internet facility only for a short while could access it as fast and convenient as possible to save their time and solve their problem while they are in a hurry. 8) Companies wanting publicity could advertise and post signs and offers at kiosks.
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1) The most expensive activity is the construction of piezoelectric roads. The sensors are very cheap but building the roads will cost most. 2) Then, the installation of kiosks with equipment will also be a major cost. 3) The resources of computer systems provided with fast Internet will then be the next cost. 4) The maintenance costs will be constant and will be helpful in customer satisfaction in order to keep up with same standard of Internet services . 5) Then, building roads and kiosks in new locations will also be a part of the investment costs. This will be the variable cost depending on the road length and the number of kiosks to be built along roadsides. 6) The fixed costs would be the payment to Internet providers and the cost of sensors and batteries and standard equipment needed for building a kiosk and the cost involved in the construction of a known length of a piezoelectric road.
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There will be no usage fees and subscription fees since the users already pay a monthly rent for Internet use. The customers already pay taxes for using roads and other services and infrastructure. The kiosks would be used for advertisements and the revenue collected would add up to the revenue stream. Customers are willing to pay for Internet services, but since they are going to use the kiosks to surf the Internet for important use, they can spend a small amount willingly. However, this strategy could be later used when customers are charged a small fee on per minute or per hour basis as appropriate. The revenue could possibly be generated from excess energy harnessed through piezoelectric roads and may be sold for other services to the government for street lighting and control of traffic signals.
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