The Brennan JB7

Post on 01-Dec-2015

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Transcript of The Brennan JB7

The Brennan JB7

A relative has acquired a top of the range Brennan JB7 with the enhanced hard disc capacity which he feels has been a great

success and I am thinking of making a similar purchase to relieve the pressure on space created by my very large CD

collection What do others think of the idea from a purely technical point of view (I could dispose of other things like books to

make space I suppose)

RE The Brennan JB7

I think the Brennans a genius piece of kit but depending on circumstances Id be slightly worried about some of its

limitations - primarily disk space (if you want ultimate quality) and amp power What do you plan to replace with it and how

many CDs do you want to store

RE The Brennan JB7

John Thanks for your reply I would not transfer at anything less than the 320 kps rate which means somewhat less than the

advertised 5000 CDs capacity and would require the bigger hard drive to cope with my (around) 1400 CDs How effective is

the find facility and does it have any serious blind spots Even the otherwise excellent search options on the iPod Classic has

one or two I have noticed

RE The Brennan JB7

My brother has one which he uses in a small room and whilst entirely satisfied with the sound and capacity he is unhappy

with the interface Specifically it is the need to scroll to find music which can be very slow and cumbersome He says that on

reflection he would not have bought one for this reason

RE The Brennan JB7

John Sorry - I answered only your second question I would simply add it to my existing system (Cambridge azur 640 and

Tannoy bookshelf speakers) which I use in a small room

RE The Brennan JB7

Used plugged into an existing system and with 320kbps files it should sound very good indeed And yes the interface is a

little slower than the point and click available from more complex ndash and of course more expensive ndash devices but having used

the unit for a while I didnt find it unduly obstructive

Audio Editor Gramophone

RE The Brennan JB7 Ive recently been asked to look at the Brennan by someone considering buying one as well as by someone whod like to buy our hard-drive-based music catalogue (at Pristine Classical) To deal with the latter first it seems the Brennan device will not read FLAC files - it likes MP3 or entirely uncompressed but our hard drives which are filled with lossless FLAC files are not supported Im not quite sure what to tell our potential customer on that front but it seems somewhat shortsighted not to support the format By contrast another recent customer whod invested in a Linn system was delighted that our FLACs would play back directly in his system But ultimately Im more concerned for the first enquiry I had - whether to buy one or not It strikes me that the device is simply too locked down - the danger is that it becomes in a very short time the equivilent of a MiniDisc recorder or worse Its not clear from what Ive been able to find out exactly what happens when the hard drive gets noisy after a couple of years or what happens when it (inevitably) fails - or even if you just want more space

Ive also made the jump into a CD-free world but decided to purchase a very small quiet PC a pro-quality external sound

card and a 4TB RAID mirrored server accessed by wi-fi The PC runs XBMC freeware software which plays just about every

audio and video file I know of The PCs HDMI output sends HD pictures to my TV set and the sound card plugs directly into

my existing hi-fi It can convert my CDs into a lossy or lossless format my data is permanently backed up and any individual

component of the system can be simply and easily upgraded if and when required - right now it seems reasonably future-

proof Because its a PC with a web browser I can of course also use it to stream Radio Three and other music directly from

the Internet to my hi-fi system (which is useful as I live in France)

It was certainly a little more fiddly to set up than unpacking a magic box which claims to do it all - but I have owned one of those before (not a Brennan) and a very few months after purchase various promised firmware upgrades had been abandoned by the manufacturer along with any customers who didnt upgrade to their very latest models and ditch the older ones I dont wish to imply than any other particular company would do such a thing to its customers just that I didnt enjoy being left out in the cold with a box which didnt quite do everything it was supposed to do quite as well as it should have and suffered from multiple limitations as a consequence of its design (While Im here could I ask Gramophone (and Andrew in particular) to consider some kind of comparitive review of high quality external (eg USB) soundcards for the many people listening on PCs Macs laptops and so on Ive found information very hard to come by - as soon as you get very far into pro gear the assumption is youll want at least 48 input and output channels Im personally happy with two)

RE The Brennan JB7 Like Andrew Rose I too use my pc to stream my music to my hi fi in a simpler (and cheaper) solution I use a PS3 or my Xbox If you have a reasonable pc you can get good results usings something like DBpoweramp to rip your cds

RE The Brennan JB7 Many thanks to everyone for all this information I shall probably keep my present rather cluttered arrangement with shelved CDs which at least look tidy if at time a bit overwhleming The option of operating my listening through my computer has logistical problems for me so Ill wait and see what happens and in the meantime investigate other nooks and crannies for CD storage space

RE The Brennan JB7 Micos69 wrote

I shall probably keep my present rather cluttered arrangement with shelved CDs which at least look tidy if at time a bit overwhleming The option of operating my listening through my computer has logistical problems for me so Ill wait and see what happens and in the meantime investigate other nooks and crannies for CD storage space Rip your CDs to a computer using EAC and buy some sort of Squeezebox to stream music to your hi-fi - that may require you to get a wi-fi router but theyre cheap and easy enough to set up (If you wanted to expand on your logistical problems no doubt people here could help) Job done and for not a lot of money

RE The Brennan JB7 SpiderJon wrote

Rip your CDs to a computer using EAC and buy some sort of Squeezebox to stream music to your hi-fi - that may require you to get a wi-fi router but theyre cheap and easy enough to set up (If you wanted to expand on your logistical problems no doubt people here could help) Job done and for not a lot of money I agree with this approach although I would use dBpoweramp in preference to EAC I was faced with the same problem (more than 1000 discs to rip) and Im half-way through dBpoweramp does help to speed up the process I have three Squeezebox devices scattered around the house so I have access to my music (and internet radio) wherever I choose to relax This does mean I listen to more music so for me it was certainly worth doing

RE The Brennan JB7 I agree with you here I am always suspicious of something that is advertised everywhere as revolutionary where to me it is no more than a hard disk recorder with some extra software I have not listened to it so dont know the sound quality but I am seriously worried about how reliable and future-proof it may be - hard disks can fail and do fail I use an old laptop with an external 1TB drive to store downloads and music ripped from CDs Music is played through a Squeezebox All these are part of the home network (although strictly one doesnt need a home network as the Squeezebox can be connected to the computer via a 2-way ethernet cable) As part of the home network the music files also get backed up regularly to other hard drives on the network Like you said job done and for not a lot of money I would stay well clear of the Brennan for if the hard drive goes you lose the music collection and have to do the ripping again unless of course you have backed them up - but in doing that you need a computer anyway

RE The Brennan JB7

Hi all hope you dont mind me joining the conversation

Back up of any music is recomended (how many tapes have we all chewed up and vinyl scratched) This can be done via an extra hard drive (pc not needed) connected to the front USB you can also use this for extra capacity as well if you run out of space Your PC still has hard drives so possiblity of failure is still there USB can also be used to plug in a keyboard to edit or add your own or missing info not all the world to do when your listening or copying as well as pluging in your mates mp3 or

USB drive again to listen to or copy Although the Brennan plays cds its funtion is to play mp3 so better to copy first (2 mins) and then play back When the unit is in stand by (when your tucked up in bed) it then compresses (3 x rates and uncompressed) You are still able to play the music before its compressed It all works very quick and smooth Personally Ive got a problem with listening to music on a PC Its too much faffing about in my view Ive copied 50 cds (715) songs at 320 and have used up 847 Gbs only another 46846 Gb to go Next week Im going to try loading the old vinyl on to her Uncompressed first to see what she sounds like I havent tried this yet apparantly you just plug the deck in After that minidisc

RE The Brennan JB7 The unit is quiet when playing no fans etc Sound good to me Ive got mine hooked up to an old Pioneer LS7 Lifestyle system and the volume and quality sounds great to me but I could be tone deaf Ill admit its not cheap but honestlyits the best bit of kit Ive ever bought Its the same size as my Colins Daily wired diary I took it around to a mates pluged it in to a front socket on his amp and showed him what it could do (and at the same time copying his cds) If any one has any doubts about buying one look at their web site Money back if your not happy Ill bet that you wont return it Relieability When have we ever bought anything electronic and been concerned about relieabilitywell we are concerned but we still buy Have a listen to the people who own one its easy to put the product down without giving it a go It does exactly what its says on the tin

RE The Brennan JB7 jethro wrote going to try loading the old vinyl on to her Uncompressed first to see what she sounds like I havent tried this yet apparantly you just plug the deck in After that minidisc Id be very interested to hear how that goes I bought a gadget put out by Nero that promised to do the same but the software was so unfriendly I couldnt get it to work Its disappearance from the market since tells me few others could either RE The Brennan JB7 Top of my list of concerns would be sound quality MP3 is great for music on the move such as in the car but I would be suspicious of the Brennan not supporting FLAC Last year I invested in a Linn Majik DS player and Ripnas ripping and storage device Having no computer skills at all my dealer did all that side for me and I am now delighted with both the convenience and sound quality Its better than the CDs it copies from and as well as that I download studio quality masters at 24 bit (as opposed to CDs 16 bit) resolution And as if this were not enough I recently latched on to internet radio through the DS player too Absolutely stunning sound that gives my LP12 a run for its money Digital streaming is the future of music - and FLAC its guarantor of sound quality

RE The Brennan JB7 Im busy loading up my new JB7 and must say that I find it all that it claims to be Sure - if you happen to have perfect pitch and super-sensitive hearing sound quality may be lower than you like but my experience is that most people are fooling themselves if they believe they can tell the difference between compressed and uncompressed files The JB7 is a convenience tool and it fills that role very well My only dissatisfaction lies with the information management aspect - having chosen to go with freedb the user-generated database Brennan have opted for the lowest level of quality and usability Frankly its a mess Clearly designed mainly for pop music preference is given to artist over composer so if you want to find all versions of Bruchs violin concerto that you may happen to have scattered over a number of discs - forget it By the time the screen shows the performer and say the London Symphony Orchestra theres no space left to tell you whether you are looking at an organ piece or a fiddle concerto This is because the database uses fixed field lengths so you cant actually get all the data on to the screen The only thing to do to make sure that the information you need for retrieval is actually there is to input new data for each album after youve loaded it Of course this is not untypical of techie-driven innovations - all the effort goes into the tech and the user end of things is barely touched upon

RE The Brennan JB7 I have had one for about 3 months - largest memory I have about 900 cds on it - mostly uncompressed I think it is absolutely brilliant but I had to send it away for 4 weeks () after something shorted when I was plugging into Audiolab amp Accompanying notesbooklet areis a bit too brief No warning about having everything switched off at all times when faffing about - most people should know this though Whoever says the scrolling to find items is tedious clearly does not understand that you can search and sometimes the first 3 or 4 letters you key in will reveal what you are looking for doh Exciting to play random though all those tracks you never bothered to play over the years pop up and you realise Hey this is good Ive been missing out Elgar followed by Chuck Berry then Lionel Hampton - very stimulating the surprise the anticipation Now connected to new Roksan Kandy 2 and BampW 603s and I can hear no noise whatsoever that should not be there on playback - as clear as you could wish for Why anyone should say do not get it I cannot understand I have been into hi-fi (not audiophile - its the music that matters) since 1970 and still have the Which recommended Thorens TD 150II I bought that year Everything else has been replaced two or three times over the decades but I have to say the JB7 is a milestone in listening for me About 900 CD cases have gone and the CDs are stored in 2 flight cases bought in recent sale at Maplins for pound20 each The CD sleevesinfo has been filed in alphabetical order in 2 small wooden trays I made This can be improved upon I dare say

Oh Brennan emphasis the importance of backup so the scare stories about discs not lasting forever etc should not concern you if you have bought the Buffalo 500GB disc and copied all you stuff onto it Seemed to take about a fortnight though running night and day

RE The Brennan JB7 This Forum discussion has all been about the Brennan JB7 Are there no alternatives I had considered the JB7 but was put off by the evident difficulty in labelling and classifying I currently have my CDs classified via a database (on Microsoft Access) which allows me to classify more or less as Gramophone does (Orchestral Chamber etc) and by composer alphabetically (or whatever) But the system used by the Brennan doesnt seem likely to allow one to do that - eg to look at different versions of a particular piece And to re-write labels using the text system on the keypad sounds appallingly slow

RE The Brennan JB7

Well it seems to me that the Brennan JB7 is a custom device for the older generation who wouldnt have the tech savvy to work out their own solution with a combination of PC work and mediacenter gear So I couldnt knock it because I think we all know its nigh-on impossible to get many older people to adapt regarding alternatives although I dont know a custom one I have seen touch-screen monitors even in supermarkets and I would prefer this with a mini format PC I dont know enough about audiophile soundcards to comment on that Brennan might have thought of FLACM4AAPEWV lossless formats as neither here nor there but I think he will be forced to rethink this very soon

RE The Brennan JB7 RE The Brennan JB7

Im afraid I am just the older generation you are talking about - Im 76 My tech savvy is quite limited and it really would be nice not to have to re-invent the wheel in technical terms (I had a look for example at the Amazon reviews of Squeezebox which was recommedned by one of the other contributors to this forum and I found that someone has had great difficulty in getting it to work) But I cannot persuade myself that the Brennan will really allow me to access my CD music collection even as well as I now can do so via the CDs much as I would like to have a quicker way of finding the music when I want it

RE The Brennan JB7

Bit patronising to us older music lovers that last but one I am 65 and have been working with pcs photos etc since the early 90s when the technology was given to us by our employer whose products are all generated by the most powerful computers in the world Younger people will also find it is difficult to learn totally new ways of working when they are in their early to mid- 50s

Anyway I like the Brennan as I am fairly open minded about new technology - except compression

Mention has been made of lossless Is totally uncompressed - which is what the JB7 can do and in which format most of my CDs are on the Brennan lossless The blurb tells us that this will give a true copy of the original CD

RE The Brennan JB7

You need to think of compressed and lossy as different things since its possible to have lossy uncompressed music as well as compressed lossless music

However the Brennan can only do two things - lossless uncompressed WAV files or lossy compressed mp3 files The former is CD quality (I hesitate to say an exact copy because thats quite difficult to do at a bit level) the latter varies - depending on which bitrate you choose - from between a bit flat (128k) to almost indistinguishable from the original (320k) In fact on the Brennan Id be surprised if you could hear the difference between 320k and WAV

Rest assured however that if youve used totally uncompressed on your Brennan then thats the best quality available (though at the cost of much disk space)

RE The Brennan JB7

I agree the small percentage of albums I recorded at the most slightly compressed (I forget the rating) are good for listening to

Many of us grew up in an era of listening to music firstly in the 1940s and 50s as children on Medium Wave via the wireless We then aspired - as we nearly all got jobs then - towards 1960s hi-fi where purity and the best possible reproduction of the recording was the target

Many of those of the next generation after ours may not have heard the following about listening to the radio prior to about 1965 MW radio for years had irked millions of listeners with problems like (i) fading signal to almost nothing when your favourite single or concerto was being played

(ii) interference from electric appliances like your mums or next doors hoover or (iii) interference from most vehicles when they went past your house (spark plugs) - really loud and (iv) background hiss from millions of other sources (v) mono - but that was OK really when you had known nothing else My God How did we manage

It is difficult therefore for many of my generation to sacrifice digital space for quality even tho the difference may be inaudible to most human ears Just knowing that the music has had something removed is enough for us to want to reject it It is like a backward step We prefer it wi nowt tekkin out now that technology had given us our first peak in quality a few decades ago We do not want to relinquish it for new fads driven by the need to keep selling gear to the masses who can overlook quality for convenience and the need to be cool at all times However it has to be said that even we were seduced by the convenience (and apparent improvement of sound by having got rid of vinyl surface noise) of the compact disc

Going back to quality I have used reel-to-reel a lot from 1966 and nearly always used 7 and a halfper second speed - having closely listened to 3 and three quarters and 1 and seven eighths and heard the loss of quality at the slow speeds on a mid-range Tandberg You only got 45 mins each side of tape at that speed Noisy 1960s and 1970s parties meant though you could play a 3 and three quarters speed compilation at 90 mins per side Horses for courses

The quality of reproduction from the microengineered cassettes where say TDK SA (without Dolby) runs at one and 78ths on a very good (Nakamichi TEAC) or even a not-too-old budget consumer cassette deck is a different matter altogether as far as hifi magnetic tape goes

So at the moment it is fun for me to faff about with reels of tape made as far back as 1976 by playing them on an early 1960s Akai 1721 through a 2010-purchased Roksan Kandy or to record from the Brennan on to a good cassette to listen to the music via a digital to analogue medium

Things are technologically very different in each era but newer and different does not always mean better without question Embrace all the media I say but you can guarantee that as long as the reproduction of music is discussed honest opinion prejudice and bias will always be present in good measure - and thus it has been so for around 50 years I would say Regards to all and listen to the music

RE The Brennan JB7

I am thinking of buying a JB7 with a 320Gb HDD to record most if not all of my 1000 plus CDs at 320k compression I have been using PCs for many years and so I am moderately technically savvy despite my 67 years But I am concerned that I will find what I want on the JB7 I have several recordings of different performances of the same works

For example I have a CD of Dvorakrsquos cello concerto followed by Griegrsquos piano concerto (played by Guy and the BBC Philharmonic) and each has three movements I have several versions of these concerti How would I (a) select this performance of the Grieg and have it play the three movements sequentially and then stop ndash similarly (b) the Dvorak

Another example I have a recording by Horowitz The first 11 tracks are of Schumannrsquos Kinderszenen the next two are Liszt piano solos next come seven tracks by different composers The CD finishes with four tracks by Chopin How does one find and play these as one wants singly or in groups and then stop

How do you elect to play the whole CD

Thanks for your help

The Wanderer

RE The Brennan JB7

Like a number of others I am very concerned about the access to my music files via the Brennans system and have more or less firmly decided against going for one

Following advice in earlier posts on this Forum I have bought dbPowerAmp to rip my CDs and will then set up my files of music by Composer which is what the Brennan doesnt allow easily I plan both to store my files on my computer and back them up onto a Hard Disk

I am then thinking of using the Squeezebox Duet to play my files but I have a slight concern about the ability of the very small Duet Controller screen to allow me enough space to see my filing system and thus allow me to find the music I want Can anyone with a Squeezebox system answer that

One other question What format and compression should I use to make the files good enough to listen on my reasonably good (but not state-of-the-art) amplifier and speakers If I had been using the Brennan I would have gone for 320 bitssec This kind of description doesnt seem to be offered on dbPowerAmp which offers Flac MP3 Wave and some others Which should I choose

RE The Brennan JB7 Mark HH wrote

I am then thinking of using the Squeezebox Duet to play my files but I have a slight concern about the ability of the very small Duet Controller screen to allow me enough space to see my filing system and thus allow me to find the music I want Can anyone with a Squeezebox system answer that Its quite big enough - Ive got well over 3000 folders of music and dont have a problem In any case you can view your music by eg album or artist name rather than folder structure One other question What format and compression should I use to make the files good enough to listen on my reasonably good (but not state-of-the-art) amplifier and speakers That question tempts the opening of a can of worms best left unopened Try different compression types (eg lossless - FLAC - and lossy - mp3) and different lossy bitrates and decide at what point you can tell a difference It doesnt matter what differences other people reckon they can hear - all that matters is what you can hear

RE The Brennan JB7 RE The Brennan JB7

Thank you SpiderJon That answers pretty well everything and I am on the point of ordering a Squeezebox Duet But it leaves me with one minor question When I contacted Logitech to ask about what the controller screen shows (because the user documentation is very sketchy) they told me that the controller only sees albums or Artists and cannot be instructed to look for composers So I am thinking of filing my ripped music putting the composer into the Artist position so that the Squeezebox will see composers which is what I prefer

RE The Brennan JB7 Mark HH wrote

When I contacted Logitech to ask about what the controller screen shows (because the user documentation is very sketchy) they told me that the controller only sees albums or Artists and cannot be instructed to look for composers So I am thinking of filing my ripped music putting the composer into the Artist position so that the Squeezebox will see composers which is what I prefer

Is this nonsense Its certainly sub-optimal But you dont need to do it thankfully because Logitech are wrong

Whilst Squeezebox itself has very limited built-in browse menus it does allow plug in modules such as CustomBrowse which (as the name suggests) enables you to create custom menus so you can browse by whatever tag you like such as composer conductor genre or instrument assuming of course youve filled in tags like genre and have tagged your music with custom tags for conductor and instrument Itd be too much faff for a lot of people I suspect And I dont do it for everything by any means but have done it for quite a few things and find it handy when Im in the mood for minimalist piano music rather than romantic tuba or baroque flute pieces for example See eg




It may look rather daunting but its pretty easy to set up new browse menus for specific tags Plus theres a terrifically helpful user community of Squeezebox users at httpforumsslimdevicescomindexphp so if you get stuck you can always ask on there

RE The Brennan JB7

Thats very helpful SpiderJon I now have a Duet on order and will find a way to suit my own needs using your links

RE The Brennan JB7

just joined the forum Ive just purchased the JB7 amp are getting to grips with it Initial teething problems which I hope I can run past other users firstly to understand why its recommended to use headphone out instead of line out for connecting to the amp It seems that the volume bass amp treble controls of the JB7 interfere with your amp controls ie I set treble to max amp bass to min in order to regain some amp functions control

Also for some strange reason a couple of ripped cds play back with a distinct rumble The mp3 rip via a USB stick is a doddle amp the performance is very good

Perhaps other users can respond regarding these techy issues

In principle the JB7 does what is says on the tin although it should be borne in mind that it was designed primarily to be a stand-alone device

my existing hi-fi It can convert my CDs into a lossy or lossless format my data is permanently backed up and any individual

component of the system can be simply and easily upgraded if and when required - right now it seems reasonably future-

proof Because its a PC with a web browser I can of course also use it to stream Radio Three and other music directly from

the Internet to my hi-fi system (which is useful as I live in France)

It was certainly a little more fiddly to set up than unpacking a magic box which claims to do it all - but I have owned one of those before (not a Brennan) and a very few months after purchase various promised firmware upgrades had been abandoned by the manufacturer along with any customers who didnt upgrade to their very latest models and ditch the older ones I dont wish to imply than any other particular company would do such a thing to its customers just that I didnt enjoy being left out in the cold with a box which didnt quite do everything it was supposed to do quite as well as it should have and suffered from multiple limitations as a consequence of its design (While Im here could I ask Gramophone (and Andrew in particular) to consider some kind of comparitive review of high quality external (eg USB) soundcards for the many people listening on PCs Macs laptops and so on Ive found information very hard to come by - as soon as you get very far into pro gear the assumption is youll want at least 48 input and output channels Im personally happy with two)

RE The Brennan JB7 Like Andrew Rose I too use my pc to stream my music to my hi fi in a simpler (and cheaper) solution I use a PS3 or my Xbox If you have a reasonable pc you can get good results usings something like DBpoweramp to rip your cds

RE The Brennan JB7 Many thanks to everyone for all this information I shall probably keep my present rather cluttered arrangement with shelved CDs which at least look tidy if at time a bit overwhleming The option of operating my listening through my computer has logistical problems for me so Ill wait and see what happens and in the meantime investigate other nooks and crannies for CD storage space

RE The Brennan JB7 Micos69 wrote

I shall probably keep my present rather cluttered arrangement with shelved CDs which at least look tidy if at time a bit overwhleming The option of operating my listening through my computer has logistical problems for me so Ill wait and see what happens and in the meantime investigate other nooks and crannies for CD storage space Rip your CDs to a computer using EAC and buy some sort of Squeezebox to stream music to your hi-fi - that may require you to get a wi-fi router but theyre cheap and easy enough to set up (If you wanted to expand on your logistical problems no doubt people here could help) Job done and for not a lot of money

RE The Brennan JB7 SpiderJon wrote

Rip your CDs to a computer using EAC and buy some sort of Squeezebox to stream music to your hi-fi - that may require you to get a wi-fi router but theyre cheap and easy enough to set up (If you wanted to expand on your logistical problems no doubt people here could help) Job done and for not a lot of money I agree with this approach although I would use dBpoweramp in preference to EAC I was faced with the same problem (more than 1000 discs to rip) and Im half-way through dBpoweramp does help to speed up the process I have three Squeezebox devices scattered around the house so I have access to my music (and internet radio) wherever I choose to relax This does mean I listen to more music so for me it was certainly worth doing

RE The Brennan JB7 I agree with you here I am always suspicious of something that is advertised everywhere as revolutionary where to me it is no more than a hard disk recorder with some extra software I have not listened to it so dont know the sound quality but I am seriously worried about how reliable and future-proof it may be - hard disks can fail and do fail I use an old laptop with an external 1TB drive to store downloads and music ripped from CDs Music is played through a Squeezebox All these are part of the home network (although strictly one doesnt need a home network as the Squeezebox can be connected to the computer via a 2-way ethernet cable) As part of the home network the music files also get backed up regularly to other hard drives on the network Like you said job done and for not a lot of money I would stay well clear of the Brennan for if the hard drive goes you lose the music collection and have to do the ripping again unless of course you have backed them up - but in doing that you need a computer anyway

RE The Brennan JB7

Hi all hope you dont mind me joining the conversation

Back up of any music is recomended (how many tapes have we all chewed up and vinyl scratched) This can be done via an extra hard drive (pc not needed) connected to the front USB you can also use this for extra capacity as well if you run out of space Your PC still has hard drives so possiblity of failure is still there USB can also be used to plug in a keyboard to edit or add your own or missing info not all the world to do when your listening or copying as well as pluging in your mates mp3 or

USB drive again to listen to or copy Although the Brennan plays cds its funtion is to play mp3 so better to copy first (2 mins) and then play back When the unit is in stand by (when your tucked up in bed) it then compresses (3 x rates and uncompressed) You are still able to play the music before its compressed It all works very quick and smooth Personally Ive got a problem with listening to music on a PC Its too much faffing about in my view Ive copied 50 cds (715) songs at 320 and have used up 847 Gbs only another 46846 Gb to go Next week Im going to try loading the old vinyl on to her Uncompressed first to see what she sounds like I havent tried this yet apparantly you just plug the deck in After that minidisc

RE The Brennan JB7 The unit is quiet when playing no fans etc Sound good to me Ive got mine hooked up to an old Pioneer LS7 Lifestyle system and the volume and quality sounds great to me but I could be tone deaf Ill admit its not cheap but honestlyits the best bit of kit Ive ever bought Its the same size as my Colins Daily wired diary I took it around to a mates pluged it in to a front socket on his amp and showed him what it could do (and at the same time copying his cds) If any one has any doubts about buying one look at their web site Money back if your not happy Ill bet that you wont return it Relieability When have we ever bought anything electronic and been concerned about relieabilitywell we are concerned but we still buy Have a listen to the people who own one its easy to put the product down without giving it a go It does exactly what its says on the tin

RE The Brennan JB7 jethro wrote going to try loading the old vinyl on to her Uncompressed first to see what she sounds like I havent tried this yet apparantly you just plug the deck in After that minidisc Id be very interested to hear how that goes I bought a gadget put out by Nero that promised to do the same but the software was so unfriendly I couldnt get it to work Its disappearance from the market since tells me few others could either RE The Brennan JB7 Top of my list of concerns would be sound quality MP3 is great for music on the move such as in the car but I would be suspicious of the Brennan not supporting FLAC Last year I invested in a Linn Majik DS player and Ripnas ripping and storage device Having no computer skills at all my dealer did all that side for me and I am now delighted with both the convenience and sound quality Its better than the CDs it copies from and as well as that I download studio quality masters at 24 bit (as opposed to CDs 16 bit) resolution And as if this were not enough I recently latched on to internet radio through the DS player too Absolutely stunning sound that gives my LP12 a run for its money Digital streaming is the future of music - and FLAC its guarantor of sound quality

RE The Brennan JB7 Im busy loading up my new JB7 and must say that I find it all that it claims to be Sure - if you happen to have perfect pitch and super-sensitive hearing sound quality may be lower than you like but my experience is that most people are fooling themselves if they believe they can tell the difference between compressed and uncompressed files The JB7 is a convenience tool and it fills that role very well My only dissatisfaction lies with the information management aspect - having chosen to go with freedb the user-generated database Brennan have opted for the lowest level of quality and usability Frankly its a mess Clearly designed mainly for pop music preference is given to artist over composer so if you want to find all versions of Bruchs violin concerto that you may happen to have scattered over a number of discs - forget it By the time the screen shows the performer and say the London Symphony Orchestra theres no space left to tell you whether you are looking at an organ piece or a fiddle concerto This is because the database uses fixed field lengths so you cant actually get all the data on to the screen The only thing to do to make sure that the information you need for retrieval is actually there is to input new data for each album after youve loaded it Of course this is not untypical of techie-driven innovations - all the effort goes into the tech and the user end of things is barely touched upon

RE The Brennan JB7 I have had one for about 3 months - largest memory I have about 900 cds on it - mostly uncompressed I think it is absolutely brilliant but I had to send it away for 4 weeks () after something shorted when I was plugging into Audiolab amp Accompanying notesbooklet areis a bit too brief No warning about having everything switched off at all times when faffing about - most people should know this though Whoever says the scrolling to find items is tedious clearly does not understand that you can search and sometimes the first 3 or 4 letters you key in will reveal what you are looking for doh Exciting to play random though all those tracks you never bothered to play over the years pop up and you realise Hey this is good Ive been missing out Elgar followed by Chuck Berry then Lionel Hampton - very stimulating the surprise the anticipation Now connected to new Roksan Kandy 2 and BampW 603s and I can hear no noise whatsoever that should not be there on playback - as clear as you could wish for Why anyone should say do not get it I cannot understand I have been into hi-fi (not audiophile - its the music that matters) since 1970 and still have the Which recommended Thorens TD 150II I bought that year Everything else has been replaced two or three times over the decades but I have to say the JB7 is a milestone in listening for me About 900 CD cases have gone and the CDs are stored in 2 flight cases bought in recent sale at Maplins for pound20 each The CD sleevesinfo has been filed in alphabetical order in 2 small wooden trays I made This can be improved upon I dare say

Oh Brennan emphasis the importance of backup so the scare stories about discs not lasting forever etc should not concern you if you have bought the Buffalo 500GB disc and copied all you stuff onto it Seemed to take about a fortnight though running night and day

RE The Brennan JB7 This Forum discussion has all been about the Brennan JB7 Are there no alternatives I had considered the JB7 but was put off by the evident difficulty in labelling and classifying I currently have my CDs classified via a database (on Microsoft Access) which allows me to classify more or less as Gramophone does (Orchestral Chamber etc) and by composer alphabetically (or whatever) But the system used by the Brennan doesnt seem likely to allow one to do that - eg to look at different versions of a particular piece And to re-write labels using the text system on the keypad sounds appallingly slow

RE The Brennan JB7

Well it seems to me that the Brennan JB7 is a custom device for the older generation who wouldnt have the tech savvy to work out their own solution with a combination of PC work and mediacenter gear So I couldnt knock it because I think we all know its nigh-on impossible to get many older people to adapt regarding alternatives although I dont know a custom one I have seen touch-screen monitors even in supermarkets and I would prefer this with a mini format PC I dont know enough about audiophile soundcards to comment on that Brennan might have thought of FLACM4AAPEWV lossless formats as neither here nor there but I think he will be forced to rethink this very soon

RE The Brennan JB7 RE The Brennan JB7

Im afraid I am just the older generation you are talking about - Im 76 My tech savvy is quite limited and it really would be nice not to have to re-invent the wheel in technical terms (I had a look for example at the Amazon reviews of Squeezebox which was recommedned by one of the other contributors to this forum and I found that someone has had great difficulty in getting it to work) But I cannot persuade myself that the Brennan will really allow me to access my CD music collection even as well as I now can do so via the CDs much as I would like to have a quicker way of finding the music when I want it

RE The Brennan JB7

Bit patronising to us older music lovers that last but one I am 65 and have been working with pcs photos etc since the early 90s when the technology was given to us by our employer whose products are all generated by the most powerful computers in the world Younger people will also find it is difficult to learn totally new ways of working when they are in their early to mid- 50s

Anyway I like the Brennan as I am fairly open minded about new technology - except compression

Mention has been made of lossless Is totally uncompressed - which is what the JB7 can do and in which format most of my CDs are on the Brennan lossless The blurb tells us that this will give a true copy of the original CD

RE The Brennan JB7

You need to think of compressed and lossy as different things since its possible to have lossy uncompressed music as well as compressed lossless music

However the Brennan can only do two things - lossless uncompressed WAV files or lossy compressed mp3 files The former is CD quality (I hesitate to say an exact copy because thats quite difficult to do at a bit level) the latter varies - depending on which bitrate you choose - from between a bit flat (128k) to almost indistinguishable from the original (320k) In fact on the Brennan Id be surprised if you could hear the difference between 320k and WAV

Rest assured however that if youve used totally uncompressed on your Brennan then thats the best quality available (though at the cost of much disk space)

RE The Brennan JB7

I agree the small percentage of albums I recorded at the most slightly compressed (I forget the rating) are good for listening to

Many of us grew up in an era of listening to music firstly in the 1940s and 50s as children on Medium Wave via the wireless We then aspired - as we nearly all got jobs then - towards 1960s hi-fi where purity and the best possible reproduction of the recording was the target

Many of those of the next generation after ours may not have heard the following about listening to the radio prior to about 1965 MW radio for years had irked millions of listeners with problems like (i) fading signal to almost nothing when your favourite single or concerto was being played

(ii) interference from electric appliances like your mums or next doors hoover or (iii) interference from most vehicles when they went past your house (spark plugs) - really loud and (iv) background hiss from millions of other sources (v) mono - but that was OK really when you had known nothing else My God How did we manage

It is difficult therefore for many of my generation to sacrifice digital space for quality even tho the difference may be inaudible to most human ears Just knowing that the music has had something removed is enough for us to want to reject it It is like a backward step We prefer it wi nowt tekkin out now that technology had given us our first peak in quality a few decades ago We do not want to relinquish it for new fads driven by the need to keep selling gear to the masses who can overlook quality for convenience and the need to be cool at all times However it has to be said that even we were seduced by the convenience (and apparent improvement of sound by having got rid of vinyl surface noise) of the compact disc

Going back to quality I have used reel-to-reel a lot from 1966 and nearly always used 7 and a halfper second speed - having closely listened to 3 and three quarters and 1 and seven eighths and heard the loss of quality at the slow speeds on a mid-range Tandberg You only got 45 mins each side of tape at that speed Noisy 1960s and 1970s parties meant though you could play a 3 and three quarters speed compilation at 90 mins per side Horses for courses

The quality of reproduction from the microengineered cassettes where say TDK SA (without Dolby) runs at one and 78ths on a very good (Nakamichi TEAC) or even a not-too-old budget consumer cassette deck is a different matter altogether as far as hifi magnetic tape goes

So at the moment it is fun for me to faff about with reels of tape made as far back as 1976 by playing them on an early 1960s Akai 1721 through a 2010-purchased Roksan Kandy or to record from the Brennan on to a good cassette to listen to the music via a digital to analogue medium

Things are technologically very different in each era but newer and different does not always mean better without question Embrace all the media I say but you can guarantee that as long as the reproduction of music is discussed honest opinion prejudice and bias will always be present in good measure - and thus it has been so for around 50 years I would say Regards to all and listen to the music

RE The Brennan JB7

I am thinking of buying a JB7 with a 320Gb HDD to record most if not all of my 1000 plus CDs at 320k compression I have been using PCs for many years and so I am moderately technically savvy despite my 67 years But I am concerned that I will find what I want on the JB7 I have several recordings of different performances of the same works

For example I have a CD of Dvorakrsquos cello concerto followed by Griegrsquos piano concerto (played by Guy and the BBC Philharmonic) and each has three movements I have several versions of these concerti How would I (a) select this performance of the Grieg and have it play the three movements sequentially and then stop ndash similarly (b) the Dvorak

Another example I have a recording by Horowitz The first 11 tracks are of Schumannrsquos Kinderszenen the next two are Liszt piano solos next come seven tracks by different composers The CD finishes with four tracks by Chopin How does one find and play these as one wants singly or in groups and then stop

How do you elect to play the whole CD

Thanks for your help

The Wanderer

RE The Brennan JB7

Like a number of others I am very concerned about the access to my music files via the Brennans system and have more or less firmly decided against going for one

Following advice in earlier posts on this Forum I have bought dbPowerAmp to rip my CDs and will then set up my files of music by Composer which is what the Brennan doesnt allow easily I plan both to store my files on my computer and back them up onto a Hard Disk

I am then thinking of using the Squeezebox Duet to play my files but I have a slight concern about the ability of the very small Duet Controller screen to allow me enough space to see my filing system and thus allow me to find the music I want Can anyone with a Squeezebox system answer that

One other question What format and compression should I use to make the files good enough to listen on my reasonably good (but not state-of-the-art) amplifier and speakers If I had been using the Brennan I would have gone for 320 bitssec This kind of description doesnt seem to be offered on dbPowerAmp which offers Flac MP3 Wave and some others Which should I choose

RE The Brennan JB7 Mark HH wrote

I am then thinking of using the Squeezebox Duet to play my files but I have a slight concern about the ability of the very small Duet Controller screen to allow me enough space to see my filing system and thus allow me to find the music I want Can anyone with a Squeezebox system answer that Its quite big enough - Ive got well over 3000 folders of music and dont have a problem In any case you can view your music by eg album or artist name rather than folder structure One other question What format and compression should I use to make the files good enough to listen on my reasonably good (but not state-of-the-art) amplifier and speakers That question tempts the opening of a can of worms best left unopened Try different compression types (eg lossless - FLAC - and lossy - mp3) and different lossy bitrates and decide at what point you can tell a difference It doesnt matter what differences other people reckon they can hear - all that matters is what you can hear

RE The Brennan JB7 RE The Brennan JB7

Thank you SpiderJon That answers pretty well everything and I am on the point of ordering a Squeezebox Duet But it leaves me with one minor question When I contacted Logitech to ask about what the controller screen shows (because the user documentation is very sketchy) they told me that the controller only sees albums or Artists and cannot be instructed to look for composers So I am thinking of filing my ripped music putting the composer into the Artist position so that the Squeezebox will see composers which is what I prefer

RE The Brennan JB7 Mark HH wrote

When I contacted Logitech to ask about what the controller screen shows (because the user documentation is very sketchy) they told me that the controller only sees albums or Artists and cannot be instructed to look for composers So I am thinking of filing my ripped music putting the composer into the Artist position so that the Squeezebox will see composers which is what I prefer

Is this nonsense Its certainly sub-optimal But you dont need to do it thankfully because Logitech are wrong

Whilst Squeezebox itself has very limited built-in browse menus it does allow plug in modules such as CustomBrowse which (as the name suggests) enables you to create custom menus so you can browse by whatever tag you like such as composer conductor genre or instrument assuming of course youve filled in tags like genre and have tagged your music with custom tags for conductor and instrument Itd be too much faff for a lot of people I suspect And I dont do it for everything by any means but have done it for quite a few things and find it handy when Im in the mood for minimalist piano music rather than romantic tuba or baroque flute pieces for example See eg




It may look rather daunting but its pretty easy to set up new browse menus for specific tags Plus theres a terrifically helpful user community of Squeezebox users at httpforumsslimdevicescomindexphp so if you get stuck you can always ask on there

RE The Brennan JB7

Thats very helpful SpiderJon I now have a Duet on order and will find a way to suit my own needs using your links

RE The Brennan JB7

just joined the forum Ive just purchased the JB7 amp are getting to grips with it Initial teething problems which I hope I can run past other users firstly to understand why its recommended to use headphone out instead of line out for connecting to the amp It seems that the volume bass amp treble controls of the JB7 interfere with your amp controls ie I set treble to max amp bass to min in order to regain some amp functions control

Also for some strange reason a couple of ripped cds play back with a distinct rumble The mp3 rip via a USB stick is a doddle amp the performance is very good

Perhaps other users can respond regarding these techy issues

In principle the JB7 does what is says on the tin although it should be borne in mind that it was designed primarily to be a stand-alone device

USB drive again to listen to or copy Although the Brennan plays cds its funtion is to play mp3 so better to copy first (2 mins) and then play back When the unit is in stand by (when your tucked up in bed) it then compresses (3 x rates and uncompressed) You are still able to play the music before its compressed It all works very quick and smooth Personally Ive got a problem with listening to music on a PC Its too much faffing about in my view Ive copied 50 cds (715) songs at 320 and have used up 847 Gbs only another 46846 Gb to go Next week Im going to try loading the old vinyl on to her Uncompressed first to see what she sounds like I havent tried this yet apparantly you just plug the deck in After that minidisc

RE The Brennan JB7 The unit is quiet when playing no fans etc Sound good to me Ive got mine hooked up to an old Pioneer LS7 Lifestyle system and the volume and quality sounds great to me but I could be tone deaf Ill admit its not cheap but honestlyits the best bit of kit Ive ever bought Its the same size as my Colins Daily wired diary I took it around to a mates pluged it in to a front socket on his amp and showed him what it could do (and at the same time copying his cds) If any one has any doubts about buying one look at their web site Money back if your not happy Ill bet that you wont return it Relieability When have we ever bought anything electronic and been concerned about relieabilitywell we are concerned but we still buy Have a listen to the people who own one its easy to put the product down without giving it a go It does exactly what its says on the tin

RE The Brennan JB7 jethro wrote going to try loading the old vinyl on to her Uncompressed first to see what she sounds like I havent tried this yet apparantly you just plug the deck in After that minidisc Id be very interested to hear how that goes I bought a gadget put out by Nero that promised to do the same but the software was so unfriendly I couldnt get it to work Its disappearance from the market since tells me few others could either RE The Brennan JB7 Top of my list of concerns would be sound quality MP3 is great for music on the move such as in the car but I would be suspicious of the Brennan not supporting FLAC Last year I invested in a Linn Majik DS player and Ripnas ripping and storage device Having no computer skills at all my dealer did all that side for me and I am now delighted with both the convenience and sound quality Its better than the CDs it copies from and as well as that I download studio quality masters at 24 bit (as opposed to CDs 16 bit) resolution And as if this were not enough I recently latched on to internet radio through the DS player too Absolutely stunning sound that gives my LP12 a run for its money Digital streaming is the future of music - and FLAC its guarantor of sound quality

RE The Brennan JB7 Im busy loading up my new JB7 and must say that I find it all that it claims to be Sure - if you happen to have perfect pitch and super-sensitive hearing sound quality may be lower than you like but my experience is that most people are fooling themselves if they believe they can tell the difference between compressed and uncompressed files The JB7 is a convenience tool and it fills that role very well My only dissatisfaction lies with the information management aspect - having chosen to go with freedb the user-generated database Brennan have opted for the lowest level of quality and usability Frankly its a mess Clearly designed mainly for pop music preference is given to artist over composer so if you want to find all versions of Bruchs violin concerto that you may happen to have scattered over a number of discs - forget it By the time the screen shows the performer and say the London Symphony Orchestra theres no space left to tell you whether you are looking at an organ piece or a fiddle concerto This is because the database uses fixed field lengths so you cant actually get all the data on to the screen The only thing to do to make sure that the information you need for retrieval is actually there is to input new data for each album after youve loaded it Of course this is not untypical of techie-driven innovations - all the effort goes into the tech and the user end of things is barely touched upon

RE The Brennan JB7 I have had one for about 3 months - largest memory I have about 900 cds on it - mostly uncompressed I think it is absolutely brilliant but I had to send it away for 4 weeks () after something shorted when I was plugging into Audiolab amp Accompanying notesbooklet areis a bit too brief No warning about having everything switched off at all times when faffing about - most people should know this though Whoever says the scrolling to find items is tedious clearly does not understand that you can search and sometimes the first 3 or 4 letters you key in will reveal what you are looking for doh Exciting to play random though all those tracks you never bothered to play over the years pop up and you realise Hey this is good Ive been missing out Elgar followed by Chuck Berry then Lionel Hampton - very stimulating the surprise the anticipation Now connected to new Roksan Kandy 2 and BampW 603s and I can hear no noise whatsoever that should not be there on playback - as clear as you could wish for Why anyone should say do not get it I cannot understand I have been into hi-fi (not audiophile - its the music that matters) since 1970 and still have the Which recommended Thorens TD 150II I bought that year Everything else has been replaced two or three times over the decades but I have to say the JB7 is a milestone in listening for me About 900 CD cases have gone and the CDs are stored in 2 flight cases bought in recent sale at Maplins for pound20 each The CD sleevesinfo has been filed in alphabetical order in 2 small wooden trays I made This can be improved upon I dare say

Oh Brennan emphasis the importance of backup so the scare stories about discs not lasting forever etc should not concern you if you have bought the Buffalo 500GB disc and copied all you stuff onto it Seemed to take about a fortnight though running night and day

RE The Brennan JB7 This Forum discussion has all been about the Brennan JB7 Are there no alternatives I had considered the JB7 but was put off by the evident difficulty in labelling and classifying I currently have my CDs classified via a database (on Microsoft Access) which allows me to classify more or less as Gramophone does (Orchestral Chamber etc) and by composer alphabetically (or whatever) But the system used by the Brennan doesnt seem likely to allow one to do that - eg to look at different versions of a particular piece And to re-write labels using the text system on the keypad sounds appallingly slow

RE The Brennan JB7

Well it seems to me that the Brennan JB7 is a custom device for the older generation who wouldnt have the tech savvy to work out their own solution with a combination of PC work and mediacenter gear So I couldnt knock it because I think we all know its nigh-on impossible to get many older people to adapt regarding alternatives although I dont know a custom one I have seen touch-screen monitors even in supermarkets and I would prefer this with a mini format PC I dont know enough about audiophile soundcards to comment on that Brennan might have thought of FLACM4AAPEWV lossless formats as neither here nor there but I think he will be forced to rethink this very soon

RE The Brennan JB7 RE The Brennan JB7

Im afraid I am just the older generation you are talking about - Im 76 My tech savvy is quite limited and it really would be nice not to have to re-invent the wheel in technical terms (I had a look for example at the Amazon reviews of Squeezebox which was recommedned by one of the other contributors to this forum and I found that someone has had great difficulty in getting it to work) But I cannot persuade myself that the Brennan will really allow me to access my CD music collection even as well as I now can do so via the CDs much as I would like to have a quicker way of finding the music when I want it

RE The Brennan JB7

Bit patronising to us older music lovers that last but one I am 65 and have been working with pcs photos etc since the early 90s when the technology was given to us by our employer whose products are all generated by the most powerful computers in the world Younger people will also find it is difficult to learn totally new ways of working when they are in their early to mid- 50s

Anyway I like the Brennan as I am fairly open minded about new technology - except compression

Mention has been made of lossless Is totally uncompressed - which is what the JB7 can do and in which format most of my CDs are on the Brennan lossless The blurb tells us that this will give a true copy of the original CD

RE The Brennan JB7

You need to think of compressed and lossy as different things since its possible to have lossy uncompressed music as well as compressed lossless music

However the Brennan can only do two things - lossless uncompressed WAV files or lossy compressed mp3 files The former is CD quality (I hesitate to say an exact copy because thats quite difficult to do at a bit level) the latter varies - depending on which bitrate you choose - from between a bit flat (128k) to almost indistinguishable from the original (320k) In fact on the Brennan Id be surprised if you could hear the difference between 320k and WAV

Rest assured however that if youve used totally uncompressed on your Brennan then thats the best quality available (though at the cost of much disk space)

RE The Brennan JB7

I agree the small percentage of albums I recorded at the most slightly compressed (I forget the rating) are good for listening to

Many of us grew up in an era of listening to music firstly in the 1940s and 50s as children on Medium Wave via the wireless We then aspired - as we nearly all got jobs then - towards 1960s hi-fi where purity and the best possible reproduction of the recording was the target

Many of those of the next generation after ours may not have heard the following about listening to the radio prior to about 1965 MW radio for years had irked millions of listeners with problems like (i) fading signal to almost nothing when your favourite single or concerto was being played

(ii) interference from electric appliances like your mums or next doors hoover or (iii) interference from most vehicles when they went past your house (spark plugs) - really loud and (iv) background hiss from millions of other sources (v) mono - but that was OK really when you had known nothing else My God How did we manage

It is difficult therefore for many of my generation to sacrifice digital space for quality even tho the difference may be inaudible to most human ears Just knowing that the music has had something removed is enough for us to want to reject it It is like a backward step We prefer it wi nowt tekkin out now that technology had given us our first peak in quality a few decades ago We do not want to relinquish it for new fads driven by the need to keep selling gear to the masses who can overlook quality for convenience and the need to be cool at all times However it has to be said that even we were seduced by the convenience (and apparent improvement of sound by having got rid of vinyl surface noise) of the compact disc

Going back to quality I have used reel-to-reel a lot from 1966 and nearly always used 7 and a halfper second speed - having closely listened to 3 and three quarters and 1 and seven eighths and heard the loss of quality at the slow speeds on a mid-range Tandberg You only got 45 mins each side of tape at that speed Noisy 1960s and 1970s parties meant though you could play a 3 and three quarters speed compilation at 90 mins per side Horses for courses

The quality of reproduction from the microengineered cassettes where say TDK SA (without Dolby) runs at one and 78ths on a very good (Nakamichi TEAC) or even a not-too-old budget consumer cassette deck is a different matter altogether as far as hifi magnetic tape goes

So at the moment it is fun for me to faff about with reels of tape made as far back as 1976 by playing them on an early 1960s Akai 1721 through a 2010-purchased Roksan Kandy or to record from the Brennan on to a good cassette to listen to the music via a digital to analogue medium

Things are technologically very different in each era but newer and different does not always mean better without question Embrace all the media I say but you can guarantee that as long as the reproduction of music is discussed honest opinion prejudice and bias will always be present in good measure - and thus it has been so for around 50 years I would say Regards to all and listen to the music

RE The Brennan JB7

I am thinking of buying a JB7 with a 320Gb HDD to record most if not all of my 1000 plus CDs at 320k compression I have been using PCs for many years and so I am moderately technically savvy despite my 67 years But I am concerned that I will find what I want on the JB7 I have several recordings of different performances of the same works

For example I have a CD of Dvorakrsquos cello concerto followed by Griegrsquos piano concerto (played by Guy and the BBC Philharmonic) and each has three movements I have several versions of these concerti How would I (a) select this performance of the Grieg and have it play the three movements sequentially and then stop ndash similarly (b) the Dvorak

Another example I have a recording by Horowitz The first 11 tracks are of Schumannrsquos Kinderszenen the next two are Liszt piano solos next come seven tracks by different composers The CD finishes with four tracks by Chopin How does one find and play these as one wants singly or in groups and then stop

How do you elect to play the whole CD

Thanks for your help

The Wanderer

RE The Brennan JB7

Like a number of others I am very concerned about the access to my music files via the Brennans system and have more or less firmly decided against going for one

Following advice in earlier posts on this Forum I have bought dbPowerAmp to rip my CDs and will then set up my files of music by Composer which is what the Brennan doesnt allow easily I plan both to store my files on my computer and back them up onto a Hard Disk

I am then thinking of using the Squeezebox Duet to play my files but I have a slight concern about the ability of the very small Duet Controller screen to allow me enough space to see my filing system and thus allow me to find the music I want Can anyone with a Squeezebox system answer that

One other question What format and compression should I use to make the files good enough to listen on my reasonably good (but not state-of-the-art) amplifier and speakers If I had been using the Brennan I would have gone for 320 bitssec This kind of description doesnt seem to be offered on dbPowerAmp which offers Flac MP3 Wave and some others Which should I choose

RE The Brennan JB7 Mark HH wrote

I am then thinking of using the Squeezebox Duet to play my files but I have a slight concern about the ability of the very small Duet Controller screen to allow me enough space to see my filing system and thus allow me to find the music I want Can anyone with a Squeezebox system answer that Its quite big enough - Ive got well over 3000 folders of music and dont have a problem In any case you can view your music by eg album or artist name rather than folder structure One other question What format and compression should I use to make the files good enough to listen on my reasonably good (but not state-of-the-art) amplifier and speakers That question tempts the opening of a can of worms best left unopened Try different compression types (eg lossless - FLAC - and lossy - mp3) and different lossy bitrates and decide at what point you can tell a difference It doesnt matter what differences other people reckon they can hear - all that matters is what you can hear

RE The Brennan JB7 RE The Brennan JB7

Thank you SpiderJon That answers pretty well everything and I am on the point of ordering a Squeezebox Duet But it leaves me with one minor question When I contacted Logitech to ask about what the controller screen shows (because the user documentation is very sketchy) they told me that the controller only sees albums or Artists and cannot be instructed to look for composers So I am thinking of filing my ripped music putting the composer into the Artist position so that the Squeezebox will see composers which is what I prefer

RE The Brennan JB7 Mark HH wrote

When I contacted Logitech to ask about what the controller screen shows (because the user documentation is very sketchy) they told me that the controller only sees albums or Artists and cannot be instructed to look for composers So I am thinking of filing my ripped music putting the composer into the Artist position so that the Squeezebox will see composers which is what I prefer

Is this nonsense Its certainly sub-optimal But you dont need to do it thankfully because Logitech are wrong

Whilst Squeezebox itself has very limited built-in browse menus it does allow plug in modules such as CustomBrowse which (as the name suggests) enables you to create custom menus so you can browse by whatever tag you like such as composer conductor genre or instrument assuming of course youve filled in tags like genre and have tagged your music with custom tags for conductor and instrument Itd be too much faff for a lot of people I suspect And I dont do it for everything by any means but have done it for quite a few things and find it handy when Im in the mood for minimalist piano music rather than romantic tuba or baroque flute pieces for example See eg




It may look rather daunting but its pretty easy to set up new browse menus for specific tags Plus theres a terrifically helpful user community of Squeezebox users at httpforumsslimdevicescomindexphp so if you get stuck you can always ask on there

RE The Brennan JB7

Thats very helpful SpiderJon I now have a Duet on order and will find a way to suit my own needs using your links

RE The Brennan JB7

just joined the forum Ive just purchased the JB7 amp are getting to grips with it Initial teething problems which I hope I can run past other users firstly to understand why its recommended to use headphone out instead of line out for connecting to the amp It seems that the volume bass amp treble controls of the JB7 interfere with your amp controls ie I set treble to max amp bass to min in order to regain some amp functions control

Also for some strange reason a couple of ripped cds play back with a distinct rumble The mp3 rip via a USB stick is a doddle amp the performance is very good

Perhaps other users can respond regarding these techy issues

In principle the JB7 does what is says on the tin although it should be borne in mind that it was designed primarily to be a stand-alone device

Oh Brennan emphasis the importance of backup so the scare stories about discs not lasting forever etc should not concern you if you have bought the Buffalo 500GB disc and copied all you stuff onto it Seemed to take about a fortnight though running night and day

RE The Brennan JB7 This Forum discussion has all been about the Brennan JB7 Are there no alternatives I had considered the JB7 but was put off by the evident difficulty in labelling and classifying I currently have my CDs classified via a database (on Microsoft Access) which allows me to classify more or less as Gramophone does (Orchestral Chamber etc) and by composer alphabetically (or whatever) But the system used by the Brennan doesnt seem likely to allow one to do that - eg to look at different versions of a particular piece And to re-write labels using the text system on the keypad sounds appallingly slow

RE The Brennan JB7

Well it seems to me that the Brennan JB7 is a custom device for the older generation who wouldnt have the tech savvy to work out their own solution with a combination of PC work and mediacenter gear So I couldnt knock it because I think we all know its nigh-on impossible to get many older people to adapt regarding alternatives although I dont know a custom one I have seen touch-screen monitors even in supermarkets and I would prefer this with a mini format PC I dont know enough about audiophile soundcards to comment on that Brennan might have thought of FLACM4AAPEWV lossless formats as neither here nor there but I think he will be forced to rethink this very soon

RE The Brennan JB7 RE The Brennan JB7

Im afraid I am just the older generation you are talking about - Im 76 My tech savvy is quite limited and it really would be nice not to have to re-invent the wheel in technical terms (I had a look for example at the Amazon reviews of Squeezebox which was recommedned by one of the other contributors to this forum and I found that someone has had great difficulty in getting it to work) But I cannot persuade myself that the Brennan will really allow me to access my CD music collection even as well as I now can do so via the CDs much as I would like to have a quicker way of finding the music when I want it

RE The Brennan JB7

Bit patronising to us older music lovers that last but one I am 65 and have been working with pcs photos etc since the early 90s when the technology was given to us by our employer whose products are all generated by the most powerful computers in the world Younger people will also find it is difficult to learn totally new ways of working when they are in their early to mid- 50s

Anyway I like the Brennan as I am fairly open minded about new technology - except compression

Mention has been made of lossless Is totally uncompressed - which is what the JB7 can do and in which format most of my CDs are on the Brennan lossless The blurb tells us that this will give a true copy of the original CD

RE The Brennan JB7

You need to think of compressed and lossy as different things since its possible to have lossy uncompressed music as well as compressed lossless music

However the Brennan can only do two things - lossless uncompressed WAV files or lossy compressed mp3 files The former is CD quality (I hesitate to say an exact copy because thats quite difficult to do at a bit level) the latter varies - depending on which bitrate you choose - from between a bit flat (128k) to almost indistinguishable from the original (320k) In fact on the Brennan Id be surprised if you could hear the difference between 320k and WAV

Rest assured however that if youve used totally uncompressed on your Brennan then thats the best quality available (though at the cost of much disk space)

RE The Brennan JB7

I agree the small percentage of albums I recorded at the most slightly compressed (I forget the rating) are good for listening to

Many of us grew up in an era of listening to music firstly in the 1940s and 50s as children on Medium Wave via the wireless We then aspired - as we nearly all got jobs then - towards 1960s hi-fi where purity and the best possible reproduction of the recording was the target

Many of those of the next generation after ours may not have heard the following about listening to the radio prior to about 1965 MW radio for years had irked millions of listeners with problems like (i) fading signal to almost nothing when your favourite single or concerto was being played

(ii) interference from electric appliances like your mums or next doors hoover or (iii) interference from most vehicles when they went past your house (spark plugs) - really loud and (iv) background hiss from millions of other sources (v) mono - but that was OK really when you had known nothing else My God How did we manage

It is difficult therefore for many of my generation to sacrifice digital space for quality even tho the difference may be inaudible to most human ears Just knowing that the music has had something removed is enough for us to want to reject it It is like a backward step We prefer it wi nowt tekkin out now that technology had given us our first peak in quality a few decades ago We do not want to relinquish it for new fads driven by the need to keep selling gear to the masses who can overlook quality for convenience and the need to be cool at all times However it has to be said that even we were seduced by the convenience (and apparent improvement of sound by having got rid of vinyl surface noise) of the compact disc

Going back to quality I have used reel-to-reel a lot from 1966 and nearly always used 7 and a halfper second speed - having closely listened to 3 and three quarters and 1 and seven eighths and heard the loss of quality at the slow speeds on a mid-range Tandberg You only got 45 mins each side of tape at that speed Noisy 1960s and 1970s parties meant though you could play a 3 and three quarters speed compilation at 90 mins per side Horses for courses

The quality of reproduction from the microengineered cassettes where say TDK SA (without Dolby) runs at one and 78ths on a very good (Nakamichi TEAC) or even a not-too-old budget consumer cassette deck is a different matter altogether as far as hifi magnetic tape goes

So at the moment it is fun for me to faff about with reels of tape made as far back as 1976 by playing them on an early 1960s Akai 1721 through a 2010-purchased Roksan Kandy or to record from the Brennan on to a good cassette to listen to the music via a digital to analogue medium

Things are technologically very different in each era but newer and different does not always mean better without question Embrace all the media I say but you can guarantee that as long as the reproduction of music is discussed honest opinion prejudice and bias will always be present in good measure - and thus it has been so for around 50 years I would say Regards to all and listen to the music

RE The Brennan JB7

I am thinking of buying a JB7 with a 320Gb HDD to record most if not all of my 1000 plus CDs at 320k compression I have been using PCs for many years and so I am moderately technically savvy despite my 67 years But I am concerned that I will find what I want on the JB7 I have several recordings of different performances of the same works

For example I have a CD of Dvorakrsquos cello concerto followed by Griegrsquos piano concerto (played by Guy and the BBC Philharmonic) and each has three movements I have several versions of these concerti How would I (a) select this performance of the Grieg and have it play the three movements sequentially and then stop ndash similarly (b) the Dvorak

Another example I have a recording by Horowitz The first 11 tracks are of Schumannrsquos Kinderszenen the next two are Liszt piano solos next come seven tracks by different composers The CD finishes with four tracks by Chopin How does one find and play these as one wants singly or in groups and then stop

How do you elect to play the whole CD

Thanks for your help

The Wanderer

RE The Brennan JB7

Like a number of others I am very concerned about the access to my music files via the Brennans system and have more or less firmly decided against going for one

Following advice in earlier posts on this Forum I have bought dbPowerAmp to rip my CDs and will then set up my files of music by Composer which is what the Brennan doesnt allow easily I plan both to store my files on my computer and back them up onto a Hard Disk

I am then thinking of using the Squeezebox Duet to play my files but I have a slight concern about the ability of the very small Duet Controller screen to allow me enough space to see my filing system and thus allow me to find the music I want Can anyone with a Squeezebox system answer that

One other question What format and compression should I use to make the files good enough to listen on my reasonably good (but not state-of-the-art) amplifier and speakers If I had been using the Brennan I would have gone for 320 bitssec This kind of description doesnt seem to be offered on dbPowerAmp which offers Flac MP3 Wave and some others Which should I choose

RE The Brennan JB7 Mark HH wrote

I am then thinking of using the Squeezebox Duet to play my files but I have a slight concern about the ability of the very small Duet Controller screen to allow me enough space to see my filing system and thus allow me to find the music I want Can anyone with a Squeezebox system answer that Its quite big enough - Ive got well over 3000 folders of music and dont have a problem In any case you can view your music by eg album or artist name rather than folder structure One other question What format and compression should I use to make the files good enough to listen on my reasonably good (but not state-of-the-art) amplifier and speakers That question tempts the opening of a can of worms best left unopened Try different compression types (eg lossless - FLAC - and lossy - mp3) and different lossy bitrates and decide at what point you can tell a difference It doesnt matter what differences other people reckon they can hear - all that matters is what you can hear

RE The Brennan JB7 RE The Brennan JB7

Thank you SpiderJon That answers pretty well everything and I am on the point of ordering a Squeezebox Duet But it leaves me with one minor question When I contacted Logitech to ask about what the controller screen shows (because the user documentation is very sketchy) they told me that the controller only sees albums or Artists and cannot be instructed to look for composers So I am thinking of filing my ripped music putting the composer into the Artist position so that the Squeezebox will see composers which is what I prefer

RE The Brennan JB7 Mark HH wrote

When I contacted Logitech to ask about what the controller screen shows (because the user documentation is very sketchy) they told me that the controller only sees albums or Artists and cannot be instructed to look for composers So I am thinking of filing my ripped music putting the composer into the Artist position so that the Squeezebox will see composers which is what I prefer

Is this nonsense Its certainly sub-optimal But you dont need to do it thankfully because Logitech are wrong

Whilst Squeezebox itself has very limited built-in browse menus it does allow plug in modules such as CustomBrowse which (as the name suggests) enables you to create custom menus so you can browse by whatever tag you like such as composer conductor genre or instrument assuming of course youve filled in tags like genre and have tagged your music with custom tags for conductor and instrument Itd be too much faff for a lot of people I suspect And I dont do it for everything by any means but have done it for quite a few things and find it handy when Im in the mood for minimalist piano music rather than romantic tuba or baroque flute pieces for example See eg




It may look rather daunting but its pretty easy to set up new browse menus for specific tags Plus theres a terrifically helpful user community of Squeezebox users at httpforumsslimdevicescomindexphp so if you get stuck you can always ask on there

RE The Brennan JB7

Thats very helpful SpiderJon I now have a Duet on order and will find a way to suit my own needs using your links

RE The Brennan JB7

just joined the forum Ive just purchased the JB7 amp are getting to grips with it Initial teething problems which I hope I can run past other users firstly to understand why its recommended to use headphone out instead of line out for connecting to the amp It seems that the volume bass amp treble controls of the JB7 interfere with your amp controls ie I set treble to max amp bass to min in order to regain some amp functions control

Also for some strange reason a couple of ripped cds play back with a distinct rumble The mp3 rip via a USB stick is a doddle amp the performance is very good

Perhaps other users can respond regarding these techy issues

In principle the JB7 does what is says on the tin although it should be borne in mind that it was designed primarily to be a stand-alone device

(ii) interference from electric appliances like your mums or next doors hoover or (iii) interference from most vehicles when they went past your house (spark plugs) - really loud and (iv) background hiss from millions of other sources (v) mono - but that was OK really when you had known nothing else My God How did we manage

It is difficult therefore for many of my generation to sacrifice digital space for quality even tho the difference may be inaudible to most human ears Just knowing that the music has had something removed is enough for us to want to reject it It is like a backward step We prefer it wi nowt tekkin out now that technology had given us our first peak in quality a few decades ago We do not want to relinquish it for new fads driven by the need to keep selling gear to the masses who can overlook quality for convenience and the need to be cool at all times However it has to be said that even we were seduced by the convenience (and apparent improvement of sound by having got rid of vinyl surface noise) of the compact disc

Going back to quality I have used reel-to-reel a lot from 1966 and nearly always used 7 and a halfper second speed - having closely listened to 3 and three quarters and 1 and seven eighths and heard the loss of quality at the slow speeds on a mid-range Tandberg You only got 45 mins each side of tape at that speed Noisy 1960s and 1970s parties meant though you could play a 3 and three quarters speed compilation at 90 mins per side Horses for courses

The quality of reproduction from the microengineered cassettes where say TDK SA (without Dolby) runs at one and 78ths on a very good (Nakamichi TEAC) or even a not-too-old budget consumer cassette deck is a different matter altogether as far as hifi magnetic tape goes

So at the moment it is fun for me to faff about with reels of tape made as far back as 1976 by playing them on an early 1960s Akai 1721 through a 2010-purchased Roksan Kandy or to record from the Brennan on to a good cassette to listen to the music via a digital to analogue medium

Things are technologically very different in each era but newer and different does not always mean better without question Embrace all the media I say but you can guarantee that as long as the reproduction of music is discussed honest opinion prejudice and bias will always be present in good measure - and thus it has been so for around 50 years I would say Regards to all and listen to the music

RE The Brennan JB7

I am thinking of buying a JB7 with a 320Gb HDD to record most if not all of my 1000 plus CDs at 320k compression I have been using PCs for many years and so I am moderately technically savvy despite my 67 years But I am concerned that I will find what I want on the JB7 I have several recordings of different performances of the same works

For example I have a CD of Dvorakrsquos cello concerto followed by Griegrsquos piano concerto (played by Guy and the BBC Philharmonic) and each has three movements I have several versions of these concerti How would I (a) select this performance of the Grieg and have it play the three movements sequentially and then stop ndash similarly (b) the Dvorak

Another example I have a recording by Horowitz The first 11 tracks are of Schumannrsquos Kinderszenen the next two are Liszt piano solos next come seven tracks by different composers The CD finishes with four tracks by Chopin How does one find and play these as one wants singly or in groups and then stop

How do you elect to play the whole CD

Thanks for your help

The Wanderer

RE The Brennan JB7

Like a number of others I am very concerned about the access to my music files via the Brennans system and have more or less firmly decided against going for one

Following advice in earlier posts on this Forum I have bought dbPowerAmp to rip my CDs and will then set up my files of music by Composer which is what the Brennan doesnt allow easily I plan both to store my files on my computer and back them up onto a Hard Disk

I am then thinking of using the Squeezebox Duet to play my files but I have a slight concern about the ability of the very small Duet Controller screen to allow me enough space to see my filing system and thus allow me to find the music I want Can anyone with a Squeezebox system answer that

One other question What format and compression should I use to make the files good enough to listen on my reasonably good (but not state-of-the-art) amplifier and speakers If I had been using the Brennan I would have gone for 320 bitssec This kind of description doesnt seem to be offered on dbPowerAmp which offers Flac MP3 Wave and some others Which should I choose

RE The Brennan JB7 Mark HH wrote

I am then thinking of using the Squeezebox Duet to play my files but I have a slight concern about the ability of the very small Duet Controller screen to allow me enough space to see my filing system and thus allow me to find the music I want Can anyone with a Squeezebox system answer that Its quite big enough - Ive got well over 3000 folders of music and dont have a problem In any case you can view your music by eg album or artist name rather than folder structure One other question What format and compression should I use to make the files good enough to listen on my reasonably good (but not state-of-the-art) amplifier and speakers That question tempts the opening of a can of worms best left unopened Try different compression types (eg lossless - FLAC - and lossy - mp3) and different lossy bitrates and decide at what point you can tell a difference It doesnt matter what differences other people reckon they can hear - all that matters is what you can hear

RE The Brennan JB7 RE The Brennan JB7

Thank you SpiderJon That answers pretty well everything and I am on the point of ordering a Squeezebox Duet But it leaves me with one minor question When I contacted Logitech to ask about what the controller screen shows (because the user documentation is very sketchy) they told me that the controller only sees albums or Artists and cannot be instructed to look for composers So I am thinking of filing my ripped music putting the composer into the Artist position so that the Squeezebox will see composers which is what I prefer

RE The Brennan JB7 Mark HH wrote

When I contacted Logitech to ask about what the controller screen shows (because the user documentation is very sketchy) they told me that the controller only sees albums or Artists and cannot be instructed to look for composers So I am thinking of filing my ripped music putting the composer into the Artist position so that the Squeezebox will see composers which is what I prefer

Is this nonsense Its certainly sub-optimal But you dont need to do it thankfully because Logitech are wrong

Whilst Squeezebox itself has very limited built-in browse menus it does allow plug in modules such as CustomBrowse which (as the name suggests) enables you to create custom menus so you can browse by whatever tag you like such as composer conductor genre or instrument assuming of course youve filled in tags like genre and have tagged your music with custom tags for conductor and instrument Itd be too much faff for a lot of people I suspect And I dont do it for everything by any means but have done it for quite a few things and find it handy when Im in the mood for minimalist piano music rather than romantic tuba or baroque flute pieces for example See eg




It may look rather daunting but its pretty easy to set up new browse menus for specific tags Plus theres a terrifically helpful user community of Squeezebox users at httpforumsslimdevicescomindexphp so if you get stuck you can always ask on there

RE The Brennan JB7

Thats very helpful SpiderJon I now have a Duet on order and will find a way to suit my own needs using your links

RE The Brennan JB7

just joined the forum Ive just purchased the JB7 amp are getting to grips with it Initial teething problems which I hope I can run past other users firstly to understand why its recommended to use headphone out instead of line out for connecting to the amp It seems that the volume bass amp treble controls of the JB7 interfere with your amp controls ie I set treble to max amp bass to min in order to regain some amp functions control

Also for some strange reason a couple of ripped cds play back with a distinct rumble The mp3 rip via a USB stick is a doddle amp the performance is very good

Perhaps other users can respond regarding these techy issues

In principle the JB7 does what is says on the tin although it should be borne in mind that it was designed primarily to be a stand-alone device

RE The Brennan JB7 Mark HH wrote

I am then thinking of using the Squeezebox Duet to play my files but I have a slight concern about the ability of the very small Duet Controller screen to allow me enough space to see my filing system and thus allow me to find the music I want Can anyone with a Squeezebox system answer that Its quite big enough - Ive got well over 3000 folders of music and dont have a problem In any case you can view your music by eg album or artist name rather than folder structure One other question What format and compression should I use to make the files good enough to listen on my reasonably good (but not state-of-the-art) amplifier and speakers That question tempts the opening of a can of worms best left unopened Try different compression types (eg lossless - FLAC - and lossy - mp3) and different lossy bitrates and decide at what point you can tell a difference It doesnt matter what differences other people reckon they can hear - all that matters is what you can hear

RE The Brennan JB7 RE The Brennan JB7

Thank you SpiderJon That answers pretty well everything and I am on the point of ordering a Squeezebox Duet But it leaves me with one minor question When I contacted Logitech to ask about what the controller screen shows (because the user documentation is very sketchy) they told me that the controller only sees albums or Artists and cannot be instructed to look for composers So I am thinking of filing my ripped music putting the composer into the Artist position so that the Squeezebox will see composers which is what I prefer

RE The Brennan JB7 Mark HH wrote

When I contacted Logitech to ask about what the controller screen shows (because the user documentation is very sketchy) they told me that the controller only sees albums or Artists and cannot be instructed to look for composers So I am thinking of filing my ripped music putting the composer into the Artist position so that the Squeezebox will see composers which is what I prefer

Is this nonsense Its certainly sub-optimal But you dont need to do it thankfully because Logitech are wrong

Whilst Squeezebox itself has very limited built-in browse menus it does allow plug in modules such as CustomBrowse which (as the name suggests) enables you to create custom menus so you can browse by whatever tag you like such as composer conductor genre or instrument assuming of course youve filled in tags like genre and have tagged your music with custom tags for conductor and instrument Itd be too much faff for a lot of people I suspect And I dont do it for everything by any means but have done it for quite a few things and find it handy when Im in the mood for minimalist piano music rather than romantic tuba or baroque flute pieces for example See eg




It may look rather daunting but its pretty easy to set up new browse menus for specific tags Plus theres a terrifically helpful user community of Squeezebox users at httpforumsslimdevicescomindexphp so if you get stuck you can always ask on there

RE The Brennan JB7

Thats very helpful SpiderJon I now have a Duet on order and will find a way to suit my own needs using your links

RE The Brennan JB7

just joined the forum Ive just purchased the JB7 amp are getting to grips with it Initial teething problems which I hope I can run past other users firstly to understand why its recommended to use headphone out instead of line out for connecting to the amp It seems that the volume bass amp treble controls of the JB7 interfere with your amp controls ie I set treble to max amp bass to min in order to regain some amp functions control

Also for some strange reason a couple of ripped cds play back with a distinct rumble The mp3 rip via a USB stick is a doddle amp the performance is very good

Perhaps other users can respond regarding these techy issues

In principle the JB7 does what is says on the tin although it should be borne in mind that it was designed primarily to be a stand-alone device

Perhaps other users can respond regarding these techy issues

In principle the JB7 does what is says on the tin although it should be borne in mind that it was designed primarily to be a stand-alone device