The Brave New World of Continuous Release - Baruch Sadogursky

Post on 13-May-2015

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While rapid release cycles provide numerous benefits for end-users and developers, it puts additional pressure on DevOps to make sure that a good application is provisioned with no mistakes. In this session, we will look at the release process from the binaries point of view. We will explain what are the processes and the methodologies for moving your build binaries between different phases until declared production-ready. In the second part of the session, we will show how business requirements can affect release procedures. We will discuss what it takes to customize the logic of the process in the context of CI servers and binary artifacts. We will demonstrate several common release methodologies and compare the pros and cons of each one.

Transcript of The Brave New World of Continuous Release - Baruch Sadogursky

The Brave New World of Continuous Release

Baruch, JFrog

Baruch Developer Advocate @JFrog

> Job definition (part of): Hang out with the DevOps guys


About me

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012


The cloud silver bullet The right tool for the job Binaries all the way The magic of release


JAX Conference San Francisco 2012


Everything *aasThe New Silver Bullet

What’s So Good About *aaS?

*aaS features Continuous Delivery

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012


User advantages> Latest version/features> No upgrades/maintenance

Developer advantages> Agile> Rapid feedback> Users are the best beta-testers> No long-term support

Everybody wins?

Continuous Delivery FTW

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012


Used to quarterly release cycles “Secure” pace Minimizing the entropy caused by

developers with ADD

Almost, except the IT

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Herding Cats

Developers> Increasing entropy

+IT (operations)

> Maintaining stability


> Stable change

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Continuous Delivery Challenge

Very frequent releases More than one version in production Complicated access levels Root cause analysis

> Tracing from binaries to source

Version tracking Not everyone is ready for CD

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012


Continuous Delivery Challenge

Very frequent releases More than one version in production Complicated access levels Root cause analysis

> Tracing from binaries to source

Version tracking Not everyone is ready for CD

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012


It’s… Agile!

Agile principles applied for DevOps We have good tooling for Agile

development> Version control> Unit testing and code coverage> CI servers> Hot swap tools

What’s up with tooling for agile DevOps?

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012


Agile Tooling for DevOps Checklist

Versioning Access control Traceability Promotions Tags and

annotations Search

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012


How Do I Know?

Artifactory is released with Artifactory

JFrog SaaS offering> Artifactory Online> Gradle, Grails, SpringSource,

Typesafe, Jenkins, etc.

We build, release and eat our own dog food> Continuously


JAX Conference San Francisco 2012

Here Comes Binary RepositoryThe Right Tool for the Job

Here Comes Binary Repository

E.g. Artifactory Proxy Smart storage

> Much more than a passive space

Critical for CI/CD and ALM

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012


Tooling Chain

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In the Beginning it was…

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Binary Repo in DevOps Ecosystem

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From some point product in your lifecycle, all you care about is binaries

Lots of things to do after the software is built

Binaries All the Way

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The Release Pipeline

Source: Agile ALM, Michael Hüttermann, Manning Publications Co.

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Passing the software to QA

Different access rights Different physical location Ability to annotate

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Staging and Preproduction

Replication of Production environment> Lock versions of dependencies and artifacts

Allow access to set of users

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Going to Production

Convert staging binaries to production Allow public access Change settings Tag

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012


TraceabilityWhy and How?

Sometimes you need to go back in time

The Time Machine

Quest for Traceability

What should be restored?> Sources > Dependencies> Environment details> Tags

Where’s the information?> Version control system> Build Tool> Build server

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012


Checkout branch/tag/revision Build Done!

Time consuming Unstable


Rebuilding from Sources

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Dependency Descriptors aren’t stable


Dependencies Lie

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012

POMs deployed with variables> Ivy is OK

Resolution strategies change over time


Evil Dependencies Resolution

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012

Record information on spot> When binaries are created

Build Server


Single Source of Truth

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012

Truth should be saved… … with the binaries… … in binaries storage!


Single Target of Truth

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Bill of Materials JSON REST accessible API accessible APLv2 on GitHub


Open Standard Of Truth

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Build Server Plugin

Build information> Resolved and realized during the build> Attached to the artifacts> Uploaded with the


Artifacts + Build Info = 4eva!!11

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Demo Time!Tracing Artifacts

What my friends think I doDevOps

What Others Think I Do


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What I Think I Do


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What I Really Do


JAX Conference San Francisco 2012

What I Really Do


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What I should Do

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Target: Automation

It’s impossible to release frequently with manual procedures> While maintaining quality

Use your binaries storage to release

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The magic of ReleasePut your repository to work

Release Candidates

Your next build is a release-candidate Once successfully built and tested, click

the button> Automatic versions switch> From integration to release

> Right place to put your binaries> Move from Staging to Public

> Automatic VCS tagging

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012


Releasing with Release Candidates

Process:1. Produce and build snapshots until satisfied2. Once satisfied, build a release candidate3. Stage RC, check and verify4. Once verified, release

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012


Releasing With Artifactory Plugin

Changes versions in build script Allows choosing a target deploy

repository Creates a VCS tag/branch

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012


Demo time!Release With Release Candidates

OOTB Release Management

Pros> Out of the box> Supports the “by

the book” release cycle

> Supports majority of the tools

Cons> Limited

extensibility> May not fit your


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Releasing with Release Candidates

Process:1. Produce and build snapshots until satisfied2. Once satisfied, build a release candidate3. Stage RC, check and verify4. Once checked, release

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012


Releasing with Release Candidates

Process:1. Produce and build snapshots until satisfied2. Once satisfied, build release candidate3. Stage RC, check and verify4. Once checked, release

Redundant build

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012


Releasing with Release Candidates?

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Releasing with Release Candidates?

Lots of things can go wrong during one more build

If we won’t build it, we won’t screw it Revised Process:

1. Produce and build snapshots until satisfied2. When satisfied, check and verify3. Once checked, release

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012


Automation Flexibility

YMMV (great deal) Write your own release logic

Pre and post build deploy hooks


We Know: We Don’t Know Better

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012

Controlling Versioning Scheme

Classic versioning scheme:> Release version > 2.0.3

> Integration version> 2.0.4-SNAPSHOT


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Flexible Release

Code your release strategy> Versioning scheme> VCS (tagging, branching, commit comments)> Promotion hook (copy/move, comments,


Available by REST

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REST == Scriptability == Automation

It’s impossible to release frequently with manual procedures> While maintaining quality

Use your scriptable binaries storage to release

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Example: Promotion of Snapshots

Choose existing build to become a release

Using REST API without build server Invoke promotion plugin

> Convert to next version> Tag, branch, etc.> Promote (copy/move)

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012


Code time!Plugin What?

Artifactory is open for user plugins Groovy groovy DSL Your code runs inside the server Uses Public API (PAPI)

> Search for artifacts> Search for builds> Copy/move artifacts> Manipulate files> E.g. change versions in descriptors

Pluggable Architecture with DSLs

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Community Effort

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As a response for various events> Download/Create/Delete> Login> Release

Scheduled On demand

Plugin Invocation Options

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Plugin Code

Manipulating Version Control Systems

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Plugin Code

Manipulating BuildInfo object

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Plugin Code

Creating and replacing artifacts

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Calling REST API With CURL

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Calling REST API With CURL

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012



Calling REST API With CURL

Artifactory server

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012



Calling REST API With CURL

Artifactory server

Plugins API

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Calling REST API With CURL

Artifactory server

Plugins API

Plugin name

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Calling REST API With CURL

Artifactory server

Plugins API

Plugin name

Build name and number

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Calling REST API With CURL

Artifactory server

Plugins API

Plugin name

Build name and number

versioning scheme

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012



Calling REST API With CURL

Artifactory server

Plugins API

Plugin name

Build name and number

versioning scheme

Target repository for release

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012


Recap: Promotion of Snapshots

Choose existing build to become a release

Using the REST API without building Invoking the promotion plugin

> Convert to next version> Tag, branch, etc.> Promote (copy/move)

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012


Demo time!Release by Snapshot Promotion

4 Commandments of DevOps

Automate everything

Version everything

Trace everything Report/Log/Feed

back everything Designed by Jessica Allen on

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012


4 Commandments of DevOps

Automate everything

Version everything

Trace everything Report/Log/Feed

back everything Designed by Jessica Allen on

JAX Conference San Francisco 2012