The Bourbon Triumvirate Three men who ruled the state consecutively for over thirty years Wanted to...

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Transcript of The Bourbon Triumvirate Three men who ruled the state consecutively for over thirty years Wanted to...

The Bourbon Triumvirate• Three men who ruled the

state consecutively for over thirty years

• Wanted to blend the new and old by keeping southern traditions but industrializing

• Believed in lower taxes and the convict lease system

Tom Watson

• A Populist Party politician• Looked to poor white and

black farmers for political support

• Supported 8 hour workday, graduated income tax, Australian ballot and government ownership of railroads

• Most famous for his Rural Free Delivery bill

Rebecca Latimer Felton

• Social and political reformer• Supported temperance,

women’s suffrage, and educational reforms

• Worked to abolish (end) the convict lease system

• First woman to serve in the U.S. Senate

Hoke Smith

• Leader of Georgia’s Progressive movement

• Ended the convict lease system

• Georgia State Constitutional Amendment for the grand-father clause to disenfranchise African-Americans

Henry Grady• Economic and social reformer• Coined the phrase “New

South”• Encouraged northern

investment in the South• Increased circulation of the

Atlanta Constitution• Organizer of International

Cotton Exposition• Helped to establish Georgia


Alonzo Herndon• Entrepreneur

• Founded Atlanta Mutual Insurance Company

• Used company to help other African-Americans start their own businesses

• Helped save jobs of African-Americans

John Hope

• First black president of Atlanta Baptist College which later became Morehouse College

• Worked to bring bachelor programs to Atlanta Baptist College and eliminate the vocational / industrial curriculum

Lugenia Burns Hope

• Social reformer

• Formed the Neighborhood Union which worked to improve African-American communities with improved sanitation, better schools, health and dental clinics

W.E.B. DuBois

• The “Talented Tenth” strategy for race relations

• Need to educate the best of the African-American race to be the leaders for civil rights movement as part of Talented Tenth

• Wanted full political rights immediately, not just social and economic rights

Booker T. Washington• Atlanta Compromise Speech

which proposed economic equality and no need to force political and social equality

• The accommodation strategy for African Americans

• Vocational education essential for African-Americans seeking equality

• Founder of the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama

Leo Frank

• Jewish man who supervises the National Pencil Company

• Accused, convicted, and sentenced to life for the murder of Mary Phagan

• Taken from jail and lynched• Case led to the re-

development of the KKK on top of Stone Mountain – the Knights of Mary Phagan

Homer Plessy

• 1/8 African-American• Challenged the Jim Crow

laws which set up separate but equal facilities in the South by boarding a train car for whites only

• Plessy v. Ferguson case in Supreme Court

• Lost case which promoted legal segregation