The Blessing that is Liam Marion

Post on 24-Mar-2016

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Liam Marion's first Year

Transcript of The Blessing that is Liam Marion




William  Julien-­‐Jean  Marion  8/4/10  �  2:36  pm  �    6  pounds,  11  ounces  �  20  inches  

Mallorie  and  Julien  

The Blessing that is Liam Marion

William Marion’s First Year  












The  Blessing  that  is  Liam  Marion  William  Marion’s  First  Year  






The Blessing That is Liam Marion

Mink Stork enjoyed his time off. It was the time of celebrating the birth of Christ, and he

knew something special was coming his way. Just as he slid down a rainbow and headed off

to bed in his hollow in the full moon, he overheard a conversation from down below.

“When are you two going to have a baby?” The question was voiced to the newlywed couple,

Mallorie and Julien Marion. They had only been married for four months, but Mink Stork

knew the ambitious young couple would meet any goal they set.

“We really want one,” Mallorie answered, gazing at her new husband. He smiled at her and


Mink set to work. First, he chose the brightest star in the sky for his foundation, so that the

baby would shine within and without. He plucked puffs of drifting clouds to mold the

cherub’s cheeks and chubby arms and legs. Mink sliced tiny bits of dark night sky to fashion

into thick, lush lashes. Underneath the sweeping darkness, he placed tiny bits of star dust,

which formed the twinkle in Baby’s eyes.

A falling star passed over his head, and Mink borrowed the tinkling sparks of star dust to

make the baby’s voice. Then, he took a slice of the sleeping sun and curved it into a heart and

placed it inside the cloud chest. This child would always be full of light and positivity. Mink

turned his favorite rainbow into a blanket for the babe, so that he would radiate hope and

beauty. Inside the little head, he placed a chunk of the full moon, which Mink knew would

make the child wondrous and wise.

He did not finish until the sun was gliding into the horizon, brightening the night sky with

golden rays. Mink finished off by swirling his wing in the sun kissed sky, taking the ringlets

and placing them on the babe’s head.



“Father! May I please make the Marion delivery? With Your blessing, I have the perfect

baby.” Mink presented his beautiful creation to The Heavenly Father. God nodded, and

breathed Divine life into the body. The baby cooed and waved at the Father.

“I bless you, son, with the curiosity to seek wisdom and peace of heart and mind. You will be

the picture of My beauty and perpetuate My hope, on earth.”

The Heavenly Father nodded His great head and patted Mink on the back. “You have done

well, Mink Stork. With My blessings, pack your bags and dust off your cowboy boots.

You’re heading to Houston, the land of rodeos, barbecue and football.”

* * * *



“We’re having a girl,” Mallorie stated. “The Chinese Gender Calendar says so. See?” Mink

headed over to the computer screen, following Julien.

“It’s a boy, Mommy.” Julien smiled.

Mink Stork watched the expectant parents, giggling because he could not tell either who was


“But I can do this.” Mink followed along to the doctor’s appointment when Mallorie was

eighteen weeks along into the pregnancy. He sang to the babe, of blessed rainbows and

sunshine, so that the child waved his arms and legs in glee. The doctor and Papa and Mommy

could see clearly: they were having a boy.



Mink loved it in the Marion household. “Father, please grant relaxation to the mother,” he


“Rest now, Mommy Marion,” he whispered over Mallorie, to comfort her in the last days of

her pregnancy. She slept, with the knowledge that everything would be fine.

He massaged Julien’s feet as he paced the floor, anticipating the baby’s birth. “Father, please

bestow respite to the father.”

“Rest now, Papa Marion,” Mink uttered to the anxious father to be. He slept, positive that

things would be fine.

“Still, now, Babe.” Mink lulled Liam to sleep in his mother’s womb with songs of the infinite

blessing of their Father God and his saving grace.

Mink greeted the sun on August 4, 2010. “You have come out in full regalia to meet the

child,” he stated. The temperature was almost 100 degrees. The Father showed His favor on

this blessed day, indeed. He joined everyone else in their joy.

Mink humbly requested of The Father protection for the hospital room and its inhabitants.

“May we please have peace for this delivery?” His request was granted: the delivery was

peaceful and only took four hours.

“Hi, Mamou!” Mink waved at Julien’s mother, who was able to be present at the birth via

Skype. He thought maybe she could see him, but he wasn’t sure.





“Here comes the baby.” The doctor worked with anointed hands the last pieces of magic

required, and the baby emerged at 11:25 am.

“Welcome to the world, baby Liam!”

The Marions had a beautiful son. “Do you think he looks like the baby from Ice Age, all

bundled up with slanted eyes?” Mommy asked.

Papa laughed. “Yes, a little. But Liam is way cuter.”

The Heavenly Father had made sure of that. The baby’s head was cone shaped for the time

being, as a result of the delivery, but his parents loved him all the more for it. Mink knew the

luminescent brain the baby contained would soon round out his little skull.

“Welcome home, Liam.” Mommy and Papa brought the baby into the nursery they had

lovingly prepared for him.

“Wait until Mommy and Papa leave,” Mink warned the little monkeys that adorned the room.

“You will get to dance soon.”



Liam loved the nursery that Mink had already warmed up for

him. The color combination of green, brown and white gave the

baby surroundings that promoted reliability and stability, self

respect and well being, and purity and innocence.

As soon as the Marions lay Liam down in his crib, Mink led

them in a welcome dance and song for the baby. “We’re glad

you’re here, Liam. We look forward to playing with you all the

time.” Liam watched in awe. He already knew Mink, but he

waved his arms and legs in greeting to his new monkey


In the beginning, when Mink and the baby weren’t playing,

Liam would only fall asleep lying on his Mommy. He suffered

from acid reflux in the early days, and was more comfortable

wrapped in loving arms or wings.

“It’s amazing how happy we are.” Papa and Mommy enjoyed the family’s first few days at

home. “We thank God for our little family.” There was only

Mommy, Papa and Baby Liam. But Mink was there, too. He

watched over the group as they all caught up on their sleep and

loved one another in only the way a new family can.

“Look at how calm he is.” Mommy and Papa were glad Liam was

a calm baby. Mink thanked God that Liam was as peaceful as the

drifting clouds. Liam was willing to sleep most of the day if



allowed to sleep atop one of his parents in the bed. Papa had a special way to put him to sleep

in the baby swing, bundled up and lying on his side. Being swaddled in this way reminded

Liam of the time before he was born, when he was held securely in the arms of God the


When Liam was one month old, he began to smile. “I made him smile,” Daddy insisted,

making a funny face. Wink laughed.

“No, I made him smile,” Mommy countered, executing a perfect pirouette.

Daddy Marion and Mommy would

argue pleasantly about who was the

first one of them to make the baby

smile and laugh.

“I made him laugh,” Mink added.

The entire time, Liam’s facial

expressions were the result of Mink

Stork’s tickling the baby on the tummy and bringing up the gas bubbles. Liam laughed soon,

the tinkling of his chuckles singing through the room.

“What do you think of this food, Liam?” Liam’s curiosity ensured he would be an equal

opportunity feeder. Because of the curiosity and wisdom infused into his being, he welcomed

all foods and loved them.

“Are you making a mess, Little Man?” Mommy asked when Liam smeared food all across

the tray. Liam smiled: he was actually offering his discoveries to Mink.



“Delicious!” Mink would exclaim at every offering, eating every bite.

“Look at Liam go!” Papa loved to watch the baby in The Johnny Jump Up, which quickly

became Liam’s favorite toy. When he bounced

in it, he could almost reach Mink Stork, as he

flew around his head, tickling his ears.

“Higher, Liam!” Mommy laughed. Higher and

higher Liam would jump, until he could just

about reach the very Heavens he came from.

“Come get me, Liam.” Mink Stork would fly

about the room and stay just ahead of Liam as

the baby gave chase. It was no wonder that

Liam’s first mode of self transport was the

bear crawl, where he would place his hands

and feet on the floor and his bottom in the air.

The stance would place him higher, closer to

the stork with whom he played chase. “You

almost got me!”


Mommy and Papa stared at one another. “Did Liam just speak?”

“Papa.” Liam grinned.

“He did. That’s a smart boy,” Papa grabbed Liam and hugged him.

“Can you say ‘Mommy”, too?” Papa asked. The baby smiled.



“Papa.” Mommy hugged Liam and Papa.

“That’s okay. I’m sure Mommy will come

soon.” She was right. “Mommy” was

added by the end of Liam’s first year.

Wink knew differently. The first word

Liam actually thought was, “Light”,

followed closely by, “Hope”, and “Peace”.

These were his divine legacies in life, and

he knew it.

“Is it your first birthday, already?” Wink

Stork flew around the nursery, while the

little monkeys danced and sang the birthday song. Liam giggled. He had grown into a

cheerful little boy, with sun kissed ringlets

surrounding large brown, twinkling eyes framed by

lush lashes as vast as the midnight sky. God’s grace

was present in this little boy.

“Let’s get soaked!” Mommy yelled as she splashed

water on Liam. Mink enjoyed the birthday party

which was held at the Marion’s home in Humble,


All of God’s creations celebrated with the family.

“Happy birthday, Liam!” the sun exclaimed, shining

brightly on the celebration.



“Happy birthday, Liam!” Shooting stars hid within the sun’s rays and peeked out to greet the

birthday boy.

“Happy birthday, Liam!” the sleeping moon awakened from his slumber to call out.

“Happy birthday, Liam!” Wink sang, as he flew around Grandpapa and Mamou, Liam’s

paternal grandparents, who were in attendance. Liam

was also surrounded by Mommy, Papa and numerous

aunts, uncles and cousins. There were water games

and a slide in the backyard.

“Look at how much he loves the water slide.”

Grandpapa would throw Liam down the slide. Mink

and Liam giggled with sparkling laughter and Liam

came back for more, over and over again. Mink flew

around above the slide, leading every splash.

The birthday boy almost blended in with all the little kids running around enjoying the

festivities. His inner light set him slightly apart, and his infectious giggle was easy to find.

“Get the birdie!” the kids exclaimed. They all could see Mink, and chased him around the

yard. The adults obliged them, though they couldn’t fully see Mink, they knew there was

something magical about the day.

“That is delicious cake, Liam. Thank you.” When it was time for cake, Liam had his own

cake to dig into, and he obliged his guests by doing just that. As usual, he offered his meal to

Mink, as well.



“Look at the baby walk.” Mommy shone with pride as Liam took his first steps shortly after

his first birthday. Mink tiptoed before Liam and the baby followed the stork.

Soon, Liam wanted to show off his new skills by climbing the stairs all the time. He would

reach to top and grin down at his parents as if to say, “See Mink and me?” Climbing would

be a skill he was master over, as he soon climbed playground equipment, park benches, and

tables. Each high surface found him closer to his origins, closer to the Heavenly Father who

gave him the light that shone in his heart.

“Wait up, Liam!” Mink soon became the follower as Liam climbed onto everything.

Mink often wrapped his protective prayers around the family. Liam could be often found

snuggling with Mommy or napping with Papa, warm in Mink’s embrace. Liam also loved


“Let’s get Liam clean,” Papa urged, waving the rubber ducky through the bath tub. Liam had

great fun at bath time with Mommy and Papa. The water fun extended to the swimming pool,

as well. Liam even worked out in the home gym with Papa. He was such as strong little man.



“It’s okay, Liam,” Mommy cooed as Papa gave Liam his first haircut. Like the spring time

storms that darkened the skies momentarily, Liam wasn’t too happy about the process. But, in

an instant, Mink grabbed his hand in his wing and whispered quiet prayer. Mink wiped

Liam’s tears with sheets of the clear, blue sky, and the storm cleared. Then Liam remained

still so that Papa could complete

the task.

“We’re so proud of the

independent little man Liam is

becoming.” His parents were

taken with the blessing of their

beloved son. Wink was also

proud of the baby. His shining

smiles and inquisitive nature

were leading him on his lifetime


“What is this? Mommy Marion is

expecting again?” Mink Stork

was excited. He did not want to

leave the Marion home, but he knew he would be back soon. He would go back to his hollow

in the full moon and dust off his spurs for his upcoming delivery. This next visit would make

Liam a big brother!



