The Black Plague. How it was Transmitted The Black Plague or (Bubonic Plague) It is a Bacterial...

Post on 27-Mar-2015

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Transcript of The Black Plague. How it was Transmitted The Black Plague or (Bubonic Plague) It is a Bacterial...

The Black Plague

The Black Plague

•How it was Transmitted

The Black Plague or (Bubonic Plague)

•It is a Bacterial Infection

•60% of infected will die unless treated by modern antibiotics


The Outbreak•The Black Plague devastated Europe and Asia beginning in the mid-1300’s

•It was the second widespread plague in history (Byzantine 1st)

Outbreak Cont.

•By 1400, 40% of the population in Europe died from the plague. (25 million)

Migration of the Plague

•The Outbreak started in Central Asia

•The disease rapidly spread to Western Asia, North Africa, and Southern Europe

Migration of the Plague

•In 1347, the plague reached Europe in Messina, Sicily.

•By 1350, the disease spread throughout Europe and into Russia.

Migration of the Plague

•The disease moved rapidly throughout Europe due to the developed trade system along the (Silk Road) & (Eurasian trade route)

Public Reaction

Public Reactions

•Many people believed the plague was punishment from God.

Public Reaction

•Many blamed the Jewish community of poisoning European water sources.

Public Reaction

•Thousands of Jews were killed as a result…

Public Reaction

•Physicians could not stop the spread or cure the disease

•Quarantine was the first effect measure against the plague



•Loss of skilled workers•Local economies collapsed

•Millions died/towns disappeared.


•Positive•Increased wages for those who survived

•Created public hospitals•Government enforced heath measures