The Birth of Microbiology Kingdom Monera … The Bacteria.

Post on 21-Dec-2015

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Transcript of The Birth of Microbiology Kingdom Monera … The Bacteria.

The Birth of MicrobiologyKingdom Monera … The Bacteria

The Story of Microbiology

• From the time of the Romans to the late 1800’s it was believed that life could arise spontaneously from non-living matter. Eg. Maggots on rotting meat, mould on bread

• 1850’s “childbed fever” is reduced when med students are forced to wash their hands.

• Louis Pasteur:Louis Pasteur: rotting meat experiments dispelled ‘spontaneous generation’

The Story of Microbiology

• PasteurPasteur – Solved the French wine-spoilage problem. Used heat to destroy microbes …called “pasteurizationpasteurization”. Hypothesized that microbes could cause sickness… “Germ Theory”.

• Joseph ListerJoseph Lister – English surgeon…sterilizes surgical instruments…survival rates increase.

• Late 1800’s- Robert KochRobert Koch isolates and cultures bacteria responsible for anthrax in sheep and tuberculosis in humans.

• What household product did they name after Joseph Lister?

The Classification of Living Things:

All Living ThingsAll Living Things

AnimaliaAnimalia PlantaePlantae MICROORGANIMS

MoneraMonera FungiFungi ProtistaProtista



Kingdom Monera

• Archaebacteria:Archaebacteria:• Primitive bacteria• Survive under extreme conditions• Types:Types: Thermophiles - extreme heat

Methanogens - swamps, no O2

Halophiles - salty enviro’s

• Eubacteria:Eubacteria:• More advanced bacteria, more common


1. All bacteria are single celled.

2. All are prokaryotes (no nucleus).

3. Cell organelles are not surrounded by membranes.

4. DNA is made of a single chromosome in a ring called a plasmid.

5. Most reproduce asexually.

Bacteria Shapes:

Shapes:Shapes:• Coccus• Bacillus• Spirillum

Prefixes:Prefixes:• 1 = mono• 2 = diplo• Chain = strepto• Cluster = staphylo

What do you see???

Nutrition• HeterotrophsHeterotrophs: (most)

• Parasites (absorb nutrients from living orgs.) … or…• Saprobes (decay dead matter)

• AutotrophsAutotrophs- (few)• Use sunlight (cyanobacteria)


• Occurs in the inner cell membrane• Aerobic Bacteria (need O2)

• Anaerobic Bacteria (no O2 needed)

-Eg. Clostridium Botulinum…Carrot juice


1. Binary fission Asexual

2. Conjugation Sexual …leads to resistance to antibiotics


3. Endospores – When conditions are unfavourable the bacteria forms a protective wall and lies dormant until conditions improve.

Endospores in a human lung

Helpful Bacteria

• Nitrogen Fixation: • Converts N2 to the more useful NO3

• Nutrient Cycles: • Decompose Matter

• Waste Management & Bioremediation

• Sewage Treatment • (We produce 5 billion kg a day…bacteria break it down!)

Harmful Bacteria

• A small percentage are Pathogenic (disease causing)

• These bacteria produce deadly toxins or effects.

• E.g. Coliform levels in water = fecal pathogens

• Examples: Pneumonia, tuberculosis, botulism, Flesh Eating Disease


Necrotizing Fasciitis