The Best Tips To Quick Start Your Success

Post on 11-May-2015

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Transcript of The Best Tips To Quick Start Your Success

By Daniel Harper

The Best Tips To Kick Start Your Success

Tips to Kick Start Your Success

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Over the past few years in my experience financial success really boils down to three things. Now of course there are a variety of things that you can do to be successful in any venture you choose to pursue, but what I noticed is that people who fail all fit in the same category. What is that category you're asking? Well it's either they A. have a poor mindset and don't know how to become rich because there too busy saying “I can't do that I don't have the money” B. They have money but lack the creativity to come up with an idea to save their life. C. They got the money and the ideas but they never act on them thus never getting anything done and finding true success and wealth. That brings us to category D. They suck at all of the above and have no idea where to start to jump on the road to success in their life.

So me being the nice guy that I am, I'm gonna give to you some top tips on how to tackle those problems and get on the road to riches that I'm sure you and your loved ones want to enjoy. I believe ever person has it in them to go from nothing to something (check out my blog to read my personal story) but they need a little guidance and A KICK IN THE ASS to get there. Trust me if you can get over these three roadblocks you will have a very easy time on the road to the sweet life. Just think, one day you will be able to buy a new car, your dream home, go on a REAL vacation one where you’re not penny pinching and trying to get discounts that end up costing you more in the end. (sorry bad experience ) But hey now I don't have those problems and with these tips and a little dedication you won't either.

How to Have a Wealthy Mindset

We all want to be wealthy. Everybody wants to have a comfortable life with good health and material wealth. But wanting to be wealthy always raises the question “How?” A lot would say that you need to start a business, start working hard, and start acquiring assets instead of liabilities. And most of those who do so fail in the long run. Why? It’s because they failed to start with a wealthy mindset. Being wealthy starts in the mind and if you are not mentally prepared to be rich then you will never be. If you want to be rich you have to think rich. Here’s how to do it.

Believe that you deserve it. If I ask you if you want to be wealthy I’m very much sure that you’d say yes. But if I ask you if you deserve to be wealthy would you answer the same? Being wealthy means you have to believe that you deserve to be wealthy. It opens your mind to opportunities and ideas that can make you wealthy. If you don’t believe then you’d just end up saying, “I don’t think I can do it,” or “It’s too risky.” If you want to be wealthy then stop doubting and start believing in yourself.

Organize yourself. Stop for a while and take a look around. Does your house look like it was hit by a tornado? Is your office space cluttered? Do you think you can be wealthy and rich if you’re in this kind of environment? Your disorganized environment reflects on what kind of mindset that you have. Organize yourself, clean up, get rid of distractions and learn to prioritize. If your mind is free from clutter then you’ll be able to think about things that can make you wealthy.

Increase your mental wallet. Your mental wallet is a perception of how much wealth you can attain or the amount of money they are used to having. Most people’s mental wallet is about the same size as their regular salary. For example, Bob has a mental wallet of around a thousand dollars. Then all of the sudden he gets a fat bonus of five thousand dollars. Since he is used to having a thousand dollars he uses those extra cash and splurges on a lot of things until his bonus ran out. Because his mental wallet is small he is back to living a thousand dollars a month.

Visualize wealth. If you want to achieve something, you have to visualize it first. You have to see it and feel it so that you can set in your mind that it is real and attainable. If you want wealth, you have to visualize having it already. This kind of visualization brings about a positive attitude. It also opens your mind to your current blessings so you can be thankful. Visualize that wealth is continuously flowing towards you and you just have to take it. If you can perceive it, you can achieve it.

Inspire yourself. Look for inspiration in everything you do to help you succeed. If you want to be wealthy then try to learn from wealthy people. Find out how they started, how they live their lives and what winning characteristics they possess that you can emulate. Let go of negative thoughts, pay no attention to people who think you will not be rich. Stop feeling envious of the truly wealthy and learn and find inspiration from them.

Do not forget that money is only a part of wealth and doesn’t completely dictate what a person really is. Money is just a score in a game where no one really is competing. Do not be a slave to money. You just need to accumulate enough of it so that it becomes irrelevant. That way you can focus on things that truly make you wealthy – family, friends and health.

“It is not the creation of wealth that is wrong, but the love of money for its own sake.”

~Margaret Thatcher

How to Boost Your Creativity

Creativity is very important if you want to be productive. It allows a person to create something out of pure thought and imagination and often times it leads to something wonderful. Unfortunately, creativity cannot be simply turned on and off like a switch whenever you want to. It requires motivation, inspiration and dedication. However, you can take steps to boost your creativity to help you in your endeavors.

Listen to music. Listening to music, especially classical music, stimulate parts of the brain that is responsible for the creativity. If you need to boost your creativity in activities such as painting and writing, music is a good way to go.

Brainstorm. Running out of ideas? Set up a brainstorming activity with friends or colleagues. A healthy discussion about different topics will surely bring about tons of new ideas from different perspectives. This is also a good chance to be in the company of creative minds which can also inspire and motivate.

Write it down. Often times you get that creative spark or thought that can lead to a brilliant idea. However, this spark is instantaneous and can easily be forgotten. Whether if it’s just a keyword or a random feeling, make it a habit to write it down so you can easily recall it afterwards.

Distract yourself. The creative process is actually about being distracted all the time because you need to jump from one different thought into another. If you find yourself having difficulty getting fresh ideas, probably it’s because you’re stuck. Distract yourself by doing a whole different activity such as reading a good book or have a conversation with someone for a few minutes. By the time you get back to your project, you’ll have a more different perspective.

Change your environment. Your environment plays a big influence on your creativity. When you’re in the creative process your senses are trying to get as much information as it can to help construct a new idea. If you’re stuck in your room the whole day then the information you gather will be limited. Once this happens, try to change your environment by going out. Stroll around your neighborhood, have a walk in the park or wherever works for you. If you have the time, you can also do a little traveling to refresh your mind.

Exercise. This means exercising your body and your brain. If you want to give your creativity a boost then you need to keep your body in shape and your mind sharp. Exercise, eat healthy, give your brain something to immerse in like a puzzle or doing crosswords. A healthy body and mind will surely boost creativity.

Creativity is about thinking and producing. And your overall health plays a big role on that creativity. If you want to produce something wonderful then you should start by having a wonderful mind and body.

“Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.”

~George Bernard Shaw

8 Ways to Stop Procrastinating

We all know procrastination and most of us are guilty of it. Whenever we have something to do, whether it is a house chore or tasks at work, we tend to put it off to a later time. That is because we don’t want to leave our comfort zone so we waste our free time doing something less productive. And when the deadline approaches, we panic and we end up with a crappy job. Procrastinating is a bad habit. So how do we stop it? Here are eight ways.

Break your tasks into phases. When you need to work on something, especially if it’s a big project that requires a lot of time, break it into small phases so you don’t get overwhelmed. For example, if you’re task is to write a book, do it in phases such as 1) Deciding on a topic 2) Research 3) Making an outline 4) Writing 5) Final Editing. This way you can focus on a smaller chunk than the whole one. Once one phase is finished you can now move on to the next.

Organize your environment. It’s really hard to start getting things done when your environment is not conducive to working. Take a look at your room or workspace and find out if it has too much clutter or if it is filled with things you do not need for working. Organize things properly and get rid of the things that distract you from work, such as TV or other gadgets. Get organized and get things done.

Avoid online distractions. Most of the things that we do nowadays require us to go online to get things done. The problem is being online is a double edge sword when it comes to productivity. It is filled with distractions such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. One pop-out notification and it’s easy to get immersed and the next thing you know precious time has already been wasted. Get rid of these distractions by logging off from these social networking sites and hide those shortcuts from your desktop. If you don’t see it, the less likely you are to be tempted to access it.

Be around productive people. If you work around people who just slack off whenever there is a task to be done, then it is most likely that you’ll end up slacking off as well. Whenever you have something to finish, it will greatly help if you surround yourself with people who know how to value their work time. Productive people have what you call good work ethics that you’ll certainly pick up the more time you spend working around them.

Have a buddy help you. Finding the task too big for you? Ask help from a friend to get it done. That way the big task won’t discourage you and you’ll have fun doing it in the process. So find a buddy who is willing to lend a helping hand to stop you from procrastinating.

Manage your time. I mentioned earlier about breaking your tasks into phases. The same thing can apply with regards to managing your time. Let’s say you have eight hours to finish the job, split those eight hours into phases that you have already prepared. For example, one hour for deciding on a topic, one hour on research, two hours on making an outline, three hours on writing, and one hour on editing. This way, your time will be easily managed and will stop you from cramming.

Re-check your goals. If you find yourself constantly procrastinating then maybe you should re-check your goals and find out if it is aligned to what you are currently doing. If it is not then you must do something about it. You should learn how to adapt and meet things half-way. Even if you don’t like the tasks at hand doesn’t mean you can’t do it.

JUST DO IT. The fact that you’re deciding whether to do the task now or later is already a form of procrastination. Nothing will happen if you’re just sitting there warming your seat. When there’s something to be done, get moving and do it right away.

Procrastination is a killer. It kills time and productivity and can ruin your future. Hopefully by following the tips mentioned above, you can get rid of procrastination so you can live a better and more productive life.

“Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.”

~Napoleon Hill

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About the authorDaniel Harper is 23 years old and was born on April 1, 1989 in Toronto Ontario, Canada. He is a full time health / self-help blogger and entrepreneur. Over the years he has grown up facing challenges in life that only a few would be able to face and overcome. Driven with the desire to change his life for the better, he studied and taught himself techniques about health, fitness, nutrition, as well as personal development. After learning about the benefits of the Holy Trinity of Health, Daniel has applied the lessons to himself and is now living a better, healthier, and happier life. His mission is to help others change their lives for the better and find the happiness they’ve always wanted through this book and other methods he has developed. His vision is a world full of people who are healthy in mind, body, and spirit so that together they can make a better world.

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