The best teacher in the world

Post on 16-Feb-2017

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Transcript of The best teacher in the world

This presentation was made by Kotlyar Valery, Avilov Alexander, Sheremetov Egor and Ivanov Aleksey 11Б, Lyceum №7, Voronezh

The Veteran of Labor, The Veteran of the Second World War, The Honored Worker of physical culture and sport of the Russian Federation, at the moment works as a teacher of a physical culture at Lyceum №7. He can’t imagine his life without sport, beginning from the school years. When Victor Mitrofanovich was a pupil, he participated in different competitions a lot in such kind of sports as swimming, basketball, volleyball and so on.

He studied at the Pedagogical university of Voronezh, took part in the swimming competitions of the city where he won the first prize and became a champion of the city of the distance 100 m between students. He played volleyball as well and participated in competitions of skis. He has the first category in volleyball and skies as well.

After his graduation, he started to work at the school №33 and was working there during 10 years. At the same time he was working as a trainer of volleyball and basketball. The basketball female team won the Cup of Voronezh thanks to him and region school championship , moreover this team was playing among adult teams, and won the first prize as well.

Later he was working about twenty years in an Aviation college as a director of physical culture. During these years a college was remarked as a participant in different sport competitions, where he took the first prizes in different kinds of sport annualy. After this he began to work at the school №66, which now is the Lyceum №7, where he worked as a teacher of a physical education again. During this years the Lyceum was remembered with its fantastic participation in different competitions of the city and the region undoubtedly only because of Victor Mitrofanovich’s merit – a person, who devoted all the life to sport and children, whose main mission is to inspire, to motivate the children and not to go in for «routine» physical culture. 

Victor Mitrofanovich is a very many-sided person. Besides the sport, one of his main hobbies is dancing, not only ballroom dancing, but also Russian folk one. During many years of his work, he trained a lot of children. Many of his pupils achieved successe in sports, this fact is a reflection of that fact that he has a magnificent trainer’s talent. Victor Mitrofanovich is full of an energy and that is why you can’t even imagine how not to go in for sport when you have such an example of an active and cheerful person. And all of us, his pupils are grateful to him than he is not only devoted to his work, but also put his heart, soul and force into us.