The beginnings of an art library. - University Of...

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Transcript of The beginnings of an art library. - University Of...



University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign LibraryBrittle Books Project, 2011.


In Public Domain.Published prior to 1923.

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byNorthern Micrographics

Brookhaven BinderyLa Crosse, Wisconsin


TPo the meiabers, of the CollegeArt Association of erica~

By agr eem~ent wit h th e Archaeologica~l Instituteof America the jourrwv %T T d r~t t a e.'o ;° , a. s become,for the - re sen .Ia th1. offi. ci l organ of' theCo 1. e eatr t A 6o GI (.;n o i: rica Ei o initi.gWith theJuJ L u . 7 )r~tad.wilbe scot bto .every r em lber'

of the Associaio i vsa, . "ti;;J return for h m embeSh1i."pfees .. r ofe S So rWF BTaro",3el l of the Tniv'er.ity of chi.. ; o goon the editorial board. of Art arn.. Arx:chaeolo~y as th$ r rese-,taive of the A sc ti.on aCom.:ri4 tio... for 'rrt an . "Arch-

aeologyT from members of the Association should be, se nt. toProfessor Parbell.

The members who were present at the Bufferlo Me etin2, of the Association- received a list of' boo ~sentit eT+r, e r o ,nArt ' 2,b,'rry w A c opy of t hi s Is .a. isC~ cecdL6to K 1K. ixn Pr Wh 'o _W11 e aict oro t .#..8t X

. .t.' 9 C.+o / :1 1 J 1 . v V _. A rt .L 4 .ibr s a e "it.. rD:C~ 13OSS

° . .t. .. 7 r" .i !'tri -- t "+- T^ 1' +t .,y . 1J7 " '/ '.'L" r y4+ '1.." 'J C" "" r'+ r.TI 1'}, .)'3pC'1 .1 - . . A ny

- 3 '' 1 e s e ?..2 e 3Sion . ,c once «.nimg t'this wr'Jork Itto -thechairl ? n of t.11e 0 =11 iV; e

At the Buf:Afal.o meeting of the Associa~tion1 the~U.A ,{ Y C'is c i esiion o a '7?h :: tqr . 'y in.Art Teat. in.

broughX out the following in. o miatio 1":

1. Dealers in photo graphic repro duct ions.A TT. 4 t of Photooh TDeale-r~s, ith ind~ex by

Singlec opies are l5$ each1, 25 or more copies,? 10 C!,ia

Jred. Bais onas & Cie ., Geneva , Swit zerland. - -Thi s finn pvb-'lishes a sezpias of large photographs of Greene any" the island, .They are excell.eni, but ex pensive. They also have pub fishedcatalogues of their different collections.

Pratelli Alinari, 8 Via Nazion:le , ?lorence )A11 of these IT,,ve

large collect io0fsD. Anderson, Via Salaria, 7, 2ome )of- photog;raphs of

places, buildingsR'. Moscioni,'' ia Conadotti, 7G6,iRome ) and monumentso mny ind inItaly, Alinctri also now has a large s erie s

of Crbk nxcnurents. Anderson is ver~y g'ood for photo r~of details ,of, paintings.

Professor Ch arles- H. Moore's plan, which he founddecidedly success±ul, was that of writing to the posastersof out ofy th'-way places in cases where he could find no recordof p-o lizshed. photographs of monui tent s, and asking them forth e name of a photographer in the town.

Cheap Reproductions

University Prints, published by the Un iv'rity Prints,138 Stuar~t Stb., Boston. These are exccellent .. .! !_Gtcae odu cti ons to i llu s1trate the histo ry of pa ini:±){ a-e) dsoul3p~ture. (They are now preparing a series for architecture .)Th.ey are sold at 11 apiece, or 80%' for 100, and are veryuseful..

Perry Pictures, published by the* Perry Pictures Co;.,Maldien, Mass.

The Copley Prints, published by Curtis& Cameron,388 Pierce Bldg.,,Copley Sq ., Boston. ,

VW. J. Gardner & Co. , 498 Bolyston Street, Boston,Mass. Mr. Gardiner can get you anything that ha.s been ; ecI, and he hMas a very large collection alw Y8 in stock.Silver prints from him, aver, ;e size &62 xc8bj, ost tl2.3O

per-t fi~ared.

2 . e thods of mounting photographs so that theywill remain :lat.

7, ~ ia sout s25.00 and 11 x 14 , price : 50 00.The 1arer ma c" , .ne cnctibe used.or mounti.g hot o rypand -Print e30"- wide and &ny, lent The siaUfl one canbe uxsed ,or mountinig prints and photographs onl~y aprox~imately 10 09. 14. The press e~nd the tissue are both odLe

by the .E at an K~odakCo . , Rochester, IL., Y. This methodhas many advw~nta Ie s. let , the potographs nevrer com~eup.* 2nd, thin mounts only 1/3 as thick as the o rdlinarycani be used.. 3rd.,, the cjalitby of -the th'in mount is muchbet ter . 4th, it is much easier to J ost these thin mountson the bulletin boards. -5th, there is 1n0 V'aZrpi , andt hey are more easily handled.

aurth er suggestions w~ill be most. welcomne ifsent to

Fiai thfully yours ,

Go1 nbi a, Missouri.

President College Art Association of.Ame rica .


Andersons & Spiers Architecture of Greece & homeLondonw Batsfora. - 1903.

Babe ion Manual of Oriental Antiquities,NI. Y. putnam's Sons.

V' aumeister De nnler des kiassisohen altertumsM nchen., OJdenbourg 1888.

SBaum garteneHlenice 1ultu~r T eubne r 19 04wD e e e scBritish

Museum Catalogue of Greek SculptLure. 3 vols.

Brun Den in1er griecbh rem. scuiptur.Mf~nchaen - Prueman~n 1888-1900.

VBurrows Discoveries in Crete Dutton 1909.

Capart Primitive. Art in Egypt,Phil. Lippincott Co. 1905.

Choi.s"y Li Art de beft chez lee romains.Paris'-Ducher & cie 1873.

Collignon Histoire de Ia Sculpture greccque-Paris-Didot et cie 1892.97.

SDaremberg Saglie Dictionnaire des antiquities grecqutet iRomaines.'aris, Hachette et cie 1877.

Tieulafoy L'art antique de la PerseParis Libraire 'entraledr.architecture, etc. 1889.

Tr L Tacropole de SussParis-Hiachette & cie 1890-01.'

D DOoge Acropolis of AthensN~. Y. Macmillan Co., 1908.

Anoc. Art.0

Fowl er ~heeler -

Frazer «

Thrtw ngle r-U.ri ohs(trans. Taylor)

Hndbook ,of roseAroh e ology,NT. Y. A merican Book Co ., 1909 .

Psan ae, Macmillan 1898.

Greek J Roman Sculptu~re , DuitQf l9JX.


I\urtw& ag1 er

Faxtrfnger x e ichbo1 l -


E. A. Gardiner

P. Gamier..

P . Gar rner



HHawe s


Meisterwerke der gr . PlastikLeipzig-Gieseoce 1893

Die ant ikena Gemmen.Berlinl.Gieseke 1900

Gr. Vasen Malerejoqw

l IaLchenmcrurnsima=1904

Six Greek Scul-ptors, Duckworth 1910

Handbook of Greek SculptureY. Y. Macmillan & Co., 1905c

Sculptured Tombs of HellasLondon, Macmillan 1896.

Tyrne s of Greek CoinstEnglazid) Cambridge UniversityPress 1883Le pe intur e antiqueParis Libraries imp. 1892.

Me s ootarnian ArchaeologyLondon, Macmillan 1912

Crete, P oreru nrier of GreeceHarper Bros., 19090

Figures antiques, de terre cuitedxi Mu se e d~u 'LouvreParis, Morel, 1883.

Coins of Ancient Sicilyconstable 1903

Handbook of Gr. & Roman coinsSU. Y. L acncillan x1899

La Sculpture grecqueParis , Hachette et cie, 1901

JD. Arch. Institute

Ko ldewey

Tir 1- s , 2 vols. Athens,Eleuthorodak is 1912

Griechischen tempel in Unter ItalienBerlin, Archer & Co. , 1899.


Jo ubin «

Anc. .. - Ar.t.t

L r

anchtMacIona ld.


Martha lo


Mo.0sso -


O v ekPe

r r o t 8& C h i p i e z -



Iayet & Zollignon -


Altgr iechSche p la stik-Mttnchen Beek 1907

L~a Sculpture atiqyue -avant Phi~tias

Paris, Pontemoing 1904h

Coin PypesGiasoow 1905

Greek ArchitectureN. Y. Macmillan Co., 1909

I Tart etrusqueParis , Pirmin Didot 1889

Manual of Egyptian Lhchaeology,N. Y. Putnm s Sons 1902

P. alacez of CreteLondon, LUnwin 1907

Sculptures of thle ParthenonN. Y. Dutton 1905

Geschichte dier griechi schen plastikIeipzig, Hinrich 189~34

Mistoay of Art (Egypt) etc.London, Chapman & Hall

DiphilosParis, ILaurens 1909

Douri sParis , Laurens 1904

Hist oire 'de 1a ceramigque greccqueParis, Decaux 1888

Die hellenistisohen relief bi1d.erLeipzig, 2n e lianxn 1894

Schliem' a rnT -o excavatonJr

Ac Art

iron Mach


Walters W l


Handlbook of Greek & ;orn n Jcl.p urein conjunction with Unxivrsityprints.,iBoston Bulreau- of Uni-versity travel 1905.

History of Ancient PotteryN. Y. Scribner' s 1905.

Art of GreeksK. Y. Macmillan Co., 1906.

Athens an& it s Monument sMacmillan 1915

;;. i

L'xart Byzantii. Paris, Quart in1 8~

Ikrt cdans 1' Italie mer idionle.Paris 1904.

Bradley; Illuminaated Manu~scripts,Chicago, 1lug 1909

BritihMuseumn: iieproZu ctVioQ from illuminated nr-.

uscript s, London 1910.

Celtic Illumiated Lis.-Biwn:


Go rse:

Ivory workers Of the Mi&ad1e 'Agee

La Sculpture francaise,Paris , Librarvies . ~prim. 1895.

.e iicltausz: Claus Slut erParis Librarie d.e ltart aiin&moderne 1905

Manuel d. archeologie chretienine etcue liturg'ie Paris


Lethaby: Med1iaeval Art

Lowrie: Monu ment s of the Early Church,N. Y. , Macmillan 1901

Religious Art in Prance,Thirt eenthSCentury,


Alb m-M'.us&e de S lpture omraaree,3 vols. Paris, 1895-97.

Sculptures of O11artires Cathedr~al,Carneid~e Univ. Press 1909.

2lements d~e Archeologie chre'tiemne,Paris, Desclee-Lef ebuve 1899-1190Z

MVa r c off.:

Marriage :


Mas, eel1

Micohel :

No rtlcot e&B owrilow:

Ivories,T. Ya. Putnam' S 1005

Histoire de L'Art,Paris, Coin 1905

Rome Sout erraine-1l8/7?,Paris , Didier.

Reber: Mediaeval Art ,N.Y., Harper,


in the$

Mediaeval Art.e

Venturi :

Vitry et Briere:.

StoriLa del "Arte Ito ian. .7*vols. Milanr

Docuent s d~e Sculptur'efranaca'ise de- Moyen age.Paris, iLongen~t 190.,


Bell series of English Cathedrals

VT IT TT French IT

Benoit:; 'Architecture, Paris 1911Blom ieJA Eistory of French Architecture , 2 vols. 1911

TT T: IT Renaissancoe Architecture in England&*

2 vols. 1897S

Bond: %thic Arc hitecture in England,T3ond.on, Batsford 1906.

TT e strninster Abbey,London

VT English Church Architecture

Botsford: The Qathedrals of England fz ales, 1.912.

Choisy: 'Histoire d~e l'architectcure ,Paris,. Gauthier Vi lla rs 1899.

TV L Tart d~e baitir chez lee Byzantine-,

Paris, 1883.

Corroyer: ILarchitecture romaneP aris, Quant in 18.88.*

Dehio ; Be zold: Xirchliche Bau]ktnst,.Stuttgart., Cotta, 1887.-1901.

Di1ke (Pattison) Renaissance o±' art in, France .London, IKegan Paul, 1897.

Bermn: BauL;.net der ren.aissance in Italian,S tutt gart 1903.

Enlart.:' Marnuel d.'archeologie francaise.Paris, Picard 1902-4.

;1nl-art:torigines -fr+a, n sc as c l t T-'r : .itectureY

LI1rart arabes.) Paris, Mbraire iipr.L'art persan) reutiies 1893o"95Cotupole s D' onient et d6io cc idit ,

Paris, Levy 1889.

Archjitectiure of the Renaissance i~n TEnland,London, Bat ford, 1894.

E7arly Renaissance A rcitectu;re in _n .~:nd.

2Lon on, Bares orL, 1901 (Plates)

Gu lttj-:

Hamlin :


Leira ire :

' an atnst 2:,rankre i ohs:ire den , Bleyl, 18w?

Teet book of.'- the H i1tory -of Arch:itecture.II. Y.., Longrnans Green 1896 .

Byzantine andr Roma nesCue Architectule,Oai abricB-e Univ. Press 1913.

3 Or ig in e de Ia b asil iqu e la tine ,Paris.

Moore: Gothic architecture,.IT U. Y, Macmillan 13 99 .

TMeciaeval Thur oh Arch.iltecturl"e o0L Thas'landi.

L1 a rch1t ectbure de laerenaisosancoe,Paris, Iirairies--impr. reu lie , 1892.

Porter: Mediaeva1 architecture ,N. Y. , Baker , Tylor 1909 .

The Construction o±-,ILombar . C Gothic Vaults,Yale University Press 1911.

Architecture romnane dui Mdci de la France , 3

P. ri s, Mo re l 186'lr

Seven period.s of L2rjliFsh architecture,.London 1888


treet: Gothic arc hitecture in -Spain,

L~ondton, Murray.

History of Arohit ec tore ,IT. Y. , 3&ker, Taylor 1906.

Dictionary of Architecture & Building,N. Y , Macmillan Co. , 19010M02.*

Chris, Arch,Gayet:

Gos set:



Chris.o Arch.

BauXienkmhiL1er' in Grossbritamaien.Berlin, Via snuth 1894.

Volumes likewise on Spai. anc Portugal.

Dictionaire raison e d~e ITArchitecture.P aris , Morel .

French Renaissance Architectulre.W ard:


krde r s on :



Bur ckha rdt :


Dart e in :

abri czy:


Arch. of the Renaissance in -Italy,iondC on., Bsteor d. 1901Brumellte schi,

London,, Bell 1901

Masrt dcans l3TItalie m~eri&Lonale,Paris, 1904.

Geschichte der renaistace in Itcalien,Stuttgirt , miff.6 1891.

History of arch, in Ital1y,I. Y. , Houghton Mifflin.

Etude sur l1tarch . lombarde,Paris, Lmnocl 1865.82.

Domikiipe1 in llorenz,Berlin, Ernst Korn 188?.

Brmnelleschi,Stuttgart, Cotta 16.92.

Palladio,Landon, Bell & -Sons 1902.


Gey-iuller & Stegmann: Arch. der renaissance,Toscana 1885.

Cur1i t:


IMothe s:

Gescichte des Barockstils in Italien.Stuttgart , Ebner 188'7. ,.

Character of Renaissance Arch.N. Y.., Macmillan 1905.

Gesc hichte der Mitte1l.1ter1iche. Bankunstd inItalien.

Jena , Costenoble 1883.

His&t., Et -sdies of Church building in' middle agesN. Y., Harper 1880.




Lombardic arch.Lond1on , Heinemann 1910 .

.L enaissanceiItin,Haburg, Struiper 1882-85 (4 vols.)

chuma cher :


I. B. Alberti ,Berlin, Seeman 19-?

Brick & Marble in the -Midd.le Ages in Italy,London, Murray 187.4.





ino da Fiesole ,.--l or enc e, Alinar i 19 0 5.

Lvolution of Italian Pcultptiire,London*, Murray 1909 .

N. Y , ScribnerWt 1903.

C0e rrto a di PaviatM'ilan, Ioepli

Italienische plastikBerlin (Z. -Museen Handb'1ch'er) Speinann 189~3

IDen2krnier der Renaissance- S culptcur To scanas ,Milnchen, Brut:kman

lorentine Sculptors of the Ren~i ssance ,N. Y., Scribner t s 1909.







Michelang"elo und die Medici KapelleLeipzig 1909

Jacopo delta Quercia,Halle, Knapp 18%0 6.

Luca & .Andrea dells.YRob bia,,

Pollaiuolo,-" . Y., Socribner Ts 19074,

Verroo chia,N. Y., Scribner 1s 1904~

Don tec1l0

Benve~liuto Cellini ,Mlet hu en

S cutLured1 Tombs of Rome ,London, Murr y 1910

Mi hel~nelo ,: :rlinY11907.

3torria della s rte,Prato Guasti 1873 8~

Kass iker c r unst:

I T .1 - 1

Mi' chelangBeloDonatelloIuca della Robbia

.L raus :

Low r Ie:0

"Tarce 1-..LeyT aonYt TI

Meyer :

u oliner :

Perate :



Ges chi cht e der christ liChen :: .st,

Freiberg , .erd~er 1896-1L908.Monunents of the Earl~y Church,

~T . Y,., Mcmcillan 1901

Zculptur..e --1o0r ent ine ,Ilorence, Alinari I897"1900,

fie Bermn,P ari s, 1911.. (les rai~t res ce .l art)

1Della i obbia s in rica, Princet on TUniver sityPress 1912Luca' della Rob ia. TI 1914

Lombardi sche Denk t 1er ,6 tut t Oart , :bne: . S eube .t 1893.Histoire die ltArt,7

Paris, Coln l905-09.

B envenu to C e lini ,Paris, (librairie de IT art , 1894)

Ll archeolo ie Chre~t inne 9Paris, librarie s-irnpr. 1892.o

Ghiberti et son col1e,Faris, koiun .1806.

Historical JLandbJook o~ Italian acit,?tre ,IT. Y. , 3cr4ibner Is 1383.

ThuscanSculpt-iors ,London, .ong'man 1864.

Pitt oni Jv'cobEo Sansovino,Venice.1909 .

Schon"eId :

Schott rnullor:



Sans ovine;' tttart , etsler 1839 .

Ita. ad Zan.Bi1duer e & Renaissance,Berlin 1913.

].rte pisana,Florence, Alinari 1904.

Reniaissan~ce in Italy,London, Smaith, El1der,, 1882.

Michelang'elo Buonarroti- 2 vol~sT:ondon, N~i mo 1893.

Itt a .. S cu 1p t 0

It 1. Sulp,


Waters: Vi. G , :

Zee ~rman.

Storia del Art e Italias '7 vols .Milan, Hoopli 1901.

Five Italian Shrines ,L.ondon, Muarray 1906.

Ob eritali eni.eche Plastik,Leipzig, ILiebeskin.& 1897.


Gent ra l Italian painters),Ftoe nt ine painter sNorth L;t1an IT Patnam's N. Y.



Brin ton:

Cartwright (Ladty)



Crowe 8v Cavalcaselle:.

Cru cttwel11

c & rP Criticism of *Ita~lian art.L~ondton, Bell. & 8os.

Venetian Painters,Putnam xs , N. Ye

Sebastiano del P iombo ,Bergamo 19%-.

Gorreggcio ,LondonBell 1903.

Tharly work~s of Raphael,

Londcon., Seeley & Co., 1895.

Raphael, Rome.

Giorgione ,SLondion, Bell 1904.

Old Masters and. New (2~ vols.)

New IHistory of Pa inting in ItalyEdward Thr#;to ? L..N.e Y ., E. P.&iDutton & Co., 1908-09, or

Scribner' s

~iantegna; London, Bell 1901.Pollaiuolto ; N. Y., Scribner 1 s 1,907 .Signorelli; Lond.on, Bell 1901.

baies:Ghirland.aio,T.dY o, Scribner Is 1909 .

De Selincourt:

Doiolas:Gnho Ii:


Giotto,N. Y. , cribner Is 1906.WFra : gelico , London, Bell 1900..La Most ra Umbr.,


Titian, Srbe~ 94IT. Y. , Srbe~ 9

Leonardo d~a Vinci,N. Y., Dutton & Co., 1903.



It.. Paint.

Hanfstaen e''$


Albnms of the Chief Galleries: London, s~nter-

darn, Berlin, etc ., etc.

Ghir anda ic o,Paris.

Pisane13.pN. Y. cribner's 1905.

Titoretto ,London, 3t 111903.

B ott icelli.,Tondon, Bell .1908.Horne:


Uaesier cer Kun st :

(Trecento in Siena,(Quattro cent o in Siena,St ra ssburg , Heitz & un.e l 1906.

XRaf fael.Ti z ianY i he1 Angeloi.Aorre 1 io &0other Italian :.intHers .

Rome anc the "Renaissance ,IT. Y. , Putnam Is 1905.



Laenestre :

. c 'urdy:

Mvolmenti Car ccio:

Molment i:

More ii

Mantegna ,N. Y., Zion ,gans Green& Co. , 1901.

Handbook of Painting-: the Italian School,London, Murray 1887?

Peinture Itali enne ,Paris, Quantin 1885.

Peinture Italienne,Paris, Quantin 1886.

Gior'gione(Die Kunst, vol. 20)

lieonardo ,London, Bell 1904.

Venico, Ongania 1893.".

P einture Venet ienxie,

2lorenoe , Alina.ri 1904.

Tton ion, Murr ay, 1892.


12.aozz o:

Ital. Paint. . .


Liondon, Chapman & Hall 1896.Le onardIo ,

Paris, Hachette& Co., 1899.Newnes Art Library: N. Y., Warne & Co'.

%ozzoli , Pilip ino lippi& otliors.Phillips: Pintor iochio ,

London, Bell 19.01.

Ri~cci:oarreg.o ,IT. Y. , Scribner s 1396.

R(icci* La Mostra Sanese,


Octma-. ow~: Masaccie,

Kassel, I.isch1er & Co.

? Sea lle s: Ransau-"Je onarao ,Paris, L~aurens 190:3.

Strachey: Raphael,London, Bell 1900.

Supino :Botticelli,Florence, Alinari 1900.

Supino : Ties deux Lippi ,Florence, Alinari.

Toesca: Maso ino,BergTamo , 1908.

U~lmv:n: Botticelli, , 89Z.

Va: ri:Lives, N. Y.., Scribner ts 1897.Venituri L.: Origini iella Pittura Veneziana,-


Ar~t of the Italian Renaaissance,N. Y., PutnamIs eons 19O03

Woitniann & Wc errnan~n: History of Pain.ting,N.- Y. , DocVL, Lea&. 1888.

Ital. Paint.

W 1ff1in:


Bell, M".:





Oaf f in :

Rembrandt,London, G. Bell & Sons 1905.

Holbein,Paris, Libraire de 1'art JArcien & Modlerne l§05

Pierre Breugel 1' anc ien ,Bruxelles, Van Oest & cie 1908. (collection desgrax1d.s artistes des Pays-ba c')

Great Masters of Dutch & Flemish painting,N. Y'4-i Scribner' s Sons 1909.

Quint en Met sys,Bruxelles, 1907 (Coil. des gr. ar. des Pays-bas)

Story of Dutch painting,N. Y., Century Coo, 1909.

Cro we& Cavalcaselle : Lives of early Flemish Painters,London, himrray 1899(?) possible later ed.)

oust: Van Dyck,London, J. Bell & Sons 1908 .

Davies, G. S.:

Dickinson, HT. A.:

Durand Greville:

PFierens Gavaert :

Fr ome nt inx, E.:Hourt.c c :

. rans Hals,London, G. Bell& Sons 1904.

German Masters of ArttN.* Y., Stokes 1914.

Hiubert3 & Jan van Eyck,Bruxelles, Van Oest & cie 1910.

Renaissance septentrionale et le s premiersmerit re s des P landre sBruxelles , Van Oest & cie 1905.

Les Maftres et Autrefois

Rub ens ,Paris, Lib rarile .e VIrtart anc ien et mo derme

Klass.ier der Ktuxitt: Stuttgart--Deutsch. Vrerlags -anstsalt'Remb randt 4#2 & 48Rub ens15Van .Dyck 13Mexling #14

Kugler : Handbook of painting: the German, Flemish &Dtch Schools London, 1'urray, 1860 (?) Later

edition also.

D~. & F. Painting --

1It.stler-Monographi en, von X naok±\ss:(Bielefield & Leipzig, V'elbagen &-Klosing)

Thbens-1895Reinbrand. 1895Van Dyck 1902IHobein des j 1897Hubert & Jan van Lyok 1898IMemling1899 YActriaen & Isacl . van Ostade

Martin:, Gera~rd Don, Sns192Lond~on ., on192

Matr ri B0 ton Bates & QuiJA Co:.,Van Dyck

2. Holbein the youngerRerbrandtHallRub ensDIJrer

Albrechat DI~rer,Macmillan 1911.



Rooses , 1:.:

Stevenson, R.AiJ.:



Gerard Ter BorchDe Hooch~Paul P Otte~rGerard Do2nVermeer of DeiftSteen

Rub ens;London, G . Bell & Sons 1905.o


Flanders, rArs Una" Series,S ribner' s.

Pub ens

Vermeer de Del~ft,

Brusells, 1908 (Coll. des irands artistes desPays-bas)

Altniederlandische MMalerei,Leipzig , Peeschel & iippenak 1906.

W lto:

ie al1e:;

Flemrish Sch±ool of pain~ting, L~on" on, Cassell & Co1885.

Hubert & Jan van E~yck,

IU. Y ., J Lane & Co. , 1908.Wea1e:0 Hans Memalinc ,

London, G. Be11 & Sons 1901.


IN'.chter, F. :

]D. & F. Painiting~

Veale : Geraird. David,

Lonadon, Seeley & Co., 1905.

Nieder1 ndi sche s K tnst le r Le ci on

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