The beaver dam

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Tutorial for the Beaver Dam project

Transcript of The beaver dam

The Beaver Dam

A Casa Thomas Jefferson Publication

“21st Century Citizens”

Ines Saboya

Category 1: Teens 4, Teens 5, Teens 6

and Teens 7

Students from category 1 will submit paragraphs.

Ines Saboya

Category 2: Intermediate and Top Flex levels.

Students from category 2 will submit paragraphs.

Ines Saboya

Category 3: Advanced, Thomas Prime and Special Courses.

Students from category 3 will submit five-paragraph essays.

Ines Saboya

Besides the usual publication of the best writings...

Ines Saboya

...first place prize winners in each of the three categories will receive a tablet...

Ines Saboya

...and second place prize winners in each of the three categories will receive R$500 worth of FNAC gift-certificates...

Ines Saboya

Submission PeriodSeptember 8 to September 30At

Ines Saboya

Ines Saboya

CASA THOMAS JEFFERSONBEAVER DAM – WRITING CONTEST2/201121ST CENTURY CITIZENSHIPCONTEST RULESSubmissionThe contest is open to the students regularly enrolled in the following courses:Teens 4, Teens 5, Teens 6, Teens 7, Intermediate 2A, Intermediate 2B, Intermediate 3A, Intermediate 3B, Top Flex 1, Top Flex 2, Top Flex 3, Top Flex 4, Top Flex 5, Top Flex 6, Top Flex 7, Top Flex 8, Advanced 4A, Advanced 4B, Advanced 5A, Advanced 5B, Thomas Prime 1, Thomas Prime 2, Thomas Prime 3, Thomas Prime 4, Thomas Prime 5, Thomas Prime 6, Thomas Prime 7, Thomas Prime 8 and Special Courses (with the exception of Instrumental English).

Ines Saboya

Students will receive the proposed topics for their respective categories in class. The submission period opens on September 5th and closes on September 30th. Early or late submissions will not be considered.The students will submit their work on the website Entries must be original, unpublished work. By submitting work to the contest, the student is confirming that he or she is the author. Totally or partially plagiarized work will be automatically disqualified.Each student may submit one entry in his/her corresponding category. Multiple submissions will not be considered.All entries must be typed and saved in one of the following formats: .doc, .docx or .pdf. The archives must be uploaded by means of the electronic form available on the website All paragraphs and essays submitted may be used or published in their entirety or partially by the Casa Thomas Jefferson. Students on employee-related scholarships as well as Casa Thomas Jefferson employees are not eligible to take part in the contest.

Ines Saboya

JudgmentJudges will be Casa Thomas Jefferson supervisors and coordinators. The judges will evaluate the entries based on the following criteria:Treatment of the assigned topic: the candidate’s ability to successfully keep to and explore the given topicOrganization and coherenceEffective language, mechanics and grammarCreativity and originalityThe judges’ decision is final.

Ines Saboya

PrizesFirst place prize winners in each of the three categories will receive a tablet. Second place prize winners in each of the three categories will receive R$500,00 (five hundred reais) worth of Fnac gift-certificates.The best pieces of writing of each category will be published in the Beaver Dam 2/2011 publication.

Ines Saboya

DeadlinesThe submission period on the website opens on September 5th and closes on September 30th.

The contest winners will be announced on the website on October 28th.

The prizes will be awarded on November 4th at 19:00 at the store Fnac in Park Shopping.

Ines Saboya

Ines Saboya

Ines Saboya

Ines Saboya

Here are some examples of values that might be appropriate to focus on for 21st century citizens:

What makes a good citizen in today's world?

Ines Saboya

It’s best for me to reduce how much I drive and how much gas I use.

Ines Saboya

It’s appropriate for me to purchase products that have minimal packaging — and the packaging should be recyclable.

Ines Saboya

I should consider altering my goals to make them less materialistic and more focused on family, community and happiness.

Ines Saboya

I should make an extra effort to recycle — even if it’s inconvenient.

Ines Saboya

Promote new concepts of ‘21st Century Citizenship'; clarifying the rights and responsibilities of citizens in the 21st century and identifying the essential ‘21st Century Citizenship Life Skills' that enable citizens to engage effectively in democratic and sustainable society.

Ines Saboya

Human beings have always had to learn how to adapt to new situations. Change underpins life, but in the past we had more time to adapt to change.

Ines Saboya

In the 21st century we face uncertainties – political and technological change, social unrest, economic turmoil and no ‘jobs for life’ – and a more complex and inter‐connected world than ever before.

Ines Saboya

Citizens in the 21st century need the ability to adapt quickly to new situations and thatmeans learning.

Ines Saboya