The Babbage Engine

Post on 02-Mar-2018

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Transcript of The Babbage Engine

  • 7/26/2019 The Babbage Engine


    The Babbage Engine

  • 7/26/2019 The Babbage Engine


    Charles Babbage, computer pioneer, designed the frstautomatic computing engines.

    He invented computers but couldnt build them due tointricacies and expenses.

    The Babbage Engine was completed in London in !!,"#$ %ears later, a&ter it was designed b% Babbage an


    'i(erence Engine )o. , built to the original drawings,is built up o& *,!!! parts, weighs fve tons, and is ""&eet long.

  • 7/26/2019 The Babbage Engine


    This is the Babbage engine

  • 7/26/2019 The Babbage Engine


    +hat could it do

    The -nal%tical Engine incorporated an

    arithmetic logic unit, control ow in the &ormo& conditional branching and loops, andintegrated memor%, ma/ing it the frst design&or a general0purpose computer that could bedescribed in modern terms as Turing0


    1n other words, the logical structure o& the-nal%tical Engine was essentiall% the same asthat which has dominated computer design in

    the electronic era.

  • 7/26/2019 The Babbage Engine


    How it wor/ed

    The input 2programs and data3 was to be

    given to the machine through punched cards,a method being used at the time to directmechanical looms such as the 4ac5uard loom.6or output, the machine would have a printer,

    a curve plotter and a bell.The machine would also be able to punchnumbers onto cards to be read in later. 1t usedordinar% base0"! fxed0point arithmetic.

  • 7/26/2019 The Babbage Engine


    There was a memor% storage capable o&holding ",!!! numbers o& 7! decimal digitseach.

    -n arithmetical unit 2the 8mill83 would be ableto per&orm all &our arithmetic operations withcomparisons and optionall% s5uare roots.

    it was conceived as a di(erence engine curvedbac/ onto itsel&, in a generall% circular la%out,with the long store coming out to one side.

    Li/e the C9: in a modern computer, the mill

    would rel% upon its own internal procedures,to be stored in the &orm o& pegs inserted intorotating drums called 8barrels8, to carr% outsome o& the more complex instructions theuser;s program might speci&%.