The art of telling great stories...

Post on 28-Jan-2015

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Transcript of The art of telling great stories...

The Art of Telling Great Stories...

What are stories ?

They transport us to many places and situations we

might never get to.

Stories are magic !

Stories take us everywhere: back in time, in the future or happen right in the

present time.

He creates an atmosphere in which anything is possible, a special kind of

energy that is really magical.

The teller is the magician !

Telling stories is like taking a group of people to the cinema !

You can think of storytelling as a piece of film being projected on to a screen.

In terms of Marketing...

Nothing sales better today than telling a story !

Here is a seven-step process on how to tell a great story:

Start with the end in mind !

Know exactly what you want the listener to believe, understand or

do when you’ve completed the story.

Have a punch line !

Every story must have a beginning, middle and an end.

However, when you tell a story, the most important is the ending of the story.

End with a real “Call to Action” !

Use the 5 “W” questions to direct your story !

Who ?

Where ?

What ?

When ?

Why ?

Make emotions part of your story !

Memorable stories are always attached to powerful emotions.

Describe the journey and the obstacles to overcome !

Every story has a goal that must be achieved, along with the obstacles

that might stand in the way.

Describe the turning point !

In every story, there is a turning point–a decision–that allows

the person or people involved to overcome the obstacle and

achieve the goal.

Provide the lesson from the story !

What STORY would you tell

to gain the TRUST

of your Customers ?