The ARK Foundation of Dayton, Inc. - OUR 20th YEAR! ARKY’s ...

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Transcript of The ARK Foundation of Dayton, Inc. - OUR 20th YEAR! ARKY’s ...

ARKY’s News The ARK Foundat ion of Dayton, Inc. - OUR 20th YEAR!

I n 2014, citizens of the United States of America who believe

in the principles of its original and amended written Constitution do hereby proclaim their rights and obligations to still be according to the original intent of our founders as interpreted by the founders and written in their own writings and notes, e.g. The Congres-sional Record or the Federalists Papers or the Declaration of Inde-pendence, etc.

Those who do not espouse these obvious and well described princi-ples are actually working against their own liberty and freedom. Such people who sacrifice liberty for safety deserve neither (Benjamin Franklin). Their desire for an expansive government do themselves a disservice making themselves servants dependent on government rather than being independent adults “pursuing their own happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence.

Further, we take personal respon-sibility for not having confronted such thinking in the marketplace of ideas. We are guilty of sins of omission by not standing up and speaking up for liberty in the pub-lic square. We proclaim the Dec-laration of Independence still lists the same woes today that drove our Founders to the common

sense solutions of our Constitu-tion. We need to defend said writ-ten Constitution by our lives, our fortunes, and our intellect. Such actions needed include:

Teaching all of American his-tory, especially the religious beliefs and trials of its key leaders.

Training ourselves, our fami-lies, and our leaders by suffi-cient academic trials to gain these truths and act in their roles accordingly.

Defend our Christian heritage by proclaiming it in every city, town, hamlet, jail, school, and ceremony.

Restore the leadership to Godly people who believe God and serve Him in their daily lives.

Defend those who lead by changing our paths to their original routes and restoring our liberties as God created them.

Destroying such artificial rights as our enemies have used to usurp the will to earn a living or the love of country that cre-ates real opportunities for fruit-ful advancement.

(Continued on page 4)

Newsletter Editor Mark Jurkovich ARK Board Members Ron Cooper Jeannie Day James Johnson Mark Jurkovich Adrian Rose

An ARKY Proclamation 1

Lies in the Textbooks: Evi-

dence of Evolution?


Demagogue or Moral



Quotable Quotes 4

Meet the Camel 5

TEEN Kids Korner 7

ARKY’s Calendar of Events 8

Financial Statement 9

Membership renewal form

and Bookstore info


19th Annual ARK Banquet 10

Inside this issue:

Volume 20, #1 April –June 2014

An ARKY Proclamation of Liberty and Responsibility by Ronnie E Cooper

Lies in the Textbooks Part 6: So Called Evidence of Evolution

By Mark Jurkovich

L ast time we showed that several famous “proof of evolution” examples are not

proofs at all. This article will cover several other common examples touted as evidence for evolu-tion. Now the lines between “proof” and “evidence” are rather blurred when it comes to evolution. But I have attempted to divide them as best as I could tell based on how they are de-scribed by evolutionary writing. The so called evidences I will cover today are known as Homology, Haeckel’s lie, and vestigial organs.

The homology argument (or sometimes re-ferred to as comparative anatomy) is based on common structures between animals, claiming that this indicates a common evolutionary an-cestor. A problem with this argument is that there are so many common structures be-tween animals that cannot have “evolved from a common ancestor” that they had to come up with a related term. This term was coined “analogy”, defined as similarity due to common function. In the case of the eye, it would have to evolve independently up to 60 times! Even one time for the eye to evolve is beyond belief, once you understand the utter complexity of the eye and the brain functions to process its signals. Other problems abound, but I’ll have

to leave that for you the reader to study on your own.

A much more reasonable explanation for com-mon structures are that they came from the same designer. Homology was actually under-stood this way before Darwin redefined it. “Before Darwin, homology observations were

explained by a concept called ideal arche-types, meaning the Creator used the superior de-sign prototype throughout His Creation. A branch of this worldview now is called intelli-gent design the-ory.”


Related to the homology argu-ment is the sup-posed embry-onic similarity between spe-cies. This was

put forward by Ernst Haeckel in 1868 when he presented drawings of human and animal em-bryos. His claim was that we go through evo-lutionary stages in the developing embryo, “the biogenetic law”. The problem was, he faked the drawings, and was denounced by his peers over 140 years ago! Yet variations of his comparisons persist to this day. School texts still say the human embryo has gills like a fish. These folds of skin however, are not gill slits, but develop into bones in the ear and glands in the throat.


Supposed vestigial organs are touted as be-ing evolutionary leftovers. These are claimed to be organs that no longer serve a useful function, but once did in our evolutionary past. In the 1800’s it was thought the human body had over 180 vestigial organs. But today virtu-

(Continued on page 4)


Demagogue and the Ruling Party or Moral Values Leaders?

by Ronnie E Cooper

W ho do you wish to lead you? I would hope we would choose good moral

leaders. That can happen if there is a good moral force driving our practices, our world-view. Another word for this is praxis

1 or process

used for such good. The family and the church are intended to be such a praxis for life and politics (the science of morality, especially good, in government). Moral values are not good by natural causes. They must be nurtured at home and school. The Church is responsible for holding up those moral lights of God to men from God’s Word.

In Ohio the Northwest Ordinance was the treaty of July 13, 1787 before our Constitution was even written that required expansion of civil and religious liberty (Sec. 13; Sec. 14, Art.1, and Art. 3). This “religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good govern-ment and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged”.

At our ARK Annual banquet on June 9 our in-formed speaker, Thomas W. Hagedorn, shall speak to the early role of education and moral-ity as being Christian. Come learn the prece-dence for what the Northwest Territories have above all states in this regard. Our speaker, has written the book, Founding Zealots: How Evangelicals Created America's First Public Schools, 1783-1865, as a history lesson worth taking and using.

Again, who do you wish to lead you? We have peo-ple who speak to please the people and influence them by ungodly practices (human sacrifice, promo-tion of sloth, worship of false gods) and by buying their confidence, stealing property through taxes, ruining businesses through regulation, and by many unneeded laws making daily life subject to govern-ment monitoring, interference, excessive taxation, and thought control.

Now through a good orator (demagogue2) our cul-ture (hegemony3) has fundamentally changed by division of Americans (factious4) being pitted against each other.


In short, a demagogue with Marxism5 Hegem-

ony is using factious praxis to fundamen-

tally change America!

Scriptural thoughts in response: (NKJV) When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the peo-ple groan. Prov 29:2 — but remember —

The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes. Prov. 21:1


1. Praxis (think, Common Practice or perhaps Common Law)

The process by which a theory, lesson, or skill is enacted, prac-

ticed, embodied, or realized. "Praxis" may also refer to the act

of engaging, applying, exercising, realizing, or practicing ideas.

This has been a recurrent topic in the field of philosophy, dis-

cussed in the writings of Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, Im-

manuel Kant, Søren Kierkegaard, Karl Marx, Martin Heideg-

ger, Hannah Arendt, Paulo Freire, Ludwig von Mises, and

many others. It has meaning in the political, educational, and

spiritual realms.

2. Demagogue, n. Demagog. [Gr. The populas, and to lead.]

(think, wolf in sheep’s clothing)

A political leader who tries to get support by making false

claims and promises and using arguments based on emotion

rather than reason

3. Hegemony (think, Worldview)

The theory of cultural domination (an analysis of economic

class) to include social class; hence, the philosophic and socio-

logic theory of cultural hegemony analyzed the social norms

that established the social structures (social and economic

classes) with which the ruling class establish and exert cultural

dominance to impose their Weltanschauung (world view)—

justifying the social, political, and economic status quo—as

natural, inevitable, and beneficial to every social class, rather

than as artificial social constructs beneficial solely to the ruling


4. Fac'tious, a. [L. factiosus.] (think, divider or destroyer)

a. Given to faction; addicted to form parties and raise dissen-

sions, in opposition to government; turbulent; prone to clamor

against public measures of men. No state is free from factious


b. Pertaining to faction; proceeding from faction; as factious

tumults; factious quarrels.

5. Marxism (think, destroy Liberty, raise tyrannical leaders)

The 19th century socialist Antonio Labriola called Marxism the

Philosophy of praxis. Marx alluded to this concept in his The-

ses on Feuerbach when he stated that "philosophers have only

interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change

it." Simply put, Marx felt that philosophy's validity was in how

it informed action. Georg Lukács held that the task of political

organization is to establish professional discipline over every-

day political praxis, consciously designing the form of media-

tion best suited to clear interactions between theory and prac-


Defend life from before conception in our morals and true love of family until natural death.

Defend our liberty to do good and hate evil, to love our creator God and teach such things in every school in our land without non-local interference of government, yet promoting religion and morals for all chil-dren by our best efforts and love in safe defended schools.

Defend private property and inheritance laws of citizens against all laws imposing tyranny of government and removing free trade between individual citizens or churches.

Contact if your organization would also like to proclaim these things

and sign on.

Quotable Quotes

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free! -- P.J. O'Rourke

In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other. -- Vol-taire (1764)

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an in-terest in you! -- Pericles (430 B.C.)

Talk is cheap...except when Congress does it. -- Anonymous

(Proclamation—Continued from page 1)


ally all those organs have been shown to serve useful purposes. Yet some, like the coccyx (tail bone), are still used as supposed vestigi-als. It is still thought of as the last vestiges of the tail we used to have. But it is the attach-ment point for 9 muscles required for several valuable functions, and having nothing to do with being a leftover tail.

Vestigial organs are claimed for other animals as well. Some small bones in the whale are claimed to be a vestigial pelvis, from the sup-posed time when their ancestors walked on land. But these bones serve a vital function in enabling reproduction, and nothing to do with a fictional past when they walked on land.


Once again evolution’s supposed strongest arguments are shown to not be very good evi-dence at all. Under the light of truth, they in-stead show the work of a loving omnipotent creator.

References: 1. Jerry Bergman, “Does Homology Provide Evidence of Evolutionary Naturalism?”, TJ, April 1, 2001, 2. Dr. Tommy Mitchell and Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell, “Something fishy about gill slits!”, March 14, 2007, 3. “Vestigial Structures”, Answers, v2, n2, Oct - Dec 2006,

4. text of Hovind’s seminar:

(“Lies in the Textbook” - Continued from page 2)

ARKY’s CHRISTIAN BOOKSTORE Questions about Bible trustworthiness, real dinosaur

history, flood evidence, where death & suffering started, American history? We have answers!


937-256-2759 <>

2002 S. Smithville Rd At Wayne Avenue

1 mi. South of US 35

Meet The Camel If you ever doubted that God exists, meet the

Very Technical, Highly Engineered Dromedary


by Bob Devine

When I'm hungry, I'll eat almost anything-a leather bridle, a piece of rope, my master's tent, or a pair of shoes.

My mouth is so tough a thorny cactus doesn't bother it. I love to chow down grass and other plants that grow here on the Arabian desert.

I'm a dromedary camel, the one-hump kind that lives on hot deserts in the Middle East.

My hump, all eighty pounds of it, is filled with fat-my body fuel-not water as some people be-lieve. My Mighty Maker gave it to me because He knew I wouldn't al-ways be able to find food as I travel across the hot sands. When I don't find any chow, my body automatically takes fat from the hump, feeds my system, and keeps me going strong. This is my emergency food supply.

If I can't find any plants to munch, my body uses up my hump. When the hump gets smaller, it starts to tip to one side. But when I get to a nice oasis and begin to eat again, my hump soon builds back to nor-mal.

I've been known to drink twenty-seven gallons of water in ten minutes. My Master Designer made me in such a fantastic way that in a mat-ter of minutes all the water I've swallowed trav-els to the billions of microscopic cells that make up my flesh.

Naturally, the water I swallow first goes into my stomach. There thirsty blood vessels ab-sorb and carry it to every part of my body. Scientists have tested my stom-ach and found it empty ten minutes after I've drunk twenty gallons.

In an eight hour day I can carry a four hundred pound load a hundred miles across a hot, dry desert and not stop once for

a drink or something to eat. In fact, I've been known to go eight days without a drink, but then I look a wreck. I lose 227 pounds, my ribs show through my skin, and I look terribly skinny. But I feel great! I look thin because the billions of cells lose their water. They're no longer fat. They're flat.

Normally my blood contains 94 percent water, just like yours. But when I can't find any water to drink, the heat of the sun gradually robs a little water out of my blood. Scientists have found that my blood can lose up to 40 percent of its water, and I'm still healthy.

Doctor's say human blood has to stay very close to 94 percent water. If you lose 5 percent of it, you can't see anymore; 10 percent, you can't hear and you go insane; 12 percent, your

blood is as thick as molasses and your heart can't pump the thick stuff. It stops,

and you're dead.

But that's not true with me. Why? Sci-entists say my blood is different. My red cells are elongated. Yours are round. Maybe that's what makes the difference.

This proves I'm designed for the de-sert, or the desert is designed for me.

Did you ever hear of a design without a De-signer?

After I find a water hole, I'll drink for about ten minutes and my skinny body starts to change almost immediately. In that short time my body fills out nicely, I don't look skinny anymore, and I gain back the 227 pounds I lost.

Even though I lose a lot of water on the desert, my body conserves it too. Way in the begin-ning when my intelligent Engineer made me,

He gave me a specially designed nose that saves water. When I exhale, I don't lose much. My nose traps that warm, moist air from my lungs and absorbs it in my nasal membranes.

Tiny blood vessels in those membranes take that back

(Continued on page 6)


be woven into cloth. A few young camels are used for beef, but I don't like to talk about that.

For a long time we camels have been called the "ships of the desert" because of the way we sway from side to side when we trot. Some of our riders get seasick.

I sway from side to side because of the way my legs work. Both legs on one side move for-ward at the same time, elevating that side. My "left, right left, right" motion makes my rider feel like he is in a rocking chair going side-ways.

When I was six months old, special knee pads started to grow on my front legs. The intelligent Creator knew I had to have them. They help me lower my 1000 pounds to the ground. If I didn't have them, my knees would soon become sore and infected, and I could

never lie down. I'd die of exhaustion.

By the way, I don't get thick knee pads because I fall on my knees. I fall on my knees because I al-ready have these tough pads. Someone very great thought of me and knew I needed them. He designed them into my genes.

It's real difficult for me to understand how some people say I evolved into what I now am. I'm the very technical, highly engineered dromedary camel. Things like me don't just happen. They're planned on a drawing board by Someone very brilliant; Someone very logical.

John 1:1 says, "In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The Word means "logical, intelligent One."

Verse 3 says, "All things were made by him and without him was not any-thing made that was made."

Who was the Word? Look at verse 14. "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory."

Who was made all flesh? The Lord Jesus Christ, the Word who created everything, including the dromedary camel.

Bob Devine was a longtime voice on Moody Radio. He was best known as the creator and narrator of "The Storybook Room". Mr. Devine passed away in June last year at age 76. This article has been making the rounds on internet and email. Official credit appears at :

into my blood. How's that for a recycling system? Pretty cool, isn't it. It works because my nose is cool. My cool nose changes that warm moisture in the air from my lungs into water.

But how does my nose get cool? I breath in hot dry desert air, and it goes through my wet nasal pas-sages. This produces a cooling ef-fect, and my nose stays as much as 18 degrees cooler than the rest of my body.

I love to travel the beautiful sand dunes. It's really quite easy, be-cause my Creator gave me spe-cially engineered sand shoes for feet. My hooves are wide, and they get even wider when I step on them.

Each foot has two long, bony toes with tough, leathery skin between, My soles are a little like webbed feet. They won't let me sink into the soft, drifting sand. This is good, because often my mas-ter wants me to carry him one hundred miles across the desert in just one day. (I troop about ten miles per hour.)

Sometimes a big windstorm comes out of no-where, bringing flying sand with it. My Master De-signer put special muscles in my nostrils that close the openings, keeping sand out of my nose, but still allowing me enough air to breathe.

My eyelashes arch down over my eyes like screens, keeping the sand and sun out but still letting me see clearly. If a grain of sand slips through and gets in my eye, the Creator took care of that too. He gave me an inner eyelid that auto-matically wipes the sand off my eyeball just like a windshield wiper.

Some people think I'm conceited because I always walk around with my head held high and my nose in the air. But that's just because of the way I'm made. My eyebrows are so thick and busy I have to hold my head high to peek out from underneath them. I'm glad I have them though. They shade my eyes from the bright sun.

Desert people depend on me for many things. Not only am I their best form of transportation, but I'm also their grocery store. Mrs. Camel gives very rich milk that people make into butter and cheese. I shed my thick fur coat once a year, and that can

(Meet the Camel - Continued from page 5)


(TEEN) Kids Korner

Save the world

Hey, kids, TJ here. I have a special request for

you to consider. I'd like for you to consider be-

coming a special agent this summer in an effort

to help 'Save the world!' Special agents all

around the Dayton and surrounding areas will

be undergoing training for a special cause. If

you're between the ages of 12-18, and are a

believer in Christ, you qualify for the special

training. The training lasts for one week on the

campus of Cedarville University and includes

meeting new friends, laughing alot, and learn-

ing some very special skills. Ok, I'm sure you're

wondering by now what the

cause is, what kind of special

agent you'll become and, most

important, how you can help

'Save the world.' The cause is

simple; share the gospel, pray

with children from different

neighborhoods each week,

and save some...for the cause

of Christ. For heaven's sake, get busy for the

future of the children! Be

trained to lead a dynamic

club, teach a Bible lesson,

read about real life missionar-

ies, lead songs, play games,

counsel a child for salvation,

and have loads of fun while

doing it all! Sound great?

Well, it is great, and I know

from first hand experience

how cool it is to lead a child

towards salvation in Jesus

Christ. It's totally rockin’ going

to different locations from

week to week and starting all

over again with a new group

of kids. It's called a 5 Day

Club; 5 days at the same loca-


tion, and then you change locations. You're with

other teenagers who

love the Lord and

want to see others

come to know the

awesomeness of

who Jesus really is.

Sound great, yet?

One more thing that

might help you de-

cide. You will feel

like a HERO,

and you will be to

the children you'll work with, you will make a

difference, and you get out of the house to have

fun with new friends while building memories

that last a lifetime. Ready to sign up? Call the

CEF of the Miami Valley office and talk to Jan

or Betsy. It's the best summer you will ever

have! Call: 937-274-9781. Oh, yeah, tell 'em TJ

sent ya. Until next time kiddies! C-ya!

PS. You'll be in an elite group called, CYIA -

Christian Youth In Action. Get signed up now!

Training starts in April!

ARKY’s Calendar of Events

(as of 4/3/14) See more details and complete list at

*Apr 14: 7:00 pm until 8:35 pm. DVD: The Christian Roots of Science by Jonathan Sarfati at ARKY's House. How modern sci-ence flourished under a Christian worldview. Learn how the Christian worldview provided the assumptions required for comprehending how science worked at all. Also learn the real truth about Galileo and the myth of flat-earth belief.

April 21: 7:00 pm until 8:35 pm. Patriots Day, Not Tax Day! with Speakers TBD at ARKY's House(?). The Day we should celebrate (like Massachusetts) as "Patriots Day" when the Americans stood up to the British Empire (big government) and said "NO"!

Apr 28: 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm. Expert on Constitutional and Historical Issues DAVID BARTON IS COMING TO TOWN at Urbana University, Warren G Grimes Center - 579 College Way, Urbana, OH. Ph: (937) 726-6866. Call for free tickets. Sponsored by Champaign County.

*May 13: 7:00 pm until 8:35 pm. DVD: Things That Go Bump in the Night & Annual Meet-ing with Dr Danny Faulkner at ARKY's House. Do black holes exist? What about dark mat-ter? Dark energy? Weren't these things just made up to salvage evolutionary ideas? The author explores these topics and separates the issues of physics and good science from evolutionary musings. You'll learn that there is a good case for black holes with no need of evolutionary involvement. There's a good case for dark matter, too, while dark energy is a bit more speculative. Black holes and dark matter quite literally take our understanding of physics to its breaking point, and they illus-trate how God's creation holds many myster-ies, while pointing undeniably to the Creator and Savior Himself! Members need to attend

to vote at annual meeting for Directors.

*Jun 9: 7:00 pm until 8:35 pm. ARK Annual

Banquet - #19 with speaker Thomas W

Hagedorn at MCL Cafeteria Kettering, 4485 Far Hills Ave (just north of David Rd) (299-6605), Dayton, OH. Ph: (937) 256-ARKY. Tom wrote, Founding Zealots: How Evangelicals Created America's First Public Schools, 1783-1865. Based upon exhaustive research, this shows that: Horace Mann's role as the founder of our public schools is a myth; Evangelicals -- many of them devout ministers and missionar-ies -- started the schools primarily to promote Christian evangelism and discipleship; Marxist theories underlay several of the accounts of mainstream historians.

*Jul 14: 7:00 pm until 8:35 pm. DVD: Genesis 1:1 with Ken Ham at ARKY's House. The Foundational Verse of the Foundational Book! Enjoy this candid presentation as the au-thor/speaker shares heartfelt concerns with a small group of pastors. Discover what drives him to continue delivering strong messages about biblical authority in today's scoffing world. While uncovering the deep meaning of each primary word in Genesis 1:1, it offers an expanded paraphrase that sheds great light on the rich meaning of the Bible's very first verse.

*Aug 11: 7:00 pm until 8:35 pm. DVD: TBD at ARKY's House.

*Sep 8: 7:00 pm until 8:35 pm. DVD: TBD.

Sep 17: Please help us plan for celebrating

Constitution Day, September 17, 1787,

when the delegates to the Constitutional

Convention met for the last time to sign the

document they had created.


Note Asterisk (*) Indicates regular ARK meeting at ARKY’s House, 2002 S Smithville Rd, Dayton, OH. One mile South of US 35, just past Wayne Ave. Park on side. Ph: (937) 256-ARKY.

The ARK monthly meeting is every 2nd Mon-day of the month. The ARK bookstore is open 30 minutes before and after the meeting.

Membership NOT required to attend meetings! - Get the latest "CURRENT EVENTS" on the web at

Financial Statement 2014 General Fund

Balance 1/1/14 $10,725.26 Receipts Memberships/Newsletters 275.00 Donations 0.00 Speaker Gifts 0.00 Projects 0.00 Special Events /Banquet 0.00 Equipment Sold 0.00 Kroger Gift Cards/Promotion 0.00 Reimbursed 0.00 Misc 0.00 Non-Tax Sales 1,004.86 Taxable Sales 4,811.95 Sales tax collected 348.96 Savings Withdrawal 0.00 Loan Proceeds 0.00 Total 17,166.03

Disbursements Newsletter/CC 0.00 Projects 0.00 Office 5.50 Telephone 333.65 Children’s Ministry 0.00 Exhibiting 410.00 Web 0.00 Inventory 2517.17 Equipment 0.00 Supplies 9.99 Insurance 463.00 Professional Fees 129.66 Sales Tax Paid 1,024.60 Speaking/Events 0.00 Misc. 140.00 Tithes&Gifts 0.00 Reimbursed 0.00 Savings/RE Tax Escrow 0.00 Total 5,033.57

Balance 2/28/14 12,132.46

Building Fund Balance 1/1/14 -8,785.77 Donations 362.50 Expenses Mortgage 1,060.26 Building 0.00 Utilities 531.59 Real Estate Taxes 216.99 Advertising 0.00 Repairs 0.00 Total Bld. Expenses 1,808.84

Balance 2/28/14 -10,232.11

Net Balance, Both Funds 1,900.35

ARK Supporter Benefits

1. 30% discount: minimum on

all purchases;

2. Quarterly newsletter: ARK

members receive news and

expansion plans;

3. National support: 10% of

supporters’ general donations is

given to Answers in Genesis, our

voluntary support for a national

Bibl ical creat ion science


4. Webpage:

provides logical, Biblical

information to a world saturated

with an unbiblical, ill-suited

naturalism for the needs of


5. Monthly ARK meetings:

interesting speakers or DVD

program on a variety of subjects,

p r o v i d e d F R E E t o t h e


6. Major speaker programs:

sponsored into the area or

promoted by ARK;

7. Local ARK speakers:

available for community and

church events;

8 . E n cou ra g ement a nd

Answers: for belief in the

Biblical Creator;

9. Leadership training :

periodically opportunity to learn

how to serve in your church or

school or study group;

10. Public materials: make

available Creation resources –

books, audios, and DVDs to


11. Lending library: by mail or

at ARKY house for supporters;

12. Bookstore available: during

r e g u l a r h o u r s a n d b y


13. Bookstore honors specials:

when offered by AiG, ICR, and

WallBuilder if items are in stock.

Is it time for you to renew? Please check the date above your name and address. If the date has past or coming up soon, please renew today.

Be an ARK Supporter!

Name:________________________________ Addr: ________________________________ City, ST ZIP: __________________________ Ph: ( ) ____ - _______ Work:____ - _______ Email: _______________________________ Church: ______________________________ City/Zip: _____________________________ Membership Amount : $ _______________ Gift Amount : $ _______________ Total Enclosed: $_______________ Building Pledge: $ _______ per _________


ARK individual membership is only

$25/year ($30 couple, $40 family). To receive this newsletter quarterly for free, please complete the address form and put "Jesus" in amount. (Please include mailing label, if you are renewing.)

ARKY's Bookstore Bookstore hours manned by

volunteers are:

Tuesday 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm; Thursday 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm; Saturday 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm;





ville R


Come to the

19th Annual ARK Banquet

June 9th, 6:00-8:35

MCL Cafeteria Kettering, 4485 Far Hills Ave (just north of David Rd)

Special guest speaker

Thomas W Hagedorn

Author of Founding Zealots

Come by 7:20 to hear Tom speak, or come early for food and fellowship

RSVP requested but not required to attend. Cost is limited to the food you order. Arrive any

time from 6:00 until 7:20 program start and meet speaker and contacts. A donation will be

requested to benefit ARK.

Hear how the first public schools in America were founded by Bible Believing Christians

with the focus on evangelism and discipleship.

PO Box 20069, Dayton, OH 45420-0069 Ph: (937) 256-ARKY


Please Renew Your Subscription Early and save us added expenses!

Lord, You alone are Truth. Help us pass it on. Your best advertizement is your truth tellers.

