The “One for the Road“ Blanket - · Row 4 1sc, *18sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc,...

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Transcript of The “One for the Road“ Blanket - · Row 4 1sc, *18sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc,...

© Martin Up North, 2019,

The “One for the Road“ Blanket

U.S / European Version

By Martin Up North (


Hook 5.0 mm

Scheepjes Stone Washed XL 70% Cotton x 30% Acrylic, 50 gram / 75 meters

28 balls colour 852 / lemon quarz – yarn A

Scheepjes Cahlista 100% natural cotton, 50 gram / 85 meters

24 balls colour 130 / old lace – yarn B

© Martin Up North, 2019,


Width: 135cm / 53,14in

Length: 195cm / 76,77

Abbreviations (U.S. / European crochet terms)

ch(s) chain or chain stitches ch-2 sp chain 2 space(s): number denotes number of chains in chain space sc single crochet rep repeat *…*

Special Abbreviations mosaicdc: double crochet in skipped stitch two rows below, in front of 2 ch2 spaces (front of work). Mosaicdc goes always in same colour row below.

Pic 1 Yarn over, hook in skipped stitch. Pic 2 Yarn over, pull through Pic 3

© Martin Up North, 2019,

Yarn over, pull through 2 loops, 2 loops on hook. Pic 4 Yarn over and pull through two loops on hook. (like a normal double crochet) Pic 5

Pattern notes

First sc is always worked in same stitch as ch1.

Colour change always in last sc with two loops on hook.

The pattern is worked in 2 parts plus the sides.

Part 1 is following the mosaic scheme in chart 1.

Part 2 is following the mosaic scheme in chart 2.

Every chart row represents two crochet rows in the same colour. The first row “creates” the


Each square in the chart represents one stitch. If a yarn B stitch appears in a yarn A row you

chain 2 and skip the stitch. Same thing when a yarn A stitch appears in a yarn B row.

The charts are crocheted from bottom to top and from right to left.

Chart 1: chart row 1,3,5,7… and so on in yarn B, chart row 2,4,6,8,10…and so on in yarn A.

Chart 2: chart row 1,3,5,7… and so on in yarn B, chart row 2,4,6,8,10…and so on in yarn A.

You crochet a mosaicdc if the square in the row below is an alternate colour square. It is always

worked two rows below in front of work. This technique gives you the opportunity to create an

alternate colour stitch in the row below.

The second row of every chart row is sc in every sc or mosaicdc and 1ch2, skip1 stitch over

every ch2, skip1 stitch. The first row of every chart row “creates” the pattern and the second row

“manifests” it.

Chain2 always counts as one stitch.

Chain1 in the end/beginning of row does not count as stitch.

The mosaic scheme in chart 1 is a multiple of 38 stitches. (plus 1 start stitch, 1 end stitch and 1 stitch to make get symmetry)

The mosaic scheme in chart 2 is also a multiple of 38 stitches. (plus 1 start stitch, 1 end stitch and 1 stitch to make get symmetry)

Column 1 (first stitch) in chart 1 and 2 represents a start stitch of the row.

© Martin Up North, 2019,

Column 40 (second to last stitch) in chart 1 and 2 represents the extra stitch which is added at the last repeat to have a symmetric pattern

Column 41 (last stitch) in chart 1 and 2 represents the end stitch of the row

The pattern is adjustable with a multiple of 38 plus 3 in width. In the starting chain you do add 1 more stitch because your first sc is made in the second chain.

The first and last stitch in the mosaic patterns are starting/ending stitches. They do not affect the graphical mosaic pattern.

Do not cut yarn if it is not written in the pattern. You can avoid a lot of loose ends by just picking up the yarn from the row below when starting a new one. Trust me, it is worth it in the end.


Chain 194

Row 1 1sc in second sc, 1 sc in every ch to end, ch1, turn. (193 sc)

Row 2 1sc in every stitch, ch1, change to yarn B, turn. (193 sc)

First row in chart 1 in Yarn B

Row 3 1sc, *18sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 17sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn.

(183 sc, 10 ch-2 sp)

Row 4 1sc, *18sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 17sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, change

to yarn A, ch1, turn. (183 sc, 10 ch-2 sp)

Second row in chart 1 in yarn A

Row 5 1sc, *17sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 2 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 16sc* rep * to * 4 more

times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (168 sc, 15 ch-2 sp, 10mosaicdc)

Row 6 1sc, *17sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 2 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 16sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc,

change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (178 sc, 15 ch-2 sp)

Third row in chart 1 in yarn B

Row 7 1sc, *16sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 3 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 15sc* rep * to * 4 more

times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (158 sc, 20 ch-2 sp, 15 mosaicdc)

Row 8 1sc, *16sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 3 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 15sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc,

change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (173 sc, 20 ch-2 sp)

Fourth row in chart 1 in Yarn A

Row 9 1sc, *15sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 4 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 14sc* rep * to * 4 more

times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (148 sc, 25 ch-2 sp, 20 mosaicdc)

Row 10 1sc, *15sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 4 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 14sc* rep * to * 4 more times,

2sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (168 sc, 25 ch-2 sp)

© Martin Up North, 2019,

Fifth row in chart 1 in yarn B

Row 11 1sc, *14sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 13sc* rep * to * 4 more

times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (138 sc, 30 ch-2 sp, 25 mosaicdc)

Row 12 1sc, *14sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 13sc* rep * to * 4 more times,

2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (163 sc, 30 ch-2 sp)

Sixth row in chart 1 in yarn A

Row 13 1sc, *13sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 6 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 12sc* rep * to * 4 more

times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (128 sc, 35 ch-2 sp, 30 mosaicdc)

Row 14 1sc, *13sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 6 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 12sc* rep * to * 4 more times,

2sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (158 sc, 35 ch-2 sp)

Seventh row in chart 1 in Yarn B

Row 15 1sc, *12sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 7 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 11sc* rep * to * 4 more

times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (118 sc, 40 ch-2 sp, 35 mosaicdc)

Row 16 1sc, *12sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 7 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 11sc* rep * to * 4 more times,

2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (153 sc, 40 ch-2 sp)

Eighth row in chart 1 in yarn A

Row 17 1sc, *11sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 8 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 10sc* rep * to * 4 more

times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (108 sc, 45 ch-2 sp, 40 mosaicdc)

Row 18 1sc, *11sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 8 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 10sc* rep * to * 4 more times,

2sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (148 sc, 45 ch-2 sp)

Ninth row in chart 1 in yarn B

Row 19 1sc, *10sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 9 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 9sc* rep * to * 4 more

times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (98 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 45 mosaicdc)

Row 20 1sc, *10sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 9 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 9sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc,

change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Tenth row in chart 1 in Yarn A

Row 21 1sc, *9sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times, 1sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times,

8sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 22 1sc, *9sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 1sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 8sc* rep * to * 4

more times, 2sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Eleventh row in chart 1 in yarn B

© Martin Up North, 2019,

Row 23 1sc, *8sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times, 3sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times,

7sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 24 1sc, *8sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 3sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 7sc* rep * to * 4

more times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Twelfth row in chart 1 in Yarn A

Row 25 1sc, *7sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times, 5sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times,

6sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 26 1sc, *7sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 5sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 6sc* rep * to * 4

more times, 2sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Thirteenth row in chart 1 in Yarn B

Row 27 1sc, *6sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times, 7sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times,

5sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 28 1sc, *6sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 7sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 5sc* rep * to * 4

more times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Fourteenth row in chart 1 in Yarn A

Row 29 1sc, *5sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times, 9sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times,

4sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 30 1sc, *5sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 9sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 4sc* rep * to * 4

more times, 2sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Fifteenth row in chart 1 in Yarn B

Row 31 1sc, *4sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times, 11sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times,

3sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 32 1sc, *4sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 11sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 3sc* rep * to *

4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Sixteenth row in chart 1 in yarn A

Row 33 1sc, *3sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times, 13sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times,

2sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 34 1sc, *3sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 13sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 2sc* rep * to *

4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Seventeenth row in chart 1 in yarn B

Row 35 1sc, *2sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times, 15sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times,

1sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

© Martin Up North, 2019,

Row 36 1sc, *2sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 15sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 1sc* rep * to *

4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Eighteenth row in chart 1 in yarn A

Row 37 1sc, *2sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 15sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times,

1sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 38 1sc, *2sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 15sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 1sc* rep * to *

4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp,)

Nineteenth row in chart 1 in yarn B

Row 39 1sc, *3sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 13sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times,

2sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 40 1sc, *3sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 13sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 2sc* rep * to *

4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp,)

Twentieth row in chart 1 in yarn A

Row 41 1sc, *4sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 11sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times,

3sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 42 1sc, *4sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 11sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 3sc* rep * to *

4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp,)

Twenty-first row in chart 1 in yarn B

Row 43 1sc, *5sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 9sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times,

4sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 44 1sc, *5sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 9sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 4sc* rep * to * 4

more times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp,)

Twenty-second row in chart 1 in yarn A

Row 45 1sc, *6sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 7sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times,

5sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 46 1sc, *6sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 7sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 5sc* rep * to * 4

more times, 2sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp,)

Twenty-third row in chart 1 in yarn B

Row 47 1sc, *7sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 5sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times,

6sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 48 1sc, *7sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 5sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 6sc* rep * to * 4

more times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp,)

© Martin Up North, 2019,

Twenty-fourth row in chart 1 in yarn A

Row 49 1sc, *8sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 3sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times,

7sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 50 1sc, *8sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 3sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 7sc* rep * to * 4

more times, 2sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp,)

Twenty-fifth row in chart 1 in yarn B

Row 51 1sc, *9sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 1sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times,

8sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 52 1sc, *9sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 1sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 8sc* rep * to * 4

more times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp,)

Twenty-sixth row in chart 1 in yarn A

Row 53 1sc, *10sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 9 times, 1mosaicdc, 9sc* rep * to * 4 more times,

2sc, ch1, turn. (98 sc, 45 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 54 1sc, *10sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 9 times, 10sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn

B, ch1, turn. (148 sc, 45 ch-2 sp)

Twenty-seventh row in chart 1 in yarn B

Row 55 1sc, *11sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 8 times, 1mosaicdc, 10sc* rep * to * 4 more times,

2sc, ch1, turn. (108 sc, 40 ch-2 sp, 45 mosaicdc)

Row 56 1sc, *11sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 8 times, 11sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn

A, ch1, turn. (153 sc, 40 ch-2 sp)

Twenty-eighth row in Chart 1 in yarn A

Row 57 1sc, *12sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 7 times, 1mosaicdc, 11sc* rep * to * 4 more times,

2sc, ch1, turn. (118 sc, 35 ch-2 sp, 40 mosaicdc)

Row 58 1sc, *12sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 7 times, 12sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn

B, ch1, turn. (158 sc, 35 ch-2 sp)

Twenty-ninth row in chart 1 in yarn B

Row 59 1sc, *13sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 6 times, 1mosaicdc, 12sc* rep * to * 4 more times,

2sc, ch1, turn. (128 sc, 30 ch-2 sp, 35 mosaicdc)

Row 60 1sc, *13sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 6 times, 13sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn

A, ch1, turn. (163 sc, 30 ch-2 sp)

Thirtieth row in chart 1 in yarn A

© Martin Up North, 2019,

Row 61 1sc, *14sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 1mosaicdc, 13sc* rep * to * 4 more times,

2sc, ch1, turn. (138 sc, 25 ch-2 sp, 30 mosaicdc)

Row 62 1sc, *14sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 14sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn

B, ch1, turn. (168 sc, 25 ch-2 sp)

Thirty-first row in chart 1 in yarn B

Row 63 1sc, *15sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 4 times, 1mosaicdc, 14sc* rep * to * 4 more times,

2sc, ch1, turn. (148 sc, 20 ch-2 sp, 25 mosaicdc)

Row 64 1sc, *15sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 4 times, 15sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn

A, ch1, turn. (173 sc, 20 ch-2 sp)

Thirty-second row in chart 1 in yarn A

Row 65 1sc, *16sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 3 times, 1mosaicdc, 15sc* rep * to * 4 more times,

2sc, ch1, turn. (158 sc, 15 ch-2 sp, 20 mosaicdc)

Row 66 1sc, *16sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 3 times, 16sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn

B, ch1, turn. (178 sc, 15 ch-2 sp)

Thirty-third row in chart 1 in yarn B

Row 67 1sc, *17sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 2 times, 1mosaicdc, 16sc* rep * to * 4 more times,

2sc, ch1, turn. (168 sc, 10 ch-2 sp, 15 mosaicdc)

Row 68 1sc, *17sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 2 times, 17sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn

A, ch1, turn. (183 sc, 10 ch-2 sp)

Thirty-fourth row in chart 1 in yarn A

Row 69 1sc, *18sc, 1mosaicdc, 1sc, 1mosaicdc, 17sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (183 sc,

10 mosaicdc)

Row 70 1sc in every stitch, ch1, change to yarn B, turn. (193 sc)

Chart 1 completed. Continue with chart 2.

First row in chart 2 in yarn B

Row 71 1sc, *1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 35sc, ch2 skip 1 stitch* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (183

sc, 10 ch-2 sp)

Row 72 1sc, *1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 35sc, ch2 skip 1 stitch* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn

A, ch1, turn. (183 sc, 10 ch-2 sp)

Second row in chart 2 in yarn A

Row 73 1sc, *ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 33sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc* rep *

to * 4 more times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, ch1, turn. (167 sc, 16ch-2 sp, 10 mosaicdc)

© Martin Up North, 2019,

Row 74 1sc, *ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 33sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc* rep * to * 4 more

times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (177 sc, 16ch-2 sp)

Third row in chart 2 in yarn B

Row 75 1sc, *(1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 2 times, 31sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1

stitch* rep * to * 4 more times, 1mosaicdc, 1sc, ch1, turn. (157 sc, 20 ch-2 sp, 16 mosaicdc)

Row 76 1sc, *(1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 2 times, 31sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch* rep * to *

4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (173 sc, 20 ch-2 sp)

Fourth row in chart 2 in yarn A

Row 77 1sc, *(ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 2 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 29sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch,

1mosaicdc) 2 times* rep * to * 4 more times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, ch1, turn. (147 sc, 26ch-2 sp, 20


Row 78 1sc, *(ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 2 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 29sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 2 times*

rep * to * 4 more times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (167 sc, 26ch-2 sp)

Fifth row in chart 2 in yarn B

Row 79 1sc, *(1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 3 times, 27sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 2 times, ch2,

skip 1 stitch* rep * to * 4 more times, 1mosaicdc, 1sc, ch1, turn. (137 sc, 30 ch-2 sp, 26 mosaicdc)

Row 80 1sc, *(1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 3 times, 27sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 2 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch*

rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (163 sc, 30 ch-2 sp)

Sixth row in chart 2 in yarn A

Row 81 1sc, *(ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 3 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 25sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch,

1mosaicdc) 3 times* rep * to * 4 more times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, ch1, turn. (127 sc, 36ch-2 sp, 30


Row 82 1sc, *(ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 3 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 25sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 3 times*

rep * to * 4 more times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (157 sc, 36ch-2 sp)

Seventh row in chart 2 in yarn B

Row 83 1sc, *(1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 4 times, 23sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 3 times, ch2,

skip 1 stitch* rep * to * 4 more times, 1mosaicdc, 1sc, ch1, turn. (117 sc, 40 ch-2 sp, 36 mosaicdc)

Row 84 1sc, *(1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 4 times, 23sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 3 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch*

rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (153 sc, 40 ch-2 sp)

Eighth row in chart 2 in yarn A

Row 85 1sc, *(ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 4 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 21sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch,

1mosaicdc) 4 times* rep * to * 4 more times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, ch1, turn. (107 sc, 46ch-2 sp, 40


© Martin Up North, 2019,

Row 86 1sc, *(ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 4 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 21sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 4 times*

rep * to * 4 more times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (147 sc, 46ch-2 sp)

Ninth row in chart 2 in yarn B

Row 87 1sc, *(1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 19sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 4 times, ch2,

skip 1 stitch* rep * to * 4 more times, 1mosaicdc, 1sc, ch1, turn. (97 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 46 mosaicdc)

Row 88 1sc, *(1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 19sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 4 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch*

rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Tenth row in chart 2 in yarn A

Row 89 1sc, *1sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 17sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times*

rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 90 1sc, *1sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 17sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times* rep * to * 4

more times, 2sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Eleventh row in chart 2 in yarn B

Row 91 1sc, *2sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 15sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times,

1sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 92 1sc, *2sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 15sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 1sc* rep * to *

4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Twelfth row in chart 2 in yarn A

Row 93 1sc, *3sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 13sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times,

2sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 94 1sc, *3sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 13sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 2sc* rep * to *

4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Thirteenth row in chart 2 in yarn B

Row 95 1sc, *4sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 11sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times,

3sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 96 1sc, *4sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 11sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 3sc* rep * to *

4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Fourteenth row in chart 2 in yarn A

Row 97 1sc, *5sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 9sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times,

4sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 98 1sc, *5sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 9sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 4sc* rep * to * 4

more times, 2sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

© Martin Up North, 2019,

Fifteenth row in chart 2 in yarn B

Row 99 1sc, *6sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 7sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times,

5sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 100 1sc, *6sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 7sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 5sc* rep * to *

4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Sixteenth row in chart 2 in yarn A

Row 101 1sc, *7sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 5sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times,

6sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 102 1sc, *7sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 5sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 6sc* rep * to *

4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Seventeenth row in chart 2 in yarn B

Row 103 1sc, *8sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 3sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times,

7sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 104 1sc, *8sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 3sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 7sc* rep * to *

4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Eighteenth row in chart 2 in yarn A

Row 105 1sc, *8sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times, 3sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times,

7sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 106 1sc, *8sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 3sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 7sc* rep * to *

4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Nineteenth row in chart 2 in yarn B

Row 107 1sc, *7sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times, 5sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times,

6sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 108 1sc, *7sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 5sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 6sc* rep * to *

4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Twentieth row in chart 2 in yarn A

Row 109 1sc, *6sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times, 7sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times,

5sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 110 1sc, *6sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 7sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 5sc* rep * to *

4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Twenty-first row in chart 2 in yarn B

© Martin Up North, 2019,

Row 111 1sc, *5sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times, 9sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times,

4sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 112 1sc, *5sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 9sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 4sc* rep * to *

4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Twenty-second row in chart 2 in yarn A

Row 113 1sc, *4sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times, 11sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5

times, 3sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 114 1sc, *4sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 11sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 3sc* rep * to

* 4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Twenty-third row in chart 2 in yarn B

Row 115 1sc, *3sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times, 13sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5

times, 2sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 116 1sc, *3sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 13sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 2sc* rep * to

* 4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Twenty-fourth row in chart 2 in yarn A

Row 117 1sc, *2sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times, 15sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5

times, 1sc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 118 1sc, *2sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 15sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times, 1sc* rep * to

* 4 more times, 2sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Twenty-fifth row in chart 2 in yarn B

Row 119 1sc, *1sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times, 17sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5

times* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (93 sc, 50 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 120 1sc, *1sc, (ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 17sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 5 times* rep * to * 4

more times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (143 sc, 50 ch-2 sp)

Twenty-sixth row in chart 2 in yarn A

Row 121 1sc, *(ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 5 times, 19sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 4 times,

1mosaicdc* rep * to * 4 more times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, ch1, turn. (97 sc, 46 ch-2 sp, 50 mosaicdc)

Row 122 1sc, *(ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 5 times, 19sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 4 times, 1sc* rep * to * 4

more times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (147 sc, 46 ch-2 sp)

Twenty-seventh row in chart 2 in yarn B

Row 123 1sc,*(1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 4 times, 1mosaicdc, 21sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch)

4 times* rep * to * 4 more times, 1mosaicdc, 1sc, ch1, turn. (107 sc, 40 ch-2 sp, 46 mosaicdc)

© Martin Up North, 2019,

Row 124 1sc,*(1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 4 times, 22sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 4 times* rep * to * 4 more

times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (153 sc, 40 ch-2 sp)

Twenty-eighth row in chart 2 in yarn A

Row 125 1sc, *(ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 4 times, 23sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 3 times,

1mosaicdc* rep * to * 4 more times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, ch1, turn. (117 sc, 36 ch-2 sp, 40 mosaicdc)

Row 126 1sc, *(ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 4 times, 23sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 3 times, 1sc* rep * to * 4

more times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (157 sc, 36 ch-2 sp)

Twenty-ninth row in chart 2 in yarn B

Row 127 1sc,*(1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 3 times, 1mosaicdc, 25sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch)

3 times* rep * to * 4 more times, 1mosaicdc, 1sc, ch1, turn. (127 sc, 30 ch-2 sp, 36 mosaicdc)

Row 128 1sc,*(1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 3 times, 26sc, (1sc, ch2 skip 1 stitch) 3 times* rep * to * 4 more

times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (163 sc, 30 ch-2 sp)

Thirtieth row in chart 2 in yarn A

Row 129 1sc, *(ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 3 times, 27sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 2 times,

1mosaicdc* rep * to * 4 more times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, ch1, turn. (137 sc, 26 ch-2 sp, 30 mosaicdc)

Row 130 1sc, *(ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 3 times, 27sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 2 times, 1sc* rep * to * 4

more times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (167 sc, 26 ch-2 sp)

Thirty-first row in chart 2 in yarn B

Row 131 1sc,*(1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 2 times, 1mosaicdc, 29sc, (1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch)

2 times* rep * to * 4 more times, 1mosaicdc, 1sc, ch1, turn. (147 sc, 20 ch-2 sp, 26 mosaicdc)

Row 132 1sc,*(1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 2 times, 30sc, (1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch) 2 times* rep * to * 4 more

times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (173 sc, 20 ch-2 sp)

Thirty-second row in chart 2 in yarn A

Row 133 1sc, *(ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc) 2 times, 31sc, 1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc*

rep * to * 4 more times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, ch1, turn. (157 sc, 16 ch-2 sp, 20 mosaicdc)

Row 134 1sc, *(ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc) 2 times, 32sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc* rep * to * 4 more times,

ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (177 sc, 16 ch-2 sp)

Thirty-third row in chart 2 in yarn B

Row 135 1sc, *1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, 33sc, 1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch* rep * to *

4 more times, 1mosaicdc, 1sc, ch1, turn. (167 sc, 10 ch-2 sp, 16 mosaicdc)

Row 136 1sc, *1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 35sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch * rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, change to

yarn A, ch1, turn. (183 sc, 10 ch-2 sp)

© Martin Up North, 2019,

Thirty-fourth row in chart 2 in yarn A

Row 137 1sc, *1sc, 1mosaicdc, 35sc, 1mosaicdc* rep * to * 4 more times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (183 sc, 10


Row 138 1sc in every stitch, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (193 sc)

Chart 2 completed.

Row 139 to row 206 rep row 3 to row 70.

Row 207 to row 274 rep row 71 to row 138.

Row 275 to row 343 rep row 3 to row 70.

Fasten off yarn B at the end of row 341

Do not change yarn at the end of row 343, but turn blanket as written in the pattern.

Work around entire blanket in rounds on frontside.

When you reach the corner after 193 sc, in round 1 turn blanket 90 degrees and crochet along longer

side. Every row end counts as 1 stitch.

Round 1 Ch1, 193sc, ch2, (5sc, skip 1 stitch) 57 times, 1sc, ch2, 193sc, ch2, (5sc, skip 1 stitch) 57

times, 1sc, ch2, ss to first sc to join. (958 sc, 4 ch-2 sp)

Round 2 Ch1, 1sc in first st, 192sc, (1sc, ch2, 1sc) in ch-2 sp, 286 sc, (1sc, ch2, 1sc) in ch-2 sp, 193sc,

(1sc, ch2, 1sc) in ch-2 sp, , 286sc, (1sc, ch2, 1sc) in ch-2 sp, ss to first sc to join, fasten off yarn A. (966

sc, 4 ch-2 sp)

To Finish

Weave in all ends. Block to measurements.