The Ant and the Elephant An Afghan Story by Emal Jabarkhail Lesson Aims: To examine character traits...

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Transcript of The Ant and the Elephant An Afghan Story by Emal Jabarkhail Lesson Aims: To examine character traits...

The Ant and the ElephantAn Afghan Story by Emal Jabarkhail

Lesson Aims:To examine character traits and recognise positive characteristics

Lesson Objectives:Group adjectives using a Venn diagramWrite a profile of a character from literature

AdjectivesVenn diagram

Ant Elephant



Small but brave The ant in the story was only small, but

he wasn’t afraid to protect his friend

Can you think of any other characters from different stories who act in a similar way?

‘Don’t worry, my friend, you can hide behind me and your father

will not find you!’

Loyal The ant was a good friend and wanted

to defend the elephant

What characters can you think of who look after their friends?

Why is it important to be loyal?

Character Profiles

Key information (name, age, personal details etc)

What story did they appear in? A few other characters from that

story A description about their

personality Retell an event in the story where

they demonstrated being brave or loyal