Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The ANSWER




As you read this, there are people in your neighbourhood that have killed themselves because they did not get this message.

As such, please make it your highest priority to get this message out if it is in your heart to do so.

We believe that you are more important than what we say.

We believe that you are more important than what we do.

However, we were in a place of near death to prove the truth of what you are reading.

We would be honoured if you would respect this sacrifice.

We would be honoured if you honour

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We are a team of people that have been where you are at this moment. Many of us know how you are feeling at this moment. We know the emptiness and loneliness you feel. We know the sense of rejection. We know how it feels not to be good enough. We know what it is like not to be able to trust anyone.

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You are probably thinking that you can not change the way you feel. You have tried to change the way you feel, but it has not worked.

We thought that we could not change the way we felt. Many of us believed that we would be like this for the rest of our lives. Some of us even tried killing ourselves.

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The reason you are reading this at the moment is because we found the answer. After we found the answer, we made it our task to share with the rest of the world the answer.

At this very moment, you have a certain deep inside feeling. This feeling is a deep longing, and is hard to describe in words. At times the feeling becomes more intense than at other times.

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The feeling you have is to be of value. You need to feel of value more than anything else in the world. Other people may have tried to make you feel appreciated, but it was on a superficial level and did not last.

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The Answer was discovered in an attempt to brainwash myself and others out of chronic depression.

The Answer was the search for the cure for all psychological disorders. It was the search for the universal belief system.

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Task: To find the cure for all psychological disorders

Task: To remove the mental blockage to a Dream

Task: To establish the universal belief system

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Only when your mind is free will your Dream be

I have devoted my life to helping those that cannot help themselves

kind regards,

Tim Heywood.

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Dear Friend,

At this moment you have some part of your life that you cannot control. It is not necessarily a big thing that you cannot control. It is a small thing that you cannot control. It is things like sleeping, eating, worrying, etc.

You want to control these things, but have not been able to. You have tried different methods, but these have not worked.

You have tried diets to control your weightYou have tried medication to help

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The reason why you cannot control your behaviour is now present and will become. The reason that you are not able to control your behaviour is that you have been told that you are the source of a lot of things. You have been told that these things come from you and that you have the power to get these things.

You have been told that you are the source of these things and this has caused you to try to be the source of these things.

As other people around you have been told the exact same thing, this has caused them the exact same problem. They also struggle with exactly the same thing.


At this moment you are trying to be the source of these things rather than living your heart's desire or Dream. It is our goal that you will understand that you are not the source of these things and this will in turn enable you to live your heart's desire or Dream.

The reason why you are not able to live your heart's desire (Dream) is that you have been told that you gave yourself your heart's desire. You have been told that you gave yourself your heart's desire and that you are the source of this desire.

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You have been told that you are the source of your heart's desire, as a result you try to carry out this heart's desire but with limited success.

You have been told that you are the Source of your heart's desire

You have been told that you are the Source of just about everything.

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You will only be able to control your behaviour by understanding that you are the Source of nothing other than decision

You will only be able to control your behaviour by understanding that you are not the Source of physical and invisible things.

The truth cannot change, only our perspective of it

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You may have tried different things to help you feel of value. You will have found that a deep sense of emptiness, loneliness, and despair remained.

We certainly did!! Many of us tried anti-depressants only to find that the deep inside feelings were suppressed but not satisfied. Some of us committed crimes and ended up in jail and in mental health institutions.

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As you have found out by now, it is impossible to change the way you feel yourself. You need help outside of yourself.

I do not know why you have been told everything that you were told. You must have strength to be still living at this point. Many of us would not have been able to cope with it the way you have.

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After you were told everything you started to think that you were everything. You started to think that you had to become everything, do everything, and be everything.

About this point many of you were diagnosed as depressed, schizophrenic, with anxiety disorder, etc. For you the problem is in staying alive. It is the point of living.

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There are some of you that have not been told the same things that others of you were told, but are still unable to control some of the things you do. You still have a hard time looking after yourself, eating properly, talking, relaxing, and sleeping.

For you the problem is not whether or not to end your life, but rather how to control some of the smallest things in your life. It is the point of living.

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There are still others of you that can control what you do and say. This has enabled you to have friends, money, and a career that otherwise would not have been possible.

However, deep inside there is something that is telling you there is more from life than career, etc. For you the problem is not whether or not to end your life or even how to control some of the things in your life. For you the problem is more the meaning of life. It is the point of living.

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There are still others of you that know what you want out of life. You know where you want to be and are trying to get there. However, it seems that there may even be an easier way than the way you are trying.

For you the problem is not the meaning of life, but rather, how to carry this meaning out. It is the point of living.

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The ANSWER was discovered in an attempt to help those of us that struggle with eating, smoking, drinking, etc ourselves to premature death.

It is especially meant for those of us just prior to being diagnosed with depression, schizophrenia, anxiety etc. It is especially meant for those of us who are deciding whether or not to end our lives.

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The ANSWER is firstly for those of us who do not feel of value. It is meant for those of us that no longer have the desire to live.

The ANSWER is secondly meant for those of us who have the desire to live, but are still unable to control the smallest things in our lives.

The ANSWER is lastly meant for those of us who have the desire to live and can control what we do and say, but still wonder about the meaning of life.

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The ANSWER is also meant for those of us who have been brought up by religion. It is meant for those of us who feel we have to go to mosques, churches, temples etc in order to please God.

It is meant for those of us that feel guilty if we do not starve ourselves, make converts, work harder etc for God.

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In order to help you understand that you are the source of nothing other than decision, it is necessary to provide information in relation to how you think. This information will help you understand that you are not the source of anything other than decision.

Only when you truly understand that you are the source of nothing other than decision will you be able to control your behaviour. By reading this it is our hope that you will understand that you are the source of nothing other than decision.

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At this moment you are looking at this on a computer, tv, or reading this in a book. The computer, tv, or book you may or may not own personally.

Either way, the computer, tv, or book can be touched and is physical.

You may or may not own a telephone, this is a physical thing.You may or may not own a house, this is a physical thing. You may or may not own shoes, these are physical things.

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In order to help you understand that you are not the Source of anything other than decision you need to understand that there are invisible things as well as physical things.

You have a heart's desire that is invisible. You cannot see this desire, but you know that it exists. This desire you have can be very strong or very weak. At this moment, your heart's desire could be very weak. Your heart's desire will become strong as you understand that you are the source of nothing other than decision.

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This heart's desire is who you areThis heart's desire is the reason why you were born.

At the moment, your heart's desire could be very weak. For this reason you may or may not understand you have a heart's desire. Be encouraged, as everyone has a heart's desire, otherwise there is no point in you living.

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You cannot make this heart's desire and you cannot change this heart's desire. You were born with this desire and it is different in some way to other people's heart's desire.

Deep inside you at this moment you have a longing for something. This longing never seems to go away. This longing is also your heart's desire.

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Deep inside you at this moment you have a feeling to be of value. This feeling is also your heart's desire.

You try and continue to try to satisfy your heart's desire. This is because you have been told that you are the Source of this heart's desire. As you have been told that you are the Source of this heart's desire you keep trying to satisfy this desire

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It is important that you understand that you are not the Source of this desire.If you were the Source you could change your heart's desire. You are not and as such are not able to change this desire.

If you cannot create or satisfy your heart's desire, something else must create or satisfy your desire. Something else must be the Source of your heart's desire.

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Rather than you being the Source of your heart's desire, there must be a Source that is. This Source must create everyone with a heart desire. This Source must be the Source of this heart's desire. The desire must be actually the Source's desire.

You try to be the Source of your heart's desire, but you are not able to. You are not able to be the Source of your heart's desire.

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If you are not the Source of your heart's desire and you are not the Source of any of your motivation, you must not be the Source of other things as well. You must not be the Source of other things like relationship, appearance, success, etc You must not be the Source of other things like telephones, computers, televisions, etc.

You must not be the Source of physical things.

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Rather than you being the Source of physical things, the Source must be. The Source must create things like relationship, appearance, success, etc,

The Source must create things like telephones, computers, televisions, etc.

The way the Source does something is as simple as the Source desiring to do it.

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From a young age you have been told that you are the Source of your heart's desire and physical things.

You have been told that you are the Source of your heart's desire and that you are the Source of what you see with your eyes.

You have been told that you are the Source of things like appearance, relationship, friends, money, etc.

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This has made you try to be the Source of your heart's desire and physical things. This has made you try to be the Source of what you are not

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You have been told that you are the Source of your heart's desire and physical things. You cannot be the Source of what you are not and as a result you have not been successful in carrying out your heart's desire. You have not been able to live the DREAM.

The primary reason why you have trouble fulfilling you heart's desire is that you have been told that you are the source

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The primary reason why you are unable to see your heart's desire become a physical thing is that you have been told that you are the source of things.

Not only has this stopped you living your heart's desire, but it has also made you extremely nervous, worried, anxious etc. You were told that you were the Source of a lot of things. This has meant that you thought you were the Source of these things.

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You need to understand that you did not create your heart's desire and physical things.

When you understand this you will understand that you are not the Source of your heart's desire and physical things.

You will understand that the Source is the source of your heart's desire and physical things.




SOURCE Heart's Desire SOURCE


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