The American FINE · vol.'ix;-no. ". brtjn$wi(3l£ln.'^p^veyen1nmiljilt^21^1874-....

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Transcript of The American FINE · vol.'ix;-no. ". brtjn$wi(3l£ln.'^p^veyen1nmiljilt^21^1874-....

VOL.'IX;-NO. 16:. .NEW ". BRTJN$WI(3l£lN.'C.TO^p^VEyEN1NMilJilt^21^1874-. PRICE THREE CENTS-;




N, B, i beg to return my sJncerdUfilnks for past favors received, hoping, -with strictattention, Jo! receive a cbntlnuaucc"of tlfo patronage hltueHobVstbwifd." '"'Tlf&iXf'

Established 1868.

The AmericanTEA

N O . 1 3 ; ; ^

Me»»ra. LEFFFRT8 & CO. now oiler, In addition to thoif-woIl-aelDctcd slocl£«f, .. .

^Qfffees,the following articles of domestic con sumption, which will be found of superior quality audcbeap for cash. - • - •'- - — - — •••-


"'"-'7---:IiA.BD,'"-"-'""~"---".- RAISINS; 80A.P,--.-i~.-~---:_-.-COCOA,-=-

J I & M S : i i n c E ' _ _ • • L : BLUE, ^ j . ^ " : FLOUR;

EITALIAN WAREHOUSEMENnd denlors In Spices; Fleh.Plcklcs, Sardlnm, Salt; Snucos, Ollyo Oil, Canned Fruit; M»oe»;

roni, VerraacollI, flavoring Extracts, Pepper, Mustard, Cliampngno UMorand Cigars.FARMERS, rcmeml ' - 1 ~ - - - J - - - -jiyii-ir --




And Japan Company,

ran hiry RETATT, nt WrtOr.EaAT.R prices.-


GOOD, 40c*

RIO, 32u. MAR1QAIB0, , *i.',•'-. JAVA, 38.


• IMPORTED. JPINE WIKDESi 3 W; • UrI':••~"'i 7 • - / v ; i : i jQXiolsAND : s£&i

We be of the BESTquality.

. Jjffn'tlail to oall^troforo.going elsewhere..

WBIWaTOOK... . •: FroprietoW

- . . OJf..





O-entlemcn's Brondwriy vA.LARGE STOCK OF

.• ..-AlBo^-AgentjL-fQr tho> * .;.'_

Siheer_ Imprbveel Sewing


Only $150 per Annum;

THEl l . ; R. DAILYPublished \Every Evehirig,



-"—-Both of these-pnper8--havoa-largo^and doily increasing circulation andare read by all classes of ttao obmmunity. . ' .

The DAILY TIMES U read by almost evpryiamily in S^ewBrunBwiok,being regarded UB a necessary adjunct to the comfort ol a houaendld.' ' • ' ' "

• The WEEKLY TIJOIS^ finds its: way into .every toOTBbig.and .hamletthroughout the county, aud is read by those forming the 'farming arid' hnsi-

j i e s j j i J O n i m d n l t i e s ; - : ' i : . - • • ' • ' . - . ' ; • . • ' • ' • ,. ; ; ' •• .-'•• l. - ' : ' ~ ' i ' " ' - . , / . .••'

b o m p f fornislled u thein''t^eihielie>t styje oftie"i:^6l';oe]rj!tSi'tbBt our'prw&'

r^igrcat61atl^TSotof woToan eie'eute every kind of Workv y f c ti 6 f l dfi ask an' inspection of oar samples and

A largo andicomplete assortment of every description of furniture, iLOW PRICES.

We would respectfully Invite attention" to^'our"very oitenslvVs'tbok of all ilia latestrtylesof , ' " . • . • - • • • • - - • • ; • ~ . - . " . : \ : . •• , : , i - ' - r - - i . . v ; . : - ' : . ; - . . : " • . . r r ' . - ' r ' . . . . - ; : • - •


-226 STJREET,;NEW BRUNSWICK, N.. J. fob24daw



• . ' . , "it as Low Kotos «a uny planti In tie oity. "''-.-.;}-,-; —--•>—--—

H175 per 100 ponnJB. Mt. Vernoh Brandod Eamo a t l j ots.-per 1b: '. - •



Notice is hereby glvitii' tbfit tlio^(iBsesBm

for .opening Suydam street has boon inntle

and is now iajriy. liaudsj had inuHt ha paid

?*yi!a Q daya-frbia-dato.u^thta^rioUce.-^^^•

.. Now BruuWick, N,- j . ^ May 28r 1874.

•' ' RQBERT G. MILLER,-Collector;' injf28oawd8w --: - • ':-;."'-'• ;.f'''• ; j

Titus' Express and^ ^ ^ Co.asaengerfl or Baggage called for in anyipart

of thu oityr atahort notjee <. ,, . . •,.; , -•AlaoJ tfaggtigff .ohecltod to all "points. !0 pnico—^<i ftomorsot Street; .noll-ly

TI n Cl inncer j ' of N o w J o


, _ „ - virtueIJ of aa order' of tlio ; Courtof Chancery of.. Is'pyy. Jersey,joint Q pu th&day of tbe date liercof^iir a~ cause" where-in CharJcu A. Strung Is pomnluiuaut .andyou1 and otfaors are doferidilntd, you arc requiredlo appear und plead, answer or demur to theioaipkiiariKs'blU on Tor-, beforertho~EIGHT'iL)jrOFSKt'TKHBEU NEXT, or that In de-fault thereof BUCU decree may bo made against.' Olmiiceliurmaj think equitahloaiiduat . , ., ,. _. , - - ~-r-

Tho-said 'bul ls filed to foreilo^o' a'; mort-;igo dated Juno iiif 1807, liiade'and given by

Anna 11. Ogllby, an,d by saiil Anna U. Ogilbyduly assigned to tlie Bald Charles A Strong,on lauds latjiecity ofNo\v Brunrjwlok,-JJiUUlo-

>* 'county,i.KGW Jeraoyi; -and '.you,* tlio JBaid>aniel II. CiUmuii, aro made, a defendant be-mBHLyourcliilra'too.vh~tu6-6aid-premlBesT|~aad"

you; William H; Thorp, arts made, & defendantbecause) you'obtainod a -iudKineut-agaliist Imvdore Lyons, who- formerlyniid Bomo InterestIn tho Bald premises; and you. ttiu said Eliisa-

inadodciendanU bccaiiaoyouhavo ii'murtgagenpnu.the.H't-ii yro™'^) find -bylvirtijo'tl" ~'""<:t*ith'to havirBOind interest therein.'

CHAllLE&'T.' COAVfa-NIlOVElSolloitbr:of; Connilainaiit, No .UJJO,-3


of UiirltJa tf.ilWrson, Administrator of t'etur l ^ k fflon,. kti) or-tatS aald county of Mlddlojex, dtcoiaed, ;

; I, Yvilllnm ltolley, Jr., hurrogalo o/tlionhld countyof-Middlesex, dohoruby ordorand direct tho fluid ail-ailtilstrator tu give publlo nbtli'e to thu creditors of.thosaid deocuscd, to .lirti»)f ia their debts, diau'anda. and

almB, under oathror'aQirmitloa aghlnst'lhe "old ea-.tu .-within niuajntmtlu frym tbo -data of ihli ardor,

tby netting U[» noopy uf thoordor within t1allor'tlio daUriitmsoT,'iimv^ ofjEh&jn.QBt.pi

two wo'nttm.'nad ,advertising tlio narau for tbo llko epaco of,time in the""••uca.t fljo uf thu noTrsliaiiers". jirlntodiln tblj State;

Mr any creditor shall ncgleof to exhibit Lis or tierdelit,diiiurind orrclalm.wUhlli" BUIO," period 6r ntaomonths after imbllo Jiotloo (,'lvon'na nlorcsald, etlcltonxlltor BbaU lift Joruv«f barrtHl of- bin or- bur actlougainst tho aflld administrator. -. . ' - ;- .•[ GIVOQ under my It md tliio Uth day uf April, 1674.

r ALASKA-•-""•


Clothing, J


Moth. Eowder,

.'.- WnOLE!}ALE AT'


t p j . j n i -••• v : • •'••• •'" vNKW:TnEK.


STATES/ '' !

No book hut evor been fiulillalifHl of anch nnlreriftlntorcit to the American people. - It n|ipefl« to nu ]>Ar-

tlculftr olms alone; but to1 all claqaorii'to moil ondwomen of all pi-nrearions, crceda, fietiupatlona and pe-itlcal opinion^— to Farnierrf, Luwyera, XlUHlnefil Men,dechanlcB,' rbyslclana.'VoIltlclsnv.Teactiers; Studentsdanuraoturera, Saloeincn, menof leiirnlng and Inon»ho can only read, to.dld.and y^dng- - AllA?ant It u a

buok (if eonatant referenoo, arid-ta-preaertu J e t theirohlldrott ajid clilWr<)h>:clilli1ren an thoonlycuinplotoiiid reliable m.rk. inowlnBlV nliiuntlBreidTli nf TUKfIBST ONE HUSOilKD YEA.I& OFTIIK QllEAT-SttTKEPDDLIO THE WOULD KVEU SAW. It l»

Hot a luxury, bat a necpaalty, Jo every welMnformedAmerican citizen. -'Agente'ranks sloo to ICOO pormonth:" Bond for.olreul«r.~ZlKQIiKU4Mo<JUKI)i'r' b l l l d lhH- ra . -• r^ r -• ri - - - r ? fJmylM»»

Importer of Frcdcli and Scrinaa



S94 BROADWAY,)^P^LOBp*T+JMVB • " ~ — — ~ — *




Tt contain*: a oarejutly ,aileete^ resume

I' of all the news of the week, partiou-

: larlyliiat which relate) to our

••"•" ' City' and County,. It also

eontaine Stories ffludj,

: •• Articles both- Jh- • '

Y' '7.~."i :" . ; ; ~ alruciive o n d 7 - , : V".".".' .;„


Doo. Hodgkiss,formerly1 of Elni ParTc, add;late of Dunellen

• - . 'Hotel, has leased tho :

In connection with W". W. MELIGK. . Theu-for .regular and;transient

bonrdore. '* • ; ; ' : •' • ; • ;

iied_tQ_calLaniLsco " t)oqt" at 1.1s new jiluce/ corner Main andLewis streets, Railway. • '

onjiwItU- t bc ; House.-. •: Alao_ a. BowllnffAlley. , •;,•' , . , MEL10K & 11OD&KISS.

a p S - S m w ' : . ) i• , ' •.' ,.- - - , ; •'.' , - r

Arijourrioti SlicrUl'fl

NE W JereefSupferiio Coiirt.i-Betwcen WilrHani J. Sbri'dl, Plaintiff,1 Vs. Lotra Barn-

well and , JoaepU Barnwell, herh\*aband, J)e-fcudonta. Fi, Fa,, etc, - Dated.Feb;i2,1874.; Thejsalo luidor tlie ubovo stated writ; standsadjourned to

o'clock , ., .: - „ - - . - .. .,city of Now Brunt.wick,-. New Joruov. <:

.... JOJiN.D.,,DiUCKELE\V#, Shcrifl.J. 'R. & J. Ertausn, AttorneyB.

; jungfrtd "V.- •• -,"-r!t I-""*- ' -


In Clmneory of New JorGoy.—Between Barah- -irag6ii.anj;tJon.j)laiiiaiitj-^and-Roswe4--Q—Pierce vi ftl., Doferidantal H. Fa,, etc., onfor'Cloflnro. Dated 'Anrilll, 18Y4• Tbc salo under tho 'above stated writ standsadjourned to ' . ••••: . T U E S D A Y , { X , 1 4 ,ut 2o'clockp.m.,;at tiieCourt-Houae, iu theiity of Now Brunswick, New Jersey.. J

JOHN D. BUCKELEW, Sherifl.C..T.CowENnovKK,;aolicitpK}.ijf. (Jomplain-

anta.-.-> ...i K,-..\.-. m jue2frtd

[N Chancery/ of•-VNOTT/ 'Jersey.wBetwconSarah Hagem^n, Complainant, and Ros-

)Y'Q\\Q. Pcrcoetal . , Defeudants. Fi Fa., et.e..on foreclosure Dated April 11,: 11)74: " (

j The flaVei Under the -flbovo-fltated:_wrlt 'standsa d j o u r n e d t o ' ' ' " • . ; - • - • • • . » • ••••

r- - "•-••• •••

._ .TUESDAY,, JULY ,31, 1874, ,at 2 o'clock pLin.; at tho Court Houao, in thecity of Now BrunBiviek/NcwJerBov.

JOHN D BUCKKLGW, Sborlff.'• C. T. CowKNUQvcK^Soliftitor of Complain-a'nt. i i :->-^ •'•"'•<•• • Jnc25-td

A d j o u r n e d SlierlilN Sato*

IN1 Chancery of Now Jersey.-—Between./-'Andutr Klrfcpatriofc et al,, Truulces, etd ,

Co)i1plaifl6nl8,anUrranplaAl0NeiDofendin'is. Fi •: F*.,"-otc.',' on • foreD a t e d M a r c l U 7 , . 1 8 7 4 . • • • "* , • . • . • . • ' • • ' •'..\ : • .' Tho sa'Td under .the" above stated writ standsadjourned lo.-~ ,,•;... . .:!. ,.-',-' • '

.'., TUESDAY^ JDI Y.21, 1874,. .,:. a o'clock p.-»ri.,"'at;tllo.Court-Hoti4oi In" thecitybf NeWTJrtmawiek, Now Jeraev.- * » ••-• JOHN D.BUCKELEW, Sheriff.' FUELINQIIOTBEN & KniKPATmoK, Solicitorsof Complaltmnt'8. ' j S i t

C5KRIKFb; SALE.—NewrJersey;

C5 Supreme Court MM. It. JA0OB3 T(. BirPl/BN. KDGAU ct at. Fi. 1'a., oto. Isiued March 24,•1874; J -"--— - - - : - " •—: Jij TiEtue of tho above stated *Ht, to ine directed,[ wiU Mppsi W'BHlo.iit-irtibllo v^Ddne, onj-r- . -.- T

• ; :. TUESDAY, JUL^Sfl'i 18T4; ! :- •••••'•it two o'clock p. HI., at tho Court Uooso In the city ofNew Brunswlcic, N«w Jcraoy, «

- All that certain: tract of 'Jnnd and jjromiaea situate,lyloff and bclnp In the township "or'Monroe,.coutity ofMldnleiicx and Bute or Sew Juruej-, on the nortU eldoir llio roftd lottdiDff fiom Oranbary to Knglinlitowa. bo-ginning' »t tbe most idutberly post of Ihebrldgo overllieitanujaiian Itlvor on said road.- bounded on tho•oath by said rond, east by lands of J6Bn*~Dmr*»nii-Mary Jano Uuvlson, north by Bi ld Davhon ot aL andttcttbythe Monalnpaii IttToiTT"tcoi)Uny-therofrom1 « aoros prevlomlj conYoy^d t^ ;the y^eahold «nJJinncBburg!U. lU'O6.,'cdnt»lniDg-/8l .ocros a.d 88*LOOtha, more or less, i s (leKsrlbod » d recanlod ln.buuk189ofdt«lB,li?fio2flT oto., in tbe Middlesex countyOltirk's. olllcu, to wlilch.rorBrenco is hereby made f o r aniore full and complete dcBcrlptlon, .' Toffettor with all flrifl -t.lnguiar the dofendantVflubt, Utld and .morest from, to and out of the Mine.

JOHN D? BUCKEUKW, bhoritT.t COMDIT, Attorneys.


' "iiPre -bold I arid Jamehtiiirgcultural R.° R. Company.

Notice in lieroby given that the annual meet..g'o^'tbo Btockhiiiaprs of this Company willDo heldat tbooHico^Df t l i o ^ ^ t Jersey Jlall-rdail Cotiipaiiy^iifieftmdftn, N. J, on WED-^EBDAV, theibth Instant, at 10 o'clock a m.,Tor the purpose of 'electing nine Directors for

BTHBBT,1 |(Nirtilo9.rtoiruiin''jbijar8tore).' •; .'" .

GBntiemenfsr Clothings Cleaned^BO0DI1ED.-1: EEPAIEED IN TIIKBESTAIANNKKi-i Afnii Block pf'oENTO'FIJIlNIBHINQ-QOOpS

lnindl andevoryihlp^good and cheap..

J W 9 V 9 j i i ^ a r i i u j a r r M M j m p « d U ^ca!cii[it«d. also contents or oil forma or aur&ces »njnUdfl;4flnd5 laid out, divided up and partitioned oTf.OutllaoAnd ^topographloalmaps.-' Plaaa furublied- forlaying: out and ornamenting grounds, etc,;myJ3-ly . : JOHN-HILLnOUSE,

ui8-x?,do 'Bjaaj'jB JS^BOJ^ pus outpjoitaaAB no^so^ 8j—-joquinu oqi i iS ib j

" ' ' ' ' '



: j Orders lelt at MeserB Bctiaeewelss'tl, Oeorge'

»treet# pr V.Ve promptly attended, to.

.! RpLidnnce, No. 21 Hiram street. M»jli


( j n (JIJ 5>AJ3 !ptnpqs .^pnqojtisaoua oiBBftfoqAv %v A*MHHJ^\ a[t lay

BuonDzrt autxxV* ' ^? i l B ^ -)8autj OIJ; jo. Bapnb

.aSa^i c.pnoq no


pnt,Josten & Scbmiedeke.

A fresh supply of Tiiinortcd UlothH, CaaBl-mercs;"etc, oi, handy wbiclririll bo maao up Iutho latest'fltyle^ r '

ScoUrine^leanlng and Repairing will be car-rlefl oti'a8UQnjtdforo-_--I-,_-:.—-' •-- ',^«B:ntleni(JH^'^HW(fMn«rial cut mid niado too r d e r . . , - ,.--.•;.';.-...-;•:•; • ,1--.1.-:';;--.. " ;•• : a p 2 1 - l y

Cor, Rodmoil(l%t, arid throop AYC,

flltuatioiisas Bervjhta, aro hereby,.respectfullyiuforniod. that >hey may bo'acdomiiibaatcd'bytl fl viuijerfiiguedupouapnllcattoii nt biaofliceixsabove,, HIB iprinauro aaioUowa^ 50 couta whenappHcatI<ii, Ifl'tiiade," and Opociitsinoru when tliodorr^ntofthositnatfdiiiauecfriretft A' TJ -J- •

~ Justice of the Peace,

Dooley & McDonald,Practical Plumbers


No.ld'ii'fiaca StreetJ foot 6f Chtirch• f,v . . . \ .»•<> ,p,If I , N •<».,.. . ;:, -\.^

•Pliinns;' Fnr)iace8,;Ranges and .HQaturs':pdup In tlio bbst maniierl ': After many yeare' oxi)crjonco In the abortbufilucBB we feel that we can-give perfocf satiHfaction to the public. In tho above branchesOiio trial la all we ask;."' Give ,UB a c " ' "£TOJnE ClsOWllOrOa' . " ' ' - '

P. "J. "HVpOlTAirDrform^lyitU^ag¥5l?= K c a g . . . , : . . ' m h l O - l y

Steaw Dyer & Scdu re r<••- . .NO. 93 CHURCH S T R E E T ^ -

niylij-dtf -. ' . New 'Brunswick," N. J.

.,.".,(NEXT DOOR to LTONS') •



made-to-order,—FlBta-Goid-Rings-made-at-one-boui**.a notioo,'any Oftratflweight • or,;Biie. FineWatches and French GJookB, warranted to keepcorrect time/ Araorioan 'and Eoglinh JVatohesalways on hand. ~Mn8icarBoxeB repairedr Alloon Jewelry and Watches mado by nib'war-r n t e a ; if proken;wlthin'ftyear-repaired with-put'eobt; repairing neatly and strongly done, -; Desirous of pleasipg all who-may favor UBwith th^irpattoBftge, i solicit a hearty ^Huppo(rom the community.

Very respectfully yours, ,'• •• •, .jnna7-fy.d JOliHt 8QHNEIDER.


ca,venger,OOE. c6iISTO0K S T E K E T ti THKOOP i. VENUE

'•' . '"; i ; : :ii) :• -:.V".". :Z'.".~~-y.'.".~~s.:V.i, ;..•-.:Oi-dera can b« loft at the Grocorr Btnro foot of

Hazard,itreal. .__. - - . . . . •.•• ftbll-ly

i?j-iL!:. .,...:......• -••• • - • -l"nilor and' KxcelBior Clotlieu

Cleaner aud l£e|>alrer.'A'ssortmont oC Seeond-hand OlotUingvWeok-tiea, Collars, Etd.1,' Eto.::\; a.4( x J e n n i B S t r e e t , , , ,

OBeDooffioni'ooVner ot ijirara street. :


Throop ave.j $d door from .Redmond ut.

log \ leave to inform hie friends and the public[oaorally that he 1B prepared to furntsh i i t

lK»jf Carpeta ai^the (owest r^ah prices. • ,irdors for Weaving pmbiptly Qlled. nu26-1y

At 1 PEA.CE 8T.,Stout;s BiiUdlng you know.

Doa't ¥ear That^01il;HatAuy longer but buy one of.hts now ;

I Van Arfldaie ia n praotlcal hatter hlmaelf,boa boon in tho bitfllneaa f6rover45yearB,;aiidhas a lurpo stock of goods in his now store/

m h i o - l y • •••.--• •-, •• - -"' rL

- • ' - . - ' " ' • - ' • - • • . ; -L


SHERIFF'S SALK^-In ChanceryJ \ot Nnvr Jentoy. * Jlotween • THE UHIpN

BUILDING ^LOAStl^ASSOOUTIOK OP NEWIttUNSWlCK, ComillflinftBTBraiid'JQUN A; "WALL-NO et ux , nt cl, Dufuqdants. -Kt, V&. on fureolosuro..BUwiilfty 12,1874... ; .'.:.•. ti-.:'- •••.-; ..-;,-• . ;By vlrtua of the above stated writ, to mo dtrectoa, }-llloxnoiio to s*lo at pabllo vondue, on- , / - ' , ' ,

:, >'''• ..TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1874, J . •:;.•'.-

j ^ o'ol«k p7rii;r&tlh« Oo'attNew Brah«wt<3r, New J ^ w y , -! All that certula lotof laoa and nremltOBBltuate, . ,oa tad being in the city of Now llrunswlck, county of

Mltldreuox und HUta of.Nevr Jersey; beginning on thnnortherly side of Uaisnrt streot at a [mint V8 feet dlt-ant from t i e eastorly llou of Al eul street, and-ntonln?ueb'aj-(r/-eMterly afonff thelineof ITaseart Btreot 83eot, tbenv> (2f nortlierty and parallel with Abed*- iteOfeet! ibutict) (8) westerly and p&Millfil MIUI

irt itreot 83 f*ct, thenoo (4) sontherly uiil naralltdAbeol itreet SOfoct to tlie idaoo of bcgluniug

loliir the Btvnio Und and promises which irtra oon-royed tu tlio u id John A. Walling- by Sarah Jansloner aud Jownh JIorm.11, her liiiBbind, by deftl&tcd M»y 10, WO, noordfrd In lddl«»«x oonnty»y 10, WO, noordfrd In ^ d d

otuoo, in book of deed t, nape — .t l r with all md lioguur tkoTrlgbta, llbertl«.

bcrodiUunBnUuid epparlennndai thereuntoor In wywl*o ippeTUlnlnp

- l o H N b BUOKiflJiW, Sheriff.BlILST Mid QsllflTBAD^OllcllVlt.S d H l3 1874.


JOB.Buroet Btreet, New Brunswick.



Methonlotil Knfilne era.)flicfi—141 Qeorge Street, GroTflr7!! BnildingB.

• Tno ahderfllgnod, hRylnc-liad -thirty yeftrBl-expe'rV-oncoJu tlio Tariouabranchea of Civil Englnocrlop, offersblfl Bcrvlus to tho publlo as •

Constructing &•; Oonsalting1 Euglnoer,

Advice given upon tho,Do«lBn_»nd O u t of Water

; CorporaUone am .with ...


P^po Laying and£quliinicnlfl

for Water Works.

• ; • ' - • • ; . ' . Aho f o r \ho • '.. • , *

Surveying in General.


Silver-Plated Ware- AT POPULAR PRICES.

French China Dinner Sct8,14OpioccB,^~t37-|lO• " " Tea Set, 44 piocea, . 7 00

Gold Band Tf»-3et744~plcce», '• 8 00Engliah Docoriitetl Dlnnor Sets, y38 pea., O> 0

" " C h a m b e i ^ a ( i t s ^ iM)




PpEBed Prioea.

W. Rowland,•~ BDOCK;

Edinburgh r magazine


Reprinted without abridgement or altera-' tion, and at about • OM-thjrd theprite.o/

-thtofiginali, •'' •'•-.'

B X ' i a i . - -.- i . - : • . . . •••-,••


* T O R K .

Forapyjpno Roriew , . . , 4 . . . . . | 4 00For any twe iJ-OTiaHfl^....*.....^.... 7 00tor any tbrea UeTiovra 10 COFor ell ftmr-'Raviaflrs.£..t.;;v},;;,.....'.. 131>6For Biackwood'a Meg6?ino.,; 1 00For Blackwood,andono Jitviow.. ..^...^Jl-QQKcrVBlaokWoo'd-ani twiiTleViowi...;.;.;.10 00FdrHJftckfy.ood and hreeiHopieffa,..ii'..18 00For illaokvrood and thu Jour Roviowa.,, ..JL5 00; Po'atage'two canta 'a ' bumb'BJV~to be prepaidby. the quarter at tho ofliob 61 delivery. :

' :':\ ';'''[_ :' ' CLtTBS.'' y;^ ; ; ;A-.dlscoaiit.ol twenty, por cent' .will,,bo

ftllovrtd to clubs o i four or more ijeraODa.Thus; four'copibauf Bldokwpod iir ol tine Ita-viewiwiU he Beat to onsaddrm lor $18.60;-fourcopieB of (the four Uevieirn and u ackwuod lorf48,.andjaoon^^r • :.r.-;--.-.:-.:.,..-•.-; :.- . . .; To ctabaol; tea or more, in .addition ' to. thtabove discount, a onpy cratia will allowedta'tbo'Kerterup oftho oTub, ' ' ' :" ' ' ' •

1673 may.bayB, witliout pbarge, tbe'iiumiierafor tho last-quarter of-1871i of-tmoh-periodinultiRathey may subscribe for. ; '• • •' •• i jr. Or. Ibsicadj now aabioribeH to any1 \ifd,three or four of the i aboro< periodioKls^- m&;har«-.oneof, tbo,'.' Fout JteTieffa" for 1872: aub-Borib'era to-aiLilWjiiay bavo mo'of tbe "ifojrHeulowa"forl872. • •"... ,. . .' Neithorpretuiuma to Bubscribora nordiacoaolto c.lubB ban be allowed UDIOBB the money la' re-mitted dlreot to the publishers. Ho premiums~>eQ to elubs. • , :•:..,,:

Circulars with lurthor ppirUculara may be badon application..'. . . ' :.,:i —-'•llie Leonard ScoltI, Publishing Co.,

.... iiU Jfultan Street, New Fork. —


•• " ' A l s o p u b l i B K ' • • • • ' " • : • " • • •

THE FARMER'S GUIDE.To Bolentifio and Prac t ica l Agricul ture ,

By:Heory BtBphons,'F. 'E. B.,'Edindurgbi-'aiidthe late- J, P. Norton, iProfosaor o! ScientiUoIgrioulture in Yale College, Neir Ilaven.7 VT«o TOIK Royal OoUivo.', l,600',paKe» ananu'meroua, enpraringa.",Price,'.S7; -by maiV

THE DAILY TIMES., iiauffiit andCorkveretl.

•:":'_ At Big Creek, ArkansaB, they-haviT pecBliar ffisBfonTvhich- ipproxefl -jmbarrflaBing__to.- strangerjAs tbere is no preacher within 31

miles of the place, the way arrangefor marrying is by kissinR acrosBtablu. Kecently, a New York drnmmcr was out there on business. Hiput up at a private house, and be-osmo quite intimate with tinfanuly_OnB-evening he—was-foolingaround one of the girls, pinching her, and, generally trying thiextent of' her sweet teniper, when shigayu hia whiskers a pull and ran. H'loljpwed. She got the table betweeithem. He' chased her around it Beveral-timesr-^\V-lien-put-o{-breath:-histopped on one side of the table" amshe stopped oii tbo'other. "He lookeiat her lor a mompnt, anS, -makingwild plunge, caught her- in his armand' gave her a hearty 'kii<n. Shthen sat down on the sola- with him

anc^tliey talked , pleasantly forcouple—-.ot. -hbu^B-r^bei.thinking.,singular that she should sit up K.late. At last sheoaid-:

"Don't you think it's, about limwo^went to bed?"

" I gnesB you're right," ho remarked" L e t ' s g o " 1 ^ - '•' -,~~=~=--:~-r~~r-

' She lit a candle, and be'wnB nboiito do tho Biiine; when she said,reckon "ono's~"endughv ""."OiiB~ catidfiwill light two folks to bed^"

drotnmer,. " when those two piJoploocupy tho sarae room. But. youioairdle~w61?tTiiruminate.my7cham6erTiio wall, between the two apartment!isn't a good lio;ht-eonduotor."«--". | ^Afe r f ^j^f f lUtPAQCp.X r , f e'arae room? Ain't wo married?" sli

" Ain't Wo "wliat ?"'" he1 shontcd..." Married !. Didn't, you kiss m

pmor. He know thai if ho said hwasn'trmarried to her she would mak<an outcry, and then her loying anmnch-tobaceo-conBuminp; lather wouldarisein his wrath-and^oarve liim:intocutlets-''with" an" "Arkansas tobthpick,": arid her brothera would bringdown their shotguns and empty J,hecontents into him. Ho must bestrategic. Ho must put her,off. Sho said :" . ' " ' , . ' . . . . . , , ' " , . .

"Fairest of your sex,'permit mo tromai'k| that I did not know that kiBS'inglaorjj8'8__.tho_J;aMe.'. cpiistituted amarriage ceremony. But I am content.' I'"hliVoTJeyef"SBe'D"oBirwKp"Bicoinpletel'y filled my iueal qf, avbeai f l i i d l

man. However, 1 would never tof holding .you to..this-marriageuntil I had asked the permitsiori of your : father to paymy^ad;dresses to] .you/1,' To-morrow,- at dinner, when the entire family are preBent, I willprouoBe tor ypnr fair hand.ThiB satisfied tbe lady, and, after be-stowing upon him a fervent kiBs, Bhwent to her room; and he went to bisHe packed hid carpet-ba^.tbok 6ff tiiib ' t ^ a d d t k i f t ht f ^ s d e . ^ t o k s i f r T t hnearest; railroad-station,!, He .'.djap'feel entirely safe until ho had reaoheSt. Louis. .Ho. iasn't;informed: hiiwife'of this little adventure. . Healraid that she miMit write oi i t ' tAfkan?iis .for'.the full, facta in thicase,' and then li,o might, get arrestecforr bigamyr-- "Women-v, Bometimeiwon't listen to roaBdn, you know.

The Mntrlc of nil Ancilonoor'i

The StiitdingNews,.

sponsible for thfl following:

E h r ig ^ p y gceutly beeamo tired of his house,determme(l-tOrBell it.—Jaerinstruotedan auctioneer, famous'for. his descriptivo' powers, to advertise it in th,epap"ers for .private sale, but to concealthe location, telling porsonB to applyat bis office. In a few days thirgent l r i l d t o l d

tisBinent;.was ••pleased, with thu^count ot tho place, showed it to hiswife, and tho two conoluded it wasJUBV i;what -they1 wanted,, arid ' thatihey.!wp'iild secure it at bnceV .; Sp.ljewent to, the .offijce^Jol tlifi aptiiori?(er'and tpfci liimTthe placo;hp had, adver-tised was BUUII a ono desired,andlh'e would pwrchaae iti iThe'-auc-tioneer binst; into a'laugh, ahd1 toldhim'that th'iit, waff.the^dtBcription 6his own , house, whore he was thenHying, He read tho advertisementagain,, pondered over the *' grassyalopeB,"l "'beautiful vistas,"--^ amoothlawn,vetC;,'and broke out, "Is ii'pos-Bible ? -Wolli make out my bill Mor"idverLismg 'aiidl'idx'peDsoSj^fpr^i.byTL'or'ge,.l. wouldn'tmill the pUiconow•or.thieciimeR what it cost me." : ' . ."

Uotio^ ttutt l io fpttowiDg letter from ^ . il . Uolthen t>rflprletor ut tlio Aator Iloiiia, was written ttbonttwantr yoam ago Tho P I L U stnnil to diy aa tbey•toml thun, tbo only Bafo md oorUlo remedy for ClilUiiand Fuver. They oontaln tioiil,frorjieii/flti7«iH*nourvtrrettru. undlhoiyBteinlB lift loa eoiiLd tndLOfilchT condtlciii * I

M ABTOR KorB», IT. T , Dccombcr lHh. IBM_"CHAIII,IB D. DMIIUOI—X»oar ttir —I will not

clslm tho $S06yna fifftrod to giro tn« lryoar mrnlcln«dld.notenr« me, being auffldently nmunetatAl by *CTtoctreoomy. l ^ " troublad tor tereral monilik

with JauDdloe Snot and Agut Tour P I L U perform^4d a perfect rtirt, and I riiall nomnmond them withporfHtoonfldctuM In all caies oU HtnlUrebaruter. i

"Truly joar*. U. B. OOUUUB." ,

O ' of Now iJcrBey.' JJotwecn OIIATELE8 8. OLDEN,Oomi)lainoilt,nnil.iIlIOHAlU» It.OP.A.TEU et tixt, otnl.. Pofoodunta.' JTi. FJL, vtc, oil rqi-i'doauru. Iaeu

ottrunry 25, lb?4' / . ." . .By \lrtuo of this oboTOBtatod wrlti to mo dlrectod,

•111 oxpOBo to Kila at .mbllo venduo, oa ;::. ... . .:.• , , TmCSDAY, -TULY 31,1874,.

tu o'clock p. nin at the Conrt'Honwi lo the city olNovrJJrauiiwlck, How Joroey, , . *•

All thut plAntatlon or. t root uf land alt out o, lying andtwin}* la tlia towt'ehip of Bonth Druiuwluk, iu'ttiooounty of lllddleecsftn*! btato'tr,i(ow .Joraey, buttodand buuniltxl nn follow B : Ucginnln^ at a corner ofBenlamlii Qcott'B land In thu mlddlo or Mlllalunelllyec: thonoo aloof,'tlie Bftld Una ul Boott(l) north '10legrces t'attt, lif chains and 8l> links to- tho mlddlu o"thy road icadW from' btockton'n Mills to ficuwlnger'iMills: thunco (^)'nloug tL'omlddlu uf nald mad' south00>4 dt'grei'a vast. 119 ohblns.uQd 40 links to a sUku labe iiduUKt of anld rood.and a corner of aald BenjaminIcntt'u land;- thonoo alon'( tho aa(d bcott'n lino (8)IOUUI'20 dbgreoa weot, 47 chains and 61 links to thu

tnlddlo of tho atorcwila river: thenca (4) du wn tho wildriver, tbo Bovornl courses nnu dlnUnct'ti to tbo bc_iiiup, uonttdnintf lilt acred and 65-100UIB of at. ttum of

AI*BO one other lot or parwl of land, altiiato In thoowndhlp, county and Btalo aforeaaid, butted 'B»dK}nMcd3a follows ; Bfltfinnlnff fat agum tree stand-Inir uu theuOiUi bank ol tho said illllstooo liiror, nodDuliiittho-north;*eB:i)rI)L«)rni!r-or land of tho BatdBonjamln Scott; thimco ^^alonj hlrllno soath 80 tle-?noa and 61 inlnutoa oas.V, 25 cUttina to aalona standiir In tho arorosaltl road; thijnc'i (9) along .the middlefthe sumo noilb 83>» detfrcou oast, JO.cbalns and 9B

Inks loft BtnXala.thollnu of Stoektoa's; tbsoco (8)long bis llnbirdrtb CDJrdctfrepswoaV 1 ohaln ind 28Inkstoastiiko on tho south w o or a largo.Whlte

: Trfo: thunco (4) north 8 degret-a west, 4 chains to>umlflmco; tliotice(5j down tUe said- ml l lnco , tbeivrral ooarnus nnd dlstancoi to wbord It Intorseots ttiq

_Jd Mltlitono JCivor; tntneo np the nald rlvor thosoverftl dlitancos to tho beginning; ooqtaiBing'.lIO Mraasnil4<V100lhu or an acrft, mofeor Iras. : . .. . ,.

Bcluifthusaniorarib that was convoyed to tho saidCrater V dcwlnf Charlos Oox an I wife, benrinirdiUApril U, 18o0, reourOcd In JUddtowx fiterk's

Joo, In book 71 ol dcods, |mgt.s 84 and V>IWethorwilh all and slnLUlar therbjlits, liberties,'

irlrll ccs. hrrodltaincnts and «ppurt«naaoo» tlurouuto

O « Onnw, tioltoiiorUatod May 18, 38T4. |c«18-tw

A W K R K T O A G K N 1 N - m t e i tai-niDg articles out ThrMf valnabio aamjpltt tor tin centa 0. B1UDK, 70T Ilroa?wajr, Nuw Tork, f»U9-«>Tl>

The Largest Assortment in.New,Yprk

f_: AT LOWEST paiOH9.MOQtJET8.13.00 up. " . , " 'TELVKT OAKPET8, ftoin KM per yd. upwarda.

•TUEEE-PLY •» ion «WQItilN (all Wool), • • .'«l »

PLAIN CUK0?S nod FANCY him 85 Mniiu p w a r d s , • ' j . .' ' '•""• ' : ' - • ' . . -

j " Oil Cloths(all widths); from M conta per yard upwards.

upBoismy GOODS, A T [ Q R H * . T B A H G A I N S ,

RKAL LAOB 0UBTA1N8 from »10 pu pair.

4M0TTINQB-AM!Wnii»i*lipw«rda:4M0TTINQBAM,!Wnii»i*lipw«rda. ; —1 Window Bhodep,, HollaDds, eto., Eepa, -Sattln^.

Crelonnea, Colntfzea, Oimpa, ifrlogea, Corda sod Taa.wila In eudlOM Tarlotjr.


Piano and Table Covers.

Ne>. 183 and 185 Sixtli Aye;,New York - . ' '

• . .'... !(on»dtfor below 18th strMt).- -,-j^r•----i;'::

N, U.—Partial furnishing bun aava from 10 to SO.peraont by purchaslnir s t tbfa establishment; beildea h»f-,-ing thu advantage of the largest assortment a d l t titylei to choose from. . '

ap2T-8ujilawiny21 " "




Groat clearing B«1« ; ; ' r

of Spring and Somtner Qoods.

._......„•. Lois ofStraw llaii ,

. is.'..,1 Cblpo; Noapolltan* an^Bhado Uats below cost '

K r N H E Y ' 8 . : • •"•" '••'' '•;•• •-••' : i " - n . . - \ . . . , , i , ;

IDO French Flowora at reduced prieea.• • " v :xrasiF/rs,

-KIHiiKY'Si' r


new shades at roducttl pricaa. ;. .'.

Bargains in real and Imitation Laces ." 'OoloredClnnr and Maltew.LaqM, 10cyardiip,

Sponlfih Luces and Scarfs Tory loyr;.Quipuro und YAII: Lacifl closing oat1 : ' ' '

K I N Z K Y 1 ^ • ' • • • • ' • ; ' • ' • : • " • - • ' . ' • ' " • '• ^ - ^ "•['•

• • Front auction-'this week,; Llamai L*M.'Hhaw" * " * *" ' " ' "

: ._._:^.!_^^.ul.UiL_^ir.... i,j..:aj_,. 100 Guipure Laco8ucque»,|T.60. to|18. ,

K T N Z t Y ' 8 . . ' ' • • * . . • • • • • • •• ."-"~ "CKa[rBtrof"MilirneiT"Sna"otnerBrau;"

from 25c. to 12.25 yard.K W F i C ' • ,: V • • • • • . . , • • . ( • .KISZUVB. - . - - - - - ; - • - . . .

- 25,000 ynrdfl -Hambnrp : Embrofderlea,--.: •' ;i Itota auction, So., Oc^ 6o., lOc^ 16o. to <

25o.yard. ' '. " •'•jcmzEY-a.•-.- .- . — — - ' - • •-. *•-•'. ---.-•• -KIMZEY'B. • • -• , :

'- .- BarffaloB In Jaoohet.' Nalaaook,- Lawna,..- . . ,, Swlaaoa,-tucked{ and tlottod MUBIIDB,..

from 16c yard up. * ' '• • - 'KIMZET'S. ' " , . - < - . . . .

; ' : ' Largo assortment of' bfided aufl ball-• . .' , Frlngea and Oiiapi closing out cheap,

KINZKY'S." , : , . . i .-• . , - • • . •; Bargains In our Hosiery department.

' - ' • •• Bargains In Q«n*.s' BurnlflhlngGood*. -KINZEY'8.- . . .K I N Z B y H . ^ '

:;- • • . - - ' - . . ; ; > • , - ' • • . = • • . :

^ _ .. Specfar attention to onr Glove depart-~-~- •""—-TMi'fl t:~rw"fl ii a vb-tho 'ChoipesrEnif twit - -

. .; : llrieorKfd,BUk&np Llsla Ulovei In'tlw -• • . c i t y . " '

! • •" " " ,

:" " "


K I N Z B T B . • . i ' ' . " • • ' . " • ; :••:.:' . . • . • : • : . ' » <--• ' •••

KJNZE.Y'S..•-. .„..; ; _ ' . : , „ . ; ; .;,,;.-,;:. - ; . :^ ' Bargains In Lflalea'Underwear. ' '.;

: . . . :• ; Ilarpains In Mtssca' Uaderwew.: r : Bargains in Infants1 Goods', ' 'KINZKyp. — ' . . . ... ' . — : — — — P I —rr-K1NZKY'3.


The ohfapostTans In Nehr To r t . • • .Japanese fans, 8e ,,po , So- 10o. ,

-i":oDonnoaFans,8c:;"lM;i6c.;20d'" V v

FlnopainUid FanivSCcvSVo^ 44fl, 6OJ.-,;. -•Silk Funs, gilt sticks, Mo., Too., 89e.Batln and allk Fans, pearl and Irory

; haiidlcB, from 7Sc, to 985.

Belts, Bags and Portemonnalrs tow. ' ' •-Klaitidand beaded Bolts, L- : • , - _•

X • . ^ ; -FLno_ Perfume^ Soups, P o w d e r f c C o l - , _, " - ognes, UruBhos; Oombs, 8pobgeg,bio. , for



S,0^0 Blik,W'ln"dsor~Tles, lOc/each."&.000 (.'xtm wldo Wlndsora/SSc'each,'

KINZKY'B.K I ^ K Y ' S .


Bargains in onr Handkerchief depart-,mentj In ladles4, gents', misses' and boya.*

" ; • ' • " '- ' • ' ' 'r."- ' - :" - " ' ' ' ' •

'All the newest stylos of Jewelry In J e t l ' ; --Silvcrroxldized-Md-flOTahJawelry. , . ;.

All silk gfos grain Klbbon's,' 8o " idol, lie,'.15b. All silk cOrd:odg*Kibbonl,Se,'«,i>6? 8a '



ll?., 8a.



Th*'6hoapeat!fiiiBh tllbbODi Id" $r-7;«nd ;8 inch,~»t"3Cc^8o^ BW,t-4M\ <,

)., 5Oo. and C9a a yard.

.. oo't Ibts'-o^Goods la 'arbr/ 'depv^ :

aiont to clean out Btoctc^jj . . . , . ; ,'-• . -

-.Silverplated Wnro yerylow. '>,•; ••'!

—-CORNER.NINTH STREET. - •'•• •• J n o l O - d a w 1 - ' ' • - . ' •. '. •;..

f ; H; Armstrong, A1ASUFA0TUBEE OF



Sheet Iron/Tiu anil Gopper Ware

l_X~ .^

-yaw' BsanawioK,:a.~).-

JBO dealer In all Idnda ol Ranges, Furnacesloo|clng StoToa, Parlor Storei, oto. .

Flamblng In all Ms braaohfli proniptlT ptt*.-,tnnfid In thft hant mniinqr •. ' ; . .laldtl..

Eto.i:nei«Iy,Ti6iiirately; •: expeoli1<in«ly, Jana Qheaply,printed at", thto.O(B«». :,:,,

tm: | «p :|i|. DAILY A N D


DAILV Every Altornoon-Wnmciv 911 TliurailBjr.

. DAJLV—Fifteen cents a week, wbenBervedby.carrier.;>6r; $7.00'a'year; la' oByancey

' year;8'"

: tenf-or{over, f j ^i K lij) STth'o c


fetninliiiicatlbnB, of "whatever .nature,pinpt be addressetHq,--!-;-;•

A, B . UOKW<>m.

HEW BltimSWICK^ K Jv:3:, "

Y. JULY 21,' ,1874. •

p , THEPRBS8.The following tret'he votes In the Senate

on'Mr/ Carpenter's_jirbpoBar to'gog' theprena with a law nllovjing; HbeJI'-Bults tobecomnieuced any where'ag'iurat disiant editorsand tlieBeryice" of .a pupon agcntB'oV:c6rresj>onddhtsV • • '



the county for damages or seeifc an lujun<j.tjotf against thev contractorj whpvbeglna''•'. tcbttlld; "i Do^fa'put'iiipdnt iii.^q ,'wefeiTp'uiqfiE the other day,-witb!the superciliouaro;inarlilhat ttfst.ii pfTToplSinfImportance,it-jso'f'present, of prime Irapprla'nco7~fpiwo arc counting the cost, wo. are trying,we Frank-Unites, not to pay loo dear foiour whistle:; "Prorcto us, ibereforc;' first,that we are,not liable, or if liable howijlueb we' shall have" to''psy,"' and If solijuble. bow. much our. law^eis'^fees wjli'• be,th'at.Tre may add this to tie. miserly $85,--OOOplus the above costs anJInterest;

7. FurnUbjfs^jilease, In JpyaJlc! _co}:

. Morton, ;•„';.,.Buckingham,

.- Carpenter, .Chandler,1 •Ckll

Urldge at the prjeejwaried.;, Jd4.to_ jt, Jyou will, the expense we have been putIn order to get it down to the price the juryhave awarded ; second, the sum we mighhare bought it for a few years ago; third,the honest sum a new bridge will cost, plmthe loss to the; pity by keeping on withitoll-bridge during the critical five years 'oourneiv giowtli.'and jpffi« tho' future Tawoxnehsca. '•" " ' ' . ' " ' . '

These three coluinnBj-we trow; wouldprove very Instructive. '

The first two' would show what '«uiflhrowd country cousins liave mulcted illout of already. . " _

The last two would show us what ourshrewd country cousins, supposing (lie pro-ject to be bonafldc, aro .going to mulct usout of In the future. • . , , , ; L • i

And all three iwlll^ how. ourcountry cousins have got, are getting- and

-* THE BRIUQE QUESTION.We have been confidently expecting the

past few days letters in the daily press'"signed by " T . , " " J . , " "Veritas," and

ejpoc1aHjr\.iind particularly: and .• cuergetU^.o&flyi .y. i8ej i i^

scr'tatlonson the'-bridgioiuestfon. ';'HerW.ifj3_propoaHLtojerocl.j».flue_brjdge_oicx_lhe.canal and river with appropriate approachesand all thejJaraphernalla of a bridge worthy

' of-this city, whose wards are like unto^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i ' ^ JscveralmileH'from, the; nearest accessible

. sclpol, for $30,000, and" they don't raiseone wordof protest. When wer mildlysuggest': jfcjypOO "" a good price for a plain

will get the best of us, and have bad, arehaving and will have' their own tollbrldgious -way, first, last &ndsall the time.

N l i W H I W T I W .

The foot races at Saratoga were duelycontested oh Holiday."i PostiuaBler-Gelioral. Jewell >vlll leaveLiverpool^for; Nc;v York, on tlio. first ofAugust,.. .' '/."... ,','., -*C_,!_!..,„..,,'..'•

Ex-Attorney-Qencral Clarkp of Madlt'oba,y Qthe_.prQsecut6r.,-..o)trJt5iSM->UrGOKlOSt.:'Paul,.Minn.

p o ,the., kidnappers...of

b l l b '

q g p yrid Government- charges'of -Beditiou 'or coh-Spu-acy against the' mate are to IK: tried by

t ' t i l :

jiiinnahd'exclalhi that It cannot take lessthan $7i>,006"; biit you propose to .build abig bridge for carriages and toot passengersa quarter of a mile or"so iong, Iviflf lilglifllllng-ln on botU sides the-rlvor,! and theymeekly sit still Wlillb Ih6' price" of .$pB,nOOis named,-; They rdonH. oven ;;suggest that-little $10,6()0 bridges be built for'each wardfacing the water, nor argue the* .distancewhlclippoplij wllHiayo totr'aversp to get tothe gate of only a single bridge. None ofthem has-Suggested' that New i York hasf erry gllps at" every few Street's, and thattherefore1 wo caiiiiot get along with less than

j , ; 9 r t p e . . n A v . D . r , t > gwith complicity, with perjurers \iu tho.preproration of nfildavits, and a complaint againsthim was made by several oitizeos of Ne.wYorkcity.:" • .-• ' . ',. ', , / ' ;, :,• :-Tho French Cabinet crisis has come to an

* 6 i t

Now does anybody believe that "Seuox "!ftnd J.tjreritas.- -.ttiP..oJd irian,73y.lio geuferlcal-lyistands lot theL traditional 'New Bruns-wicker of-1850,- who used-to keep -a-corner

t grocery,.nnd now: has.: gone.into the'realestate or-in9Drauce hushicW. lh':hia.elegantold age, ami Truth, who Is the old '.tiiati's

' Btm] brought up. under -the .parental roof-.- : and'hai'succeeded hlin'In- the' gr'iicery-bttsl.-

nesfl and will in titne succeed hirn in hts moregenteel <iccupatlon—does anybody belicvothat these types of the old New Brunswick.

-.^^i===.-«)ifctliiJsliUfafchPUinidy^glving4yay_to.- time's:nr6grefl8 would not' rise in*_dlguified

protest against this proposed expense, .if—--"—tney thought there was any likelihood 'oE

its,being-incurred f .Tho new 'school these

ppJI. Bodet, Minister of Finances. Debate onthe'constitutional bills bus been postponed.

'The immigrants landed' at Oastle •• GardenMonday- numbered- 1,808.- The City-ofChesjpr, brought 486, the Adriatic 354, tlioEgypt432,'and'tKFrance 2207~'The"ma"jority of those.'wlip.came- in the Francowere Behrew women -with^-tueir.-childron,-1

who^amo to iheef their husbands 'In thiscountry. - : . - • . - : ••:: . •••••••<

T h e r r i l m r i e ' u Kevlbvr o f t h e R e -'publican

In addition to our own 'comments' iipouthe extraordinary address issued by the Re-puTiirc5H"C6ng7essioiiai"0ouiiuitree of 39,(vexannot-lefrain- froin -puolishiug-thofo]TlowiiiK review by the avowedly independentiV*. X. 'Vribune. After fl.briefpreliminaryrelative^lo the pectilift'rIiuis]prc6sutitltT whichthcaddrces Is issued, it says-.' •'•'-< ''•••'•:•:j'.._TJiore.jirB two. or, three auggestlve.touchesthat might as; well have been omitted.; ItWas.surely..not wise to. complain that aDemocratic President "'" '"''

onsEiiTATipK, i...[Si,dp TntTraiis:TO :TUE

cross a street without making.'somo. observ-ation beneficial to maukind." Books arevaluable, but •observation- is still more;That practical knowledge] so useful, lihattact in our work 80 desirable, is only to beacquired in this way; and, as a mode,'Is the cheapest and Ino3t: convenientof oil j can be carried on overy where, if weai*e disposed to receive instruction and thereis^OQlclhiugtobliJearfled^Observltloa

has a. family' connection ,Iu curiosity i; thedue sharpening rlhe:' other—so ^arousing aliiutaal ^ ; jbeneQcial influence.prlde, lest • we betray ignorance, shouldnever be allowed to' prevent tlio" 'askingi'aquestion;. Btorln j .our own minds with .theinformation which those wo are in companywith are the best able to afford on tepicawhlcheither -business or -study insy-makethem the most'familial1 -with: Therefore,let us never neglect an opportunity for improvement; and wheu. we have gatheredfrom every region of thought wo shall dis-cover bow much remains to bo known ; sithat the higher the leyatioh our knewledg1

may have, brought us to, .the ,bctter ideashall we have of thu loftiness of the sumhilt; ever onward, ever upward, the ^irclewidening and the peaks radiant with tliolight discovering tp us hlghts boyon'd."


Thla last (IlscbWy lias recalled_Eome-roy'B'conducriititlrr^xamlnalibn hacTtwoyears ago, whcnTie was accused of tortur-ing-and mutilating small boys. In reply tothe.. Judge's question,. HDid:ybu do this ?*'ha said •" I did,1'.- \Vhen asked why be,*he'replied/" I don't know, your Honor,only-I could not help it p:I had to do It." ': A party of three^ physicians, thinking

there must t» »me"c6gent reason for hisconduct; called-upon. his. inothej'j who wasvery-franK in her.' answers" io their ques-tions... She jajd_her_husband. .was. a. butcher,,anil la now-jiJuggtr-ki-theoiarkot.-aDd thatwhen she was pregusut with"Jesse she oftenAvefit to the^sloughter-TwuBe to seei the -idll*-ing'bf animals,' In whicli olio took a partic-ular delight,.and she.had eyen assisted herbuBbimd in the work.' 'No' Booncr had Jessegrown largo enough to, have ji knlio in hiahands than he:wns coutlnually using It,limiting It Intot pieces of- wood, and whenlieiwas. .older- ln(o'"pieces of 'meat In hisfather's... market, There: seems to be nodoubt-that he was,marked just as otherchildren, though in a different way.


PACK YOUR TRUNKS,. • • • • . ; ; ! . . ! . • ; ' . . , . . l r - r - - • • • • • • " • ' •


The New Brunswick ExcursionistRSnUTn the new iteanier City olf.Cliesrerl'bii85tn'July.: Good Eooros reserved /or their use.

iiead hbidliry Goods have come\io fall,AnS, before you. deal with any others,Mep in and ice the well-known Brothers.


This, is' projected on a lino, running, fromGrahamuvonuo:to a point' near ManningFreeman1!); it will greatly favor "those onthat side of Ihe .district driving to New.Brunswick. Add to this a free- bridge, ia spirited trnfllc at tlie city stores will surely


.'The opportunity Mark . Twain; offers toall.borrowcr/i find; non:prayer8.1S:felicHoru.8.A ticketifor the •• round trip on the tail oftlie coinot, with -tho prospect of realizingand paymg BUCUT outstanding, claims on

[, to 'thd.'victiufized, oughtn"ot7toT)iTlqsrslguinqf,7"*jt»; aroiul'gcntlciuau did not announce it at the

slosc of his discourse'ori tlio 12th. -But we

itepoitsays there arc si)icy tiines underilie regime <if'tho Wgaltlies; thot the Duh-iu, which -Wbtily belittled by the folly ofIs Interesting denizens, is doing lively dutyirtir6rfdrnT()f!s"ahTmou8e3. Could tlfey noT

: . - _ . . - _ . .t .'^jingled'fnillioiisliithoear of Spaiti'.as a lure for Cuba," whenthe Very'same thing - has : beeit: done; underthe Adminlslhitioii'.of PrcBldDnt GfaUt;! norwos'the 'indignant, nlluBibh to tlio ' Ostcudmanifesto ;pirticu)urly view, .of, '"'^ """""•"'";.'"" -:'tho.Santo Domingo affair, (\ud. the notorious i nS "* the milky way—'desire of the Carpenter school of Republican' —-•-'•• - ' • ' • - " •-•' •politicians "for a 'forcible intervention iu

Oppose becausn theysee It coming; the new bridge they don't

- say.anytbin'g«bpiit: bccBU?6'-Uicy.'don"t-lni-

usremindour readers that tlicsc old fellows,the old man and Truth, have an unfailingbarometer, by which they detect approach-ing spells of weather—namely, their pocket.When the air first sniffs the coming storm

- tb'ei twitch begins in their breeches; and itjs a pretty good way of finding out what's

man,, and, his boy.; Don'tVyoii rememberhow they danced and howled in the oldSewerage Commission limea—"when theyounger people really proposed to give.thecity:sewers and pavements—don't'" you re-mcmbcr*'~ttiu ' awful uiuplioinif Sen exes

. and Veritases which broke out over thed'jUy,.'i)rcss.?.,'.!:And thcComtnlssion came.

Itevlng our rule to be a tolerably cor-rect one,-wo.gather that there Isn't niuch inthe'wind that augurs well for.a free bridge.Wo uttered our warning note on Friday,lwt; It becomes pertinent now.,to.askallt?

-tli-informatlon.-^--±~-; • 1. Furnish' us sotrie evidence thnt^.the.

Board "of •-Freelioldenj^not"a~Coinmlttee,-:

but the Board—has beco-me converted, to.FreeiBVidglwni: Point .'nut to us what, the

lay.,-PlvoJlo single Instance where our^^--riwthTfnends hayen^t got the best of us by

1 simply :putt|ng; jiis 'off.~";i?xplaiji 'to us'iyh'yIt is tTiaV'tlmso who htivo hitherto got bluein the'face ivlien.wt. (isserted pur,rlij^t to afrre hriflgi'"Yire "no'w'in^favor'of.a.iiow

did not.Buccecd iu seeuring for-our imtural-Izcd citizens absolute safety in revisitingtheir^nativcJAnd. ' »Iint.thc.pjvjw?^t.'Hcpub4i-can 4-dmiulstration coiiniyea.with the despotof Sauto. Domingo to keep ;a; ntttlvc-linrn'Anierlcan citizen , unjustly iniprisbiicd underienteuco of death to prevent his talkingagiilnBt.the treaty;. ' ; ' • . j ;; •'-;:

—-It is 'amazing und 'bewildering to\;hear a;censuru. iipohi the Democratic..-party for"stupitlly relinquishing to the- products ofCanada, free- access,to our markots^'as .theequivalent of being allowed to. send similarproducts from the Northwest\turough Caii-adlah channels to' such precaHous marketsjs they couldfiud on the bthci'.sido"of theAtlantic," when,Gen..Grant basju'stshownthls"s'a'fne Democratic '"stupidity " by ne-gotlatlng— anof' " ' ' " " ! ' "

cratic party: was"'" jpeculhirly embarrassedin the collection o£ revenue,?' we, are .irrejsistibly reminded how the iiepubhcan' partyof late has escaped that annoyance by goinguulves with Sanborn and squeezing-WilllnmE^Dodge^^-VViien we read that in Denio^"cralTcTImes Tt dcllclent revenues were1 aiilecTby loans," ::wo.ask whothef.''.that .wnsworso ''than . aiding.* deficient • revenues,in,, a seasopiof .profound.i.peace^ bytho .isecrot isauo,..of. irredeemable,-.paper?Itjs an uhdeniable fac( that in.fprmeK.days,there'wero long sessions of, Congress,' whonf'tho'-.ta'lk 'endured'for' months, the workWAB AfWUimllaliPjl'1 lll-'Mwnj'lrH r " ' h n t ' U.-Hwas acconipl| butwas acconipl|sbcd l u l w e e k s j b u t . . .should likWo know if' that abuse has been

lurk ' .i|egenpra{e niibd that 'hist'ii iliviM iitten(ibn:

from1" our renl anil,-pressing lucesslly—an

2. Furnish us Fomc.evidence, that a juryof non-resident ciiuntrymcuinaturally prej-udiced against monopolies, naturally leau-Ingrln favorot' the I'enple with a.big P,were deceived or rpn; far" "oufof the way

" wheirjlhei-fpuiniie'lvalue" .of llic Albiiiy-"street.hrldgf at ^58,000. ' '

3. Furnish, us the.flf/urea in show thata new bridgn can be built for $33,000, dnJfurnish ns'the man wlio.Svm contruiit tobund'-a'Jsubstantlai bridge with 'nil the•' np-purtenancefl for that sum.

.4., Furnish us tlio items of cbHtjthe coiib-\v has already been |i"at to, \o •keyp • county

".'."" lphbyUta at Trenton hotels,::tb pay cohimlt-:'. • lees an'd for extra mcolings of wine liibblng.;•"-. Boards, to pay lftwyera' fees and court costs,->—7 that we may add^lhc hill torthe-mylhical

: $85,000.6. Furnish, think-m.. frec-

brldgeis wortli to the city for from two tovflv*7can«;wlilcli must "elapse licfore you can

~r^t"}hrotigli.talklug luid tlebatlug and jilan-"'aiUig.jmd building,*- that wo may^add that

v.,!!«ar;-tb "the mysterious $35;000 plu« the- -ulinvo costs and oxpo'noCB.-—--'.:-_'.—'-.. V-

,(;. .Ftirnlsh us,, wo-beseech you, some

pUblican^dii^luistration,^ ^grcat many.pec.-.uiatidn34.iiud'piher:bffense3._havo been ex-posed',' ahi ' tho committee claiih 'credit foraHernpta'to^pulilBli'thelii'l; hut'thcy'omil toadd '-'that their 'Presidtu't |alwayslslaud»"bythe- olteuderSjtireappblntff-SlicplieTdjTiprii;niolcs UiehirrUsbn aird"ipunlsljc8 Ojiiria.: ,ln4

Jdeed,,we. wi)hder,T iii' reading.jparis /of -tjiqAddress, whether Hie- party i|mnagera haveresolved^ _lo throw Grajit' bVerliqafd *_™trntldeclare '"6l>ehfy7n'giiih8t. hii'ic o r lire only,bllu'd :tp the: present and/fnrgetful-of/ther e c e n t . p a B t . ' " ' . - . - ^ .:.' J[i''-:.'-.i;.--i'-/•:.s.','. ;-

' '-AVhat has the Rcpnhllcan—p<irtvtn'"iifl*ef"us.~for the. future j , , T h e ojil;- lesues.. areclosed... The wpr und 'its'^pnsco;iiencj»';jfr$"ir"revoc'able.'i '• Thti'wbrk-whlch ilic Uepubli-9aii_orgnnbntlojt /wnu made-.tor has.::h"lonorably fin;

'ofjtlto.couhtyiJnau- aclioninrJiiw.JoWiHocoBts Wihtt-'dpu'nty; nf''ti;sult!ln';i(lUl^J. in

Llion Avtiuilslied.., In

be~pPTSunded"-tO" betake^tail of Ooggia's friend- lirfd s'ivdep'away nilliffcrcnccs ?-A cloud otdusi, a-rtishraroar was heardin ThurBday. nppa. a(..Crbsiuan's factory,, ailtlo distance, fronj" ltDre," follbiyrfd by theiurriedjifting.up'.of_a piir{ion,bf:;theirpaf,ind its carriage a distance of'400 feet, addedo other destructivo • Bliakings of the toporyof Ihe building. Trees a^d out-build-

ng' tlie lllii! of traverwero. ruclelyhaken and rougbly^strinpcd. In some in-

stances people call it a "tornado^ Qljeryxwas. Dame. 73azer-ou. hiving a' awnrm of-bces'at-tlic-timc-?--——-—'—---—...._•— .-1_A

.•Wo learn tliiit tlie-jlev. 13.'• jf.- Qarton, of-the M. E. Church, has been initiated intothe mysterieB of «a .'.'cnlercdrapprentlqe."in the F... M, Lqdpe.of thqy'e(lerahlo,'-'inu'chrise up much hill,','—fl fli* Metueheu.' Bo Boston, has .spoken out; and thetline-honored-whlBties of^sngdclqlis ongino-drivers liaVe Hroused the udn-somh'olentindignation Of the tenants in...iirbe. Thatsweet damsel of the Fredonian—ever gaz-

-vbws-venge'ahe'd ontllatance drivers' oncertain

tho P. It, R. A gentle youth driving No—

bluff George; talk about Apollo as the.Iicrdsinan -of Admetus;—wliy~Gcorgo~cnnmake the roosters klc.-a.-roo.-ci-rbc ' when-•CTer h o

M A R R I E D .McOBAGKKN—U&Y8—At South Ambor, Ju*o» 17,

\,y Kov. Josopli Aihbrook. Mr. Wm. 8. McCrKken' 01 Noriy Kaat Maryland, aad Ulsn Anaa B., onlri daughter of the {!atoJa!DosUaysort)jQtu Atnboy,

T'v:-" '::~:':"~'-'DiBiu'..'""",'- '•'/.•••. "DILIOUN—In llilil city on Mpnrlay, July SO. Ohrlj'• topher J. DUliiun, aged 48 years.

|3?~The relatlvoH and friends of the fainlly are rr.; spectfully Imited'to'attend the funeral,-from his

. _ iato'rosidonce, No. 102'Nellsbn-street,' to;niorrow.' (Wednesday. July 22). to !neotot.'l;.80land at Lib-


Union I i6.'i9,\.¥.ai. ~x.M.An emcrgeiit Com-

".' mnnlcatlon-of ONIONl;odgo, A. e. 4 . A".Masonsj will b ^ e l d attheir ,Lodgo Koom, inthis 6iW,- oc 'TtlES-HAV fiyentnff, July21, ateijjlitD'clQclCprt:.•BiilelT;'"-i:A7I;i(ufl ; andpunotunlBUend&hc^ is

Bbalne'fiH—TO maVa'arrnngcmofita. .... - J«*it»lH=raU.o*Tburlatobfotlior,.P.,J-':Dil,loun, Momhers' of Palostlno'Lo'dge,A. F. aridiA. M., are invited to unite with:ua"! Juyal-Jt— "—H—Vrequested

^".Lost pr.Stoloii, diMrldav, july.W U6Sf contafntng '"iotos i

ly.3, a POCK.

abiat J3dp;lri

fc|iirDpe?for?|l^' Prepaid Tickets for Mtnds iu the Old Coun-

try, f a o . OAU1K.J70, 58O,»90,goM. RoundTrip,i*120, %ldfl. ..Tlokots good lor olio fwr.-.. •] , • JilONEY DRAFTS, ..Payabls-a'i sight,' for ""Mends' 13:Engliiu'd,' Ire-'land or Scotland. Securliy undoubted.- Apply to H. BOVO, TIMES Office, Albanystreet, or at.hii residence, 18 Richmond street;

iites ffluced!GiJN&KD LINE.

Calling at Queonstbwn,' sailteg from'Neii' Vorkevery Wednenday and Saturday, and from

1 . •-Liyerimol orery Tuesday and Saturday, • .

; Hales of Steerage Postage:Froin New-York to*Ll*erpbol. Queonstoirn,

Glnseopr, .Londonderry, • London, 'Cardiff orBristol. « 1 S . : .To Sow rork.fromLiverpool,"^JuecnatownrQIas'—-"—T—•* — ' - • — ^ 'Cardlffor.Bristol, i 9 5 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Edwin Elbursin &: Go,,

Cor. George and Chnrcli Streets^



'- ' • -• C o m m e n c i n g w i t h • - • ' •'

Black AlpaoasAs a speoialfy, of wlilob we liave: received SOOpieces. • . .

Pure Mistres, L' 20, SI, BY 1-2, 45 and 50,ecrits a yard.' '

Pllk "Warps 60 conta to $1 a yard. Thesegoods surpass by 10 to 25 cents a yard anythingHeretofore even ofl'sred by-tbi-BKOTUfiltS.-

Henry / Waker,, 82 Hiram Street,

i * ' J ' " T ' ; ' " ' : r J K A L E E JK ' ••' '".•.," "

Firkt-Clffss• f o ! - 8 i n " - " '•-

oil ffand.

Our Slock of

COLORED SUITINGSIs now offered at a reduction ofS/lO, 15 mid 25cents a yard on Bomo BUperlor.siylca and colora.

Colored SilSs50 and 75 cents a yard ' Sold a few weeks uVofor.TGcents to$l.iJ5ayard.. .- . • .


Farther Reduction-.-""•-"J"IW


by tho eptciulld Btcamshlps of tbe

returning ilic pbekctbook und coiltcnU to tbo

' ^catlorajui.deatrcfl-Board; dnd-a pleasantm in a private fiimHy,- or ilrat-clnas B o ^ *

ouso, ucarilnapuic Him^;'. • •* •'"•'hou

ps,", P.>

M riiifo B , ; CliildCajit. L.

Nma'ko an excursionri I l d

C j . L. UVBUJla jwiH mako an excurirom Now Uruiiawlck to" Coriuy Island, ou

July 27 r

StuamHoat Wharf at 0.30 o'clock n. m.-ipiai- Coney Island, from :two ^othreo

loura, and aftording tho ultlzena of Newt . . . _ . . t _ i _ _ . . . . _ i t * « t « • • « • •

.cavilcm a

bj tbat gliutlu euphuuiuugbowling, ear-Btuniiiug, eye-flashing screauii^vhich1 at any time, would suggest a eceiiet.or_I)6ro .witiitbo iurly" G(rorgC"OB*fl"'. Tof k."

At one of the clay p|tB,6everal men wereinjured and one killedlastusv^eck. It seamsto have been the result 61 a.thoughtleasuoesoccasionally, met with,; for the men Mveresheltering from the anticipated fall-of a

bank of clay, Ihot over thejr ownds toppled over andj almost cngtilled

A portion'of. -the. premises .occupied,by.Mr. Wiuans, the tlnsniith, has,becni rentedby a Mr. Wheeler of New Brunswick nndis lo "ho opened as a fancy store.,iy.Unlcss news crops'up morofreely I shallbTlrivn;tirranteniplnteajj^3ftESD£thegreat Hoggarty Diamond, forTlTo'stultiflca-tion~6fritho'i3iil!bg8'whose prcfli'docs' nolhnppou -to bo Josh ; i r :^

Brunswick an.opportunity of having a splendidSea uuth. ^'ltoturnlu^by 3 SUo'clook ---. -- -

J |Foi-e for iho Exburaion; 76 Ceata..

Children over 5 and under 12, 35 cents,

: ••' ' WM. IT. GOMERSALL, Sup ' t

C A B I N . A N D . S T dPASS A <JE -AT-- THE ••


For prepaid tickVtH for jiasBuiio -froTii -iBng-luiii], Ireland and Germany, tnd for piissago"outvrurd apply to ~ "


Cor. QeorgeandChuvch Streets, NeivBruns-, - . • . 1 . - • - . ' • w i d f ^ N ; j .

v• " • • • • • ' - • • •

Money Drafts on England and Ireland forsaleutthe'current ratas? ' •'' . r.—jlie^tinr

STAR LINE7C i T ^ n i r Uio-Unltcd SUtcB -Uall liotwwn New-York,t'-nrk nnd Wvorj-ool New and full-powered Bte&m-thlps, Oceanic, Gurumiilo flnltle, Adrlatio, Republic,Britannic, Celtic, Gaelic, Boiling from New York onS ^ n d f t W / f c r t f J l i V ^ V '"" """"iriiK. ~ixuruvr ruca way, ;I'avonla Ferry. Jorsoy Cl

tho WblteStarl 'ock,". City, Passenger accommodn-

lons (for all olaasea) unrivalled, comblnlrg Safely,8[>eod nnd Comfort.' Solnon," Sintorooms, Hmotln^-rootn and Until rooms In MIDSHIP *octinti, wheroIOOBI motion Is fall, Burtceona and Stowai Jesses no-

)iii[iany tbese Btoarpors. .Oatword Ifatea—Saloon, $60jld,and return ticket, $140 eoM. 'StMrueP, |30 cur-

ronoy. Those wleblnp to sond for friendB from tbo OldCountry can cow-obtain Btoeraae prepaid.cflhUIlcntca,182 curronby. .'APaasongerfl booked tc arid from oil parts

of AIIHTICO, to Paris,- Hamburg, Norway, BWCHICD,IndU, Australia, China, etc. Draltfi from £1 upwards.

Hugs inoro.

STICK A PIN Ifc THIS.,, Jolin. Laurence,The Popular Butcher,


[ ' *: • j: : Has alwa'ya on huiid .. •

Cheap & Good Meats'including all klr.daioJ 8A08AGE, BACON,_



Halloo! Something New!J A S . HOXLINS'••_

• 0 W «B0 TANQY 000DS.

Fancy Traniiiiiig

la once more ut hia former siand,

NO. 11 VHUKCII .yjTKEa-VT, :'

;'. - - • ' y. And will • -be'pleased to see

his old customers, and'^promises to sell yoods at

-—very lowpi-ices.: Please call and 7

_exdmine the prices. Great Bar-gains 'in JBrusscls Laces. The BAZA A

GLOVE-FITTING. PATTERNSsold at my stoTe^~~Pleate~call

for Pattern Books. KidGloves, Goods, Dresses,

*' etc., received for. Dyeing. ' .

18 ALBANY &T.,'Opj>. Stele Bank,

BEEF, MUTfON, LAMB & VEAL. ' Always (Jn liand. "

POHK aiid all kinds of SAUSAGES in their3U8OJJH. . . ' '

G-IYE US A CALL.febiB-ly '•• . " • "

' E a t and Grow Fat,"



12, I S , ' 0, 20 canta—sonml und perfect.


"MADE WEAR, '; •"

ConipnsingSulta.and ItcdiuKotea^at »3, 2.50,*.0d; 4.0ff aniP-S »:•, ll-orlh from 4.K0 to 10.09e u e h : ' - - . •• .^ .' ' • - • . • i • • i i - r .

Infant's ''Robe's, Cloaks apd

-'., • worth from 75o. to P2 each. •••.• r..;

CIULpREN'S APRONS, 15 to ,25 centsapieco LADIBlS! APRONS 25

In oraertu-ao thiit, jjjy the beat MEATS In"tlio mafketj which are to tie ;found at the oldstand, - .v .- - - - - •, y . .

No. 6 Hiram Street.. OEOKHE'SMltil STILL DEAL8 IM- .

B Mnttoiii Lamb, V

Restaurant,153 OEOUOE

This Reatniiriint is elegantly fitfed up lor theftccommod&Uon of tho public.

^~- MEALS -AT:-ABL-HGIfRB, ' -

SnDa^lphnhcbostBlylc.wlHijniUrecips of tbd floasoii, at rcaBonttble rates.

-Ic.e.; CreamConnected, Give ua a callto give satisfaction.

Saloonus we guarantee

j^lense sciiii for a sample.

WM. BJ PLEGHNEE, •II Church. Street,


"firaii ClosinE-lit:"-OE —

HALF IJSifAL PRICE !' '. '. • ? • " • " " A T ' " ' '•

Imlla, Austrftlia, China, etc. Ifraltfi from £1 upwards., l"i'r ins[)ectfon,of plans and otlior in formation applyat tho Company'B Oflid-s, No. 19 Broadway, Now York.

, Tuesday, an& Wednesday,'.


, K...O._C.OTT0», Mnnager. : - . ' • . . :."...

On .Monday Evening, July 37, "ill lie pre-aentotl tltu beautiful Comedy, cntl Jed . / .

tho ovonirig.'.ontertainniQnt. to conclude withthe lau^huule Extravaganza ofi.-'i .Nan, tlio tloodL for Nothing! .

Nan (with Songs), MiaB GERTIE GRAN-

Reserved" Seata, 7o. eents.* General -Admis:'Blnn^50_cmta^^flallcjy, 85 cents. Sca'a' canbe aucurcd ut the Box olllce on Saturday, 25thiiiBt., nt 0 tt. m. jlyl4-7t .

The: 3lT8terloiis .Boy .Murderer' : ' •" • • - . - . A [ i a l n . -••••••• •"•

AnotbCf ylttlm'of,jtlio ^yMtry'eyieil' ljoymurderer of Soutli Boston, Jesse Pomorov.

house iormerly'occupleil -hy'the Pojneroyfamily. A little girl .named Kate Curran,ten years old. disappeared mysteriouslySeveral 'lnohlhfl .;'iigo,au(l Tvjien'" "^woyvjvasynrre^edjnftwlviu'i,.,^^.;,"Soveoir\uurdersi'%siiapicion fell Upon'iiiratho,miird(irciMif: thisTgirl..' .Soturdiiy'snineI>ereou8 were clentiing out tlie::cellar:for»

(joiug In toof n dressthe heap.

peeu. .^'ptrudlnc; from'poilihg It out • -Hie

child's, btad Was brought'-to' light..-• Thup ^ l i r a T ; w c r b a t r o n c S 7 i ' d " :hd l;wcrb-

l:hnd tlio

, Iu.epltu of thu slihlleoLthefaithful nervant withwlilcli~,tho: Ad-dresa opens,' every politician • knowa tbntparties-cannot live upon; ancient! history.VVe do find aceordhiply hi thtj'clpslug parii-graplia of the Addriss an intiinatlonnf. t t taew^uestion upon.which the/ Rcpnhliciinpurty proposes tii go' befofinho country..It Js not tho currency—tho lirsi gMat-quca-Vori'.ot.;the4'jy—for the promises. made, atPhlladelphhi and so many ojher places of arestorntluti'-, OE' specie payment are for-mally, repudiated. It is uiit the ri'for-hiatlon of corrupt nnd mercenary -pol-itics. :'It .'Is not \he settlement of tlioSouth-crn protilem. It is transportation. TheRepublican parly wants to tight the noxtca'jrip'algnon.-thu".'transportation question.He,ro at least we have K .plain policy ilie .fuyoriteMevice of the^tirangeni is'frnijUJy'condemned.' legislative ihleHerbnce, witlirailroad tariffs is pronounced " too hazard-ous..'.',',' "Any policy.wlilch'.would/ fisftjdl.'ttfdrive capitjil from us should! bo jiyoldodlltpossible." 'ilut'tlie'ionimijtce give theirrccoinmendatlou to thu scheinri,of. opening.four grcjit_WBler routeii from tliejinilriojrt.the seaboard, whicli will (jiyiTtbe. NatipiialGovernment the expenditure'of an InternalIniprovcroe'it fumV of 20,iOOO,'000 ji yenrfoff ix"or "nevoii" y.eafs,TiTll •"as/iniicli jonjor

as may he found convenient; That. is. tlieKepuhlican platforni for noxt; ycar-^-thatand, we must piesumo, the repeal of thoWisconsin law and nil similar railroad enncttoi'ntp _ .

inowjRov -if—S—UlradoiJUtng, the

oolpnous JorsLjr City jiaator, has taken Illstfr vacation pmdlnp; an oxaialontion

case the company under tueir charter suo Into tlie cbarges against lnui t- u w

p^liraT;wcrbationcS7Biin(tuoncd, :hnd tliounnatural grnve was mprq,' ful)y..;csdmlned,when the::remainder: of .-the body, of; theqb.ild.ivas.iexliHniod,.;Tbe .remainsu.wcromuch deconip&s'iid mijl Utterly uiirdcojjijlzriblc,liiittuii'clotlilnj'Lwiislfiillyldijntlflpt'i't'j y l d i j n t l f l p f t i a t u t t t<)f,,the little Curran.,-glrI. . Dotectlyes! andthe pnreuts , of the: unfurtuuate Itttlo nnuwere sent for. .Thegrlctof the lnttDr uponfully lcalizlng the horrible facts of the'ease

m heartreiullilg. 'I'Tlio'exiitenient'.was -'so.tepso that the uiotbec and ld b t h f

^ g. ITlioexiitenient.was -so.intepso that .the uiotbec and elder brother oftlio PofccToy boy"\vcre''-uVi'ested;-itot-fr<tuYany 803plcion tbat'they.iverfe .'accessory totho.iilrocloiis nets of-tbo young Hend, lint"lisa i-iifasure of eii fetyj it being feared tlia'ttlicy would bo lynched -by the excitedc r o w d ' ' " '

ycrowd.; The hoy; lias prtduccd a careful and ac-curate plan of tho premUcs,-with doalgnat-liigex|)lalmtioim, aoii fi'nUl:- • ' •••'..••A?<': >

j d l h '^ mother's store on the juorn-ina; of ilnrc\i,\8, at hakfuiantrilne Tho?urran girl caiho hi for nnper«..-I told hertlluro.wnsa'fitiiro dowh"stu|rs.; cihe wentdown lo..nh6utth"e.'Uiiddle'of the ccliaV/'ihdStood fafctag .Broadway.".:'.'

:.I .followed tier;E9iLnyJflX'ii3£m.iu-(fflf Jisbucak, niv handoror her Juouth, and .with iiiy kn|fq"in myjight^attd.cBt hw «.rp,it,J I .thsD^raggcd

naivSSia:fuh|ifrjno«t up tBo: place,.and JMJIsrjmo storiosiiud'-aBbes'oil tljij body,; -I tookt h o ^ c a ^ p ^ f t b4ji::In:?tbe"!|li;"' 1. . . . ,..+2fc'n,M°;,y(!!lar,:':isi!nt

tnytifcXavsreuce's sloreVnearhyhouglif tho'khlfij'tt week befdru'-for 25Aai bou

cen)i;t;:THb,khlfc,»a9takcufrpinmB,wWu:I was arrested. When I was In the;ce!l»rlbeoMray Urotbfr ^Hbd i i a o ' d ^ < l l lray Urotbfr ^Hbd insiao'dpo^ <vl(t bid locked ifttf^lie glr] ca'nqp /ii4:: ijrVnup stairs snd fouud_hlm_fcplng-.tojjgtdiiiiecellar in Mltcbell'i. port. • •Mj&'WXTwo girls worked in fiie storecellar in Mltcbelli. port. Mj&m'WX-Two girls worked in fiie store ii)t"mi\iiriThey usually got there aboutnlno'd'omqlt•','•mollier^ ca^no later. Jfy ;brbthDr Cusrlra

Tlilrd Granid Excursioii

New Brunswick UoBge,I • • •• N O . 0, I . O. O . F . , t o '"'••

PHOVOST, 13'J NEILSOK BT.l ' '-. Nc'w"i)ruinwlct. N. J .

Steam between NewQueenstowii !&.




'o Qaenopto^n, Llv^rj'oul,.Loai]ant Brlitol, Cardlil,Bgovr,.BelfMt,Dem-. Humburtf orllavro, J !3 ;p rc -1 ,to^ J!few-T(orki:'|2T--' 'I'o-Antwerp,1-Hotwrdam,

-• To QaenopiGItui)paid ,— ?.— •, - - • - -\matcrdttuii'IIanin£cn or Oronlopen, | 'few Tork, $8L: To"C6penhajrcn, OlirlNow York, (81. To C

enburff, Btavaoger, Bor

erp,1 _ _.,12T: prepaid to

^ - , __.lBtloola,'Ooth-:on; - Dron tbelm,: Manhcim - or

, ,-n.iIr'cHnd-flndTallli'iarta"j faermany, "Apply to !WILXIAMH is QUIOM.' IflBroadway,-NowTorltydr JpUN'MURPIIY, 205 NelN

itroct, ifow Brunawlck,-2fi: J.--•:-•; •••• • •-• a p l H y

—,„ apieco. -^LADIBlS!: APRONS, 25' to 40 cents, worth BO per ,-,- ..'

. • • • - • ' • ' • • • - c o i i t . m o r e , .••'••{•,••> ••.: •

ladies'Colored and White Waists.


b.'fa.YS'ticHtraria $17 ,o' roductiori;'of10 conjjj to 40 bents each . ,! '!"-' '

GLOVES, HOSE and H4LF HOSEj10,J2.amI l&oants, very n'ce. = Rogular m&de,

;. , SO and 25, conta a.pntr. , ..."

COMBS, 8, -S, 10 nnd 15 cents each. '• i i ••• . - ' i ' • : i , ' , ' - ! • - x-

SILKRIBBONS; ; • • - - - • - " - A N D - ' • " " ' - • - . • • ' - •

: ' - '

juiilO 3mX.. A. SOUVILLf,' ' - 1 1 ' 1G3 Georgi! street.


No.itolS, 6,8,10, 15, 20 and25.'et;ut9a yard.

Hamburg Edgings,6, 8,10, 12,15 ana 20 centa a yard. "


f* fi f t r y IT pf? u R. _» o 4 iVi E f» £, o»S wmnneirG loves,

P-A-«-A-S(-O-M5r--k-Ta)-E-TG.-—As Uie-T'ourth of July is past we lira delor-

jnUiedLo clear out iin-Suinm--i*'Good.i. - t he reby—giving our numerous customurfl a~ cliunco to~ "purchase cJicwp while the Goods aro In season.

""TtrcTsY'GoudHTrVTiOH- oii^aihibltion, "niid" nili" ~be .sold ut prlcod wlitdi will make com pirn I Ion' O K s l b l e . -

Kcducti^ntliu Order of thu Diiy !

, Comparison Invited! •• •.•••.'.',••

' . Competlion Deliedi

JAMES McMAHON'SDry*Goods Emporium,

-------- (Under Oroer'a Hall). -.JhS-lPira- - " .


'OOOO., . .,\0Ol)0p0O. ;'

'• - ^ , " , OOObqODqOOOOO - ." " ooboodobooboooo \ -

, ooro,.. ., . , -,i)ooo.. ...ooooouBOUijUttTSoboooD•'-•;; ooooobo1'* -( vi)" 1 doooooo'.'oppoOOooq'oo.AJiD boooooooQoo.obooboooooo'ioboonofioo'nrtoooDob

i :Hnvlng-ehitrtercdTthe-swlft-salllnff fltei

Capable of o ^ c o m m p g S,p i l t t wilt us > tlidK-utmostffardle^s of expense, to make'this tbe iUfiJjt ac-toptablo'«xettraion-<>f tlie'seison. : -••y-'< '• ' i.

' The.' xeuijilon will leave Steamboat 'Whjif,New Jlruus-ivick, atsaciicn o'clock u. ro. ajiwp.and rotunilutr will lenVo Oriental Groyn nf


Linens; : •:•

Cottonades,r'^' ': ••- ' ; • '-i ' - J c n n s , -•'





. - • ' 7 - : . , I / : .Airjijtu-j.-'jlj . . ! : . •, :••••;• i •. > • : ,90O0D0 OOOO 00 HO OliOpOpOOOOCfl O.OO QOQ OQOOOQOO'OOOOQO^ A n T I S T f C J ^ r EXKpUTCD OOOODOQJj



_. ... Nonmrnyj E A S T r;—N « w B m n i s w i c k , K. J . ' ' J - " " ";

Djirrow^N iBrfiiii r&j jSirJnsr % Bandj . . ' J U - . : . . •.'...•-.'. A" 1. '..'- ,;.• P. ...i j. ,11.

yVitl furnlHh tliomiiBlc/ur the occasion.I Dinnerhiid.Ke/rvfiU'peirit? cau boppcure'il oi)


nnd Bagtfago taken cure of free oi"

, , , . . . . . - I ....wgRE.T8..r. '- ' ,"•;!;; -..Qpnjenieu.,; . . • . : . " . . . . . . . , . . . , . . , . , . . *1 00Ladles ...,..'..,..., . „ . , . . . : . v ^ l r y . , . ' - . ^ _ SoJhlldren, frpm'fivi,J^JJli;-».I..tir. "S5

Thrketa eau ha procured of aiiy inelobfir ot. l i e L o d g o . " ' J ' • ' • • • • : . * • ' • " • • ' • • • - : • - •

\ I'oxltlVfly no"BnlrItu6D8'liofiorfl allowM'board. *y:'-- ... .; ,i. .y?.,..:, jimatsw


hove thin dajr entered into partrwrtWp tor the

raetlw at


»t tho offleojifUtefomtf^ttaytaij

JElias JlTmyou & SOD s


'•••'• .'.'.. Dealora In all kinds or ' '


ifildo A

VBtylofl'nnd fast colorB-for plonio;-^«oatrarolii]fr jiiite. . . . , t ,.

'Ties, Lace Sciirfs&Sliuwls

SUN SHAMS,! S5,i/iVJr. coins', «l.-to, .. ,*t enoh, worth 00 coats to ti

• ; ; : ; (npece; ---7" ;



Fine Salt,

s Seeds and Fertilizers,

. ip, 1C, S6 •6 85; cents picli. ' ' . ' :

. • 1 O . O O O FAJV'^, ' • ' . ' • ' ', ' ! ' • ' l , . a , 8 a n d i c e n t s e a c h ; ' ; • - • ' ;

PEA0OCK1 SEAII-HEypLyiNU PANS,,} 15 --to. 3i) co.ut^ lTOry handles.; \ (

Celebrated^ Ice : Cream;rt-Boxes, <ftf

Ipe-paie Breadi • • " . . • • • • " " . _ . ; - " " •

j Cakes and Biscuit.^pd' -short liollue




COGGIA COMET FAN,l6 to Ifl Inches, aod warranted to .raise* J 'r- .nbrocin nt 15 knol9 »0 honf,,, / ,

sold from 10 couls to| 1 l j '

J"roBh breadevcrv dny at Nbrthrop'.s,Fresh buns,cvdry day at Northrop's.

• F r e s h cakes ovcry day at Norihron's.Freeh pies evcrj;;day nt Northrop fl. •.Fresh ruskoverir Uayjat Nortlirop's.Strawberry' Bl.dt-l-cal(es"overy day ut N'Qr;H-

cp's. ^ ' . - v .... .my-D-ilm-

Henry Zimmerman,


H o u s e 0 Sign Painter.No, 12 Guildan. Street,

A flac MBorimoni at prlcoii to suit the timi-s.

Larjro variety nf ltpjriilntln'i Size, Junior Holla, Boy*llaile/Uatfl, Score BookB.-Kuloa, o t c , nt


myao-tf • .

Rooms Frescoed in Oil or Water

lOQ.per emit under, rfctt York Droadway prtcelAH tho grL»t b»r(jajoi at , . v lP


,# New Brunsvlclc, it. J.

Auio, ;


Dons ftl ihortjnotio^ br. tht nevproaeBfi. cait*b S 5 ar dent, l e u ih w by the old t h d


oaeBfi. caitmethod.,

Deahlcr's Pills hiivo boon before tho rorhaiunlty i^rWBNTY YBARA. t | i«lr record In ono continupd Buc

cons.1 Thpy contain wo MEBjitniy;Nq,Aii8KKio,Nb<tui-SINE, and leave tlioByBtein; aft?r ou'nmq TII« PIBRISI,-in a i<tfrfectly sound and healthy condition. Itend theletter rromllon. BcinrvLKB.OoLrAx, In the circular.Youwnnot fall tohavo heiifd'of tliiim,'«hd iJ lVho'

k of tliem prnleo them. tiThey aro the only sifeettalacuru for CHILLS ASD VRTIK, , t«r THRU; •

Witters' fleff Scnlo,Jmye.(nefltliowcc..and_a-flno-«InHln(fvlhaIImodern Improvpmenta. nnd nro thu beBt pianos made.Thp» Crpnnit and 11iuio«;aro wmranud Tor six ye&M.PniCES KXTKKMKI,TLOW-ft,r ou t rer'part:eaVliand lifUnoo In inonllily ..ron»rt«riv pavnicnt.. 8™nn,l:•and tBHtrllmenu.ukrn in i xchai po Agents wantedn urcrvcoimtyliitlieViilli'dbuloii and Camilla AIWra dlicount U).T«u.h>ra, Mlnlitrri, C lurches.

Boboola, todffni, fici lllu^iratul Catalugucs mailed.• • ' . ' • ; ' • . - . - : , . I

IIORAVK lVATKItS dc SOW,.:__....-..-jSLBrniilivaj-, New Torfc Bo«-a,55T.

Wa N T B D . - - S U i i and women to wort a t< botnft; *20 to ten )ior - etK. no capital

i-Mljteedj b«>tchance ev B d t o f mrequired; bo>(chance ever ofl-red. torfpMhlaojars lend tlamp to II. M1T0UAU. feller

Line, Phlladebhli. P«. ' << •'"•dtct&iir


- l V n i i B y H i i n i a — K a l l r o u t i rTUB CHEAT TltUNK I"INP TO Tlllt WB9T.

On and ulior.Monday, Jufy 6.1B7VE»prosaTrains lnare.Seff Bhuwriek aifollowa:' '' .0.-45 A. M. FttBt Lino, daily, except Sunday, forllnrrijburj, PitUburg'.'Clefoland and the

'icu Cur* through,urg, Fwt Wajne

and. On^cAgu,Hnd Coludbua. (.lncionati andVwith Parlor Cftni from N«w

. . . . « < , '.: ..'.'.. ..":r 07 P. it. Cincinnati Etpr »8 daik, fur Harris*-

bucg, Pittriburjr and the \V a', wi h PrtllmunPalaceCiirH"llirougli,"iViih6ulcbangc,to Piti*-'

l.d.ns'anil Chicago'. .6.S6.P.-JI. forfittibuwTlaily.-;—•—-•

West,'wiln Pullmanwithout change, to Pilti1

,and. OhlCT1.0'uisnlle,'

A Fighting Corpse.We will cairUini Batnbo for couvci

lence sake.' He Is one of our sable oitlfeand Is employed to do chores for mi tinderlaker In Uite'cily. Ilccoiilly lie was ecntshort distance, out of town to prepare tillcorpse of a maa; fo'r-nfcasket, aijd after illvestlug tho dead of 'thegarments" worn 'Ii•richness proceeded, to dress it up in thirobes in wliicli it was to be bilrled! wlilengaged in this it happened jlmt Harabo haio'ccaslotito b'en'd the^irmoiE the' - corpsetbat! the upper and lower" joints were alright auJ^Bjo.eacb.oilier, .oi)iLsiid(je;nly_TOJ ] J J l k l i l i b ; k

;V.i-1 P. 111'ioillo Express, daily, for Harrlibure,

Pittsnurfr, Cleveland, and tbe Wast, with I'ull-mau Palace (Jars through, without change, toP i t h Urestlib". Fort W n Chicagoshur^,and Indianapolis,


g ,n , Chicago

CoD»>e<ita at PhiludelphUEi

nd I n d i a p s . Cwuh a sleyptnjr oar lor Erie. .

For Baltimore, Washington and the South, at 9.-60 i . M. daily Mocpt Sunday,with no* Pullman

Cars, i US f. M. wilU new Pjillniuo Par,B l i d fO2» P II

Parlor Cars, i US flor aud Bleeping

h P l

M. wilU j n o PaCurs, and-fO.2» P. II.

P l S l i Cr au ping Curs, P. II.

daily with nen- Pullman Palaoo Sleeping Careattached. • - - •

'for Ifewurl and New fork, 3.03, 6.20, 7.1",• 7 t7 805 ».tK/t y.4", ]0.J}5, 11.55 A. M.l 12.56,

2 60 683,'O.Ct, 7.85 and O.OO.'P.M.- -iundnvtrains, 8.(» n'.d.lO.nS A. M ; CIS, 9 01 P.M.

for Eliiabdli, 8.08, 4.52, «.!», 7.10, 7.87,8 03 0.0U, V.40,, 11.B' A »!.! 12.55. 2 fir),8 41, 5.33, 0 OS, 7.85, and D.Uu 1'. JI. Sunday

tbe straight position to wlilch it had bo-conie~BtlBsneil'it'Aheilfai-ot, "fleatL Thebody wiu} l y i n i o n a platfor^ bti'itfjbabkjand Sambo jysts 'irijj-.fitoqried podljion^s(

trains 1.0:1,4.M, 6.25, l'J.EP. SI.

i, A. M.j 5^3, il.uu.

Por iGrtway, 8.21), 7.10, 7.37, 8/6, 9.4>, 10.S5,11.65 a. Si.', S!.6:), 7.25, 9.UU P.M." riunday.trains', 1D.8S A. X.I aiid 9.«0 !'. M.

for Wast Philadelphia, J.4B, 9.SB, 10.45 A.M;l-.4«,-5,85, 0.U7,'181, 9.411, 10.21; vm Ken-

9.M, 10.24 I'. M.. For East Millstone-,. 1.80, 4.15. 5.5S I'. M.— For I,ambertnll»and Fleniingtoni10.45 A. JI.

and5.S5 1\ M< ;For all point* on Mercer and Somerset Hail-

road »t 4.35 P. M. .' ' • -" Fo.f-1)hi|hp3httrj-n.nd-liol<ridpror'W 45 A." M

i u i 5.26 and 6.07 I1. SI.- For Uordoiltown, Burlington and Camden,'8.22

anil 10.46 A. M."| -1.43, 8.22, 6.20, COT,8.MP.M.

for Freehold, 8.22 A. M.i 8.22 and 6.25 P. M.For Princeton.—8.!!', 9-6(1; -10.45. A.M ; 1.48,

8.22, 4.12. £.23, 8 23 P: M.'For Gipe Mat direct, 1 41 P. M.For Long Brmoli and Sqoat, 4 US P. JI.Leave Stiff Vork for New Ur'ilftswlci, 7.00, 8.00. A.M.: 13 noon^!!, 8.10.41)0,4.10, 4.80, 6.00,

7.00 I'; .Forfurtherini"ormation see time ta'jleSjWaich

: . can bohml»ttli«Tick«tqi8ce. u

FKANIC T1J JMS0N,. 1). M. BOY '..Jr.,(Jemral'Manzger. (Jtn./has. Affmt.

;,:_. -_:.;• .P..W..JA0KS0N,.

. N. y.

Any of our readers who- iulcnd leaving

tlicclly for »fc\r weekB,or' for the Su rn

that when tho urui Btlffened it struc

Sambo a stinglug b'ow in the face

which so terrified him that i he».

out of the -house as if bo thought tbi

devil was after him, and concealed- himsel

in a.stable near by, crouching, and quaking

and chattering and speechless witb fear, bi

eyes, with nothing but'tkc Whites oJ ther

visible, rolling la their sockets i

' It was sometime before he could

recover.his senses sufficiently to speak, oi

strength gufflcicntly to walk, and now 1:

swears by all his forefathers never to lei

^another man fool bun by.pretendlpg to bi

-dead,.as he believes that corpse was a cop-

werbcad who had returned lo life to

t>New Brunswick paper, for the

datlou of their guests, oan have tbe DAILY

TIMES sent by mail at the rato of GO cents

'per 'month ." ~ : .

Minor Matters-J—Reading inatier on first page. • • - ;

—Cholera infantura is very prevalentamong the clilldrfiii'of this and other loehl-illes at present. .. .'

—Sffts can Be secured * for. tho, perfom-ances'itt Itasbnic Hall next week, at' tbebox office, on and afler Saturday next.

—The contract for puiutiug the building

of the Meyer. Uub'ber Company at RlilHown_bas^Jbeeu awarded' to ileHsrs.'fUozzcns_&

Houseli of this city.

; —-There will bo an euiergent communi-cation of Union Lodge this evening to takesteps for attending - the funeral of the.late

Christopher J. Dilioun. , -

^Capt. \yrn). II. Oomersall of Newarkwas lu town this: morning, making arrange-ments for au excursion to Coney IslandTouM d l" h di

terrify poor Sambo.

'-—Ttoun'g Men''s Cafliolic Club".Tills club Rave one of their entertaining

meetings- last evening at Bt. Peter's Hall,

nt wiilcii there was a large attendance,,tho

admittance beiog free. Tbe exercises were

.very edifying- and intcrestlDg'"tliroughout.

The success of last night has.' encouraged

the cldb ,to continue tlio nieelinga aiid "fc

tend a general Invitation to the "pulilic

nttcud. There was much' ability exhibited

in the essuy by the Rev. Mr. Hayes mid in


es, reeitalioua atid.-'sbrigsAvere all loudly


Tlio programme) of tlie exercises is given

below; ; - v . , . ; ^ . . ' .- ::.- ,..,-,. -,;..,. _„_-„Uiulc . t . . - .v . r . M . i ; , . . .^ . .,lJ3y-DarTOwV]lnn]t

8aliitati*v , Francla P. l/eunoaseyBung—Klllarney J. \V«tahKsany—UouHurvatlsm of Amor!canChltr> *

aottr Bev. J..W. Hay«Mualo . . .I ty Darrow'a BandItaltiiMon-Tlii) Mlmi Bujinriiir. . . . . . . . . : .JVOlbbonaBonK— O'Brien... , . . . B . F . Haytontttcllatlna—Tlie WexfurdMauucro..* . . . .K. llarddiir.

Sllb)fe3!S!2^ltJr^.^!!Siv.«>'1)j-'Ui-JlS^9I16.K^r7:.r.,r.Tr.:.:;.;ny(arniT!»mDeliato—"Are the Sowora a Keneflt to tlio City and

Citizens ofNew nrunBw|ckl'i_TUa-|inri]iatiYO-_wafl_eustolDod by if. HtlincMsey and F . P. llenneasoy.The ue^atlvo waa HUMUlnetl by K. MuOfuwan aud•).[ ' . yiunoffao. Musttra. Suort and O'Oonn'an wure

: t h o Jailgon. MrVHtibrt; un lnihalf,pf tlio Judyufl. andgn tlie mcrlta «f tlio ar^utueata broujht-iorth, do-cliled ID Tivor or the afllnnatlvo.

Uualc. _ *. Bv narrow's BaDdI t c l t a t l o n S l a O ' B i n * I I K

Bv a r r w s BaDdItL-cltatlon—Sliamua O'Brien * . . . II. K. HavtouI ' T h l l f F 6 y . . . . r . . . 7 . . . . . . J . i lsr t

II Cronii-TheUaltrcofFoiit. __Sons II. OorrlganItecltatlon—Hum Maniac Kev. J . w". IlciyosOlo.liii; Addrau J. P. Khnat-aniieinarka ltev. P. J. Oowni-iFinnlo ; Orcliostra

A moat horriblo act of brutality was per-

petrated on the- person of a married woman

lu this city -on1 Sutfday, -July 12. .Tho

Monday next, 'br Minnie, R.'.Child.


the commodious steam-

See advertisement.for

The Cnrpet'Fuclory wiw.. offered for Bale

—- -aHwoo'elock-tO'dayby tue~assignee;-Mr.-

E. N.:MM)Bjjind was bought > y George

WliittaSor of ^Brooklyn for $1!SO,000," lri-

cludlngllioiMttage of $21,000 held by the

Cffe Insurance Company of New


6 tcrrnTa~fterMvbTcirMrrShorl,' "read

the decision of Judge Nixon concerning the

machinery in tbe factory and warned the

parlies present agaitiBt bidding, as Mr.

~WhIUniief ^w£3 llHr~ouly~ono^liolu1ingTa

license \o. run the machinery in the fac-

tory that ivus not controlled by his (Mr.

Squabbling Artisans.1 John:.add Mary Birch, Sarah and Mary

, Rabbit audl John Wilson were arrested by

woman, who Is the wife of a 'well-knowncitizen (we do not publish the names forobvious reasons), - bad- been to - -Hurley'splace at the,, lower: crjd.Qt-.B.urn'et. e.tjecl,and waa returning to her' home, hear Wes-ton's Mills, at about nino. o'clock. in theeveuiug, when, as she arrived at Mrs. Evans'shouse, Bhe was brutally asaaullSd and out-raged by three unknown men} notwithstanding that her conditlon^Was such "tliaishe was expected to be a mother in a fewweeks. ,

The greatest excitement prevails in the_vicmity_over—tUe-HkainefulH*ctraud. everyeffort ia being made by the woman's hus-

'Between one and two o'clock tbii morn-ing tbe residence of Sir. James V. Rolfo wasentered by burglars, _who_wcra_iitcvcnli;d,boweverJTTtnii canying out their designs ofrobbing the house by the alarm givenbytbohouse dog, wbicU*'raad6 bm'uch.'hoiae .'batall the members of tbe family.weft aroused!The burglars managed to make good theirescape. ''.. "'..:' • . • . .

A / ' _ Quarter Sesiions.. t h e onlybusiness done at the courts this

morning was tbe trial of the appeal case ofKay v. Bell.- This was a case of-trespass,;iSfd"w'55Tfie"d'ue"fore"rJustIce~lviBbo a shofftime ago, who decided In favoi of tEirplain-tiff (Bell),'from. ^nlchvde<!i8,lbnithe'dofeuri-ont (KayJ appealed,; .No decision had bpenglved at'the time, we visited tlie5couiiB.7 -"

ybt at HornetOn complaint of his wife Elias McVey,

of Ouilden street was .arrested by OfficersWlilto "an'iilillcr for drunken'and disor-derly conduct, and cpnimittedto the countyjairfor'fouf'days. (' Tiiis'ls 'said to bo thefirst offeuse-of Ellas,..who is.generally, con-ildercd. as Boher aud Btcady. • :'

abundant Bupplics at reasonable rates, andafter sojourning there about fouf days wedcpar)ed. As Tie were about to leave, theBritish; bafk-Colooney, Captain Livingston,arrived in i>ort with about 250 panscngcrs,and a t the Bamo - timo Captain .'Gordon'scoiripanyj;. comriienced to.' arrive.' byerlaudfrom Graytown, having, landed' tliera froniI f y w Y o r k . : ; , : • : • ! . • • • , - . . - • , 7 I 1 /

-.-.:• ,,, ' , - ! ' , : ; A o i p p i o o . . ; . , . ; . . ; _ . - ;I Our next port, was Acop'ulco, where we

arrived 'in pretty good condition; -.Beforewe bad landed an officer como on board andinquired for" a -puyslclan, saying" that theCaptataikjf 'the:Port:wa8sertoualy;ilV and

- Col. James O. ZabrlBkie, formerly of this

:ily, sends a-letter to the San1'Francisco

DullMnot tho 10th last.'. We giv.o the

letter in'full: Tho j j . ' & Stewart men-

tioned is the senior of J. 8. and E. Sto'wort

the-cap-.tain, . Be 'was successfully Treated, and rercovered before wo'left. No charge waamadefpr either serylces.or mcdicltie,.^nd,in addition to the' captain,' nutnbrbua citl-isenB who were: sick were thus treated witli-out .compensation

b u t t w ' e k s..remained there

During tlie latter part of January, 1840,ho California Union AsaoclaUoji_ organizedit the old Taimnany"lioll lii New Ybrlt Cityy;Ciecling-as Cnptniu J. C. Zabrisltiei Sur-

geon, C. B. Zabriskie; Treasurer, C. I!.n e ; ;; : • - . - • - : - . . ; . -' MAMES OS MKMTJKUS—I.sWlNG HOME. '

. O. Zabriskie, O. B. Zabriskie,. J.•Walker, J. C. Potter, ¥; McColla, VY.Fih J 11 B l J n ; J C StFislier, J. II. ' Blmpjoa.J. C. Steward, J.II. Hancock, II. T. Arnold, J . . Apgnr, K.iVoodivard, J K. iktanning, cE; ;B. , 2a-mskie,'James Orchard, II." Solomon, P.

VV. Llvlugstohi R. Koliann; IV Randall,

Kr£er7*<a W. ByckTey,'£». Gross, V A.'SiiiiOntop, "BrTOrniin,"- 0." B. lilclimond."—Onahe-Cth-Jay-o f-Fcbruar;

out .compensation../^We..remained thereabouttwo' iveeks, •obtaining .supplies .andrestbwing the vessel.- •'• When'wo were readyto leave the Captain of the Poitsent.forDi.Zabriskie and presented' him with, an ele-gant bouquet—not of natural flowers, butcomposed of sholls—which constituted thebase—from which extendetlindifferent' dl-.rectlons silver wire, each terminating in acircle of wire/to, which circlowos fastoned.a two dollar and*.half ^ioce of Americancoin; Its form, resembled a' hand, with thefingers separated and extended, It was in-closed in a- beautifully,wrought box.. Itsintrinsic value "was about one hundred dok!i>"rsj"but as a souventr its yaliw was vastlyenhanced.

' GltATlTUD^ OF TUB PKC-i'LK. .,

Our surgeon .haying prescribed for theailrnents^of umherpus citizens, their appre-

' B l n r d c r a t . piadlM>n.On Wednesday afternoon last while Jobn

Monahan, aged 20, was working in the hayfleld-of Jlr.-fleorgrPomcroy,- at Madison,lu company ii ilh Win. Hall, foremau, Johnflucriu, John O'Douald and Frank Duu-lavcy,.bo beoune Involved In. a tusslo. withGucria and rUdeuly called out "lie bosslabbed' me: with a fork." His com-panions nt ouco went to his rcs'cuo andfound .-that ;;he "bad. .received, .a ...woundfrom a tine of. the fork,-.. which" cutered his.left breast close to the.sbouldoibut loft only a smalloutward scratch. Tk<men agreed not to tell of. the matter, andremained In the hay field with Uie'wouhdec

:u.;WS.iown, ; m M u n i i , lO'o'clockat nlgH-when-be^a

y y ,jompauy loft New York in. tbo steamerCrescent City on their way to California,•ith au order from Asplnwall & Coi, upon

l P t a i i I t biany passage to San Frauclsco in the ship'hiladclpLia, then at P.anania. J — '

. . ' M TUE Tnoi'ics.

After a delightful passage of olght and alalf "days;, all arrived safely at. Cliajjres,fuch ditHculty waB experienced in crossingc^nrmujTpwIilgT^lhe largo number of

losseogers making-tlio transit and tlio largonounfbf bagiage to bocarricdover. Tho"jnpaiiy, with upwards of 0,000 pounds' o\

figgugp, arrived safely nj Panaina in aboutfu daya'after ibiiir arrivardt'blfa'grcB.1:' c ;

Upon application to the agent at Aspin-rall fdrrpa^Hage' to"San' Francisco ho statedtat tlibshlpTiiid heeii pressed lntp tbe ser-ico of the pptaouB at. Panama seeking aassago'td rja'ii Francisco,'a'n'd that he -Waimpellod. to dispatch her ou account of her

ivm;rs, or,.tlio .persons .scokipg. passagooul'd liave takou forcible'possession of thelip and navigated her themselves. Tberoerotbbjt'u^ga:th'olB'Alnluj2600^)e^ras

band, the police and the neighbors to obtain

a clue U) the pcrpoiralorB,1 who haVo1 mnci-

aged BO far to kedpthemBClvesout of "Bight.

It is to be hoped that they will be discov-

ered ; as the whole community will rejoice

aUthe-capture of-suclHnfauious scoundrelB,

-whon^it-fean honor-tb^ call-vbrutes.-.--Tbo

woman is Baid to be dangerously ill from

tho brutal treatment sho was subject to.

Tliera are Beyeral parties at present on

whomjiusnicionjTStiir '^

Toyirjje~fBr~Stm"Frauel8co,'"off tho Bixtlrdayf H a r e l i p J . 8 > 9 . " " : ' ; J • • ' ;'••-• . . . '- •'•. ; 1

. ' Wllb bur crow wo had on board of that43-ton 8cho6ner'l)0:persons, besides mininguiachincry and supplies for our compauyf l t h t t h ith jL t|

Odd Fellows' Excursion.Those -who participated in tho excellent


ing the "peace. The parties were engaged in

a general row, wlltuji'aroso over,

about some work. jiThe parties'

complaints' against eilch other f

and battery. .. ThcyAierc all. employed in

a disnuto

made" cross

cbmplaitits agalo&t eilch other for assault

tbe Carpet factui

bit gave - bonds

Court 'when wai

and Mary Bab,-.

York, witb several. crushed just as the I

ware bridge-in-Treuti"wlthThis'armresti

window, wuenTi

pitched hini forward,

nfida the

su'dijen lii;

Tiad * hla arm

ed the Dela-

- Warner-sat

ic BIJI of tho". car

irch of- the trajn

und,""strlkltig 'tub': bridge,'his loft arni-Waa- crushed so, badly

that 'amputation was necejsary.

A Shooting Affray.. ."Walter Green, on the 17th of June,; .wasshot i j by fyillliim Jpiinson, both of Maa'l-sqn^townBliIp',:. wMIe' tho1. former waa butridipg. Tbi biillet'pajsed through the bodyof^ie wagon, uut fnilcd to hit the pereonaimed nt. The affnlr occurred near Mr.Green's residence. John win was arrestedyesterday by Ounstabla A. M. Applegalc.on B warrant issued by Justice StoUdara Vf.Stout. * •

G. A. JI. Reunion.1 Tbe grand Reunion of the soldiers and

sailors of tliu Into war takes placo to-mor-row at Patcrson. Tho preparationsbeen op a magnificent scale. A. largo num-ber are expected to be picscnt, and it isprcsiimed that there will be an ejcollonttime' Kearny Post leans this, city In the

_ morning for Newark, front

i U Pplaceg

it U (0 bo escorted to Patcrapa by Lincoln

Qreen Cheese. —'A false alonn of ilre was railed about

i two o'clopk (Sunday morning, In the lowerpart of the tlty, by a drunken crowd home-ward bound, who had mistaken the'moonfor a burning slianly.

_ V Onthe-Tho-JIIinjH „ , , T -

Brldgoporf this (Tuc»diy)-B«iitng "at' 8 4Bo'clock, with tho "jicnt Minnie, all well,and luring bad. a splendid sail.

will be glad to learn that the membera' of

the Lodge intend to give anoiher grand ex-

cursion this year. It will take"place" on

-Wednesday, -July-29,-—the- commodious


supplieswo'.couldsWw away.Our first port wus Point Arenas. ,' Wo wereshort, of provisions and -'on allowance ofwaten. Wo.Avcrb refused permission tolaud or 'procure supplies.; ..Wo learuedthe

:roa8on-tobe-thahCJrisrLilile,-"wHh~a"cnrgoof male and- female hoodlums, had beenpermitted1 to land, about' two weeks before,'.and they had turned tlio "town upakle down.

we might repeat the play."'' ' ; •'•".''. •'••' '


After Puttying obtained somp coffee ;froni''


•to-cortvey—t be-party-to~9rlcntar—Grovc

which has also been engaged. The superior

character of the excursion, aud the fact that

so few excursions have taken place this

year, will no doubt bring out a large number

of the lovers of pleasant companyj nylvun

groves h'rid toe fresh sea breeze.

mppllcs.. rThe, Captain yf..the Port came<yil board with'a' Burgeoh," examined thepassengers and papers, and Btated that hewould repbrt allright and send apermlt toland'land- obtain supplies. We remainedlialf • it day' and all night waiting1 for thepermit, suffering greatly all .Vag wh|lu for

*—-—• - -The Seduction Case.-, Amelia Fisher—not Amelia Slryker, aspublished[l)y:n8 'yesterday—-1B ttho-name-bftue uufortunatevictim who was cut off inthe bloom of- womauhood by submitting to

The lowdUesires of her afllancedr She wasa resident of George street, and an onlydaughter. The name of her - destroyer JsJohn Connor, a tailor by piofessloc,ra -na-tive of <hW clty,;ttii3-.a. reslflput|fpf :35astonavenue. . Ho. is now concealed In JerseyCity, and justice to thei>ublicdenmhds'that,if possible, be be brought here and thoseverest pennltlesbf tlio 'Jiji/infflctod^upon'


A Count]/ Hummer.John McElbancy was arrested la 'Neiis6ri

Btreot, near Somerset, lato last night, forbeing drunk and disorderly, and was cora-niltted for 10 days. Thd ailijstilvasl mndeby Officer Van Arsdalo, HcEl'baney is anold offender and boards about half of histime off tbo county. Tho. jail authoritiesgivo the hardest kifrd -of'labor to do abouttho Institution In order "to make him earn'his living wldlp In jail, and destroy bis lovofor tho'iiiaUlution. - . . . !_ ' ( -

Base Ball.

paid a visit to Nowartyealerday in order toplay tho fecnjid goino of a matcS betweentbcmsclvcs'and jbVAlpbas of itewark. innine innings tlio. score stood seven to six IDfavor of tbe Empires—an excellent game.

Bcoro'INNIKOS—1 8 9

X Sidewcfllc Statttf-br":

Abraham Brown, colored Wa'arrestea

lost night In Albany street, by Officers Col-ton and Van Arsdalo, for disorderly con^dnct, wlilch conalstcd In hit obstructing thepublic . . . . . .

when ardered

committed for four days to tho county jail,

but was itjftKft ttSSPTO'njlfwSy^?^of$8fln« - - *-'of$8fln«.

waiting p'assago' to San l'Vanclsco, all anx-lusto leave, and all watching for a chance>-0btalnT7Tpnsja'pT".:7V'TteriemuiuiDi5 at'anama- ubout twenty days, tho Constclla*on,^a;schooner.of 40 touB,-was-purchasedjrjfljOOObytlioc'oinpauyV -Showas l a aliserable condition; her hull rotieii in manyaces,-her BailarunfltfOr use,"" aud'thu "vca-

serdlstrc'sslrigiyfilthv. "~* " ' " ' "

i ..-,:'•'. Dai'ASITJBB miOM PAXAJti.'...'...'.':' ',,.•' After laboring'dllligcntly.for two n'ecks,a suit Qt'Bailsof iriouy wilors,,was'furbished.X.bCJVessel, was-'partlfllly-repaired—water-casks pu'reuaied froin the captain of awhaler lying in the bay of Panama, waterbbtuincd ut' Bodega—with no covering forfor.tbe liatcties but canvas, and after, re-

ivi b d ! s "" T h d. , ,ceiving on board! as "'"passengers; TheodoreGrccnV MrRBrWrS^NicESUvTTViriiarn Gregory,-Qoorge-Gregory, and : JohnOuff.theCoustcllivtion left; oa her perilous

y pp pyrniOTths, .togethor with iOjL t|!Q_ peria^a^'"Q('pnteHgcra'"ii>>d7c'rpwi';and

ciallon and gratitude wero exhibited bylargjf.cobtribulionfl of. various:fruits,.deliv-ered on board of our craft just before sail-ing. ' Our vessel was literally crammedwit. these grateful offerings. . . ' :

Tim "NAPOIBON." . '" Before our departure from. Acapulcowo

were informed by persons ivho had justarrived in a wh'aleboat. thata _small. craft,'called tLo.Napoleon, was In'distress outside.VVe kept a bright look-out for her, and[to-ward evening of the day we sailed wo over-hauled her;. .She was; about IB tiSus bur-tlienf-and-bad six piissenijers on board,"ffoU:

ivtts- commanded by : Captain-- Williams.AmojgJhjtpnsspDgeriwaaTlHchry:.. Sparks -They bad been out of Water for many days,but'had obtained si small' supply by distilla-tion, by means of a simple process appliedby one of the passengera.--The process re-•t|uirrtlheat,"and, to furnisli it, all "the"''b'ul'warks and spare,spars had been hurucd.Tlta pereQns.-Qn.boaril:.pre8BPted..aln) (IIB.-.tresslng appearance. ,. Wo supplied .themwith water and fruits, and directed them toiSSKe? for." Sah"Blas',~and' wo pfotnl»ed"'tokeep in sight, so as to render further aidi£=Beossary, ajgreoingi-to^coast it7all;the-tvayrInstead of-which tho Napolcou kept on hercourBO-seawurd^-uotil-sho was out of-eight,-uor did wo ever see her again. • '^

.. •'• • fl.UJBI.AS.;: : . " ' • • ; "•

• AVe'arrlve4 at San-Bias safely, and lefi for San Lucas, where woarrived comfortably, laid in ail'tho supplieswo could stow away, and determined tostrike for tho '^trades;" We sailed S. 8.W. until wo were enabled gradually to" haul up " on our course for San Francis^co. i Wohnd a stormy ;tlme. ;• Ourbuliyarks

men reported a t Madison W o t he had dietwith cramps froin : dtirtklng le i Water, analthough a doctor attended lilm a t his dealand saw the slight wound; ho ; declared it oflio moment' .[' ,The' suspicions; howeyer, of-tbe father - arid; rriotiier of Monahan werearoused b y t h e i r son's actlonB ; when dyingand tbe peculiar behaylor of his associates.: I t appears tha t when supper t ime arrived

on AVednBsday and l lonahan did not.comfhomo, Dunlavey stated to Ills own faralljthat he must return to the Held, a s he hadleft , Monahan there'sufferliig very badlyfrom cramps. This canio to the ears oiMonabanls parents and: they »t once set outlu search of their son. On tho way theymet Ouerili, who told them tba t theh-sonhad . recovered and gone home, b u t , they(jouhted his words and reaching .the,fieldabout 10 o'clock, called loudly for "their soil.He answered.," oh father, oh father, V and onfollowing the Bound of his voice they foundhirri s tanding in a stooping position withDiinlavey and O'Donald-support ing' him,oneon,cach<side, ;Hal l , tlie foreman,'Btoocby, but on their arriTal nil three men slunkaway into the woods. . . ;•'._•.•...-.-.V...:

-•• T h e ldayiii)fmanrTccogni2cd~his" : 'parcnt3and said, ." Molher, I 've done my last day'sw o r k . , O h | m y h o a r l fa broke, lay m o o nmy'back, . ' . , and- then became "unconscious

-and never rallied:* Tlio; f a the r ' r e f used"foallow tho.body, to be hurled- Without an in-quest, and Drs.TVan 'Wagencr apcl Alder-son ou closely examining the wound .foi/adthat It penetrated through""botliTlungs" ariathat tbq man died of irilernal hemorrhafre., Cfironer Word on" Suturdily"issued"his

warran t for tho arrest', of Querlnivwhojwas

i y ; y kwere carried away, and our pumps disabled;aud our -supplies wcro nearly cxbaustod,when wo !wor4_ obllgcd_t6 " l a y t d " lu asevefo's'tohn. ."'We had nothing with, whicu"to cover our hatchefl_but_canyas. Had we"s'lnpp'od^onc'Bea^we would have gone downInstantly.--' Wo weathered tho atorm, andstruck theoiiter entrance to the harbor ofSanFrauclsco on the'foiirtli'"day of "July,1849. Vfii heard the inorninR gun in SauFranclBCoi""which luauguralcd (bat'Jgloriousday of Independenco^to us doubly joyous,reminding us both of,our country's emancl-patlonfTorn a foreign-yoke and^tir owndeliverance from constant''perils, 6evore,sufferings and terriblo anxleties.:_: .'.-•; — - I .

; :. , THE"rdnuTU ON iioAnDi ' ' ' : ' . . • ' .Wo word becalmed.' A'shbrt time after

the morning gun, tho salute, in. Son Fran-.Cisco' followed.' Wo,.then, ran ujr tho"StarB aud Stripes," fifed iill our rhusketS,

if? gavcrthree'besrty"circersund a ugoi, uuU

all. jo lned .wl th hear t and Yoico.'ln singingtho . " r j t a r Spapgied Banner . i V Wo had oneshoatleftj'a-ierryamsnudTomoTlce:—Theshoat was killed'and Btcwcd with the yams,which constituted our Fourth of Julydinner. , It was not a sumptuous, repast, Intho ordinary; acceptation of tho term, butwhen taken in coniiect[oi^with.^be_fact thatour perils'and'suMerlngs"were"endodj-aud_nawo believed bur. glorious anticipations woreto be realized iu, the land of gold,' rio repastwas ever enjoyed with a purer, aud inorograteful zest than that.

• AKRIVAL I S SAN JfltASOUIOO.. '.'|-At~lastthewindrsprang-up, and-late-intho afternoon we began to make .our wayslowly-toward the harbor. - Just outside the

, unlaveyuhdODonald.wqre arresteda7sb atid's'enr'fb'Mbrris'toivn as acccssoriea,Han;riBakiug~lu"e Tfatemerit. that Guerinstabbed Mouahan In a light. The murderedniaii was o{. g;ood reputation and. leayea awife and ODC child. ,. . ,_ ' . • . ' .—;—~-

G. Ayn. Reunion.. '.;;Tbo following is the programme of tbo

reunloE'of Tflie~yctcrin«;: of ' t ho late war, atPalcraou, to bo hpld on Wednesday nest,22d instant : ' • • : ; - - : - " r - .-,.-.

p, m. on tbelsland. • Jleetlng in the wlg--wamat-three •p.Tm77"IIis~I2xcolIeucy,"Goy."Joel Parker,;presldlng. Address by W. W.Phelps..-. Qraiid rccoptlon and promenadeat Washington Dall In the evening, at nineo'clock. , ' , '

HEADQ'KB KKAitjfY POSTJ No. IB,'~ ' ' T. OF N: J.' G. A. R.,

July 18,1874.General Orders Mo. i.

L In compUanco with General Order Ni0, : from Department Headquarters, this



Real Estate and Stock Broker,OFFICE AMD BALESBOOM,

.. 6dd P B U O W " Hall, NeUnon Btrert.



.. Hsj on hand some ol tho

Best Property In tte CityFor inT«8tmant

Alt kinds of Goods received to be sold at Pri-Tate Sate or Pablio Aaotion,

Real Estate and Stock bought and sold.Money Lqaned on Reasonable terms.No OommiBBtoni demanded until sales an

flbnsumiqated. . . . : : .! Auction Bates attended to In city or countryPassage tickets and drafts Boldta all part* oi

the country, • . . • : • ^ ^ ^ Janl-ly


Real Estate and Ins. Agent,Office of the Merchants' Insurance Co,,,

NO. 17 ALBANY S,TREET, New Brunswick.

Tho undersigned desires to remind his for-mer friends, as well, as others who may re-quire hla Bcryicefl, that he Is still In readiness'id-attend- public sales in city or country asAUCTIONEER. Charges moderate and quickreturns. . . . •.

Policies of lnsiu-arico Issued1 in tho followingfirst-class companies : Merchants of Newark,Homo of.- NewaVk; • Hano'ter • of-^ o'w - • YorfcFranklin of Phlladelnhla, National of Philadclphla, London, Liverpool" and Globe—representing Assets amounting in tho .aggregate to

"HEAL E s Y A T E B O U a B T . S O L D ^ D!._ . ; EXCHANGED. , .. ...

Some choice Properties uow on my Regletei1 A.• M. WAY'



INTELLIGENCE OFFICE!or SerrantH, Dry aud Fancy Goods Storb, 190tirnct- Btreet; J..'PA8BEY'has "dbeiiod'lhc"

ifipvo^ and, H-lli .Wfe.t!) p,-.h98frflfchia .eaileavars-tau[)plyiadleij; and genllemen, farmera, ware-loimenien, storekeepers and the trades" withauleaad female help, and secure gpod placesor those seeking employment. jne8-6iu

p r i jCharlio Parker of the Parkerllonse.'

on bpardj'tt] Brttulu. paclietjlyjng instream, W6 taido.'sail'for Heallejo.'-'passed LiU«!lJ^t]ila&ei/jBqiben»it|ieT,p a s s e d , ^ / l j i y t

cast ancbpr,.and Bent, to.tbo town," six milesf l i t l d ^ d

p , g gwater,and Lr.dvlsioiiB. t morning,.

wlththeOaplaih of tho Wrt'oii Kafd(V\v|iopassed1 to lho''.wlndward Bhore,'-;and-theretied to the limb of ,S trce' -wlilcblib pointed Vs lio paddled by. Tlie letterwas procured, aiid found to contain' anpr.d6tJlit*Uffg"JJBjo; weigh' nncliorund pro-ceed at once'tp all island near ikV mSuihofthe rlver,'ahc'lior,'8n1d';h;niaiii!tiiere-^.a8' wewore-iquaranlincd-rrnnd;.."a;,boat..would hpsent In eix hours to furnish supplies to us.Wit 'did ~. a9"-air,c6,ted,li and'remained: eighthours, anil i-neitlier boat non^eupp'lieSlwerosent, - • Wo'^then-^rptUriied. to1 our- formerancborago, !prdcured,-,ti, largo1-''J.bUtigj'," ornative beat, that would, hold 80 persona.

Tweaty-flvu passengers armed with Uniiled.States, mUBkoU,':loadiid (hvltb'Irall aiiilbuck-shot. (\yhicli we lad pro^idbd" boforowe started), arid,"wllh bayoriela"fixed, En-tered theboat, wllb onr yuwl In •'advance,arid moved towaril.'tuo town; TVhon.woweranearly- within sightwo weromet by irncssengor; who warned us not to proceedfurther, OB the aulboritles of:" tlicr port resist bur landing.'. As ivojnade;tbo last turn we Baw 22 regular troops, -well-'armed, drawn up on tho bank,.aqd about80 icitizeps, vai-lously armed; .standing [ontlio^"rnolo" orBbore.- Arbp\ig theldtterthe 'Captain1 of tho: Part -waa,prominent.Ono of our "party, wlio '%as in thoyawl - arid i" 'ln.v 'aflvarjco, piand. '-'who-was armed, with a riflo and was. afino shot,-Was'directed to.-•'cover '.'the cap-tain with his rifle, which waB promptlydona and.tbccnirtiiin.waajtauSc-luforniudIn Spanish that lib wai. thus'(_r ,that if tho troops under h'is cpmhiandweronot promptly orUorcd to, tbe'' .would'bo shot.'• The' order was promptly given,and tho troops moved quickly to the rear,and at the Bamo time our men (25 In num-.>cej debarked, and quickly formed on thoihore. Tile Captain,or tbo PprL the iCol-l«Wrof the Port; and the Alcadp-wero ntoalja;n^fpris6n6r»,;faKefi'to''{h'j-Oiafcm'.'house, which was Dear, and there kept ashostages until our company left the town,—" ^s'four.days after the landing. VAt

time tho rogular jtrpopa ;(38'Innumber) wero dliarmed'and "placed? underguard, and thuu held UD til, wo departed.VVlj<m wa wero about to leave tho town tho" i — ' - 1 " * ' ' • - - " " ^ begjgd that .wa.^piiM

Were greetod with,cheer after;cheer, whichWere returned with a Will, ^. .--, •.•'•,i Thepilot boat passed'near:.enough to do-llvi'r on board of our dilapidated craft Bey-ernl bottles of champagne, the1 contents of

, , . , , - . . : „ . . . , . . . . . , , . - . - - • „ „ , ] punlpcra

' - ' • ' : ' W o•whloh.wero' hugely-enjoyed,._were ' dfiink to our igenerboJ.'friends.'


, p q ,command is hereby, ordered to: assemble aKiiarny Hall on Wednesday, July 22;'1874,nt -T^SO-o'clb'clr a. •' m.vwcaririg: cap-andgloves, for the piirposlj^of^ aUonding thefoUnTdu'b'f"triervetei'ans"of tholato'war, atPaterson, N. J. Band will report to theAdjutant at same time nnd-placcr - ' - -' ! II: An invitation,is herebycxtcndca'tiall honorably-discharged soldiers aud sailorsto.pai'tieipate-wilh-us;—Excursion- ticketsto Nowark-fbr 00 cents and from Newarkto.Patereon_for SOcentB can be procured ofDr. ,J. L, JIulfordr Chairman of Committee.• IIL A. special train "will leave Chambersstreet, :New.;ygik,:for—Patersonj:-at 10.8a.,in., Jersey City at 10.45 a.'ni. and; Ne.w-ark at 11.15 a. m. Returning, leaves Paterson at 6.80 p. m.' Comrades going viaPennsylvania Railroad* will Btop at Nowarkand take oars for Patemon at 11.15 a. m.Trnjn_wiUlca\:e

By order of'-'•.'. ' '• TTBiAn DBHAIIT, P . C.".OfllciiU.:' CuAS. H,'..IlAwxhniisi,;P. A,...

• XllK gl'AXE, -

Charles H. Porter, a flrugiist dolog-bufll-nees at Bricksburg, Tvos on AVfd'nesilnfoundgullty by acoroner's'jufj^afTausiubis -wite's doath by comratttlng "on abortioin p o n l i c r . - , ; ; • • • ' • • • - • --

Tlio only.person killed outrlgbt at tboErie railway accident near. Canaseragn, N.Y., i was Robert Atkinson, -tbo baggage-master of- tho Western train, residing -inSoventb street,-^Jcrsey,CHy._1 ._l_l

• 'A1 Mount Holly boree; knowntbereabouts

JiJ^ idUbtii d J 3 7

Tlie chicken '"cholera_ia-DreyiilUng-to-a

f"tu'S'drcumsiaficeB, fb-^'™ -but'thaf '.he ,and

n.y-r- L.baoic and "bv*»r-•""Ws'lett'awmii snbh"'craiUcite'to

ild In protecting him. Wo were well

lauded airnUst-the (JLispIay of :an exuberan coof 'feohngi snch 'alono as the' denizens ofSin; Frantiaco.; then .'exhibited • undet ;tliounited stimuluB,.bourbon.aiid.patrlrotlB'm;;' Harvey ; Sparks hail.arrived !twomouths before!',.'. Tho Kapbleba had arrived,at San Blas^two days after we'leftj.and Mr.:Sparls.8,;hndriecureda passagoin aBtehmcrbound.:i;for. Baft Francisco: He hodheen.veFy. successful; ...and^had'-al reailyaccDmu-(ated qultpa,fortune. Ho,invited anub)berof our pa.sseugera to dine with him at- tho|>ttrker:,.H6tis0l

; wbero they wero. Blimptu-:ously entertained. . ' ' .V ., ;.

; Tueclty prcsentodtho appoaranco-'of "&largo ''gamp', consisting •principally of tents'erected without orderiand occupied by &busy, energetic, -and reckless population.All.wasf bustlo'aad confuBlbn. But onoJdeaSeemed to pcr'vado.theinnssnnd to prompttlio action, ot tuoso'edmposing it, and tbat

teat noute


Jlwcnty-ilye yitik baye .passcd'a'way sinceC l l l j t i id I her passengera arJ yy y y p y

-Couslellnjtioai- raid I her .passengera ar-rived'in San :lfrnnciscdj''Bomi!:iiiiv6.dled,'quite a number have returned to tho -East,wherotliBy nmv;i'esldc;.aHd.61ght""or ten arestill roajdentsipf^California./ivNone havol)ccn charged ^xltti'crlrhet^anil'npne liavo ac-cumulalcd'.largO'fortunes. Allliavo, estab-lished %& Sustained rcsp'ectnblo reputations,so far as1tlie-.wrJt<!r;ii:advJBi!()..tvSari Fran-Cisco, frppi a village,,of tents, lias beconiotii'6 tontb city of tbls'/great'empire/"'Caliiforninnahave demonstrated that thcjrStrite,In .climate, soil,- productions and pfogfessIn nil tbo groat elements'.of: wealth; "standsunrivalled in tlio world.": h:;r'. • • •• - .

July i, 1874.,,, ; .JAMKS CI.-Z(U>m8KiE.

' > . • • • : . - ' . • * ' . • * .

ol»lui«l, for ttio

LAJ3IK9.n.,Ann - ' •

, Mra. Etlen

« Marr 7rawi.

Cannon.C d MlCannon | M nCody, Mlu M»ry If.Crul ion Mlts Ai

nlLMr^Cthnrlno.Kent, ifn. JI«r>,Mtdf,:Un Xsu :Uanlor, Ulu MitrUarones MlaaCody, Mlu M»ry If. «•*«»-•«

Corulion. Mlts Aimlo E. MoDon«lil, win LluloD»«.MI«I Kllr- • : ""•-- " - - "---• •DiVTaTMraa K l f i i T C " ,MUI«, Un: Hartltt:Kllng, Ulaa Maiy Miller, lira. Mary B. ." Iton.Mlaa -. Qnalok. Miaa Mary . ' ,

r,*MrarEllen,Atr(r rBmIt1i,Ki[aft" . :

leo. BobDla Buydaui, Wai Ainoll*i . / , i i , OKNTt-SMBIT. , . . ;„ • • ,. -

Blancbard, T. • -. Holden. Jamea ... . :I'olror.Joliil.: i..- ::J -MoLaoghUn,'V«lentta«' •Crunch', John Konyon, B. L.Dooler, Tlmqthr > flto-ldard, John.A; •'-'••Hart,>ocilotna,.Sft.1.i TJnrliauBoi<,Hmry• .-..

!!••-1 1,.;: • j o s . i . F i s u f f i p . M., •..'.: , ^_--f,.-.- ;.

*^ThB cofnbr-slorjo of; _ »_^-.._,Pollegp'wIirdEpB'belni; erecte3^ at.phambera-burg, was laid Sunday In tho presence of alargo aflsemblago-and^with Intere«tlog : ccrc-monlea. • The building Is in rapid processof cdDstriictlon^and will be completed, this1

great extout In Hunterdon county, .aridwitliin it abort time liundreda: of chickensliavq dietl ofit.- - ; ; . : . , •;.":....' , . . , .

Tii'o Ti-ealjyttiry. of Elizabefh will meet attho-.-PirfltPreBbytormnChiirclratWcatfield,:on Monday evening; July 27, to installRev. Alexander S f c K o l i ! t ^ L t l Lchurch.

;'TitB. .CA-USEt t i i d i

llndfl ona oft

;TitB. .CA-USE o^ fEMP ilAJSCii llndfl ona ofits most insidiom and^augerous.toea in e o c f l l l d ' ' t ' V ' and.*lappQtIzora,"

f li fimany

dy e t i x c V appQtIzora,

made of cheap whiBky-and refuse liquors, fin-ished up to suit depraved"appotltca under thoriamqot medldue. ' DR-WALKEB'S CALiFOitNrxVtNEOAii BITTEKB iire.none of these. Theyarenot a udyoyjigc, but are iiffenuinp'riiedlclne,.p u J ^ V L g ^ h l r L J t C l i f l(orbs by aregMlarphyeieian.-r-For'aU'diBnasea

Of'tho s^bmttch/'livevkldneys,' bladdO'rskinraid Mood, theyare aniofalllblo aridunrivalledr^lKA^w- • ' • ' ' ' ' ' .. : ' ' ' - jy lMrp

to OAIBDONIA will make tlio u»ualir Excursions from NdwlDrunBnick1

'.'.'..':-.'.-|..i-.'; i

ilor, Oriental, Cold Spring,'EngLcswood andF l o r i d a G r o v e s to let.-•••''• ;1 •' • ;'; i1; •' •

Ofllfio, 384 West Btreot, near, Christophertreet Ferry, N. Y. ' • '• ••• • - •I j l y l J j : m i : _ ... .••••-..... H .

TKSCoiftlterplXftT3dTOChosen Freeholders nf, .JUJdlesdx CoUhty taaflCprtaUi the coat of the approaches to a - '

acrosB the ;Karitan Rivor.atN'oir- Bruufl'wiolcVand to report the best Bite on which'to have Itlocated, will hold an . adjourned inciting a t 10o'clock a. m., on - ; ''••".'' '

Saturday, July' 25, 1874,.ot tho Hold of Mooro A Dunri, in the citj ofNovr BrunawJoki. . . • "••.• .. : ' ' ; ! 1

. Tho Commutes dfstro tho owners of prop-Tty oh both sides or tho: Karitan Eivor, fromthe Railroad Sridge to tthe Bteamboit Dock tomoet!irt consiif'atiqn; w|ih them at the timementioned, to dotormlno tho bctt location for

I jbilfcdaWta?;;" ; JV ??Tr~. '?:.X<"j.u.>'/•.'

, u I I B » P AND NEAX* Pn iNTINO.OI tnrf deacriplloo don« »lp«dltloailj >t tbT u n OBco, No. U Albinj itreoi. Our fMlUUw >rt niuprpassML '

Opp. Van Pelt's Drug Siort.




_ _ .. Ear Sulo. _ - i


' M.r'nr M ?<V'/ w l t h ' a " the latest improveuila 01 Machinery; all ready logo to work.

A cash cufltoinor iinn fret a Barirafn - •" • • • 'town, near New Brunuwlclr. K. J.

Lots fbr Sale.The undcrBlKned ofler at privito sale all th¥

p 4 s o n t l i Q j J j i n h a m T n i e l ^ L ^

Livingston Avenue,Not hitherto disposed of."

Term» liberal. The tots will DO sold singlyor in parcel! to suit purchasers. -

For njaps, terms, etc., apply to i: " " r ' " WiKKEN. UARDENBERdM.or '

.,. . _-EDWARD B.-YA1L..,: Jly20-lm

For Sale.The property now owned and occupied by


Situated on the corner of Throop avenue'andRedmond street. ' . . ,

Enquire-on the prerolBew. my24-18m



"Now open for the season. Will be con-ductor es a Hr6t-clasa House. Tfcu Hotel hasbeen j-ofurulahcd «nd in'ueh Improved. Fortcrnia, etc., apply to. ( • . , ; :,

Spencer & Bntes , P ropr le to re j '•'••••junll-'Jmdiin- • - . . . .... ; . ' : :

|For Sale.That;very dealrablo •• •

Store Property.Ho 88 DENNIS.STREET; on EBB)- Terlao.

Enquire oii the Premiaee.' , , ' ' m2-tJ

; . ; B O A R D ' • • ' ; _ * • •

At $ 4 50 Per WeekEnquire oi.

C." B. FETHERS, Pioprletor. "

B O A K D , 9 i a P E R W E E K ; ft3

" " " . ' • PJKH DAY. ; ; - ; : -y


FreoBna.'1' ; • .; V ]unS-2m."',

OF MUSIC .Cor, of Heilson & Hiram Streets.

Will Begin on Monday, April 6.- '• P O P I l i B I O E I V E D K O W , • ' . , . , . •

Prlpmry Puplla from ti''UJ.tSOf.

No. (17 George Btreet,


[»8 now for eale, of his own mate, aline »t t f


M^RBL:LA;8.Satchels and (Janes.•«

|^"DmbroIlas Repaired aiS" OoVercd ation notice. Goods made to order. myl6-ly

TRADE ATr:;;._,_ __:__:__:-


Boot andShoe Store

Wilson &CARPENTERS AND. BUILDERS,• Shop: ;-(fteaf National1 Hahfc'- fenlranwlon

Church street, New Brunswick, N . J . •; ,:,!L:OJ:L_All klndapf JobbiiiKproroptly attendoat^mp- .

cm application, in a tTiorougu and workmanlikematiner." * . . • • . 1 , . , . . . . . • < ;

Have the exclusive, privilege to;, obeok Bag- ';•gage-at-hotels-vr. prlrata reaidenoes to pointa"' '"Norlh, South, TSaat ahil.HBSt. ..,'L._..:

Orders rfioeired at Donot, 18'Chnrch Btreat,or,175 Neilsou street, will-receive prompt at- >'t e n l l o n . " • ! . . . - . ' ' . , . , - ; • • . , • „ • •

Hy,-:- ..TAB. FEBBI?8O1(, Manager. ;.!


REMOVEthe entire stock of

Goods will be offered

tit prices away below

the Original Cost.

New Brunswick

FOR 1874-7S.

The NEW_DIRECTOKr_ot_tl!!8_citj haibcea'prlnfed, aniTU "now*"ln tlio hands of,theBinder, who promises to deliver the copiescomplete on

Wednesday, July 22, 1874,frnmcdlatety after which they will be deliveredo the Subscribers hi this city. This mraber

of the Directory Is the' moat complete com-pilation of tho names of ou,r citizens, their real'1dencefl,' occupations, etc., ever inmed,. greii*pnina liavinc been,taken to make it full anaccurate. It makes a volume of

^* and will be sold lit-the Tow price of

$1:50 Per COPY!This number of tho NewBrlihawick Dlraclory

iaa bcon printed on

.. N E W TY3PJE,:J'.;;

ie Tiiited Paperv"suhstuntially bound <found useful by all

Babcock & Johnson,, . . ! PUBLISSESS; • '

' R B D O t a A N Offloo, 36 Dsnulo Stroot.

jlyl4-lw ' " ' •'', SowBrmiBwick, H~. J.


ICorj Nellsonand Richmond StB.,NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.

^ZLI-i--.' ;-'Manufacturora 01* " •—v-~"~

T A L. IA N and A91E I I I C AN

DI.IRBLE MONUMENTS,'ombs and HcadBtonoB. : Fences of PJilh i andmamental Design*. ' AI30. agents for allkidoUf a R A N I T E W O K ' ' ; : ' :jnbl8-lyd

'. • at An AWTBHD.


Washington Hall.-JOHN; a.

To nBNT for Balla, Bbol.bles, ettr., one o s o n a b l n o r m n . ' - ' • - , , • • • ; . • . 1 - • • • : . •Dressing rooms abi'y'dpper .roomi C^kter Inohjiniamebuildinir'; ^'TT~^yjlmi

i P«r*le« wlihlng Beh-eabmeDtn, «to., o»n %>>'•it u n al 'a nuoakbla flinn by »pplrini at

lh« B<nlaar»nt below th« H«il. i , . -MOiy JOHH ECPP.

Because J-our interest Is fltt'ei Ha well asyoiir• O t ; : • <• ! - - r , . - i , - . - - - . . , - - • , ,

" H O W ? '•-. • ' "

• • THERE Dollars are preferred to Debtors? .TEERE Is ono prico MARKED. • ; •

. TIIERE Is ono pay—CASE. .'. '. i .-JilERE-all-buy at-tho lowest posalblo prices

TIIERE.Is a good stock of goods. - _Wp a B a r g o o a s

tho rich man's eight 8hilliu(?s. . , . / ..._T1IERE youdon't-pay-for TRUST LOSSES. -•• -THERK.-on the corner of HIRAM odd DEN-'NIS STREETS, you,afe eipectcd by . , ,

H. P. HART.Boots, Shoes and Rubbers neatly repaired. .

Qp25lytlftW • '

IMPERIAL UNIONHiraxrn street

JScxt door tu :

' ; . . . . . A t No. \m , i . . •; .;•• ,-. . , - . ''--:-,..• C H U K e n n a T B E E T , -•,:: -;!.-;.y

:-.;•, CAN BE FOUND A-FULL, „ - •. - I• A8S0UTSCENT OF WA,TCHES, i ' •'(

•CJ^O CK[SI AND ' JE WELH :7V-- ———-AT R E D 1j C E D ' 'P R I 0E8.


THE p.pxi.ti'sa ornm'."'-'-" WATCnES.IFKENCHCLOCKS ,' . , ; ' ;

- , AND JEWELRJ. HAIR•.-—-':>:'-'-JEWELRY ond I8-K. .

" — —RINGSITADETO ""'-. . ./,';. OKDEB,- . '.' ,



Tbe Finest, Cheapest and Best


and SpicesmNew,Bfuu8wick can bo.bought at these..

United Establishments^


Stores, Saloons, Excursioris and Picnics «up. •plfodat Bhort notice. ' , -—'-y

Delivered to any part of tho city.-1 -.

Jlj-18-Ty ' JA3. W..flOTJ8EI,L. . ,

IN FULL BLAST. 3.GAI$r A T THE; OLD' " " Q U A R T E R S O F ./--;Y •••-•-'•


Bcaidence&'WaNew Brunuwick, N. J , .

•eotlully informs the ci'izcn^of Now Bruns-wiot and ricinity that( ho han filled up anUdderlaking Establishment which will )jr' :~keeping witti thk^grofftn' of .N^w Bnand equ-i| in. all VoHpocta to the mostUndertaking concornH ot the Uraericiuol

' Ali;caUs nromptly ottehdod\toi>t>l| ^inra ot

Jcs aud deicnpl.tiD?, alVay«; orihanRomember — KesidoaoaV Office and

•boma, No 47^ Church ntroBt. dec26-ly


Largo atock of Uarrlagesof the best quaUtj-,-ofourOWNinanufactureand&tLOWERprioea.-AU—otdara-^-put—through—wilh—dlspatchrrIn our cuslomary durable finish ami us-ual fair prices, or.:in. t ho 1 lower Bljleund prico of others, &3 persons maycliooao, as wro aro now. fully propared, to_suit all.—Hdiue'fcw Bocond-handjuggles andRockaways 'dioap.- Ono depot-wagon, littleused,.a bargain. >\:;; . ,... . . . , . . . . • . ...r;

WiiU.y3;;TW0.douQt :undBrfltoadtherbuaine^inany part.!. Qur jrado iaTFJno,CarrIaa;e,Wc(rkj'(exclusively,:aud iro. profess^(o'sell:-tower In iproportion, than others. -Plcaao call ;and *BO V-our display. SoTerai-reryiflne Light ;Erprea»;^Wagons intended to Us'used :aB prirate: car-''*

r i f lKwC'^ i^—-r^ - ' 1 LTLEy4N-NUig;-, ;-r-

. : .

TH E Stunmer boa corno, and all nMnnr looks.. Nowthfbe l lea ind i h b i t X d n t b l

unmer boa corno,Now.thtfbelleaiind i

oTtliMii jwiw Indviso hlmtonwrry"'once leava his1 order with Brokaw

o0n6Tlaodrwlund SIxty-Slx-TJeiieon etrt*t jo:.l t IHrmnand Church Btreeta jyoacan't foli M

6rfl;lttl]U8tftcb the Old Elm TreeTbo ttoro ;*tls Just facing the Old Kim Tree.-Buch a iplend.dWMrtmunt of every \htne HIM,IFolks ifonJcr etch goods can be got nt thoprife.Tho' a\bortHffi6.ra «•-•-"- -—•' « i - i —

it ofeveryihtneiilw, : "— *• - 'BtthopplPe. «'i-; ••

- .. _ bualaibruited, \ \ v . . . . f , l \ \ ' : n

Tliero'fl no iilaco In t o m i where a_ frjl now eay no moro, for a word to tho wlae ( \Ik iUfflclont: OrioWUtr-Sli tlior'll natroalzs, 1 1i J n « - ._ ' \Y * ..... .- ' » -. ;"t,= ; : \v i . j ,fj v.g

- %

Merchant Tailor

Manufacturer and AVboleflala Dealer In



irelii^ai'iDcffleslii&Mts,Ice Cream, etc., in Season.

'amilioa, Woadlnga, ;Partiea, Picnics, etc.,

suppllcid with Fruits and"1



Thatcher & Co.'s,

No- 1 Paterson


J ^



g'r, PETEII'S (liov. Fatte.• and; Her. P. , 1 \ D o v v n e B j - u ,

Jlmises at TJ n. m.; cullilreua' Mass 'at8 a.m. J High Alasa at 10$ a. in.; Chris-tian Doctrine at i p.m.; Vespers (Sura-

; mer) at 3 p. m., (Winter) at,7.1 .(u m.,.'" Baptisms' 4"p; ra. Week days, Masses T

and^Ja; m.; 'JBaptiMns 7i a.-m.'Ur." JOHS TIUS BAPTIST (liev. Father'

Marten's).'— Mass.. is_celebrated _at__8land..,11 -o'dlbok7-<>nic:iJternat«rBuiJays.^ Th»

J - S«raioD-ia German. The .Gospel read._ nodexplained in German. At 2, ChristianDoctrine^ At 8j TeBpers. and' Beiietllettbn.Mass every morauig at T o'clonlt: •theolock. . . . . . . . , ' •


Sunday • Bcnrices-^Sermdn "at ' lOf a." in.Evening service at 5. Sunday-school at2p . in.

•Prayers ^fednesday and I^ldfy mornings

at l(>i o'clock."""* . • . . • ' "ST., JOHN'S CHDBOII . (Rev; • Charles E.

Phe/psi), 'Bunday services—Sermon ut 10ia. in. and 7J p. in. Sunday-flchobU at 4-


$i; JAMBB'B (Rev. EdWd. "Wilson)—Morn-ing-scnrlce at 10.80 j evening at 7.30. Sun-day-school at 2 in the afternoon.

Weekly meeting; Tuesday and Thursdayevenings. . - • • •"

IaBMifx-aTniET (Roy. R. A. Chalkert.T-Iforuiug service at 10.30; evening at 7.30.

.. Sunday-school at 2 'and prayer meeting at6 . 8 O p . m".- '"'' '~ '•>•' "'.-.-• "~ -• 'Jftcture on Tuesday,.oyeniaErmid-rclajs-meetingB qh Wednesday, Thursday and Fri-day evenings,' . ••'••'-:'••• •• ^

PITUAS (ltev. C. W. Heisley'o).—Horn:Ing-scrvib'e at 10.80; 7.30. Sun-day-8chool; at 2 in the afternoon.

. . . . Olaaa ^meetings, on Monday,' .Tuesday__and .Wedaesday^and..lecture on Thursday

e v e n i n g . - ' : • > • ' • • • ' . • • - • • - . -

; : JtfdoNT. ipif AEOIOAN (Rbv. Mr. Dayls's).Morning service at 10.80; afternoon at £80.Sabbuth^cuool at 2 p:m/ ; . ' • .

Weekly •meetings Tuesday and Thursday

REFORMED.- —•-<——r~., rn,FjitST- (l^ev. Dr.iSteele's)—^Morning set1-

-vice-'a't-10. SO ;-afternoon-aWS. 15.:--8iit)bath-BCIIOOI at 2'in' tlio1 'afternoon.' Lecture on

• Tuesd'ay'cvcning; ; ' ••: •••-.SiooND (Rev; O. D. Hnrt™ift'B)—Morn-

ing, service nt .10.80, ' Evening servico oj', 7.8Q. .Sabbath-school at 9'. 15'u.'tu:'"""*:"l""

Services during tho week—Prayer mebt-ing Tuesday at Y. 80 "p. in. Lecture .onThursday at.7.30. p. m.

Tiuiii>,":Quiido"n Btree't (Rev. Prof. ClisrleVMeyer,vI>. D., Pastor)—flabbath services at10.30a. m. and- 3.j!0.n._jri, Pjcayer-meou

K l 3 0 V l kS T . JonN'fl GKKBiAM.RKFon.MBP,1 corner of

George ond:Albany streets.;.:"(CharlesBank,Fastor)-^-Sundai .services nf; 10.30 a. in.

' ~ •- p. ni; 8undny.-8pbool,at il.a. m. ,

PIIBT (Rev. Henry F. Smith's)—Morn-ing service at 1Q. So ;-eyen!un at T.20. Sun-

- da/.'schpol'at 2-intUerafternooiu---V:pungpebplti's prayer meeting1 ot 6 Si)'p.'in""' * * .

Meetinga Tuesday and Thursday evenings.BiMBm AVENHB (Rev. A, E. Waflle'a)—

llornlngBorvlce'at 1(1,80 ^ i n . ai)d ir.SO'p.

in. Y6(jtb"s'prayer meeting at ;0,30 p'. m.8unday-seho()l' at. 2 p. in;: 1".1 ' ',: - "

, _ _ Prayer_incelihg_puTiiesday-nui leeturoou Thursday evenings.' • : . .'•

, — ! _ _ _ -pfiESBYTERmf— "

FIRST—Rev. Dr. &. D.'L. Jowet't, pnstor.• Sunday services at 10.30jfc in. and 7.8Uj). in.

...:8JiurcIi meeting" Tuesday eveuinjj.. . . •:SHOOND—Rev. Dr. Johii Woodbridge, pas-

tor. Sum!ay_6pryicC3_8tJlO,30J:a.Mni._and7.30 p..m. • -

Rooms No. 48 Church street; open everyday.ejfcept Sunday troni !) a.m to 10 p. m.Hciutfpg'•rpoiri) free"to all*• lilbfaryopCtt5I§udayt"WcdoesiiHy and 'Saturday- after-*noons from 3 to 5, and Wednesday and Sat.

• urday "cvenlngirfrom 7 to »;:,:<;.'• ; ' •Mo'u'thly. meetings of tUo'Assdclatlon held

at tho roonifl third Friday" evening of eachmontlir

Sunday afternoon prayer meeting at tho•-'--•foot-of" Cnirimerdlal'avenue and'Burnot

l 1

Omoi Roaai—e&oii:':T A...H. to 8 KdoMOAT0-raou d t o 7 P . M. -. •-

O1«»IUJJ und Delivery oTIMB OF CLOS1KO.

Now York, North, East and Wout, 10.15 A.il8.10 and 5.16P. M. . _ . . ' . . . . ' . . L__i.__.

I'hiladiilBbia,'llaltlmoro, WQBliagton ond thiBouth, 8.<i0,-e/80i; M. n d t t v H. fl. '-

Midillehuahjiiid MillBtono, 12.80*: II.• South Eiver^sUST. M.- f

P i u / t i ' B d

ol tbo public at larje ii inritbd |to

• A. Wolfson's

Olotiiing Storewhere is-to b»-found th» Urgeit snd fin<stock and the UUdstrlos of

snltablefpr Men, T o u t s ' and Boy»', at pric,t o tit Qfily' tf o. 11 p flt l • i o n • . . '

Great attention 1B pald«to ( utomer Worlwhich 1B faihionafclj oot by tb • most

Artistic OixttorMid well mode. AIJJ & Bpleqdld assortmentGentlemen's Furnishing Goods of all kinda.

SpooialatteatSoD la called to the ' ,

Hosiery DepartmentManufactured by the New Brunswick am

Norfolk- Hosiery Companies.

, f j - Wft t ny it* yon to call and cunaJne patDdflaeitdok-bofor* parehtulDf ehwwhero, MA Wope by fair dcfllln(pi,to itlll maintain thepsUronig"the Publio.Mit barbi«n faoratorort bellowed ol


242 . Oommeroft Squar«,: rifflWBRUNHWIOK.N.J.

New Carriage FactoryMcCrelis Bros.,!


lmve recently flulshod a large and conimddiouHbuilding for the manufacture and exhibition of<JarrIageu of- oTcryrdescriptlbrir-Tti'ey kaiep ifine aetortment of vehicles constantly on hum

make, and «f tlie best material, their excellent4 always guaranteed. Vehicles ot all deacrlpIons are made to order at short notice, Re-

pairing oC every, variuty ia done-with ueatnesutid despatch, as well us in a substantial' mai*•**• and nt reasonable flgiiroB.': -. : ,,'••'


.branchcictindrcd-ln 1theicJltuaiiieiis,JIrnl \u__llm,•joat approved and workmanlike manner.

Having engaged Mr. ABKAnAAi COOK, W]sr'thb paBtaix years, has been in the oirloy of iir. L. Van NUIB ae nainturundilittBtiebey_ feel confident that they oau guardnti

BupDriorworkmBriBnipr. By patronizing.them 'yoi\ car save 20 per ceni

Confluent of tlicif-abllity to please, they respeelfalh/ aollcit thg^jmtronnge aof_thB public.




NO. 234 BURNE1


Is now oflerlujj a

Fine Stock of furniture

BolloitB the publio to '.

• CALLlile assortment, .which ta as ttirga an auy UNow Brunswick, I cal! particular attontion ti

) = •/ "• my Stock cooslitirig'of • '•

nuB/or DKLTTKATCNew-Ywk, Northl En'lt "Bud-West, 8.00, 11.0'

A. M.tnd 6.00 and 7.00 P. 11. . '• "'JeraarOltj; N«w»rk; hl'tobotli flnd'Ilnhwar,Km Jeney Wtj> 9.00< A. M. aad s.tO'P; M.;• .

Philadelphia, Baltimore, vWashiDgtoa am,.ths;8ontn, 9.0D AVHi?1.00 «na 7.00 P.M; . .-.

PhlMaiphia'&Bd.tbe<West•• and • Oamdeo aaAmboy WBT,11.00 A. Mnand T.OI) P. M.

—«idiileba8lt,iadjLii!|tti'.m>, 5 m & »South Hirer, 10.16 AiM.JTikhn Park, 11.00 A. U<

A M •«U1(OWD:10;OOAJM. " , ; • ,FotelgnMail, 9.00 A.M. and 7.00 i>. M. '.Monmputli Junction, JUngaton, Rooky Bill,

Harlingeu and Blawenbarg, 11.00 AiU.-and-7.O0

y, Jr.; BrKglU) ortliftiurebjr onlbr nod direct the laid.iuxera'WnoUo«totlij creditors fit tl» «»!(!? ' tbl dbt d d d d l

K « p « t l j creditors it tl» «»!d">=SW3|tsV.'!? 'n tbalr debts, demand, ind dalrauni]er;aith or»fi]nnitlnB OR&lDat tbo e&ld estat«>lttnblmmirtiltliB-rrbln'tQoaato of tbla"ordfrtl>y lolUn

upaMprortboarder wlthia t w t y iij't&irVr f t l y l U n j

upaMprortboarder wlthia twenty iiijt't&ir.V^idatslieroof; la flro of tlis moat iiubUo placca In "aaldeona»-ft*rth«tap»o»^ttvn> moUiMniiUao by:adr,«.ap»o»^ttvn> monUiMiniiUao by:ad

rUaU8»J»»,ot.l>iu(ir ln,.Tui_Ti«w,onoqf tho jiewapapcrLiirinled In thli-.Btatfl.

- Andlrahy cred[tor:BUftIfnfl|fIeot.ttf«iJiiblt: hlaioc her.debt,:..dwafl<l.or-eU>lA'»lthlniMdtl>erlod of, Bluemoottiojrttr pubJIc no tkae lvuo m..of(.reaald,..ucl,creditorahallb«forQTer,-barred;-<if bis o t i h e r i n a i o aaganatJ|w.-a»ia»ioc4tiJrar- • " > ^ 7 ^ ^ 7 " " r -

If r u in* ; , „ ' . .

f.; ifeowN'BKQrrAnby

,. F^ iHoin?"" ' " " ; *' '"<'• •

" •' " ' . ^ - , . . ! -..'. D R - yM..'A. HAMMOND!

• ' '* * i • ' JAWES T. PIKLDfl.

V. 8. Survey oft lie W^it.UNDKIt LIEOT. G. M. VHBRL

(Illnatrated.) Discoveries by.PROF. O. a

*• Safety u t Son. _T-:-_ _ •

(111 list rated, IKON STKAMERS THAT WILL

, ; . , ' _'_ ; ' • " " r f O T fliNK._ j / - _ . . '.

These intereatiog Lectures and Letters, with% careful report or yie [tan rtant-Pobenr. readat the April/faceting of tho.Nfttitmal Acadumyof .Hclcni?eB^t3raah[pg("0Bi :»D4 ;'a(;tlio;May.meeting'^)f tho "Amtrlcari "Oriental Society at

- BbBton, are published in full In TUBTKIDCNEJEX7UA, No. 19. Price in sheet fortn,%lO cents;

- In paraphl^ty 20 cents, or eevon-for $1.^Jlrculanvgirlng fall details of-i.hircontents

'. of all THE TKUJDNB BXTKAH, freo by mail.

'ribuae——The Farmers' Favorite J'apcr,

' until Jai'-iJriSJjjTuriif Vr.;>.f- •"• -"V,"."'"

• . - - . .-JMitaus' jnej)-,!,, . . , . . . .

• • ^ • • U i . i J i i a tit •!• j i i ' c-t-U1 .•<•,,! Hit

- i :;UolJBf8Ot 5l!dd|efiai ooimiycanbe se«n

and lourlp- i Alffljiioftiel} bWnh«W^cnict.H, Wit Ilfio* addr,'«»: rtontli Kiter

Mahogany Suites,

Whioh I am Belling at a VKItY LOW I'HIC

. - I huva oonataBtlf on hand : >

:• AND

' .01 myown makfl, * '

, imined In tho'beat'manuef'ntd'traYrant'ediBrepoosfiiited. - -

Pitaae caH and'.eiamine the stock ot Fnmturein^our apablotifl atowTOomB.

f D o l O - d a w l r - • • • - . - '

Cliurch Btreetr 33

Qt>H a ta l l hntt ot


The Custom Deitartmenl

•rill alwaya oontatn" a cholot aeWtlo'n'of the ' ju^dorUp, lo-orderJio-ihe inoat ap-



A'oPrr»oncnu tnltclbcuoBIlicriiacconl.. ip LO dlrectioiia, nml remain long unwell, pro-i'ipil tlicir IJOIICH are upt ilentrojcriliy mineralfiiHdii orutlior Jneans, aud vital orguna wasted".viinti point ufreimlr. ' ' t " .

i Hie siiunifiers, CoughK, Tlgliln'cBs of tlie (JlietiL•iKzlnesB, Sour- Krucuitloiisor.tlio Btoniacli,.Iiau,nHte Iii tliq Month, DillotiB Attacks, 'iMpUatJcm

; f tlio llcurt.luiliiinniaUon of tUc I-uiiRfl, 1'aiu region or tlie KkUicys, anil a luindrcil oilier,

! iiliiful.syjIiiHoms, nrc the orTwpriiiga of I)yBpep>•m." liiio linttle will urove a hotter guarauteo of-is iiict'llH lliali a Ipngtliy nilvet'tlrieihctit.; F o r Fcinnlo CoiuplnitilBi In yon up or old,'iiDTled or HlitKlc.ut tlio da\vii pr.woiimnliDoit, orHie,turn nHlfe, tlivso Tonic. Hitters illspltiy no <lc-;-iilcii auluflueuue that'iniprovcniemiB^oou pur-.

. F o r Inf lnnimntorr uiid t lhrouic Illicit-ijinilmii.Hiut (iuut, lillloiiH, Ituniitluiit"uutl Intel'-ulttent Fevers, I)lseii»ca or the Illood, Uver, Kid*,icy.s mid Uladder, thCHe^Hittoifl hnve no cqtiai.' ncli Discnscr) are euujjcd liv Vltiuted U(ood.

T l i c r n r c n Kfmilci'urmitlTij DM ircll n»i 'VtSnic,-itoHHChnUiiz tlio tnulit ornytlii^as n

(jiMvcrfiil agent lu reilovliiK CoiiROHiion.or in-iiiiniinniion of tlib .Uvor um(Vl3corul Organs, aud

l 'o r Nhin DJNonanif.HrtipiIonH, Tetter, Salt-itllDlllil, lllOtCllCH,' SltCJlH, PlmplCK. rilritlllRfliJtolIfl,Carlumclca, Uliifr-worms.^rald-Heiid, Sore Kyca,Krysipolnrt, itch, SOurfn, l)Iscoloi'fttlo[i»ortin;SkliilHumor nnd Dtflunsos oHlietfkin of \vliaie%cr nanio

the svatem In a c t i o n liiuo hy 'lie liso of tlibsolUtterfl. ; . . . • - ' . . . " .. ' . , . ' • • ' . '

(•iriilitful T d o i i f t n n d u ' prorliiltn ' VINEOARIinTKKs.itic moHt wonderful Invl^oraut tlmt evernufltalnod tin1 sliiK'liitr'rtv8iRni.••'• ' ' : , < . -:

A 1

in Cliunt'ory'dfNew "JFers«F.

TO DAVID'SIMPSON.r-By virtue Dfairol' derof'theCoartiof Chancery of New Je:

eey, made'on tho day of tho date" hereof, incauBOwheraio .Guorgo Bordine' is cpmpiaitiaiuud Caroline W-Marehall and ptheraaro difendantB, you are required to appear and pleatdemur uranswer to the cb'i;puuuant'H bll c6r .before' tbe-; TWENTY-SECOND t)AYOUCTOBER NEXT, or that; In default there;

^Bnch"dccrcu muv-'bOTllBi

V N A I . n A € O 1Druffplprs unil Cnn. ARIH., Kifn KnindUco, Cal,, Jcor. or-WnHhlngton and Uharllnn St«.; N. Y.

. S01.J) MY- A!,L DUUGGISTS «t IinALHltS. :'


STOP, yy

Read iiud Consider! A


Now Brunswick N . J.,7

" ; Willbofimnit a ln rgeaud fall «U>cktofPflporUanglKKa,C6nFlsttrff Inpa r t '


A A fuU;iIno ofDewDecjiratlonB for Hallaat. . . pclccs ol ordinary patera .

i Also, PAPER and LINEN oml TATENT

E thd latter ft drirflble ond perfect nub*Btitutofor blluaB. .


: A P E O S B , cto. j i i tc . - - .


A t SAT>li=»ri.p!N'S.REJIEJIBER!'



Foot of Ululimond.


Stair Oil Cloth and Rods.






FRAMES MADE TO'•••'• --'"- O R D E R ; ' ; ' " ' : " - '

~'*i|Jioiiriio«l'j j HrQft«seaTof.KB«i_JprMjr^-B«tw«(- 1 • rution et«!., VoiniiJaloanW, fttfl .A*Jrlnnn3uTiua)]•er»T.7r>vft>ndB(i»flT:iri.-Fli;1oto;onfi>recIo8urB..Dotfl'Doconiber fl, 18T8. • ; . .:, •. i O • ,-• :

.TUusalo under. tUQ ftbore' statQa.Tfrlt Itai

'"""f1!". TOlCiDAY, JJJLT 28, 16W, •atBo'eloek pVin., at .tho Court Houao lo tho cityAow BrunaWlckt N6w JarBey. .... - .' ,- ,

0. T. Oow-wtiiovnH, Solicitor of CouiplftlnuilB.jjm*-ta>

MAdjourned Slierill'ii tsalc. :

IDDEE?EX,' CVeuir ToiiH — C6rneliu.- HOaglinil'-et dl,:;'jiorinei-8:- efc.,' t o t

" Breece,-. Dofciulant,. F

"in^vl1t^Mu^tual^LSfo"-'lii§uran60:.Coii^now York, Cpmpialnaritayand: ,Bclfth,GulioK, etol;,JDefeiidautH. K / F a * etc., ou forocloauro ,iDated^tarchar. 18H. _ . . ,

''The salo'uader tho fihove statod^wrlt Btandau d j p u r n e d t o - • ' -

i ..'-"••' • * ' • ' •


j . TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1874,;

:8t 3 o'clock p. m.', at'tlie Court HouBe, in (hecity.of Nflw-Brun»\HokrNe:W.-Jerfl&r.-:"r.; -v.(.i

, . : j p H ^ , D . , B H Q T O E W , 8herifl, :^

•; iiyiu-.tti.'' ' • ; : , ' '> I l i i i ; *'•'••'.''•./,'''."•' 'I; 'J"'-".--'^

1 ha sale undfSr: tho aboy#i.»taled ~ wrjt -ptaR«Jadjourned , t to - -•;' : : . , J I : r . - ; f r - j . :

:r*.-«-.'--r- —;

atS o'clock n'rn., at.theCoart House, in tlc tv of New\ BruosiTick, .Npw, Jerapy..., . .;..

. - ' ' - ; • . JOHN D;.B^CKPLEW» Sheriff.

A d j p a r n e d felierifl|§ h a l o .

11 MIDDLESEX ".Circuit Court, .— CMrlIVZ.proves,et* aL,. fUlatmB^yB, MahlcVail, Defendant; .Special B'i. ?a , etc., oulie. i T/jo Bald undor tllo abovo Btated writ atariiadjourned to r : " ' : ' . : ' •; : : .-••

. ..TUESDAY,. AUGUST1.11, isfi, •'''at2o'cloplcp. m,,dt(thfl Court HOUBC, in tcitV ofNowTJruhawIck, New Jersey^

JOHN D. BUCKELEW, Sheriff.WOODBKIDOE STJIONO; Attordoy. 'JueXa?td.- : . ; : : ••• • : .

ciiuiicullor shall Ihlnkequitabluund just.- - --.: The said hill of complaiiiuut is filed, l o fore

clone ti certaiii( mortgage "dated Oetobor ItlttttQ, onjiremifio's situated in Rlctuclioii/Wootbridge (now Jtaritun): ToiviiShi), MiddlesCounty, New Jqv&oy, being lota numbored .and IS, on ttinapentitied"A nuin of buildinl'.tsiu, tlie village of Mdtucheh, filed In thClerk's Oiiico of tho county of Middleaex, thina'd mortgage was given by Baid* Du«id tiimjson,, and., ttio imortgivged; prcinisen .uro noowned by Caroline..W. Mui'shull, : ,. . . . ,

Aii'd you, Diiyid 8lmp«m, jite made a dofem

nit bccaiiBo you dppear^^ecord m the u«iuol said premises, and by vlrthothereofclalui


Dated April 21; 1674. ap3Q-wtot;

Adnilnsiirator'n Snip of Ken

P— . Court of tho County of ili'ddlesox, madon the Jllthtdayofmay, A. D. 1874. tho sulEcriljur, administrator of Catharine Martin,-dicenseU, will sell nt nubile aulo, on tlie jtrcuir"

On MONDAY, AUGUST S, 1«74,,at-9Vclock~prin*.7^1;o"thTrhT|rhpBt bidderJlml ^pft^ln lot_oLJuniX• anil.bul 1 iliiig^MJ)otBI United in^iBcatuwjiy^'owiiyiu' the TowiiBbijof RarHaii. county, of.-Middlesex, about-twimiU s from the city '6f Now lirunswick.' ' .

1'h.e lp,t contaius quo acre and-clovcn-huidrcdtlis. Ou tlie premises ure a House, barandjbthejjJuildlngH, fruit trocB, o^weli t)l_watqrtie,being tho Bainonrehiisea conveyed to tfnBuld Cutlmriiie Munfu byjojm IT. Bird uni

ifC| Out..2»( 1804. .....,." . • - . .Conditions on the day of sule. ' •

'.• .. ,., JOHN T.MARTIN,' Adminlatrator.

Plscataway Town, May ItQ, 1874. jun80-5t

J V o i l c o . —

Richard ^orvies and Abrahani'Harkclew, niliiisirfttor-i of. WUl-atu \V. 0. Barkulen', lo

ol t!iu_opunty.of^l!ddleB(Jx,.-.deLca8ed1. b>--drco ion of the Orpbaiis' Court of the couuty c

JVHildleacV.J'Cicby^htGUioUco io_tlie cruditoof sa-'dVViiliiiiii \V 0. Barkulew, deceased,'oxh btt to tliein, under oath »ir - aliirmuttotheirclaims .and demands ngainat .tho eatat

l l i d L £ i t l d iof May, 1 74," or ihby will be forever barnIroriLprosecutnijor recovering tlio saino

in. tj. J»., may sv,- xoit.-

lllUII-.ItD-HtvIt-V-ISS, ~

SHKH1FF'>S «ALE.™In Chuhtar-••'afi-'-ltevr .l*Jr*oy.' - Eotwiwn T H B HOMIi*!

PATIUOMUTUALXIF 'BlNl iUKAMUKCOMi 'AN'OK^KW-YoIi^Coi i ip inlnf t r i t , hn^JA, L. UA1MAN At o l ; DL-'rmlntni). h'i. KB., uta.. u&' fiintclostir**3Hb«d J«n.'fit 1874.:'^ii:T'>r! .. ? .-; i , L . i i

JJy vlctue of tho nbovo tta^cA v i l t , it \ae dlieowill expose to snto at jmbllo yonduo, qa

.. TUK3DAY t AUOUST 18. 1S74.• ..

^ . , t i CHrmiflwlck, Now Jernoy, \ . , .

All tjnj Jotlowluff tosci-IboU jmrct'l ol lftnd nnd prerolBUS, slvuatp, tying1 uud bcfug lu tLo towii{*lil|* uf J t u !tnp, in tltO'vyUDiy--6r Middlesex and Hlaiu oVNpJersey : Ui'(,'liinii)g'at'ft"-«ibnofltHtie Dortb baat obinur orsald lotiin t(io woat Mdo pr tlio ruttd lend ID

—-^-A-gen eral-OFSortmcntof

Ag.lcuUural ,Ipiplem<>iit9/ Jjjlacksmith

nod WheelwriBht^ Matorinls, E t c .

s t; . , . I . :


oaweowja z

'Vom Tuesday, August 4, to FridayA 7 . . . • : , . - •„•;

i ^ ^

T-Havifag used Eyo-Glaises and Speo

aoleB Bnpplied^bjJsM^ Son\VAB^ail3

liatly : 'Wo6mmend^hira to ^tl- rwho

eod any ' nids to .flight, as, a most

•eliablonia'a. '-' | J i t 1 " " " ' • ' • ; • 'l"ii'..ii',"

I t e v i ' D p , W . H , C^nipl»ell, . : . .

'resident' of Katgem - Colicce, New Draae-/•' ' 'r--wick,t'Mv.-j"--J * . '

Rutgers; ..Oollegefr New' Brunawlok,|N , ,

32r. J o l i i i » 4 > u X j c t H o n v . -, . .

ieoretary of the.lfpw Brhnawlok Plro.lniiut

J^<lfeultCoiftCrB'; HKWTON, bulld.r, onr«p«oWjr i IV<l l

t rMXOSKYflJ tn i»(Hl Muy.O (S741., .'wrlti to-mS dtre4ted,-londuoijn

;: "i.iiix7^jVdock' pi hi" «t'tii» CSurt'noUM.'u tliiicltj- ot

u w B i - U t t i ' w I c k i N o w J p T B e y , ^ . . - r - 1 ! i - , >uwBiUttiwIcki.Now JpTBey,^. . r . 1All lluVcwfcrlii tma nnil-tt lialr^atory rramflTlwel

Diipe, 14 by 18 feut, on a lot-or oirtllujjo Bftndtlelucuon. In tha Utwnolilp of n a r l t a i i , . t

I Mli B j « M C i l i « fimf lcounty u< Mid

i^lDQlng .OD tbaOTI* ,lUIUi OUI14, ijutlierivoftS-ilur

iBe'ulIiie-Val'fiio?; lileift^i>H-W»''»»iirft'K»tlit'rlfJsIonjtlng lo Charloa-tafrtrftJftO'ieet-'lo Wtif l o t ; tti.uco nori^rf>-"riIor1i'B:na Toli»i;iDt SIT

•t tt»xh«4lbe«r Uld itWwt^lUtmiwi-t'Mtflrly-W f«»t-uild^ttvfitto.'iJi^bUca'jiCu'iflnnlni,',- -5

enflt coniL-r of a lot bflonijlog. to lsaao Alurtiu, wlilcLo.putciiaaed. from Jolui Motrn, ncd ruaiilnjj ironilicoiw (1> nouth' 8T Uef'rtxjs-nnd UT minutes, wtjut,1,045 7;lW)Lh f(ot,to(isuike; tbvnou' (!i;- niirtb 88 de-gtwaMmluiUt^JvoflU^iyid^'JUUths lectio ktffcncQ (3V auutini4'mlnutW\Y-'8t, I'JS"71!^ OOlhslVotoua tn to ; UieiiCt): (4) north 83 (legrties 20 mlnotooiuit, iiBO yi-louttisTt-'ot to it pt'nioftlionco t&) north, rdi'gruod '2b uiliiutofl cunt, 4«fl liJ-lOOtDB Icot to a atomtbenuo (0) tii}rtli'8t dpgrtfitj'iinil 111 raiuutua eaet-^.-^4 ilHJLhfl,tbiij.rote3aldJn)ftd:;TiflCiiEiJXl),norUMjidj^uiau-uBtrWT^STffiitbiftifitiiWtiBBaia rood to tinItlfiooof liegfnnlni?; cunta^nfo^lil and iv.outtiH,-bti tillwiinu iimreor luss.,-'Bounded on tin) north by panditifiiao Martin, Wai. Mut'neraon and .A. Wurtfn, on tbwest by A. Martin, on-the B'outbbjrl\Vn),'iind:Kl8toMUM1> (tud fianiiiel Lu J-'or^, ou tho yust by tho alB i i t d r o a d ; 5 ' - '••-• ' ' ' ' " * " " '

<Tt>nj,'U)g or. hi anywlso pppert^iuin^.-i ,,i , - ' • - ^ J O U ' I * D:BUOKELEW, Sheriff.'

IJERIFF^ SALE.—In Ohauter; ufN'dffJ^oy. 'Botwootl ISAAC'I*. WlIlTJiAJ); JrvOomplaintnit,. litid J05BPHINK-MBW

V.fcT u d OKpUuii .NJ3WT0W. her huabwid, perenduts, hi, h"a. ou'foK*oh)8Uro.'• Ieaaod ,IUD« ii), 18T4,

Uy vlrtuotir tho abovoBtstod writ, to mo dirootud'llreipoHirunialirirpubiHrvai'auTB'— :— !

irunialirirpubiHrvaiiaueToB, TUESDAY, A tJGUHT 18, 18U, -

.ttt'*3 o'olobk p; ra^ a t th'o'dourt' HOUBO, in the city olNoWuronawlcfc.iJBw^IefMjy.r--"- • ' " • L r ; - ~ - .Vr

All tlioau twocdrWa;traotJ)orparcola of land andlii-cinlflevillHa."!i:JjflnK^abil ;bolnff; m?tije • township oitarltan ,(lat*» iu.tbo town»hlp dr Woodbridtfoj, ,ln the

uuty or Middlesex aiid Utatu o t blow Jereoy,Tuiif irst tf^ct V'OJf t M «aiiifa lands.convoyedsra Ayrtirby dbod'jfom" Sophia Mundy dated Jf 180 tf^i^^rd«W[Mkd!M^wei

lino oi aiUjKHTDBuip u( tYooauriuye, dliid. .strfzcil: aoccu(jlcd afl.'lilti'L'uuiustemlTariii.'oyiiinlniuB 40 acrea' id, tw^he witiie inorti or loM. - '•' ' '

ThB •ctitfad'lractMltig all'tBo1 louda: lying' In ' tht

uu'*Io tbo].asj(t jgtra Ayrt'o by.^oroiulab O. Foim'EmiiJi. I^flutanaand'Wui. ILtXttquoa, ti6u]mlJalonorBT(ip-liofutod i y tbo Orpbias' Onmt of the,county ot Mltl-iXlczat t6 dlvldfftae (ald'rcat'bBtato Stf tifliuiujl AjrtHo ortliu t(wnshli>of Woodbridgo, la tbo county

Mlildlesex, (leccasod, conUioiOff el^U,Berts,-moroflfla, and adjoining- iha'iibtivt) deacrlbod itremlBt.icrohi flrflt dt'Bcrlbj'd Tho bainfib;Ifg.bouijQiid uorih

tiy and* of Krastio yreoinan'; uaaturly by tho ruudB5)mh'erlj'ty-tho:flrBPap$x9 "(•Aicr.ltJdtlundji, aud WOHIerly'by lands of tliunitta Jl JlloLluHelit{.being theBWiio landa ihtadayamTuyod bytlntparly of tha i•-';jiart tq'tlw.uidUloUjIiiicVanib^: .doodj.Te

- f To^thor wltiiairanil Blngula1 e tlie- H yb ts,1 - Itboriles;irlvUegcfl, hOruaiUiiiieiitD and ai>»urtt;ufliicc» tlioruuiito'"'—Ing-or iii anywlap eppcrtalnlaj, .,.: *. -,";-.'• ;

, . ^^'"""-^Jomr^mjokEiMw/shoUtT."> C. T. CUWINPOVBN, Holicltor. . 'Juno 15, l b n . ' , .;• -!-.,: '.

y.- UetvrcOD:,OAt,EB K.:WlIf-AN3,Cump]olnaEt,an<UKIEIiMIAU T.' BALDWINol ux. ot al, Defendants. Kf.'Fa- on foreclosure. . la-

UIMI JUDO 10,1874. ' _ 1< Uy. TlrUia of thn.abova jtatuoTw'lt, id tna fllreoted,' I

\ylll ox[iono to BOIO at public-vend up,on .- >, . .

', AUGUST 18, 187V ;.at 2 o'clock &: niVattlio^Ooiirt '.IIOUM Itt" pia oltyr of

tow Brunnvlok, New Jertoy, <•; . ,»L .'All that tratt or parool'ttf Jftnd onfl, promlsoa heroin.rtor jmrtloularly described, Bliunto,-l>ing and holng intlio townshli) of Monroe,. In tha county of Middlesexaiid HUto t»r Now Jdr>oy, bn tlotl and ticsvi bed HBTOI-

— . — . •u^jjinflihgntucheitnut iroe; Trbira liwaiivlkt U^slattlhgntacheftnut IrOfli TrlHrft liorneri of CorneHna tJuydatuV faruiiandi of-Johrowh'a,'Ibnnarly-thii townahlp lannwOodUwbloh Isad tho south east corner-of~the 19 acres pleoo fo meriy

olT IromtliaprciniBeiherpInafic!dt'tcrlbodtoh s t h e a t c r n f s p meriy

mldolT Irom.tlia,prciniBei_herpInafici!rdt'tcrlbodJtolauios lluchfla<v. and 'rtUihlng thuocj oa 'this nccdlo.xlrttcd'bn tbo Siitbday ofOctober,"'A'. D.'IBfll.'tiortbd C lritaw9^18ch»ini and 9llnk*t Itrd'degnwsC inlrintflaw9^.18chini and 9 l k * t o t r duw or law of.Tboraas Merahon ; thnnoo along* tho linoi hidinoif oflato of 'J'botuas Morahotf h6rtu. 7B do-

-JO pilautot vast, 37 tlmln? snd U llnka to audBsprl'vatoroiMl- tO'llrtoof land of tjiopht-h V.'b f K l y 0,'Morohott); thrnco a(juih.E5 ,do

r > 4 i n a u a weat, IBdialns andCillnkB td'AiploVft, Dortier oa'&ald private,rir d ; tliwrca eontb; do-;rot>aOl iulnuWBO»*tMT.«K|l«a asd]0O,.lli})Cai tbence;tortb II degrot-a C9 uilmitoft'cflst, T chains and 03 llnk»:lonco nortb^Q.dejireoa ?0 minutes ciiat^lf clihTns "and

Hnka, theuouJiorUiiOdegroca-SlLuilouiea m I, 2jftlnajinl W Hnkn,t ihtnw nortlt fi jlegrtsi^ I inlnuto

west, 8 chain*! thi'iiconortli 4T degnua oO.niinuivaotutt, 1 ahatn «ml 12 ilnln t being th» ptvoral uaursus ot•atfl Ap] Irby'i (istirSfiriaiatt irjiorw laras t^o nbnRietit or ibo bridgo'whtch carries the Muamonth tusducroM Vuf MiiUb)poDl» KlTcr, at ApiiieUj-'s MTIH,

mncalaklng ittft hoviiral ^uUraeB^ol tbo lwld ri?0rtb oeotm thotwf untlHt titfcrartts tb« line o

r iuj^inarurumldi tbiiuoa »|ong MtlUOQr

etna tliu t. mo prcmW* •/umyeni to"nb« Ji^itVtrt'oy-TlhnijiU fillHoi?^ -Togtther with all and aluguUr tli . „ , . ._ ,._,

rivlksi-b tiurotlltatnttiltilfifil inburTBiinDLM then unto

DtESEX OlreiiltBpirtPlalntilli<yaj:Eol3ert CN. 'feflaa'W"ri::FaBti~;

18T*. -..-,.. ,,. . . . . ; , , „ . . • . . - . . , . . . . . . - , , , . . ,i Tip sale iiiyler tlie abovo a'atea writ »taoda

adjourned ;to • •'•• . - - .

;' : ; " i r , . sEP.TEiiBnii'8, 'lsri; -\-\at 2 o clock p.m., a t tbe Court iHouae,' In theoity-ofNeVBrtmswicki'New.Jersey. ,V , . ,

' • JOHN D. BUCKELEW, 8herlKDIXOH cfc GOLLrN^AttorDeyg. ' ]lyl9-td

Adjourned Shcri«'»SH(e.

MIDDLItSBX Oo'anly Olroiiit Court.-r.HiigiiHcKMg, PtalDtill, va.;Riibcrt N. Wooil-

wortb,; Deftiadant, Specjal Ki. Ja,, etc., .oa iitm' The,sale under the above staled writ atands' :' • ; : . . • - '

i p y , S e p , 7 . ; \at 3 o'clock'p.*in.. at th'o.Court'' llouee, in thedityofNewBninawick, N. J- ' (

' . . . : • JOHN D.BOCKELEW, SheriB -'-A. V.,8oa«NC»i, Attorney. '. . •: ilyl8-ld

Fr. Fa., etc. -The salo undpr tho above stated writ dlauds

adjourned to " " . ' • '

' TUESDAY,' September, 8,1874, ' ,"

tho city of Ncjy^ruriswick^NeV^uraey-.


Building; L6ts and Villa Plots,

• AND ON EASY _TERM8,_A.T__ _, jZ L . L....:

. . ; . , — . - , Middlesex Coumy,N. "J., on the Line of tlie New .York and Philadelphia Railroad.

•, Only oqe mile south west from New Brunswick city, being upon Livingston avenue and other One avenues. '

Only one-thtrd Cash required. 2he remainder upon bond and mortgageypayab!6 in "tftriH years. Uitleperfect:-— T—~:" :"~ ™ ^ — ^ . _ _ _ r 7 - _ _ ^ _ — - -: .. -— -

A Warranty Deed will bo given.

TEN HOUSI58 are already erected. Three belonging to tlie subscriber Will be sold on liberal terms. -

Ncwiihinsivick, NcHr Jcraey.. . . . .JOHN D. BUCKELEW, Sheriff.'

ilHlFFS SALE,—In ChanceryO of Now Jersey; Between JOSEPH FI3IIKBot al., Cbmplalnant(i,-ftnd. JAMES iffUOET-.etl u r - e tnl., DerunUnms. Fl. F o . n n forodoBure. IaauodMuy£ 0 , l t t T i . . • • : . • • . : • ' • • - : ; • ' ' . • ' ' •. '. . . '

By virtue of the above stated writ, to me directed, I111 expose to sale a t public veaduo, on

.TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 19T4,Rt 2 o'clock p. m« a t tlie Court 'Houao; Iii tho city ofNowUrUDBwick,;NoV-J6.-fley. : " ~\""• •> *

: All that cortnin t r ac t or p»rcol of land and pramlneseroin^rtcr particularly described, situate, lying ttd

city of NeWHrunswlckJln tho c u a n t y b f

on tt certain mailr6nirM^~i

a,JJBpm fl4omeraot couu-OT>iriry r m r r i P r c e r O T a > e i r e f l t a t i r

la tha Kirth Ward of the i:lty of Kerw Brunswick midcounty of 8omerBot, north of SouiuFsot street, formoily•of Abraham Stiydiim.'lisq.'^nii^ byblln1 conveyed Avltuother . l i ioprr ty to. Jamt 'a .Lorimer Orabam. by dw-ddated Juno 2&, 1830, ^uVvvycd and divided into. lots

d4 i» twU „ Aby,,8^;,y! w l e l K . w c ^ v W , 8voyor," aa lots Tiumbore 634onil Wt5 in parcel numbor7, on nald map, and the equal half port of lot dtiBlgnft-t«d on titld map as lot nuuibor 017, and a part of lot onBiiid map known as number 616, In'lmrcof liuuioor 21,nnd parlluuluHy dtucrllK'd' aa follows: Ho^innfotr otlUo north easterly oornor of lot uuoibor f»^5, on tliem a p uforceald on Oollego nvpnuuj tlienco ruiintui'AlwUi^rlyalQ'iigOol(c^uiLVbJlua'fiUleuttoth(iaiutUAlwUi^rly.alQiig..Ool(c^uiLVbJlua~fiU.leut.toth(iacostcrly corner of.lot jiunitifliufi&&aa.sald ranp; t^«t«rly^4ff#«t*t<i-«ri)otntrW»'-iwt-uojtorrjriVoicentre of tlio'cnstorly lln'6 orBtdeof lofNorittBorrBaldmapf th'ODoenortherlyCBfoottoMorrell s treet j thehcuvastorly along J^Iorretl .street HP fwt to the aforo«aidplace of bet'lui'iug- Being, iho .ramo lot of land nndirL'iiiiflt'a which were conveyed to the said Jnmcnhort by Grtonlenf W. Anplqton an.l wife, by tholr

detddal«i-Aui,'*i(it lrifltZ, Bn*dJthlBinortfi^R;e"iriiladH'.and given to eccuro tlie payment of port* (to wi t :tltroe tliousauij chreo huuurod dollars), 9f tho. puribasamoney for tho aiitiia. ' - '

ifojfclherwilVflirBnd'fllngnlar-thfl "r lght , t r t l t s ,r l k ' g o e , hqred.lU)uctitaondappiirtonances tbereun-tu bcloiiKiufl*or Inanvwl-o appurtnlulq/. ,. '

•p- •' J O H N Ji. UUOKJiLEW, Sheriff.'"W a ' B l l l tD a t u d J u n o a , 13T4. ^ . lly3-.Pw

SHERIFF'S SAM.—In Gbariceryoi -NewJcraey , Motweon J O H N S: NEVIUB,

OoroplBlrant, nud M , A. 0U8HMAN et ux. o t j l . ,J S U " o n B ' ' ; !* • • o n o r e . ;

l ) i r . : .,. . . , n y; -

J iy^v l r tua of.thaftbo've stale-l-wrlt, to me <ltrooted| -I1

will uxjioaQ to Bale, n t publla vendue, oa.TIJE3DAY, A U G U 8 T 1 1 , JST-f, ,

nt 2 o'clock JI. iii.', ot tho Court Ilouac, In tho, city olNcw;iiritnawick/New J U B o y . - t — - - — - — - ; - -•-; All Uioio conalu tracts or. jiarceli of land aud nrciti-

IBOS Bit unto, lyiog^nd being in tho township ot NorthDm ne wi i t , county of Mlddleacx and B tat o aloreaald,

flrattrnct beginning » t aretono corner to land oj

l|nq.Bp.utM?.deffn:es and 25 minutes cast, 47 chaioa toa Bton'e corner lo land of John F. O, Holilngs; ttion'ebalong his lino south 4T degrees and WmtnuLcBwi-st/lfichains and Bl i n V t a ^ (tout In a fiotnae of land ofJohn F . 0 . llolllnga :, Uiunpe nlorig his lino north, 454egT00fl and 02 minute's west, 10 chaini ondOd llnlis toABtonocoruor oLlandjifJ^briJ^.tJ.JioJUng?t;tboj;c&ilony bla lino aoutli 40 do^rues and 6 ! minutes wuat,fichaint) to tlio>niiudlo of- tbo roml leading- from the•tralght turniillui. tu tlio Qwrgoiown and JFrunkliaTurnpllvD;'lhcnco alotig* tho middle nf edld road north45;'degreeBand Kl'mlnutefl wedt,, 8 ' . cha ias ' and 18links'; thence along tlie Una of lands of laouoBuyi1

"•"'irCSt^lIoaffland north a doicrees and .63^111 n L . „t^fiOohalnaaad. illlnt_ttt--lbi' 'pluoa-orbeffinnlng{.-

coQtalniDv vtt A cm & \ nnd v i hundred tbs FOI n n ' Act'o ofUud, b(J tnowjfn^moroor leas. ' -.•

Tho BCMndtofbp&lfls -Hi" B! btobe slandinjf1L In ' thBioflt norlhcrlf cornor-'iif sftlil lot-being- also. & corner

AbrahaiuYoprtices; t ! iencaaouth.4t decrees and 2Cvilmtlos 4)»at,; l S c h a l u i a n d Su Hnks-toa s t o n o i n thelino ofi land of; tho h^lra ;of>Kaoi;.Ajrre8, deceasod;thvnco a longaa t j lino aoutli,41 dt-ffrocs west, IB chainsadd 03 links to "it Btono; tlienoo 46 derrmia and 12 mln-iitejt woet, lS'clluiria and W liiiksjn tliu lino of wooil*

tho Hue o( lahUof Wtri.'l 'uniyea to' Iho plnwi ofibo-ginnlnf,*; containing HI acres and 10 hundrciltiis of on.ocroolland, more or less.; •.,.- ,.:.---,< : ; , - ._^Tho third lotbt 'ginsatiiB'iiUo In tlib middle of th^road leadfnp from tho Franklin inid'Ooorgutown Turn-plke'ltbad t6"tl]e"Treuton and Ke^rBri7n»twlcl; ;.Turn.jifeo lioad, nnd In tho line of land sot olT In the divi-sion to Abraham and Gei&rUda Qnlok,. helrd of JobnVan Clee£ d e g e a ^ l ; , thenco with lliulr lino and tliomiddle or tbo anld'road Bdu tli 44 8 4 degrees cast, UolinlnS nnd24Unk9 tot tBtoke lri : tho itiiddlo'of saidrood i thohconorth 40 deetecsnnd Wimlautea ea«t( 4

Nurseries'.Post-ofllco adu'ipBS; Npw Brunswick, N. J. .


FQR COUQHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS' ' - - and all Throat DlBeaaea, use

WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS._...£ut,up,on!yJn.BLUE.Boios.

A TJIIDD AND BURH HBIKIEDY..».8oliLbT..J?r'n'>:gi»t» .,.. •......-. ;._j?.9r4»p.

Livingstone is Dead." F J ™ 3 0 ~ il lb I j l j ' f6HirTJ[

-wondrrful country. I t Is juitt ready. 2,000 ngontswanted uuichly.. Ono agent sold 1&4, unotlier JS.UonoWCci,. t i l partipijlarsji^roBii I IUBDAItD liUOS.,filthor Philadelphia, Jii.uton or ClncIhiiatl;O: *•'•

—tuo*6*4wi--"— : —'--,——-—r~-— r—••—

"The Times

IMs.WrA.BaidhB!df's Hair Dyeife*E«tabllBho\ 0T year«. Propurly applied nt BATCH-ELOlt 'S celobraled Wig «nd •loupooFnolory, lOBolidutroot, Now York. _ _ • _ _ _^__;

"" i Av Bafchclbr's Alaska Seal Oilfor tlio Hair. ' Tlio l»Bt Ilslr O|l In mi. -

W. A, Biitchplbr's Dentrlflcefor beautifying ahd, preserving tao Tooth and Qumtanddeoderlzihgthelireath, ' - •- ' • :

VV. A. Batcliclor's Curative S^icures Itlny Worm. Tot te r Urlilni- of Iha" • ' of tbo eklu, Vw> o r Body.

Head, and a

ff.:A. Batchelors NewCosmetiqucBlack or llrbwn for flirinejtho Ilalr, WhlBkers or Moni^otachloa wll l iouti tWMlng-VliQai;"^"""^— ;~~rrr 'T^pr

Bold wjioloaalo nnd rotuil at factory, 10 Bond stroet,Ntiw York, ft'ldbj^all druKgjsts. Aok for them; .

juh'jC-6'ariv " •' •• " " " T T " '• *~

' KOTTI /BBI KlastloTruiBes superceded; bPBt'TruiIn tbeworld. |4"; Snnd for nanuiblet. KOW TRUSSCO^ 023 Braadwny, N . Y: aplOflm

l t U P T C U E radically cured.- Tho ponulno J i n R l hHupiaro Liniment, ( 1 p«r bottlo. D r . Holla"", 1,4308d avenue, N. Y. • • - • • - . -, - ' aplBJim

200 & QE&AN3Now (ina Second-bund, of flrst'olass makers, will besold at LOWEK ruicEs for cash, or an (nntallinentB, ofor rent, lu. city or country, during this - month, byirOUACE WATKR6 & SON, Ho. 48L llroaaway; tlitinever-; bofprpi^rfjerM^ln^flwi'Yjjrk^iJJ llKUlAli'lt'ianoa nud Organs to. let until tha rent money , the price of tlio fnstruiuont. Illustrated Oataloguc'amailed. A largo diflcbuot to ministers, churches,schools ,*-- - - - - -


Double Mlcvai'c'dtyvcn] \\•.Broiling: -Poor, .Fender T?uardt,

Dumping and 'Shaking Qratct l>iyect

r Stroqt, Kew York.

(*T>8YOnOMANqY, ; Oi l . 8 O 0 L , CUA.KMJNQ.V- JL How either ae i may fascinate nnd gain tho lovait directions of any jioreon.they may choose Inatinly;tlilBBlmplamontalhoqillrduioatBH1coapois,B5,free,.bx.mall, for 25&,ttojtiitbor with o n/arriago BuIdo,ER-yptlnnO a t l Dreams, HlriU to Indies: Wedding-Nlghuhlr t ,

qotwrbook-r AddnjBBiT. WUUftm & Oo^I'ubs-


peciaL attention



i .. For the eieoutlon ot :-T-


At reasonable rateB.



Theflratnriza oftlffl.&OO, tho capital prize, by cluba•teMt*iHbH»7TOB"fi?B:!W''-:aA£i*"r-'Sl!:*-w--1'1-*"* " - " -

^.000, wna j ,WnkeHtjlil nnrt A. L. 81uifl, of

B l l . Pcmbroko. Ky., I'. W.O I l t t h

, The BOCI.KI elfu $7^.000, wna jtald to State Bank,Madison, Mo. (J. II. WnkeHtjlil nnrt A L 81 fT.onton, Ky., II. II* Bolllnger. Pcm y ,Dooner^ LOH Angulos. O(|., W. O. Ilyerly. Portsmouth.O" F l l t i Cfiunbc'llti" Wjic T x d li tho

M , . ( J .T.onton, Ky., II. IDooner^ LOH Angulos. O(|., . O yerly. Pr t smouth .O.", F l l u t i Cfiiunbc'rllti," Wjiccj, Ttx . , nnd oliiers, thotickets having tn-un auld In coupons.

Tlio l-'arinera' National Uutik. of Klcntnond, Ky. ,drew-tiio- lmir-»f tlie thlrd-Tirl70:l3T.NJ0.—-Wrir.~ Kr

^ V l k l f t M . - r J r M O p l n t f r y m k l i inff.fc-ijaivycr.QrandHliurirrIiiilrvtJao-i

outitontli. Tito remainder was held In clubs. _• 'ThuHrst prize of the third drawing was all In oiia "

ticket, and owned by L. II. Keith, Ksq., Kingston,Mass., to wlirnii was paid $10U,00(J, In cash. ; - •

which Is positively THK LAST W H l d r W l t X VBKOlVJiN yNOKR.THHOHAKTtl i . wlUcoino offIn Public Library HAtl, at Loulsvlllo, K ;

Friday, July 31V747

divided tnto twenty tlinusand gifts, will bo distributedamong tbo llckol-holdera. • , - •

Ono Grand Cash Gift .' ,|25O,0HgOno Grand Cash Gift : 100,000

-One-Grand -£ai it - G i IV, - rm m t i T n - m m-n-n—Tft.000—Onb Gnrntl Cnsh Gift 60000One Graorl Oush Gift ; 85,000

And lU.Wa ,;iftfl, ranging In valueIroui $20,000to*50.Grand Total, slu.OOO flirts, all cnhli $2,5^0,000

PRICE OF TICKETS.AVholu Tickets . . ' . . . . , . . . . . . . . '.....':-$50 00Halvofl 3> fy.*"Tenths, or each Courou - 5 0011 Whole Tickets for •. C00 CO

• For tickets and Information nni

A{jbntTnblf6 TJbrary, Ky., Pn'bilo LlbriiLoulBvlllu. Kfintiiclcy. or

. . . Tj1yl-4twJtdwfl

,. J IAYg .!t.COr

COD BrbailM ay.'N. Y.


rvtt l i iho; l lni i*r \vViTTumyw»mtr40TiegrtKraBir2()minutes we6t, '4«balns and QJ.llnkt tO|thQ.placo.ol<h£-'g lnntng; contBlulni 13 Acres of land, moro or loss'.

T.^fihLT With all and singular'tfte - rlylui, llburlles,rivlWtB, hereditamenta and appUrtantTnciea tli«reanto.elontilnff or.ln anywlso apporUlnlng.

G'.S. OiNKON, Solicitor., i"1' "D t d J U 8 m 4 V

jJLDATia_bFiUbk^p6iLtt^ppUbiUon-ofG e b r g e W . Deboe,1 admin i s t r a to r ot 8arah" 'Applobr,laUi' of ; thB ' sold ooantvi 'Of;; MiddloBtatV ',<lo<

d I Willi K i l J Burrogfltbo* t h ^Ui of ;thB sold ooantv Of;; MiddloBtatV ,<lo

oeased, I, William Koilay. Jr.; Burrogfltb.o* thp_aa^a i a n t y "df MiddWuexrao hereby order and'dlruct theanld: Wtnlnlitrttoi1 to give- publio - notice ' to • thoiredltorft, of tbosald d^oeatod. to> bring in their debts,-eiuands *ud claims, underiam or afflrination against

Jib 'sold :estat«: within bins montba-Troiu thedatonf.thla nrfer,:by( Betting^ up. a oupy.'.'Of- lue! orderwlUiln.twiuity unya after the dato hereof,,.in flvo-oi

„ . . to'cxfilblt'iila nr'herdeb^, WfthlQ said imrlod. of nlob mouths afuo-pnblio

>tlo« given as aforodnld, euch creditor, shall' bo. for-,iver harrcaVbf his or Her aaUa^'against (ho1 said ad-ilnistrator. • . ...•;:.;-,1. .u_.1.-:: - ; ~ 'Given under my hand-tkls 14th dny-of. Jalr.-IK^.

*"ILHAU>KEiliEY, Jr., Burrogato.

ANTIi»—AgonUfor r i I<VKliK- SUTO-,By Uon. K. P. BAWKS^ BUbpi>.GiL-

•l^lBslvwtc|Tltoryrr:No-coninetiUoitr^Adiin-BsOKarle, I'ubl4or. f ' '

[__ THE ajlEAT;J*Oy.ULAliITr_OF _ _ J PoStCFS •

. . . ^ . .. ^ .. . ,

in the rew,atd of punulno inerlt. *rhiJB8!wlio ui-oiic^iravcrwirur\viiKniritrT6rsai^by^aira8 Prlco' 25 conts 'KEOBEN^YT^Prop'rV Now

- T H E HIGHEST. MEDIOALAUTHOItrriE!OF.fcJtlHOVE fifty the a»rongea(.;Toq(c,; Purilijand Pepbatrucnt known ,U the medical world

clo:obatrucUona and ueta^-reaily on the hirtaid Spleen. ..Price *1 o.bottle., ,. .. M

;•" .• ; ; ,: * JOHNQ.KEJLLOGG,

jitri2MWb~^;^ „— ";1Sfktt^ Btruof, y.KY r

Salvation Povydei'SA L L S N ' B

tul for Circuiting aud B q that our name lai n t h p B a g s . r r ; - • ! . • • . : ' . '; ; : : •.•.-•.,;.-/,-, , i ( ,•:

DR1EMND DRiJUNPFJSHiQUANO,j ' ' iUiiijJil . ' i •'':'••

[ d t t o h ' e a c h b ' a ' g . ' -1 • - '••• '-••••. -•

:-'---y: - '-'•''-- / .

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uiKsr-lMiospIiateorJjhnonntl Aninionl'

(Forme'riir'hiailiifactaijid by T. 11; Orij-.)'•'-

Fine Oroiihd Pi'ol^lC-Bonc.

lilo Blr Jus. <L.,.,

t h t th

p y01ariiolo.blnii.cncUooi:Kltli;.8re»t.flV»!o«l,. -Tliev.atMtoloaa, find can bo glvon. In ooy liquid without thItnoWleflg'ii ill: the pttlltnt,' They produce a loathinn)rtttltnuliUit*!Wn»y kldd, uldmBtdstofur/BU'.lntoil

ttaJI*JWf^»!Mfb«i*«!*"tt«syB«rto\\a UnUod Ulnto.on receipt of %\.\i All couiMtlOM • «ro 'wjindentliL 'Kiiiai TV.,' JflSIIEB,Chemlit-Solo U'lil-rlotor,i.l93.-JludBon-Btmet,.N«wTprlc.i ,.,,. :,.., ,,. , -- JW4-

An Abatractfrom.*forthcoming;work on dlaeaMas o

i). lata Clinical Pbyblclan. U tho y n l r a r t l tyii M vdlcitiCollege. Now I'tirk City. Mailed W any ad^reasfor:.

iiitti.. Address tbo author, U K n s t gpta.tit., h\Y.'.. " D r . WiLLUitaoK'fl great SUCOOBS lntho'>treatmciof Untttrrhal; and thdosE a h d i u n g uuVctfuhB, rondci

' "" whatovoi coiaoa from Ills noa. '?—JOURKAUC.tio(uiCf.. j : . _ , . "... , J u l y 8 - 4 w

o. 4 BontH Del«w»ro

] l i o ^ • v ^ t

nramwiok, N. J.,V K iXiu uitii't J«W«I.BT Brani.

UaviDubebilin.praottoe for over^ixtfifln years^ow V l ^ r U l l t i ? t)d'oottDeaiedhTiU

A D Jfbwell of tlitKioity, idr Inur joais,al conlidtnt th a I oan givo perleot n-Uiafac-


Tear'i Credit; Jniitreat only dptr cent.

i bitndsomo.Illustrated Pnner. canUloioff t l i e i l diMnd^Ljiiy. A NKVy' NUMBEK' Ju«t pub|l«luUlfcd'froo toaUnaitBof.tho w o r l d . ; - ,-^;:,. - rj Add ' DXVI9

ildme*A NKVy NUMBEK Ju«t pub|l«h«I,

toaUnaitBof.tho w o r l d . ; - ,-^;:,. - rj , I , . J AddreBV(r..i[f! r .-.•.'• - .U.-l ' . DXVI9,„• :„ ; . , ,1 ; ' •."•;.,-.. l « n d a j m n i l i a o n « r , U , P.E..JBL. •;•_.

\l. Imnrdved GUGUI PUMP, . T u t o l w v - D a i b l e - Em

clent add Cheap Tl}» bdsrpunipftiriba lean ntuh«y.i Attention tB:oapeol«llf Invltnl l o l)lntchls;'aPjittnt luiprpTed Qrscket-and Mow'tirop' uGeck Volvi, wmr.tr1 a n bowithdrawn without rcui&TlDE th«Pumnj or dUturblDg'.thc Joints

o, M W ffiic

g JoinW r effiinbor, wHlch

novcrtxMki or lUll.t, snd Will Out.UltWotb,or, ,

to^-Mlo-l^^fialerB andTrMo pnernlTy.'- In;alta>

UTCliLET, Mh'nufuct'er,

!v.4 i .1 ' ill ii- III 1


Bill Heads1

Cards and

. Executed, promptly, and: with artiatio skill.

Estimates Furnished

• l ; • . ' • ; : • • ' ' • : • ' • • , -• . ; '

,k> '.'.. For iho_PrinUpg ol ,

B o o k s , " • ' ; . ' ! ' ' • " ' '"'•'._'_ . '"•'

. - I . • - . . . . - • • , \ • • • - ^

J Paraplilets, -

. - . v :: - - . -::-MagozliH!s,, ' : ' , ' : /.•;•

.- v • •".'.' : .'.•.'• > Newspapers,



/ f« I t

Apply at thii? Office

I4!s. T STREET,-:. ..

-Foot oi-.New. street,-- New —Brunavrickj—

Oiler to .the, lro,de(.«nd publlo In gonerai, theirLargo Stock ol •— " : " '

__ tor ilalldin^.Purpo^3,Hod all klnda ot..."; _L

- Dressed and ITndiretised Lumber^

at :greatlj -reduced1 prico». : .Purchasers wUJ"

fd' got prioos, before purchasing '

Satij , ,. to: o&nh Cnatotnera gaarnntoed.


Timber order^ea ahori notice., . • ,

143 "Buraet-V

^ 3 SALIC.—Id OhanoGi'V'O of New JerBay.. Betwreq THttMUTUALLlFf i -

INSURANCE COMPA.NY OF MKW YOUK. Com-.lalnant, and tUALtY It. MEEItlLI. ct,al./Dereiid-ints, ,FI. i'fl. on forcclpsurc. Issued, March 2T, 1314.

By Virtue of tlie nbovo ptateil writ,' to mtt'tUreeled, 1will oxpusQ to sale at publlo yenduo, on.. , .

', TUESDAY, J U L Y ^ l , 187-1,it"2 o'clock p. m., nt tho Court itouso In tho city ofNew Brunswick,Now Jersey, .- - ; ; - v ••»•••'

All that ccrt'Jn txactii- •--'-_*•altnati), lying and being- In in.o townshliiof 1'iaeataway'-in-thoo)untyofMlddlvsci and .State of New J e w y , -""and'bquhiTediinil described aa fJlu'wa:- Boglnnlnjr a t—

pointIrt the mlildlo ol. tho^ roadlcadjug Jroin.DuU' 'vJIt-n to Bountl ltrook.itortt tuo roiidonoo or the saidlerrlll aud corner of land, of thnCtjntral Keiv Jerseyapil Iini>rp7«ni«htC6hniany;:taionco >vlth the mid-.lo of said raid sou,th.&l degrofH. & mjoutea. west, ;fi0lainsandlT'liiika to a comer i thenco no«h 25 no-x«eaflDdP west, 11 chains 77>» .linlta Ut,.*n

vah tr«v being andthir coriiur- of Bold" tract ;"thencoBOUtb.WdeffriMijSp'mlnuU's.weat; I chsln and 68 links ,lo a corner; tbtiaoe north £4 degraos SS minutes -west, -12'chains and 63 links'to tt buttunwnod trca, anotherjorner of nald'traot; thenot) north 88 degree* cant, 11^;Jjainft ohd 00 ibiTis to a fcUJwir^oa tree, nnother cor-lerLMienue nottli S6;diigreca Wmlniites ww't, 8 chains --lT>»l.nkataanQtber-coraer:,Uiti.c<> north S5 do-•'••

*• -*'- —- • 1 " " " - ' - J tb &notlier: corner ;""BeAbVlOchalaBandSSlInKft tb another corner ;ca souihS5 ttetrrees,. 10 minutes cast,. 2T chains63flnks7 mtireur It-ift, to tho'pbda of bVelnhlngj

l t 5 0 d l W 0 t l : ' ;Tbgeilier with iill aii'Jstngulnr th*) rights, llbcrtlea,'.

kalnnnlnirnR In nnvitflna XITlILIrthl fliTIST" ~ *" ~~and aiipurienatfc«pi«rtafnlne7ll U U O l C h L E ^U o i I N l U

T, Solicitor

Of flnoly exepdlet^ jQb Printing.