The American Expeditionary Force (AEF) 21-30 years old. 24 M Total only 2 Million reached Europe 2.8...

Post on 10-Dec-2015

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Transcript of The American Expeditionary Force (AEF) 21-30 years old. 24 M Total only 2 Million reached Europe 2.8...

The American Expeditionary Force (AEF) 21-30 years old.

24 M Total only 2 Million reached Europe

2.8 M called by lottery

Mobilizing for the War


Black Servicemen in Paris WWI – Once again blacks enlist to help their country - NO Black Officers – 400,000 total –”Making America Safe For Democracy”

War Industries Board – Director,Bernard Baruch is middle right seated –Set prices, reduced consumer goods,

regulated and even controlled industries – near Total War

Railway & Fuel Administration

• Government seized RR’s and organized into One system – control over coal, gas, and coal – “gasless Sundays

National War Labor Board

• Eight hour day, wages set by the government, - 70% of workers unionized – but – “Work, or Fight”

Food Administration Board

Eugene V. Debs serving a 10 year sentence for giving an anti-war speech in 1918 & Schenck v U.S. – At Time of

War, the First Amendment could be suspended – “Yelling Fire in a crowded Theater” - “Clear and Present

Danger…to the public safety”