The administrators’ guide to run effective executive and board meetings… · 2019-05-24 ·...

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Transcript of The administrators’ guide to run effective executive and board meetings… · 2019-05-24 ·...

“This is how all meetings should be: structured, time-saving and efficient.”

The administrators’ guide to run effective executive and board meetings

Rolf Watter, Partner Bär & Karrer AG, Chairman and member of multiple boards, about Sherpany 2

Table of contents

The art of running meetings and taking meeting minutes

What can go wrong when you’re preparing for a meeting?

What can go wrong during the meeting? What can go wrong after the meeting?

How to select the best board portal for your organisation? Ask yourself these questions when evaluating a meeting management software

Run a meeting culture that focuses on productivity, security and cost-efficiency







19 3

The art of running meetings and taking meeting minutes

Organised and structured executive and board meetings have a significant impact on the way organisations work in terms of effectiveness, and time consumption efficiency.

Companies who went through the transformation from non-managed directors' meetings to standardised ones can tell the difference. They see it in their in-meeting performance, everyone is on the same page from the get-go, and at the end, once the meeting is over, all tasks and responsibilities are assigned.

HBR shows that companies that started to consider enhancing the way they conduct their meetings1 achieved improvements in collaboration (42% increase), in inspiring safety to speak up and express opinions (32% increase) and overall performance (28% increase).

That’s why:

• Executive and board meetings that are both organised and structured correctly are crucial for your company’s performance.

• The KPI of how well you conducted a formal gathering lays in the management and organisation of your meeting minutes.

The assembly of the documentation of minutes is one of the most challenging and vital tasks corporate secretaries, assistants to corporate secretaries and/or general counsels can have. When done correctly, minutes should convey the overall picture, context and distribution of tasks. The above sounds straightforward, but when you need to coordinate a large number of meetings, with different attendees, it becomes increasingly trying to keep track of and organise everything.

When organising a meeting, executive and board administrators face challenges before, during and after the meeting. This throws administrators into a marathon-like chase after:

• Documents• Board members• Executives• And updates 4

When this is done via email or other channels of communication, it can lead to disorganisation at best, and security breaches at worst. That’s why you have to make sure that your organisational needs are answered in each and every step of the meeting stages as mentioned above.

Let’s review these stages, and the questions you’ll need to ask to choose the right digitised solution for you and your organisation.

What can go wrong when you’re preparing for a meeting?


Before a meeting, everyone concerned has a role, this includes:

1. Corporate Secretaries and private assistants.2. Executives (C-level, e.g. CEOs, CFOs, CIOs).3. And board members.

Many things can go wrong before your meeting.Whether it’s preparing data or preparing all the pre-read materials like agendas, boardbooks, financial reports, compliance regulations, meeting minutes etc. making sure that all the information you’ll need during the meeting will be up to date and available, can be an overwhelming task.

Flexibility, structure and distinct processes are highly crucial before a meeting as we’ll demonstrate below, and both meeting organisers and attendees face organisational challenges. That’s why it’s important to address each and every problem, and offer a solution:

1. Agendas are usually revisited several times before they’re closed. You need to amend, change, add or update them in an environment that is mostly dependent on paper. Not the most flexible material.

"At the outset, our board members had a strong preference for the hybrid solution of paper plus digital. However, now they all use the Boardroom purely digitally. The simple and intuitive user interface is a highlight as are the time savings in the admin process." - Sandra Gut, Assistant of the General Director of SWICA Health Organisation, about Sherpany 5

2. Also, what if you need to update an already printed boardbook? You’ll have to spend more hours and resources, printing these boardbooks again. Printing these documents again adds up to a lot of wasted money, money that you could otherwise save with a digitised solution.

3. You won’t have a meeting if you can't reach the meeting participants If you can’t reach board members and executives on time, for instance: - When they’re travelling without WiFi. - Or when they’re out of office. It will delay printing materials and assembling the agenda, resulting in last moment changes and possible meeting rescheduling.

4. Any meeting usually involves the assembly and analysis of the required documents Most of the time, the number of documents is considerable, and you need to access them in more ways than one: - Whether by referencing to previous meeting minutes and information. - Or adding documents to support claims. - And at times, even to further the knowledge of the attending board members on the covered agenda items. The more the discussed subjects are supported by proper documentation, the more the board will be able to review them fast and offer solutions with confidence. This usually falls on meeting organisers who must deal with large amounts of paper which slow the entire preparation process down.

5. Meeting organisers tend to send several versions of the same documents Meeting organisers need to navigate between versions, which can lead to errors in document versions during the meeting, a quite expensive mistake since it wastes everyone’s time.

6. Exposure to unauthorised parties can have serious consequences Before meetings and even during meetings, sensitive information is handed to the participants. Information leakage is one of the major concerns meeting organisers have when using email or paper. For instance: - 22% of companies experience data loss through email each year2. - Most U.S. workers (65%) admit they take notes at work in a paper notebook. Additionally, two in five (39%) admit they leave these work documents or notebooks on their desk after they leave the office for the day, leaving documents with confidential information vulnerable to theft3. The situation reached a point in which even memos about organisational security, like the memo Apple Inc sent recently to their employees, discussing data leaks, and forbidding employees to partake in such activities, was leaked to the press4. 6

7. Executive and board meetings imply fast preparation and printing documents the evening prior Working on a meeting on the night before adds up to a lot of extra hours and unnecessary stress. You can’t prepare for a meeting fast unless the associate tasks, like update agenda availability, boardbooks and more, are automated and digitised. Having a digitised process in place enables you to manage meetings quickly and update attendees at any time.


8. Everyone needs to have access to his or her files at any time, and everywhere Executives and board members travel a lot, and while on the move, they can’t always access WiFi or securely send documents. Allowing them to work from whichever location they are at is crucial for their productivity. When board members can’t write their annotations offline, they’re limited in getting themselves ready for an upcoming meeting. Their preparation time is valuable. And so, more uninterrupted access due to WiFi connection translates into extended periods dedicated to getting ready for meetings.

"Sherpany allows for true participation; I receive insights into the most relevant company information and I even have the possibility to ask questions directly."

- Ingrid Schmidt, Secretary to Board of Directors of EMMI AG, about Sherpany

9. After you receive a document on paper, you’ll have to take care of it somehow Papers can’t be modified for updates, and as a result, are usually discarded. This can result in them ending up just about anywhere. In addition, emails are no better. When there’s a data breach in your organisation, all the sensitive data from your emails can fall into the wrong hands. 7

10. Board members need to read many documents easily while preparing for their meetings When board members are reviewing documents on paper, the process tends to slow down, and as the number of papers increase, it becomes increasingly exhausting to keep up and review all the papers effectively. The challenge becomes even more tiring when travelling, and board members tend to move a lot.

11. Finding one’s annotations and editing them can be a time-consuming process When dealing with a large number of documents, reading your comments and finding what you’re looking for can become a daunting task. And edits? Are time-consuming. This task gets easier in a digitised environment. Unlike paper, digitised forms allow board members to find their annotations quickly, and edit them if there’s a need. In addition, digitised documents can be made available offline, allowing board members to work on them, much like on paper.

12. It could be quite challenging to find the latest version of the document you’re looking for If an organiser sends more than one email, and if you prepare for the meeting with the wrong document, you might invest all the preparation work on the wrong sheets, resulting in time spent during the meeting to catch up.

13. Sometimes board members find out too late that the agenda is not clear enough When board members can’t follow the agenda during a meeting, they might miss the window of opportunity to ask to-the-point questions crucial for the decision-making process. This can happen especially when agendas include items with long, unclear titles, instead of ones with explicit points and subpoints.

With so many things that can go wrong before a meeting, and with no means of unifying your organisational workflow, meetings are bound to be less effective, which will cost your organisation time, money, and materials. 8

These examples are just the tip of the iceberg:

• The average manager wastes on average 150 hours per year (almost an entire month), searching for lost information. If that manager earns $50,000 a year, this loss is equivalent to $3,842 annually.

• Executives pick up the same piece of paper from their desk on average 30-40 times before acting on it.

• 280 hours per year (7 weeks) are lost by workers seeking clarification due to poor communications.

• It costs businesses $120 in work hours alone to track down a misplaced document or $250 to re-create it.

• The average office has 19 copies of each document. Spends $20 in work hours to file each document. Pays $120 in work hours searching for each misfiled document, loses one out of every 20 documents, and spends 25 hours recreating it’s lost documents.

Source: Simply Productive5

Before the meeting, everyone needs to have quick access to all the pre-meeting documentation, and editing it should be fast and secure.

wasted by managers searching for lost information

Execs pick up the same piece of paper before acting on it

lost due to poor communications

spent tracking down a misplaced document

spent recreating a misplaced document

150hours / year


280hours / year

$120in work hours

$250in work hours

$3,842 annual loss 9

What can go wrong during the meeting?

When the meeting starts and all the relevant materials are ready, the meeting attendees can review the agenda and tackle the various issues.

Everyone is handed:

• A review of the previous meeting minutes.• The updated agenda.• And the latest version of the reviewed boardbook and associated


During the meeting, it’s vital to take meeting minutes effectively. Meeting minutes are the official protocol of what happened during the meeting, and accuracy is highly important.

When you’re working with paper or in an undedicated meeting management environment, once the meeting materials start to increase in numbers, some actions like updates, distribution and associating comments or tasks with the right attendees becomes extremely difficult to track.

1. Making sure that everyone who needs to attend, is attending In meetings with many participants, meeting organisers need to keep track of who’s in attendance. The most acceptable way to do so is by organising a list of attendees on the official meeting minutes document. This list is critical because it will allow meeting organisers to update absent directors. Losing this list might result in communication problems after the meeting, e.g. missing directors might not get updates about decisions made etc.

2. Working according to a template and distributing tasks in a structured way Meeting minutes are the official account of what happened during the meeting. Having a structure, or a template, and associating comments and information with the right meeting attendees, is essential. At the end of the meeting, organisers need to assign each meeting attendee, and each attending administrator their tasks, knowing everyone allows for more effective distribution of tasks since there’s no guesswork in matters of responsibilities.


3. It’s vital to track propositions and decisions, who made them, and the results The decisions made by board members and executives during the meeting, and their successful implementation, are the goal of each meeting and the reason it’s held in the first place. If these decisions are not conveyed to all the participants properly, the meeting had failed to achieve its goal.


1. It’s important to follow the agenda during the meeting so to convey annotations on point, and on time Directors tend to get distracted during meetings. In a recent survey6, directors reported that their boards spent only 28% of their time on strategy. Helping them to focus on the agenda is a major concern during the meeting, especially if there are many attendees.

2. Discussions should be organised around specific subjects, and involve the appropriate board members only The jumble of boardbooks and documents can be at times too much, and it’s only going to distract board members from the issues and questions that they wanted to raise. That’s why ‘looping in’ attendees when their contribution to an agenda item is little to none will only distract them Communicating information properly and referencing to it, should be done via the proper medium, in an organised, structured, and personalised fashion. When sending a document via email or paper in ununified meeting management environments, and to ‘all members’, you might end up frustrating meeting attendees or overwhelming them with information.

3. Boards often cover the wrong issues and operations, instead of governance and high-level strategy Among a group of 182 senior managers from a range of industries that were surveyed on the subject, 71% said meetings are unproductive and inefficient7. Boards don’t always stick to the agenda, and as a result, the topics they need to discuss are covered at best on their next meeting. The reasons vary, but in most cases, it’s the focus on stressing operational aspects that derails strategic progress. 11

To progress, boards have to ask strategic questions, and asking the right questions during the meeting requires materials that: • Allow them to explore the agenda related items via a summary of each item

on the agenda.• Materials that include the last meeting goals.• Accompanied with information assembled before the meeting.

A successful meeting always ends with the next steps in mind. After the board asked all the right questions and got all the answers, it follows through with decisions and gives the strategic guidelines to the CEO and the organisation's top management.

What can go wrong after the meeting?

Once the meeting closes, everyone in the organisation can start to implement the decisions made during the meeting. All participants need to communicate and follow up on their post-meeting actions and make sure there’s complete alignment between members of the board and executives, not an easy task, and it becomes even harder when not orchestrated in one place, and according to a specific workflow.

Several issues might arise after the meeting that all participants need to be aware of.

1. It’s quite common for attendees to have different conclusions from the same meeting Organisers must reduce this risk by sending out the meeting minutes to the meeting attendees after each meeting. The meeting minutes need to be sent within 24 hours, and they must highlight what was accomplished in the meeting, so the participants will be able to review it right after the meeting to get clarifications. This meeting minutes also need to include the responsibilities of each attendee, things like actions delegated, and any assigned deadlines. That’s the only way to keep everyone on the same page. The problem is that like with all paper docs, the meeting minute document contains highly sensitive company information, and can get lost or fall into the wrong hands.


2. The risk of a poorly written meeting minute is real For meeting organisers, the production of an organised meeting minute document is the primary goal during the meeting. Since the meeting minute document is essential for the implementation of the actions after the meeting, It’s important to write it correctly. Meeting minutes that are not organised in a standardised template, or a meeting organiser that lacks proper training in writing down the agenda, can result in a document that won’t deliver the meeting’s outcome and required conclusions properly. In addition, other standards affect the meeting minute document - especially its length - which include the company’s size, and culture. In time we also moved from a meeting culture that shows the progression of projects and the strategic decisions taken to a culture of proving to third parties what has been discussed.

3. When the meeting minutes document is sent via nonsecure systems, it can fall to the wrong hands The risk of unauthorised parties exploiting the inherent vulnerabilities in general email systems outweighs the risks of paper8 and storing that information in nonsecure online environments can be exploited as well9, 10, 11. The risk of information falling to the wrong hands after a meeting is prevalent across all organisations. In 2017, a single cybersecurity attack cost U.S. companies12 an average of nearly $900,00013. Just two years prior, a single attack came with an average price tag of roughly $500,000. In Europe, the situation is not different, in 2016, 80% of European companies experienced at least one cybersecurity incident14.

With the number of breaches increasing, companies understood that they must take steps to make sure that they secure their information in a system built for managing board meeting, an enterprise-grade software that has everything managed, tracked and interlinked in one place for both meeting organisers and board members' effectiveness.

Such a dedicated system for meeting management needs to allow for a clear separation of roles and needs to be fully compliant with corporate governance practices and law regulations. All your data and its use need to be tracked, allowing you to fix issues quickly and update everyone on the spot.

If you’re managing this process outside a dedicated meeting management system, your risk increases considerably, whether via: 13

• Information loss - due to employee negligence, lack of a searchable system, or human error.

• Data breaches - due to hacking to company servers, email or, sensitive paper exposure.

• Time wasted - either via ineffective document management and update or via meeting minutes that were taken in a non-professional way.

• KPIs that are tracked ineffectively - due to managing meeting minute action implementation poorly.

• Communication problems - due to a lack in a centralised system to manage the meetings.

These risks will undermine not only your effort to run a productive executive and board meeting but also your organisation’s ability to implement the decisions you made during meetings.

These risks can be avoided by using a board portal. 14

How to select the best executive and board portal for your organisation?

A board portal is a web-based, online workspace dedicated to board administrators and board members. It centralises all your organisation’s board-related information, including meeting materials, documentation and historical meeting records and holds considerable benefits over undedicated meeting management environments for both meeting administrators, executives and board members.

Board portals are growing in popularity, with a forecasted market penetration of 67.6% by 202015, and the reason for this increase in demand is the necessity.

Boards are diverse. They differ in many things like sector, organisation size, functionality, security needs, and internal workflows. In addition, in various industries, executive directors, board members, and meeting administrators face different challenges.

"This tool is much more than a document system because it covers the entire back end, how information is shared, and as result everyone saves time. Optimal preparation - that’s exactly what we are looking for."

-Martin Wartmann, General Counsel of Selecta Group, about Sherpany

That’s why your board portal solution needs to be compatible with your organisational structure, it should provide a secure communication method, and ultimately, it needs to be intuitive to be used by your executives and board members for it to work. 15

Ask yourself these questions when evaluating a meeting management software

1. Can you set up a process that will allow you to identify the right platform for you? When choosing a board portal, it’s essential to set up KPIs that will allow you to select the best software for your organisation. Different organisations have different needs, that’s why it’s important to draw out a schematic structure of the workflow required for such a tool, who will use the tool? Will it be the entire board? The top 10% of your leadership team? Etc. In addition, this tool needs to be flexible, quickly adaptable and scalable, that’s the only way to integrate it into the enterprise communication architecture of your company. Since most companies already have a defined communication architecture in place, a meeting management system as a service (SaaS) will work best with the existing workflow.

2. How can you define feedback loops with executives and board members that will focus you on their specific needs? Before deciding on a board portal software, you need to understand what pains executives and board members are experiencing when they’re working on their tasks; to solve these pains, the solution needs to offer workflows for tasks performed:

Before the meeting During the meeting After the meeting

When your board members and employees can do all of the below actions in less time, compared to paper, it will allow you to choose the right software for your organisations with ease.

• Does it help In the preparation stage, allowing board members and executives to go through meeting materials faster?

• Can it help to organise board member annotations and help them find their ideas easily?

• Are you saving funds by reducing paper consumption?• How does it increase your organisational effectiveness by allowing board

members to work effectively from anywhere? 16

3. Can you collect the feedback securely? Your executives and board members need to operate in a secure environment that will allow them to:

• View and review documentation.• And write down their annotations.

All of the above needs to happen without executives worrying that the information they reviewed or the annotations they’ve made will leak by accident. Security promotes more in-depth involvement from directors who don’t want their notes compromised. To allow board members to give their feedback in the most secure way, make sure there’s a well-defined collection mechanism in the solution you’re looking for.

4. How can you stress the importance of such a platform for your organisation? When executives and board members work better, the organisation benefits. However, as in all things, there’s initial resistance to change, even if everyone knows the benefits. That’s why it’s important to get them on board early in the process and make sure that everyone understands:

• What are the reasons that led to choosing a platform to manage board meetings?

• How can digitisation provide added value to both meeting organisers, board members and executives?

• How this contributes to the continued improvement of your processes as an organisation?

• Who should be involved in the integration of the new platform in your organisation? As a second step, before communicating the need to a new organisational tool internally, it is crucial to define specific objectives the organisation aims to achieve during meetings to makes sure you reach them.

5. Are you able to test the platform before you commit to it? Every organisation has unique structures, needs and workflows. Your chosen board portal software must be able to answer all of them and provide flexibility, without demanding a custom solution. To help you find which one is right for your organisation, board portals offer trials or demos that demonstrate how the product behaves in your organisational environment or a similar one via a demo. 17

6. Do you have any security concerns before committing to the platform? During the demo or trial, you’ll have to check the different sets of security-related features. These will make sure that your organisation is not vulnerable to security and cybersecurity breaches via its digital meeting management tool. You’ll need to ask yourself:

• Do they use a 2-factor-authentication process when users are login in?• Do they support other 2-factor-authentication methods, apart from well-

known but outdated SMS tokens?• Are they compliant with best practice industry standards (e.g. ISO 27001)?• Are they compliant with applicable privacy regulation (e.g. GDPR)?• What type of encryption are they using for data at rest (e.g. stored on a hard

drive) and how secure is it?• What type of encryption are they using for data in transit (e.g. being sent

from a server to a device) and how strong is it?• Where is the data stored and processed (location of the data centre(s) and

the provider)?• Are they subjected to rigorous third-party auditing?• Do they conduct regular penetration-tests?

7. How is governance managed on the platform? You need to make sure that the solution you’re interested in respects governance and compliance regulations. When governance is applied within the product correctly, the organisation, and its executive and non-executive directors, will be able to make informed, relevant, timely and adequately documented decisions to achieve the company’s vision while implementing its strategy.

8. Can executives and board members work on their annotations offline? Board members and executives are frequently on business trips, travelling via aeroplanes or trains, methods of transportation that don’t usually have Wi-Fi on them. That’s why they have to have access to important documents at any point in time, even when offline. The right board portal should provide the ability to make annotations and review documents at all times.

9. Does the platform provide the ability to access historical data? Having access to historical meeting agendas and documents that include:

• Past decisions.• Development of projects over time.• And minutes from previous years. 18

Allows board administrators to save up to 50% of the time they spend on setting up the agenda16, with the help of industry-specific agenda templates, adapted to the regular quarterly meetings. This increase can be brought up to 80% when they’re able to duplicate quarterly meetings from previous years, adjusting them to the current year’s agenda.

10. Does the board portal have an intuitive user interface? Since the board portal will be used by senior management, its interface needs to provide a smooth experience for all users. Most executives and board members worked for years with outdated methods that were mostly paper-based, that’s why the transition to a digital tool should be as smooth as possible. An easy to use and intuitive user interface (UI) usually does the job.

Companies are becoming fully digitised with the aid of SaaS (software as a service) tools, and the effects on meetings are undeniable.

"A noticeable increase in efficiency of preparation and conduction of meetings."

- Peter Quadri, Member of multiple boards and IBM Switzerland former CEO, about Sherpany.

Board portals are making meetings more:

Time effective: secretaries are more efficient by compiling and updating meetings in a digitised environment where everyone is instantly reachable, saving time for themselves and streamlining tasks, both on their own to do list, and on his or her board members or executives list.

Secure: the risk of data leakage is reduced considerably due to the digitised environment and lack of printed materials.

Cost effective: reducing the cost per meeting by preventing from executives, board members and meeting organisers to waste time on document searches, and allowing them to work whenever it’s convenient for them, in addition to saving funds on printing materials. 19

Run a meeting culture that focuses on productivity, security and cost-efficiency

Sherpany answers all your business meeting management needs while offering an intuitive and secure executive and board portal solution for your leadership suite.

1. It supports the meeting preparation by:

• Increasing productivity before the meeting: ∙ Organising all the documents in one place. ∙ Allowing you to clone previous meetings. ∙ Using a ready-to-use tailored agenda templates. ∙ Uploading files quickly via a drag and drop interface. ∙ Distributing documents immediately and with ease. ∙ Allowing board members to make notes on their documents quickly,

while using free time slots to prepare better.

• Reducing costs: ∙ Saving time on searching documents, printing and updating them. ∙ Creating agendas is streamlined by duplicating and modifying previous

quarter meeting agendas. ∙ Removing the necessity to print documents each time there’s a need for

an update. ∙ Providing an automatic and editable boardbook generation.

• Minimising IT security risks: ∙ Supporting executives and board members work remotely. ∙ The system uses both SMS or sound-based identification for increased

security. ∙ Governance is handled autonomously and precisely, allowing board

members to review agendas and materials before the meeting securely. 20

2. It supports attendees during the meetings by offering:

• Last minute document updates.• Draws attention to and highlights relevant information on documents during

presentations.• Electronic and digital Circular Resolution for supporting decision-making.• Real-time view of past decisions.• Easy-to-follow presenter view

3. It supports everyone after the meeting by offering:

• The means to send the meeting minutes to attendees.• Review of past meetings.• Automated archive of all documents.• Add Multiple mandates in one single App.

With Sherpany, administrators can

• Increase productivity.• Secure information management.• And make meetings more time-efficient & cost-effective.

With Sherpany, board members and executives can

• Work in a secure environment.• On an easy-to-use software.• With quick access to the right data/information.• While getting notifications about updated meeting materials, on time. 21

"Useful in any respect - our experience with Sherpany Boardroom is excellent."

- Andreas Schmid, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Zürich Airport, Helvetica Capital, and Holding AG, about Sherpany.

Try Sherpany

After you integrate Sherpany into your organisation, your meetings will cost less, they will be highly secure, and you’ll save up to 80% of the total meeting preparation time. In addition, you’ll benefit from meetings that are fully compliant with all corporate governance regulations.

Sherpany makes it possible, and takes your entire organisational meeting culture to the next level, transforming your meetings from time wasters to value creators.

Optimise your meeting management processes & reduce your meeting preparation time to run productive, secure and cost-effective executive and board meetings! 22

Links and resources

1. Stop the Meeting Madness - HBR, July 2018.

2. Best Practices in Email, Web and Social Media Security - Osterman Research.

3. Study Exposes Employee Negligence as Top Information Security Risk to U.S. Businesses

- Security Magazine, June 2018.

4. In a Leaked Memo, Apple Warns Employees to Stop Leaking Information - Bloomberg, April 2018.

5. Organising & Time Management Statistics - Simply Productive, March 2013.

6. Improving board governance McKinsey global survey results - McKinsey.

7. Common Communication Mistakes To Avoid As A Board Of Directors - Forbes, January 2018.

8. Why email hasn’t killed the fax - InfoWorld, April 2016.

9. What You Need to Know about Ransomware Attacks and Office 365 - Spannin, April 2018.

10. Why Exchange Online Protection didn’t block this virus and what can I do? - TechNet, September


11. How secure are Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive and Apple iCloud cloud storage

services? - Alper, May 2016.

12. 2017 U.S. State of Cybercrime Survey - IDG Communication Inc, 2017.

13. Three Issues That Will Keep Corporate Directors On Their Toes In 2018 - Board Member, January


14. Cybersecurity - State of the union 2017.

15. Global Board Portal Market: Trends & Opportunities (2016 Edition)

16. How can a board portal help you with the annual agenda? - Sherpany’s Blog, November 2016.