Post on 01-Sep-2019

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- your truth shall set you free-

Table of Contents - Chapter Headlines 1: The Reason 2: Why Does Fragmentation Happen?

3: The InnerScape Quest

4: Beyond Belief

5: You Have The Power

6: The Laws of the Mind

7: Flip Em!

8: What does being Happy Mean To You?

9: Mirror, Mirror on The Wall

10: Life Areas

11: Zip IT!

12: The Cherry Blossom Experiment

13: My Body and Me

14: The InnerScape Quest Survey

15: Make Friends, Make Friends

16: Managing Difficult Feelings

17: Is it even Yours?

18: My top 5 Sensory Saves for you Empaths out there


20: Decisions Decisions

21: Your Number One Limiting Belief

22: We’re all just Junkies Man!

23: The Law of Attraction

24: “Yes, Thank You”

25: The Self Hate Tape

26: The Spin Doctor

27: Reasons to Be Grateful

28: The Visioneers 7 Steps to Change

29: Grounding

30: Your Vision Board

31: The Pattern Recognition System

32: Wish List

33: Unhappiness

34: Visioneering

35: Fuck Society’s Idea of Success

36: Food For Thought

37: Defrag me baby

38: Letting Go

39: Trisha’s Top 7 habits for a Happier Life

40: The Ultimate Mind Hack


When I first embarked on my path of self-recovery I could never have

imagined that I would be sitting here, at my beautiful desk overlooking

the Wye Valley writing this. No way! You see, when that tiny question

rolled around my head and bounced off the inside of my mind, I had no

idea it would become the biggest catalyst of my life. That question was

to be the first of many such questions that quite literally changed the

course of my life, FOREVER!

So, I suppose the first person I need to thank is the man that put me in

that position. There was almost nothing left. My life force had been sys-

tematically beaten out of me on all levels. The sound of the blood as it

came gushing in brought this one tiny question, like a surfer crashing to

the shore. “There has to be something more to life than this?”.

On retrospect, it implied that I was now willing to see that my life was

mine and in my own control, well, what was left of it and it was down to

me and me alone to do something about it. As this one question grew in

strength it whipped up an energy within me that got me up and out of

that front door. That 4ft of carpet was the longest trek of my life.

When you believe you are nothing and have nothing you don’t expect

very much and so, you don’t get very much but, on this day I walked

straight into the 2nd man I need to thank. I have no idea of his name

and indeed our meeting lasted no more than an hour, but he filled me up

and reconnected me with a part of myself who simply couldn’t handle

the abuse and had fallen asleep under the roots of an enormous

Metaphorical Oak Tree. He walked straight up to me as I stumbled

blindly up the hill. His piercing blue eyes were so gently I cried. He took

my elbow and helped me up a drive to an enormous looking house and

sat me down. And I cried. And I cried. Just when I thought we were all

going to drown in a room filled with tears he set to work. He laid his

hands a few inches above my shoulders and this golden energy came

flooding in through my battered right side of my face. I could feel my

Soul filling up! I’d been cracked open so much that the light could finally

come flooding in! I just accepted and received and woke from my deep,

deep sleep. The man with no name, the man with piercing blue eyes,

set me on, I now know, a journey of a lifetime. Thank you, man!

The 3rd man I need to thank is no longer walking this 3-dimensional

daydream. He graduated with flying colours and is now kicking up the

StAr Dust as the Inter-dimensional Time Traveller he always was. We

are still deeply connected and helps me to this day, but I miss his hugs!

This man truly enabled me. Truly loved me for me. My Soul brother and

Father of our unborn daughter, Grace. Labyrinth Love. G-StAr. Blessed


May the 4th be with you! Well, you would be very lucky if he was. Thank

you Rob, my darling man. You’re simply the BEST, better than all the

rest! It’s hard to say that last line without that famous tune eh! Without

you, this book and all The Happiness Hacker’s Guides simply wouldn’t

be. The house would be a mess and the children starving! So BIG UP

the Robbie! I Love you to the Moon and back!

Pamela Saunders, You are a Genius. Thank you for teaching me and

encouraging me to shine! Without you giving me all my training, none of

the healing I’ve been able to facilitate would have happened! You, sweet

lady, are a true gift from the gods.

Seaner, without you and your eagle eye, this would have been a dyslex-

ic nightmare! You’re the BEST and I Love you with all of my heart! Thank

you, Thank you, Thank you x

My lads! Lohkii and Jai, what can I say! We’ve been through it all and

we’ve come up trumps! I am so grateful you choose me to be your mum.

You two are the BEST sons in the whole wide world. Let’s do it all again

next time!

My biggest thanks have to go to my wee Morgy because without you

darling girl none of this would have happened. As you came into this

world you birthed all of this inspiration and energy and all I had to do

was just put it out there! Thank you for your gung-ho attitude and your

deep love.

My Mum & Dad! Always there no matter what! I choose well! Thank you.

I’m sure I could go on all day and all night with the people that have

helped me become who I am today. Surface to say, you all know who

you are! Thank you x


Hi Trish, 

I thought you may like to know. This is what I wrote

in the workbook.


My perfect egg meets healthy sperm and baby holds for

9 months.

I am full of positive energy

I have 3 healthy happy kids

My eggs are healthy

I get pregnant easily

I carry 3 pregnancies and give birth to healthy, hap-

py children

My eggs are wonderful and healthy

I am a great mother

I deserve to have children

I forgive myself for all that has happened in the


Many women have babies in their 40s

Any barriers to carrying a healthy baby have disap-


Every day is wonderful and an adventure

I am open and grateful to receive

Life is amazing

I see and take every opportunity to enhance my life

We live on farm/small holding of our dreams, perfect

for our business

It is a positive family home and business.

I forgot to mention that we had been gazumped on a

farm before I did the workbook and vision board and

the weird thing was that I wasn't sure it was right

for us anyway so I kept  a picture of it off the vi-

sion board.  Anyway a couple of weeks later I just

put the picture in front of the board and that day we

had a call from the estate agents saying that the

deal had fallen through and we could buy it if we

wanted.  So we now own the farm which is a huge reno-

vation project but a great challenge.  The good thing

is we have no time limit on getting it finished so no

stress.  Baby due 2nd Feb although I have a strong

feeling it's coming early, or maybe that's wishful


“After years of desperation, living with the effects of cancer treatments

and years of visiting doctors, consultants and therapists. Nothing

seemed to be getting better and I was starting to believe this was how I

was going to live the rest of my life. Until I had an Energy InnerScape

Quest with Patricia Maddalena. I wasn't sure what to expect. Patricia

guided me through the session and helped me to use my own energy

to heal myself. The results were amazing. The process was surprising, it

has changed the way I feel about myself and my particular problems. I

feel like I can now go forward in my life. It is the start of a new and great

beginning. Thank you, Patricia.”

“Going on The Happiness Hacker's Guide to a Happy Life Kitchen Table

Weekender was a life changer for me. I came out revitalised and super positive

about all aspects of my life and with the skills to maintain it! Trish is amazing!

She's intuitive, positive, sensitive, tooled up and very funny - the perfect com-


"Trish, is one of the warmest, most passionate, down-to-earth women

that I know, working to help as many families as she can by helping

women free themselves of self-sabotage and limiting beliefs. Her

ebooks, online workshops and videos offer super affordable ways for

just about anyone to access life transforming tools.”

"Your plain, upfront, no messing talk has helped me see and under-

stand, that I do have the answers within. You have helped simplify and

ground feelings that at times felt too massive; you have supported me

to feel that change is attainable and recognisable, and worthy of har-

nessing and celebrating. You have an amazing ability to 'normalise'

emotions which bring them back under control. I thank you.”

“Just wanted to say I have this feeling of absolute joy just lying next to my

daughter, they are none of the usual feelings of anxiety or fear, just a sense of

joy in my chest! I'm feeling so empowered and grounded and centred after the

session today. I'm so grateful, thank you! Crazy how much has changed from

how I was earlier.”

“It is really brilliant and VERY clever what you have

done. I am really resonating with it and very grate-

ful for the work you have put into creating these

workbooks. No, really, I am blown away by it! I did

the meditation in the finance area of my life. Al-

though the lottery ticket in my purse did not turn

out to be the winner it didn't matter and I can imme-

diately feel the cells in my body responding differ-

ently when my brain goes to think about money. It’s

fantastic! It's so great what you are doing, finally

making a user-friendly version of the Secret, really

it's so important.”

The Reason

There is one reason and one reason only why we keep repeating the same dys-

functional behaviour in our lives and our relationships, why we keep attracting

the wrong kind of people and why we systematically close ourselves down to

Love. It is the same reason that has us bouncing from counsellor to counsellor

and devouring every self-help book that there is. It is even responsible for that

deep dissatisfaction we can feel when we have it all! This one reason, once you

have addressed it, will heal and change everything, and that reason is a Discon-

nection to Self.

Actually, it is a series of disconnections to self. As we embark on this journey

of Life we start to abandon little parts of ourselves in order to please or appease

another, to protect ourselves. When this happens the skill or strength of char-

acter that makes you-you gets hidden away, never to be shared with the world

again, such as trust, courage and self-belief. The very act of not living our truth

and following our deep knowing creates feelings of Separation, of Loneliness

and Disconnection and as children, we will do anything and everything to try

and reconnect with ourselves and the significant grown ups in our lives, who

invariably are suffering fragmentation themselves.

And so the cycle goes, tumbling through generation after generation, reinforc-

ing belief structures and behaviours, imprinting upon our lives without judge-

ment and without fail.

Slowly over time a deep emptiness inside grows. And it hurts. We desperately

try to avoid it by filling it up, throwing as many experiences as we can into it.

Relationships, drama’s, drinking, drugs, bad sex, crap T.V, gambling, dieting,

eating. It’s all consuming. But no matter what we do it’s never satisfied, it never

feels truly content, it simply never fills up.

We trundle on until we get the opportunity to stop and take stock of where we

are and where we really want to be and it’s then, when we start to ask the right

questions, that the right answers magically come our way.

For me, that opportunity was hitting rock bottom and then free falling some

more and then just when I thought I couldn’t be cracked open anymore I rolled

to the edge and fell some more.

It was then, as I settled into that deep void of silky nothingness that I heard a

tiny voice in the darkness say, “there has to be more to life than this.” That

faint whisper of resolution to find ‘something more’ echoed silently through the

whisper that was left.

Like a spider weaving a web, that urge to find more, to find meaning, to find

me, gathered momentum, speed, and wrapped its curiosity around my Soul and

helped me crawl the 4ft to my front door.

It was the longest journey of my life.

As I stumbled into the light, I knew deep within my heart that I was not going

back, I was firmly on my path and all I had to do was to keep asking questions

and allowing the answers. And that is all I have done. For 19 years I have

asked and the answers have come, unfolding themselves and fitting together

like a multi-dimensional jigsaw puzzle and now, well now it is time to share it

all with you.

Why Does Fragmentation Happen?

When we have a 'PEAK' experience a part of our Self, our Soul our Life

Force can fragment off, remaining ‘Stuck’ in the moment. Ever witness some-

one having a tantrum like a 3-year-old even though they are an adult and ought

to know better?


Someone stropping about like a 14-year old in sabotage mode even though they

are actually 52?


Shutting down to loved ones & emotionally manipulating them because of

something they did or didn’t do?


Behaving in any number of dysfunctional patterns that your adult self-knows

isn’t going to get you anywhere but no matter what you do, no matter how

many counselling sessions you have or workshops you attend nothing seems to


These ‘Peak’ experiences can be a good or bad.

Ever hear someone say, “I had such a lovely time I left my heart there,” well,

they probably did. Or someone recants a shocking experience by saying “I lit-

erally jumped straight out of my body”. They most probably had.

Disconnecting from the Self is a Safety Mechanism that keeps us alive and safe

from the full impact of a Trauma. It’s working in our favour!

Any event that causes shock can cause part of the Self to retreat to a 'safe' place,

protecting themselves from that kind of event from happening again.

Although all that actually happens is the person grows and becomes an adult

and either attracts more of the same kind of experience or shuts down complete-

ly to life in fear of attracting that kind of experience again.

Neither scenario is beneficial or loving.

I had this client who came to me because he wanted a phobia cure. He needed

to get on a plane for his daughter’s wedding. So, I could have done a phobia

cure with him, I could have tinkered a few things, done a few swishes altered

the content of some memories and he would have gotten on the plane and had

his amazing time with his daughter, but all that would have done is meant that

he could get on a plane. As far as I’m concerned it’s only the tip of the ice-burg.

Instead, we went on an InnerScape Quest and low-and-behold we find a seven-

year-old frozen in time, stuck in terror at the top of a roller coaster ride. My

client connected with him and helped him come back to the ground, to safety

and reintegrate him. Now, not only can he get on aeroplanes, he reports that he

is now handling his high profile job so much better. The panic attacks and feel-

ings of being our of control and out of his depth are no longer happening. The

full on anxiety he was experiencing has resolved. A marvellous ‘side effect’ to

simply wanting a phobia cure!

The negative, extreme ways we behave, how we think, what we feel can be di-

rectly attributed to the Fragmented Parts of our Soul signalling to us in the only

way they know how, through outdated modes of protection.

When the lost part is triggered, they act out the ways of protection they used in

the moment of separation and doesn’t have a clue that life has moved on, you

have aged and that particular trauma has passed and it is safe to return.

Seldom will part of your Soul return unguided.

Another client came to me as he was suffering from narcolepsy. It came and

went throughout his adult life but recently he was under a lot of stress and it

was happening too regularly. It brought up an old feeling in him of not wanting

to be here, of not really being here, of wanting to go home, go back. We found

the gateway in and travelled across his Inner Landscape, all the way back to the

moment he was born. Back in the early 60’s the midwife didn’t have much

hope for him as he was born a blue baby. His Mum was kept away from him

and he was put into a special tank. As he sat in my armchair he witnessed the

nurse putting an itchy grey blanket over the baby that no-one believed would

make it, and the man in front of me wept. “That’s the feeling, the feeling that

comes over me just before I go under, it’s grey and heavy and itchy”. He starts

to understand that the baby had to conserve his energy and so in order to sur-

vive the baby turns everything right down to allow his body to do whatever it

needed to in order to survive. This realisation alone was priceless. Then this

man looks up with closed eyes, towards his left. The light he described was the

light from his very Soul, waiting to see if he was going to incarnate or not.

Without any guidance from me, this brute of a man guides himself down and

into the body of the sleeping baby. He takes the grey blanket off and throws it

away. He picks the baby up and whispers sweet nothings in his ear. He then

takes the baby to his Mum who he finds weeping her heart out. Deep, deep for-

giveness wells up and holds them and he cries. The golden energy of the baby

is drawn into the man’s heart and finds peace.

He hasn’t had a narcoleptic episode since.

Lifetimes can go by, generation after generation can hand down the inheritance

of fragmented Souls hiding in protection, living out various patterns such as

fear, an inability to trust, feelings of shame, lack of self-worth, over-eating,

smoking, living in poverty and addictions of every kind.

Once these fragmented parts are found, recognised and released deep within our

cellular memory, we are free and our children are free to truly live the reasons

why we came to this beautiful planet.

Scientists are now able to identify biological markers, evidence that traumas

can and do pass down from one generation to the next.

Tragedies such as abandonment, suicide and war, can send shock waves down

through the ancestral line. Recent developments in the fields of cellular biology,

neurobiology & epigenetics reveal the importance of exploring at least three

generations of family history in order to understand the patterns of trauma and

suffering that can show itself in people’s lives day to day. Although I would say,

more like nine.

These parts of your Soul, these disconnected parts of your Self that have been

abandoned over the years are a certain age, are in a particular

environment, wearing particular clothes & have been looking after something

very valuable, very important for you all this time.

They want to be found and will always reintegrate with you and mature up to

the Here and Now bringing with them the Strength, Ability and Life Force they

have been keeping safe all these years, finally giving you direct access to them.

Their Soul Energy and the Energy of what they’ve been protecting will come

from a particular place within them, be a certain colour and will be drawn to

and recognise where to go in you.

All you have to do is welcome them in, welcome them home, and all those lay-

ers of protection, all those negative blocks and dysfunctional behaviour, that

self-hate tape that plays in your head and all those addictions they have been re-

sponsible for will dissolve, as that Fragmented Soul, the Disconnected Part of

Your Self, that part of You-you abandoned in order to please or appease another

or to protect yourself reintegrates with you becoming part of YOU again.

Bringing you a deep sense of Wholeness.

Our own birth has a direct influence in how we live our lives.

Throughout the gestation period and birthing process and the first 7 years of

life, we form our core belief structures about ourselves, and the world around.

By going back to our own birth and Recognising, Respecting and Releasing we

can literally rewrite our neural net, our programming, thus changing our experi-

ence of life.

I've worked with people who remember exactly what the DR, Health Care Pro-

fessionals & family members said to them and about them as they were

birthing, and in the first few years of their lives. "He's a stubborn one" and "He

so late" "She doesn't want to be here" "She's trouble" "Look at her, she's so an-

gry at the world" 'She's a fussy eater" "He's so demanding" "He's ravenous all

the time" 'She's so lazy" "She's so naughty" "He's such a pain" "He's relentless

he never gives up" "She's disgusting" "He'll be the death of me" were some of

their core beliefs that shaped their life experience.

I know how my own birth story directly influenced how I birthed my children

& has influenced my life. I was due at the same time as my cousin, who lived

up the road. She was born with the cord wrapped around her neck and didn't

ever take her first breath. As such, I was engulfed with wave upon wave of

grief, panic and fear. As these emotions coursed through my mum's body, I

soaked them up. A very real fear that I could die as I was being born nestled

into every one of my cells. That life and death were tied together and that at

any moment the unexpected could happen. To be pregnant and to birth were

like walking the Life-Death tight rope, a Game of Chance where Trust took a

back seat, & Life wasn't a safe place, there were no guarantees. A disconnection

between me and my mum set in, as she focused on my Aunty and her emotional

needs. It was Relief that rippled through my household and an inwardly ex-

pressed celebration when I was born, to respect my Aunty and her daughter that

was taken from her. Sad times indeed.

So, when it was my turn to birth my son, I dreamt of horrid situations where he

was "taken from me" in all its variations. It's also an Irish term for when some-

one dies & would have been said a lot when my wee cuz didn't come with me.

Over and over I would dream these dreams, not realising I was trying to help

myself heal from this all mighty wound. Off course I didn't have any of the

tools I have now and so when the time came, I couldn't let my son out and birth

him into this world where he could be taken from me and as a result he was

taken from me by Caesarean Section. As all three of my children have.

Using my tools I've healed this wound and gone right back and held my young

mum in her panic, grief and fear. I showed her just how well she does in deliv-

ering me into this world and that she can trust and know I am safe and go on to

live an extraordinary & wonderful life. I've travelled back into my mum's

womb and held my baby self, whispered all that she needed to hear and feel and

know and rebirth her in all her shining glory! For she Matters, She is Safe, She

is Loved, The World is Full of Wonder, She deserves to Live and Be Here, Life

is Good, it's o.k. and important to focus on herself and her needs, she is Worthy

and Valid and that she can Trust.

I've changed my Whole Life Experience by doing this, and I know I've altered

my daughter's blueprint to birth too!

I am now a LushTums Pregnancy and post Natal Yoga Teacher which will have

a huge influence in how Women birth their babies and how those babies will go

on to live their lives. I can't express just how much this excites me to be able to

catch women at this point in their journey, way before the crisis and trauma oc-

curs and way before they sit in front of me with Postnatal Depression or PTSD.

To enable them to make conscious birthing choices to teach them how to stay

connected even if the shit hits the fan is one of the greatest gifts I can bring to

this planet!

Fusing the Lushtums Method with the InnerScape Quest, women expand their

knowledge of Birth, grow in awareness of their own body and the different

breathing techniques that will help them birth their babies. Throughout their

practice they connect in with themselves and their babies, growing in confi-

dence to listen to that inner Voice, that Mother's Instinct and, be able to act on it

without question when the time comes. Growing the bond with their baby, in

this day and age where most babies have to take a back seat while mum works,

raises her other children and runs a house is Paramount for a healthy birth,

healthy baby & healthy mum physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Working with women in this way who are about to birth gives them a unique

opportunity to heal in a loving & safe environment. Doing this work with them

totally changes how they then go on to live their lives and parent, which is just

HUGE as we as mums are raising the next generation!

I am so very Blessed and so very thankful & I LOVE MY WORK & the Huge

Impact it has on Women's Lives and their families.

The InnerScape QuestAs I travel across a person’s Inner Landscape I look for, and work with, the

parts of the Self that are disconnected on the Physical, Mental, Emotional and

Spiritual Levels.

Physical Disconnection: At some point, many of us learn to disconnect from our bodies. Maybe through

trauma and pain, we choose to ignore our bodies and stay in our heads or even

jump outside of ourselves. Many will pile on the weight and others will starve

themselves in some hope of protection. Whatever the reason the pain of being

present and in our own bodies is too much. Many times Fragmentation can oc-

cur from things people say about us and to us, lot’s of the time its even what

they don’t say!

“Look how big she is!”

“Look how small he is!”

“She’s so greedy!”

“He’s useless at running, he’s always falling over”

“Finish your dinner, they're starving Children all over the world that would eat


“He’s so messy he’s like his Dad!”

“Useless Lump!”

“She’s so vain!”

Or, you overhear your mum and aunties complaining about their weight or dis-

cussing the next fad diet. Or in my case, it was handed down from Grandmoth-

er to Granddaughter. The fear of another Famine!

It can manifest in the kind of home we live in, the time we keep and how finan-

cially responsible we are.

Mental Disconnection: Being called “Stupid” in school and shamed can do it!

As can learning to Judge ourselves, becoming our own critic so we will always

do the right thing so ‘others’ will like us and approve of us. Seeking others ap-

proval to validate ourselves & to appease or please others regardless of what we

really want to do can cause huge inner conflict and lead to excessive worry,

anxiety, guilt and shame.

Emotional Disconnection: We have to handle BIG feelings in such small bodies when we are young! We

expect our children to be able to just cope with feelings that most of us adults

have a hard time processing. We were taught at a young age, usually from the

very people who ought to have been able to guide us through and teach us how

to handle these emotions to “Put a Lid On It” or “Push it down” to “Shut the

fuck up”. Our emotions were wrong, that we were TOO BIG for others to han-

dle and so we had to suppress them instead of safely expressing them.

Who's heard “Stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about!”

Us humans connect with our hearts and when we can't handle these BIG emo-

tions we jump as far away from them as possible.

Think of Someone you LOVE, someone you LOVE being with and hanging out

with or something you LOVE to do more than anything else in the whole world.

Notice where you feel that in your body.

Now, think of something you HATE doing. Absolutely HATE doing. Notice

where you feel that in your body.

When we are living our life from the point of resistance, from that place of neg-

ativity, we start to close down and to numb out. When we’re doing stuff we

don’t like, when we’re doing it with people that are toxic for us, when we are

not loving towards ourselves, others and the planet it affects our entire system.

From our ability to keep our bodies healthy, our minds sane and our hearts open

to being able to expand and grow creatively and spiritually. We stay stuck and

feel sad.

Spiritual Disconnection: When we feel separated from a true Spiritual Source or Practice. When we

close down and isolate ourselves from True Love and Connection with self.

When we stop believing in ourselves and our abilities and our place in the

world. When we decide not to pursue our Passion and Life Purpose and go for

the ‘safe’ option or what others want from us. How do we know when we are

disconnected? We feel it. And it feels crap. It feels stuck and heavy and con-

fusing and we simply can’t do what we want to do, what we as adults know we

ought to be able to do. When we are lacking in Spiritual Energy we desperately

try to fill up from the people around us, usually by causing arguments.

Again, take a moment and remember something you LOVE to do, above all

else. How does it make you feel? Where do you feel that in your body? Take a

moment and tune into it. What colour is it? Let that expand throughout your

body. Practice this one small hack whenever you feel this good and grow it.

Then, over time, when you feel crap you’ll be able to sense out that good feel-

ing in your body, sense that colour and then with pure conscious intention ex-

pand it throughout your very being!

If it feels good and you have the energy you are on the flow and fully connected

and aligned and anything other than that you have some disconnected part of

yourself signalling to you in the only way they know how.

Beyond Belief

Throughout our lives from the moment of conception, well, even before that,

till the moment we die, we are conditioned, fuelled by other people’s beliefs,

programs & dogmas.

We then respond, sometimes in rebellion to what we hate or dislike or we be-

come the very things we vowed we'd never be.

It's the see-saw of polarity.

Whether we become the opposite of our conditioning or the same, we are in re-

sponse to it.

That conditioning is still influencing you and your life.

But that conditioning is not YOU. You are separate from that. You are way

more than that.

Ever wonder what life would be like if you jumped off that see-saw?

Imagine achieving total liberation from your own conditioning. Who would you

be? What would you do? What wouldn't you do?

Imagine for one moment being WHOLE.

Imagine claiming all those separated parts of the self back.

Imagine being fuelled up with all of that Life Force.

I worked with a lady who travelled down her Maternal family line. She floated

in the corner of a room and witnessed her Granny and Grandpa holding the

space for their beautiful 3 years old as she went from this world to the next.

She went back several generations witnessing a similar scenario each time. She

finally arrived under an Oak Tree watching as young women grieving the loss

of her baby daughter.

With gentle guidance, they connected and spoke and she held the space for her

tears and heartbreak. She was drawn to a spot under the Oak tree and started to

move the leaves away and uncovered a ceramic pot. She opened it and found a

tiny white pebble. She gave it to the grieving women and she wept. She held it

to her heart and she could see a pure brilliance of white shining into her and

then it bounced back and straight into her heart. She soaked it up, let her in, let

them all in throughout her maternal line.

About two years later I received an email.

She found out that her Granny and Grandpa had lost a daughter, to Pneumonia.

She then went on to tell the story of her young son who was misdiagnosed

when she phoned the night Dr on duty. He seemed drunk and told her to give

the boy some Calpol and put him back to bed. If it wasn’t for a ten-minute

dream of the Granny she had never met shouting in her face “GO TO THE

HOSPITAL NOW” she would have lost her son to Pneumonia the same way as

her Granny had lost her daughter. Who, she finds out, was misdiagnosed as

well. Coincidence? Maybe, but I like to view this as her breaking that family

cycle once and for all.


The power to make, attract & manage your Life, investing in yourself, your

growth, nourishing your body, your mind and soul whilst contributing to people

and opportunities in the world around you.

We as women and mothers, men and fathers, lovers, husbands and wives have

this amazing opportunity to lead by example by living our life from a place of

deep connection from our PASSION and PURPOSE!

We live in an age where all the information and tools that we need are easily

accessible. We can choose to invest in the BEST of food, educate ourselves our

kids, grow in compassion and emotional intelligence.

The Conscious Evolution has reached tipping point. WE have reached Critical

Mass. Ignore what the media is trying to drip feed you. We have done it and we

will continue to raise consciousness on this planet in alignment with our StAr

Brothers and Sisters. Now is the time, if there ever was one, where the most

radical, extreme action one can make is by becoming FREE of inherited Dog-

mas, Belief Structures, programs & the 'out-thereness' that keeps us imprisoned

within the Mental Matrix of control!

Start now to Live from your Soul, Hear the Voice of your Heart, follow the path

that you were put here to do.

Become a self-sufficient, master craftsman of your own life. Your children will

copy you.

Remember we vote every day with our money & our time, so invest in your-

selves, grow consciously, keep learning, join community groups, raise funds,

choose Healthy, think global and act local, look after your body, the environ-

ment around you & teach our children by action.

My focus is on taking responsibility for my own life, my own behaviour, my

own family & my own community. I'm leading by example so my daughter &

sons may follow in my footsteps. Confident, Strong, Empowered & Loving In-

dividuals, who are super conscious & connected to their own purpose and pas-

sions, as I am mine.

With a Healthy Sense of Self and a good Awareness of what this world needs

right now, we can build a brighter and stronger future for our families and our


Now is the time to build the future and become the change we want to see.

Integrity, Honesty, Accountability & Transparency Starts at my Kitchen Table

& is spreading out like Wild Fire touching the Hearts & Minds of every other!

So, if like me, you find yourself at home, stuck at your own Kitchen Table,

know that you are part of a Massive Movement toward a better Future.

One we can all be proud of. One that starts with the knowing that we are all free

and can do and be anything we put our hearts and minds to. I'm an activist of

the highest order. I'm a Mum, an Auntie, a Sister, a Daughter! I have our future

sat around my kitchen table and most probably so do you.

Just imagine what the world would be like if the majority of the Wealth were in

the hands of the Artists, the Dreamers, the Doers, the Seekers, the Movers and

Shakers, the Nature Lovers, Star Gazers, Inspiring Creators, Wives, Sisters,

Aunties & Mothers, Fathers, Uncles, Sons & Brothers.

It is now time to reconnect with ourselves, becoming fully present and whole.

The Laws of the Mind

Turn Wishful Thinking Into An Acceptable Program within the Subconscious

Mind in under 20 mins.

Abraham Hicks says it takes 20, 30, 40 or even 50 days to rewrite your point of

attention to draw to you your new life experience! Meaning, you would have to

repeat your new affirmation or imagine your New Life Experience over & over

& over again for that many days in the hope that at some point it would drop

down and become unconscious competence!

Well, I don’t know about you, but with my life, my family, work & general

‘stuff’ I’d be lucky if I could keep that up for 3 days tops before I forgot, or life

would get in the way!

It would take a serious amount of willpower, time, energy & be effortful!


Do you want to know how to hack this process & drop it right into the subcon-

scious mind quickly, easily & effortlessly?

Course you do!

Right, well it’s UBER important to learn how to create a new belief, a new pro-

gram about yourself & your abilities that will work & not be empty words or

wishful thinking!

It is imperative that ALL new beliefs be POSITIVE and IN THE PRESENT


Under NO circumstance use the future tense like ‘going to’ ‘will’ ‘try’ ‘soon’

‘when’ ‘can’ as the Subconscious is literal and will give you just that! You will

be waiting till the cows come home.

You have THREE minds Conscious, Subconscious & Universal Consciousness.

The conscious mind is TIME bound!

It frets about the Past and gets all anxious about the Future and so TIME-

BASED Language is great if you want to talk to it. But we don’t!

We want to talk directly to the Subconscious so we can re-write the programs of

behaviour/beliefs about yourself & the world around you that are outdated, dys-

functional & getting you more of the same old same old!

So there are a few things you need to know.

The Subconscious is on the go 24-7. It NEVER sleeps. It runs EVERYTHING

without the conscious mind having to do anything at all.

The Subconscious is TIMELESS! It has no sense of TIME. It just IS.

So if you upload a Future Tense sentence it will literally give you the experi-


You will never experience the HAVING or DOING.

It’s like a MASSIVE library or hard drive, which stores absolutely EVERY-

THING that you have EVER experienced without judgement and without fail!

It will throw up any thought, feeling or memory at a drop of a hat when trig-


Every moan, groan, criticism & fear, every compliment, praise, optimistic opin-

ion that you think, feel and say, are the very fabric that holds your life experi-

ence in place.

They are your programs, your beliefs, your dogmas!

Start to take notice of them because these are the KEYS to your FREEDOM!

Rewriting the negatives for the Opposite, the Positive, the Present Tense will

create a neural net (yes imagine a net) that will support you to create your

Dream Life!

Meaning new, empowered, positive programs, when triggered, will effortlessly

start to run, triggering the emotional cortex which will fire out the good, posi-

tive, joyful, excited, happy feelings, vibrating out into the Universe which will

respond accordingly!

Opening your eyes, ears & heart to the kind of life you deserve freeing you up


If you want to reprogram the hard drive of your mind you have to speak da lin-

go, man!



Frame everything you say as if you have it NOW!

Even if it’s so very, very, very far away from the truth!


Remember, there is no judgement from the subconscious.

Which is why we can think, feel, say & attract really dysfunctional, victim

consciousness/behaviour into our lives over & over again.

The Subconscious will just file the NEW EMPOWERED BELIEF away in the

library of your mind & when it’s triggered that’s what you will start to see, hear,

feel & experience.

Flip Em!

“No matter how hard I try I can’t keep this weight off”

flip em

“When it shifts I’m going to feel great”

(future tense language)

flip it to

‘Any excess weight drops off effortlessly & stays off”

“I feel great exactly as I am”


“I’m so stupid!”

flip em

“I’m going to stop putting myself down”

(future tense language)

“I am a very intelligent human being”


“I just can’t stop myself from eating crap in the evenings!”

“Once I’ve done a good shop then I will have different foods to choose”

(future tense language)

“I feed my body with good wholesome foods”

(Present Tense Language)

“I LOVE choosing and eating Food that Nourishes me and my body!”


Imagine each Life Area that you are working with is an actual net that holds

that Life experience in place & now imagine each sentence makes up one strand

of that net.

The more Positive, Present Tense strands you can create, the stronger & bigger

the net will be that will support your New Life Experience & will bridge the

gap between the Life you have now and the Life you desire.

The more positive present tense strands to the Health, Wealth, Love and Happi-

ness net you can create the better, the stronger that neural net will be to support

you in creating a nourishing and healthy lifestyle!

Really go through your new beliefs/programs with a fine tooth comb to make

sure you have only used PRESENT TENSE Language.

This process is simple.

The challenge is committing to the work that needs to be done.

For every moan, groan, criticism, fear & judgement around any particular

life area, that you hold, and indeed you perceive others to hold about you,

needs to be flipped and then located through time and space, reintegrated

with and bringing all of your Life Force back to the Here and Now.

What does being HAPPY mean to you?

-Draw a Mind Map- List all the people, situations and experiences that make or

could make you Happy.


C’mon, Spill the Beans… What could STOP you from doing all of that?

All your Moans & Groans, Criticism & Fears go here…

Chunk all those Moans ’n’ Groans right up to get that

Number One Limiting Belief by asking yourself,

“What would have to be True for all of that to be True?”

Use this Core Limiting Belief in the InnerScape Quest!

With this in mind, go on the Quest, use the MP3 in The Happiness Hacking

Bootcamp or jump aboard the monthly Facebook Live Group Quest, and find

the Part of You that was abandoned through time ’n’ space & reconnect & inte-

grate with them, dissolving all that negative behaviour they are currently re-

sponsible for.

FLIP EM! Flip each moan, groan criticism & fear by asking,

“What would you rather think, feel, have?”


Think Opposite & Positive & Present Tense as if you own them

ZIP IT!Have a good look at your list

If you could wrap all of that up with

ONE Positive Core Belief what would it be?

Ask yourself:

(“What would have to be True for ALL of those New Beliefs to be True?”)

Put this into a Positive, Present Tense Sentence as if you already believe it and

own it & Upload it using The Ultimate Mind Hack at the back of this book, or

bounce over to for your


Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

As within, so without. As without, so within.”

Based on The Kybalion

When you feel crap and have a negative response to something or someone it is

usually because:

Either you notice something in someone else that you have denied


You notice something in someone else that you deny in yourself.

You are thwarted in achieving something you want.

Or it’s a trigger from the past.

The mirror has a positive side too, what you like in others, tells you what you

like in yourself!

So, all of the above can cause positive and negative emotion. Anger or compas-

sion, envy or admiration. But remember, this is only a message. It is how you

respond that counts!

When you are angry with someone else, let’s take messy children as an exam-

ple, there are three different internal causes:

You are angry because you are messy yourself (and you deny this knowledge),

You deny yourself the luxury of being messy

You are angry because you are thwarted in achieving something

you want. (a house that remains clean and tidy for longer than 20 minutes)

A “trigger” is the fourth cause of anger, unhappiness, frustration

etc. To respond automatically when something happens. This is a learnt re-

sponse, normally from childhood. Remember, we can and do create new ones

as we navigate through life and these Hacks found in my workbooks help you

quickly and efficiently do this!

At the time a trigger is created it’s normally because of one of the above three

causes. So, anger is an adult temper tantrum, hidden by a veneer of right-


Mostly, emotions experienced in the now, are the past projections from others,

triggered by present environments. So by addressing the past, eventually only

present projections will happen, and you can then use the emotion as a cue for

right action.

An empowering belief to have is that when you are cross with someone it is

simply a message. A message to understand and Re-integrate a part of you! Ac-

ceptance notices things without judgment. Acceptance is different to “condon-

ing” behaviour.

A useful belief is that all behaviours have positive intentions. Sometimes deep

down, but eventually they do have a positive intention. When this is used with

the realisation that we have learnt our behaviours in childhood without really

knowing what we were doing, acceptance comes more easily.

To change our behaviour, it is required to understand its purpose. By satisfying

its purpose in other ways, our habits change,


Life Areas!On a scale of 1-10 how happy are


add any of your own!




Career /10

‘ME’ Time


Spir-itual /10

Health & Fitness

/10 Creativity /10

Love Rela-tionships


/10 Living Environ-


Pick the Life Area you are most drawn to.

When Money and Time are on your side, what would it take for it to be

10 outta 10? List all the things, situations and opportunities that could

Enhance that Area of Life.

C’mon, Spill the Beans…What could STOP you from doing/having all of that? List all those negative

one liners that whirl around your head & spill outta your mouth. ALL your

Moans & Groans, Criticisms & Judgements go here…

Chunk all those Moans ’n’ Groans right up to get that

Number One Limiting Belief by asking yourself,

“What would have to be True for all of that to be True?”

Use this Core Limiting Belief in the InnerScape Quest!

With this in mind, go on the Quest, use the MP3 in the Self-Study Course or

jump aboard the monthly Facebook Live Group Quest, and find the Part of You

that was abandoned through time ’n’ space & reconnect & integrate with them,

dissolving all that negative behaviour they are currently responsible for.

FLIP EM! Flip each moan, groan criticism & fear by asking,

“What would you rather think, feel, have?”

(FLIP IT ~ Think Opposite & Positive & Present Tense as if you own them)

ZIP IT!Have a good look at your list

If you could wrap all of that up with

ONE Positive Core Belief what would it be?

Ask yourself:

(“What would have to be True for ALL of those New Beliefs to be True?”)

Put this into a Positive, Present Tense Sentence as if you already believe it and

own it & Upload it using The Ultimate Mind Hack at the back of this book, or

bounce over to for your



When you need to send someone a HUGE amount of information via email,

we don’t tend to attach one file after another, after another, to that email. In-

stead, to make it more efficient and quicker we compress the files into a small-

er, easier to manage file.

We ZIP them…

The ZIP FILE FORMAT has long been used to compress and archive data.

Suppose you illicit 50 detrimental beliefs, moans ’n’ groans, judgements ’n’

fears you have around money. Uploading each one of these will take an enor-

mous amount of time to do. By chunking some of them up and wrapping them

in that one core belief that you would have to have in order to experience all of

those smaller ones, is a way more efficient use of your time and energy.

Uploading the Zip File, that envelope or container that holds all of the smaller

ones is a Super Charged way of doing it.

Its like putting a massive pile of your summer clothes away in one of those bags

that you then compress and make smaller, suddenly what seems HUGE and is

totally spilling out all over the place is suddenly super-easy to manage, and is

stored away all neat and in order, marked SUMMER ready & waiting for it to

be opened & used the next time the sun comes out!

Of course, if you feel drawn to uploading individual beliefs then go with it.

It can help bridge the gap between where you are right now and where you

want to be.

These are your new positive present tense belief structures, & your new core

belief which will create a neural net that will support you seeing, hearing & do-

ing the kind of things that will bring to you the people, situations & opportuni-

ties that you want to experience!

Go on the InnerScape Quest and use your Core Limiting Belief and the feeling

it brings up in you, as the Emotional Gateway to locating the parts of you that

have been abandoned through time ’n’ space. Reintegrate with them, Upload-

ing ALL the Skills & Strengths they have been keeping safe for you, thus dis-

solving the Negative Behaviour you have been experiencing.

Then, Quantum Leap to that Future You who is currently living and embodying

all of those New Powerful Present Tense Beliefs and Download their Wisdom,

Skills and Strengths, indeed their Life Force, straight into the hard drive of your

mind and into every cell of your System using The Ultimate Mind Hack at the

back of this book. The Audio’s and Video’s of all my Mind Hack’s can be found

in the Self-Study Course that goes along with this book at

OH YEAH and when you hear yourself regurgitating the same ol’ neg verbal



Press that PAUSE button.

To flip thoughts from Negative to Positive ask;

“What would I rather have?” or

“What do I want to think~feel~experience?” or

“What needs to happen for that to happen?”

When you ask these questions of yourself, Your Point of attention has to move.

It moves in the direction of what you DO want and so change starts to occur

and life responds accordingly!

When a ship changes course just 1 degree just LOOK at how far its course


Go back and pick another Life Area

Bounce over to my website

veals.html to grab this book in a FREE PDF Format. Print off the pages you

need and do the whole thing again. For the best results, I track all my Moans ’n’

Groans throughout my day using The Happiness HAcker’s Tracker and then

‘FLIP EM’ every evening & go on an InnerScape Quest.

Really unpack each Life Area and think about all the ways you are NOT Rising

in Love with Yourself, where you are NOT Happy, Mentally, Emotionally,

Physically & Spiritually and USE how this makes you feel as the Emotional

Gateway to finding the Part of YOU still holding on to outdated modes of pro-

tection. Then Quantum Leap to that Future YOU that has always had that

‘FLIPPED’ Positive Present Tense Belief Structure and download them into

your NOW.

Remember to ask the questions, of yourself every day, throughout your day,

every time you notice yourself moaning & groaning about yourself, your life,

your family & the world around & Flip em!

“What would I rather have?” “What would I rather think~feel~experience?” “What needs to happen for that to happen?”

Just doing this ONE Practice raises your Vibration! No matter how absurd

and out of your reality the new belief or affirmation seems, use it in The Ul-

timate Mind Hack Meditation with Intention Process and integrate with

that Quantum Self, that Future You that currently embodies all those Em-

powered, Positive Present Tense Beliefs.

Self Care Practice!

What nourishes & fills you up?

BIG ’n’ small put em here!

Now pen them in, write reminders on post-its, set reminders on your phone,

tell a friend, scribble it on your bathroom mirror, Upload them, but above all

DO THEM, because you, you are IMPORTANT & DESERVE them!


The Cherry Blossom Experiment

In this experiment, researchers taught a group of male mice pups to fear the

smell of cherry blossoms by associating the scent with mild foot shocks.

Two weeks later they bred with females. Those pups grew to adulthood having

never been exposed to the cherry blossom smell. Yet when these adult mice

suddenly were made to smell some cherry blossom they became anxious and


These mice were born with more cherry blossom detecting neurones in their

noses and more brain space devoted to blossom-smelling.

Neuroscientists at Emory University found that genetic markers were used to

transmit traumatic experiences across generations, leaving behind traces in the

behaviour in the anatomy of future pups!

This memory transmission extended out to over 6 generations!

What does that mean for the likes of You & Me? What has been passed down to

us through Epigenetic Inheritance? I believe we carry the impact of our ances-

tors experiences with famine, war, poverty and especially through Birth.

Let’s Dig Deep ’n’ Take That Leap

What were the Moans & Groans, Criticisms & Fears your family held about

Life and themselves when you were growing up...

FLIP EM! Flip each moan, groan criticism & fear by asking,

“What would you rather think, feel, have?”

(FLIP IT ~ Think Opposite & Positive & Present Tense as if you own them)

ZIP IT!Have a good look at your list

If you could wrap all of that up with

ONE Positive Core Belief what would it be?

Ask yourself:

(“What would have to be True for ALL of those New Beliefs to be True?”)

Put this into a Positive, Present Tense Sentence as if you already believe it and

own it & Upload it using The Ultimate Mind Hack at the back of this book, or

bounce over to for your



How we talk about ourselves out loud & in our heads, over years, starts to take

its toll on our gorgeous homes for this entire life journey.

As a very wise man once said,

“If I don’t look after my body I’ll have nowhere to live”

(87-year-old, homeless, Irish man)

Beauty & health really does come from within, and so to kick-start and enhance

your inner beauty, light & well-being to come radiating out and touching, not

only your life and your families but also the people around, indeed the

WORLD! (see I’m thinking BIG)

Check this dude out…

Dr Emoto. Bless his Soul. He Graduated from this Earth a few years ago now)

Dr Emoto did a load of groundbreaking experiments where he froze water and

wrote Negative and Positive statements on the jars. He then got his students to

look at & meditate with the frozen water every day & say things like,

“I hate you” or “You make me sick” to some, and, “I Love You” & “Thank

You” to others.

Then, with super-duper magnifiers, zoomed in and captured a Transformation

like no other! The crystallised images of the Hated were grotesque and ugly

whereas the LOVED up Frozen Water was BEAUTIFUL! Check them out on

You Tube!

BONKERS EH???!!!???? YEP!! And guess what? You’re just a big bag of wa-


When we insult ourselves, partners, children or others, we are changing the

very structure of our molecules and cells at the very deepest level and over time

it starts to show! We start to feel our hatred, our fear, our longing and it hurts.

The pain runs deep. In turn, we bestow the gift of self-loathing onto our chil-

dren who inherit their inner critic from us. And so, the cycle flows…

STOP doing it my gorgeous friends!!!

YOU are too Bloomin Beautiful & Gorgeous and Super Important!

When I learnt about this, I realised I just had to change the way I spoke about

myself, my body, the world. I couldn’t let my beautiful children inherit this.



I started small, coz I found talking to myself in a loving way really, really hard!

I felt stupid! I decided to start small with things I do every day, like moisturis-

ing my face & body.

Every time I moisturise I say, “I Love You” and yes, at first, it felt, well, wrong!

I’d focus on the things I liked and ignored all ‘those’ bits, until through this

gentle everyday practice, I could include my ‘mummy tummy’ my hips, my

arms, my hands and fingers.

All the parts I would criticise and judge became beautiful and part of ‘ME’.

I started to think about all the things my hands have and are doing for me.

I started to notice how gently they would clean a bleeding wound on my son's

knee, or how swiftly they could whip up a meal that nourishes the soul, or the

strength they have as I hold my daughter while she’s crying her heart out at get-

ting the wrong colour cup! (she’s 2, this stuff’s important at 2)

YES!! My hands are oh so much more than stubby, bent, freckly things dan-

gling on the end of my wrists. They protect, and love and smooth away life's

worries. They express ‘ME’ in a very Italian-Irish kinda way and are oh so cre-

ative with pen and brush! I LOVE MY HANDS!

And so my journey to reconnect with ALL the parts of my body I’ve hated for

many years began!

I now find any excuse to LOVE MYSELF UP A BIT MORE!!

And when I notice one of my son’s watching me taking in my mindful practice

of self-care & how he empathically expresses & questions & accepts & loves &

is clear & strong in communication & boundary making, I know his inheritance

is secure & that of my grandchildren to come.




“I AM…Two of the most POWERFUL words ever, ‘coz what comes after

it shapes your reality! When you’re being SUPER MEAN to

yourself - 60 seconds, GO…

FLIP EM! (Opposite & Positive & Present Tense & own them)

“I AM…


The InnerScape Quest Survey

On the next few pages draw an outline of yourself, your body. It doesn’t have to

be a Rembrandt! A Gingerbread Man Shape will do.

And then do an InnerScape Body Scan, shut your eyes and sense, see and feel

from the top of your head, all the way down your body, mapping out what

comes up, shows itself, signals to you. All thoughts, feelings, aches and pains.

Write, Draw or Represent the kind of feelings you have day to day, how you

feel about your body, what you think about yourself, how you talk about your-

self, how you view yourself on a daily basis and place it all on/in or around the

outline of your body. Get creative and get your felts out.

Once you have mapped everything out, take a moment and choose the one you

are most drawn to. Say hello and Thank it for showing itself to you and ask it if

it has a message for you? Thank it and write it down next to it and go on to the

next one. You could use The 7 Step Strategy for Managing Difficult Feelings

further along in this book. When you have finished, take a moment to reflect on

the information and realisations that may have come from this process & use

this Information in The InnerScape Quest Audio or send it to me and I will feed

it into the Monthly Facebook Live Group Quest. Join The Kitchen table FREE

Facebook group for more details. Then draw another Gingerbread Man/Repre-

sentation of Yourself and map out how you will be when all of those signals /

parts have fully integrated and are on board when You are in Optimum Health

& Vitality!

Draw an outline of your body and Write, Draw or Represent how you are Right Now

Draw an outline of your body and Write, Draw or Represent how you will be when all of that has been found and Reintegrated with YOU

“I feel ………………………………………………………………..

Make Friends, Make Friends “Today I am so grateful for the good relations I have with my Emotions!”

I’d like to take this opportunity and introduce the idea that any sensation or sig-

nal in your body or head could hold valuable information for you. Feelings of

exhaustion, anxiety, fear, aches & pains are trying to get your attention & will

continue to bug you, louder & louder & louder until you listen & act on what it

wants you to do! Most of the time it puts us on our ass cause we ignore the sig-

nals & don't listen to what our bodies are telling us and forces us to take time of

work or make that decision we’ve been putting of.

I now see these signals, these feelings, aches & pains as messengers coming to

my house and knocking my door, with important Information and Wisdom for

me! If I choose to sit scarred and not open the door, the messenger will just

simply keep knocking, getting LOUDER and LOUDER and LOUDER

and scarier and Scarier and SCARIER until I either get very ill, emo-

tionally, mentally or Physically and have to take notice. Learning to say,

“HELLO” and asking what it wants, what is it trying to tell you is a sure fire

way of managing these full power emotions, thoughts and physical manifesta-


Facing your fears with an open heart & listening & then acting on the guidance

they have within, will cut the crap & keep us Healthy and Happy!

This next little Recipe for Happiness is something I practice myself and with

my kids all the time and it helps. Big time. It helps them understand themselves,

their bodies, their emotions and above all it helps them be kinder to themselves

and their needs.

“It’s all about CONNECTiON not control”

~ me ~

7 Steps to Managing Difficult Feelings

1: Believe that the negative thought or emotion has a positive intention

and is part of you.

2: Locate where in your head or body you are feeling those thoughts or


3: What kind of feeling is that feeling.

4: Say hello to it and thank it for signalling to you.

5: And ask, “Do you have a message for me?”

6: And ask, “And is there anything else?”

7: And thank it for that.

If the thought or emotion wishes you to do something like go to the dentist, take

a rest, speak up for yourself, then ask yourself, “Can that happen?” and “When

can that happen?” Let the thought/emotion know exactly what you intend to do

and when. Keep communicating until the part signalling is fully satisfied.


As I was bagging up my shopping at the till I suddenly wanted to stab myself

repeatedly in my own eyes, I was that BOOORED! This all-consuming wave of

UTTER BOREDOM flooded my system as I looked at the bloke who was

shoving my goods through the till. I saw the downright emptiness, and dejec-


would bring. A Tsunami of a sigh escaped my lips and the words, "Oh my god

I'm so bored I could just leave this shop right now" fell out of my mouth and

crashed the shore of his deadpan face which broke into a GAFAW of laughter,

to which he replied, “AND ME!!!". No shit Sherlock, I thought!! Because you

see, these feelings were HIS, not mine. Up until that point, I was having a love-

ly little shop, mooching around and generally enjoying my child free shop until

I walked into his MASSIVE field of vibrating BOREDOM and soaked it right


Now, I’m not going to whittle on about how great it is to be an Empath because

quite frankly it’s not. It’s bloody hard work most of the time. Not only do I

have to manage my own thoughts, feelings, aches and pains I have to manage

yours as well. It’s taken me 43 years to master the aRt of telling what’s mine

and what’s not. A Super Simple Hack is asking myself “is this mine?” and

listening to that very subtle answer from deep within. I also just come straight

out and ask the others in the room. It helps me to decide whether to buy into

my immediate sensations and it helps the other person to open the door and


So, here's my top 5 Sensory Saves for you Empaths out there

1: If you're going somewhere busy or just off out, then put your shield up.

Imagine a cloaking device that covers your entire body starting about 30 cms

out. Now mine has a special filter where it can pick up information as normal

but only lets the positive in. I can still detect the negatives and vibes etc, cause

that's important for me to know and analyse, I just don't take it on!

2: Once you have your shield up, ground yourself right into the centre of the

earth. Imagine a line extending out from the base of your spine ALL the way to

the Centre of the Earth. There you will see/sense Earth Energy, notice what you

notice about it and allow your line to secure itself within it. Now sign your

name and the date and time all the way down the line. Welcome Earth ground-

ing life force energy up, right up through the earth and up through your feet all

the way up and into your belly, allowing it to SWIRL around.

Now imagine a ball of golden Life Force energy, hovering above your head. As

you welcome it to flood in through the top of your head and down through your

body, let it mingle with the Earths energy and expand throughout your whole

body. At this point, you will feel super present and grounded!

You will get quick at doing this the more you practice. I can have it all going

off as I cross the car park to Lidl... (Shame I bloody forgot on Sunday eh!)

This is available as a FREE Audio at The Kitchen Table on my website.

3: Imagine you have a set of dials in front of you that control what you see,

hear and feel. If the dial is set to 1, you will SEE all the unhappy, angry, tired,

downright depressed people around and 10 is the Happy, supportive, jolly love-

ly people that are enjoying life. Have a feel where your dial is at... Then

CRANK IT UP, BABY! Well, until you feel Happy!

On the next dial, 1 is you will HEAR everything that's going on. All the cries

and screams and arguments and huffs and puffs and the general mayhem of

most families out shopping for the day. 10 is ALL the GOOD STUFF, the help-

ful stuff, the laughter, the fun, the happy people who are out to help you...

Have a feel where your dial is right now…. Then CRANK IT UP, BABY! Well,

again until you feel Happy.

With the next dial, I check where my FEELINGS are. 1 is right crap, and 10 is

WOO HOOOOO Full of Life, my Mojo is a GO GO! I turn my dial to where I

want I feel Happy, Content and Stable.

So now I only notice, feel and tune into the good, easy going vibe and if at any

point anyone gets through all of that, I play with my dials, strengthen my con-

nection to Earth and feel the thrill of the golden energy waves sweeping

through my body, till I'm back in my good space.

4: Once you've stabilised your own Energetic Vibration and are fully present,

grounded and centred, it will be very hard for anyone to draw you in and have

an energetic feed from you. Whether people are conscious or not of their ener-

getic feeds, swaps, soaks or spews, you being in a stable and more dominant

positive vibration will raise others up to either meet you or be repelled by you.

Coming from this place you are more likely to connect to that place in them,

their TRUE SELF, bypassing their 'stuff' allowing for a much happier, joyful,

stable connection, where people leave you and feel, 'FILLED UP' and 'HAPPY'

rather than drained.

5: IF after all this you soak up some negative wave, headache, anxiety, BORE-

DOM, any feeling or physical ailment, then you can SEND IT BACK TO THE

OWNER! Oh Yes!! Send any energy that is NOT yours back and welcome

home any energy that you've had taken or was accidentally soaked up by some-

one else or indeed you gave away.

Internal & external emotional, mental and physical body check

by using an Inner Sense Scan. 

I like to do this either in the moment or just before I go to sleep. Each energy

wave has an imprint or energetic blueprint and colour from its owner & it

knows where it has come from and will be wanting to return to them as will


I like to do this in bed before I go to sleep. I rewind and run through my day

and tune into, feel and see where that negative wave came from in them and

where it landed in me. And then I literally send it back and welcome home any

I have lost. How this happens for you will be unique to you. I can see and feel

mine, I know what Mine looks like and I can send back rogue patterns that don't

belong to my system easily.

It just takes practice. Don’t censor yourself go with the first impression, colour

or form that comes to mind.

Once you got all this sussed, you will start to realise that being an Empath is

true a gift. I connect with people's energy ALL the time in my life & work, it

gives me an edge.

It fuels us both up and leaves us feeling connected, present and grounded.

It just doesn't effect me the way it used to anymore!


For more information about how to stabilise your energetic field so you can use

your gift and not be abused by it, then please, contact me, send me an email or

pull up a chair at The Kitchen Table Facebook Group.


If you never ask for what you need or want, you will never get it. If you don't

stick up for yourself, it feels crap & people will keep treating you like crap! If

you don't value your time or the stuff you do, neither will anyone else! Expecta-

tions of Self and Other play a major role in your life experience!

So, asking for what you need, having the ability to put boundaries in place &

knowing who you are & what you do as important & valuable & is paramount

for a Healthy Happy Life! In fact, without these vital skills, it feels like you

single-handedly carry the FULL weight of responsibility squarely on your

shoulders! You can't survive for long in this mode!

I highly encourage creating a solid Neural Net that frees you up to speak your

truth as and when needed.

Connecting in with your Intuition, your Gut Instinct and listening and acting

from there has been a turning point in bringing myself way more Happiness day

to day. There is nothing worse than that feeling of dread in the pit of your

stomach when you are doing something you simply do not want to but find you

don’t have the courage to say, “NO”. But that is all it is. It’s your TRUTH

Signal trying to get your attention. Start to LISTEN to it! And then that

AMAZING feeling of relief when you DO LISTEN to yourself and action what

is RIGHT for you is like GOLD!

Take a moment and feel this out for yourself. Remember a time when you

didn’t listen to yourself. When you did something you really didn’t want to.

Where do you feel that in your body?

And now, remember a time when you DID listen to that inner knowing, that

feeling deep inside, the one that knows what’s right for you and what’s not.

Where do you feel that?

Now, from here on in practice deliberate right action from this place of power

from within.

In the 6 part integration InnerScape Quest we track the part that gave this power

away, that deep knowing what’s right and what’s not for you. We track the part

that first gave this power of ‘knowing’ away to an other. The part that wanted to

please or appease another and did what was right for them and not you. We’ve

all done it because we’ve all been children and for most of us being a child is a

very disempowering experience. We go and claim this part back and so the

ability to say, “YES” and “NO” becomes easy and effortless without any emo-

tional charge attached to them. This Guided Quest is available as part of the

Self-Study course that goes along with this book but, in the meantime you can

start by looking at your BOuNDARy making abilities and flipping and upload-

ing a new and solid Neural Net using the Mind Hack in this book.


If anyone were to ask me what I liked, or wanted to experience, or what film I'd

prefer, or how I felt about something, or what to eat in a restaurant, or drink or

to make any kind of general decision about stuff, my first habitual response

was, "I DUNNO”.

It took me until my late 20’s to work out that I was actually totally crap at mak-

ing any decision at all, no matter how subtle! WHY? Well, for me, I worked

out it was the constant subtle & sometimes in your face shaming & criticism I

took as a kid! So, I'm uber careful with my kids. When they choose a film,

clothes, music, food, drink, activities etc etc etc, I support their decision, even if

it's not to my taste. Off course MASSIVE, BIG, MAJOR BAD ASS CHOICES

they try and make I step in & stop them, laying out the potentially fatal conse-

quences in front of them! But you know what I mean.

Its imperative our future adults are good decision makers, creators, groovers &

shakers cause this world needs them! The ones that KNOW who they are, what

they like, what kind of experiences they want to create, how they want to con-

tribute to their world. The ones who TRUST themselves, their gut instincts &

go for their passions & dreams!

Making decisions, any decision, even if it’s not THE BEST decision EVER will

help reduce anxiety and worry as well as being great at solving your problems.

Making decisions help to change your perspective of the world. But, making a

decision can be really hard especially if you feel trapped between a rock and a

hard place. There’s an amazing decision-making strategy in ‘The Happiness

Hacker’s Guide to’ workbooks called The Third Way! It helps you uncover the

best from both decisions to come up with a way you just couldn’t see before.

Tuning into your Gut Instinct, that Inner Voice, that 6th Sense is a real valuable

ability. Tuning into it, listening and the ACTING on it is in another league al-

together and something I had to relearn as an adult.

I use this ability now to check in with myself and make all sorts of decisions,

from going out, to helping someone, to what clothes I’m going to wear and

what my body wants to eat.

Consciously Creating my life and becoming happier and happier with myself

and my place in this world was directly helped by being able to listen to my

needs and desire and acting on them.

Being able to put myself and my needs first was a big one for me.

I was very ‘other’ referenced. Some people are very ‘Self’ Referenced. Both

are extreme and ultimately can be detrimental to our Happy Vibe man!

Learning the 50/50 rule has brought me balance and a lot more harmony and

space. I’m a natural giver, to others, and now I naturally give to me as well.

With all of this, use the Mind Hacks to pull out your Moans and Groans you

currently hold around decisions, boundaries, trusting yourself and listening to

your inner voice, the one that’s always been right! Flip em and upload them us-

ing The Ultimate Mind Hack and use them as a Gateway to finding the

younger selves in the InnerScape Quest.

In the fabulous 6 part Integration InnerScape Quest we track and reconnect with

the part of you that is responsible for not loving yourself, your body. For not

trusting that gut instinct, that InnerVoice. For criticising yourself and judging

what you do and who you are. For see-sawing from Feast to Famine. For that

lack of Self Belief in Who You Are and your inability to Activate what you

came to this planet to do.

What's your NUMBER 1 Limiting Belief?

The one that holds you back, the one that stops you from getting what you

want outta life? The one that time & time again has brought you nothing but


Locate the feeling this Limiting Belief brings up in you and use this Emotional

Gateway in The InnerScape Quest.

FLIP IT!“What would you rather think, feel, have?”

(FLIP IT ~ Think Opposite & Positive & Present Tense as if you own them)

Use The Ultimate Mind Hack and Upload this Beauty

straight into that hard drive of your Mind!

We’re all just Junkies man!

Each thought, memory, scenario or trigger creates a feeling or peptide to ex-

plode from the emotional cortex.

These peptides or feelings are a particular shape & travel to the appropriate lock

on the cells in your body, of which we have millions. When they dock & lock,

they release that particular emotion giving you an emotional high, a hit!

We become addicted to these hits, these emotions & our cells being the pesky

junkies that they are, will excrete some of the ‘high’ back into your blood

stream to induce more thoughts, more memories that will produce that particu-

lar emotion, giving the cells another ‘HIT’.

Tolerance to these ‘HIGHS’ increase, so the more extreme the thoughts will be-

come, the more intense the situations & dramas will be attracted, so that the

‘HIT’ keeps coming!

These psychological process’s & asking yourself these particular questions

helps to break the addiction to victim cycle, flipping the negative highs to posi-

tive highs, which your cells will then become addicted too. Forcing you to seek

out interactions, people, thoughts & memories that will secrete the GOOD pep-

tides/feelings coursing around your body creating a more healthy mind, body &

loving heart!

Everything in this Universe is matter vibrating at different frequencies, as are

your cells, the peptides/emotions. Negative & Positive thoughts & feelings vi-

brating out at certain frequencies into the Universe will attract or repel people

& situations, vibrating at that level.

The Universe, this reality, is simply an echo, bouncing back what you expect it

to, without judgement & without fail! If you are doubtful you will see doubt.

Angry you will see anger. Love will bounce back to you as will faith, hope,

hate, fear, want, courage, frustration, effortless ease, happy, joy, support.

Consider yourself as a walking talking antennae picking up the frequency, the

vibration that you are attuned too! You will see, hear & feel exactly what you

think you will! Your life is simply a self-fulfilling prophecy!

One of the best changes you can make is changing the term ‘Universe’ for

‘Subconscious’ that way you will start to look inside , inside your own Universe

for the change that needs to happen. You see EVERYTHING exists in this reali-

ty! EVERYTHING! The Good, the Bad & the Amazingly Wonderful. It ALL


Whether you can see it and have it is another thing & only determined by your

programming! The bottom line is :

 “If you believe you can or you can’t, you are right!”

Henry Ford

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction works on 3 principles:

The Law of Attraction is working whether you believe in it or not.

Like Electricity you don’t have to see ‘IT’ or indeed understand ‘IT’ to

appreciate the end results!


Conscious + Subconscious Alignment =

Effortless Action and Manifestation


Accepting & Allowing it in GRATEFULLY


Be clear on what you want 

And ASK for it!!

If your Conscious Mind wants one thing and your Subconscious is programmed

with something else, it is still possible to create what you want but, it’ll take a

serious amount of Will Power to do it!!

Equally, internal conflict can take up so much energy and head space it can

keep you stuck in an "I'm just not doing it" & “I’m relentlessly gonna keep

talking about it” kinda place!

To create a newly empowered belief structure that aligns both the conscious &

subconscious mind which will bring the life experience you want effortlessly,

is quite simple once you know the recipes that will reprogram your Mind.

And that is what The InnerScape Quest, The Ultimate Mind Hack & Vision

Board is all about!

Aligning your conscious dreams & desires with your

subconscious intention

To get the most out of this book, bounce over to;

happiness-hacker-reveals.html and grab your FREE PDF. Print it off, put it in a

snazzy folder, grab your favourite cuppa and start working through these exer-

cises. You’ll also gain immediate access to The Ultimate Mind Hack Guided

Meditation to help with your Uploads.

So, let’s crack on!

The Law of Attraction All Moans & Groans, Criticisms & Fears about The Law of Attraction go here,

include any fears of it actually working in your favour, get as many as you can,

dig deep, cause this Neural Net is SUPER IMPORTANT!

What would you rather Think/Believe about

The Law of Attraction?(FLIP IT ~ Think Opposite & Positive as if you already have them)





“Yes, Thank You!”

Throughout all of ‘The Happiness HAcker’s Guide To’ Workbooks, we work

with the ASK and the ALIGN parts of The Law of Attraction. Now let’s look at

the RECEIVE element.

You see, this was where I use to sabotage myself.

I would get the first Two Principals right and then when the opportunity or that

physical thing presented itself to me I’D TURN THE BLOODY THING

DOWN!!!!!! ARRRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH! I had a serious amount of Ac-

cepting and Receiving to Rewire!

So in order to Receive with Grace and Not Scupper this entire process at the

last moment, let’s upload a Fully Empowered Neural Net.

“I Receive ALL That Is Good In My Life Thank You Very Much”

List all your Moans ’n’ Groans, Criticisms & Fears about

Letting In and Receiving The Good into your Life…

Chunk all those Moans ’n’ Groans right up to get that

Number One Limiting Belief by asking yourself,

“What would have to be True for all of that to be True?”

Use this Core Limiting Belief in the InnerScape Quest!

With this in mind, go on the Quest, use the MP3 in the Self-Study Course or

jump aboard the monthly Facebook Live Group Quest, and find the Part of You

that was abandoned through time ’n’ space & reconnect & integrate with them,

dissolving all that negative behaviour they are currently responsible for.

FLIP EM! Flip each moan, groan criticism & fear by asking,

“What would you rather think, feel, have?”

(FLIP IT ~ Think Opposite & Positive & Present Tense as if you own them)

ZIP ITHave a good look at your list

If you could wrap all of that up with

ONE Positive Core Belief what would it be?

Ask yourself:

(“What would have to be True for ALL of those New Beliefs to be True?”)

Put this into a Positive, Present Tense Sentence as if you already believe it and

own it & Upload it using The Ultimate Mind Hack at the back of this book, or

bounce over to for your


The Self Hate Tape

"Nobody loves me, everybody hates me, I hate my body, I'm too fat, I'm never

picked, I have to do everything on my own, it's always up to me to sort shit out,

I'm too old, my body is crap I'm always in pain, I have to do everything, I get

no support, I never get to go out, I'm always left, I'm always skint, I never have

enough, I hate my job, I don't know what to do with my life, I always get ill, I'm

so stupid I keep making the same mistakes, I'm sick & tired of it" This kinda

story's rattling around your head & spilling out of your mouth on a daily basis

will only get you MORE OF THE SAME SHIT!!!

Go find that, ‘I’ that feels and attracts and actively creates the crap in your life

using The Mind Hacks within this book.

This will change your story!

Shelve this earmarked battered ol' book called;





Now this story is a best selling book! Kinda novel eh? Upload ALL of these

Positive, Perfect Present Tense Programs straight into the Hard Drive of your

Mind using The Ultimate Mind Hack.

As Abraham Hicks so eloquently puts,

“Each and every component that makes up your life experience is drawn

to you by the powerful Law of Attraction's response to the thoughts you

think and the story you tell about your life. Your money and financial as-

sets; your body's state of wellness, clarity, flexibility, size, and shape;

your work environment, how you are treated, work satisfaction, and r

wards. indeed, the very happiness of your life experience in general, is

all happening because of the story that you tell.”


Sometimes you have to dig deep to find the gift when life is shit, but it is there!

The more you look for it the easier it becomes & with it brings, patience, toler-

ance, compassion & above all thankfulness! It morphs & puts a positive spin

on situations which can only be a good thing yeah!

Learning to accept and be grateful for the gifts in life, as & when they come, in

all their glorious forms, from that really unhelpful man at the bank, to that smile

on the street, to the car breaking down, to a hand with the domestics, to those

lovely feelings and rubbish feelings & off course actual things, is a real aRt.

Just asking yourself the question, what am I grateful for today, fires up the brain

to release dopamine and it helps boost the neurotransmitter serotonin in the

same way as Prozac! YES REALLY!!!!! You are your own walking talking

Medicine Cabinet.

Expressing gratitude with the people in your life creates a positive feedback

loop and makes social situations far more enjoyable. It can be this simple.

So, ask yourself “What am I grateful for today?” “Who am I grateful for to-

day?” and make a list. If it feels like pulling teeth don’t worry, just the fact that

you are looking for the good stuff increases the Dopamine Levels! YEAH


Reasons to be Grateful Practicing the Attitude of Gratitude can bring about some miraculous stuff & moves

our focus of attention on what we do have, what’s working well for us & so we hap-

pily start to create MORE of the good stuff.

Dig Deep ’N’ Think BIG & small & List ALL that you are grateful for…

Reasons To Be Grateful

The Visioneers 7 Steps to Change

This is when the Visionary & the Engineer comes together and creates. In this

space the potential magnifies, choice expands & your desires become action-

able. Change your perspective & perception around tricky situations, undesir-

able feelings, thoughts & people & you will no longer feel trapped, consumed

& stressed out by them.

1: Pick the feeling/worry/fear/scenario you want to change

2: Find a space in the room that you are most drawn to & stand there.

3: Take some time & tune into, feel where in your body you are carrying/feel-

ing it.

4: Now imagine and do what needs to happen to take it out of yourself and put

it on the floor. Now walk to a place in the room you are most drawn to.

5: Look back at it on the floor and say, hello & ask, what does it know? Keep

asking until there is nothing left to tell.

6: And then ask yourself what do you know about it?

7: Now grab your 'ghost buster' gun & suck it all up and fire it out into the

Universe to be recycled. Watch it fly away at super speed getting smaller &

smaller & smaller & smaller till it's g

Have fun with changing your perception & perspective around issues! Play

with it. If you need to put your 'stuff' in a box to contain it, or let your imagina-

tion create a different kind of way of firing it out into the Universe for recycling

do it. Go with how your engineer envisions your freedom.

N.B I did this one with all the excess weight I was carrying. Which was not

just 'fat' but the responsibility of my family, worry’s & health issues. I found a

space in my room and let it all fall to the floor, Metaphorically speaking. And

stepped out of it like an old coat. I've naturally shed 2stone in 4 months & I

feeling lighter inside as well as out!


Grounding helps with Anxiety, Stress, Worry, Fear, Anger, Grief & any other

tricky situations you are in! You know that feeling when you are simply no

longer part of your body when chaos reigns and you are bouncing from pillar to

post with no time to breath let alone be still. It is usually at this point we bang

our heads or bump into something or even worse. It’s our inner self-shouting,


Now, there are many ways to ground and yes, at the beginning you may feel

like a right nob with your shoes off on the only bit of green in the city, but stick

with it. Grounding can help you discharge all of that negative energy you’ve

soaked up and will even help get rid of headaches and migraines.

So, get your shoes and socks of and go stand on some grass, sink your energy

deep into the Earth and let it all go. Better still lie down, fully connecting with

the Earth and feel what it is really like to be held by something so much

stronger and bigger than you. Feel that support flooding in. Make sure to dis-

connect from cyber space and find some nature. Be in the weather, the rain and

shine and let the cobwebs be blown from you.

Float in Baths with Salt from the Dead Sea. Discharge your electromagnetic

field and anything you may have soaked up this day.

Remember, your Imagination is one of the most powerful tools you have. As a

child, it was my playground, the place I could be & do ANYTHING. I LOVED

it! As I grew so my connection to this wondrous place fell further & further

away. Until one day, I realised just how powerful it really is.

For EVERYTHING we see around us was once in someone's imagination. So,

I urge you to reconnect with it, use it, grow it & love it. It can connect you to

the potential positive outcome of any situations and can help create the steps to

get you there.

Use it every day, it's yours and it’s FREE!

I use it to Ground, and I’ll ground anything and everything. I ground my chil-

dren especially if the energy is chaotic and spinning out of all human control. I

ground myself before interviews, to gain clarity within situations before I run a

workshop or retreats, before a 1-2-1 and especially before I go into MASSIVE

Supermarkets for the weekly shop. I also spread the love and extend the energy

within me out to current problematic situations or people that need calming


There’s a FREE grounding meditation over at - Enjoy -

Your Vision Board

Vision boards are an Incredible and Powerful Visualisation Tool that will in-

spire and remind you every day of your dreams and desires, drawing them to

you through The Power of The Law of Attraction!

Your Vision Board is Organic & Alive and Loves to be handled. It hates to be

left hanging on a wall ignored, lonely & collecting dust or spending its life as

the forgotten about Screen Saver. It’s sad when it soaks up your negativity and

accusing looks of Dreams Lost. So don’t abandon it. Be brave and get intimate

with it, connect with it, befriend it!

Review it, look at it, handle it and when you’ve noticed that you’ve manifested,

feel free to add New Dreams and Goals to it. Talk about it! Tell your mates!

Express your Gratitude for it!

Find yourself a Swanky Little Book and actively take notes on what you’ve

Manifested and how long it took. Keep track of the BIG stuff and the little

things, noting down the time they took to attract and create and use the tools in

this book to tweak and fine tune your mind.

Get The Happiness Hacker’s Guide To Creating a Vision Board That Actually

Bloody Works Workbook and regularly Upgrade your Upgraded Life!

This will help your Focus of Attention & create those lovely “OOooooooooo


What You Will Need

• Large piece of Strong Card or a Canvas

• Lots of Recycled Magazines, Pictures, Photos

• Glue, Scissors, Glitter

• A Massive Smattering of Imagination

• Lots of Dreams ~ BIG Dreams ’n' little dreams

• Maybe get the girls round - some favourite Nibbles and Something nice to

drink. Whack the music up and start creating!

• Use the inspiration from your Wish List & the rest of this Kick Arse Work-

book, find inspiring positive pictures and words in magazines that represent

your Dreams, Goals, Emotions, Life Skills & Beliefs.

• It’s very important to keep the kind of images & words Positive & Focused

on what you do want, not what you don’t.

• Include Pictures and Words that evoke Positive, Happy, Joyful Emotions

• Glitter ’n’ Glue all your Dreams onto your board/canvas until it makes

your Heart Sing & Smile. Now, hang it up somewhere you will see it every

day and be reminded of your Dreams and Goals!

Take that pic and make a screensaver use your Dream as your PASSWORD.

The only reason why a Vision Board doesn’t work is because it is an external

representation of your Conscious Dreams, Desires, Goals and Ambitions & not

necessarily in alignment with the current beliefs & programs that are running in

your subconscious mind.

When your Vision Board and your programs are aligned, Manifestation, Attrac-

tion, Making, Having, Doing and Being will happen effortlessly.

Most people have been using the Vision Board to create the Neural Net, that

will then support them seeing & taking the opportunities that come their way.

It relies heavily on their determination to visualise daily to create the Neural

Pathways needed to Believe & Succeed.

This is why some of the things on their Vision Board came true and others did

not. They simply did not believe they could have them or are worthy to have

them, or that there were too many other things that needed to happen for them

to have them, or that it would take a serious amount of time for them to have

them, or they simply did not have the skills to create and have them.

All of these thoughts, beliefs & feelings are programs stored within their sub-

conscious mind. Some are the blocks that will STOP the Vision Board from

Working & others will open the doors to the new and wondrous!

Use The Ultimate Mind Hack to uncover ALL the Moans ’n’ Groans that are

holding back your Dreams ’n’ Desires and ‘FLIP EM!’

Now, there is a very important piece of information that most people do not

know about our brains, that you need to know in order for your Vision Board to

work, in fact for The Law of Attraction to work.

It is this:

Each one of us has a program that is running that I call the P.R.S.

The Pattern Recognition System

It keeps our reality stable, normal & familiar, it is key to our Survival even if

sometimes it tunes us in to ‘stuff’ that is not beneficial for us.

The Pattern Recognition System filters the massive amount of information com-

ing in through our senses and matches it against existing programs running

within your Subconscious Mind.

If it doesn't match up it will simply ignore & delete that information.

You will not know that you have just overheard the opportunity of a lifetime

because somewhere deep within your subconscious is a belief that; “people

don’t help me, no one helps me get on in life, the world is a hard and difficult

place.” Bummer eh?

This is why, when I became pregnant with my daughter, I suddenly started to

notice lots and lots of pregnant women & newborn babies ALL OVER THE


Of course they were always there, it’s just before I was pregnant I didn’t need to

notice them. They weren’t on my Radar, man! It’s also the reason for 11:11,

seeing the number 23 everywhere and why everyone and his wife is all experi-

encing a similar situation as you!

I am very sorry to burst your Cosmic Bubble like that!

Anyway, Belief…

The programs or beliefs you hold about yourself, your abilities & the world

around were inherited from your family, friends, teachers, priests, films, books,

the news & reinforced time and time again through action via, The Pattern

Recognition System. Lots of the time we have mixed up and associated situa-

tions, people and activities that are bad for us with good feelings & thoughts

making them seem good for us & indeed enjoyable.

Take smoking for example; we all know it is extremely bad for us and can

cause cancer and other horrendous diseases but, if you speak with a smoker

they will tell you they absolutely LOVE it. That it keeps them calm, gives them

a well-deserved break from life & makes them feel safe.

It’s considered one of their treats and is their best friend.

The wires of an association have been scrambled.

If the subconscious had associated smoking with the slow suicide it really is, it

would keep them away from this dangerous habit as quickly as it would make

them run from a poisonous snake about to strike.

These programs can be rewritten & unscrambled!

Our Conscious Mind is capable of programming the Subconscious Mind so that

The Pattern Recognition System will filter what you DO want and so you will

start to see, hear and take the opportunities that will enhance your life.

This is how The Law of Attraction Works

It is NOT Magic.

It is simply how our brains work.

You see, everything in this world already exists! EVERYTHING!

Whether you can see it, have it and live it is only determined by your program-


The Vision Board has been used, in the past, to Sculpt your Consciousness from

the outside in.

Every day when you look at your board your Synapses will fire creating new

neural pathways.

The more you get them to fire, the deeper the habit will become & slowly, over

time, it will drop down into your Subconscious Mind as a program & when

something in the outside world is a match.

BOOM your Pattern Recognition System will fire up & you will SUDDENLY


Not only NOTICE it, you will actively do something about it because all that

hard work visualising & virtual living your dreams, will have paid off!

Your brain will be tricked into thinking you have this already, you know this,

you deserve this, you understand this, this is yours!



And so, most will leave the Vision Board collecting dust as they walk by it day

in and day out no longer doing the work required & so guess what?

Yep, no dream house, amazing partner and cool job! Bummer!


You could use The Ultimate Mind Hack to rewrite your programming FIRST so

that it’s Eazy Squeezy for your Pattern Recognition System to filter, sort &

match you with the right people, situations and opportunities for the best possi-

ble outcome.

The Pattern Recognition System Control Room is something that each and

every one of us has. It filters the billions of bits of information that is coming

in through your senses at any given moment in time, if we didn’t have this we

would quite literally go mad.

So for example, you go into a café, and you order your skinny latte and you are

sitting there and in this moment you’re thinking about how much you hate your

job, you don’t get enough money for it, you’re working all the hour's god sends.

You’re also having loads of arguments with your partner about child care and

money. At the next table, there is a man on the phone and he is talking about the

most amazing job ever, it has got your name written all over it. Loads of money

for fewer hours, perfect. But you don’t hear him, you don;t even notice he is

there. The reason why you don’t tune into him is because your Pattern Recogni-

tion System is madly sorting and filtering all the billions of bits of information

that is coming in through your senses, matching it to you current programs in

your subconscious mind such as, “I’m not lucky”, “I never get breaks”, “no one

has the right job for me”, actually I’m not good enough to have that kind of

job”, “I’m not ready”. Instead, she believes that all men are rubbish, they never

help with children and they never have any money and always leave you high

and dry. So the Pattern Recognition System tunes you into right over the far

side of the cafe where you see and hear the young couple having an argument

about child care and money!

Remember, all moans, groans, criticisms & fears are the negative structures or

neural nets that support the way you view & experience your world.

Every Compliment, Praise, Optimistic Opinion & Good Feeling that you have

about yourself and others are also a neural net that supports the way you view

and experience your world.

Start to take notice of what you think, what you say and how you feel because

these, well these are the keys to your FREEDOM!

By re-writing the negative belief structures & re-forming those neural nets, with

new empowering, enabling beliefs, language and behaviour, you will naturally

draw to you, see & be able to actually receive your future dreams, goals & am-

bitions, because your Pattern Recognition System will be sorting and collecting

and matching in your FAVOUR!

This will free you up to live the life you came to this planet to live.

Once your conscious desires and your subconscious programs are aligned,

your desired outcome becomes probable.

The actual process is simple, the amount of Neural Nets we need to rewire is

the challenge & one we are all capable of doing, especially when we start living

out the results. All we need are the recipes, the processes, the Mind Hacks that

will lead us to the Gateways of our own healing.

Going Within first and then Creating Your Vision Board is KEY to it working


Learning how to gain DIRECT Access to you Pattern Recognition System Con-

trol Room will give you an EDGE in using The Law of Attraction and Con-

sciously Creating the Life of Your Dreams.

WISH LIST Without censoring your thoughts,

when money and time are on your side, what would bring you more

Happiness? What kind of activities, dream scenarios & everyday

things could enhance your Life?

Dream BIG ~ Dream small ~ Dream ~ Dream ~Dream

More Wishes, Dreams ’n’ Desires,

Goals ’n’ Ambitions…

Throw these into Positive, Perfect Present Tense Sentences as if you already have them and are do-

ing them then Upload them using The Ultimate Mind Hack!


When our desires, dreams and goals do not match our experience in the real

world, the Conscious Mind and the Subconscious Mind is in conflict which

makes us feel unhappy.

Energy is consumed by the Conscious Mind trying to reconcile or make sense

of it, while the Subconscious Mind will protect existing beliefs/programs by

running outdated modes of protection, thus keeping our world stable and famil-

iar, if not undesirable.

For example, we may say we want to lose weight, but somehow no matter how

hard we try we don’t seem to make the changes that need to happen to lose the


The programming in the Subconscious Mind will ‘WIN’ unless the Conscious

Mind uses Will Power to achieve what it wants.

This takes an incredible amount of Energy to do and so redirects the energy that

ought to be used for other things like our immune system and vital organs into

constantly using will power to keep doing what we desire.

This is an unstable way to live. Eventually, you may be lucky and the new habit

of behaviour, done enough times, will drop down and become unconscious


But, until then, you will have to use Will Power every day to sustain your new


Using The Ultimate Mind Hack & InnerScape Quest you will create New Em-

powered Programs of behaviour and be able to Upload them straight into the

Subconscious Mind and TEST that they have been accepted and are running!

These new empowered beliefs will be stored away in the library of your mind &

when triggered will be what you see, hear, feel & experience.

The Ultimate Mind Hack deeply relaxes you, dropping your mind from the Beta

Wave, which is our everyday waking consciousness & down through to Alpha

which is a deep relaxation wave, where you have a heightened imagination &

visualisation & reprogramming can happen easily.

As you become more practised, you will drop further down into a Theta Wave

Pattern, allowing effortless access to your Subconscious Mind.

In this state, consciously creating your reality by installing new programs with

the use of Positive, Present Tense Language, tricks the Subconscious into ac-

cepting the new way of being as something that is already running, whilst rein-

forcing that there are more positive beneficial ways of meeting your needs,

while keeping you happy, healthy and safe.

It is here you will experience Vivid Visualisations, Profound Insights and Inspi-

rational Creativity.

The Delta Frequency is the gateway to the Universal Mind & the Collective


Deep Transcendental Meditation is where information can be received from al-

ternate selves & other realities while you hop timelines and leap through life-


In order to weave a solid, intricate Neural Net we need to use the Physical,

Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Levels attached to each Dream, Goal, Ambition

& Desire.

Include information from your Neurological Levels such as your Environment,

Capabilities, Beliefs & Values, Identity & Life Purpose. This will give you the

clarity and focus & the exact map that you need to crack on and start actively

living your Life's Dreams.

Building and layering the picture of what you would like to have happened in

your life, mimicking the way we file a real memory.

The brain, when stimulated by the imagination, memory or real world event

will always fire up in the EXACT same place. It does not know the difference!

We can use this to our advantage! The more we fire and stimulate the new

synapses the better & stronger the Neural Net will be.

Embedding your New Belief Structure using The Ultimate Mind Hack Upload

is a quick & a self-sufficient way of programming your subconscious mind.

Going on an InnerScape Quest to find the part of you responsible for the old be-

lief structure and fully reintegrating with them is a sure fire way for complete


Over the years as an NLP Master & Trainer, I’ve noticed that there are 6 main

places of disconnection that is responsible for most people's Unhappiness.

When these places have been reconnected and rewired massive changes hap-

pen. People become, HAPPIER.

Body Image: An opportunity to reconnect with the part of you that is currently

responsible for hating a part of or all of your body. Upgrading your perception

around any part of your body that you dislike, hate or disgusts you. Free your-

self to finally accept and Love your body which will effortlessly bring you

back to a place of Optimum health and vitality, stabilising your weight and

bringing you the mojo to exercise and love it!

Expressing Emotions Adultly: Clear any blocks you may have around being

able to Express yourself Adultly or even at all. Free your Voice, be heard and

respected. Create and happily state your Boundaries. Step into full Adult com-

munication easily and effortlessly.

Acceptance of Self: Finally release that Inner Critic, that little voice that stops

the joy before is even begun, that part of you that is in fear of getting it wrong,

of not being perfect, of not being good enough or doing enough or having

enough. Release yourself from any other blocks you may have from truly ac-

cepting yourself and your abilities and your place in this world.

Gut Instinct ~ 6th Sense ~ InnerSat Nav: Clear and blocks you may have

around Trusting, Listening and Acting from that little voice deep inside. You

know the one. The one that knows what is right and what is not for you. The

one you've most probably ignored time and time again and kicked yourself for.

Self-Belief: When we totally believe in ourselves, our abilities and our place in

the world we feel Happy! We know what we like and what we don;t, We live

from an Authentic place of being!

So, if you find yourself bending or contorting, shrinking or playing it small, then this Quest is for you!

Poverty Consciousness: Release any fears or blocks you may currently have

around money and wealth. Upgrade Poverty Consciousness and Reconnect

with the part of you who is in lack, who believes there isn't enough

and doesn't deserve to be truly wealthy in all of it's Glorious Ways.

These Quests can be found on The Happiness Hacking Kitchen Table. All you

have to do is put your Headphones on and press play! Watch how you start re-

sponding to life from a Deeply Connected & Happier Place rather than being in

reaction to it.

Visioneering (Day Dreaming & Engineering rolled into one)

The ONLY difference between you & someone who is

Happy with their Life is their mindset.

Their belief in themselves & their ability, their acceptance and love of who they

are and why they are here ripples out and bounces back to them.

Knowing themselves and what they like and will accept in their lives and being

able to voice that is key to a Happy and Successful Life.

So let’s create more of the kind of mindset that will align you with YOU & at-

tract the kind of people who will Love and Support you exactly as you are.

Name one person who inspires you that is living a

Happy and Successful Life

What is it about them that inspires you?

What have they accomplished?

What must they believe about themselves & their place in the world?

What kind of things do they value in life?

Are these the kind of things you would like in your life?

If so, create Positive Present Tense Sentences as if these were yours.

Upload them using The Ultimate Mind Hack

Fuck Society’s Idea of Success

What does ‘Being Successful’ mean to YOU!

Life is not a ‘One Size Fits All’

Having a ‘BIG’ Life is not always Beautiful.

It’s completely great if you have or want a ‘BIG’ Life but remember

extra ordinary can be extraordinary too.



Food For Thought

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it.

Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality.

It can be no other way.

This is NOT philosophy.

This is PHYSICS”

~ Darryl Anka ~

Each thought, memory, scenario or trigger creates a feeling or peptide from the

emotional cortex.

These peptides or feelings are a particular shape and each vibrates at a particu-

lar frequency.

When released they travel to the appropriate lock on the cells in your body, of

which we have millions.

When they dock & lock, they release that particular feeling giving you an emo-

tional high, a hit, vibrating out at that particular frequency.

Repelling and Attracting as it goes.

Rewrite your thoughts, one-liners, your programs, your moans & groans & up-

load the container of these beliefs, and you will then rewrite the story of your


“Defrag me baby”

They say a computer is only as good as the user!

So, if you are like my ol' man, a silver surfer who boogie boards the oceans of

the internet, you'll be great at sending and receiving emails and saving pictures

in an overpriced photo album that no one ever gets to see or feel, whilst waiting

frustratedly as it decides to open the door to and will quickly re-

name it as the World Wide Wait, glitchy, it'll freeze at inopportune moments like

when you are about to pay for something and will suddenly close down losing

anything that hasn't been saved!

It does beg the question, who is in control of who? And, how long do you put

up with it?

There are people out there that can defrag it and uninstall old programmes and

heal it from the virus's it picked up along the way really quickly and easily.

Now imagine your mind was like that computer.

The screen being the conscious part, in your face, showing you what you need

to know right now, keeping an eye on the time, storing the history and generally

playing out anything you tap tap tap onto the screen...

The hard drive being the subconscious part, storing ALL the programs and ac-

tively playing them out as and when you trigger them into action, or indeed just

silently playing out the commands on a daily basis without any thought from

the screen at all!

In fact, if you want to change something, say edit a document, there is no dif-

ference if you call up a document you saved 10 years ago or one you saved 10

mins ago, edit and then save it, is there?

Same goes for any belief that you may have formed regardless of how long you

have held it. Time is irrelevant in the hard drive of your mind.

Communication from the conscious mind-computer screen to the subconscious

mind/-hard drive has to happen in order for any programme or document to

have any effect.

Now, the computer can be used without any connection to the internet at all,

but, it is a tad boring eh!

If you still have dial-up (YAWN) or indeed a dodgy broadband signal, you will

be very aware just how frustrating it is when the connection fails and you're left

stranded, floundering around relying on the limited functions of the computer!

And, if you are like my dad, could go for days, forgetting that the internet is

even there!

As soon as you connect to the internet or Universal Mind you have anything

you could ever imagine at your fingertips, it's only as limited as the user whose

using it!

Again I ask. Who's in control of who? Is your mind in control of you? That's

like saying your computer is in control of you! (although my Dad would say his

actually is!)

Your mind is the fastest running, most powerful computer EVER invented on

this planet and YOU are in control of it!It has an expanded processing capacity

and can assimilate thousands of events, at an average of 4 BILLION bits of in-

formation PER SECOND!

If you want to become more effective, conscious creators, it's important to un-

derstand the relationship between the three minds, Conscious, Subconscious

and Universal Mind. The subconscious mind acts as a bridge between the uni-

versal mind and the conscious mind, allowing communication to flow in both


Understand the workings of Mind and how to hack into the hard drive and unin-

stall those dodgy programmes from the 90's and install new, empowered, loving

programmes that are befitting you of the NOW is Consciously Creating your


Letting Go

Recognising ~ Accepting ~ Forgiving ~ Releasing

Day to day we can carry around a lot of ‘stuff’ that stands in our way from feel-

ing Happy with who we are & what we do.

From that Self Hate Tape that can be playing to those Guilty feelings of not

having done enough, to letting other people rent space in our heads and hearts.

All of it takes up Valuable Breathe, Valuable Heart Beats, Valuable Earth Time.

By Recognising the ‘stuff’ that keeps us stuck, accepting it is there and that

maybe it has a message for you.

By talking with it, listening and understating it, we can then Forgive ourselves

and others & so releasing that stuck energy, freeing us up to feel Peaceful and


Practising the Art of Forgiveness of ourselves and others through Understand-

ing and Acceptance is a wonderful life skill and brings up feelings of True Hap-


“Just for today I Recognise that ……………………………………………………………………………………




“I Accept






“I Forgive






“I Feel





♥ Put this Forgiveness Hack into your Daily Self~Care Practice ♥

Trisha’s Top 7 Habits for a Happier Life

1: Delegate! G’wan FREE your Time!

2: Every morning prioritise the 3 most important things that will bring you

some Happiness that day and do them!

3: Create Weekly / Monthly special ‘Just for Me’ Dates, Pen them in your Diary

and Do Them!

4: Clear any Blocks, Limited Thinking or Negative Feelings that may come up

by using The InnerScape Quest MP3 and The Ultimate Mind Hacks in The Tool

Box on my website

5: Find The Gift when Life is shit - It’s an aRt, practice it!

6: Keep Educating yourself - Do things that will help you grow as a person and

bring you joy.

7: Surround yourself with like-minded, hearted people. Honest Souls who wish

to see you Expand and Grow, who will Kick your Arse when you need it &

Celebrate Your Successes when you don’t!

“Happiness is an inside job!”

So, listen to yourself & your needs and act on them before it gets to ‘THAT’ point’.

The Ultimate Mind Hack Meditation + Intention = Manifestation

* Pick a life area that you are most drawn to.

* Make a list of ALL Moans, Groans, Judgements & Fears.

(These are your beliefs that are supporting your current life experience)

* FLIP each one to the opposite, positive & present tense.

(These will be your new beliefs, a new neural net, that will support your new

life experience)

* Re-write each wish on your Wish List into a positive, present tense sentence,

as if you already own them.

* Wrap them all up and into ONE CORE PRESENT TENSE BELIEF

a ZIP File or Upload individual ones.

* Sit cross-legged or in the lotus position, on a chair or lie down with your an-

kles crossed.

* Relax your arms & hands where you are most comfortable.

* Shut your eyes, lower your chin & take in 3 deep breaths.

* As you start to feel centred & relaxed imagine holding your Zip Package.

* REPEAT your New Core Belief internally.

“I am Loveable Exactly as I am”

* Visualise a set of steps.

* With every step down you take, repeat your New Core Belief,

“I am Loveable Exactly as I am”

* Go all the way down, repeating your New Core Belief, until you get to a door.

*As you open the door you will see a future you that is actively

living out your New Core Belief as well as all those smaller ones.

* Say “Hello” and let the Future You welcome you in and show you around.

* Keep repeating your new belief while taking in all the sights and sounds.

* Notice what your Future You looks like.

* Notice the environment you are in and who your Future You is sharing it all


* Notice how happy and healthy you are.

* Ask them if they have any messages, insights, wisdom and gifts for you.

* Let your Future You share the Feelings they have that is attached to them

being Loveable Exactly as they are.

What does it feel like?

What colour is it?

Where is it coming from in their body?

Where is it drawn to going to in you?

* Download it & absorb it & ALL the opportunities that comes with that.

* When you are at the PEAK of your experience, thank your Future Self &

SAVE IT as you walk back up the stairs to the ‘here and now’.


* You may want to put your hands into a prayer position, touching all your fin-

gertips together or squeeze your thumb and forefinger/middle finger together,

or touch or tap your sternum or press a point on your arm or leg.

Whatever it is, keep pressing or tapping while you walk back up the steps,

repeating your New Positive Present Tense Belief for a further 15 secs.

When you are at the top of the steps, open your eyes and come back to the

room, fully grounded and present.


* Saving a document to the hard drive of your computer, before you shut it

down, means it’s there when you turn the computer on again.

Same for the mind!

* TEST your New Core Belief is now a Program & has been accepted by your

Subconscious Mind.

* Using kinesiology muscle testing, place the palm of the hand you write with,

horizontally on your solar plexus, with your index finger straight out in front of


* Say your new belief, then pull the tip of your finger down towards your body,

using the tip of your other index finger.

* Your finger ought to remain straight & strong.

* If it is anything other than this, then there are aspects that still need educating,

wisdom and knowledge to be collected, so repeat the meditation.

* The whole meditation can take up to 10 mins, sometimes longer as you start

to really enjoy Time Traveling.

* Now go back and pick the next Zipped Core Belief or one of the PPT Beliefs

and do it all again until the whole neural net, holding a particular experience,

has been rewritten.

“Life can be busy so, I like to do this while I’m in bed before I go to sleep!

Gain FREE access to this Mind Hack:

The Happiness Hacker’s Guide Workbooks in the D.I.Y ~ Help Yourself Range:

The Happiness Hacker’s Guide To A Happy Life The Happiness Hacker’s Guide To True Health The Happiness Hacker’s Guide To True Wealth The Happiness Hackers Guide To True Love

Create a Vision Board That Actually Bloody Works The Happiness Hacker’s Guide To The Ultimate Business Mindset

Bounce over to The Kitchen Table Free Facebook Group for ongoing Support

and general Lushness.

For InnerScape 1-2-1 Sessions, The Monthly Group Facebook Live Quests &

The Happiness Hacking Bootcamp pop over to The Kitchen Table:

I know how frustrating it is to not be able to fill ‘stuff’ out when you’ve bought

a Kindle book and when you want to review and do more Happiness Hacking,

so, bounce over to this page on my website; and grab this book

as a FREE PDF. Print it off, throw it in a swanky file, get your felts out and start

uncovering the parts of you responsible for your current life situation. Plus, as

a little extra gift gain FREE access to the Ultimate Mind Hack Rapid Rewrite

and the ‘Flip It ’n’ Zip It’ Video - how to make a New Positive Program that is

acceptable for the Hard Drive of your Mind. Any questions you can find me at

The Kitchen Table Facebook Group. Enjoy…

BIG LOVE, Trish x

♥ Making Conscious Growth Accessible & Affordable for ALL ♥


Patricia Maddalena is a Mum, NLP Mas-

ter, Trainer & Happiness Hacker.

She loves to write and delivers transfor-

mative training and coaching pro-

grammes that work on a deep cellular,

energetic & soul level. She considers

herself a Hacker of The Human Main-

frame and loves to pick apart processes,

ditching what doesn’t work, weeding out the waffle and delusion to bring to her

students Super User-Friendly Mind Hacks that will Empower and Enable them

to live Happier Lives.

She lives with her three children and Soul Partner on the edge of The Wye

Valley in the U.K. She loves Tea Parties & Cake, muddy walks and Sun Shiny

Dayze and despite not having met one yet, Elephants.