The ABCs of Continuous Release and Deploy in a DevOps approach

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Transcript of The ABCs of Continuous Release and Deploy in a DevOps approach

The ABCs of ContinuousRelease and Deploy in a DevOps approach

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Your organization is struggling to keep up with business demand,

market trends, and customer


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Your development teamhas transitioned to Agile, but are you really releasing your applications at the “speed of agile”?

Eric Naiburg
I don't think people would say they have "successfully transitioned..." I would write it more like "Your development teams have transitioned to Agile, but has it all been successful? With the Agile effort, applications..."

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There is a “wall” separating your customers from your business, development and operations

teams, keeping your organization from achieving the full benefits of Agile.

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So, how are you going to tear down that wall?

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UrbanCode Inc. Proprietary and Confidential ©2013

The following slides focus on how to achieve Continuous Release

and Deploy as part of an overall DevOps approach

in 3 moves!

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Align teams

First Move

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With conflicting responsibilities, there is a natural tension between the Development and Operations teams.


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It’s important to coordinate and align teams with the same overall goals. To do so, teams must communicate early and often throughout the application delivery lifecycle.

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Build a

Second Move

consistent process

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Differing processes can result in failed deployments and production outages.

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Teams often share a single promotion process across the entire Software Delivery Lifecycle (SDLC).

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Create an

Third Move

automated culture

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Manual and “half-scripted” deployment steps can cause release failures and potential outages.

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Automate difficult steps to reduce the chances of manual or “half-scripted” steps leading to a break in production.

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The Continuous Release and Deploy practices with in DevOps approach will

result in accelerated time to market, stable and predictable releases

and fewer outages.

The Continuous Release and Deploy Practices as a part of a DevOps approach

will result in accelerated time-to-market, stable and predictable releases and fewer outages.

UrbanCode Inc. Proprietary and Confidential ©2013

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