Post on 03-Oct-2020

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30 Day Gratitude Challenge Journal

By Erin Falconer and Jeremy Fisher © 2019 Pick the Brain, LLC

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responses to the questions that this journal asks in the daily journal sections. This journal is meant to be shared, so give it to as many

people as you’d like who you think would find it helpful.

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and write your responses by hand. Sometimes that can be more enjoyable anyway.

This book is dedicated to every single Pick the Brain Podcast subscriber. Thank you all.

Billions of dollars each year are spent on advertisements with the sole purpose to make you feel like you won’t be enough until you buy what they’re trying to sell. It’s all around us. And unfortunately, it’s starting to have an impact. Stress and depression rates are on the rise. Unhappiness is becoming epidemic. Life fulfillment is starting to sound like a long lost myth.

So what do we need to do? Retailers spend a lot of money trying to convince us they have the answer. They want us to believe they have the magic fix and all we need to do is buy it from them. But we’ve been doing that for a while now and that’s not working. We’ve proven that prescription wrong.


It might not be sexy but the simple fact is gratitude is one of the most effective ways to enjoy life. The problem is, most of us simply don’t practice gratitude. We get busy. Life happens. Distractions steal our attention. And the importance of practices like gratitude get shoved to the bottom of our priorities list. That leads to more stress, more worry, more feelings of less-than, and more impulses to try to fill the void elsewhere. Ultimately, we might find ourselves starving for something that’s already within our reach. Something we don’t have to pay for or rely on someone else for. Something we can practice anytime, anywhere, with anyone.

You and I can create a habit of gratitude that reminds us that we are already enough. Forming habits aren’t easy, but one way to do it is to commit 30 days to whatever habit you’re trying to build. If a skill is practiced for at least 30 days, our brains begin to attach neurons that reinforce the habit and it starts becoming natural.

That means that if we’re willing to commit 30 days to gratitude we can literally rewire our brains to think about life in a much healthier, happier way.

That gets me excited. It makes me want to share this with the entire world. It makes me want to start a movement of gratitude.


How do you start a movement? One that will spread like wildfire? First off, you start by making it 100% free. That’s why this journal didn’t cost $19.99 or even $.99. It’s free. Because spreading the idea of gratitude among our family and friends should be free. The only problem with something really valuable being free is, people start thinking it’s not valuable. And that’s a normal way to look at things. If someone offered you a free car, you’d have to wonder how great the car actually was because if it was worth something, why would the owner be giving it away?

Just because something is free doesn’t mean it isn’t valuable. And every once and awhile, something that’s really, really valuable comes along that’s absolutely free. And when others share it, the world can change.Remember the first time you heard about Facebook? Facebook is free. And you didn’t learn about it from a TV commercial. A friend told you about it because they were having so much fun on Facebook they wanted you to share in the fun. That’s what we hope will happen with this gratitude challenge.


Let’s Start a Movement

At least, that’s what we’d hope would happen. This kind of thing only works if everyone involved carries the movement forward. To put it simply, it will only work if you want it to. It works if you share this journal with 5 of your closest friends and family members and challenge them to 30 days of gratitude. Challenge them to live a better life by recognizing the wonderful things they already have that can make them feel whole. To reject the idea that they need to buy something new or be someone different to enjoy life. You can share inspiration for free. And I don’t know about you, but I think that’s a pretty cool idea. One that’s worth talking about.


So before you start your own gratitude challenge share this journal with others. Go ahead and do it now, because if you don’t, life will happen and you’ll forget or get distracted. It’s easy to share this journal via Facebook, Twitter, or email by using one of the iconsbelow or by posting in your feed. You can tag Pick the Brain, as well as a few of yourfavorite people and let them know you’re challenging them to a 30 day gratitude challenge. Go ahead and do that now. Don’t worry, I’ll be here when you get back.

Now that you’ve posted on your preferred social media account, there’s one more thing to do to keep the movement spreading. This one is the MOST important step. Pick 3 people. These could be your friends, your family, or someone you know really needs to have some inspiration in their life. Text them the link below and letthem know you’ve challenged them to a 30 Day Gratitude Challenge.

The link to text is

It’s really important that you do this because most people are really busy and might not see your social media post. But they’ll definitely see your text. Go ahead and text them now. Once you get back we’ll start your own 30 day gratitude journey.


One of the reasons new habits can be hard to make is because of the complexity they require in order to work. One of the biggest reasons why Americans don’t eat healthier is because of the time and energy required to do meal planning, buy organic, cook our own food, and still have time to everything else we do. Fast food on the other hand only requires a simple trip to McDonalds, which might explain why fast food remains a billion dollar industry despite the obvious health risks involved.

A practice of gratitude should be simple. And if you and I want to develop this as a regular part of our lives we need to make the practice as easy and simple as possible. With that in mind, here’s all you’ll need to do to win the 30 day gratitude challenge

Spend 5 minutes per day thinking about and answering the questions in this journal

That’s it. Pretty simple right? If you can’t find 5 minutes per day you probably need to look at your schedule and make an adjustment. This will only work if you prioritize yourself over everything else that might be trying to steal your time. 5 minutes is all you’ll need.


Let’s Keep This Simple

You probably didn’t have to farm, grow, or harvest the food in your refrigerator. Nearly every human before the 1800s had to do that for themselves. Many people still do. But if you’re one of the 90% of people reading this based in the USA, other people farm and grow your food for you. It’s a great time to be alive.



It might sound simple but most of us can

feel grateful for FOOD

What’s your favorite food? Spend a couple

minutes thinking and writing below about

how much joy eating it gives you.

Freezing temperatures and blistering heat from the

outside elements are no longer a common cause of

death for humans. In fact, we can keep our homes

pretty toasty warm in the winter and cool in the

summer thanks to the amazing invention of HVAC.

It’s only been that way for 130 years. What a great

time to be alive….and cool!



It might sound simple but most of us can

feel grateful for HEAT AND AC

What’s the best complement anyone has

ever given you? Spend a couple minutes

thinking and writing about how you felt in

that moment.

In the last three months, how many times did you nearly die because you didn’t have access to water? How about the last 3 years? Have you ever had to worry about dying from thirst? Most humans today don’t and that’s an underrated everyday miracle.



It might sound simple but most of us can

feel grateful for WATER

Who is one person you’ve never met that

has had a positive impact on your life?

Spend a couple minutes thinking and

writing about why they’re important to you.

I like candles, but aren’t you happy that’s not the

only thing we have to light our way? Dishwashers,

washing machines, refrigerators, and air

conditioning are all only possible with electricity

which our great, great, great grandparents did not

have, BUT WE DO!


DAY 13

It might sound simple but most of us can

feel grateful for ELECTRICITY

Think of a moment when you did something

really, really fun. How did you feel? Try to

remember it as if you were there having fun

right now. Then, go have fun today.

You completed the 30 Day Gratitude Challenge! Hopefully you feel at least 1% better about yourself and about life. If not, keep up the practice of gratitude and eventually you’ll brainwash yourself into being happier. There are so many things all around us that we take for granted that are simply incredible. All we need to do is pay a little more attention.


WOOHOO!!! You Did It!!!

If you haven’t already, share this journal by texting or using a link above with 3 of your favorite people in the world and challenge them to 30 Days of Gratitude. Who knows, maybe, just maybe, we’ll have done our part in making this world a better place. Be well.