THARAKA MOHOTTY CEng (UK), PGDip (Elect &Telecomm)SL, MSc (Business Mgt)SL, Dip in J (SL), MIEE...

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Transcript of THARAKA MOHOTTY CEng (UK), PGDip (Elect &Telecomm)SL, MSc (Business Mgt)SL, Dip in J (SL), MIEE...

THARAKA MOHOTTYCEng (UK), PGDip (Elect &Telecomm)SL, MSc (Business Mgt)SL, Dip in J (SL), MIEE (UK), MIEEE (USA), MIET (UK)Director Engineering – MTV/MBC Sri LankaChairman-Training & Resources (ABU)Chairman-Developing Broadcasters Forum (ABU) Bureau Member (ABU)

207 members in 57 countries 58 Full Members 40 Affiliated Members 42 Associated Members 67 Affiliated Members

It is certainly not easy to summarize the status of Broadcasting of Developing countries as different as Bhutan and Sri Lanka or Afghanistan and Laos.

But they have some common roots and experience common technical developments.

Therefore there are a number of similarities, which are worth being pointed out and may lead to general conclusions.

Today all of the broadcasting stations basically have analogue equipment,tapes or record archives.

Many of the stations have started some isolated projects to digitize some of their analogue holdings.

The catalogues of most of the archives are kept in lists, books or index cards.

Many of the stations have either partly or fully changed their programme production to digital and computer based systems.

The newsrooms in most of the stations use computers for news access (Internet) and news editing.

HDTV and DTV Mobile TV IPTV Digital Radio Emergency Broadcasting

In the face of today's competitive, budget, and deadline pressures, even developing broadcasters do not have the time or resources to fill the holes in their production workflow. Digital systems must be integrated with legacy systems and software. Most of the DB’s able to make the transition to

digital production smoothly .( Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, etc.)

- Lack of attention - Lack of funding - No consistent catalogue - Archive's services are not often

requested - Low qualification of archive personal - Difficult environmental conditions - Poor storage conditions - Lack of a collection policy

Countries/ Territories System Status T-A-D ASO


Bahrain RRC06



Brunei(Negara Darussalam) DVB-T trial broadcasts2006/01_T2005/08/29_A2008/08/D

Cambodia DVB-T adopted 2007/05_A

China, People’s Republic of (incl. Tibet)DMB-T/H adopted,Commercial DVB-T services



East Timor (Timor-Leste)

Hong Kong DMB-T/H2006/08/18_A2007/12/31_D


India DVB-T adopted2000_T1999/07/08_A

Indonesia (incl. Iran Jaya) DVB-T trial broadcasts 2007/05_A

Countries/ Territories System Status T-A-D ASO

Iran DVB-T trial broadcasts2006_T2001_A2009_D


Japan ISDB-T 2003/12_D 2011/07/24

Jordan RRC06

Korea, North

Korea, South ATSC1997/11/21_A2001_D


Kuwait RRC06

Kyrgyztan RRC06

Laos DVB-T trial broadcasts 2007/05_A

Lebanon RRC06

Macao (Macau) DMB-T/H adopted 2006/08/18_A

Malaysia DVB-T trial broadcasts2006/09_T2005/08/29_A




Myanmar DVB-T adopted 2005/08/29_A

Countries/ Territories System Status T-A-D ASO

NepalOman RRC06Pakistan

Philippines DVB-T trial broadcasts2007/01_T2006/11_A


Qatar RRC06

Saudi Arabia DVB-T2004_T2006/06/11_D

Singapore DVB-T2000/12_T1999_A

Socotra RRC06

Sri Lanka DVB-T trial broadcasts 2008/01/23_T

Syria RRC06

Taiwan DVB-T2001_T2001_A2004/06_D



Thailand DVB-T trial broadcasts 2007/05_A


United Arab Emirates, UAE (incl. the Emirates Abu Dhabi and Dubai)

DVB-T trial broadcasts 2007_T

Uzbekistan RRC06

Vietnam DVB-T trial broadcasts2001_T2007/05_A


Yemen RRC06

Broadcast to hand-sets (mobile phones, PDAs), notebook PCs, etc. Interactive and audio services.

T-DMB (Terrestrial-DMB) Evolved from DAB. Allows video, audio and data to be transmitted to mobile devices. More efficient audio

coding. Backward compatible with DAB audio (MUSICAM).

DVB-H (Digital Video Broadcasting – Handheld) Tailored for transmitting multiple TV channels to mobile

devices. Time-slicing technology conserves battery power of mobile devices.

South Korea and Japan Launched 3G and commercial mobile TV broadcast South East Asia Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines,

Cambodia and Brunei - launched 3G DVB-H trials in a number of the countries

South Korea and Japan Launched 3G and commercial

mobile TV broadcast South East Asia Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia,

Philippines, Cambodia and Brunei - launched 3G

DVB-H trials in a number of Developing countries

According to ASIA PACIFIC MULTICHANNEL MARKETS ,cable could lose its grip on the region in the next ten years, as DTH and IPTV services capture market share. IPTV platforms operated by Telco's over DSL or fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) networks are forecast to develop even in the developing countries.All countries have IP telephony and VoIP in some manner and the market is growing

October 1, 2008 Sri Lanka Joins World IPTV Club- uses Optibase H.264 streaming platforms

The Asia-Pacific region offers huge potential, but the regulatory environment is restricting development.

Countries do not have the sufficient connectivity infrastructure to support streaming video over IP.

Consumer spending power.

The few radio stations in Asia trying to turn the news and production system digital. The main features of the system are:» Text Editing» Audio Editing» Auto recording» Wire Service» Prompter for the news delivery» Archiving

Exploring DRM MW Simulcast in the Region

MW Tx conversion to DRM   Examining simulcast modes HD Radio Trials in Vietnam

Services operating from  Japan, China, New Zealand, Sri

Lanka, Korea Republic

Newcomers:   Malaysia, Bangladesh, India,

Bhutan ,Papua New Guinea

SIMULCAST - Transmitting Analogue, Digital together ,Analogue 9 kHz, Digital 9 kHz

Digital Radio Transmission Workshop and Field Measurements in MW & FM Band” took place from 10-13 February in Hanoi. It tested digital radio HD Radio transmissions using the In-Band On-Channel (IBOC) approach, where broadcasters are able to transmit digital signals along with analogue signals within the existing allocated spectrum.

Radio and Television broadcasters are planning for more effective early warning systems in the Asia-Pacific region by increasing the rate and accuracy of information flows from meteorological and disaster management organisations to broadcasters.



Earthquake Early Warning relayed to public

0 5 10

Media organizations,Emergency services , etc .

Meteorological Agency

Computer generate Earthquake Early Warning upon detection P wave


Time from Earthquake Early Warning until arrival of S-wave

20 Sec.15

Figure Ⅰ :Concept of Earthquake Early Warning

Convergence of Operators Convergence of Services Convergence of Technology Convergence of Markets Convergence of Regulation

Telecommunications technologies are changing rapidly.

The quality of the pictures and sound available is increasing.

The number of available programs is multiplying. New delivery mechanisms are appearing every

day. Viewers are becoming used to interactivity. Consumers can now decide where, when and what

they want to see or hear; not the broadcasters.

Viewers don't 'buy' brands or technology - they 'buy' content. Technology is simply the gateway to deliver entertainment services and programming.

Piracy-the unlicensed use, reproduction, sale, or distribution of copyrighted material-is a plague of the digital era. It is the largest single threat to the survival of creative enterprises