Textual analysis of 2 soap opera trailers

Post on 11-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Textual analysis of 2 soap opera trailers

Soap Opera Genre –

Independent Textual Analysis

Name: Adam FoxCandidate Number: 2052Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic SchoolCenter Number: 64135

OCR Media Studies – A2 Level

Unit G324: Advanced Portfolio

Trailer 1 – EastEnders https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIjnOoiM8KU

Verbal Codes The diegetic dialogue is used to tell that audience the thoughts and feelings of the characters towards each other. This is demonstrated in the verbal code “I think you should take that big fat mouth of yours and disappear” This is effective as it shows the audience their opinions from their view point, however, this could be considered to blunt and deliberate for the trailer and to make the drama simplistic. The soundtrack was of the rock music elk. It was slow in pace, this connotes the slow rise of tensions among the characters to lead to an anticipated climax. This will appeal to the audience as they are survivors (Hartley's uses and gratifications).

Non-Verbal Codes The lighting in the trailer was high key in most scenes that are presented, this is contrasting to the dark content of betrayal and communities turning on each other. This could connote that despite the verbal codes that reveal the content of the upcoming episode, that there is sit hope. This could be used to advertise to the survivor audience as they want to know that the story will be happy in the end. The setting is in the east end of London and a lot of the scenes are in the streets and in the pubs. This allows the audience to identify with the characters as there is a high likely hood that the target market will knew these settings well.

Technical Codes The camera angles are used to show the importance of the different characters in the story, for example: Vincent is represented with low angles to exaggerate his importance as he appears to be the center of the conflict. This also makes him seem worse then possibly he is. This is also demonstrated through the use of a dolly to follow his walk down the street at the start of the trailer. The shots are close to the characters: mostly ranging from close-ups to medium shots. This connotes that the audience is supposed to be emotionally engaged with the characters as the close proximity allows he audience to judge and interpret there fascial expression.

Non-Verbal Codes A lot of the characters are aggressive in their presentation and interaction with each other, this is so because the community seem to be ganging up on Vincent because of his flirtations with other women opposed to his wife. This is especially so in the lead female characters in the trailer as they are accusing each other for the events that have befallen the community.The facial expressions of the characters are mostly anger at the events or defiance in that they will fight for their argument in the overall plot of the drama. This captures the individualistic nature of Londoners as they are more likely to look out for themselves then each other. This will appeal as it allows for personal relationship (Katz)

Trailer 2 – Hollyoaks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0qQ3HFaxpw

Verbal Codes The dialogue is used to give the audience content for the story. This is demonstrated in the verbal code “ I’m appealing to get my sentence reduced.” This connotes that the man has acted criminally before but is about to unleash his revenge on those who acted against him, this is revealed later in the trailer. The soundtrack is an intense orchestral music and adds drama to the situation. This is true when the drum beat restarts and two characters kissing. This connotes that this will affect the plot and relationship of the characters in the narrative. The sound effect of the heart monitor is used to symbolize that the characters life is in the balance and when it stops it connotes the finality of life and this indicates that someone will die, thus changing the dynamic of series.

Non-Verbal Codes The facial expressions of the characters are used for the audience to have judgements about the characters. For example, Will is shown with a cunning and planning look on his face when he is talking about his reduced sentence. This connotes that the audience are supposed to not like him when they watch the episode.

Technical Codes Extreme close ups are used to show processes in the hospital, this is effective as it means that he audience are left questioning what they are looking at. This creates tension and suspense. The editing pace at the end speeds up as it reaches the climax of the action. This connotes the fast progression of events for the characters in the narrative and heightens the danger that they are face. During this section the audience are presented with close up shots of the main characters involved. This is good as it allows them to read the faces and feelings of the characters.

Whereas, everyone else has desperate expressions, this connotes the dire situation and acts to entice the audience. A lot of the action takes place in the hospital. This connotes that the situation is severe as people only go to the hospital if they are badly injured, this means that for the characters to end up in a hospital the action surrounding them if intense and they are in a vary dangerous situation.

Evaluation of Textual Analysis – Compare and Contrast

The EastEnders trailer has good use of dialoged to summarize the thoughts of the characters and produce the context to the series. This is crucial to use as the audience will judge the series based on the trailer and so I need to make my trailer exiting. Therefore I will ‘repeat’ (Steve Neal) this in order to please the target market. The trailer also uses the theme of betrayal in the community. This is worth adding to my own production as people want to see this in drama series.The use of camera angles to show status is effective in this trailer. This would be useful to include in my own trailer.

The hollyoaks trailer has very good use of soundtrack to portray the theme of the narrative, in this case: revenge. It is also good introducing new effects at key moments in the trailer to show key relationships with characters. This is especial poignant in soap operas as this genre is largely constructed on the relationships with the character and how that plays in the overall situation. This is definitely something that I would ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale) due to it’s dramatic nature and ability to conjure emotional responses from the audiences.Another aspect that I would investigate using in my production is the use of different editing speeds as this will change the look of the trailer and make key moments stand out. This also makes sure that the audience remain fully engaged with the feature as f it becomes to monotonous they will not want to see it and therefore the series will not be watched.

Evaluation of Textual Analysis – Compare and Contrast